WDSF DanceSport Championship Protocol

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WDSF DanceSport Championship Protocol

(Version 1.3)

Table of contents

Rule 1 Preparation
Rule 2 Dance Floor and Decoration
Rule 3 Opening Ceremony
Rule 4 Prizegiving Ceremony

1 Rule 1 Preparation

1. This WDSF DanceSport Championships Protocol (ChP) is mandatory for

event organizers and all participants including athletes and officials.

2. The organizer must produce the following materials:

a) Poster/advertisement (minimum format A3).

b) Program for the event (minimum format A5), including at least:

- The greeting/message of the WDSF president or another WDSF
presidium member and his/her photo.
- List of competitors including couples names in the alphabetical
order in English of their country according to the surname of the
male or female partner.
- Brief details and photo of the Chairman.
- Brief details and photographs of the Panel of Adjudicators listed by
their country alphabetical order.
- Brief details and photos of the Master of Ceremonies and organizing

Advertisements in the Program shall occupy no more than a maximum of

75 % of the total space. The organizer is entitled to use all information
from the then current WDSF Press kit in the Program.

WDSF Office ∙ C. Oriente 78-84, Floor 1, Office 14 ∙ 08172 Sant Cugat ∙ SPAIN
TEL: +34 93 544 23 92 ∙ FAX: +34 93 583 11 04
[email protected] ∙ www.worlddancesport.org
3. The title of the competition shall be only in this form:

„year“ WDSF World/Continental DanceSport Championship

"category (if not Adults)" "discipline"
(e.g. 2009 WDSF World DanceSport Championship Youth Latin)
If the WDSF DanceSport Championship or WDSF DanceSport Cup is a
part of any traditional event or if there is a general sponsor, both titles
can be connected, but the WDSF DanceSport Championship or Cup title
must be given, e.g.
2020 Country Open
Visamaster 2020 WDSF World DanceSport Championship Latin

4. The WDSF logo and the full (not shortened) name of the WDSF
DanceSport Championship or WDSF DanceSport Cup shall be used on all
occasions and in all branding or marketing opportunities. The WDSF flag
or an WDSF Logo Projection must be clearly and prominently located in
the venue. A second WDSF flag must be placed near one of the 4 corners
of the Dancefloor, without disturbing the athletes‘ performances.

5. All official texts (R1.2b, R1.3) must be in English and in the organizer‘s
local language with equal preference for both languages. All information
must be written in English and all countries‘ names must be written in
the English translation, and, if desired, in the original and local language.

6. The Master of Ceremonies must speak in English and in the local

language or languages. It is possible to use co-presenters if one of the
presenters is unable to speak fluent English. Names should be published
with original spelling and with titles confirmed through the check-in

2 Rule 2 Dance Floor and Decoration

1. The Logo and full name of WDSF, and the full name of the WDSF
DanceSport Championship must be placed on the main stage and be
within the view of the TV cameras during prize presentations.

2. The Logo and full name of WDSF, and the full name of the WDSF
DanceSport Championship must be placed within the configuration of
advertising boards around the dance floor and in a position that places
the logo and names within the view of the main TV camera.

WDSF Office ∙ C. Oriente 78-84, Floor 1, Office 14 ∙ 08172 Sant Cugat ∙ SPAIN
TEL: +34 93 544 23 92 ∙ FAX: +34 93 583 11 04
[email protected] ∙ www.worlddancesport.org
3. No advertisements may be larger then the competition title and WDSF
name and logo.

4. The flags of all participating countries shall be displayed in a place

clearly visible from the dance floor.

5. A podium is required for the Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists and shall
have steps with minimum dimensions of 1 m x 0,6 m and a maximum
height of 50 cm for the Gold Medallists. The podium shall be placed in
front of the main stage for presentations.

6. Three flag-bars (or adequate devices with the mechanism for lifting
national flags) with the highest position in the middle, lower to the right
and the lowest to the left shall be ready opposite the main stage and the
flags of the countries of the couples in the Gold, Silver and Bronze places
shall be available in appropriate equal dimensions and shall be ready for
raising during the prize presentation ceremony.

3 Rule 3 Opening Ceremony

1. Prior to the beginning of the 1st round there shall be a brief opening
ceremony with the following minimum requirements:

a) An announcement from the Master of Ceremonies will include:

- a welcome greeting
- the title of the WDSF World or Continental DanceSport Champion-
- the number of participants and participating countries.
b) There will be an introduction of the chairman and panel of judges.

2. Prior to the evening part of the Championship (minimum semi-final and

final) there shall be an opening ceremony with the following minimum

a) The WDSF flag will be carried by 4 persons in front of the march in of

all countries’ Teams headed by Team Captains carrying displays with
country names and introduction of their countries. The countries will
be announced in English and in alphabetical order. The host country
is permitted to be announced last.

WDSF Office ∙ C. Oriente 78-84, Floor 1, Office 14 ∙ 08172 Sant Cugat ∙ SPAIN
TEL: +34 93 544 23 92 ∙ FAX: +34 93 583 11 04
[email protected] ∙ www.worlddancesport.org
b) An announcement from the Master of Ceremonies will include:
- the title of the WDSF World or Continental DanceSport Champion-
- the number of participants and participating countries.

c) Personal presentation of each couple with the name of their country.

d) There will be an introduction of the chairman and panel of judges.

The Chairman and the panel of judges will remain on the floor until
the end of the opening ceremony.

e) The Athletes‘ Oath and the Adjudicators‘ Oath will be read ONLY in
WDSF World DanceSport Championships.
aa) The Athletes‘ Oath must be taken by Athletes:
The following text shall be read by an athlete during the opening
ceremony of all WDSF World DanceSport Championships The
Athletes‘ Oath can be read in the National Language and, of
course, in English. During the Athletes‘ Oath, the WDSF
President or a representative person of WDSF Presidium will
stand next to the Athlete/s and the WDSF flag.
“In the name of all athletes I promise that we shall take part in
this WDSF World DanceSport Championship, respecting and
abiding by the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to
a sport without doping and without drugs, in the true spirit of
sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of the
It will be followed by the reading of the Adjudicators‘ Oath.
bb) The Adjudicators‘ Oath must be taken by Adjudicators:
At all WDSF World DanceSport Championships. The Adjudicators‘
Oath can be read in the National Language and, of course in
English. During the Adjudicators‘ Oath, the WDSF President or a
representative person of WDSF Presidium will stand next to the
Adjudicator/s and the WDSF flag, Adjudicators will together
pledge to respect the terms of the Judges‘ Oath which is as
“In the name of all judges and officials, I promise that we shall
officiate in this WDSF World DanceSport Championship with
complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules which
govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship“.

WDSF Office ∙ C. Oriente 78-84, Floor 1, Office 14 ∙ 08172 Sant Cugat ∙ SPAIN
TEL: +34 93 544 23 92 ∙ FAX: +34 93 583 11 04
[email protected] ∙ www.worlddancesport.org
f) Greeting and opening speeches, by no more than
- the local WDSF member representative.
- the Local Representative.
- the WDSF President or by a Member of the WDSF Presidium.

g) As the countries are announced in English and in alphabetical order,

the athletes will march out with their countries‘ Teams.

h) The host country is permitted to be introduced last onto the floor.

4 Rule 4 Prize giving Ceremony

1. The Break between the end of the final round and the Prize giving
ceremony shall not be longer than two minutes.

2. Medals, provided by the WDSF, shall be brought to the stage, each pair
carried by one person, on velvet cushions or other appropriate carrier; If
cups are ready they should be brought or carried to the stage behind the
medal-bearers. Floral bouquets for all female finalists shall also be
brought to the stage.

3. The Prize giving ceremony shall include the following minimum


a) Fanfares

b) March in of all finalists

c) An Announcer’s Script for the Prize giving Ceremony must be

provided to the Master of Ceremonies (See Appendix 1). The
announcement of the results shall be from the last place to the 1st
place in the final.

d) Prizes for the finalists presented by a maximum of 3 persons:

- the WDSF President or a Member of the WDSF Presidium.
- a high ranking politician or a representative of the mayor of the
- the President or a person appointed by the President of the WDSF
Member Body.

WDSF Office ∙ C. Oriente 78-84, Floor 1, Office 14 ∙ 08172 Sant Cugat ∙ SPAIN
TEL: +34 93 544 23 92 ∙ FAX: +34 93 583 11 04
[email protected] ∙ www.worlddancesport.org
e) After the announcement of all places and distribution of Bronze,
Silver and Gold medals, cups and flowers, the national anthem of the
winning couple’s country shall be played and the flags of the first 3
couples’ countries shall be raised simultaneously.

f) An honour dance performed by the Champions.

g) No announcements of adjudicators or prizes for adjudicators are

allowed during the Prize giving Ceremony.

Zurich/Switzerland, June 13, 2010

1) This WDSF DanceSport Championship Protocol (version 1.1) was passed by the WDSF
Presidium June 12, 2009 and shall come into force and effect on September 1, 2009.
2) The changes in Rule 3 were passed by the WDSF Presidium January 17, 2010 and shall come
into force with immediate effect (version 1.2).
3) Name change to World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) was passed by the WDSF Annual
General Meeting on June 13, 2010 (version 1.3).

WDSF Office ∙ C. Oriente 78-84, Floor 1, Office 14 ∙ 08172 Sant Cugat ∙ SPAIN
TEL: +34 93 544 23 92 ∙ FAX: +34 93 583 11 04
[email protected] ∙ www.worlddancesport.org
APPENDIX 1 to WDSF DanceSport Championships Protocol
(Version 1.2)

Requirements for the Master of Ceremonies - Script for the Prize


“year” WDSF World/Continent DanceSport Championship “category (if

not adults)” “discipline” – Prize giving Ceremony

The …….(trophies, cups, gifts) are presented by……….(First Name, last

Name, Title)

• Note: 4th Presenter (i.e. Sponsor) when applicable

• The Sixth Place: ……………………………………….. (First Name, Last Name,

• The Fifth Place: …………………………………………. (First Name, Last Name,
• The Fourth Place: ………………………………………. (First Name, Last Name,
• Third place and winners of the Bronze medal: ………….(First Name,
Last Name, Title)
• Second place and winners of the Silver medal:………….(First Name,
Last Name, Title)
• WDSF World/Continental DanceSport Champions in “discipline” and
winners of the Gold medal: ……….(First Name, Last Name, Title)

The Bronze medals are presented by …………………………(First Name, Last

Name, Title)

The Silver medals are presented by …………………………..(First Name, Last

Name, Title)

The Gold Medals are presented by …………………………….(First Name, Last

Name, Title)

WDSF Office ∙ C. Oriente 78-84, Floor 1, Office 14 ∙ 08172 Sant Cugat ∙ SPAIN
TEL: +34 93 544 23 92 ∙ FAX: +34 93 583 11 04
[email protected] ∙ www.worlddancesport.org

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