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Europe > Central Europe > Hungary > Central Hungary > Budapest > Budapest/Erzsébetváros

Erzsébetváros (http://www.erzsebetvaros.
hu/) (lit. "Elizabethtown") is the traditional
name of the VII. district of Budapest. The
name refers to Empress Elizabeth of
Austria and Hungary, popularly known as
Sissi. This is the smallest of Budapest's 23
districts, covering only 2 km².

500 m Wikimedia maps | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Map of Budapest/Erzsébetváros

The area is full of ornate historic buildings

from the 19th century, as well as many of
the most famous attractions.
Jewish quarter

This area of the Hungarian capital is also

known as the Jewish Quarter. It was
established as such at the turn of the 19th
century, when the Jewish community
gathered in this district, along the road
leading to the bridge that crosses the
Danube. The center of this area became
Kiraly Street. Budapest today is home to
the largest Jewish community in Central
Europe. This area one can find most of
Budapest's site's of Jewish cultural
heritage ( , like the
"Synagogue Triangle". (This was also
where in 1944 the Pest Ghetto was built.)
At Dohany Street 2. you will find the
world's second largest and Europe's
largest synagogue, the Dohany Street
Synagogue. The site of this building is also
the birthplace of Theodor Herzl, Father of
Zionism. In the garden is the Martyrs'
Cemetery and the Raoul Wallenberg
Memorial. Adjacent to the temple is the
Jewish Museum.

The second point of the Triangle is the

synagogue on Rumbach Street, also
known as "the little synagogue". The third
point is the Kazinczy Street Orthodox
Synagogue. This area is home to kosher
shops and Budapest's only mikveh (ritual
bath). This historic district, as a part of the
city's rehabilitation strategy, has looked
towards youth culture and tourism. Since
2002 some now very popular cafes, bars
and summer music venues opened in
buildings that were earlier considered for
demolition: the Szimpla, the Gozsdu Mano
Klub, or the Koleves (Stone Soup) to name
a few. Since then the area, especially
Kazinczy Street is not only known for its
rich history and cultural heritage, but for its
unique cultural present, with "ruin pubs",
art and design shops, like the Kék Ló (Blue
Horse)and Printa graphic design studio
which incidentally also function as
pubs/cafes. In 2002 this historic
neighborhood bordered by Kiraly and
Csanyi Street, Klauzal Square, Kisdiofa and
Dohany Street and Karoly Boulevard was
named the old Jewish Quarter of Pest and
was entered into the UNESCO World
Heritage Conservation Zone.

Get in


1 Keleti pályaudvar (Eastern Railway

Station), Baross tér ( : Keleti

pályaudvar; bus: 5, 7, 7E, 8, 8A, 20E, 30,
30A, 107, 112, 133, 178, 230, 233, 239;
tram: 24, trolley: 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 80A;
night bus: 907, 908, 931, 956, 973, 990).
Station open daily 03:45-24:00,
International cash desk in Business
Waiting Room daily 06:00–21:15,
Luggage storage daily 03:30-23:30,
Customer Service Office beside track #9
open daily 04:00-23:30. Keleti, or
"Eastern" railway station, grew to
became Budapest's main railway
terminal, handling the vast majority of
international train, mostly coming
actually from the west. A number of
domestic trains also arrive at Keleti,
again, mostly from the west. The station
is served by both lines M2 and M4 of the
Budapest metro. To navigate the rather
vast station, you may want to take a look
at the station map in PDF (http://www.m
1.pdf) .
From downtown take M2 metro.

Get around
All area is walkable.
Tram 4, 6 crossing the all district.


On Weekdays almost all part of the area

is covered by paid street parking
Holy places

Dohány Street Synagogue in


1 Great Synagogue and the Jewish

Museum (http://www.dohanystreetsyna (Dohány utcai zsinagóga és
a Zsidó Múzeum), VII. Dohány ut. 2-8 ( :
Astoria), ☏ +36 1 343-0420 (tel:+361343
-0420) , [email protected] (mailto:a
[email protected]) . Mar-Oct, Su-Th:
10:00-18:00, F: 10:00-16:30; Winter 1.5h
shorter. This synagogue is unique
because of its size, and its two onion-
shaped domes, which are forty-three
meters high. Onion domes are typically
found on Catholic churches, and
Hungary is a very Catholic country.
Perhaps Ludwig Förster, the architect,
meant for it to blend in a bit. Adults: €8,
students: €4, Budapest card: €7, for
student: €3.5.
2 Kazinczy Street Synagogue (Sasz-

Chevra ortodox nagyzsinagóga, Kazinczy

utcai zsinagóga), VII. Kazinczy u. 29-31
( : 'Astoria ' or : Opera). The city’s
Orthodox Jewish congregation decided
to build its own independent synagogue
in 1909. Late Art Nouveau architecture,
built between 1912–13, by the Löffler
brothers. The most characteristic
synagogue is part of a complex
including a school and communal hall
built in 1911. The façade of the
synagogue which fronts onto Kazinczy
Street is considered to be one of the
outstanding works of Hungarian Late-
Secessionist architecture. The interior of
the house of worship also designed by
the Loffler brothers. From all four
corners staircases lead to the two-story
female chorus. At the east (right) wall
can be found the Ark of the Covenant
with battlements. Also there are two
artificial marble columns, the rabbi 's
table and the reading desk for preprayer.
Above this find you the symbol of
kohanits the blessing hand and the Star
of David. Also there the two tables of
stone can be seen (Rákos Mano works).
Middle of the room after five steps is the
Torah reading platform. Fine pieces
there the wrought iron grids by József
Hochmann, the Ark of the Covenant and
the carved benches age are originals
made by Valkai István. The lights served
with the hemispherical rosettes central
chandelier and lamps on pillars of
Wrought iron grid choirs, these lasts are
in the shape of menorah.

Inside the Rumbach Street Synagogue

3 Rumbach Street Synagogue (http://
(Rumbach utcai zsinagóga), VII.
Rumbach Sebestyén utca 11-13 ( :
'Deák Ferenc tér'), ☏ +36 1 343 0420 (tel:
+3613430420) . The same yellow-
orange motif found in it, as the Dohány
Street great Synagogue is. This is the
house of worship built for the 'status
quo ante ' Jews who have Neolog's
building did not pass. The 'status-quo'
synagogue in Rumbach Street was built
in 1872, to the design of the Viennese
architect, Otto Wagner; it is the only
building in Hungary to be designed by
him. Built in the Romantic style, the
synagogue evidences a strong eastern
influence; its two towers remind one of
the minarets so characteristic of Islamic
architecture. The interior of the
synagogue, intricately patterened and
painted in Islamic style, is defined by the
octagonal, spacious, high, decorative
dome which holds eight slender iron
columns. It was built not as an exact
replica of, but as an homage to the style
of the octagonal, domed Dome of the
Rock Muslim shrine in Jerusalem The
column capitals are decorated with
Alhambra Moorish character. Gold, blue
and red coloured reliefs can be found on
the walls.

Parish Church of St Elizabeth

4 Parish Church of St. Elizabeth (htt

p:// (Árpád-házi
Szent Erzsébet-plébániatemplom), VII.
Rózsák tere, 8 ( 'Keleti pályaudvar' or
Bus Nr. 7 (Rákóczi út - Hotel Hungária).),
☏ +36 1 3224 117 (tel:+3613224117) .
masses: - M-Sa 7:30; 18:00 , Su 7:30;
9:00; 11:00; 18:00 Confessional system:
Fri 16:00-17:30 , Su 9:00- 9:40; 11:00-
11:40; 1800-18:40. Office hours: M, W
15:00-18:00 Th 9:00-12:00 ,15:00-18:00..
The two south tower of the church
height of 76 m, the building width is 21.6
m, length of 62 m, floor area of ​1,800
m². Nearly 2,600 people were able to
receive. The largest church in the VII.
district The building features of the
French Gothic style combines with the
modern age technology solutions. This
is a three- cross-shaped naves church
with two towers on the northwest main
facade. the temple's main gate and two
side entrances lies between the two
towers. Above the gate is a statue of St
Elizabeth and a Gothic rose window
framed with ceramics. The facade are
decorated with Statue Figures: St
Ladislaus, St Stephen and Mary.
5 Fasori Reformed Church (Fasori

református templom), VII. Városligeti

fasor 7., ☏ +36 1 3427 311 (tel:+361342
7311) , +36 1 3224 499 (tel:+361322449
9) , [email protected] (mailto:hivatal@fa . Designed by Árkay Aladár. He
used English and Finnish architectural
effects. The front wall-face is covered by
ceramic slabs decorated with motives of
folk-art. This is repeated internally, under
the organ, on the solid parapet which
includes the pulpit. The four vaulted
archways framing the interior carry a
reinforced concrete structured dome.
Musical events.
6 Chapel of Our Lady of Hungary (htt
(Magyarok Nagyasszony Kápolna),
Damjanich utca 50 (Bus 30, 30A, trolley
75, 79 to 'Damjanich utca / Dózsa György
7 Fasori Lutheran Church (http://churc (Fasori
Evangélikus Egyházközség), VII.
Damjanich u. 28/b (Bus 30, 30A, trolley
75, 79 to 'Damjanich utca / Dózsa György
út'), ☏ +36 1 3222806 (tel:+361322280
6) , +36 6-20 7703700 (tel:+366-207703
700) (Mobil), [email protected] (mailt
o:[email protected]) .

Other monuments

8 Recreation Centre of Almássy

Square (Almássy téri Szabadidőközpont ,

Almássy téri Úttörő és Ifjúsági Ház,
Szabadidőközpont), VII. Almássy tér, 6.
Closed. Visit only outside. A modern
building designed by Eva Straub and
Zoltán Jakab, the interior architect was
Paul Somogyi. The five-storey building
total floor area is ​5,200 m². This has got
a 470-person capacity grand hall, a
chamber hall for 120 persons, a dance
hall, smaller auditoriums, clubs and
study circles rooms. There is a 25-m
swimming pool on the basement. Within
the walls of the leisure center vibrant
community life going, but often moved
to their programs to the square. Various
courses, study groups, recreation
programs, sports educations are
organized. In addition, art exhibitions,
classical music and theater
performances, film screenings, dance
evenings, pop music concerts are also
held. Since 2007 planned rebuild for a

New York Palace, District VII.,


9 Gozsdu Yard Complex (http://www.m
(Gozsdu-udvar), VII. Király utca 13. and
Dob utca 16. and Holló utca 10 (
'Deak tér'). Include seven four-storey
building (4,800 m²) and consists of six
courtyards plus a four-storey building at
Holló Street, 10. The building was built
in 1901 by Gozsdu Foundation, designed
by Czigler Gyõzõ.
10 Hungaria bath (Hungária fürdő),

VII.Dohány utca 44 ( : 'Blaha Lujza tér').

Once it was a traditional public bath.
This was known as a Pest's third major
bathhouse. Active since 1820s. Today
could be see just the Dohány utca 44,
heritage-listed Art Nouveau building,
was erected in 1910, facade and part of
its galleries. A significant part of the
bath buildings were destroyed.
Klauzál Square market hall,

11 Klauzál Square market hall (http://
uzal-teri-vasarcsarnok) (Klauzál téri
vásárcsarnok), VII. Akácfa u. 42-48.
(tram: 4, 6 to 'Király utca'). M-F 07.00–
20.00, Sa 07.00–15.00. Opened in 1897.
Designed by Kommer József and
Klunzinger Pál. Fruit and vegetables,
meat, dairy products, flowers and food
houses and stalls
12 New York Palace (http://budapest.b (New York-palota),
VII. Erzsébet körút 9 ( : Astoria), ☏ +36
1 886 6111 (tel:+3618866111) .
Formerly known as the New York Café, it
is now a hotel.
13 Roth Miksa Memorial House (Róth

Miksa Emlékház), VII. Nefelejcs utca 26

( : 'Keleti pályaudvar'), ☏ +36 1 341
6789 (tel:+3613416789) .
14 Veterinary History Collection (htt
vos-torteneti_Gyujtemeny) (Állatorvosi
Gyűjtemény), VII. István utca ( : Keleti
pályaudvar three blocks away), ☏ +361
4784228 (tel:+3614784228) , fax: +36 1
478-4227, [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]) . W
13-16 (no login), other weekdays 8-16
(by appointment only), the University
open: 30 Jun– 25 Jul and 25 Aug–1
Sept:M-Th 08.30-16.00, F 09.00-13.00, 1
Sept- 31 Oct. - the Library Building: M-W
08.00-18.00, Th 8.30-20.00, F 09.00-
17.00, - the Reading Room M-W 08.30-
18.00, Th 08.30-20.00, F 09.00-17.00. A
part of the University Library of Faculty
of Veterinary Science of the Szent István


15 Hungarian National Museum (http

s:// (Magyar Nemzeti
Múzeum), Múzeum krt, ☏ +36 1 338
2122 (tel:+3613382122) ,
[email protected] (mailto:tomka.g
[email protected]) . Inaugurated in 1802,
this museum presents the relics
dedicated to the history of Hungary.



1 Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal Spa (htt

t/spa-and-wellbeing/royal-spa/) , VII.
Erzsébet körút 43-49 ( : Oktogon
further tram: 4-6), ☏ +36 1 479-4000 (tel:
+361479-4000) , fax: +36 1 479-4333,
[email protected] (mailto:royalres@ . A symbol of history,
culture, architecture and the tradition of
hospitality opens its doors in all its
original splendour. The Royal Spa has
been beautifully restored to its original
splendour and now offers the latest
state-of-the-art spa facilities and
treatments. The Royal Spa is one of the
most expensive in Budapest. It is a
spectacle of opulence and luxury in the
amazing art deco setting. Included in
the price is bath robe, towels, lockers,
hydromassage, fruit juices and water.
Although expensive it is a truly
unforgettable experience. day pass €35.

2 Movie Museum Örökmozgó

(Örökmozgó Filmmúzeum), Erzsébet krt.

39 (tram: 4, tram 6, stop Király utca), ☏
+36 1 342-2167 (tel:+361342-2167) ,
[email protected] (mailto:orokmozi . “Perpetual motion”
(that’s what the name means) is your
best choice if you’re in mood to see a
movie from the times when Leonardo
DiCaprio was a child. Most of the oldies
speak their original language and are
subtitled in Hungarian.

3 Belvárosi Theatre (http://www.belvar (Belvárosi Színház), VII.
Károly krt. 3/A. ( : Astoria), ☏ +36 1
266-7130 (tel:+361266-7130) ,
[email protected] (mailto:info@ . Operetta
performances start at 20.30 o'clock. is
qualified for performances, chamber-
concerts, shows, award and graduation
ceremonies, press conferences,
professional presentations, seminars,
conferences, ordinary meetings, fashion
shows, auctions, associate meetings
and conferences.
4 Central European Dance Theatre (htt
p:// (Bethlen
Square Theatre, Közép-Európa
Táncszínház, Bethlen Téri Színház), VII.
Bethlen Gábor tér 3 ( : station Keleti
Pályaudvar, Trollley 78), ☏ +36 1
3427163 (tel:+3613427163) ,
[email protected] (mailto:beth
[email protected]) . The Bethlen
Gallery holds photo exhibition. CEDT's
company performs renowned
contemporary dance theatre (http://ww . Ft1,200; senior
Ft700; student Ft800.
5 Theatre Madách (http://www.madac (Madách
Színház), VII. Erzsébet körút 29-33 ( :
Blaha Lujza tér, tram: 4, 6 stop
Wesselényi utca), ☏ +36 1 478 2000 (tel:
+3614782000) ,
[email protected] (mailto:tit
[email protected]) . 10:00-
12:30 & 13:00-18:30. If you want to see
the Hungarian version of blockbuster
musicals like The Phantom of the Opera
or Producers, this is your place. Madách
is widely popular among musical fans,
and some of their shows have been
critically acclaimed, so book (http://ww well in advance. €6-
6 Magyar Theatre (http://pestimagyars (Magyar Színház,Hungarian
Theatre (former National Theatre, volt
Nemzeti Színház)), VII. Hevesi Sándor
square 4 ( : 'Vörösmarty utca', trolley
73, 74, or 76 to Izabella utca stop or :
'Blaha Lujza tér'), ☏ +36 1 341-3849 (tel:
+361341-3849) ,
[email protected] (mailto:titkarsag . M-F 10:00-18:00.
Designed by Adolf Láng, and founded by
the Rákosi-Beöthy family was built in
1897 in the then-suburban Izabella
(today Hevesi Sándor) square. The
premiere was on 16 October 1897. The
two-storied auditorium had 996 seats. In
1914, the theater was rebuilt by
architect Laszlo Editor, at time a new
hall was built. The last big remodelling
happened in 1964-66, when it was
rebuilt according to the plans of
architect Alexander Azbej. The new
building was built Žilina's (Slovakia)
pyrogranite. The facades are decorated
with a relief consisting of 757 elements
which is Gyula Illes sculptor's work. In
the foyer is located a large mosaic
image, its showing a woman Greek
chorus. The actor's lounge inlaid
decorative wall picture made by Szinte
Gabor painter, stage designer. The
auditorium capacity 665 people today.
Ft4000-12,000 (2014) discount with
Hungary Card.
7 Örkény Theater (Örkény István

Színház), VII. Madách I. tér 6. ( :

'Deák Ferenc tér'), ☏ +36 1 267-3770 (tel:
+361267-3770) .
8 R.S.9. theater (R.S.9. Színház), VII.
Rumbach S. u. 9. ( : 'Deák Ferenc
tér' or M2 Astoria), ☏ +36 1 269-6609 (te
l:+361269-6609) .
9 Spinoza Restaurant-Theatre-

Gallery-Café-Winter Garden (http://ww , VII. Dob u. 15. ( :
Astoria), ☏ +36 1 4137489 (tel:+361413
7489) , fax: +36 1 4137488,
[email protected] (mailto:spin
[email protected]) . Klezmer
concert every Fridays (Sabbathsong)
from 19:00 3-course dinner for



1 OTP Bank (

portal/en/Home) , VIII. Erzsébet krt 41.
(Tram 4, 6 to stop 'Király utca'), ☏ +36 1
3666-388 (tel:+3613666-388) , fax: +36
1 479-2059. M 07:45-17:00, Tu-F 07:45-
16:00. +Other units in districts 6th, 7th,
8th, 9th: VI. Andrássy út 6. VI. Andrássy
út 83., VI. Váci út 1-3. (Westend City
Center), VI. Oktogon tér 3., VII. Dohány u.
65., VII. Rákóczi út 84., VII. Károly krt. 1.,
VII. Károly körút 25., VII. Király utca 49.,
VIII. Népszínház u. 3-5. (Europeum
Shopping Mall) - entree from Blaha Lujza
tér), VIII. József krt. 33., VIII. József krt.,
53; VIII. József krt. 80, VIII. Kálvin tér 12-
13.VIII. Kerepesi út 9. (Aréna Plaza), VIII.
Könyves Kálmán Krt. 76.
Malls and department stores

2 Garay Shopping Center and

Marketplace (http://www.garaycenter.h
u) (Garay Üzletközpont és Piac), VII.,
Garay tér 20. (Erzsébetváros, : Keleti
pályaudvar and trolley 79 to 'Cserhát utca'
or walk cca. 800 m - Also stop nearby the
buses: 7, 7E, 105, 173, 178, 178A, 173E,
273E, and trolley busses: 73, 76, 78, 79),
☏ +36 1 8724189 (tel:+3618724189) ,
fax: +36 1 9500084,
[email protected] (mailto:office@g . Daily 06:00-21.00,
stores: M-F 09:00-18: 00, Sa 09:00-
15:00, Su varies per store. Restaurants:
Kemco's Kitchen M-Sa 06:00-18:00, Su
06:00-14:00; Asia Buffet M-Sa 09:00-
20:00, Su 09:00-18:00; Penny Market M-
Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-18:00; Garay
market M 7:00-17: 00, Tu-F 06:00-18:00,
Sa 06:00-14:00, Su closed. The Garay
market located on level A-1. First hour
parking free, after Ft150 every hour.
Pothanszky Flower, DM-Drogerie Markt,
MiMi General store, 5aSec Dry Cleaning,
Caesar pet store, Papír-írószer shop
(paper - stationery), Penny Market (food
discount), Azsia Buffet (Eastern tastes),
Prima Bakery, Bormegálló (wine tasting,
wine shop), Talpallak - sarkallak (shoe
repair, key cutting, engraving, stamp
making), Hírlap és Lottózó (magazines
and gambling), Török Óra- és Ékszer
(watch repair, battery replacement,
repair silver jewelry, belt repair and
buckle replacement), Ázsia Divat Áruház
(fashion store), Autómosó (car wash),
Kaucsuk (tyre service, repair, sales),
Gombóc Artúr Gombócdája (artisan ice
cream and crushed ice, entrance from
the Garay street), Spectrum Optika
(eyeglass frames and sunglasses), Házi
Diszkont (household and chemical
goods), Gyereksarok Toy Store.

CBA supermarket (

(CBA szupermarket). Supermarket
Damjanich utca 23. (district 7th).
Dózsa Gy. út 54. (district 7th).
Rákóczi utca 48-50. (district 7th).
Károly körút. 9. (district 7th).
Rumbach S. utca 3. (district 7th).
Thököly út 24. (district 7th).
Erzsébet körút. 58. (district 7th).
Coop supermarket (
u/) (Coop szupermarket 'abc' and COOP
Minis), [email protected] (mailto:uzletl
[email protected]) . Supermarket chain with
three categories mini, szuper and abc.
3 VII. Damjanich u. 40 (Trolley 70
to stop Nefelejcs utca / Damjanich
utca), ☏ +36 1 3224697 (tel:+36132
24697) , +36 30 6706518 (tel:+3630
6706518) .
Rottenbiller u. 12., ☏ +36 30
9128756 (tel:+36309128756) .
Bethlen Gábor u 5., ☏ +36 1
3426361 (tel:+3613426361) .
Wesselényi U. 61., ☏ +36 20 463-
8362 (tel:+3620463-8362) .
Nagydiófa U. 3., ☏ +36 30 4716311
(tel:+36304716311) .
Akácfa U. 27., ☏ +36 30 372715 (te
l:+3630372715) .
Wesselényi u . 63., ☏ +36 30 933
7459 (tel:+36309337459) .
Sajó u. 2., ☏ +36 9 509 580 (tel:+36
9509580) .
István u. 5., ☏ +36 20 577-8556 (tel:
+3620577-8556) .
COOP szuper, Rákóczi út 78..

Real ( (Reál élelmiszer),

[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .
Discount store chain.
VII. Rákóczi út 80. ☏ +36 1
3226265 (tel:+3613226265) ,
VII. Dohány u. 71. ☏ +36 30
4075142 (tel:+36304075142) ,
VIII. Baross u. 88-90.
VIII. Krúdy Gy. u. 20. ☏ +36 1
4290225 (tel:+3614290225) ,
G'Roby: VIII. Teleki tér 1-3. ☏ +36 1
4550180 (tel:+3614550180)


Artushka, Budapest, Klauzál u. 4, 1072

Hungary, ☏ +36 30 310 5459 (tel:+3630
3105459) . Hip locally-designed and
locally-made handicrafts and souvenirs
from Budapest (updated Mar 2016)


Hauer Confectionery

1 New York Café (http://www.newyork (New York Kávéház), Erzsébet
körút 9-11 ( : Blaha Lujza tér), ☏ +36 1
322-1648 (tel:+361322-1648) ,
[email protected]
(mailto:[email protected] . 9AM-Midnight. This is the
complete opposite of Buda's Ruszwurm:
absolutely over the top ornate, shiny,
dazzling. The New York has been a
writer's haven for years -- before World
War II writers would often come to
"work" first thing in the morning, buy
some coffee and write in the café all day
until it was time to go home. This café
was rammed by a Russian tank in the
1956 Hungarian uprising, and the
damage has still not been repaired! he
Russians knew what would sting the
most: damaging a popular coffeehouse.
A lengthy renovation was completed in
2006 and it's now back in business.
Snacks €11, soups €7, main course €14-
18, cafes: €3-4, tea €6.



2 Magdalena Merlo restaurant (http:// (Magdalena
Merlo Étterem), Király u. 59/b ( :
Oktogon. Near Academy of Music), ☏
+36 1 322-3278 (tel:+361322-3278) ,
[email protected] (mailto:info@ . Daily 10:00-
24:00. Nice interior and good-looking
visitors are promising enough to give it a
try. mains are under €15 (2014).

3 Ristorante Il Terzo Cerchio (http://w , VII. Dohány utca
40, ( : Astoria station, tram: 47 or 49,
bus: 7 or 78), ☏ +36 1-354-0788 (tel:+36
1-354-0788) . Daily 12:00–23:30. Italian
restaurant. Pizzas Starters, soups,
salads, pastas, mains, desserts:

There are dozens of romkocsma (literally
translated: ruin-pubs) in city centre (V.-VI.-
VII. districts). These inhabit ruined courts
of old houses, therefore they are hard to
be found. Ask locals for hints and go for
the unique post-socialist atmosphere!

1 Szimpla Kert/Mozi (https://www.szi , VII. Kazinczy
utca 14 ( : Astoria, or bus:5, 7, 7A, 8,
112, 178, 239 to stop Uránia),
[email protected] (mailto:szimpla@s . Apart from the huge ruin-
like bar/club/cinema that is frequented
by Hungarians and foreigners, "Szimpla"
is also the name of a project to support
alternative culture on a profit oriented
basis. The place is definitely worth
visiting: good atmosphere, good music,
great people and a very interesting
location. Hungarian pizzas from the
oven: Ft600, snacks Ft780, salad Ft880,
warm sandwiches Ft850, vegetarian
warm sandwiches Ft800, hamburger
(giant) Ft1200. Hotdog Ft600, fried
onion rings Ft600, French fries Ft650. -
Ratatouille with sausage Ft850, Chicken
liver Ft850, sausage Ft850.
2 Szóda ( ,
Wesselényi u. 18 ( : Astoria, or bus:5, 7,
7A, 8, 112, 178, 239 to stop Uránia), ☏
+36 1 461-0007 (tel:+361461-0007) ,
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected]
u) . Another place to go out. By day it's a
cafe in the old Ghetto; close to the Shul,
but by night it is a strangely unique bar
for dancing and enjoying Budapest!
Check out this real Hungarian place.



1 Marco Polo Hostel (http://www.marc , VII. Nyár utca 6 (Off
Rakoczi ut, 300 m from Blaha Lujza tér
metro), ☏ +36 1 413 2555 (tel:+3614132
555) . Very clean and well maintained.
Single €33-40, douboe €40-48, 12-bed
dorm €12-14. (updated Mar 2018)
Maverick Hostel & Ensuites (https://ma ,
Ferenciek tere 2, ☏ +36 1 2673166 (tel:+
3612673166) , fax: +36 1 7004598,
[email protected] (mailt
o:[email protected]) .
Clean hostel with friendly English-
speaking 24-hour reception. Free coffee,
tea, WiFi, internet terminals, and calls to
most US landlines via Skype phone.
Shared kitchen. Dorms and private
rooms with and without ensuite bath.
Dorm from €12. (updated Dec 2019)
Maverick City Lodge (https://mavericklo
l) , Kazinczy street 24-26, ☏ +36 1
7931605 (tel:+3617931605) , fax: +36 1
[email protected] (mailt
o:[email protected]) .
Clean hostel with friendly English-
speaking 24-hour reception. Free coffee,
tea, WiFi, internet terminals, and calls to
most US landlines via Skype phone.
Shared kitchen. Dorms and private
rooms with and without ensuite bath.
Dorm from €12. (updated Dec 2019)


2 Ibis Budapest City (https://all.accor.c

om/hotel/1681/index.en.shtml) , Akacfa
u. 1-3 (near Blaha Lujza metro), ☏ +36 1
478 3650 (tel:+3614783650) . Slabby
facade, standard 3-star Ibis
accommodation within. Doubles €80.
(updated Mar 2018)
3 First Hostel (
m/) , VII. Sip utca 5 (central, 200 m from
Astoria metro), ☏ +36 20 915 1029 (tel:+
36209151029) , [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]) . Check-
in: 11:00-21:00, check-out: 09:30-10:00.
Cheap hostel, central location. Room for
two €60, for four €90. (updated Mar
4 King's Hotel (http://www.kingshotel.h
u/) , VII. Nagy Diofa utca 25-27 (300 m
NW of Blaha Lujza tér metro), ☏ +36 1
352 7675 (tel:+3613527675) , fax: +36 1
352 7696, [email protected] (m
ailto:[email protected]) .
Check-in: 11:00, check-out: 15:00. Three
star with 79 rooms in the heart of the
Ghetto. Doubles with breakfast €60/70.
(updated Mar 2018)

Devilish fauns leer down at you in the

ornate New York Café, within Boscolo

5 Corinthia Hotel (http://www.corinthi (formerly
Grand Hotel Royal), Erzsébet körút 43
(200 m SE of Oktogon metro), ☏ +36 1
479 4000 (tel:+3614794000) , fax: +36 1
479 4333, [email protected] (ma
ilto:[email protected]) . This
19th C 5-star has reverted to its old
name of "Corinthia". Inside, the Royal
Spa has been beautifully restored to its
original splendour - see also 'do' chapter
Double from €200. (updated Mar
6 Boscolo Budapest, Autograph

Collection (http://budapest.boscolohote (New York Café, New York
Palota), Erzsebet Körút 9-11 (150 m N of
Blaha Lujza ter metro), ☏ +36 1 886
6111 (tel:+3618866111) , +36 1 886
6145 (tel:+3618866145) , toll-free: +800
8099 8099 (tel:+80080998099) , fax:
+36 1 886 6192,
[email protected] (m
ailto:[email protected]
m) . The Boscolo, a part of Marriott's
Autograph Collection, occupies the
building of the historic New York Hotel -
and is just as opulent on the inside as it
is on the outside. One of Budapest's
highest-end hotels, it is luxurious and
tasteful - and has prices to match that
standard. Classic/Superior/Exclusive
Room €136/180/200; Junior
Suite/Executive Suite/Presidential Suite
€383/595/3000. (updated Mar 2018)
2 Adult Emergency Medical Service

for districts 6th and 7th (http://7.kerulet.
s-es-kijaro-orvosi-ugyelet) (Felnőtt
orvosi ügyelet), VII. Dob u. 86, ☏ +36 1
321-0440 (tel:+361321-0440) , +36 1
321-0358 (tel:+361321-0358) . In urgent
cases, call the 112 number. Paramedics
direct telephone number: 104.


3 Erzsébetváros Pharmacy (http://erzs

u/) (Erzsébetvárosi Gyógyszertár), VII.
Király u. 47. (M1 Opera and ten min walk
or trolley 70, 78 to stop Akácfa utca), ☏
+36 1 342-0112 (tel:+361342-0112) . M-
F 08.00–22.00, Sa 08.00–12.00.



4 Szabó Ervin Library, Rottenbiller

branch (
_u__10_) (Fővárosi Szabó Ervin
Könyvtár), VII. Rottenbiller 10 ( :
Keleti), ☏ +36 1 342-5362 (tel:+361342-
5362) , [email protected] (mailto:fsz
[email protected]) . M W F 13.00-19.00,
Tu Th 10.00-16.00. Famous for its (rock)
music CD collection. Services: CD rental,
rental CD-ROM, DVD rental, foreign
language documents, internet access,
computer use, WiFi.
Wi-Fi hotspot points of Budapest (http://

Post offices

5 Post Office (

(Magyar Posta), VII.Hársfa utca 47.
(Tram 4, 6 to stop Király utca), ☏ +36 1
3422592 (tel:+3613422592) , fax: +36 1
4131202, [email protected] (ma
ilto:[email protected]) . M-F
08:00-18:00. Located at Stamp Museum
- More units in district 7th: Városligeti
fasor 1. (M-F 08:00-15:30), Damjanich
utca 58., at City Park (M-F 08:00-15:30)

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