Addisu Individual Assg Mkting2

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School of Postgraduate Studies

Department of Management

Program: Weekend
Individual Assignment on Marketing Management

Submitted By: Addisu Amdisa...ID 028/15

Submitted to:

Dinkisa K. (PhD, Assistant professor)

June, 2023,
Woliso, Ethiopia
1. Take the buyer decision process and interview five students about how they
purchased a common product (such as mobile phones, or watch) and compare how
they went through the buyer behavior model. How did they acquire information,
pick alternatives, make choices, and evaluate the success of their purchase?
 Consumer buying behavior studies how individuals, groups and organization
select, buy, use and dispose of goods and services, ideas or experience to satisfy
their needs and desire. Additionally it considers target customer wants,
perception, preference, shopping and buying behavior.
 For the purpose of answering this question I have tried to interviewee my
colleagues how they make purchase for product they need and the process they go
through to acquire the product. The overall summary of the interviewee presented
as follow.
“In our day to day life operation we make purchase to satisfy our demand, while we are not self-
sufficient in each and every thing. To do so we are passing in different process, like we try to
identify what type product with what quality and price we need, once we do that we make sure
that whether we are financially enough ready to bought the product. If we are financially capable
to buy the product we go for getting the information with regarding to the product about its
quality, durability and its availability. After we do that we choose from the available alternative
of the product that rendering to our status and finance. If we get the product the product that fit
with our requirement we make purchase for the product and finally we measure our purchase
success by the extent to which the product conforms to our requirement. For example if we
purchase mobile phone and we get that phone with nice storage, good battery life and camera we
conclude as our purchase is succeeded. Finally one thing they all agreed up on is they don’t make
purchase only because of they have problem with product or lack of the product, but if their
friends, work met and the other around them consume the product and tells them about the
product they became more initiated to purchase the product (This is what we can called it
purchase through recommendation)”
 What I have understand from this interview is as each and every individual is pass
through buyer behavior model which is first they recognize the need for the product
they desire, second they search information with regards to the product they need and

thirdly they evaluate they evaluate for option they have and they make purchase.
Finally they measure the success of their purchase based on the extent to which the
product conforms to their requirement.
2. Collect any four local advertisements (Electronic or print) and comment on how
they apply in the real ground.
 Advertising can be defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods or services through mass media such as newspapers,
magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor. Advertising is used by many
organizations to communicate specific messages about themselves, their products and
services, or their modes of behavior to a predefined target audience, in order to
stimulate a response from the audience. The response may be perceptual in nature: for
example, the consumer develops specific views or opinions about the product or
brand, or these feelings are altered by the ad. The response could be behavioral: for
instance, the consumer buys the product or increases the amount that he or she buys.
Advertisers that sponsor advertisements include not only business firms, but also non-
profit and social institutions such as charities, museums and religious organizations
that promote causes to various target publics.
Most known advertisement in our country is presented as follow:-
News-paper: - Faster and more efficient circulation is possible with new technologies, such as
satellite printing, which allows advertising copy to be sent by satellite to the printers. In our case
this type of advertisement widely applied. For example company advertises their vacancy,
bidding and their offering by using this medium.
Cinema: - This is a relatively popular medium for reaching younger viewers, such as teenagers.
In developing and less developed nations, cinema remains important. This type advertisement is
recently emerged advertising tool, especially this is known on Amharic movies and kana movies
it’s widely practiced and these movie makers use this as sponsor of their work.
Television: - There are few country markets where television is not available or where
advertising is not carried via that medium. Satellite and cable opportunities have expanded
enormously and accelerated the use of TV for international advertising. The same is true in here
Ethiopia, Television is the most known and used medium for advertising.

Radio: - Currently we have many radio programs on air and many individuals and organization
advertise their product and service via this radio program and this can be taken as one advertising
tool in our country. As a medium for international advertising, radio is constrained by
availability in the sense that most commercial radio is regional.
3. List three of your favorite brand names. What do you like about the product and/or
brand name? What do you dislike? What image does the brand have in your mind?
How loyal are you toward the brand? When was the last time you abandoned a
brand name you had used for some time in favor of a new brand? Why did this
Consumers view a brand as an important part of a product, and branding can add value to a
product. Branding has become a central issue in product strategy. On the one hand, developing;
branded product requires a great deal of long-term marketing investment, especially for
advertising, promotion and packaging. Manufacturers often find it easier and less expensive
simply to make the product and let others do the brand building . On the other hand, most
manufacturers eventually learn that the power lies with the companies that control the brand
names. Perhaps the most distinctive skill of professional marketers is their ability to create,
maintain, protect, reinforce and enhance brands. A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design or
a combination of these, which is used to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of
sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Thus a brand identifies the maker or
supplier of a product. A brand conveys a specific set of features, benefits and services to buyers.
It is a mark, a tangible emblem, which says something about the product. The best brands, for
example, often convey a warranty of quality. A brand can deliver up to four levels of meaning:
Attributes: - A brand first brings to mind certain product attributes.
Benefits: - Customers do not buy attributes, they buy benefits. Therefore, attributes must be
translated into functional and emotional benefits.
Values: - A brand also says something about the buyers' values.
Personality: - A brand also projects a personality. Motivation researchers sometimes ask, 'If this
brand were a person, what kind of person would it be?
All this suggests that a brand is a complex symbol. If a company treats a brand only as a name, it
misses the point of branding. The challenge of branding is to develop a deep set of meanings or

associations for the brand. Given the four levels of a brand's meaning, a firm must decide the
levels at which they will build the brand's identity.

My favorite Brands
I. Coca-Cola: - what I like from coke is It contained ingredients from the kola nut,
including caffeine, and also cocaine and this Coca-Cola is the product that have
international acceptance and is not limited to one country like beverages and what I
dislike from this brand is One of the first noted criticisms of Coca-Cola was that it
produced serious mental and motor deficits . Packaging used in Coca-Cola's products has
a significant environmental impact. The company is the single largest plastic polluter in
the world. What comes to my mind when I was thinking this product you don’t have
enough sleep once you consume the product.
II. Nokia: - what I appreciate from the product this product is when you buy a Nokia phone,
you get a device that's in it for the long run, matched by up-to-date security and Android
features. Because when our devices last longer, that helps save on natural resources and
reduce the amount of e-waste. What makes Nokia unique from other brand is its
reliability. They undergo product testing that is more rigorous than the industry average,
and with years of Android upgrades and security updates, the software stands up to the
tests of time, too. The drawback of this brand is the clunky user experience and limited
app selection hampered Nokia's ability to compete effectively. Also, it was too late by
then with Apple and Samsung having cemented their positions. It was difficult for the
Symbian operating system to make any inroads. This is the biggest reason behind Nokia's
III. Apple: - There are many reasons behind to like apple product one of the biggest reasons
I loves Apple products is because they can actually get better with time. Every single year
Apple drops a new version of iOS, giving iPhone users access to new features and
updates free-of-charge. Apple is also great about supporting iPhones for the long haul.
The rationale behind disliking Apple in a world with only a few options for devices like
smartphones and game consoles, people have become defensive about their choices. It's
easy to dislike Apple simply because "it's the other side" and you want to show loyalty
for what you use. Despite its dominance in the space of mobile devices and computing,

the company does face some key challenges. Among these weaknesses are its highly-
priced products, entering areas of higher competition, and incompatibility with other
software. What makes Apple product is its luxury product and people with large income
enjoy it.
4. List a service that you used and you think as very good. Why is the service good?
Review the service using the material from the chapter. What specifics about the
service make it very good from marketing point of view? Now, do the same thing
with a service that you don’t like. After comparing them separately, compare them
against each other. What could you do to improve the negative service? If you were
a competitor, how could you attack the positive service?
Type of service I have used and I like before is Ethiopian airline transportation service and
what I likes from it is the following In less than a decade, Ethiopian Airlines has tripled the size
of its fleet – we now have 113 Boeing, Airbus and Bombardier aircraft flying to 119
international destinations in five continents. We have one of the youngest fleet in the industry;
our average fleet age is five years while industry average is 12 years. A good is a tangible item
that consumers desire or own. A service is not a tangible or physical entity but is still sought
after by consumers. Often, a service can also be performed at a distance. Empathy, no list of
good customer service skills is complete without empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand
another person's emotions and to understand their point of view which is highly practiced in
Ethiopian airlines. The other thing I appreciate from this company is professionalism, patience
and people first attitude. The company characterized by the following feature Delivering Respect
to Customer, Have Agents Practice Active Listening Skills, and empathy: The Key to Customer
Success, Ability to Communicate Clearly with the Customer, A Positive Attitude, and Be
Patient. The type of service I dislike from service I have used ever is municipal city
administration here in Woliso on the service they have given, because there is much dalliance in
giving service to the customer like if you go there to formalize or have plan on your land they
don’t give you for what you ask them on time or charge you price for something that they didn’t
serve you. They don’t care about the time and resource you waste there. If I were there I use
technology and eliminate any conspires behind charging for something illegal and to my best I
try to serve the oriented customer. Since this like institution is serving many people they need to

come up with a service that delight the targeted people, unless the customer raise it’s complain
which leads to another crisis.

5. Take one private enterprise (organization) from your locality, which is established
currently (new business) and assess the way how price actually charged (which new
product pricing strategy is really implemented by this specific company). Evaluate
its appropriateness against the given theory.
A company that plans to develop an imitative new product faces a product positioning problem.
It must decide where to position the product versus competing products in terms of quality and
price. First, the company might decide to use a premium pricing strategy - producing a high-
quality product and charging the highest price. At the other extreme, it might decide on an
economy pricing strategy - producing a lower-quality product, but charging a low price.
Companies bringing out an innovative, patent-protected product face the challenge of setting
prices for the first time. They can choose between two strategies: market-shimming pricing and
market-penetration pricing. Many companies that invent new products initially set high prices to
'skim' revenues layer by layer from the market. Lewi café is a prime user of this strategy, called
market-skimming pricing. When this café first introduces a pizza and burger, it charges the
highest price it can, given, the benefits of these pizza and burger over competing firms. It sets a
price that makes it just worthwhile for some segments of the market to attract many customers
who consume these products. As initial sales slowdown and as competitors threaten to introduce
similar pizza and burger, Lewi cafe lowers the price to draw in the nest price-sensitive layer of
customers. Price skimming may be appropriate when potential buyers interpret the high price as
a sign of high quality. If you choose too high a price point or delay the price reduction too much,
the customers can buy cheaper alternatives, reducing your sales volume. For Lewi Cafe I don’t
think as this market skimming price strategy is appropriate, because people those who live in
Woliso town is characterized by its saving pattern and they don’t entertain by paying high cost
for such offering, if so I think it’s better to change the existing pricing strategy to market
penetration pricing strategy to attract many customer to increase sales volume and profitability

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