A Review of 018-spl Mum Full Adder Performances Fo

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A review of 0.18-/spl mu/m full adder performances for tree structured

arithmetic circuits

Article in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems · July 2005
DOI: 10.1109/TVLSI.2005.848806 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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3 authors, including:

Chip-Hong Chang Jun Gu

Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Technological University


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A review of 0.18-µm full adder performances for tree

Title structured arithmetic circuits.( Published )

Author(s) Chang, Chip Hong.; Gu, Jiang Min.; Zhang, Mingyan.

Chang, C. H., Gu, J. M., & Zhang, M. (2005). A review of

0.18-µm full adder performances for tree structured
Citation arithmetic circuits. IEEE Transactions on Very Large
Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 13(6), 686-695.

Date 2005

URL http://hdl.handle.net/10220/6013

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A Review of 0.18-m Full Adder Performances for

Tree Structured Arithmetic Circuits
Chip-Hong Chang, Senior Member, IEEE, Jiangmin Gu, Student Member, IEEE, and Mingyan Zhang

Abstract—The general objective of our work is to investigate the the development of cell libraries. They are likely to perpetuate
area and power-delay performances of low-voltage full adder cells the ability to further reduce the cost-per-function and improve
in different CMOS logic styles for the predominating tree struc- the performance of integrated circuits. With the lowering of
tured arithmetic circuits. A new hybrid style full adder circuit is
threshold voltage in ultra deep submicron technology, lowering
also presented. The sum and carry generation circuits of the pro-
posed full adder are designed with hybrid logic styles. To operate at the supply voltage appears to be the most eminent means to
ultra-low supply voltage, the pass logic circuit that cogenerates the reduce power consumption. However, lowering supply voltage
intermediate XOR and XNOR outputs has been improved to over- also increases circuit delay and degrades the drivability of cells
come the switching delay problem. As full adders are frequently designed with certain logic styles. Recently, clustered voltage
employed in a tree structured configuration for high-performance scaling (CVS) and dual voltage supply (dual-VS) schemes have
arithmetic circuits, a cascaded simulation structure is introduced
been proposed to maintain the chip throughput by selectively
to evaluate the full adders in a realistic application environment.
A systematic and elegant procedure to scale the transistor for min- lowering the supply voltage for noncritical subcircuits [1], [2].
imal power-delay product is proposed. The circuits being studied For such techniques to be effective, it is imperative that the
are optimized for energy efficiency at 0.18- m CMOS process tech- performances of the basic cells dominating the critical path
nology. With the proposed simulation environment, it is shown that be characterized in the targeted technology and application
some survival cells in stand alone operation at low voltage may fail environment over various ranges of supply voltage.
when cascaded in a larger circuit, either due to the lack of driv-
Full adder is the core element of complex arithmetic circuits
ability or unsatisfactory speed of operation. The proposed hybrid
full adder exhibits not only the full swing logic and balanced out- like addition, multiplication, division, exponentiation, etc.
puts but also strong output drivability. The increase in the tran- [3]–[6]. The role of full adders in computer arithmetic can
sistor count of its complementary CMOS output stage is compen- be classified into two main categories. One category involves
sated by its area efficient layout. Therefore, it remains one of the the chain structured applications [7], [8], such as ripple carry
best contenders for designing large tree structured arithmetic cir- adders (RCA) and array multipliers. In these applications, the
cuits with reduced energy consumption while keeping the increase
critical path often traverses from the carry-in to the carry-out
in area to a minimum.
of the full adders. It is demanded that the generation of the
Index Terms—Adders, CMOS digital integrated circuits, digital carry-out signal is fast. Otherwise, the slower carry-out gener-
arithmetic, logic devices.
ation will not only extend the worst case delay, but also create
more glitches in the later stages, hence, dissipate more power.
I. INTRODUCTION The other category involves the tree structured applications,
which is frequently used in Wallace–Dadda tree multipliers

D IGITAL signal processors and application specific in-

tegrated circuits rely on the efficient implementation of
arithmetic circuits to execute dedicated algorithms such as con-
and multiplierless digital filters [6], [8], [9]. Full adders in
these applications form a tree of several layers to compress
the partial products to a carry-saved number before a final
volution, correlation and digital filtering. Very often, the utmost
carry propagation adder converts it to a normal binary number.
integrated circuit performances are restricted by how best the
The tree structured architecture is widely accepted as being
arithmetic operators are implemented in the cell library provided
faster than its chain structured counterpart. However, VLSI
to the designer for the synthesis. As the complexity of arithmetic
implementations of large tree structured arithmetic circuits
circuits grows with increasing processor bus width, energy
have irregular structure and complicated and long wiring inter-
consumption is becoming more important now than ever due
connections. Irregular structure makes the layout difficult and
to the increase in the number and density of transistors on chip
incurs high-silicon area wastage. Long wiring interconnections
and faster clock. Different CMOS logic styles have evolved for
have potential to degrade the performance in ultra deep submi-
cron process. A strategy has been proposed in [9] to maximize
Manuscript received July 28 2003; revised August 30, 2004. This work was the silicon area efficiency by allocating full adders to eliminate
supported in part by the Panasonic Singapore Laboratory under CHiPES-PSL as many cross-stage interconnections (connections between
Joint R&D Account M4890001. nonadjacent stages) as possible, without sacrificing the local
C.-H. Chang and J. Gu are with the Center for High Performance Embedded
Systems, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637553 (e-mail: connectivity. To provide the flexibility to redistribute the cells,
[email protected]; [email protected]). the three input ports of a full adder are equally likely to accept
M. Zhang was with the Center for High Performance Embedded Systems, a legitimate output from another cell. Under this premise, it is
Nanyang Technological University. She is now with The Tech Semiconductor
Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore 738799 (e-mail: [email protected]). highly desirable that the outputs, sum and carry-out, of the full
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVLSI.2005.848806 adder be generated simultaneously to minimize the glitches in
1063-8210/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

the lower stages. The published literatures on full adder circuit to the complementary transistor pairs and smaller number of in-
optimization pay no attention to the specific layout require- terconnecting wires.
ments and the stringent drivability of the latter application. The complementary pass transistor logic (CPL) [8] full adder
In this paper, we target the tree structured application for the with swing restoration is shown in Fig. 1(b). Its dual-rail structure
evaluation of full adders with the optimization and simulation uses 32 transistors (henceforth “ transistors” is abbreviated as
pursued in the proposed tree structure simulation environment. ). The basic difference between the pass-transistor logic and
The goal to extend the battery life span of portable electronics the complementary CMOS logic styles is that the source side of
is to reduce the energy expended per arithmetic operation, but the pass logic transistor network is connected to some input sig-
low-power consumption need not necessarily implies low en- nals instead of the power lines [12], [13]. The advantage is that
ergy. To execute an arithmetic operation, a circuit can consume one pass-transistor network (either pMOS or nMOS) is sufficient
very low power by clocking at extremely low frequency but it to implement the logic function, which results in smaller number
may take a very long time to complete the operation. One of the of transistors and smaller input load. However, pass-transistor
objectives of our work is to investigate, as supply voltage re- logic has an inherent threshold voltage drop problem. The output
duces, the optimal energy efficiency of the full adders designed is a weak logic “1” when “1” is passed through a nMOS and is a
with different logic styles based on the same 0.18- m CMOS weak logic “0” when “0” is passed through a pMOS. Therefore,
process technology. We measure the energy consumption by the output inverters are also used to ensure the drivability.
product of average power and worst case delay. The power-delay A transmission function full adder (TFA) [14] based on the
product (PDP) represents a tradeoff to be optimized between transmission function theory is shown in Fig. 1(c). A transmis-
two conflicting criteria of power dissipation and circuit latency sion-gate adder (TGA) [15] using CMOS transmission gates is
in transistor sizing. In this paper, a systematic and unified ap- shown in Fig. 1(d). Transmission gate logic circuit is a special
proach to size the transistors of different full adder cells to opti- kind of pass-transistor logic circuit [13], [15]. It is built by con-
mize their power-delay product performance is suggested. The necting a pMOS transistor and a nMOS transistor in parallel,
proposed transistor sizing procedure is proven to be conver- which are controlled by complementary control signals. Both the
gent. Through the review of the pros and cons of various CMOS pMOS and nMOS transistors will provide the path to the input
logic design styles, a new hybrid full adder cell constructed with logic “1” or “0,” respectively, when they are turned on simulta-
mixed logic styles in its constituent modules is proposed. The neously. Thus, there is no voltage drop problem whether the 1 or
the 0 is passed through it. The main disadvantage of transmission
proposed hybrid full adder features balanced outputs, making
gate logic is that it requires double the number of transistors of
it easy for large tree structured arithmetic circuits to maximize
the standard pass-transistor logic or more to implement the same
area efficiency without unduly degrading the VLSI power and
circuit. Smaller transistor count adder circuits have been pro-
delay. It dissipates next to the lowest energy and occupies the
posed, most of which exploit the nonfull swing pass transistors
smallest layout area among all simulated full adder cells that
with swing restored transmission gate techniques. This is ex-
are operable below 1 V.
emplified by the state-of-the-art design of 14 T in Fig. 1(e) [16]
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II ex-
and 10 T in Fig. 1(f) [17]. These adders differ in their transistor
plores the full adder designs in different logic styles. In Sec-
counts and the way their intermediate nodes are generated.
tion III, the proposed hybrid full adder cell is analyzed in three
Evidently, different logic styles tend to favor one performance
constituent modules. To optimize and analyze the performance aspect at the expense of the other. Layout regularity and wiring
of the different full adders, a tree structured setup is proposed complexity have also nonnegligible impact on the cost/perfor-
for the simulation environment in Section IV. A transistor opti- mance for large arithmetic circuit that uses many such instances.
mization procedure is also described. In Section V, the circuits To summarize, the following performance criteria are considered
are simulated for power, delay and power-delay product perfor- in the design and evaluation of adder cells for the tree structured
mances and the results are analyzed and compared. arithmetic circuits [5], [11]–[13], [18], which are working supply
voltage range, voltage swing, delay, power-delay product, output
II. REVIEW OF FULL ADDER DESIGN OF DIFFERENT CMOS skew, driving capability, and silicon area. As an illustration, we
LOGIC STYLES will present the design of a novel low-voltage full adder with a
Several variants of static CMOS logic styles have been used hybrid logic style in the next section. The unique features pos-
to implement low-power 1-b adder cells [5], [10]–[12]. In gen- sessed by this hybrid full adder will be analyzed.
eral, they can be broadly divided into two major categories: the
complementary CMOS and the pass-transistor logic circuits. III. HYBRID FULL ADDER
The complementary CMOS full adder (C-CMOS) of Fig. 1(a) As shown in Fig. 2, the proposed hybrid full adder circuit can
is based on the regular CMOS structure with pMOS pull-up and be decomposed and analyzed in three submodules as in [5]. The
nMOS pull-down transistors. The series transistors in the output logic expressions for the intermediate signals and outputs are
stage form a weak driver. Therefore, additional buffers at the last
given as follows:
stage are required to provide the necessary driving power to the
cascaded cells. The advantage of complementary CMOS style (1)
is its robustness against voltage scaling and transistor sizing,
which are essential to provide reliable operation at low voltage
and arbitrary transistor sizes. Moreover, the layout of comple- (3)
mentary CMOS circuit is straightforward and area-efficient due (4)

Fig. 1. Full adder cells of different logic styles. (a) C-CMOS. (b) CPL. (c) TFA. (d) TGA. (e) 14 T. (f) 10 T.

A. Module 1: XOR/XNOR paring with those designs that use an inverter to generate the
One approach to realize the exclusive OR and exclusive NOR complement signal, the switching speed is increased by elimi-
(XOR/XNOR) functions is to synthesize the XOR function and nating the inverter from the critical path. The two complemen-
generate the XNOR function through an inverter (e.g., TFA and tary feedback transistors restore the weak logic caused by the
TGA). This type of design has the disadvantage of delaying one pass transistors. They restore the non full-swing output by ei-
of the and outputs, giving rise to skewed signal arrival ther pulling it up through pMOS to the power supply or down
time to the successive modules. This will increase the chance of through nMOS to ground so that sufficient drive is provided to
producing spurious switching and glitches in the last two mod- the successive modules. In addition, since there is no direct path
ules. A better approach is to use different sets of transistors to between the power supply and ground, short-circuit current has
generate the XOR and XNOR functions separately, with the pos- been reduced.
sibility of introducing a larger transistor count [19]. To reduce However, this circuit suffers from the same threshold voltage
the number of transistors, we use a similar pass transistor cir- drop problem as any other pass-transistor logic circuits. The
cuit as in [10] and [16] with only six transistors to generate the worst-case delay happens at the transition from 01 to 00 for
balanced XOR and XNOR functions, as shown in Fig. 3(a). Com- inputs . This could be explained with the aid of Fig. 3(b).

Fig. 2. Three submodules of the proposed hybrid full adder circuit.

Fig. 3. XOR-XNOR 6 T gate and its worst-case delay waveform.

When the circuit is at the state of 01 for , logic “0” is passed

through the nMOS transistor and “1” through the pMOS tran-
sistor. However, when the next state of 00 for arrives, a
weak “0” is passed through two pMOS pass transistors
to the XOR output, and XNOR is at high impedance state ini-
tially. This “0” turns on the feedback pMOS so that the XNOR
output is pulled up to logic “1,” which turns on the feedback
nMOS to discharge the XOR output completely to ground. Thus,
a voltage step occurs at the output node, XOR. Although similar
situation happens at the transition from 10 to 11 for , owing
to the lower and high electron mobility of nMOS tran-
sistor, the entire process is faster than the previous case, which
relies heavily on the pMOS switch. This slow response problem Fig. 4. Modification of Module 1.
is more critical in low-voltage operation.
Due to the unsatisfactory performance at low-supply voltage,
in the previous case. Similarly, the XOR output could obtain a
we modified the circuit of Fig. 3(a) to Fig. 4. Two series pMOS
strong “0” through two series nMOS pull-down transistors to
transistors are added to solve the worst-case delay problem of
ground when the state of transits to 11.
transition from 01 to 00 for . Two series nMOS transistors
are added to solve the problem of transition from 10 to 11 for
. When the state of 00 arrives, the XNOR output could B. Module 2: XOR
obtain a strong “1” through two series pMOS pull-up transistors There are several choices for Module 2. Since its logic expres-
to the power supply, which avoid the high-impedance state as sion is similar to that of Module 1, the crossback 6-transistor

Fig. 5. (a) Module 2 and (b) Module 3.

Fig. 6. Simulation setup suggested in [5].

circuit can also be used [10], [16]. However, it suffers from in- usual that the adder cells that perform well in such simulation
sufficient driving power due to the pass transistors. Therefore, still fail upon actual deployment because of the lack of driving
we use a similar circuit as that of TFA and 14 T, but fully exploit power. This is because adder cells are normally cascaded to form
the available XOR and XNOR outputs from Module 1 to allow a useful arithmetic circuit. Therefore, the adder cells must pos-
only a single inverter to be attached at the last stage. The circuit sess sufficient drivability to provide the next cell with clean in-
is shown in Fig. 5(a). The output inverter guarantees that suffi- puts [5]. In short, the driving cell must provide almost full-swing
cient drive is provided to the cascaded cell. outputs to the driven cells. Otherwise the performance of the
circuit will be degraded dramatically or become nonoperative
C. Module 3: MUX at low-supply voltage. For this reason, the adder cells of TFA,
The smallest number of transistors for generating the TGA, 14 T, and 10 T cannot be cascaded without additional
signal is two (circuit 10 T), but it suffers from the threshold buffers attached to the outputs of each cell. This will be further
voltage drop problem. Although a 4-transistor circuit can be verified.
used to generate a full swing signal, it does not provide The authors of [5] suggested one circuit structure, which is
enough driving power. This can be proven in the later section made of four cascaded adder cells, as shown in Fig. 6. This struc-
when it is compared with our proposed circuit. The new cir- ture simulates the circuits like regular multipliers and binary
cuit is based on complementary CMOS logic style, as shown in adders that use full-adder cells as the building block. The inputs
Fig. 5(b) [20]. Its logic expression is given by are fed from the buffers (two cascaded inverters) to give more
realistic input signals and the outputs are loaded with buffers
(5) to give proper loading condition. All the required input-pat-
tern-to-input-pattern transitions are included in the test patterns.
This circuit has inherited the advantages of complementary The power consumption value is measured for the four cascaded
CMOS logic style, which has been proven in [12] to be superior adder cells, in addition to the intermediate buffers, while the
in performance to all pass transistor logic styles for all logic delay is measured from the moment the inputs are applied to
gates except XOR at high supply voltage. Its robustness against the first cell, until the latest of the and signals of
voltage scaling and transistor sizing (high-noise margins) en- the fourth cell is produced. However, this structure has some
ables it to operate reliably at low voltage and arbitrary (even shortcomings. First, although the first adder has exercised all the
minimal) transistor size. input-pattern-to-input-pattern transitions, the subsequent adders
may not have all the input-pattern-to-input-pattern transitions
IV. SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT AND TRANSISTOR exercised. Thus, it is not appropriate to consider the four cas-
SIZING OPTIMIZATION caded cells as a whole and then divide the average power by 4.
As the last three adders are likely to consume lower power than
A. Simulation Environment the first adder, this simulation tends to produce more optimistic
It has been a common practice to treat the adder cell as a stand power dissipation. Instead, it would be better to measure only
alone cell in simulation [10], [14], [16], [17]. It is also not un- the power dissipated by the first adder. Second, it is also no-

Fig. 7. Proposed simulation setup.

Fig. 8. Transistor sizing procedure for optimizing the power-delay product.

ticed that every has two fan-outs while has only one
fan-out. The loading of the two outputs is unbalanced. cessive iterations is smaller than a given error . More than one
Our proposed simulation structure is shown in Fig. 7, which iterations may be necessary because each time a new transistor
emulates the tree structure of a parallel multiplier. Altogether 12 is sized in the current run, the other transistors sized in the pre-
identical full adders are used, with the full adder (FA) marked vious run may no longer maintain their optimality.
with “ ” being the cell of interest. Input signals of FA are fed In order to obtain enough coverage so that the optimal or
from the outputs of FA in the preceding stage, while the outputs quasi-optimal sizing will fall in the search region, the step res-
of FA are used to drive a FA in the following stage. This ar- olution, is made variable. Large step size is used at the first
rangement of full adders ensures that either the or few iterations and smaller step size is used for fine tuning in the
output of each FA drives only one input of the FA in the next remaining iterations. Two optimization strategies are adopted
stage. The reason of cascading three levels of FAs preceding in the previous procedure of transistor sizing to accelerate the
FA is to examine the output drivability of the FA cells. If the process. First, the corresponding pMOS and nMOS in a com-
FAs cannot provide enough driving power, the output signals plementary pair are optimized in successive runs because the
after three successive stages will become very weak. Under this output transitions of the node driven by one transistor is often
situation, FA may fail to function. influenced most by the driving capability of its complementary
counterpart. Second, series transistors or parallel transistors of
B. Transistor Sizing Optimization the same type that source current to or sink current from the
same node have equal size and can be optimized simultaneously.
As shown in [21], the transistor sizing for optimal per-
formance is technology dependent. To provide a fair and V. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
insightful evaluation of all the full adders presented earlier
based on the same TSMC 0.18- m CMOS process technology, The six circuits C-CMOS, CPL, TFA, TGA, 14 T, 10 T of
a systematic and effective way of sizing the transistors for Fig. 1 and the proposed hybrid adder cell are prototyped and
optimal performance is necessary. To provide a good tradeoff simulated using the TSMC 0.18- m CMOS process with Level
between the conflicting sizing requirements for power and 49 technology file. The threshold voltages of the pMOS and
delay performances, the goal of optimization is to minimize nMOS transistors are around 0.46 and 0.48 V, respectively.
the power-delay product, i.e., the energy consumption. For a These full adder circuits are all optimized using the procedure
certain technology the channel lengths of all transistors are presented in Section IV. For the six previously reported full
fixed at the minimal feature size, 0.18 m in our example, so adders, the starting sizes of the transistors are based on the
the only variable to be optimized is the channel width of each aspect ratio reported in [8] and [14]–[17]. The initial sizes
transistor. The proposed procedure for sizing the transistors is of the transistors of our hybrid cell are estimated from stan-
described by the pseudocodes in Fig. 8. dard practices and past experience. The step size of the first
Initially, the sizes of the transistors in the circuit are reason- optimization run of each transistor in our example is set to
ably set. The scaling operations are carried out in several itera- 0.05 m, which is around 10% to 20% of the initial channel
tions transistor by transistor. In Fig. 8, is the width of the width. The step size of the subsequent iterations is reduced to
th transistor at Step and is the power-delay product of the 0.02 m. Thus, the final transistor sizes have the precision of
full adder circuit of the th iteration. For every optimization iter- 10% of the channel length, which is 0.18 m for our targeted
ation, one transistor at a time is tuned for minimal power-delay technology. The termination error is set to 1%. Optimization
product in steps with a step resolution of . The op- of the transistor sizing is carried out at two different voltages,
timization stops when the performance difference in two suc- 0.8 V and 1.8 V for C-CMOS, CPL, TFA, TGA and hybrid. As


14 T can only work above 1.0 V, this cell is optimized at 1.0 V

and 1.8 V. The lowest voltage that 10 T can function under the
proposed simulation setup is 1.8 V, so it is optimized only at
1.8 V. The final optimized transistor widths for the hybrid full
adder cell are listed in Table I.
Star HSPICE is the circuit simulator used. For each simu-
lation, HSPICE will generate an average power consumption
value. The circuits are simulated at supply voltages range from
0.8 to 2.4 V. The operating frequency is set at 100 MHz. Back-
ward derivation is performed to find a group of input test pat-
terns which offers all the 56 different transitions from one input
combination to another to FA [11]. For each transition, the
delay is measured from 50% of the input voltage swing to 50%
of the output voltage swing. The maximum delay of these 56
transitions is taken as the cell delay. Buffers are attached to the
TFA, TGA, 14 T, and 10 T circuits to enhance their driving ca-
pability. Fig. 9 shows the output waveforms of those four adders
before and after the insertion of buffers, which prove how im-
portant the drivability of adder cell is to the correct functionality
of the circuit.
The power, delay and power-delay product at supply voltage
ranges from 0.8 V to 2.4 V of hybrid, C-CMOS, CPL, TFA,
TGA, 14 T, 10 T are listed in Table II for comparison. The tran- Fig. 9. Waveform snapshots of the circuits (1.8 V, 100 MHz). (a) Without
sistor sizes optimized at 0.8 and 1 V are used for the simulation buffer. (b) With attached buffers.
at the lower supply voltage range of 0.8–1.2 V and the transistor TABLE II
sizes optimized at 1.8 V are used for the simulation at the higher POWER, DELAY AND POWER-DELAY-PRODUCT COMPARISON OF FULL ADDERS
supply voltage range.
The simulation results show that the 10 T adder cell fails to
function at low voltage. The lowest voltage it can operate at
100 MHz is 1.8 V. The excessive power dissipation and long
delay are attributed to the threshold voltage drop problem and
the poor driving capability of some internal nodes at input com-
binations that create non full-swing transitions.
The speed of the 14 T decreases faster with supply voltage
than other adder cells, so does its power-delay product. Because
of the XOR/XNOR generation circuit of 14 T, it suffers from the
same threshold voltage drop problem that has been discussed in
Section III. Therefore, 14 T fails to function below 0.8 V.
The simulation results also show that C-CMOS, TFA, TGA,
CPL, and hybrid can work reliably at supply voltage as low
as 0.8 V. Although TFA and TGA have lesser transistor count,
due to the lack of drivability, additional buffers are required at
each output, which increase their short-circuit power as well as
switching power.
It is shown that hybrid and C-CMOS full adder are the most
power efficient cells. hybrid is slightly faster than C-CMOS
and as a result, it exhibits smaller power-delay-product than
C-CMOS except at very low voltage of 0.8 V. Due to the decou- achieved by the proposed hybrid cell. The full swing restoring
pling of the input and output circuitries, good drivability can be transistors in Module 1 of the hybrid cell overcome the weak

Fig. 12. Layout of the hybrid cell.

Fig. 10. Normalized delay differences of hybrid and C-CMOS cells.

ficiency and to eliminate cross-stage interconnections described

by the technique presented in [9]. Therefore, if the length of
wiring and area efficiency are prominent cost function elements,
which is the case for large arithmetic circuit in ultra deep submi-
Fig. 11. Comparison of output waveforms between hybrid and C-CMOS. cron technology, balanced delays without jeopardizing the worst
case delay can be a desirable attribute.
Despite being the fastest circuit, CPL consumes higher power
logic problem, allowing it to operate reliably down to an ultra than hybrid and C-CMOS because of its dual-rail structure
low voltage of 0.8 V. and the substantial number of internal nodes. The additional
C-CMOS works reliably at all voltage range especially at very inverters used to generate the complement inputs have also
low voltage. However, as already mentioned in Section II, to increased the power consumption. This excessive overhead off-
generate signal, the signal of is used as one of the sets the advantages of efficient XOR realization offered by this
inputs, which causes the unbalanced outputs. These unbalanced logic design style. Although CPL has achieved an overall good
outputs also lead to more spurious transitions to the cascaded power-delay product due to its excellent speed, the performance
stage. We define a normalized delay difference, as follows: is highly sensitive to the transistor scaling as observed in the
optimization process described in Section IV-B. Besides, the
(6) need to generate complementary signals for all the surrounding
circuits also limits the usage of CPL. The layout of the hybrid
where is the larger delay value of the and cell is shown in Fig. 12.
outputs, and is the smaller delay value of the two output All full adder cells are laid out with optimized sizings and
signals. spacings in compliance to the design rules of TSMC 0.18- m
The values of hybrid cell and C-CMOS cell are plotted CMOS process. The values of the length, width and overall area
against supply voltage in Fig. 10. It is shown that the outputs of the adder cells are listed in Table III. The layouts of CPL and
of hybrid cell are more balanced than those of C-CMOS espe- TGA full adders occupy the most silicon area. CPL adder needs
cially at low voltage. more metal lines to connect the complementary inputs. Besides,
Fig. 11 shows a snapshot of the sum and carry outputs of the style of the transistor connection of CPL is not suitable for
hybrid and C-CMOS full adder cells. Due to the unbalanced area-efficient layout. TGA adder is composed of transmission
output of C-CMOS adder, its outputs generate more glitches gates, which occupies more area due to the inefficient usage of
than those of hybrid cell for the same input transitions. the n-type wells. The layout of the hybrid cell occupies a much
The skew of the sum and carry outputs causes the carry-save smaller silicon area, which is less than 60% of the area of the
outputs of the Wallace–Dadda tree [9] to have irregular input CPL. It is only slightly larger than 14 T and 10 T adders. The
arrival profile. Although the fast can be consumed in the area ascendancy of 14 T and 10 T is due primary to their smaller
critical path of the adder in the next stage and the slower sum be number of transistors, but the area gained from the reduced tran-
consumed in the faster path of the next stage for constructing an sistor count is offset by the penalty of the irregular circuit struc-
optimized adder tree [22], such construction will annihilate the ture of pass transistors. Besides, their overall performances are
flexibility to redistribute the adder cells to maximize the area ef- also inferior.

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Chip-Hong Chang (S’92–M’98–SM’03) received
tion on any port for any legitimate connections [9]. Although its the B.Eng. (Hons) from National University of Sin-
power-delay performance is comparable to C-CMOS and poorer gapore, Singapore, in 1989 and the M.Eng. and Ph.D.
than CPL, the area efficient layout makes it a good choice for degrees from the School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
implementing large tree structured arithmetic circuit when the Singapore, in 1993 and 1998, respectively.
overall performance and area efficiency are prominent cost func- He worked as a Component Engineer for General
tion elements. Motors, Singapore, in 1989 and as a Technical Con-
sultant of Flextech Electronics Pte. Ltd., Singapore,
in 1998. In 1993, he joined the Electronics Design
REFERENCES Center, Nanyang Polytechnic University. Since 1999,
he has been with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
[1] T. Kuroda and M. Hamada, “Low-power CMOS digital design with dual Technological University, where he is currently an Assistant Professor. He has
embedded adaptive power supplies,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. served a number of administrative and consultation roles during his academic
35, no. 4, pp. 652–655, Apr. 2000. career. He holds concurrent appointments at the university as the Deputy Di-
[2] K. Usami and M. Horowitz, “Clustered voltage scaling technique for rector of the Center for High Performance Embedded Systems, and the Program
low-power design,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Low Power Design, Apr. 1995, Director of VLSI Design and Embedded Systems research group of the Center
pp. 3–8. for Integrated Circuits and Systems. His current research interests include low
[3] U. Ko, P. Balsara, and W. Lee, “Low-power design techniques for power arithmetic circuits, design automation and synthesis, and algorithms and
high-performance CMOS adders,” IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. architectures for digital image processing. He has published around 100 refereed
(VLSI) Syst., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 327–333, Jun. 1995. international journal and conference papers, and book chapters.

Jiangmin Gu (S’01) received the B.Sc. degree in Mingyan Zhang received the B.Eng and M.Eng,
physics and the M.Eng. degree in electronic engi- (hons.) from the School of Electrical and Electronic
neering and information science from the University Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
of Science and Technology of China, Heifei, China, Singapore, in 2002 and 2004, respectively.
in 1997 and 2000, respectively. He is currently She is currently working as a Failure Analysis
working toward the Ph.D degree at the School of Engineer in Tech Semiconductor Singapore Pte.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Ltd. Her research interests include low power VLSI
Technological University, Singapore. digital circuit design and digital image processing.
His research interests are low power VLSI design
methodologies and optimization of CMOS arithmetic

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