Managerial Economics Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 12th Edition Thomas Test Bank

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Managerial Economics Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 12th Edition Thomas Test

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Business Analysis and Strategy 12th
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Managerial Economics Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 12th Edition Thomas Test


Multiple Choice

2-1 If the price of a complement for tires decreases, all else equal,
a. quantity demanded for tires will decrease.
b. quantity supplied for tires will decrease.
c. demand for tires will increase.
d. demand for tires will decrease.
e. supply for tires will increase.
Answer: c
Difficulty: 01 Easy
Topic: Demand
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 02-01

2-2 The market demand curve for a given good shifts when there is a change in any of the following
factors EXCEPT
a. the price of the good.
b. the level of consumers' income.
c. the prices of goods related in consumption.
d. the tastes of consumers.
Answer: a
Difficulty: 01 Easy
Topic: Demand
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 02-01

2-3 Which of the following would DECREASE the demand for tennis balls?
a. An increase in the price of tennis balls
b. A decrease in the price of tennis rackets
c. An increase in the cost of producing tennis balls
d. A decrease in average household income when tennis balls are a normal good

Answer: d
Difficulty: 01 Easy
Topic: Demand
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 02-01

2-4 If input prices increase, all else equal,

a. quantity supplied will decrease.
b. supply will increase.
c. supply will decrease.
d. demand will decrease.
Answer: c
Difficulty: 01 Easy
Topic: Supply
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
© 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in
any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
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Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 02-02

2-5 Which of the following would increase the supply of corn?

a. an increase in the price of pesticides
b. a decrease in the demand for corn
c. a fall in the price of corn
d. a severe drought in the corn belt
e. a decrease in the price of wheat
Answer: e
Difficulty: 02 Medium
Topic: Supply
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Apply
Learning Objective: 02-02

2-6 When Sonoma Vineyards reduces the price of its Cabernet Sauvignon from $15 a bottle to $12 a
bottle, the result is an increase in
a. the demand for this wine.
b. the supply of this wine.
c. the quantity of this wine demanded.
d. the quantity of this wine supplied.
Answer: c
Difficulty: 02 Medium
Topic: Supply
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 02-02

2-7 Which of the following will cause a change in quantity supplied?

a. a change in input prices
b. a technological change
c. a change in the number of firms in the market
d. a change in the market price of the good
Answer: d
Difficulty: 01 Easy
Topic: Supply
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 02-02

2-8 When the average price of videocassette recorders (VCRs) falls, the result is
a. an increase in supply of VCRs.
b. an increase in the quantity of VCRs supplied.
c. an increase in the quantity of VCRs demanded.
d. a decrease in the quantity of VCRs demanded.
Answer: c
Difficulty: 01 Easy
Topic: Demand
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Blooms: Understand
Learning Objective: 02-01
© 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in
any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
2-9 Use the following general linear demand relation:

Qd = 680 - 9P + 0.006 M - 4PR

where M is income and PR is the price of a related good, R. From this relation it is apparent that
the good is:
a. an inferior good
b. a substitute for good R
c. a normal good
d. a complement for good R
e. both c and d
Answer: e
Difficulty: 02 Medium
Topic: Demand
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Apply
Learning Objective: 02-01

2-10 Use the following general linear demand relation:

Qd = 680 - 9P + 0.006 M - 4PR

where M is income and PR is the price of a related good, R. If M = $15,000 and PR = $20, the
demand function is
a. P = 690 - 9Qd .
b. Qd = 690 - 9P .
c. Qd = 680 - 9P .
d. P = 680 - 9Qd .
e. Qd = 800 -19P .
Answer: b
Difficulty: 02 Medium
Topic: Demand
AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Apply
Learning Objective: 02-01

2-11 Use the following general linear demand relation:

Qd = 680 - 9P + 0.006 M - 4PR

where M is income and PR is the price of a related good, R. If M = $15,000 and PR = $20 and the
supply function is Qs = 30 + 3P , equilibrium price and quantity are, respectively,
a. P = $55 and Q = 195.
b. P = $6 and Q = 38.
c. P = $12 and Q = 200.
d. P = $50 and Q = 170.
e. P = $40 and Q = 250.
© 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in
any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
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“Now, let us drive through the forest and go directly north until we come within sight of the sea,
then follow that along to the east, and if there is a meeting between the two hostile parties it will delay
the victorious side long enough to permit us to get there ahead of them.”
This suggestion was considered a wise solution, as that route was well known to them, and it also
kept them out of any possible path that the savages might take to reach the Cataract house.
“Drive them up as fast as possible, Harry. We cannot afford to consider the animals now.” John
and Tom took up the lead to point out the most desirable trails, and it kept them both moving at a
lively rate.
After they had gone about four miles, Ralph ran forward and insisted that he and George would
take up the advance, and prevailed on John and Tom to take their places in the wagon. The distance
chosen was farther than by a direct route to the northeast, but they could not afford to be again thrown
into the paths of the conflicting tribes.
The Cataract River was crossed, which they knew was about ten miles from the home at the
Cataract, and after the yaks had rested a few moments the flight was continued, and within an hour
and a half could see Observation Hill, and a little beyond the position was such that a more or less
clear view could be obtained of the region directly south of the Cataract.
Ralph, whose eyesight was particularly good, climbed a tree, in the most advantageous position,
and surveyed the south and southeast. “I cannot see a sign of them anywhere in the direction of South
“Then it is reasonably sure the last band has caught up, and they may possibly be having their
argument to settle the supremacy,” responded John.
But they still had several hours’ hard travel before them, because the country was now more hilly
and difficult through which to move the wagon. As they approached near to their home the team was
driven close to the sea, and at the first easy descent the yaks were urged down to the narrow beach
which lined the shore for the last two miles of the journey.
“Harry, you and Tom take charge of the team, and we will remain on the upland and follow along,
so that we may watch for any signs of them coming across the hills.”
The Professor’s injunction was followed without a word. The traveling was good on the beach,
and before long the team came to the mouth of the river, and, hiding behind the shelter of the hills,
awaited the appearance of the rest of the party.
As they came up John hurriedly said: “Let us cross the stream here, while we have the
opportunity, and we can approach the house in the shelter of the cliffs for a part of the way at least.”
The raft sections were at once applied, and the entire party floated across, much relieved to find
they were home before any signs were noticed of either attacking party.
The cattle were still there, and everything about the premises showed that there had been no
disturbance during the absence.
“I suggest,” was John’s first proposal, “that we conceal the wagon, and take our places in the main
house. This will give them the idea that we have not returned, and will put some of them, at least,
within our power.”
The wagon was run behind the shop, so they could not see it by any possible approach that might
be made in attacking.
Their home consisted of one main building, containing four rooms, adjoining the original structure
which had three smaller rooms. Distant from this, and less than fifty feet away was the shop and
laboratory, adjoining the Cataract itself, and at one end of the shop was the sawmill. Below the shop
was the rough building put up for the cattle, and adjoining this was a shed designated as the
boathouse, and within which were the original boat they made, together with the lifeboat which was
found on South River, and also the wrecked after part of their lifeboat.
“If I could only make the captive we have understand the subject a little better, we might still be in
a position to get on treaty terms with the devils, but he seems to be too dense to understand

Fig. 3. The Cataract Home.


my meaning.” But nevertheless John worked with him hour after hour, and the savage was not now
loth to make himself more agreeable.
It was nearing five o’clock, and still no signs of either of the tribes. It might be possible they
would not come, after all. A watch was kept up all night, two taking their turns every two hours, as all
were tired from the two days’ exertions.
Morning appeared, and still there was nothing to indicate the intention of the natives to visit them.
John had discovered that the Saboros learned of their existence from a neighboring tribe, and had
joined forces with the Kurabus, who were also contemplating an expedition against them.
He also succeeded in drawing from him that the two tribes had not been on the best of terms, and
was not surprised at the turn of affairs, and of course John did not explain the cause of the quarrel and
fight in the forest. All hoped the Saboros would win in the fight, as the ability of John and the savage
to make each understood might be the means of making friends of them.
Angel was in his glory again. He romped about careless and free. Enemies did not seem to trouble
him. George almost hugged him, as he spoke of the hint which he had so opportunely given in
climbing the tree.
The Professor smiled at the remembrance, as he said: “That might be called the ‘tree of life’ in our
case. It has been said that trees and wood saved the world twice.”
“How?” asked several of the boys in concert.
“John Evelyn said, ‘Trees and woods have twice saved the world, first by the Ark, then by the
cross; making full amends for the evil fruit of the tree in Paradise, by that which was borne on the tree
at Golgotha’ ”
The appointments of the house curiously interested the savages, and they were the more
astonished when the evening meal was set before them. Shortly after the meal the cocoanut-oil lamps
were brought out by George, but their use was forbidden, as it would not be prudent to illuminate the
When the savage saw the oil he was interested at once, and John, who was ever on the alert to
notice any of his actions, quietly requested George to give him some of it.
To the surprise of all, the savage put it on his face, and rubbed it in with considerable satisfaction.
The boys looked at John inquiringly. “Does that surprise you?” he asked. “Do you know that savage is
doing just what they were accustomed to do in Biblical times?”
“Do you mean,” asked Ralph, “that he was anointing himself?”
“Not exactly that, but he was doing what started the custom of covering the body with oil?”
“What was it done for originally?”
“Simply as a matter of health and comfort. Many tribes and peoples, civilized, as well as those
lower in the scale, acquired the habit, using oils of various kinds, which prevented insects from
attacking them. There are many plants which contain oils obnoxious, and some which are deadly, to
animal pests, hence they were by this means freed from vermin; and in tropical countries all kinds
“Later on the habit of anointing with oil took on a wider meaning. In a religious sense anyone
consecrated with oil was set apart for a divine mission, and the more costly the oil the greater the
degree of virtue imparted. Oil for the sanctuary was mixed with myrrh, cinnamon, calamus and cassia,
as stated in Exodus, and, singularly, all these are obnoxious to insects.”
It will be remembered that among other things which were found in their investigations was the
clove tree, and from this an extract had been made. The Professor looked at the savage approvingly,
and immediately went to the laboratory, bringing a small bottle of the extract, and adding a quantity to
the oil.
The savage was surprised and delighted at the perfume, and it was a proof, beyond question, that
he understood its use in the sense that John had explained.
During the entire night a careful watch was again kept up, and all began to feel that their hurried
retreat was an unnecessary precaution, but before the sun was up an hour, Harry, who was the early
lookout, announced that they were in sight, and all hurriedly took positions, where they were
concealed, and anxiously awaited their coming.
“Can you make out which tribe is after us?” asked the Professor.
“They are still too far off for me; possibly Ralph can distinguish them.”
“No; but they look more like the Saboros.”
“I am glad if that is the case.”
To the savages everything was quiet at the home and surroundings, and they came forward with
rapid strides. “How many are there?” continued the Professor.
“About fifty.”
“Then they cannot be the Saboros?”
“Why do you think so?” asked George.
“If you recall, there were only forty-two of the Kurabus before we made the hurried retreat to the
little stream, and there were but thirty of the Saboros; and as the former were reinforced by thirty
more, it is obvious they have been victorious, and have lost some of their men in the fight, if one
really took place.”
This seemed to be a reasonable conclusion, and it meant a fight without further parleying, so the
party made arrangements accordingly.
The guns and ammunition were placed in reach, and were in condition, in the event the present
store gave out, to make an additional supply; as they knew the shop could be easily guarded.
They approached unsuspectingly, and before nearing the house had to cross an open space. The
two captives were placed in position so they could see the enemy, for it was now plainly seen they
were not the Saboros, as they had hoped. The savages’ eyes kindled, as they witnessed their enemies
moving into the opening, and when they had come within one hundred and fifty feet John turned to the
Professor, who gave the order to fire.
The surprise and consternation depicted on their faces was beyond power to describe. Six fell at
the volley, and the rush was instantly stopped. Three of them tried to rise, and their companions
assisted them to the rear, carrying them along, in the rush to escape a further onslaught.
But the Professor and John had no desire to shed blood needlessly. The boys were not so
considerate. The two captives were in the height of ecstasy at the sight. Before the attacking party had
time to proceed far, the Professor emerged from the door, and with a raised hand beckoned to them;
but his acts were not understood, or they purposely refused to consider the matter of entering into any
All of them took up position at a safe distance, leaving the three fallen ones, who were, evidently,
beyond all earthly help. It was regrettable that such a stern lesson was necessary, but the action of the
savages was in line with the attitude of the other tribe who had persistently refused any compromises,
either before or after the attacks.
“Why are they so persistent in refusing to talk to us?” asked Harry.
“We cannot understand the conditions under which these people have been conducting their
warfares. It is obvious that neither regards the word of the other, and are ready at the first sign to open
“It appears to me,” remarked John, “that our only remedy in this matter is, if we make any further
attempt at the rescue of our companions, to invade their country, and give them to understand that
unless they return such captives as they have, we will fight them to the bitter end. They seem to have
no idea that we desire peace, rather than war.”
The commotion among the warriors was now pronounced. The consultations were continuous,
and they were not by any means harmonious. John took the two captives into consultation, in order to
endeavor to find some means by which he could communicate through them with the besiegers.
One of the warriors shot was still moving, and John, beckoning to Ralph and Harry, opened the
door, and said: “If we can get the badly wounded one in here, we may be able to open up a door of
communication, as the savages we have here are certainly acquainted with each other’s language.”
They moved out to the open space, and the conferences of the savages beyond, instantly ceased.
Without waiting for an examination he was lifted up and brought into the house, where the Professor
examined the wounds.
Two shots had struck him, one through the groin, and the other in the arm. The Professor shook
his head seriously. “I am afraid he is hopeless. It is a case of internal bleeding. Still it is our duty to aid
him to the best of our ability. A wound in this place is not necessarily fatal, and the only danger is in
the hemorrhages which, if unchecked, cause death.”
“A bullet wound,” added John, “is not as likely to be fatal as a knife wound.”
The boys looked at John in surprise, and, noticing it, continued: “The remark may seem strange to
you, but when I referred to this I had reference only to the fear from hemorrhages, and my reason for
saying so is, that in a rough or jagged wound the blood forms clots quicker than where there is a
smooth cut; and where the injury is internal, or where it is impossible to manually check the flow of
blood, the natural process of repair in the human body, by the formation of coagulated blood,
frequently stops the flow.”
“What is it that causes the blood to thicken at the wound?”
“The moment blood ceases to flow, or is arrested at any point in the circulatory tracts, coagulation
begins. It is for that reason the surgeon tightly binds the arm between the wound and the heart or
checks the flow between the two points in the circulation. The cessation of movement immediately
begins to thicken the blood, and in case of poisons the venom cannot reach the heart, and in wounds
the tendency is to close up the ruptured veins or arteries.”
“I have noticed that when the hand is wounded the blood will soon get thick and stop to flow, and
I suppose when it gets to the air the same thing happens to prevent a continual flow?”
“Yes; it is nature’s way of protecting in cases of injury.”
“Judging from the direction of the wound, the bullet has struck the spinal column,” continued the
“That is the view I took after seeing the wound,” responded John. “It was the only way I could
account for his prostrated condition. A mere wound in the groin would not have made him so
“Do you think,” asked Tom, “that the bullet could have gone into the backbone?”
“If such had been the case he would, in all probability, be dead by this time. A bullet of this size,
striking the backbone, would be sufficient to cause partial paralysis, and if such is the case he will
recover. The shock is sufficient to derange his system for a time.”
The patient was made as comfortable as possible, and in the course of two hours the Professor
announced that the symptoms showed a marked improvement. The besieging party was still on the
watch. But no further attack was made.
“There are many things which indicate to me a conflict of opinion among the attacking party,”
remarked John. The boys crowded around him for an explanation.
“I give this opinion for several reasons: Their continual altercations show that they have no unity
of purpose, and during all this time they have done nothing to investigate our position, and determine
the best methods of approaching us other than the open. To the right is the river, and to our left the
cliff ridge. If they were in concord with each other, the first thing they would do would be to make a
careful survey of our surroundings.”


Notwithstanding the hostile tribe was in front of them to the south, the boys went around the
place with perfect safety, as they knew their protecting guns were sufficient guarantees to prevent a
close approach.
What would the night bring forth? What steps would be taken by their enemies? All awaited
anxiously the condition of the captive Kurabu. It was evident from the Saboro’s expression that there
was no love between the two. It is remarkable how soon the news of any event travels from one to the
other. It seems to be an instinct.
The wounded Saboro knew at the first attack, which the Kurabus made on his tribe at the stream,
that some hostile act had been committed, which brought on the fight, although John had not informed
him, and during the entire time the savage had been out of sight of the warring parties.
John kept up his continual questioning with the Saboro, and made good progress during the day.
Gradually some little sparks of common intelligence would appear, and the morning fight seemed to
have a stimulating effect on him. He was not so reserved. It probably began to dawn on him that the
intention of his captors was not hostile to the natives.
“Harry, have you the picture of the boys, which you took from one of the other tribes?” asked
Harry went to the shop and soon returned with it. Holding it before the Saboro, he tried to get him
to understand that some of the boys were on the island, and inquired if he knew anything about them.
Fig. 4.
Savage Headdress

The moment his eyes caught the picture he started, and nodded his head affirmatively. John then
pointed to the Kurabu and then to the boys in the picture, but at this he shook his head. This was
sufficiently intelligent to inform them that the boys, if captives, were not in possession of either of the
The Professor then produced one of the headdresses which they had taken from one of the
warriors in the first day’s fight, two months before, and by the same sort of pantomimic language the
Saboro nodded his head affirmatively.
“We are getting along splendidly,” said John enthusiastically. “We know where the boys are, at
For the first time the Saboro addressed the Kurabu, who shook his head as he proceeded. What
were they talking about? John arrested the attention of the Saboro, and drawing the picture of a
bearded man, showed it to him. The answer of the Saboro was a startling one as he held up three
“I wish we could get him out to the boathouse, to see whether he recognizes the lifeboat.” This
proposal of John told them the purpose of the inquiry in that direction.
“Before doing that let us proceed with the inquiry as far as we can, and, if possible, get the Saboro
to inform his fellow captive that our mission is to get the white men and the boys, and that we have no
other object in view.”
It was interesting to watch the eyes of the savages as they sat at the evening meal. They were
supplied with knives and forks, which they eyed curiously.
“Do you suppose this is the first time they ever had an opportunity to use forks?” asked Tom,
laughing. “I know the fellows who got us never used anything like that!”
“They used knives to convey the food to the mouth, did they not?” queried the Professor.
“Well, our limited acquaintance brought us only among those who ate with the forks and knives
which nature furnished them,” added Ralph.
“When were forks first invented?” asked George, with a grin.

Italian designs
Fig. 5. Primitive Forks.

“They were introduced into England early in the sixteenth century, but were known in Italy before
that time. Certain English writers, traveling in the south of Europe, wrote about the curious habit of
using tiny little forks, and the new fad was adopted, and the custom was for each person to have his
own knife and fork, which he always carried with him. The inns and public places did not serve these
In the morning the savages were still there, but had moved over toward the river, and were
examining, in the distance, the water wheel. What a curiosity it must have been to them. Before
leaving on their trip this had been drawn back from the water, so that the cataract was not turning it.
Harry, who was in the shop with Tom, in a spirit of mischief carried out the levers, used for the
purpose, and pushed the wheel into place, and as it began to turn with the rushing waters, the entire
tribe was set in commotion. Was this some new demon?
The boys enjoyed the effect produced. “Let us hitch up the sawmill and give them an additional
lesson in the arts of civilization.”
The belt was attached, and as the saw began to reciprocate a piece of timber was put on the saw
carriage and fed into the saw. The effect was startling to their audience, which was heightened when
George opened the door of the house, and both boys rushed out to ascertain what the boys were doing.
“What are you doing?” asked Tom.
Harry and Ralph laughed in glee at the commotion, and John and the Professor joined in the sport,
when they learned the object of the boys’ enterprise.
“We’re simply trying to entertain our visitors,” shouted Ralph, and the besiegers were simply at
their wits’ ends to know what all the hilarity was about.
Harry crawled up on the pile of lumber, and beckoned to the Kurabus, and invited them to come
up; but this did not seem to appeal to them. In the effort to get down, the pile fell, and his hand was
caught beneath the corners of the rough boards and an ugly flesh wound resulted.
The weather was very warm, and the two bodies, which were lying exposed since the early
morning two days before, began decomposition, and the Professor suggested that from a sanitary point
of view to say nothing of common humanity, the bodies should be buried as quickly as possible.
The boys secured the picks and shovels, and as they were about to start, the Professor cried out:
“Harry, you must not go under any circumstances.”
His manner of saying it and the peremptory tone in which it was uttered was a great surprise to the
boys. The savages noticed them as they dug the graves, and reverently interred the two warriors. They
watched in silence during the entire proceedings.
During the course of the evening George said: “Why did you refuse to let Harry go with us to-day
when we buried the two bodies?”
“It was merely a matter of precaution.”
The boys looked at each other, wondering what he meant. The Professor noticed their looks of
astonishment, and he continued:
“Harry injured his hand this morning, and the interment of decaying human bodies is dangerous to
anyone likely to come into contact in such a manner that the raw tissues or the blood get a taint of the
“Is it any more dangerous than to handle putrefied bodies of animals?”
“There is nothing more poisonous to human beings than decayed human flesh. The dissection of
human bodies is one of the most dangerous occupations, for the reason that if the dissecting surgeon
should cut himself with the dissecting knife, it is almost sure death.
“This knowledge has been made use of in a most wonderful way. You may, probably, know that
various serums are used in the form of injections in order to cure malignant diseases. The curious fact
is, that the putrefied body of a rabbit, if injected into a live rabbit, will kill the rabbit, but no other
species of animal; and so the like, under those conditions, will destroy the like kind.
“Taking advantage of this knowledge, the bacteria of, say, diphtheria, is isolated—that is,
separated from the matter in which it grows, and this is allowed to putrefy, and this serum, as it is
called, when injected into a patient having diphtheria is virulent in its actions against the diphtheria in
the blood of the sufferer, so that the germs of that disease are thereby destroyed.”
The situation at the cataract was now a most peculiar one. How long would the attitude of the
savages be kept up? It is true they were not suffering for food, as that was easily obtainable, the large
herd of yaks being at their command, and the garden in easy reach.
It was inconceivable that their enemies could hope to starve them into submission. The Professor
and John pondered over the situation, and endeavored to explain the apathy of the Kurabus. Not a
single hostile movement had been made after the first disastrous attack.
“It seems to be idle to speculate on what their intentions are,” said John. “We cannot afford to be
cooped up here, when we should be in the field making some effort to rescue those in danger.”
“Why not make another attempt to get the two fellows into conversation, and let them know,
finally, what our purpose is,” was Harry’s suggestion. “If we fail, let us attack them, and show that we
are masters of the situation.”
“It is true that inaction on our part may be construed into weakness,” answered the Professor, “and
Harry’s plan is certainly better than this sort of business.”
John again took up the questioning with the Saboro, and told him in as simple a manner as
possible what to say to the Kurabu, and this information was imparted in detached sections for his
easy comprehension.
This process was repeated over and over, until they felt he was fully advised of the meaning of
their plans, when John ventured to remark: “We might as well make a trial of the fellow, so if you can
make a litter to put him on we will take him out and turn him over to his friends.”
It required but a little labor to get this ready, and the boys, accompanied by John, carried him out
and went forward toward the congregated savages. They looked on this proceeding with astonishment.
As the little group with the savage approached the band retreated to a respectful distance.
John ordered the litter to be put down, and then by motions to the savages requested them to take
him. Before leaving, the Professor had placed a bottle of the fever medicine on the litter, and after
John and the boys returned to the house the band rushed up to their wounded comrade, and the first
thing that attracted the attention of all was the bottle of medicine.
They gathered around the litter, and, no doubt, plied many questions. For a full half hour this
continued, and then the litter was lifted and he was carried off.
“Did you see the inscription I put on the litter?” asked Harry.
“No; what was it?”

Harry’s message, on the

Litter, which the savages
couldn’t read.
Fig. 6.
“Friends in the northeast portion of the island ready to help you. Dated, Sunday, June 14, 1912.”
“Where did you get the date?”
“Well that date is as good as any. We know it is about a year and a half after we landed here, and
that will be pretty good notice if any of our boys get hold of it.”
The Professor and John heard the conversation with amusement, and the former inquired: “What
was your object in putting it ‘Sunday’?”
“I thought that would be a good time to date a message of that kind.”
All laughed at Harry’s smartness in thinking of putting a message on the litter, as by that means it
might fall into the way of some one in distress.
John was especially amused and remarked: “Harry was absolutely right. I know it is Sunday to-
day, and there is an invariable rule by which it can be proven, wherever you are, and whatever time
you awaken, without ever asking the question of anyone.”
This was certainly an interesting thing, and the boys crowded around John. “Let us know the
“What we all understand by Sunday is the Sabbath, or day of rest. Among Christians their Sabbath
is on Sunday; the Greeks have theirs on Monday; the Persians on Tuesday; the Assyrians on
Wednesday; Egyptians on Thursday; the Turks on Friday; and the Jews on Saturday. With this
understanding you may be sure to strike the right day in some particular creed. It is the only day of the
week about which there is any question.”
The besieging party was still in position as night fell, but when the sun rose in the morning they
were nowhere in sight, and John, beckoning to Ralph, took their guns and set out on an exploring
expedition to the southwest. They went eight miles in the direction of the falls, and failed to find more
than the traces of the trail which they had left.
It was a relief to learn this, as it now enabled them to perfect the plans for a more determined
invasion of the country inhabited by their would-be enemies.
Their wagon equipment was found satisfactory in every respect, and John suggested that it might
be well to postpone the trip for a little time, in order that he might perfect the means of
communication with the captive Saboro, and he set about diligently to perfect the talk.
In some respects he was more intelligent than the chief who had escaped them five weeks before.
He grasped the sign language more acutely, but he was not as adept at imparting the information to
John. On the whole, however, this was not a disadvantage, but in less than a week he had learned
some words which delighted him, and when he was able to move about, John took him to the
workshop and showed the different things which were made, and was afterwards directed to the
His face became a ghastly sight when he saw the skeletons, and glanced in fear at the Professor.
Probably he inferred that he was reserved for that fate. It was a gruesome thing even for the savage
that he was. It was a shock, coming as it did after the humane treatment he had received.
The Professor and John looked at each other and smiled at his trepidity, and the former, taking up
the bones of one who had a bullet-perforated skull, showed it to him, and thus sought to explain the
manner of the death.
For several days afterwards his eyes kept up their shifting glances, and he ever afterwards avoided
the laboratory. As in the case of Chief, the workshop interested him, and he would sit for hours before
the turning water wheel and marvel at it.
Unlike Chief, the firearms attracted him beyond measure. His eyes would be fixed on them
whenever they were within reach of his vision, and the antics of Angel amused him, as he strutted
about with the imitation weapon.
“It should be a part of his education to know that we are able to make these wonderful things, as it
will impress him, and if he should take leave of us in the same unceremonious way that Chief did we
will have the satisfaction of knowing that he will carry the wonderful stories to his people.” This was
the Professor’s view of the matter, and all agreed and acted on the suggestion.
Harry turned out some trinket for him, and presented a small mirror. This amused him, and he
treasured the little metal balls, and Harry made some of them in his presence. During all this
exhibition, the boys, as well as John, talked to him and explained the different objects in words.
But there was grim determination now in the minds of all to make a trip which would land them in
the heart of the savage country. The various wanderings had fitted them for the task. They knew their
own power, and appreciated the weaknesses of their enemies.
It is true they had not, so far, an opportunity to withstand a determined charge, and were not sure
but the slightest success on the part of a large body of warriors might materially change the situation.
John was particularly insistent. “You know what Kipling calls the ‘white man’s burden’ is
imposed on us. We have a duty to not only rescue the white men, but to rescue the natives as well. We
have a wonderful field here, if we are true to ourselves. We may not be any too wise in finding a way
of reaching them successfully, but sooner or later our efforts must win.”
The Professor and the boys applauded the position John had taken, and Harry, who was always an
enthusiast in the matter of rescue work responded: “Speaking for myself, and for the boys as well, we
are with you to the end, whatever the result may be.”


The only thing the boys really missed on the long journeys was the milk, and necessarily the
butter. The yaks were a perfect feast for them. It was jolly fun to take care of them and milk the
animals, and all took a hand in caring for the milk and churning the butter.
It was the jolliest, happiest community ever associated, and it was also a trying one in many ways,
but these difficulties only brought them closer together, and showed the beauty of mutual aid and
comfort, and the pleasures that grew out of them became keener as the days passed.
Each task appeared to be a pleasure; there was no work too hard or exertion too difficult to
perform. Whether in preparing the food or making the ammunition, or the hunting or fishing, all
seemed a part of the great work which John and the Professor had instilled in them.
They realized that there was something for them to live for; that they were placed on the island for
some great object; and that while the rescue of their friends was a solemn duty, the other “burden,” to
try and conquer the savages for their own welfare, was a part of their life.
Speaking of the subject one evening, the Professor observed: “Many people have a wrong
impression of the divine injunction, that ‘it is better to give than to receive.’ This does not imply mere
material things, but it goes far beyond that. A gift means nothing; it may be a pleasant reminder; but
aside from that what is there which is really a service to either giver or receiver? The true giving is
that which does not cost the giver anything. The great donor is he who can transfer to the recipient
something which he could not otherwise gain. To teach a man how he can make two blades of grass
grow where one grew before, or to impart the knowledge whereby a laborious task can be
accomplished in an easier manner, or how the drudgery of life can be made a pleasant recreation, these
are the great things of life, and are the greatest gifts in the power of civilized men.”
“It seems odd that it should be necessary to take a whole arsenal along with us for the purpose of
trying to civilize the savages,” said George, laughing.
“Quite true,” answered John. “It has been said that England, the greatest civilizing force the world
has ever known, sent her subjects to the shores of the foreign barbarians, with a Bible in one hand and
a gun in the other. The Church and the fort seemed to be a necessary pair of instruments, put up
opposite each other on the same highway that led to the rescue of the savages.”
“Well, in our case, we carry our fort with us,” and Tom laughed as he added: “But what are we
going to do about the Bible?”
The Professor smiled, as did the others: “If you carry out that injunction, giving and not receiving,
you are doing what the Bible teaches in essence.”
They now had the two captives, one who was still unable to walk and the other rapidly improving,
and no doubt in a condition where he would be able to take care of himself within another week, and
by that time the other would be so materially improved as to lighten the care necessary in his case.
Meanwhile every moment was put to the necessary preparations for the great self-imposed task,
however critical it might be. The ammunition supply was doubled, and ten more gun barrels drilled
out, accompanied with the stocks and fittings for the complete equipment. At odd hours the loom was
in motion, making the crude sort of cloth that ramie fiber afforded; a load of cane was brought in and
fifty pounds of sugar boiled down ready for use.
The wagon was thoroughly overhauled, and a new yoke provided. Thus each day was filled with
excitement growing out of the new impulse which had been implanted in them.
The Saboro was learning rapidly, and his efforts to pronounce many of the words sounded
generally like a severe case of stuttering, which was frequently amusing, and George, who had a
faculty for affixing names, never referred to him except by the appellation of Mr. Stut.
“Why isn’t that a good name,” ventured Tom, as the significance burst on him. From that time
forward he was known as Stut. It was simply the boy habit of giving some name, even to somebody
who had a much better one, and it was so easy to pronounce.
“The other scalawag isn’t worth a name, as he is nothing but a chump. He hasn’t said a word since
he has been having the pleasure of our company,” added Harry.
“Mr. Chump will suit him to a dot.”
Stut, and Chump, and Angel. John and the Professor laughed heartily as the boys jollied and
worked. It was a sample of part of the life in that little community.
But the great day arrived. The wagon was loaded, and the merry party started out on the trail, not
knowing what dangers lurked in their pathway. Every part of the forest to the west was a book to
them. It had been traversed by the Professor and two of the boys on six different occasions, and three
times John and the other two had trailed the different routes.
They recalled how directions and objects had been enigmas to them when the first attempt was
made and with what fear and trembling the dark recesses of the woods filled them. It was entirely
different on this occasion. They were strong, healthy, vigorous, and had been trained to woodcraft and
hunting; were experts with the guns, and under the training of John and their previous engagements
with the savages acquired a skill and confidence which only experience can teach.
It would not be going far out of the way to note that John and the Professor were proud of the
boys. It would not be possible for two to be more congenial than their association. It was a constant
source of delightful conversation to talk about their boys.
“After considering the matter for some time I am of the opinion that we should go directly west,
after leaving the Cataract River, far enough to avoid the densest portion of the forest, which lies to the
north of South River, and turn south about five miles east of West River,” remarked the Professor, as
they were discussing the most available route.
“But you forget, Professor, that will bring us down to the very place where we crossed the
tributary of the West River, and where we had our first meeting with the savages.”
“That is exactly the reason why I made the suggestion. I also had another object in view. From
Stut’s description that is the direction we should go to reach the tribe which has the boys.”
Harry had forgotten this.
John did not remember the trip referred to, as it was taken during the time when his memory was
still in darkness; but he turned to the Professor: “Was that place about ten miles east or southeast of
the Tuolos?”
“Then, if we go directly south from that point we shall find the last tribe which captured me, and
when we reach them I am sure there will be a welcome for us.”
In explanation of this it should be stated that John was captured the first time by a very bitter and
vindictive set, from whom he escaped, only to be taken, during the progress of a battle, by the
successful tribe, living to the west. The last tribe was named the Osagas, and when the Professor and
the boys had the first fight it was with this tribe, and from them the Chief, named Uraso, was captured,
and held a prisoner for a time.
Uraso was with them long enough to become fairly familiar with the language, but John was able
to talk with them, with some degree of intelligence, as he had learned the rudimentary part of the
language. Uraso’s return to the tribe was a sore disappointment, because it was hoped that he would
serve as a link by which they could communicate with the savages.
The first night the encampment was on the bank of the upper portion of Cataract River, and they
would leave its shore in the morning for a more southerly course. The complete equipment was not a
heavy load, since all of them walked except the Professor and Chump; the other captive, Stut, was
allowed his liberty, because they felt that the direction of their route would bring them into a
neighborhood which was remote from his tribe, and to reach his home it would be necessary to pass at
least two of the hostile tribes.
The second night they encamped in what might fairly be called the enemy’s country, as on one of
the previous trips the first view of them was had not many miles to the south. Caution, therefore, must
be exercised, and the custom which had been established of setting regular watches was now resorted
Angel was with them, as a matter of course. His aid was invaluable, and the joyful chuckles which
he emitted, when the wagon first started on its journey, told his feelings too well for words.
After the morning meal John and George took the advance. This was the signal for Angel to
follow. He shambled along, and whenever opportunity offered was in the trees, swinging along from
one to the next, and keeping up the pace without any apparent effort.
At intervals George would call to Angel to ascend a high tree and look to the south. This was now
a familiar thing for him to do. He seemed to be proud of the faculty. George had on many occasions
performed this scouting operation, and Angel learned to know its meaning.
Noon came before the tributary stream of the West River was reached. They hoped to encamp on
its shore for luncheon, but it was still an hour or more away.
Before luncheon was over, Angel, in the highest treetop, began to descend with that well-known
danger chatter, to which all had become accustomed. George ran to the tree and pointed to the south,
and this was the signal for the repetition of his talk about the savages.
Selecting the most accessible tree, George mounted it for thirty feet, accompanied by Angel, and,
following the eyes of the animal, could distinctly see moving objects directly to the south.
“I can see them, way beyond the river,” he cried. “If I can distinguish anything I will let you
“Can it be possible the Osagas are there?” asked the Professor.
Fig. 7. Angel in a Papaw tree sighting the Savages.

“They would be in that direction,” answered John.

“But I think we told you that it was near this place we had the fights with the tribes, where we
accidentally got between the two factions.”
“It is probable they were fighting with the same people that attacked the Osagas the last time, but
it is my impression they were much farther to the east.”
“Don’t you remember, Professor, that on the second day we saw a tribe different from those who
attacked us before?”
“That is what I was going to remark. The whole matter of their tribal warfares seems to be pretty
much mixed up.”
“Yes,” called down George, “there is quite a party, probably fifty or more—it is hard to tell at this
“Do you see any huts?” asked John.
After a pause, he answered: “No; nothing I can distinguish. It looks to me as though this is very
near the place we had our first skirmish, and what seems peculiar is that when we were here before
something like huts were visible in that direction.”
George was quiet for a time, when he continued: “Do you remember that after we crossed the
river we made our way somewhat to the west and ascended a hill that had large trees on it. I mean the
place where we had the second day’s fight, when we started for the West River?”
“That describes the place exactly. Can you see that? What we took for the villages was directly to
the south of that point.”
“There are no villages there now.”
“How near that place are the people you see?”
“Directly to the east, probably less than a mile.”
“Then that is our objective point,” said John.
The time for action had come. All was excitement, but it was one mixed with a determination
which meant business. The wagon was put in motion, and headed directly for the river. Before two
o’clock the stream was crossed, and waiting only long enough to water the yaks, they were urged
forward at a feverish speed.
John, George and the Angel again went to the front. At frequent intervals Angel swung up into the
treetops, and whenever an opportunity presented itself George was an observer from the same vantage
They were moving nearer and nearer to their objects. It was nearly four o’clock when John called
a halt, as he said: “We can now reach them in less than a half hour, and it is now merely a matter for
us to decide, whether we shall make ourselves known now or wait for the morning, when we have a
full day before us. For my part, we should camp, and we shall then be fresh for whatever turns up to-
This was considered good advice, and the fort was erected at the side of a small rivulet where
John had halted, and the cattle placed inside. Stut, to the surprise of all, lent a willing hand in the
John, after the fort had been erected, and the evening meal served, said: “This ground is familiar
to me. I have crossed and recrossed that stream back there many times, but not at this place. I can
recall it because the water, if you noticed it, is quite reddish, or rather a reddish brown, due, no doubt,
to the iron along the stream. It flows from the direction of the first tribe that captured me.”
“It seems to me we should have some settled policy with respect to our manner of treating with
these people. Judging from our past experience with them, we must be firm and aggressive.”
“You are entirely right in that observation. Do not let us show any hesitancy in approaching them.
In my opinion a bold front will do more to make them respect us than any other course.”
The night was clear, but the moon had not yet risen, and before nine John and George left the
wagon on a scouting trip in the direction of the savages. The first mile was made at a rapid pace, but it
became necessary to observe greater caution. By thus making an early investigation some idea might
be obtained of the number, and possibly their designs.
The matter which most interested them was to ascertain whether this was the location of their
homes, or if they had to meet a party on the warpath. In the latter case the problem was a more
difficult one to handle. It was also desirable to ascertain what tribe they had to deal with.
The thing which early attracted John’s attention was the absence of fires. “I do not like that
symptom. If they are in the vicinity of their home there would be fires evident somewhere. They are
also exceedingly quiet, which adds to the belief that this is a party on the way to attack some
neighboring people.”
The forward movement was made from shrub to tree, and from one bush to the next, until they
were not five hundred feet from the camp, and at that distance the low sound of voices was
distinguishable. It is singular that they had not disturbed a single picket.
“It will be safer for one alone to move through this brush, so remain here and keep a sharp
lookout, while I go forward. Under no circumstances must an alarm be made, and do not use the gun
except in self-defense, and in such an event do not wait for me, but return to the wagon with all haste.”
“How long will you be gone?” asked George.
“If I do not return in a half hour, you may be at liberty to go back.”
“But suppose they capture you?”
“If they get me you will know it.”
“My gun will tell you that.”
John cautiously moved forward so quietly that George did not hear his motions, and he could then
appreciate the ability of such a woodsman to creep upon an enemy.
As he approached the camp it became more obvious that they had to deal with a band of warriors,
and within less than two hundred feet of the main body he spied the first pickets. He knew the custom
of the natives in this respect, as they never scouted singly, so that he was not surprised to see two
Cautiously moving away from them, to the left, he again approached in the direction of the center
of the camp, and after making a narrow circle to be sure that no other pickets were in the immediate
vicinity, carefully advanced to a point not one hundred feet from the outer circle.
This gave him an opportunity to count the combatants. They had no tents, and beyond the
mumbling sounds of the talkers, there was nothing to attract attention. There were no captives in sight,
and only twice during the time he was in close view of the camp, did any warriors come in, or others
go out.
During this period, however, he had gained sufficient knowledge to ascertain that they had only
four sets of pickets, and all of them disposed in the direction of the wagon, or to the northwest.
This was certainly a curious thing, and something he could not understand at the time. He debated
the subject in his mind for some time, and then as quietly made his way back to George.
“That is the most peculiar way of picketing, to guard only one side of the camp. Let us go
eastwardly and try to pick up some information from that quarter.”
They worked their way through the brush for a quarter of a mile when John pointed to the south.
“This is the direction to take. Guard the movement of every foot now, and stop the moment you see
my hand go up.”
The way now led up a perceptible elevation, which could not really be called a hill, but it was a
slope, thickly wooded, and with considerably less underbrush than in the lower ground. The trees were
not large, however, and the absence of the vegetation enabled them to see a much greater distance, and
thus made the work easier, and enabled a much more rapid pace.


John stopped suddenly, and held up a hand, without saying a word. Then, slowly turning around,
whispered: “Do you see the light beyond?” and he pointed to the southeast.
“Yes; I see several. I wonder if that can be their village?”
“That explains the matter that troubled me, in one respect only—ah! I am satisfied now.” And
George looked to the southwest in the direction indicated.
“Do you see the river? It must flow near here. Let us go forward in the direction of the lights.”
Their progress was stopped within three hundred feet by a stream which flowed southwest, and
which must pass near where the savage camp was located. It was thus evident why the pickets were on
the north and northwesterly side only.
“How far off do you think those lights are?” asked George.
“I estimate them at about three miles, probably more.”
George recalled the first lights which they had seen beyond West River, the first time they made
the trip to the west. The lights looked just like the ones now before them.
“Can you make any estimate of the number in the camp?”
“I judge there are fully fifty there, as I saw four groups. The night is not clear enough to enable me
to make this statement positively, but there are not more than that.”
“Would it not be well to go to the village?”
“That would not be as hazardous a task as the one we have just undertaken. It will mean
swimming the river, and if you are prepared for that I am only too anxious to make the trip.”
Before they had started a commotion was plainly heard in the camp to their right.
“Do you think they have discovered our presence?” asked George, breathlessly.
John did not answer, but leaned forward and listened intently. He did not move for a full minute,
while the din increased.
“They seem to be fighting. It is possible they have been attacked, still I do not hear any of the
usual cries which accompany their struggles.”
Several lights now appeared in the camp.
They waited in silence for ten minutes more, and John said: “Let us move nearer. I am anxious to
know what all this means.”
“Do you think those at the wagon can hear them?”
“Undoubtedly. They are nearer than we are. For that reason we should reach the wagon as soon as
possible, and in doing so we can pass near their camp by making a slight detour. I am most anxious to
know what the commotion means.”
As the camp was neared, it was evident from the character of the noises that, instead of an attack,
it was the arrival, as John interpreted it, of reinforcements, or of a section of the band which had
The hilarity in the camp was made the more apparent as they drew nearer. “We need not have
much fear of approaching now.”
They did not require such care in treading the way along, as the excitement in the camp was such
as to drown the noise of their footsteps.
“I believe they have some captives. Look at the bunch of warriors to the right, and the struggle of
the different ones to go near; their actions, and the dancing around that group, are sufficient to
convince me that the new arrivals have just brought them in.”
“Yes; I can see them,” exclaimed George in excitement. A fire was now being lit, and another, and
finally the glowing lights were all around the group, and when the warriors stepped outside of the
circle of fires three bound victims were plainly seen.
“That method of confining their captives within a circle of fires is a common one with two of the
tribes here, one of them being the ones which first captured me. The Saboros, however, do not adopt
that method.”
“Look at the one nearest us. He doesn’t look like a native.” John could not resist the impulse to
move forward, but he did it with the greatest prudence, and as he returned, said:
“You were correct. He is not a savage. That is, he seems to be different from the other two.
Probably he is from some other tribe, and—”
The man referred to raised himself up, and turned his position; this brought his face into view. He
was a bearded white man, and at the sight John could hardly restrain himself.
“Let us return to the wagon at once.”
When the wagon was reached they found the greatest excitement, and learned that the Professor
had gone forward in order to ascertain whether the noise from the savage camp was in any way
connected with John and George.
While debating the subject the Professor reappeared, to the relief of the party, and John recounted
their experiences, and the sighting of the village.
“I felt assured,” said the Professor, “as I approached the camp, that you could not have been taken,
because not a shot had been fired, and it would be quite unlike you to be captured without giving us
that warning signal.”
“How near did you go to the camp?”
“Within two hundred feet. I believe there are two white men among the captives.”
Thus was new fuel added to the imaginations of the boys. It was, indeed, a mission of rescue. But
the new arrivals added materially to the force in their front.
“They must have fully a hundred men, judging from the hurried count made after we returned. I
made out fifty before the lot with the captives came in.”
John and the Professor conferred on the situation, and made numerous suggestions as to their
proper course.
“The only objection I have to attempting a rescue to-night is that we shall bring down on us the
enmity of the tribe. I had hoped we could show them by our actions that we were disposed to be
friendly, and the rescue of the captives would be an act of hostility at the start.”
“I appreciate your views, Professor, but we are here, primarily, to rescue our people, and to-
morrow they will take them to their village, and the chances of recapture would be lessened. It occurs
to me that a strong, bold front at this time will do more to instil fear than any other course.”
“I agree with you in the main. It will be a hazardous undertaking, but whether it is or not should
not deter us if we consider it the proper course to follow. Yes; let us make arrangements accordingly.”
The news of this decision was hailed with delight by the boys. Stut knew what was going on, and
volunteered to accompany them. He knew the people before them. They were his deadly enemies.
The boys had made a half dozen pistols to replace those lost when the yaks ran away, about six
months before. John removed Chump’s breech clout, took off his own clothing, and daubed the
exposed part of his body with mud, and Stut, with an eye to business, which was very much to his
liking, took the headdresses, and to the surprise of John, and amusement of the others, converted them
into fairly good imitations of the clothing worn by the campers beyond.
“Now,” said John, “we are about to attempt one of the most difficult feats, the recapture of
prisoners. If possible, we want to do this without sacrificing life. Stut knows the savages beyond are
his enemies, and we can count on his assistance. He and I will undertake the rescue. With our new
suits we shall be able to approach and enter the camp, and I am counting on his ability to talk with
them, to assist us very materially.”
The boys now understood the plans, and were delighted, notwithstanding the seriousness of the
“The team will be in no danger,” remarked Harry, who feared that it would be incumbent on him
to remain there inactive. “I want to take part in this, too.”
The Professor and John both appreciated this appeal. “Most assuredly, you must be with us. The
team can take care of itself, and besides, the warriors over there will have enough on their hands
without caring for the team, if they give us any trouble,” was John’s comment.
John carefully concealed two of the pistols, and selected a bow and some arrows, and Stut had a
spear and his own bow. By the time the camp was reached the savages had settled down, and the fires
began to dwindle.
It was long past midnight before John began any movement. The boys wondered at the delay, but
the Professor stated that the best time to make the attempt would be after sleep had overtaken them,
and the chances of success would be much enhanced.
Before John and Stut left, the former turned to the boys: “The Professor knows what to do in any
emergency. The only thing you have to do is to keep cool, and obey the orders of the Professor
As they moved toward the camp they looked like two savages, and George said: “They look
exactly like the fellows in the camp. That is an ingenious thing to do, and I hope for their success.”
The tension on the part of the boys was beyond expression, as they watched the two move up
slowly. When the outer circle of the camp was reached they were surprised to see John and Stut rise
up boldly and make their way among the sleeping warriors.
When they had reached the interior of the camp they halted.
“What do you suppose they are doing?” asked one of the boys.
“Familiarizing themselves with the situation,” was the Professor’s response.
“See them, they are lying down. What is that for?”
“Probably one of the guards has noticed them.”
“It looks to me as though all the guards are asleep.”
“That is exactly the thing they are waiting for.”
Occasionally there would be some guttural exclamations, on the part of the savages, and at no
time was there complete silence. The waiting was the most trying part of the business. For over an
hour the watchers sat silent, and there was scarcely a movement on the part of John or Stut.
The positions of both John and Stut were carefully noted, so their movements could be traced.
About three o’clock one of the guards arose and walked over to the place occupied by them, and, after
a few words, which were plainly heard by the boys, although the language was not recognized, Stut
arose, and took the place of the guard. Two others did likewise; and now there was another period of
“They are now waiting until the last guards have gone to sleep, before taking the next step.”
In less than an hour John was seen to rise from his position and slowly move toward Stut, and the
quiet motions between the two showed that they were about ready to act.
Continually during this trying watch the white man could be seen moving about uneasily. His head
would be raised occasionally, as though listening; but the three prisoners were bound together by the
feet, so that they were lying, as it were, in a circle. The four guards, two of which were John and Stut,
sat around, all of them nodding.
The moon, which had been out since midnight, made the motions of the actors plain enough for
them to distinguish many things, but it was impossible from the position of the boys to learn all that
did occur.
When the time for changing the guard took place, Stut was awake or placed himself in such a
position that he was elected. He knew that being awake would be the signal for his selection, John,
who was not more than ten feet away, also awake, was picked by Stut, and the two thus relieved
retired at once.
Stut, knowing the language thoroughly, encouraged the two remaining guards to continue their
naps, while John, who was next to Stut, and near the head of the white man, after everything had again
quieted down, began to attract the attention of the captive.
He finally turned his face to John, and the latter held up a warning finger, which, for the moment
stunned him, but this was understood, as John stealthily drew out a knife. The man was bound with his
hands behind him, and was lying on his side.
After a few cautious movements he succeeded in drawing up the bound wrists close to the
shoulders, thus bringing the cords near enough, so that John had an opportunity to sever them. This
being done, there was quiet for a time. The man seized the knife which was pushed over, and without
any waste of time, cut the cords which joined him to his captives.
The two who were with him saw the act, and the white man held his fingers to his lips. They
understood, but were considerably surprised to see Stut in the same act of sending a warning. The man
pushed over the knife with his foot, and one of them, after considerable wriggling, secured it and
instantly cut his companions’ cords.
It was now but the work of a moment to free the other, and the three unbound captives lay there,
while Stut pointed to John, in order to indicate that the two were associated. Stut acted like a trump in
this emergency. He was at home in the proceedings, and had probably assisted in work of this kind
John and Stut slowly rose, and signaled the captives to do so. To show how every feature of this
business had been considered by John, it should be stated that instead of making an immediate rush
for liberty, that event was delayed for an age, as the boys thought.
The Professor enlightened the boys on this point. “If your limbs are held in one position for any
length of time, they ‘go to sleep,’ it is said. In other words, the positions of the limbs are usually such
that the blood ceases to circulate, and it becomes congested, producing a sort of paralysis, and in that
condition the muscles and the nerves are affected. If they had tried to escape the moment the cords
were cut this temporary derangement might have prevented them from moving away rapidly.”
The captives arose, and the two guards were still oblivious of the situation. Stepping lightly along
between the sleeping warriors John and Stut at first led the way, followed as quietly by the captives,
and when clear of the guard John and Stut allowed the captives to lead.
Before they reached the last row of the sleepers, one of the guards awoke, and seeing no captives
there, and only a single guard at his side, arose suddenly, and his eyes fell on the retreating band. A
terrific shriek followed, and without waiting a moment the three captives were urged forward, while
John and Stut followed after and began to shoot arrows toward the fleeing parties.
They bounded forward in the joy of their freedom, and the Professor and the boys could hardly
restrain themselves at the success of the enterprise. They made straight in the direction of the boys,
and at the Professor’s suggestion they allowed them to pass alongside, not more than twenty feet
After they had passed the Professor motioned to the boys to trail them, and after following the
rescued ones for several hundred feet the Professor called out in a suppressed voice: “Wait, you need
not go any farther. Keep quiet, we are your friends.”
The white man grasped the nearest fellow and urged him to stop, and he did so, but the other
continued on.
Now let us observe the tactics followed by John. When the three captives were beyond the
confines of the camp, and well on to the position occupied by the Professor’s party, John knew the
latter would be able to cope with the situation.
Arresting Stut in the pursuing movement, he turned and held up his hand as a warning to the
savages who were arming and following. In an instant Stut divined the trick, and, calling back, said
that there was a large party of their attackers in front.
This caused a decided halt in the rush of their followers. Taking advantage of this, the two moved
forward in an apparently cautious manner until they had reached the place formerly occupied by the
Professor, and then darting north, were soon in sight of the boys, who had charge of the man and one
of the native captives.
“Let us go to the left to avoid them. In that way they will not discover the location of the wagon.”
A detour was made, but it was done in as quiet a manner as possible, and both reached the
Professor and his party before they got to the wagon.
When the white captive heard the Professor’s words he stopped in surprise. Turning to see who
had addressed him he rushed to grasp the Professor’s hand, and saw the boys approaching. “This is too
good to be true. Who were the savages that rescued us?”
“We will let you know in time. We must now hurry forward. Your rescuers will come up in time.”
And without waiting for further words the Professor led the way to the wagon, only to be met by John
and Stut, as before stated.
When the wagon was reached they saw the captive which had gone on ahead skulking around the
wagon, and Stut rushed forward talking excitedly as he followed him. The captive stood still while he
went up and put his arms around him and led him forward. Stut was happy beyond expression, and
tried to explain the situation to John.


The white man came to the rescue, and began to explain that the late captive was a brother or a
relative of Stut, and the moment he commenced speaking John went over to him, garbed as he was in
savage costume, and said:
“How do you do, Sam?”
The man drew back for a moment, at being thus addressed. “Don’t you recognize Varney?”
“John Varney, my old shipmate! How did you get here?”
“This, Professor, was my companion on the ship that sailed from San Francisco, Mr. Blakely.
Where have you been all this time?”
“Hunting for you all over the island, when the savages permitted me to go around by myself.”
Meanwhile Stut had taken his companion into the wagon, where he greeted Chump. A more
happy set of savages could not be found than the group in the wagon, and the fortunate capture of
John’s former companion also gave added joy to the entire party.
This exploit, so neatly contrived, and successfully executed, gave them a fighting force of ten, and
with Chump, who, undoubtedly, would soon be able to assist, they had a very respectable array.
“But we must be on the alert, as our enemies will try and hunt us up as soon as they find how they
have been tricked,” said John. Blakely was supplied with a gun, and Stut’s friends each presented with
a bow and a spear.
The spears were not the savage-made variety, but were long, and of tough steel, the staffs being of
shell-bark hickory, and the delight of the two warriors in handling the weapons was plainly shown in
their actions.
The force in their front numbered fully a hundred. They still had to be reckoned with. There was
no evidence to the savages that the whites had anything to do with the rescue, and they believed that
the Saboros had effected the release.
“Well, if this isn’t an ingenious arrangement,” said Blakely, as he walked around and examined
the fort. “You must have had an interesting time here. How long have you been on the island,
“Nearly fifteen months. You landed about the same time, judging from John’s story.”
“I don’t want to interrupt,” said John, “but I have a little plan that should be carried out at once.”
“Go on,” said the Professor. “After what you have done to-night everybody ought to be willing to
listen to you.”
“I have not yet had an opportunity to say that directly to the southeast of us, and not a half mile
away, is a river. Beyond the river, probably three or four miles to the southeast, is a village, which, I
take it, is the home of the tribe which has just been entertaining you,” and he looked at Blakely with a
“If you are able to talk with Stut and his friends better than I can we might learn in what direction
their tribe is located, and if the village is between us and their friends, we might move our camp to-
night to the other side of the river, and thus get between the village and the warriors.”
Blakely listened intently, and replied: “I know where the Saboro village is; we shall have to go
directly south to reach them. The tribe from which you rescued us is called the Brabos. Somewhere to
the southeast of them are the Kurabus, the meanest devils of the lot, outside of the Tuolos on the
western shore.”
“Why Chump and his friends are Saboros, so we have two hostile tribes before we can reach aid
in that quarter. Do you know,” said John, continuing, “anything about the Osagas?”
He reflected a while, and then answered: “I am not so sure, but they are to the south and still
farther to the west, but the route would be inaccessible for the wagon from this point, on account of
the immense forest which is in the way. I know something about that forest, as it sheltered me for the
greater part of a year.
“We have very many interesting things to talk about, but we must not delay the contemplated
movement another moment.”
The Professor gave the word of command, and the celerity with which the taking up of the fort
and storing it away was accomplished was a delight no less to the rescued warriors than it was to
Blakely. The wagon was headed for the southeast, and John, beckoning to Stut and his relative, started
out ahead. The other Saboro ran forward and begged to be allowed to accompany them, and John
willingly assented.
Directing the Saboros, by motioning, to scatter to the right and to the left of him, the four formed
a guard for the wagon, and in their movement to the river the Saboros kept John in sight.
“Fortunately this is not a deep stream, and we will not have difficulty in crossing,” said Blakely.
“That doesn’t trouble us in the least,” answered Harry. “We use the fort sections as floats.”
Blakely eyed Harry for a moment. “Do you mean that you ford the deepest streams with these
“Why we have forded the West River with this outfit several times”
“What, the West River, New York?”
Harry laughed: “I had forgotten; we call the big river to the west of us the West. And we have also
the South and the Cataract rivers, way to the east of this.”
Blakely looked at Harry in astonishment. The boys had cut poles under the Professor’s directions,
and were now trying the depth of the stream.
“It’s all right,” cried out Ralph; “bring them along.” And Harry drove the team down and over the
stream, and before they had gone a mile the first indications of the morning sun began to appear over
the mountain tops to the east.
“Move the wagon over to the right, and put up the fort the moment we find the camping spot,”
was John’s injunction, as he and the Saboros plunged ahead in that direction.
John halted at a stream, and pointed out an admirable place for the wagon. Again the process of
erecting the fort was gone over, and the Saboros witnessed the first installation of it.
“Now, for some breakfast,” said George. “This work makes a fellow hungry.” Angel was at hand,
as he always was at the preparation of the meal, and the Saboros watched the work, and particularly
the part that Angel took, with eyes and mouths open. For the first time they had seen the orang doing
duty at command. George saw their surprise and he kept Angel busy.
It was just as interesting to Blakely. He could hardly credit the stories that Harry and Tom told
him on the ride down to the river. Just imagine four boys, in all the exuberance of youth, telling about
the home they had built up from absolutely nothing. How they had found simply the crude things
about them, and had fashioned all the needed things for life from its primitive condition to one of
perfection; it was hardly believable.
The poor Saboros were almost starved, and they looked it, too. Blakely had not been in captivity
very long on this occasion, so that he was not so emaciated. The savages, however, are able to
withstand bodily privations for a long period without becoming exhausted, but the food obtained at
this early meal was one which they never forgot.
As soon as the meal was over John signaled to Stut, and he in turn, motioning to his fellows,
formed a picket line to the north in expectation of the savages; but they did not return, and night set in
without seeing them. George sent Angel to the treetop frequently for information, a proceeding which
was just as much a wonder to the two Saboros as his service in helping with the meal.
Blakely could hardly contain himself, as he saw and heard the different things, and he particularly
admired the wagon, declaring it was as strongly built as any he had ever seen. Without the wagon it
would have been a foolhardy task for six men to boldly march into a country populated as the island

Fig. 8. Primitive Wheel. Bas relief, Acropolis,

Athens. 400 B.C.

“The romance of wheels is the most remarkable of anything in the history of the world. In nature
there is nothing similar to it, so far as uses are concerned.”
“Do you know,” asked George, “about the origin of the wheel?”
“Its invention dates back beyond the time when history began. When man saw the moon it looked
to him like a wheel, and may have suggested the idea of a wheel on which things could be rolled.
When we stop to consider the vast importance of the wheel it amazes us to see how it forms the prime
element in every industry in the world. The wheel and the lever are the two greatest mechanical
elements in the universe.”
During the night John and Stut made a trip toward the village, and was surprised to find a well-
beaten path leading from the northwest toward the village, and that the wagon was located not two
hundred feet to the east of the trail.
The village was behind, or on the south side of a slight elevation, which was the reason why it was
hidden from their view at the time they crossed the first river. John counted the huts, and found forty-
two, of various sizes.
Conferring with Stut, in order to ascertain the number in each, he calculated the village to contain
not less than two hundred and fifty, which would not by any means contribute the number of warriors
which were in the party.
It was John’s idea, on returning to the wagon, to undertake the capture of the village, and he made
the proposal at once. This seemed to be a wise plan, as it would put the women and children in their
power, but Stut suddenly imparted the information that there was another village to the southwest,
belonging to the same tribe, and this at once settled that plan, and it also answered the problem which
bothered John.
Blakely, who had acquired considerable acquaintance with that region and the various tribes, was
in favor of capturing the village, but the Professor was insistent that there was no desire to shed blood
unnecessarily, and that the trip was not for the purpose of revenge, and the taking of the village, with
the knowledge that the warriors might be reinforced by a great number, would mean war to the end.
“In your wanderings,” asked the Professor, “did you ever hear of any boys who were held in
captivity by any of the natives?”
“Yes; a singular thing occurred about six months ago. I was then in the forest, and in my usual
pilgrimage into the opening I stumbled on a band of one of the tribes to the east of the forest. They
were on the large river which flows along the eastern boundary of the woods. They had several
captives, and when they left the river carried a boat with them across the country from the river.
“The proceeding was one which I could not understand at the time. I was taken, on three different
occasions, twice by the same band. I escaped each time. The fourth time was four days ago, when the
Brabos got me. I was in captivity nearly three months with the Osagas, but they suffered a terrible
defeat at the hands of the Tuolos, who live to the northwest.”
“We had a severe fight with them on our last trip, and we rescued the two boys here from them,”
remarked the Professor.
“You were lucky to get away from them, as they are the terrors of the island. But allow me to
proceed. While with the Osagas I acquired their jargon, for it is little better than that. Some of the
tribes have practically the same language, and I judge that they were under the same chiefs in earlier
times. The language of two of the tribes, at least, seems to be different, and it is probable that this may
account in a measure for the continual enmity between them, arising from their misunderstandings.”
“I was captured by the Osagas, and regretted afterwards that I left them; but it is fortunate I did, as
it was the means of taking me to the Professor and his friends,” remarked John.
“But I started out to tell you about the transportation of the boat,” continued Blakely. “From the
Osagas I learned that several boys had been captured with the boat, and that they were in turn taken
from that tribe by the people who live to the east of the Kurabus.”
“Do you know of anyone by the name of Wright or Walters?”
“Yes; Wright was one of our crew. Don’t you remember him? He was the one shot down when the
master of the vessel first attempted to take possession. I may be mistaken, but I think Walters was one
of the men allied with the mutineers.”
“Won’t you tell us some of your experiences when the vessel struck the shore?” asked John.
“Wright, who was with us when you left to go to the pantry to get some food, and also Champney,
all agreed that you had been washed overboard before the boat struck. When I recovered my senses, I
found an indescribable mass of wreckage all about me, and food was the first thing I searched for.
“I found one of the guns, and later on a revolver, but I had no ammunition except that in the
weapons. Some few tins of provisions, and a crushed box of biscuits, all soaked with sea water, were
all I could recover, and various articles of clothing, which I gathered together.
“As soon as strength began to come back to me I searched the beach in both directions, and found
four dead bodies, one being the mutinous master, who was lying near the shore, and all had their
pockets drawn out. This was sufficient information to assure me that some had been saved, but the
rifling of the pockets of the unfortunates was something I could not understand, and I concluded that it
was done by some of the devils who were on our vessel, or it had been the work of people on the
“I recovered from the blow,” said John, “and found myself lying by the side of the master, and
found the pockets rifled, as you say, and I regained my senses before you did, as I now see.”
“Yes; I recognized the footprints of several; faint traces only. I then followed the seacoast, in the
hope or belief that if the island was inhabited, they would be near the coast. I traveled for miles, and
then noting traces of people went inland, and the first tribe I ran across was the Tuolos.
“I debated for hours whether or not to throw myself into their hands. But a sight the third day
decided me. A party was taking a captive to the sacrifice. Whether or not he was one of our
companions I do not know. The sight so unnerved me that it did not occur to me that it might have
been one of them.
“I fled to the south, and struck the forest. There I found numerous wild beasts, and they were
really my salvation for months, as I afterwards learned that the savages had never been known to go
far into the dense portions. I found a recess or cove among the rocky sides of an elevation, which I
converted into a home, and from that place I could see across the intervening country to the large river.
“It gave me a good scouting position, and I saw many tribes and parties pass and repass, some of
them many miles off, and witnessed two battles between hostiles, but I do not know what tribes they
were. I soon became expert in providing food, as it was all I had to do.
“I would frequently, in my scouting trips, go to the river, and began to tire of my isolation. I made
that my home for nearly eight months. I really grew desperate from the monotonous life, and the
feeling that I must undertake something hazardous if I ever expected to escape from the hunted life in
the forest.
“I still had four shots in the revolver, but the gun was useless without ammunition. But I took it
with me, and the first day, after I crossed the river, I was surrounded by the Osagas. I was much more
rugged than you see me now, and had a long beard. I tried to make friends with them, and succeeded
in this pretty well, but they were attacked by the Brabos here, and treated most barbarously during the
week I was a captive.
“One night I escaped and turned to my mountain home, and again fell into the hands of a party on
the warpath, but of an entirely new tribe. They took me way to the south, and I learned, in a way
which could not be mistaken, that I was to be offered up as a sacrifice, and when the time came I was
frenzied with desperation, and the moment my arms and legs were free I seized the very club which
was prepared for me and hewed my way through the warriors and gained my liberty.
“But this is tiring you. Twice more I was captured, and escaped once more, and the last time you
came to the rescue.”
The story was listened to with the utmost eagerness. His tale, taken together with John’s and
Ralph’s and Tom’s experiences, gave them the clue to the mystery of the lifeboat and two of the men
mentioned in the note, but it did not lift the veil from the contents of the message.
It was plain now where the Tuolos got the guns which they had, but could not use, as explained
when Ralph and Tom were captured.


“Have you any suggestion to offer why the Brabos do not return?” asked the Professor.
“I suppose,” said John, as he smiled at the remembrance, “they are hunting for the two savages
who took their prisoners.”
A real council of war was now held, and the Professor gave his opinion as the wisest course to
take. “We have, without question, put Stut and his friends under lasting obligations to us. From all the
information obtainable, their tribe lives a considerable distance to the south, and to reach them we
must pass the territory occupied by the Kurabus.”
“We must remember, however,” interrupted Blakely, “that they are in all probability, the most
powerful of all the tribes.”
“So I understand,” he answered; “and that is just what I am coming to. If we can advise Stut of our
intentions, and induce him to make the trip through the country and inform his friends, we may be
pretty sure of assistance from that quarter.”
“I think the Professor is right in his diagnosis of the case. If we can get an ally, even though it may
be the weakest tribe, it will give us a vantage ground to work on; and I further believe that we can, by
that means, consolidate the weakest of the tribes, and thus secure the mastery, and release those who
are in captivity, by that means much quicker than by attempting it unaided.”
The Professor’s views prevailed. It was now near noon, and no hostile party was in sight. The fort
was stowed away, and the march to the southwest, to avoid the village, began.
Stut was brought into conference, and between John and Blakely, he was informed that they were
on their way to his people. At first his eyes kindled, and he beckoned to his brother, because this
relationship had now been established between them, and imparted the good news, and after a
moment’s hesitation, their brows grew dark, and the party knew what that symptom meant.
John grasped a gun, and pointed to it, and Blakely taking the hint, advised them that they need not
fear the result of the undertaking. This seemed to satisfy them, and with a greatly altered countenance
took up the work of scouting on the left side of the wagon.
It was desirable to keep sufficiently far from the village to hide the movement of the wagon, and
at the same time remain close enough so that they would not be brought into the vicinity of the other
village to the south.
Thus the march proceeded forward for fully two hours without an incident. Then John signaled a
halt. He had reached the well-beaten trail or highway between the two villages, and this must be
patrolled in both directions before the wagon could be sent across.
The necessity of this was apparent when it is understood that they were now in comparative open
ground, and only an occasional tree was in sight. Stut ran in and pointed to the south, and John went
forward, and was quickly enlightened at the sight. Coming up from the lower village were the
warriors, reinforced by a considerable number. They were more than a mile away, and the order was
given to erect the fort.
Long before they came in the immediate vicinity they were ready to receive them, and the utmost
quiet was observed. The band passed without observing them, and as soon as they disappeared at a
safe distance, the fort was again reinstalled on the wagon, and the hurried march recommenced.
A considerable distance was covered before night, and they congratulated themselves on getting
rid of the Brabos so easily. Camp was made for the night at a spring that flowed from the rocks
alongside a hill, and which also afforded them protection for the night.
Referring to the matter of his wanderings, Blakely, during the course of the evening, said, “The
most trying thing I experienced, during all of my travels, were the winds about five months ago. For
fully three days I could hardly move from place to place.”
“That was during the period of the monsoons, and you will remember, it was a year after we had
our terrible experience,” answered John.
“I had forgotten that,” he replied.
“I suppose then that they come regularly each year.”
“They really come twice a year. In one period they blow in one direction and at the other period in
the other direction.”
“I also noticed that, and I presume we may expect the one from the southeast in another month.”
“Quite true; but those from that direction are not so severe.”
“I recall that they have the Siroccos in Italy, which blow across the Mediterranean, from the
northern shores of Africa; and the simoons of Arabia are also terrific while they last.”
“The most trying winds I ever experienced,” said the Professor, “were the Kamsen winds of Egypt
and the Harmattan which blow over Africa from the eastern side, owing to the heated atmosphere.
They are literally like ovens in their intensity.”
“It is one fortunate thing about the winds here, they are not hot or stifling, especially not these
which come in the autumn.”
The hill to the back of them, and against which the wagon was placed, close to the precipitous
rocks, afforded protection in that direction, so that the pickets were required for the exposed positions
only. Blakely took a hand in the watch during the night, and Stut, with his brother, insisted on doing
double duty in that direction.
The timber was thicker here than at any other place along the route since they had left the Brabos
country. Hickory, oak, walnut, a species of ash, as well as Cyprus, were found in abundance as well as
many varieties of valuable shrubs, rubber plants, and the like, and some of the most beautiful flowers,
far exceeding those in the northern portion of the island.
“It seems singular to me,” remarked Harry, during the course of the evening, “that all the savages
live in the southern and western portions of the Island. We happened to be cast ashore at the eastern
end and remained there, while all the others seemed to reach the western part and thus came into
contact with the savages without any trouble.”
“They have found, by living here, that this part is the most desirable, from a climatic standpoint,”
answered the Professor. “The knowledge of the most suitable spots is one acquired by all peoples in
the different countries. When the Spanish priests established the Missions on the Pacific coast, they
found the villages located at certain points in the interior, and a study of the places so selected, showed
remarkable knowledge.”
“I found that condition of things in the remotest portions of Africa,” said John. “The most
primitive inhabitants had the capacity to occupy locations which could not be improved on by the
knowledge of the white man. As the Professor says, all the Missions in California are located at such
vantage points, which were usually the site of the Indian villages.”
“In what respect were those locations better than others?”
“The winds were usually a factor in deciding the places for the villages. This will be found
particularly true on this island. The monsoons which blow the hardest in this region, as we all know,
come from the north. The return winds come from the southeast. In the one case the trees and the
elevations protect them from the north, and the mountain range affords shelter from the east.”

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