W Thickwood Thunder: We CAN Make A Difference!

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Thickwood Thunder
We CAN Make A Difference!
October 2011


Student Achievement I am very pleased to be able to report some great news about how our students are doing! Every year, across Alberta, students write provincial achievement tests in Grades 3, 6 and 9. The most recent results are for the end of the 201011 school year. Thickwood Heights students who wrote these exams are now in Grades 4, 7. At Thickwood Heights School, the students who wrote the test did better than the province on all (6 out of 6) provincial achievement tests for the percent of students meeting or exceeding the acceptable standard. Additionally, our math results were particularly good in terms of the percentage of students who scored at the standard of excellence. What this tells us is that our teachers are doing a great job of meeting the students where they are, and helping them to achieve success in the core academic areas, and we are challenging our high achieving students to meet the standard of excellence. Results for Students who wrote the PAT at the end of last school year: (Results given indicate percentage of students at the given standard)

Provincial Achievement Test By Subject and By Grade Math Gr. 6 Math Gr. 3 Language Arts Gr. 6 Language Arts Gr. 3 Social Studies Gr. 6 Science Gr. 6

Thickwood Heights students meeting or exceeding standards (percentage) 100 % 92% 100 % 96 % 94 % 100%

Provincial results for students meeting or exceeding standards (percentage) 80.7% 84.3 % 91.4 % 89.9 % 78.9 % 84.1

Thickwood Heights students at standard of excellence (percentag e) 41.2 % 28 % 17. 6 % 12 % 11.8 % 23.5 %

Provincial results for students at standard of excellence (percentag e) 19.4 % 28 % 20.4 % 19.2 % 21.1 % 28. 1 %

Percentage of Students Below Standards (School)

Percentage of Students Below Standards (Province)

0% 8% 0% 4% 5.9 % 0%

19.3 % 15.6 % 8. 6 % 19.2 % 21.1 % 15.7 %

Attendance and Punctuality This year with a later start time, although we have had an improvement in the punctuality of students, there is still a small minority of students who are not arriving on time. Sometimes there are good reasons why a child is late (early morning appointments, etc.) but sometimes there is no good excuse. The impact of these late arrivals is two-fold: 1. the child often misses important time for learning. 2. the class is interrupted and the teacher has to take time to explain what is going on for the late arrival child. We thank all parents who are being diligent in ensuring their kids are on time for school, and respecting the learning of all the students.

Social Networking Cautions for younger children and older students These reminders might be useful for parents as your kids reach the age when they begin to explore and participate in online communities through interactive games with chat, or other social networking sites. Talk to your children about their web activity, and remind them what kind of information should not be shared online (home address, phone numbers and other identifying information). Encourage kids not to be friends with people they dont know in real life. Although younger children are less likely to be using sites such as Facebook, many older students have jeopardized their futures with irresponsible conduct. Two grade 11 students in Alberta were suspended after bullying remarks were made in an email, and eleven students in Ontario were suspended after posting defamatory remarks on a Facebook page. Once a person reaches the age of legal responsibility, what you say even in a Friends-only space may not always remain private and can be used against you in a court of law, a relationship, or an important future opportunity such as employment.

Do you or your spouse work for one of the big companies with grant programs? You can help with $$$! Every year some of our school parents who are employees of Syncrude or Suncor or other such companies with grant programs, access grants on behalf of our school, volunteer and make vital contributions to the communities in which they work and live. Volunteer grants are available to employees who volunteer a minimum of 40 hours, per calendar year to help out at our school. You might think that 40 hours is a lot, and it is. That said, over the course of the year parents who have helped out with volunteering in the classroom, school council, ski days, swimming, lunch programs, PAC, gift wrap, casinos, etc. accumulate volunteer hours very rapidly! If you volunteer at our school and your company has Volunteer Grants, Volunteer Busing Grants or Employee Matching Educational Grants, please access them on our behalf. It really helps out the kids as we can use that money in multiple ways, doing whats best for kids!

Coming Soon! October 17- Our school clothes online! As of October 17 , our school will be offering parents and students the opportunity to order our Thickwood Heights apparel online. Simply go to the website www.yourschoolgear.ca and write in Thickwood Heights in the top right corner. All clothing (Adidas and Russell T Shirts, Hoodies, Jackets , Sweatpants, Toques and more) can be personalized with different school logos and designs. Not only are you getting great quality clothing for a decent price, but the company is offering to donate 10% of their sales to Thickwood Heights! It is a simple site to navigate; within minutes you can order your clothing, and within days it will in on your doorstep! You simply pay online from the comfort of your own home and the company will ship your order directly to your door. Happy shopping! The same photo company that does our school photos has expanded its services to include family portraits. If you would be interested in this service, please contact the school. Pictures would be back before Christmas. More information will be coming shortly.

Paul Smith, Principal .

Club Moo Milk Program:

Thickwood Heights will be selling milk and water in the office during lunch hour. If youd like to take part in the milk program, see Mrs. Moore, or Mrs. Weatherbee in the office for a sheet of 10 Milk Tickets. Each sheet of tickets cost $10.00. As of November 1st, we will only be accepting milk tickets during school hours; you will not be able to purchase milk or water with cash.

There will be an Apple Core Meeting on October 12th, at 7:00 p.m. All parents, students, and staff are welcome to attend. MAKING THE HEALTHY CHOICE THE EASY CHOICE

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event. We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in childrens books. Did you know that for every $10 you spend at the Fair up to $6 goes directly back to our school? Your support of this vital literary fundraiser is key to our obtaining new books and resources for our library and classrooms. ______________________________________________________________________________

Influenza immunization begins this month

Fall into the routine

When you make influenza immunization an annual event, you protect yourself, your family, and our communities from infection and illness. Annual influenza immunization is recommended, this fall and every fall, for all Albertans six months of age and older. Influenza immunization will be made available, free of charge, starting in mid-October. Influenza immunization clinic schedules are posted online at www.albertahealthservices.ca. Clinic schedules are available by calling HealthLink Alberta at 1-866-408-5465.

October 2011
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


Boston Pizza Pasta

Extreme Pita

Thanksgiving No School

Gr 3-4 Swim Subway

Apple Core mtg 7 pm

Pizza Hut Pizza





Gr 3-4 Swim Mary Browns

Gr 1-2 Swim PAC mtg 7pm

Pita Pit




P/T Interviews 4-7pm

Gr 3-4 Swim Pizza Hut Pasta

26 Gr 1-2 Swim
P/T Interviews 5-7pm Book Fair

Hot Dog/Fruit Cup

Teacher Institute No School



Halloween Bash

* Picture retake day is November 8th in the morning.

Alberta Government regulations have changed and ALL returning students MUST fill in a new school registration form each year. Forms have been sent home with your child. Please fill them in and return them to the school along with a copy of the childs birth certificate.

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