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Pedule -F_ SEZEO Lenn el ‘fice men Oi, Medical ethics Ad ncye: Be oe + * ve x maa _Meclical Jurisprudence: Tt cdeale with the Legal responsi othe medical practitioner there arises fram clactor petient relationship 4 Registered. Medical ee (mise Beatecimsh passing qualifying examination Fer_medical degree on cliploma, gets bis name registeredt ith, nthe previnetal medical council and there afler is ntitled) bo engage himself inthe practice of allopathic medern syctem of medicine. The Doctor not nly —reliev iffering ek his patient he also guider and) a the diseases and their preventions. bDoctbrs ape having = — Highest Level of sac! Se ———— Personal inbegrity e Hofessianal excellence and « Help in the administration of justice ue to alt over al. responsibilities on medical practitioner ft have Up tr dake Knowledge of eedicln= his ibiliti edice legal Cases; lavas oF +h fate and the Country o legal _cases=klhen a patient referer: d__by Scanned with CamScanner —and_the medical _practit tone examines him Lhe _& iF he suspects foul play cine iC he Cols thet the case, shoulel be investigarted ky the police. he should —_inorea bo the investigating Da tiaahe of that area. 6 Types of Medico legal cases: ___t. Fstimertion ol of age xii. Thjury report —i | tii. Pestm orke ny exciminertion iv. Tn nobel sexucrl offencer like nape cases Ve Thy anrerbusenlsextcs| offences like sudomy | vi. Examination of potency :Vii- Examination of mental i | Vii, Examination of Deunkret ; tx. Exami. fox pakexniby = ere polsoning ceases : umihation £ ceatificedion tos pasene ney. 4 delucy ¥ paige. reports, nottficatinns etc. sideciil a bors Fat the pupae of veriour acts Ladmini = str L ements: ete a maletg be bit lecdh oc esp + Under the ack tebding ts lunacy 4 Menaul 4 Deficiency anel uncer ea iliness Act and be 1 Deck Hy eo Undex th accinertio the stequlalin oe de thexe Uncler. 7- r s Vhder the factory Acts cry the seg-tade-the MO Under the Acts and cadesc seleting tothe potificediun | E infectous cliseasas. ——— | ¢ Under the Employee's state crane ek pe 2 Th connection with sick beneAt Insimance and _ i ea eciett : a pc 2 Uncle “the Merchant shipping Act + x prectaing (issuing of pascpert excusing atterde nce De ie ee gest ke o Fax ex public servi in public offices ox in orc). emPleyment e Tn connecHon with civil £ milrteory Medbens __ @ In connection with under He conbrd of Departreat of Pension giese Tr Seemhectonl ails guacontine wuld 1 ee | o Fet _precipiny driving beence. ote. + Ethical pains ae The Sexamination of patient should be in the place t auing adequate light: able to make patient comfxt maintain +h iuacY. precnce oF Female 7 he xamining © patie Fr aie Consent és See foe notion. A general Practice ly police orc not dri a im, Ss ee ase FE amination ano) corti mee al te z hina sel cam Es n In Paice nen Be a be, ‘Scanned wih CamScanner _ Wher a Dectox or his assistant is _infruming to the police about +h “Hey shouled wottte clon the —hame_ = i a ie 2 dete and time of infatmetinn and the _, polic SM es n He case paper. Nous the cese hould be entered ino seperake xegister moinkain peclally fox medicolegal ccs ~ " _b Rights and privileges of regi sec) medical practitione a. Right +) chi patient =he ts Gee tp chasse bis pottenk and he may vehue to pulient without hewirg any xeasen pk_in_emesgency. The a Go _sheuld mot _b. vag ground th sigh he is breurdl 4o_mak. lic tp cr sick pexsnh vi | 2. Righh te ue tHe o aril Heed oml nae gug if hich actuc he bas and recegnized hy the os state Medical counci\ a Med Suineilic Boat ae ppointment in gavt. publi lecol_b 4. He har a or b pract © Sect Ine nd to pense medcdei'n om Dic ox Alspen seg 9 6 He bas xight be issue medica ® cthew cariGcade yequited by lem og meelica legal | xcepants. = = #. He ts need to _giv idence tn count oF Lats as tt _taitn Hficotes oe any | g. He has x Go pescaihees aay rugs in ed Feith of potent tohile terccting his portient. psy From ct clecicl_bady Fre nN yemove 3. He bo has been convicted Fox a _Coghizeble — offence Under Militeaty Lert 4. He hac been guilly by Medical council oF Indice of ee ae ee in ee a Selec. fe Cader of Medical_ethic b Duties 2 responsibility o Hating _in_. gehetal = 4 Choettex af phydcion: —___ aA flysctin sal pl the agi & ee ll Pafexiss herve

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