Practice Questions For Final Exam

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Chapter 11 Managing People for Service Advantage

Review Questions

1. How can a firm select the best-suited candidates from a large number of applicants?

 A firm can select the best-suited candidates by using screening methods such as multiple
structured interviews, observation, personality tests and providing realistic job previews. Careful
selections ensures that new employees fit both job requirements and the organization’s culture.

2. What are the key types of training service firm should conduct?

 The key types of training a service firm should conduct are:

 Train the employees about the organizational culture, purpose and strategy.
 Train the employees to have interpersonal and technical skills
 Train the employees about the knowledge of the products/Services

3. Identify the factors needed to make service team successful in (a) an airline, (b) a restaurant,
and (c) a customer contact center. What are the factors that favor a strategy of employee

 Make sure they have information about organizational, team and individual performance.
 Knowledge that enables employees to understand and contribute to performance.
 Empowering the employees to make decisions.
 Rewarding the employees based on their performance.

Application Exercises

1. Consider the following jobs: emergency department nurse, bill collector, computer repair
technician, supermarket cashier, dentist, kindergarten teacher, prosecuting attorney, and
waiter in a family restaurant, waiter in an expensive French restaurant, stockbroker, and
undertaker. What type of emotions would you expect each of them to display to customers
in the course of doing their job? What drives your expectations?
 They should always be respectful, patient, ability to use positive language, ability to read
 Driving my expectations I would say they should perform assigned duties and responsibilities
with the highest degree of public trust.
 Devote full effort to job responsibilities during work hours
 Demonstrate respect towards customers.

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2. Think of two organizations you are familiar with, on with a very good climate for service, and
one with very poor service climate. Describe the factors that contributed to shaping those
climates. What factor do you think contributed most and why?
 Cielo Sky lounge: Perfect service climate, frontline employees are very welcoming and helpful,
very fast problem/complaint solving skills.
 Papa johns: Very poor service climate, order taking employees always in a rush, not welcoming
customers, very slow service, complaint handling is very poor.

Chapter 14 Improving Service Quality and Productivity

Review Questions

1. Explain the relationships between service quality, productivity, and profitability.

 Profitability is simply the money an organization has left over after paying expenses and taxes.
 Productivity is the relationship between the amount of outputs and inputs needed to produce a
 Decisions are made on every level that affects profitability in the areas of production and service

2. Identify the gaps that can occur in service quality, and the steps that service marketers can take
to prevent them.
1- The knowledge gap: Learn what customers expect
2- The policy gap: Specify SQ standards that reflect expectations
3- The delivery gap: Ensure service performance meets standards
4- The communications gap: Ensure that communications promises are realistic
5- The perceptions gap: Educate customers to see reality of service quality delivered
6- The service quality gap: close gaps 1 to 5 In order to meet customers’ expectations consistently

Using Total Quality Management tools can also drill down on specific gaps

3. What are the main objectives of an effective customer feedback system?

 Assessment and benchmarking of service quality and performance
 Customer-driven learning and improvement
 Creating a customer-oriented service culture and a culture for change.

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4. What are the key customer feedback collection tools? What are the strengths and weaknesses of
each of these tools?
 Total market surveys
 Annual surveys on overall satisfaction
 Transactional surveys
 Service feedback cards and all specific feedback tools (Email,sms,S-media)
 Mystery shopping
 Unsolicited customer feedback
 Focus Group discussions
 Service reviews and social media monitoring.


1. Consider your own recent experiences as a service consumer. On which dimensions of service quality
have you most often experienced a large gap between your expectations and your perceptions of
the service performance? What do you think the underlying causes might be? What steps should
management take to improve quality?

 Based on my experience with one of the services that I have experienced with Al-Tayer Motors, I
experienced a delivery gap as I expected something from them and got something completely
different. I believe that the cause might be the perception that they give before doing the service
is not clear which makes you expect something and get something else. Steps to consider
1- Educate customers to see the reality of the service quality delivered
2- Ensure that the service performance meets standards.

Chapter 12 Managing Relationships and Building loyalty

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Application Exercises

1- Identify three service businesses that you buy from on a regular basis. For each business,
complete the following sentence: “I am loyal to this business because”

 I am loyal to “CieloSkyLounge” because of social benefits I am known by name, friendship with

the service provider and enjoyment of certain social aspects of the relationship.
 I am loyal to “FOSconceptsGarage” because of confidence benefits there is less risk of something
going wrong and I trust the service that is provided.
 I am loyal to “Gold’s Gym” because I always receive special treatment benefits such as better
prices, extra services and higher priority

2- What conclusions do you draw about (a) yourself as a consumer, and (b) the performance of
each of the businesses in exercise 1? Assess whether any of these businesses managed to
develop a sustainable competitive advantage through the way it won your loyalty.

3- Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of two loyalty programs, each one from a different
service industry. Assess how each program could be improved further.

 “Italian pizza” buy anything get 1 free loyalty card, Strength is that it hooks the customer to
come back again and consume more. Weakness is that the card only works on Dine-in service

 “Gold’s Gym” Reach your fitness goal and get months for free loyalty program, Strength of the
program is that it keeps customers coming to the gym every day to achieve their goal and
receive benefits, weakness of that is that some people need a personal trainer to give them the
experience on how to train, without information and experience and fresher won’t be capable of
receiving their goals easily.

 A) I would say it could be improved by adding a loyalty program for ordering to home as well to
increase the orders of consumers and maximize the profit.

 B) I would say it could be improved by adding a free sessions of personal training for the first
month to give the fresher an idea about the machines and give them experience of training so
they can achieve their fitness goal easier.

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