10 1016@j Semarthrit 2020 12 004
10 1016@j Semarthrit 2020 12 004
10 1016@j Semarthrit 2020 12 004
PII: S0049-0172(20)30285-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semarthrit.2020.12.004
Reference: YSARH 51746
Please cite this article as: D.A. Papachristos , S. Oon , J.G. Hanly , M. Nikpour , Man-
agement of Inflammatory Neurologic and Psychiatric Manifestations of Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus: A Systematic Review, Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism (2020), doi:
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Corresponding author:
A/Prof Mandana Nikpour, The University of Melbourne at St Vincent’s Hospital, 41 Victoria Parade,
Fitzroy VIC 3065, m.nikpour@unimelb.edu.au
Author contributions:
D.A. Papachristos: Conceptualisation, Data curation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review and
editing. S. Oon: Conceptualisation, Data curation, Writing – review and editing. JG Hanly: Data
curation, Writing – review and editing M. Nikpour: Conceptualisation, Data curation, Writing –
review and editing.
Background: The neurological and psychiatric manifestations of systemic lupus
erythematosus (NPSLE) are a heterogeneous group of conditions with variable clinical
presentation and significant morbidity and mortality.
Objectives: Our aim was to comprehensively assess and present the evidence for treatments
used in the management of inflammatory NPSLE.
Methods: Medline, Embase, CINHAL and Cochrane CENTRAL were searched from 1990 to
end of March 2019 using key words that related to NPSLE and treatment. Included studies
comprised clinical trials, observational studies or case series with 5 patients and sufficient
data related to treatment and outcome in NPSLE patients.
Results: There were 7222 studies identified in the search, of which 90 were included in the
review. There was a notable paucity of clinical trials, with only two randomised controlled
trials and one pilot study. Treatment categories included corticosteroids (14 studies),
cyclophosphamide (18 studies), synthetic DMARDs (7 studies), biologic therapies (14
studies), therapeutic plasma exchange (6 studies), intravenous immunoglobulin (2 studies),
autologous stem cell transplant (3 studies), other therapies (8 studies), combination
therapies (6 studies), studies with grouped outcome data (5 studies) and observational
studies with therapy-specific associations (7 studies). Corticosteroids are accepted as first
line treatment in NPSLE and there is low-moderate evidence supporting their benefit.
Moderate evidence, based on consistent data in numerous studies and some trial data,
supports the use of cyclophosphamide in the treatment of NPSLE. Limited data support
some synthetic DMARDs such as mycophenolate, azathioprine and intrathecal
methotrexate. In refractory disease, low-moderate evidence supports rituximab therapy
and limited evidence supports benefit following autologous stem cell transplant. Regarding
adjuvant treatments, limited evidence favours addition of plasma exchange, intravenous
immunoglobulin and hydroxychloroquine. There exists very limited data for other therapies.
Conclusion: There are multiple therapeutic options for the management of inflammatory
NPSLE including systemic, biologic and interventional therapies; however, currently there is
a paucity of high-quality trial data to guide firm recommendations. In order to better
understand the optimal treatment of NPSLE and its different subtypes, further well-
designed clinical trials are needed.
Key words: Neuropsychiatric lupus, Immunosuppressive treatments, Neurology, Disease
modifying agents, Biologic therapies
1. Introduction
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic multi-system autoimmune disease that has
a variable clinical presentation and typically follows a fluctuating and unpredictable disease
course. It can affect multiple organ systems, but the most commonly involved include
mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal, renal, serosal and haematological. The neurological and
psychiatric manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) encompass a
heterogeneous group of conditions, whose clinical presentation is also highly variable and
whose pathogenesis is complex [1]. Generally speaking, pathogenic mechanisms fall into
either immune/inflammatory or thrombotic/ischaemic categories and nineteen distinct
syndromes have been previously defined by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR);
these are presented in table 1 [2]. Syndromes range from frequent neurological conditions
such as mild cognitive deficit, headache and mood disorder, to less common manifestations
with high morbidity and mortality including psychosis, seizure, stroke and myelitis. Despite
wide variability between individual studies in a meta-analysis involving 5057 SLE patients,
the prevalence of NP manifestations varied from 17.6 to 44.5% in retrospective and
prospective studies, respectively [3]. An additional challenge is the determination of
attribution of NP events to SLE itself or an alternative cause. Using attribution models
based upon clinical evaluation and clinically indicated investigations studies suggest that 30
to 40% of all NP events in SLE are attributable to SLE [4, 5].
There are many challenges associated with diagnosis and treatment of NPSLE. Not only is
there a lack of accurate diagnostic investigations, but standardised outcome measures do
not exist, making design of studies in NPSLE difficult. Unfortunately there is a relative
paucity of high-quality evidence regarding NPSLE treatment, with very few randomised
controlled trials (RCTs) examining these patients. Likely reasons for this include the
aforementioned protean manifestations of NPSLE (precluding a homogeneous study
population), the difficulties pertaining to accurate objective diagnosis and standardised
measures of outcome, the diversity of immunosuppressive drugs available, and the
historical exclusion of NPSLE patients from RCTs due to concerns about excess morbidity
and mortality associated with the disease [6]. Hence, the current data pertaining to
treatment are derived mostly from small, non-controlled studies and case series. Moreover,
to date, there exists no comprehensive review of the literature regarding NPSLE treatment.
This study aims to systematically review the available evidence for therapies used in the
treatment of inflammatory neurologic and psychiatric manifestations of SLE. Studies
examining thrombotic manifestations without a significant inflammatory component, such
as isolated stroke due to antiphospholipid syndrome treated with anticoagulation alone,
were not included in this study. Where possible, appraisal of treatments within different
NPSLE subtypes has been performed.
2. Methods
A systematic search of the literature from January 1990 to March 2019 was performed using
the following databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and Cochrane. Key search terms
included ‘systemic lupus erythematosus’, ‘neurologic’, ‘neuropsychiatric’, ‘central nervous
system (CNS)’, ‘peripheral nervous system (PNS)’, ‘mental disorders’, ‘therapy’ and
‘treatment’, as well as synonyms and abbreviations thereof (NPSLE, CNS, PNS). Each
manifestation of neurologic and psychiatric SLE was also included in key words, as well as a
comprehensive list of potential treatment options, including corticosteroids, disease
modifying agents and biologic therapies. Anticoagulant therapy was not included as a
distinct treatment modality, because the review focused on immunosuppressive therapies
in NPSLE. However, any use of anticoagulation therapy alongside immunosuppression was
presented as adjunctive treatment. The search was limited to reports in human adults (18
years old) and to articles written in English. Additional articles were sought through hand-
searching of relevant journals, as well as examining the references of key articles (see
appendix A for full search terms).
Two reviewers (DP and SO) independently screened the titles and abstracts of all studies
retrieved by database searches for relevance. If consensus was not reached, a third
reviewer was consulted (MN) regarding the study’s inclusion. One reviewer (DP)
subsequently assessed all articles in their entirety, for eligibility. If included, data were
extracted and tabulated for the review. Articles were grouped by treatment modality.
2.1. Inclusion/exclusion criteria
All studies that examined the treatment of inflammatory NPSLE were included in the review,
providing there were at least five cases reported. A manifestation was considered to be
inflammatory if its aetiology was based primarily on autoimmune-mediated inflammation,
or if the institution of any immunosuppressive therapy was necessary. For example, a case
of multifocal strokes secondary to vasculitis of the central nervous system was considered
to represent inflammatory NPSLE, whereas a case of multiple strokes secondary to isolated
antiphospholipid syndrome managed solely with anticoagulation was not. If a therapy was
deemed novel but not reported in a case series of >5 patients, single case reports and
smaller series were included.
2.2. Population
Patients with one or multiple manifestations of neurologic and psychiatric systemic lupus
2.3. Intervention
This study focused on therapies for inflammatory NPSLE, including systemic, interventional
and biologic therapies. Psychological therapies and psychiatric medications were not
evaluated in this review, due to the difficulty in separating the treatment effect of these
therapies from that of immunosuppression administered. Treatment for non-inflammatory
thrombotic NPSLE was not included.
2.4. Comparator/control
No specific comparison or control group was required for inclusion in the study.
2.5. Outcomes
Primary outcomes:
Clear reporting of clinical outcomes for patients receiving treatment was required for all
studies to be included in the analysis. Articles with insufficient data regarding outcome were
excluded. Since validated outcome measures are not available for NPSLE, most studies used
clinician-reported outcomes to assess clinical response, or judgement-based Likert scales [7,
8]. For studies that utilised a general measure of disease activity for lupus, the most
frequently utilised were the British Isles Lupus Assessment Group (BILAG) and the Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment (SELENA)-Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease
Activity Index (SLEDAI). The BILAG index scores disease activity in SLE across eight different
organ systems, using a series of questions for each system. It incorporates change in disease
state over time and can also can detect partial response. The neuropsychiatric component
incorporates seventeen of the nineteen NPSLE syndromes (according to ACR nomenclature),
excluding anxiety disorder and mood disorder. Conversely, the SELENA-SLEDAI only includes
seven NPSLE syndromes – namely seizure, psychosis, organic brain syndrome, visual
disturbance, cranial nerve disorder, lupus headache and cerebrovascular disease. These are
scored 8 points each if present, but unlike the BILAG index, a partial response cannot be
detected. Some studies included scoring systems for specific manifestations, such as the
American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) scale and the European Database for Multiple
Sclerosis (EDMUS) grading scale for neuromyelitis optica and myelitis. The response
measure used for each individual study is described in supplementary appendix C.
Response to treatment for each study has been presented in summary tables 2-12. Overall
response (%) is shown as the proportion of patients who achieved a response according to
the measure used in that study (this includes both partial and complete responses). Where
available, the breakdown of partial and complete responses was also described.
Secondary outcomes:
Data regarding adverse events of treatment were also collected (see appendix C for detailed
excluded. Anticoagulation is a well-established therapy for antiphospholipid syndrome and
the current review focused on immunosuppressive therapies in NPSLE.
One randomised controlled trial by Denburg et al. [9] examining effects of corticosteroids on
cognition and mood in ten patients with mild to moderately active lupus, was not included
in the study for the following reasons: 1. patients with severe NPSLE manifestations had
been excluded from this study, 2. only three of the ten patients reported any neurological
manifestation at enrolment and 3. manifestations were mild (mood swings, depressed
mood and memory difficulties) and these symptoms are common in the general population,
yet no investigations (such as imaging or lumbar puncture) were required to ensure that
symptoms were attributable to SLE.
Two separately published studies reported on the same set of patients and had the same
outcome data [10, 11]. The study with lesser detail regarding patient outcomes was
excluded from the review [11].
2.7. Statistical analysis. Due to the wide variety of study designs, participants, interventions
and outcome measures, a meta-analysis was not performed. Instead, results of studies were
presented in tables and evaluated descriptively.
3. Results
A total of 7222 studies were identified. Of these, 2312 duplicates were removed and 4813
were excluded for reasons described in Figure 1. Of the remaining 97, another 29 were
excluded after full-text review. Hand-searching of relevant journals and review of reference
lists from key articles procured another 22 articles. Ninety studies were finally included in
the review. The majority of studies were case series (44 studies) and observational studies
(30 studies), with only 2 randomised controlled trials and one pilot study.
3.1. Corticosteroids
Fourteen studies examined corticosteroid treatment in 199 patients with NPSLE. There were
two non-controlled trials [12, 13], two observational studies [14, 15] and ten case series
(Table 2) [16-25]. Eight studies reported on a specific neuropsychiatric manifestation:
myelitis (4 studies) [15, 17, 19, 24], optic neuritis (2 studies) [16, 21], cranial neuropathy (1
study) [22] and chorea (1 study) [23], whilst 6 studies included more than one manifestation
[12-14, 18, 20, 25]. Risk of bias was deemed high in all studies. Interventions included
intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) in five studies [12, 13, 16, 20, 21], oral
corticosteroids (PO CS) in five [14, 15, 18, 22, 23], oral corticosteroids followed by
sequential azathioprine in one study [25], a mixture of intravenous (IV) and/or oral
corticosteroids in two studies [17, 19] and various IV corticosteroids (IVMP, IV
hydrocortisone, IV dexamethasone) in one study [24]. No study had a comparator group.
All but two studies showed positive results, albeit with varying degrees of response.
imaging outcomes using 99mtechnetium-hexamethyl-propylenamine oxime (Tc-HMPAO)
single-photon enhanced computer tomography (SPECT) and 99mTc-ethylcysteinate dimer (Tc-
ECD)-SPECT [12, 13] following IVMP. Both studies reported complete clinical response (CR)
in all patients and complete imaging response in 13/15 (86.7%) and 10/12 (83.3%) patients
respectively. These studies had a very short duration of follow-up – one week in the first
study and two weeks in the second study.
Three case series investigating IVMP in NPSLE reported responses in 62.5% to 100% of
patients. Two examined SLE-related optic neuritis [16, 21] with 62.5% of patients (5/8
patients) [16] and 83% of patients (5/6 patients) achieving a response [21]. In one study,
early initiation of treatment (within 10 days) was associated with improved clinical
outcomes (p<0.025) [16]. Both series showed high relapse occurrence (3/5 and 5/5
In contrast, two SLE-myelitis case series showed improvements in all patients receiving
either IV or oral CS [17, 24], with 6/14 complete and 8/14 partial responses (PRs). Two
patients additionally received cyclophosphamide however. Relapses were frequent in both
studies (3/5 and 5/9 respectively).
Oral corticosteroids for neuro-ophthalmological manifestations of SLE were examined in
two case series [18, 22]. Dose was not specified in one study [18] and varied between 30mg
and 1mg/kg in the other [22]. All patients improved, with complete response seen in 3/8
and 5/6 patients, respectively. However, two of the five complete responders in the latter
series additionally received IV cyclophosphamide [22].
Two further case series examined oral corticosteroids (doses not specified) in NPSLE, both
with a moderate proportion of responders (60%). One series examined patients with SLE-
related chorea [23] and the other examined elderly patients with late-onset NPSLE. The
latter study used oral corticosteroids with or without sequential azathioprine [25].
Adverse effects were not detailed in any of these studies.
3.2. Cyclophosphamide
Eighteen studies examined cyclophosphamide (CYC) in 352 patients with NPSLE (Table 3) [8,
26-33, 35-42]. These included two randomised controlled trials (RCT) [26, 28], one pilot
study [27], four non-controlled trials [29-32], three observational studies [8, 33, 34] and
eight case series [35-42]. Ten studies examined a single neuropsychiatric manifestation:
myelitis (six studies) [34, 37, 38, 40-42], optic neuritis (one study) [31], organic brain
syndrome (one study) [39], cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (one study) [33] and psychosis
(one study) [30], whilst seven studies included various manifestations [8, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35,
36]. One study did not specify patients’ neurologic manifestations [28]. Seventeen studies
were deemed at high risk of bias and one study showed ‘some concerns’ in relation to
outcome measurement and selection of reported result (see appendix B). Intravenous (IV)
CYC was the formulation of choice in all but one study, which examined oral CYC followed
by sequential azathioprine [30]. A standard dose IV cyclophosphamide regimen (0.75-1g/m2
monthly or equivalent) was used in six studies [8, 26, 29, 31, 32, 38], a low dose regimen
(200-400mg monthly, 250-500mg/m2 monthly, or 500mg weekly for 3 weeks followed by
500mg monthly) in four [27, 35, 36, 39], a high dose regimen (50mg/kg/d for 4 days) in one
[28] and the dose was not specified in five studies [33, 34, 37, 41, 42]. Three studies had
comparison groups, with interventions including IVMP [26], oral prednisolone [27] and high
dose IV CYC [93].
All but one study showed positive results in the majority of patients.
One RCT and one pilot study showed superiority of IV CYC to corticosteroid therapy used
alone [26, 27]. The RCT compared IV CYC (0.75g/m2 of body surface area monthly for one
year, then three-monthly for one year) to IVMP (1g monthly for four months, then two-
monthly for six months and three-monthly for one year) after induction treatment with
IVMP 1g for three days in 32 patients with various NPSLE manifestations. Clinical response
was assessed at four months and was seen in 95% and 46% respectively, with only one
treatment failure in the IV CYC group compared to 7 treatment failures in the IVMP group (p
< 0.001). There were no significant differences in adverse events between groups during 24
months of follow up. Early withdrawal from treatment occurred in two patients in the IVMP
group due to adverse events (pancreatitis and uncontrolled hypertension) compared with
no patients in the IV CYC group. The pilot study compared low dose IV CYC to oral
prednisone in 60 patients with NPSLE. Response was seen in 62.2% of patients receiving IV
CYC versus 21.7% receiving prednisone (p = 0.005) and there were fewer relapses in the IV
CYC group (37.8% versus 78.3%; p = 0.005) [27]. Two herpes zoster infections occurred in
the IV CYC group. One RCT involving 51 patients, 14 of whom had NPSLE, compared high
dose IV cyclophosphamide with standard dose IV cyclophosphamide [28]. For the NPSLE
subgroup, there was no difference between treatment arms, with most patients achieving a
complete response in both groups (standard dose: CR 5/7, high dose: CR 6/7). The two non-
responders in the standard dose group achieved complete response after crossover into the
high dose group. There was no difference in adverse events between groups.
Four non-controlled trials examined cyclophosphamide in NPSLE and showed clinical
response in 80 to 100% of patients [29-32]. One trial investigated oral cyclophosphamide
followed by sequential azathioprine in 13 patients with psychosis. Improvement was seen in
all patients, albeit with one relapse [30]. Another trial examined 10 patients with refractory
optic neuritis (refractory to corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressive agents for at least
two months) showing response in 80% of patients after IV cyclophosphamide [31].
Three observational studies examining IV CYC in NPSLE showed clinical response in most
patients (76.5%, 84% and 100%) [8, 33, 34]. One of these studies examined patients with
SLE-related myelitis. All patients in this study responded, with mostly partial responses
achieved (CR 2/15, PR 13/15) [34].
Five case series examined IV CYC in SLE-related myelitis. Results were mixed. One series
included nine patients who received IV CYC with or without plasma exchange (4 patients)
and showed improvement in only 25% [38]. Conversely, a large series of 20 patients with
SLE-myelitis who received either combination IVMP/IV CYC or IVMP alone, showed
improvement in 85% of patients (CR in 25% and PR in 60%) [37]. Although not statistically
significant, the multivariate analysis showed a trend towards unfavourable neurological
outcomes for IVMP used alone (OR 0.08, 95% CI 0.006 – 1.2; p = 0.065). Three additional
case series examining IV CYC in SLE-myelitis showed positive response in between 60-75%
patients, with mostly partial responses [40-42].
Two case series examined low dose IV CYC in patients with various manifestations of NPSLE.
One showed a clinical response in 96% (CR 68%, PR 28%) [36], and the second showed
response in 61% (19/31). Eight patients in the latter study also received plasma exchange.
One case series examined IV cyclophosphamide in ten patients with organic brain syndrome
and reported complete response in 80% of patients, with one relapse [39].
Adverse effects of cyclophosphamide were observed in all studies, particularly infections.
Infections occasionally resulted in the cessation of treatment and sometimes death (five
studies) [8, 33-35, 42]. Other common adverse events included cytopaenias, alopecia,
nausea/vomiting, mild haemorrhagic cystitis and occasionally premature ovarian failure.
3.3.1. Mycophenolate
A post-hoc analysis of a randomised controlled trial in 370 patients with lupus nephritis
examined non-renal disease activity following mycophenolate mofetil versus IV
cyclophosphamide. This included eight patients with significant neurologic involvement
(baseline neurologic BILAG A or B) [43]. Three patients received mycophenolate and five
received cyclophosphamide. All patients improved, hence there was no difference between
groups. However, there was one neuropsychiatric flare by BILAG definition and two flares by
SELENA-SLEDAI definition in the cyclophosphamide group, compared with no flares in the
mycophenolate group.
Two observational studies examining mycophenolate in patients with mixed manifestations
of NPSLE showed response in 77.8% and 96.15% of patients respectively. In the latter study,
the very high proportion of responders (96.15%) by the end of follow up had risen from
53.22% at three months [7]. The authors note that “IVIG and/or rituximab were used in
refractory cases”, yet further details regarding these therapies or to how many patients they
were administered are not reported.
A third observational study examined 16 lupus patients with central nervous system
vasculitis who received mycophenolate as either initial (7 patients), secondary (after
relapse, 3 patients) or maintenance (5 patients) therapy [45]. Clinical response, or
maintenance thereof, was achieved in 86.7% of patients.
Adverse events for mycophenolate were generally mild. However, one severe leukopaenia
was noted and one severe infection resulting in death [7].
3.3.2. Azathioprine
No study examined azathioprine primarily for the treatment of NPSLE, but this medication
was utilised commonly [16, 17, 34, 48, 50, 57, 63, 75-78]. Most often, it was used in
combination with other immunosuppressive agents, such as cyclophosphamide [34] and
rituximab [30, 48, 50], hence the treatment effect of azathioprine could not be separated
from these other therapies. However, four studies that examined various therapies for the
management of NPSLE (Table 11) did describe outcomes separately for patients who
received azathioprine. One study examined patients with lupus-related peripheral
neuropathy, of whom 16 received azathioprine and 19 received cyclophosphamide. A
similar rate of remission was seen for those receiving azathioprine (93.8%) as for those
receiving IV cyclophosphamide induction (94.4%, p = 1) [82]. Another study examined
patients with various manifestations of NPSLE, 10 of whom received azathioprine. All but
one responded to treatment [81]. A myelitis study included three patients receiving
azathioprine alongside corticosteroids; all patients achieved a partial response [83]. Finally,
a case series examining lupus psychosis included three patients treated with azathioprine
and corticosteroids, two of whom achieved a partial response with ongoing chronic
psychosis, and one of whom had a complete response. Azathioprine has been used as a
sequential or maintenance therapy in three studies, with moderate to high proportions of
patients maintaining clinical response [25, 30, 80].
3.3.3. Cyclosporin
One case series examined cyclosporin as either initial or maintenance therapy in 40 patients
with SLE, 11 of whom had neurologic involvement [46]. Cyclosporin was used as initial
therapy for ‘moderate’ disease and as maintenance therapy for ‘severe’ disease after
administration of IV CYC. Outcomes were not reported for NPSLE patients separately, only
for total study numbers (87.5% response overall with 57.5% ‘excellent’ response, 30%
‘good/fair’ response). However, only two ‘unsatisfactory outcomes’ were observed in the
entire study and these were both NPSLE patients receiving cyclosporin for maintenance
treatment. Adverse events were mild and did not require drug cessation.
controlled trials [48-50], six observational studies [51-55, 61] and four case series [56-59].
Seven studies included patients with various manifestations of NPSLE [48-51, 53, 56, 60],
one study examined SLE-myelitis [58], and six studies did not specify neurological
manifestations [52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61]. All studies were deemed at high risk of bias.
and lack of correction for multiple comparisons. The largest difference between belimumab
and placebo for CNS domains was seen in a subgroup analysis of patients who had high
serological activity at baseline. In patients with high serological activity and CNS
involvement (N = 13), two thirds (66.7%) achieved SELENA-SLEDAI improvements in the
belimumab groups, compared to none receiving placebo. However, due to small numbers
this was not statistically significant. Headache was the only manifestation for which
outcomes were reported separately: improvements were seen in 69.2% of patients
receiving 10mg/kg, 100% of patients receiving 1mg/kg and 20% of patients receiving
placebo. Again, the small numbers (N = 24) did not allow further conclusions to be drawn.
An observational study examined belimumab 10mg/kg in 195 SLE patients, 9 of whom had
NPSLE [61]. No response to belimumab was seen in NPSLE patients. Furthermore, four
patients without NPSLE at baseline developed NPSLE manifestations (1 stroke, 1 psychosis, 1
depressive episode and 1 seizure) while taking belimumab, and two patients with NPSLE at
baseline had worsening of their disease.
Adverse events were either mild [61] or not reported [60].
In only one study was TPE used without cyclophosphamide [67]. This was a case series of
five NPSLE patients receiving TPE alongside corticosteroids (doses between 10-100mg/d). All
patients responded to therapy.
Adverse events associated with TPE were infrequent but included bleeding at catheter site,
transient hypotension, catheter infections or clots, mild arrhythmias and electrolyte
abnormalities. One study reported pneumothorax and haemothorax [63].
reported responses for neurologic patients separately [71]. In this study, the frequency of
CNS manifestations declined over time. At mobilisation, frequency of CNS manifestations
was 46%; this decreased to approximately 5% after six months (exact value not displayed on
graph) and was approximately 10% at 24 months. Of note, one patient developed CNS
involvement following auto-SCT.
One non-controlled trial [70] and one observational study [72] examined auto-SCT in SLE,
including some patients with manifestations of NPSLE. Outcomes were described for the
entire cohort (NPSLE outcomes were not reported separately). Five-year survival after auto-
SCT was high in both studies (84% and 81%), however the probability of disease-free
survival at 5 years was only 50% and 29%. The latter study showed a relapse incidence of
56% [72].
Adverse events were common in all studies (reported for overall study numbers). Infections,
cytokine storm following ATG, and new immune events (such as immune
thrombocytopaenia, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia and acquired haemophilia) were
most common. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder occurred in two patients [71,
72] and death related to auto-SCT occurred in 1 [70], 7 [71] and 4 patients [72].
One study examined an immunoablative dose of IV CYC in a patient with SLE-related
neuromyelitis optica after failure of multiple therapies including IVMP, mycophenolate,
tacrolimus, oral CYC, standard dose IV CYC, IVIG and rituximab. A dose of 2g per day was
given for 4 days along with G-CSF. The patient had clinical improvement (measured by visual
acuity, limb power and ability to walk with aids) and radiological improvement (marked
reduction in hyperintense spinal cord signals), followed by no relapse over 18 months
despite no maintenance immunosuppression. However, rituximab had been given three
months prior to immunoablative IV CYC, potentially confounding results. The patient
experienced alopecia and gastrointestinal upset.
One case series examined selective immunoadsorption of immunoglobulins
(immunoglobulin apheresis) with low dose IVIG in 5 SLE patients, one of whom had NPSLE
(seizures). This patient achieved a complete response but also received high dose
prednisolone and 2 doses of IV CYC (800mg and 1000mg one week apart).
One case report described clinical and radiological improvement of SLE-related CNS
vasculitis after treatment with tacrolimus. However, IVMP was administered concurrently
and clinical improvement was seen after the second IVMP pulse. It should be mentioned
that the patient’s first presentation of CNS vasculitis responded to oral prednisone.
Two studies showed positive clinical outcomes after cerebrospinal fluid pheresis in two
patients with NPSLE. Regimens included: 1. Two filtration sessions three days apart, 225mL
filtered per session, and 2. Five filtration sessions over five days, 400ml CSF filtered per
session, followed by a 5-day break then another 6 sessions. Both cases received IVMP and IV
CYC 1-3 weeks prior to CSF pheresis.
One case report described improvement of SLE-related cognitive dysfunction following
iloprost [99]. The NPSLE diagnosis had been made on neuropsychological testing, as well as
brain perfusion imaging (SPECT scan). Iloprost was given for the management of Raynaud
phenomenon at a dose of 1.5ng/kg/min every 6h/d for 10 days. The patient experienced
complete reversal of cognitive dysfunction, confirmed on neuropsychological testing. SPECT
scan also normalised.
four case series [77-80]. One study included patients with various NPSLE manifestations [75]
and five studies focused on particular manifestations: myelitis (two studies) [76, 77],
psychosis (one study) [78], seizures (one study) [79] and demyelinating syndrome (one
study) [80]. Risk of bias was high in all studies.
Treatment combinations were numerous (see Table 10), but all included corticosteroids
accompanied by two or more of the following additional therapies: cyclophosphamide, a
synthetic DMARD, IVIG or TPE. Combination therapies yielded mostly positive results. One
observational study examining patients with severe neuropsychiatric involvement showed
response in 74% of patients, half of whom received combinations. In this study,
combinations involving rituximab, IVIG and TPE most commonly achieved improvement.
Four case series examining specific manifestations (psychosis, seizures, demyelinating
syndrome and a myelitis case series) used combination therapies in approximately half of
patients, showing at least partial clinical responses in all cases. In contrast, one case-control
study examining SLE-related myelitis showed poor responses in patients receiving
combination therapy, with only 2/5 achieving a ‘good outcome’ [76].
Adverse events were either not reported [76, 79, 80] or events were typical for medication
types, for example, combinations with cyclophosphamide resulted in adverse events such as
infection, cytopaenias and amenorrhoea. One study recorded corticosteroid side effects
including Cushing’s syndrome, myopathy and osteopaenia [75]. Death from serious
infections occurred in two studies [77, 78].
3.10. Studies with grouped outcome data for multiple therapy types
Five studies involving 115 patients utilised various therapies for the treatment of NPSLE,
with outcomes reported for only some therapies or for the overall cohort (Table 11) [81-85].
There were three observational studies [81-83] and two case series [84, 85]. One study
examined various NPSLE manifestations [81] and four studies were selective for a
neuropsychiatric manifestation: myelitis (2 studies) [83, 84], peripheral neuropathy (1 study)
[82] and mononeuritis multiplex (1 study) [85]. Risk of bias was high in all studies. Overall
clinical response was high in all studies, with improvement (at least partial response) in 75-
100% of patients. One observational study documented response for three drugs
separately: cyclophosphamide, 4/9 responses (all with minor resulting disability),
azathioprine, 9/10 responses (2 with CR, 5 with minor resulting disability and 2 with
moderate disability) and TPE, 1/2 responses (moderate resulting disability) [81]. Two case
series examining SLE-related myelitis found that most favourable responses occurred with
either combination IVMP/CYC or IVMP alone [83, 84]. One of these series noted that all
responses occurred within 7 days of treatment with high dose corticosteroids [83]. Both
studies showed relapse to be more common in patients receiving corticosteroids alone. One
observational study examining various therapies for SLE-related peripheral neuropathy
showed a high overall response (92%), as did a case series examining different therapies for
SLE-related mononeuritis multiplex (70%) [85].
Adverse events were either not reported [81, 85] or most commonly due to infections in
patients receiving cyclophosphamide [82-84], with death in two cases [82, 84].
associated with a longer time to NP damage (HR = 0.56; 95% CI 0.35–0.92). Another study
showed that previous cyclophosphamide use was positively associated with the
development of NPSLE (RR 4.3, p <0.001). One observational study showed that IVMP was
an independent predictor of NP damage [92]. Many of the above associations are
confounded by the fact that SLE patients with severe disease are more likely to develop
NPSLE and also more likely to have received treatment with high dose corticosteroids or
cyclophosphamide. Equally, patients with mild SLE are less likely to develop NPSLE and more
likely to have received treatment with hydroxychloroquine.
4. Discussion
This review summarises the available evidence regarding treatments used in the
management of inflammatory neurological and psychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus
(NPSLE). The pathophysiology of NPSLE remains poorly understood, but in general,
neuroinflammation and cerebral ischaemia are accepted as the two major contributing
mechanisms in NPSLE [100]. This review focuses on manifestations that reflect an
inflammatory aetiology and hence studies examining purely thrombotic manifestations,
namely stroke secondary to antiphospholipid syndrome alone, are not included.
Ninety studies were analysed in total, with only two available randomised controlled trials
and one pilot study, highlighting the relative paucity of high-quality data in this area of lupus
disease management. The remaining studies comprised case series, observational studies,
and small, open-label, non-controlled trials. Studies were extremely heterogeneous in their
patient population, study design, treatment protocol and outcome measures; therefore,
data were analysed qualitatively rather than quantitatively.
It should be mentioned that current treatment paradigms for NPSLE involve multiple
treatment modalities, naturally complicating the assessment of efficacy for individual
therapies. Nevertheless, based on the collected and reviewed data, we have identified a
number of therapeutic strategies for the management of neurologic and psychiatric
manifestations of SLE with an immune or inflammatory aetiology. These are summarised in
Figure 2.
Corticosteroids play a key role in the acute treatment of most manifestations of lupus.
Reflecting this, all studies utilised corticosteroids for NPSLE, either alone or in combination
with other therapies. Of twelve studies where corticosteroids were the principal therapy,
ten had positive results. Most studies were case series and small open-label non-controlled
trials, conferring a high risk of publication bias due to the tendency to overreport efficacy.
Nevertheless, based on consistent results in a large number of studies, there is low-
moderate evidence to support the use of corticosteroid therapy in NPSLE management [12-
14, 16-18, 20-25]. Furthermore, early treatment (within 10 days of symptoms onset), as well
as intravenous formulations, were associated with better outcomes in numerous studies
[16, 19, 83]. Relapse after treatment with corticosteroids was common, particularly for the
manifestations of optic neuritis [16, 21] and lupus myelopathy [17, 19, 24].
We recommend that the initial management of inflammatory NPSLE include the early
institution of corticosteroids followed by consideration of a second immunosuppressive
agent. For severe disease, we suggest IV methylprednisolone, 1g daily for three days,
followed by oral corticosteroid taper. For mild to moderate disease, oral corticosteroids may
be employed at doses that are dependent on severity, anywhere between 20mg/day and
1mg/kg/day. Close monitoring for the adverse effects of corticosteroids is essential,
especially when using high-dose regimens. Side effects of high dose corticosteroids can
include acute psychosis and mood disturbance, which may further complicate the
management of NPSLE.
superiority of IV CYC to corticosteroid therapy used alone [26, 27]. Limited data also support
favourable outcomes for low dose cyclophosphamide regimens in NPSLE [27, 35, 36, 39].
Regarding subgroup data for different manifestations of NPSLE, there is limited evidence to
support the use of cyclophosphamide in the treatment of lupus myelitis [34, 37, 40-42, 76,
77, 94]; however, the proportion of responders is similar to that seen in studies using IV
corticosteroids alone for this condition. Since all patients managed with cyclophosphamide
also received concurrent IV corticosteroids, it is difficult to separate the treatment effect of
cyclophosphamide from that of IV corticosteroids. Hence, the interference of concomitant
therapies is a confounding factor. Regarding optic neuritis, limited data support the use of
cyclophosphamide for refractory disease [31], in line with results from a systematic review
examining neuro-ophthalmological manifestations of SLE [117]. For psychosis, limited data
also support benefit with cyclophosphamide therapy, both oral and IV formulations [30, 78].
Very limited evidence (single case series) exists for cyclophosphamide use in other NPSLE
manifestations, such as organic brain syndrome [39], seizures [79] and lupus-related venous
sinus thrombosis [33].
In terms of DMARD therapy, limited evidence favours benefit for mycophenolate in NPSLE
[7, 43-45]. A post-hoc analysis of a randomised controlled trial comparing mycophenolate
with IV cyclophosphamide showed no difference in response between groups, although
NPSLE numbers were very small (N = 8) [43]. Only one study examined mycophenolate in a
specific NPSLE manifestation – lupus-related CNS vasculitis – and showed favourable results
for acute and maintenance treatment [45]. Regarding azathioprine, there was limited data
supporting its use in acute [78, 81-83] and maintenance management of NPSLE [25, 30].
Favourable results for specific manifestations were seen in two studies, examining lupus-
related peripheral neuropathy [82] and psychosis [30]. The data examining intrathecal
methotrexate and dexamethasone in NPSLE are confounded by concurrent administration
of other systemic therapies including IV corticosteroids and IV cyclophosphamide in both
studies [10, 33]. Furthermore, intrathecal therapy is relatively invasive and has the potential
for neurological complications; hence, we suggest it should be reserved for refractory
disease. Data regarding cyclosporin therapy in NPSLE are conflicting [46, 62]. Despite
positive results in one study [62], the treatment effect of cyclosporin alone cannot be
interpreted due to simultaneous treatment with cyclophosphamide and TPE in all patients.
Another study examining cyclosporin in 40 SLE patients (11 with NPSLE) noted two
‘unsatisfactory outcomes’ within the entire cohort, both in NPSLE patients [46].
Based on the available evidence, we recommend either azathioprine or mycophenolate
alongside corticosteroids in mild to moderate NPSLE.
With regards to biologic therapies, low-moderate evidence supports the use of rituximab in
NPSLE [48-59], particularly in refractory disease. This is based on consistent results from
numerous non-controlled studies (12 studies) and is in keeping with the wider literature, in
which five systematic reviews describe positive effects of rituximab for the treatment of
various lupus manifestations [120-124], including one systematic review that specifically
examines rituximab for refractory NPSLE [123]. A number of auto-antibodies including anti-
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibodies, anti-phospholipid antibodies and anti-ribosomal
P antibodies are purported to have pathogenic roles in NPSLE [126-129], which might
explain the efficacy of treatments that target B cell depletion. However, presence of these
autoantibodies in SLE patients does not always correlate with neuropsychiatric involvement
[130, 131] and the role of B cells and autoantibodies in NPSLE remains incompletely
understood [132, 133]. In our review, relapse rates after treatment with rituximab varied
widely (8-80%), but the available data regarding those who did relapse showed high
response figures after retreatment [53, 58, 59]. Limited evidence from subgroup data
supports the use of rituximab in lupus myelitis [53, 58]. We recommend that rituximab
should be used alongside corticosteroids in severe or refractory cases of NPSLE.
Data regarding belimumab were conflicting. Although analysis of the BLISS trials [60]
showed a trend towards benefit in NPSLE patients with high serological activity and also in
patients with headache, both trials originally excluded patients with severe NPSLE, and
positive findings were based on very small numbers of patients with milder features.
Another study found no benefit using belimumab in NPSLE patients, and also saw the
development of NPSLE after study commencement in four patients taking belimumab [61].
Targeting other cytokines for NPSLE may be effective. For example, interferon has been
shown to play a potential role in NPSLE in pre-clinical studies [134]; however, the effect of
agents targeting this pathway such as anifrolumab, an anti-interferon-receptor monoclonal
antibody, which recently met its primary endpoint in a phase 3 clinical trial [135], remains to
be studied in NPSLE.
In patients with severe NPSLE, limited data support the use of TPE in conjunction with other
therapies [62-67], the caveat being that IV cyclophosphamide was used in all but one study.
Several studies examining adjunctive TPE in lupus nephritis have shown no additional
benefit of TPE over standard of care [136-141]. As the current treatment paradigms for
NPSLE are based on the treatment of other severe organ manifestations of SLE such as
nephritis, this suggests that adjunctive TPE may also not be of any additional value in the
treatment of NPSLE. Limited data support the use of adjunctive IVIG in NPSLE management
[68, 75]. In patients with refractory disease, there is limited evidence showing favourable
outcomes with autologous stem cell transplant [70-72].
Novel therapies with positive case report data include ECT for lupus psychosis [73, 74],
immunoablative dose IV CYC for refractory lupus myelitis [94], immunoadsorption therapy
for lupus-related seizures [95], tacrolimus for stroke secondary to central nervous system
vasculitis [96], cerebrospinal fluid pheresis for stroke secondary to central nervous system
vasculitis and for demyelinating syndrome [97, 98] and iloprost for severe cognitive
dysfunction [99]. Seven out of eight of these reports were confounded by the simultaneous
or recent use of other therapies including cyclophosphamide and rituximab. The only report
in which no other therapy was used was the report describing iloprost in a patient with
severe cognitive dysfunction [99]. There is not yet enough evidence to recommend use of
any of the above therapies.
Studies including combination therapies showed mostly positive results, but there is
insufficient data to draw specific conclusions about the benefit of adding a third agent to
corticosteroid therapy with one other immunosuppressive agent.
In terms of ‘other therapies’, observational data suggest a role for both hydroxychloroquine
and anti-platelet therapy in the general management of NPSLE. Regarding anti-platelet
therapy, beneficial effect was described even in the absence of stroke as the primary
manifestation of NPSLE [86]. Five observational studies found associations between
antimalarial therapy and lower rates of neurological involvement or damage [87-91],
including three studies examining predominantly seizures [87-89]. Although such
associations may be biased by therapy indication, i.e. patients with lower disease activity
are likely to be managed with hydroxychloroquine, we would nevertheless recommend the
addition of hydroxychloroquine in all patients with NPSLE.
Anticoagulation was used in select patients alongside immunosuppression in thirteen
studies [8, 33, 37, 38, 41, 42, 63, 64, 70, 75, 77, 81, 83]. Indications for anticoagulation
included a history of anti-phospholipid syndrome, new antiphospholipid syndrome as part
of the inflammatory presentation, or occasionally, the presence of antiphospholipid
antibodies without thrombosis. The latter indication occurred only in studies examining
lupus myelitis, and this was likely due to the previously proposed pathogenic mechanism of
possible thrombosis secondary to antiphospholipid antibodies [142]. Five of the myelitis
studies [37, 38, 42, 77, 83] contained sufficient data to examine outcomes of patients with
antiphospholipid antibodies (without thrombosis) who were treated with anticoagulation,
compared to those who did not receive anticoagulation, and there were no obvious
differences regarding myelitis outcomes. This is consistent with findings of a systematic
review exploring the value of checking antiphospholipid antibodies in lupus myelitis, in
which anticoagulation was not found to have any additional therapeutic effect in patients
with myelitis and positive antiphospholipid antibodies [119].
We therefore recommend the addition of therapeutic anticoagulation only in patients with
documented antiphospholipid syndrome.
This review has a number of limitations. Firstly, of the ninety available studies, only two are
randomised controlled trials. The scarcity of trial data is due to multiple issues relating to
trial design in a NPSLE patient population. First of all, the multitude of NPSLE manifestations
along with their rarity and variable presentation makes recruitment of a homogeneous
study population difficult. Secondly, there remains a lack of accurate diagnostic tests and
standardised measures to easily document outcomes and thirdly, the high morbidity and
mortality shown to be associated with NPSLE raises ethical issues when randomising
patients to particular treatments, or to a defined study protocol. For this reason, NPSLE
patients are often excluded from randomised studies. One solution to this problem would
be to design trials that compare the current standard of care with new treatments (in
addition to standard of care therapy). Unfortunately, the standard of care for patients with
severe NPSLE often comprises multiple potent therapies including cyclophosphamide,
rituximab and adjuvant therapeutic plasma exchange, leaving any treatment effect of an
additional therapy difficult to perceive, and substantially increasing risks associated with
severe immunosuppression. For this reason, most available studies examining NPSLE
therapy are either case series or observational studies; this is reflected in our review.
Furthermore, case series inherently confer a high risk of publication bias, because successful
cases are more likely to be reported in the literature, leading to efficacy overreporting. All
but one study in this review were deemed at high risk of bias, and only 5 studies had
comparator groups. Many of the included observational studies were limited by their
retrospective design, small sample size, or inclusion of only a small subset of NPSLE patients
within a larger cohort.
Another major limitation of this review relates to the heterogeneity of studies with regards
to design, patient population, treatment protocol and also outcome measures. Diverse
patient populations cannot easily be compared between studies and moreover, grouped
results of mixed patient populations do not accurately reflect treatment effect for a
particular manifestation. The vast majority of studies in this review grouped
neuropsychiatric manifestations together and hence, subgroup analysis of different
manifestations was extremely limited. Due to the paucity of metrics for NPSLE disease
severity and outcome, most studies did not use validated instruments. Instead, arbitrary
definitions for response were frequently used, or subjective physician-reported outcomes.
These kinds of descriptive data are difficult to compare across studies. Furthermore, those
studies that did utilise validated outcome measures of disease activity, such as the BILAG,
SLEDAI and SELENA-SLEDAI, were nevertheless limited as these instruments do not capture
all neuropsychiatric manifestations. No instrument currently exists which adequately
measures disease activity and outcomes for all neuropsychiatric manifestations, and this will
be a vital development for better study of NPSLE in future. A study by Hanly et al. has shown
that changes in patient-derived SF-36 summary and subscale scores are strongly associated
with clinical outcomes in NPSLE, and hence this could be a reliable outcome measure for
future studies [143].
Finally, some studies had missing data, while others attributed treatment success to one
therapy despite a combination of therapies being used. In such studies, it was not possible
to separate the treatment effect of one drug from another, and hence results were
The major strength of this review is that it comprehensively and systematically describes all
the immunomodulatory treatments used in inflammatory neurological and psychiatric
manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. Additionally, we have presented levels of
evidence for each treatment described, to help guide the treating physician and hopefully
aid in the development of a treatment algorithm for NPSLE in the future.
5. Conclusion
In a systematic review focussing on the management of inflammatory NPSLE, we have
identified many potential treatment options including systemic, biologic and interventional
therapies. However, the numerous limitations as discussed above preclude firm
recommendations regarding treatment from being made. Nevertheless, we have suggested
a management approach based on the current available evidence. In order to better tailor
treatment to NPSLE patients in future, an improved understanding of the pathophysiology
of the disease is necessary, as well as validated measures that accurately assess the severity
of each manifestation and its response to treatment. Ultimately, well-designed randomised
controlled trials that examine a homogeneous population of NPSLE patients (i.e. a single
manifestation) should analyse a new therapy in comparison to the current standard of care.
MN holds a National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Investigator Grant
(GNT 1176538).
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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Tables and Figures
Table 1. The American College of Rheumatology Nomenclature and Case Definitions for
Neuropsychiatric Lupus Syndromes
Central Nervous System
Aseptic meningitis
Cerebrovascular disease
Headache (including migraine and benign intracranial hypertension)
Movement disorder (chorea)
Seizure disorders
Acute confusional state
Anxiety disorder
Cognitive dysfunction
Mood disorder
Peripheral nervous system
Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
(Guillain-Barre´ syndrome)
Autonomic disorder
Mononeuropathy, single/multiplex
Myasthenia gravis
Neuropathy, cranial
Arthritis Rheum, 1999. 42(4): p. 599-608
Table 2
Corticosteroids (CS)
Response N (%)/
Population Intervention Comparator
Risk of bias Assessment
Non-controlled trials
Sun et al. (2004) N = 15 IVMP (15) None Overall response 100%; clinical CR
PSY (7), MD (5), COG (5), Dose: 1g/d x 3 then PNL 15/15 (100%); imaging CR 13/15;
SEIZ (4), ACS (4), cerebellar 2mg/kg/d one week imaging PR 2/15
ataxia (3), ‘impaired
concentration’ (2), Risk of bias: high
‘dizziness’ (2), H/A (2)
Liu et al. (2003) N = 12 IVMP (12) None Overall response 100%; clinical CR
PSY (7), MD (5), ACS (4), Dose: 1g/d x 3 then PNL 12/12 (100%); imaging CR 10/12;
SEIZ (4), Cerebellar ataxia 2mg/kg/d one week imaging PR 2/12
(3), COG (3), H/A (2)
Risk of bias: high
Case series
Lin et al. (2009) N=8 IVMP (8) None Overall response 62.5%; CR 4/8
ON (8) Dose: 1g/d x 3 (50%), PR 1/8 (12.5%), relapse 3/5 of
Concurrent Rx: PNL (8), IV responders
CYC (1), AZA (1), HQL (1)
Risk of bias: high
Bell et al. (1991) N = 7 (with serial MRIs) IVMP (7) None Overall response clinical 100%, MRI
SEIZ (4), H/A (3), CVA (2), Dose varied: 0.5-1g/d 57%
ACS (1), COG (1), ANX (1) Concurrent Rx: PO CS CR clinical 4/7 (57%), CR MRI 3/7
PR 3/7 (43%), PR MRI 1/7 (14%)
Risk of bias: high
Siatkowski et al. (2001) N=6 IVMP (6) None Overall response 83%; CR 5/6,
ON (6) Dose: 0.25g q6H x 3-5 days relapse 5/5 (100%), >1 relapse 4/5
then weaning PNL (80%)
Concurrent Rx:
triamcinolone acetonide IO Risk of bias: high
injection (1), IV CYC at
relapse (2), AZA at relapse
Observational studies
Kasitanon et al. (2002) N = 91 (NPSLE, 98 events) High dose CS (91) None Response by manifestation:
SEIZ (38), PSY (13), ACS (11), Dose: equivalent to SEIZ: CR 34/38 (89.5%); relapse 4/34
‘Abnormal conscious state’ ≥1mg/kg/d PNL PSY: 13/13 (100%)
(6), TM (6), MM (3), PN (2), Concurrent Rx: CYC (2) ACS: 11/11 (100%), ‘Abnormal
CVA (2), AM (2) conscious state’: 6/6 (100%)
N = 390 (total study TM: 5/6 (83.3%); CR 3/6 (50%), PR
numbers) 2/6 (33.3%)
Not reported: MM, PN, CVA, AM
Schulz et al. (2011) N = 14 (received Rx) High dose PO CS (14) None Overall response 4/14 (28.6%) all PR
TM (14) Dose and type CS not Note: not clear which of the 14
Controls N = 39 (idiopathic specified patients received CYC or TPE
TM) Concurrent Rx: IV CYC (2),
TPE (1)
Risk of bias: high
Case series
Chan et al. (1996) N = 9 (14 events) IVMP (5 events) None Overall response 100%; CR 3/9
TM (9) Dose: 1g/d x 3 (33%), PR 6/9 (67%), relapse 5/9
PO CS (PNL, 9 events) (55.5%), response with re-treatment
Dose: 0.75-1mg/kg/d 5/5 (100%)
Concurrent Rx: IV CYC (3
events), PO CS (14 events), Risk of bias: high
AZA (1)
Teoh et al. (2001) N=8 PO CS (8) None Overall response 100%; CR 3/8
MM (1), INO (1), CN (2), ON Dose: not specified (37.5%), PR 5/8 (62.5%), relapse 2/8
(3), inferior rectus Concurrent Rx: IV CS (1), (25%)
myopathy (1) retrobulbar depot steroid
(1) Risk of bias: high
Harisdangkul et al. N=7 CS IV or PO (7) None Overall response 28.6% (CR 2/7),
(1995) TM (7) Dose varied; see appendix C stability in 3/7 (42.9%)
for dosing details by case
Concurrent Rx: N/A Risk of bias: high
Genevay et al. (2002) N=6 PO CS (6) None Overall response 6/6 (100%); CR 5/6
CN (6) Dose varied; see appendix C (83%), PR 1/6 (16.6%)
for dosing details by case
Concurrent Rx: IV CYC (2), Risk of bias: high
ASA (1)
Reiner et al. (2011) N = 6 (NPSLE, adults) PO CS (5) None Overall response 3/5 (60%)
Chorea (6) Dose and type CS not
N = 32 (total study specified Risk of bias: high
numbers) Concurrent Rx: TPE (2), ASA
(2), anticonvulsants (4)
Salmaggi et al. (1994) N=5 IV CS (5) None Overall response 100%; CR 3/5
TM (5) Dose varied; see appendix C (60%), PR 2/5 (40%), relapse 3/5
for dosing details by case (60%)
Concurrent Rx: N/A
Risk of bias: high
Dennis et al. (1992) N = 5 (NPSLE, elderly) PO CS (PNL) +/- sequential None Overall response 3/5 (60%)
Subacute confusional state AZA (3)
(2), Parkinsonism (2), Dose (PNL) not specified Risk of bias: high
Depression (2), CVA (2), Dose (AZA) varied: 100-
COG (2) 150mg/d
Concurrent Rx: anti-
parkinson Rx (2), ASA (1)
Abbreviations: CS (corticosteroids), N (number), IVMP (intravenous methylprednisolone), PSY (psychosis), MD (mood disorder), COG (cognitive impairment), SEIZ (seizure),
ACS (acute confusional state), H/A (headache), CR (complete response), PR (partial response), ON (optic neuritis), Rx (treatment), PNL (prednisolone), IV (intravenous), CYC
(cyclophosphamide), AZA (azathioprine), HQL (hydroxychloroquine), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), ANX (anxiety), PO (per oral), IO
(intraocular), NPSLE (neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus), TM (transverse myelitis), MM (mononeuritis multiplex), PN (peripheral neuropathy), AM (aseptic
meningitis), TPE (therapeutic plasma exchange), INO (intranuclear ophthalmoplegia), CN (cranial neuropathy), ASA (aspirin), N/A (not applicabl
Table 3
Cyclophosphamide (CYC)
Response N (%)/
Population Intervention Comparator
Risk of bias Assessment
Barile-Fabris et al. N = 32 IV CYC (19) IVMP (13) IV CYC arm 18/19 (95%)
(2005) SEIZ (11), PN (7), ON (5), TM Dose: 0.75g/m2 BSA SEIZ (5/5), ON (4/4), TM (3/3), PN
(4), Brainstem disease (2), monthly (3/4), brainstem disease (1/1), coma
Coma (2), INO (1) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (32), (1/1), INO (1/1)
prednisone (32) IVMP arm 6/13 (46%)
Stojanovich et al. N = 60 IV CYC low dose (37) Prednisone (23) IV CYC arm 23/37 (62.2%), relapse
(2003) PSY (8), MD (17), SEIZ (5), Dose: 0.2-0.4g monthly 14/37 (37.8%)
Pilot study CVA (26), ON (37), Concurrent Rx: prednisone Prednisone arm 5/23 (21.7%),
Movement disorder (5), AM (37) relapse 18/23 (78.3%)
(1), DMS (6), COG (7), PN
(19) Risk of bias: high
Pilot Study
Petri et al. (2010) N = 14 (NPSLE) IV CYC high dose (7) IV CYC standard IV CYC standard dose CR 5/7 (71.4%)
Subgroup NPSLE Manifestations not Dose: 50mg/kg/d for 4 days dose (7) IV CYC high dose CR 6/7 (86%)
patients specified Concurrent Rx: not specified Dose: 0.75g/m2 Crossover patients (from standard to
N = 51 (total study BSA monthly high dose) CR 2/2 (100%)
Risk of bias: some concerns
Non-controlled trials
Malaviya et al. (1992) N = 14 (NPSLE) IV CYC (14) None Overall response 86%; CR 11/14
PSY (3), OBS (2), Coma (2), Dose: 0.5-0.75g/m2 BSA (79%), PR 1/14 (7%)
SEIZ (4), Hemiplegia (1), PN every 3wks (6 pulses) 2/14 developed NPSLE while
(1), TM (1) Concurrent Rx: PNL (all), receiving IV CYC for other indication
N = 50 (total study chloroquine/HQL (all)
numbers) Risk of bias: high
Mok et al. (2003) N = 13 PO CYC + sequential AZA None Overall response 100%; CR 13/13
PSY (13) (13) (100%), relapse 1/13
Dose: 1-2mg/kg/d (6m)
Concurrent Rx: IVMP (4), Risk of bias: high
PNL (13)
Boumpas et al. (1991) N=9 IV CYC (9) None Overall response 100%; CR 6/9
TM (3), OBS + PSY (2), Dose: 0.75g/m2 BSA then (67%), PR 3/9 (33%)
Cerebritis + hemiparesis (2), monthly 0.5-1g/m2 BSA
Cerebritis + SEIZ (1), (6m) Risk of bias: high
Cerebritis + PSY (1) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (4),
PNL (9), TPE (1)
Observational studies
Fanouriakis et al. N = 46 IV CYC (44) doses varied None Overall response 84%; CR 23/50
(2016) PSY (11), PN (6), CVA (5), PO CYC (2) events (46%), PR 19/50 events (38%)
SEIZ (5), CN (5), TM (4), MM Concurrent Rx: IVMP (43), CYC first line CR 52.4% vs. second line
(4), AM (3), H/A (2), ACS (2) AC (1), antiplatelets (4) CR 12.5% (p = 0.018)
Wang et al. (2015) N = 17 (cerebral VST) IV CYC (17) doses not None Overall response 13/17 (76.5%), no
N = 51 controls (SLE without specified relapses
cerebral VST) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (13), IT
N = 68 (total study DEX (7), TPE (1), AC (11) Risk of bias: high
Quintanilla-Gonzalez et N = 19 IVMP/IV CYC (15) doses not None Overall response at 1yr (only 15 pts
al. (2017) TM (19: longitudinal specified had 1yr F/U) 100%; CR 2/15, PR
myelitis in 8, NMO in 1) IV CYC alone (1) 13/15, relapse 1/15
Controls N = 19 (SLE IVMP alone (3)
patients without NP Concurrent Rx: TPE (1), AZA Risk of bias: high
manifestations) (2), PNL (1)
Case series
Neuwelt et al. (1995) N = 31 IV CYC low dose (11) None Overall response 19/31 (61%),
OBS (17), CVA (11), PN (4), Dose: 0.25-0.5g/m2 monthly stabilisation 9/31 (29%)
MN (6), H/A (10), SEIZ (9), IV CYC low-mod dose (20)
PSY (8), TM (5), CN (4), DMS Dose: 0.5-1g/m2 per Risk of bias: high
(5) monthly
Concurrent Rx: TPE (8),
Ramos et al. (1996) N = 25 IV CYC low dose (25) None Overall response 96%; CR 17/25
PSY (8), OBS (9), TM (3), Dose: 0.5g/wk for 3wks (68%), PR 7/25 (28%), relapse 4/25
Depression (2), H/A (2), CVA then 0.5g monthly (16%) – all responded with re-
(1) Concurrent Rx: CS (25) treatment
Saison et al. (2015) N = 20 IV CYC (11) doses not None Overall response 85%; CR 5/20
TM (20) specified (25%), PR 12/20 (60%), relapse 10/17
PO CS (9) responders, multiple relapses 6/17
Concurrent Rx: IVMP (18), (NB: CYC and CS not compared)
PO CS (20), HQL (14), TPE
(3), IVIG (2), AC (6), Risk of bias: high
antiplatelet (2)
Kovacs et al. (2000) N = 14 IVMP/IV CYC (5) various None Overall response 36%; CR 3/14
TM (14) doses (22%); PR 2/14 (14%)
IVMP/IV CYC/TPE (4) Response by treatment:
IVMP (5) IVMP/IV CYC (+/- TPE) 22.2%
Concurrent Rx: PO CS (14), IVMP 60%; CR 2/5, PR 2/5
AC (6)
Risk of bias: high
Martin-Suarez et al. N = 10 (OBS) IV CYC low dose (10) None Overall response 80%; CR 8/10
(1997) N = 90 (total study Dose: 0.5g/wk until (80%), 1 relapse – responded with re-
numbers) response then 0.5g/m vs. treatment
Concurrent Rx: PNL (10)
Barile et al. (1992) N=7 IV CYC (4) 1-1.5g monthly None Response by treatment:
TM (7) IVMP (3) IV CYC 75%; CR 1/4 (25%), PR 2/4
Concurrent Rx: IVMP (4) (50%)
IVMP 100%; CR 1/3 (33%), PR 2/3
Tellez-Zenteno et al. N=6 IV CYC (5) doses not None Overall response 4/6 (67%) all PR;
(2001) TM (6) specified relapse 3/6 (50%)
IVMP (1) Response by treatment:
Concurrent Rx: IVMP (6), CS IVMP/IV CYC PR 3/5 (60%)
(6), ASA (3), AC (1) IVMP only PR 1/1 (100%)
Hryb et al. (2016) N=5 IV CYC (3) doses not None Overall response 40%
TM (5) specified Response by treatment:
IVMP (2) IV CYC 66.7%; CR 0/3, PR 2/3
Concurrent Rx: IVMP (4), AC IVMP 0%
Risk of bias: high
Abbreviations: CYC (cyclophosphamide), RCT (randomised controlled trial), N (number), SEIZ (seizure), PN (peripheral neuropathy), ON (optic neuritis), TM (transverse
myelitis), INO (intraocular ophthalmoplegia), IV (intravenous), BSA (body surface area), IVMP (intravenous methylprednisolone), PSY (psychosis), MD (mood disorder), CVA
(cerebrovascular accident), AM (aseptic meningitis), DMS (demyelinating syndrome), COG (cognitive impairment), NPSLE (neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus),
CR (complete response), PR (partial response), OBS (organic brain syndrome), PNL (prednisolone), HQL (hydroxychloroquine), PO (per oral), AZA (azathioprine), CS
(corticosteroids), TPE (therapeutic plasma exchange), CN (cranial neuropathy), MM (mononeuritis multiplex), H/A (headache), ACS (acute confusional state), AC
(anticoagulation), VST (venous sinus thrombosis), SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), IT (intrathecal), DEX (dexamethasone), NMO (neuromyelitis optica), NP
(neuropsychiatric), CN (cranial neuropathy), IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin), ASA (aspirin)
Table 4
Synthetic Disease Modifying Agents (studies primarily examining one agent)
Response N (%)/
Population Intervention (N) Comparator (N)
Risk of bias Assessment
Post-hoc analysis of
Ginzler et al. (2010) N = 8 (NPSLE) MMF (3) IV CYC (5) MMF arm CR 3/3 (100%), no relapses
Neurologic manifestations Concurrent Rx: PNL (8) IV CYC arm CR 5/5 (100%), 1 relapse
ALMS trial data not specified; all patients (BILAG), 2 relapses (SELENA-SLEDAI)
had LN
N = 370 (total study Risk of bias: high
Observational studies
Gupta et al. (2017) N = 70 (NPSLE excluding MMF (70) None Overall response at 3m: 88.7%; CR
APS) Concurrent Rx (total study 53.22%, PR 35.48%
SEIZ (37), MD (14), COG numbers): IVMP (13), PO Overall response at 12m: 92.37%; CR
(11), ACS (11), AM (2), DMS DEX (8), PO CS (88), HQL 83.9%, PR 8.47%
(6), H/A (4), Movement (88), IVIG +/- RTX (numbers Overall response at final F/U:
Disorder (1), TM (4), ANX not reported) 96.15%; CR 92.31%, PR in 3.84%
(2), PSY (1), Autonomic
neuropathy (1), MN (1), CN Risk of bias: high
(1), PN (1)
N = 88 (total study
Tselios et al. (2016) N = 18 (NPSLE) MMF (18) None Overall response 77.8%
OBS (11), H/A (6), PSY (5), Concurrent Rx: IVMP or
‘visual disturbance’ (4), SEIZ increased PO CS Risk of bias: high
(1), CN (1), CVA (1)
N = 177 (total study
Salvarani et al. (2015) N = 16 MMF (15 with adequate None Overall response 86.7%
CNS vasculitis (16) F/U) Response by treatment type:
NB: 1 patient excluded due As initial Rx (8) MMF as initial Rx 7/7 (100%)
to short F/U (1 month) As secondary Rx (3) MMF as secondary Rx 2/3 (66.6%)
As maintenance (5) MMF as maintenance Rx 4/5 (80%)
Concurrent Rx: PO CS (16)
Risk of bias: high
Case series
Germano et al. (2011) N = 11 (NPSLE) CsA (11) None Overall response (total study
Neurologic manifestations Concurrent Rx: CsA/PO numbers) 87.5%; ‘excellent’ 23/40
not specified CS/IM MTX (10), IVMP/IV (57.5%); ‘good/fair’ 14/40 (30%),
N = 40 (total study CYC/IM MTX (30), if ‘unsatisfactory’ 2/40 (5%) – both
numbers) remission: CsA/PO CS/IM were patients with neurologic
MTX involvement
Case series
Dong et al. (2001) N = 24 IT DEX/MTX (24) None Overall response 91.7%
OBS/coma (6), PSY (5), SEIZ Concurrent Rx: PO CS (24), Response within 48hrs: 17/24 (71%)
(5), AM (3), TM (3), CVA (2) IV CYC, IVIG Response after 2nd IT Rx: 5/24 (21%)
Abbreviations: N (number), MMF (mycophenolate mofetil), RCT (randomised controlled trial), ALMS (Aspreva Lupus Management Study), NPSLE (neuropsychiatric systemic
lupus erythematosus), LN (lupus nephritis), PNL (prednisolone), IV (intravenous), CYC (cyclophosphamide), CR (complete response), BILAG (British Isles Lupus Assessment
Group), SELENA-SLEDAI (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment-Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index), APS (anti-phospholipid syndrome),
SEIZ (seizure), MD (mood disorder), COG (cognitive impairment), ACS (acute confusional state), AM (aseptic meningitis), DMS (demyelinating syndrome), H/A (headache),
TM (transverse myelitis), ANX (anxiety), PSY (psychosis), MN (mononeuropathy), CN (cranial neuropathy), PN (peripheral neuropathy), IVMP (intravenous
methylprednisolone), PO (per oral), DEX (dexamethasone), CS (corticosteroids), HQL (hydroxychloroquine), IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin), RTX (rituximab), PR (partial
response), F/U (follow up), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), CNS (central nervous system), Rx (treatment), CsA (cyclosporin), IM (intramuscular), MTX (methotrexate), IT
(intrathecal), NP (neuropsychiatric), OBS (organic brain syndrome), hrs (hours)
Table 5
Biologic Therapies
Response N (%)/
Population Intervention Comparator
Risk of bias Assessment
Non-controlled trials
Tokunaga et al. (2007) N = 10 RTX (10) None Overall response 10/10 100%; CR 6/10
ACS (5), PSY (4), SEIZ (2), MD Refractory patients (60%), PR 4/10 (40%), relapse 6/10
(2), H/A (1), DMS (1), TM (1), Concurrent Rx: PO CS (10), (60%)
ANX (1), COG (1) AZA (1)
Risk of bias: high
Tanaka et al. (2007) N = 5 (NPSLE) RTX (5) None Overall response (NPSLE) 5/5 100%;
ACS (3), MD (2), TM (1), Concurrent Rx: PO CS without BILAG A to C: 3/5, BILAC B to C: 2/5
Depression (1) dose escalation allowed
N = 15 (total study numbers) Risk of bias: high
Tokunaga et al. (2005) N=5 RTX (5) None Overall response 100%; CR 3/5 (60%), PR
Pilot study OBS/SEIZ (2), ‘Sensory Refractory patients 2/5 (40%)
Disorder’ (3), H/A (1) Concurrent Rx: CS (10), AZA
(1) Risk of bias: high
Observational studies
Iwata et al. (2008) N = 26 (NPSLE) RTX (26) None Overall response (NPSLE) 22/24 (91.7%);
ACS (6), SEIZ (4), H/A (8), PN Refractory patients BILAG A to C (4), A to D (13), B to D (5)
(2), DMS (1), MD (4), TM (2), Concurrent Rx: CS (all) Imaging response: normal after Rx 2/21,
PSY (2), COG (4), CVA (6), CN *2 patients lost to F/U improved after Rx 10/21
(1), ANX (2), MM (1)
N = 63 (total study numbers) Risk of bias: high
Vital et al. (2011) N = 13 (NPSLE) RTX (13) None Overall response (NPSLE) 12/13 (92%);
Manifestations not specified Refractory patients ‘major’ response 12/13 (92%), relapse
N = 39 (total study numbers) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (13), PNL 1/12 (8%) responders
(13), IV CYC (3)
Risk of bias: high
Pinto et al. (2011) N = 12 (NPSLE) RTX (12) None Overall response (NPSLE) 75%, relapse
TM (4), PN (4), NMO (1), Not Refractory patients 2/9 (22%) responders. Both re-treated
specified (3) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (12), pre- and with response
N = 42 (total study numbers) meds (12), PNL (12)
Risk of bias: high
Ramos-Casals et al. N = 6 (NPSLE) RTX (6) None Overall response (NPSLE) 80%; CR 5/6
(2010) Manifestations not specified Refractory patients (80%)
N = 196 (total study numbers) Concurrent Rx: CS (6), unclear
if/which NPSLE cases received Risk of bias: high
Case series
Lu et al. (2009) N = 6 (NPSLE) RTX (6) None Overall response (NPSLE) 83.33%; CR 4/6
OBS (2), CNS vasculitis (1), SEIZ Refractory patients (66.7%), PR 1/6 (16.7%)
(2), H/A (1) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (6), IV
N = 50 (total study numbers) CYC (6) Risk of bias: high
Smith et al. (2006) N = 7 (NPSLE) RTX (7) None Overall response (NPSLE) 100%; CR 4/7
Manifestations not specified Refractory patients (57%), PR 3/7 (43%), relapse 4/7 (57%)
N = 22 (total study numbers) Concurrent Rx: IV CYC 500mg responders. 2/4 re-treated and had CR
w first RTX infusion (7), PO CS
(7), MMF (4), AZA (2) Risk of bias: high
Ye et al. (2011) N=6 RTX (6) None Overall response 83%; CR 4/6 (66.7%),
TM (6) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (6), HQL PR 1/6 (16.7%), relapse 2/5 (40%) of
responders. 1 re-treated and had CR
Hickman et al. 2015 N=5 RTX (5) None Overall response 100%; CR 2/5 (40%), PR
Manifestations not specified Refractory patients 3/5 (60%), relapses 4/5 (80%). All re-
Concurrent Rx: IVMP (5), PNL treated and had either PR or CR
(5), IV CYC (3)
Risk of bias: high
Post-hoc analysis of RCT
Manzi et al. (2012) N = 45 (NPSLE) BEL (15) Placebo + Overall response (NPSLE):
N = 21 (NPSLE cases with data 1mg/kg (8) standard of care BILAG improvement: BEL 1mg/kg 75%,
BLISS-52 presented) 10mg/kg (7) (6) BEL 10mg/kg 42.9%, placebo 83.3%
BLISS-76 H/A (24/45 but unclear how SELENA-SLEDAI improvement: BEL
many had outcome data), Concurrent Rx (pooled data 1mg/kg 60%, BEL 10mg/kg 63.2%,
other neurologic from both studies): HQL, CS, placebo 9.1%
manifestations not specified AZA, MTX, MMF, CsA, LFN NPSLE + high serologic activity: BEL
N = 1684 (total study 1mg/kg 66.7%, BEL 10mg/kg 66.7%,
numbers) placebo 0%
H/A subgroup (note N missing data
unknown): BEL 1mg/kg 100%, BEL
10mg/kg 69.2%, placebo 20%
Abbreviations: N (number), ACS (acute confusional state), PSY (psychosis), SEIZ (seizure), MD (mood disorder), H/A (headache), DMS (demyelinating syndrome), TM
(transverse myelitis), ANX (anxiety), COG (cognitive impairment), RTX (rituximab), PO (per oral), CS (corticosteroids), AZA (azathioprine), Rx (treatment), CR (complete
response), PR (partial response), NPSLE (neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus), BILAG (British Isles Lupus Assessment Group), OBS (organic brain syndrome), PN
(peripheral neuropathy), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), CN (cranial neuropathy), MM (mononeuritis multiplex), F/U (follow up), NMO (neuromyelitis optica), PNL
(prednisolone), IVMP (intravenous methylprednisolone), CYC (cyclophosphamide), MMF (mycophenolate mofetil), CNS (central nervous system), IV (intravenous), RCT
(randomised controlled trial), BLISS (A Study of Belimumab in Subjects with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), BEL (belimumab), HQL (hydroxychloroquine), MTX
(methotrexate), CsA (cyclosporin), LFN (leflunomide), SELENA-SLEDAI (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment-Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity
Table 6
Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE)
Population Comparator Response N (%)/
Risk of bias Assessment
Non-controlled trials
Bambauer et al. (2000) N = 18 TPE (18) None Overall response 100%;
Neurologic manifestations Concurrent Rx: CS (18), CsA documentation of response:
mentioned: PSY, OBS (18), IV CYC (18) “neuropsychiatric disorders
(numbers not specified) disappeared completely”
N = 66 (total study other Rx
Soyuöz et al. (2017) N = 5 (NPSLE) TPE (5) None Overall response 80%; CR 3/5 (60%),
PSY (1), NMO (1), MG (2), Concurrent Rx: PO CS (all), PR 1/5 (20%)
TM (1) IVMP/CYC (2),
N = 23 (total study IVMP/CYC/RTX + repeat TPE Risk of bias: high
numbers) (1)
Hashimoto et al. (1998) N = 5 (NPSLE) TPE (5) None Overall response 5/5 (100%)
‘conscious disturbance’ (2), Concurrent Rx: PNL (dose
‘CNS lupus’ (1), ‘emotional 10-100mg/d) Risk of bias: high
lability’ (1), CVA (1)
N = 30 (total study
Abbreviations: TPE (therapeutic plasma exchange), N (number), PSY (psychosis), OBS (organic brain syndrome), Rx (treatment), CS (corticosteroids), CsA (cyclosporin), IV
(intravenous), CYC (cyclophosphamide), ACS (acute confusional state), SEIZ (seizures), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), COG (cognitive impairment), DMS (demyelinating
syndrome), H/A (headache), TM (transverse myelitis), AM (aseptic meningitis), MD (mood disorder), ANX (anxiety), PO (per oral), AZA (azathioprine), IVIG (intravenous
immunoglobulin), AC (anticoagulation), PNL (prednisolone), CR (complete response), PR (partial response), NMO (neuromyelitis optica), MG (myasthenia gravis), RTX
(rituximab), IVMP (intravenous methylprednisolone), CNS (central nervous system)
Table 7
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
Population Comparator Response N (%)/
Risk of bias Assessment
Case series
Camara et al. (2014) N = 11 (NPSLE) IVIG (11) None Overall response 8/11 (73%); CR 4/11
PN (5), PSY (2), CNS Concurrent Rx: not specified (36%), PR 4/11 (36%)
vasculitis (1), ACS (3)
N = 52 (total study Risk of bias: high
Vina et al. (2005) N=6 IVIG (6) None Overall response 3/6 (50%)
CIDP (6) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (1), PO
CS (4), TPE (3) Risk of bias: high
Abbreviations: IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin), N (number), NPSLE (neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus), PN (peripheral neuropathy), PSY (psychosis), CNS
(central nervous system), ACS (acute confusional state), Rx (treatment), CR (complete response), PR (partial response), CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating
polyneuropathy), IVMP (intravenous methylprednisolone), PO (per oral), CS (corticosteroids), TPE (therapeutic plasma exchange)
Table 8
Autologous Stem Cell Transplant (auto-SCT)
Population Comparator Response N (%)/
Risk of bias Assessment
Non-controlled trials
Burt et al. (2006) N = 18 (NPSLE) Auto-SCT (18) None Overall response (total study
TM, ‘Cerebritis’ (manifested Mobilisation: IV CYC + G-CSF numbers):
as: SEIZ, PSY, paraparesis, Conditioning: IV CYC + ATG Probability of 5yr survival 84%
H/A, AM or CVA) Concurrent Rx: AC (if Probability of disease remission at
N = 50 (total study previous APS diagnosis) 5yrs 50%
numbers) NPSLE patients not reported
Alchi et al. (2013) N = 12 (NPSLE) Auto-SCT (12) None Overall survival (total study
Manifestations: not Mobilisation: IV CYC + G-CSF numbers):
specified vs. G-CSF alone 5-yr overall survival 81±8%
N = 28 (total study Conditioning: IV CYC or 5-yr disease-free survival 29±9%
numbers) melphalan alone vs. IV CYC Relapse incidence at 5yrs 56±11%
+ various combinations of NPSLE patients not reported
ATG, IVMP, fludarabine, separately
thiotepa, alemtuzumab,
melphalan Risk of bias: high
Abbreviations: auto-SCT (autologous stem cell transplant), N (number), NPSLE (neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus), TM (transverse myelitis), SEIZ (seizure), PSY
(psychosis), H/A (headache), AM (aseptic meningitis), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), IV (intravenous), CYC (cyclophosphamide), G-CSF (granulocyte colony stimulating
factor), ATG (anti-thymocyte globulin), Rx (treatment), AC (anticoagulation), APS (antiphospholipid syndrome), yr (year), CNS (central nervous system), PNS (peripheral
nervous system), SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), BEAM (conditioning protocol consisting of: carmustine, etoposide, cytarabine, melphalan)
Table 9
Other Therapies
Response N (%)/
Population Intervention Comparator
Risk of bias Assessment
Case reports/small series
Bica et al. (2015) N=3 ECT (3) None Response 3/3 (100%)
PSY/Catatonia (3) Recent (failed) Rx: IVMP (3),
IV CYC (3), RTX (1), IVIG (1) Risk of bias: high
Tan et al. (2013) N=3 ECT (3) None Response 3/3 (100%)
PSY/MD (3) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (2), IV
HC (3), IV CYC (3), PNL (3) Risk of bias: high
DMS Concurrent Rx: IVMP, IV
CYC, IA Risk of bias: high
Abbreviations: N (number), PSY (psychosis), ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), Rx (treatment) IVMP (intravenous methylprednisolone), IV (intravenous), CYC
(cyclophosphamide), RTX (rituximab), IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin), MD (mood disorder), HC (hydrocortisone), PNL (prednisolone), NMO (neuromyelitis optica), TAC
(tacrolimus), PO (per oral), PR (partial response), SEIZ (seizure), IA (immunoadsorption), CR (complete response), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), CNS (central nervous
system), CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), DMS (demyelinating syndrome), COG (cognitive impairment)
Table 10
Combination Therapies
Population Comparator Response N (%)/
Combinations used
Risk of bias Assessment
Observational studies
Bortoluzzi et al. (2012) N = 31 (severe NPSLE), 35 IV CS/IV CYC/IVIG/TPE (1) None Overall response 74%
events IV CS/IV CYC/TPE (1) SLEDAI decrease by mean of 6
PSY (8 events), ACS (3), PN IV CS/CYC/IVIG (1) (p<0.001)
(5 events), ON (2), AM (2), IV CS/TPE then AZA (1) ECLAM decrease by mean of 2.6
Chorea (2 events), COG (3), IV CS/IVIG then CYC (1) (p<0.001)
DMS (2), CVA (3), H/A (3), IV CS/IVIG then MMF (1) Response by therapy used:
SEIZ (1), MG (1) AZA/TPE then RTX (1) MMF used in 1 case: ‘fairly effective’
N = 231 (total study IV CS/IV CYC (2) IVIG used in 4 cases: ‘good results,
numbers) IV CS/PO CYC (2) especially on peripheral neuropathy’
IV CS/RTX (1) RTX used in 2 cases: ‘significant
PO CYC/TPE (3) improvement’
One agent: IV CS (9), CYC TPE used in 7 cases: ‘combined with
(5), AZA (3), CsA (1), MMF immunosuppressive therapy
(1) provided rapid and intensive
Concurrent Rx: AC (19), therapeutic effect’
anti-platelet (4)
Risk of bias: high
Lu et al. (2008) N = 14 IVMP/IV CYC/IT DEX (3) None Overall response 50% ‘good
TM (14) IVMP/IV CYC/RTX (1) outcome’
Controls N = 23 IVMP/IVIG/AZA (1) Response by therapy used:
One agent: IVMP (2), PO CS IVMP/IV CYC 1/1
(2) PO CS/IV CYC 1/3
IVMP alone 2/2, PO CS alone ½
Pego-Reigosa et al. N = 10 IVMP/IV CYC/TPE (1) None Overall response 100%; CR 6/10
(2008) PSY (10) IVMP/AZA/TPE (1) (60%), PR 4/10 (40%), relapse (CRs):
IVMP/IV CYC (3) 3/6 (50%)
IVMP/TPE (1) Response by Rx used:
High dose PNL/AZA (1) IVMP/IV CYC/TPE PR 1/1
Mod dose PNL/AZA (2) IVMP/AZA/TPE CR 1/1
Mod dose PNL only (1) IVMP/IV CYC CR 3/3 (relapse 1/3)
IVMP/TPE CR 1/1 (relapsed)
High dose PNL/AZA CR 1/1 (relapsed)
Mod dose PNL/AZA PR 2/2 (chronic)
Mod dose PNL only PR 1/1
Kampylafka et al. N=9 IV CS/IV CYC/IVIG/RTX (2) None Overall response 100%
(2016) SEIZ (all) IV CS/IV CYC/IVIG/TPE (1) “SLE-epilepsy patients in our study
IV CS/IV CYC/IVIG (2) showed a satisfactory therapeutic
IV CS/IV CYC (3) response”
PO CS alone (1)
Risk of bias: high
Chessa et al. (2017) N=5 IVMP/IV CYC/RTX then None Overall response 100%; CR 3/5, PR
DMS (all) MMF (1) 2/5, relapse 1/5
IVMP/IV CYC then AZA (1) Response by therapy used:
IV CYC then MMF (1) IVMP/IV CYC then AZA: PR
IVMP alone (1) IVMP/PO CYC: PR (clinical), CR
Abbreviations: N (number), NPSLE (neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus), PSY (psychosis), ACS (acute confusional state), PN (peripheral neuropathy), ON (optic
neuritis), AM (aseptic meningitis), COG (cognitive impairment), DMS (demyelinating syndrome), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), H/A (headache), SEIZ (seizure), MG
(myasthenia gravis), IV (intravenous), CS (corticosteroid), CYC (cyclophosphamide), IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin), TPE (therapeutic plasma exchange), AZA
(azathioprine), MMF (mycophenolate mofetil), RTX (rituximab), PO (per oral), CsA (cyclosporin), AC (anticoagulation), SLEDAI (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease
Activity Index), ECLAM (European Consensus Lupus Activity Measurement), TM (transverse myelitis), IVMP (intravenous methylprednisolone), IT (intrathecal), DEX
(dexamethasone), MTX (methotrexate), PNL (prednisolone), CR (complete response), PR (partial response), Rx (treatment)
Table 11
Various Therapies Received
Population Comparator Response N (%)/
Therapies used
Risk of bias Assessment
Observational studies
Joseph et al. (2007) N = 41 CS (36), AZA (10), CYC (9), None Overall response (including minor
H/A (22), SEIZ (17), ‘visual IVIG (2), TPE (2), MMF (1), and moderate resulting disability)
failure’ (13), hemiparesis CsA (1) 86%; CR 12%, PR 74%, relapse 78%
(10), COG (10), confusion Concurrent Rx: CYC (9): overall response 4/9 (44.4%)
(10), ‘personality change’ HQL (12), antiplatelets, AC Minor disability (4), severe disability
(8), depression (7), CVA (7), (6), anti-epiletpics, anti- (4), NR/death (1)
MD (4), TM (2), AM (2) parkinsonian Rx AZA (10): overall response 9/10
Asymptomatic (2), minor disability
(5), moderate disability (2), NR/death
TPE (2): overall response 1/2 (50%)
Moderate disability (1), NR/death (1)
Fargetti et al. (2019) N = 38 CYC (19), AZA (16), MMF None Overall response at 12m 92%, 5yr
PN (38) (2), IVIG (1), CS alone (1) 89%
Concurrent Rx: At 12m: CR 36.8%, PR 55.2%
PO CS (76.3%), IV CS (55.2%) At 5yrs: CR 35.7%, PR 53.6%, flare
3/38 (10.7%)
Mok et al. (1998) N = 10 PO CYC (4), IV CYC (2), AZA None Overall response: 80%
TM (10) (3), PO CS only (1) ‘8/10 patients improved within 7
Controls N = 143 Concurrent Rx: IVMP (8), PO days Rx with high dose CS’
CS (2), TPE (1), AC (2) Response by Rx used:
PO CYC CR 2/4, PR 2/4
AZA: PR 3/3
PO CS only: CR 1/1, relapse
Riviere et al. (2017) N = 10 IV CYC (6), RTX (3), MMF (1) None Overall response (includes
MM (10) Concurrent Rx: IVMP (6), PO stabilisation) 100%; CR 0/10, PR 7/10,
CS (10), IVIG (1) stabilisation 3/10, relapse 2/10
Response by Rx:
IV CYC: PR 4/6, stabilisation 2/6
RTX: PR 2/3, stabilisation 1/3
MMF: PR 1/1
Risk of bias: high
Abbreviations: N (number), H/A (headache), SEIZ (seizure), COG (cognitive impairment), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), MD (mood disorder), TM (transverse myelitis), AM
(aseptic meningitis), CS (corticosteroids), AZA (azathioprine), CYC (cyclophosphamide), IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin), TPE (therapeutic plasma exchange), MMF
(mycophenolate mofetil), CsA (cyclosporin), Rx (treatment), HQL (hydroxychloroquine), AC (anticoagulation), CR (complete response), PR (partial response), NR (no
response), PN (peripheral neuropathy), PO (per oral), IV (intravenous), NMO (neuromyelitis optica), IVMP (intravenous methylprednisolone), RTX (rituximab), FR
(favourable response), MM (mononeuritis multiplex)
Table 12
Observational studies with Therapy-specific Associations
Population Association Identified Findings
Zirkzee et al. (2014) N = 169 Antiplatelet therapy was Multivariate analysis:
CVA (77), COG (65), H/A associated with a Antiplatelet therapy was a/w reduction in mortality (HR 0.22
(46), SEIZ (40), PSY (22), reduction in mortality (95% CI 0.07–0.74))
MD (21), Myelopathy For patients with CVA: HR 0.17 (95% CI 0.04–0.75)
(10), ACS (10), PN (9), CN For patients without CVA: HR 0.48 (95% CI 0.06–3.60).
(7), Aseptic meningitis (4), No associations were found for other therapies (CYC, AZA,
Plexopathy (2) IVMP, PO CS, oral anticoagulation)
Andrade et al. (2008) N = 40 (NPSLE) HQL use was associated Univariable analysis:
SEIZ (all) with a longer time to Ave. dose of glucocorticoids (HR=1.03; 95% CI 1.01 to 1.05;
N = 600 (total study seizure occurrence p<0.0001) and cyclophosphamide use (HR=2.54; 95% CI 1.36
numbers) to 4.74; p=0.0034) a/w shorter time to seizure occurrence
Use of HQL (HR=0.18; 95% CI 0.01 to 0.34; p<0.0001) a/w
longer time to seizure occurrence
Multivariable analysis:
Use of HQL (HR=0.35; 95% CI 0.15 to 0.80; p=0.0131) a/w
longer time to seizure occurrence
Hanly et al. (2012) N = 78 (NPSLE events) Prior use of antimalarial Single factor analysis:
SEIZ (all) medication in the Use of CS a/w increased risk of seizure occurrence
N = 1631 (total study absence of Use use of antimalarial medications a/w reduced risk of
numbers) immunosuppressive seizure occurrence
agents was associated Multivariate analysis:
with a reduced risk of Corticosteroids a/w increased risk of seizures (but with a wide
seizures CI)
Prior use of antimalarial medications in the absence of
immunosuppressive agents a/w reduced risk of seizures (HR
0.7 (0.01 – 0.66))
Feng et al. (2011) N = 122 (NPSLE) Antimalarial medications Logistic regression analysis:
SEIZ (all) were associated with low Antimalarial drugs were independently associated with low
N = 1956 (total study incidences of neurological incidences of neurological involvement [OR 0.61 (0.40, 0.92),
numbers) involvement p = 0.02] but not the SLEDAI score at admission [OR 1.10
(0.84, 1.43), p = 0.49]
González et al. N = 185 (with NP damage) Both the use of HQL and Univariable analysis:
(2009) COG (130), CVA (45), SEIZ the use of moderate dose Weighted ave. max. prednisone dose and prednisone dose
(30), CN/PN (22), PSY (5), prednisone (10-30mg/d) >30mg/d a/w a shorter time to NP damage
TM (3) were associated with a Mod. dose prednisone (10-30mg/d) and HQL use a/w a longer
N = 632 (total study longer time to NP damage time to NP damage
numbers) Multivariable analysis:
Mod. dose prednisone (HR = 0.56; 95% CI, 0.35–0.92) and HQL
use (HR = 0.58; 95% CI 0.36–0.93) a/w a longer time to NP
Mok et al. (2001) N = 96 (NPSLE), 133 Previous HQL use was Univariate analysis:
events negatively associated Previous CYC (OR 4.5, p < 0.001) and AZA (OR 2.6, p < 0.001)
SEIZ (28%), CVA (19%), with the development of use were positively a/w the development of NPSLE
ACS (14%), PSY (11%), TM NPSLE, while previous Previous HQL use (OR 0.4, p = 0.001) was negatively a/w the
(8%), MD (6%), H/A (4%), CYC use was positively development of NPSLE
CN (3%), Movement a/w the development of Multivariate analysis:
disorder (2%), DMS NPSLE Previous CYC use (RR 4.3, p <0.001) was positively a/w the
(1.5%), ANX (1.5%), MN development of NPSLE
(1.5%), AM (1%), PN (1%) Previous HQL use (RR 0.5, p = 0.02) was negatively a/w the
N = 518 (total study development of NPSLE
Mok et al. (2006) N = 65 (NPSLE), 115 IVMP was an independent Univariate analysis:
events predictor of NP damage Pulse methylprednisolone a/w NP damage
CVA (31), SEIZ (25), PSY HQL use protective against NP damage
(23), ACS (15), MD (18), Multiple regression model:
COG (13), CN (12), H/A Pulse methylprednisolone was an independent predictor of
(11), myelopathy (8), NP damage
movement disorder (2),
MN (2), AM (1)
N = 280 (total study
Abbreviations: N (number), CVA (cerebrovascular accident), COG (cognitive impairment), H/A (headache), SEIZ (seizure), PSY (psychosis), MD (mood disorder), ACS (acute
confusional state), PN (peripheral neuropathy), CN (cranial neuropathy), HR (hazard ratio), CI (confidence interval), CYC (cyclophosphamide), AZA (azathioprine), IVMP
(intravenous methylprednisolone), PO (per oral), CS (corticosteroids), NPSLE (neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus), HQL (hydroxychloroquine), SLEDAI (), OR
(odds ratio), TM (transverse myelitis), NP (neuropsychiatric), DMS (demyelinating syndrome), ANX (anxiety), MN (mononeuropathy), AM (aseptic meningitis)
Table 13: Summary of Studies Included in the Systematic Review
methotrexate, cyclosporin) Case series: 2 Not specified: 2 limited data suggests
benefit, confounded by
concomitant therapies
Cyclosporin: conflicting
Transplant Non-controlled trials: 1 population: 1 benefit in refractory
Observational studies: 2 Not specified: 2 disease
damage, based on
observational data
Antiplatelet therapy:
limited evidence supports
reduction in mortality (in
absence of CVA), single
observational study
7222 studies identified in search
29 studies excluded:
97 studies thoroughly reviewed Case reports, case series N<5, abstracts
Outcomes not sufficiently reported
APS without other NPSLE
1 study used same data set as another study
Hydroxychloroquine: low level evidence from observational data for benefit
ALL *Symptomatic therapy as required (anticonvulsants, antidepressants, anxiolytics,
NPSLE antipsychotics), at the discretion of the treating physician
DISEASE Early initiation of corticosteroids (PO or IV): accepted first-line therapy despite no
SEVERITY clinical trial data. Can be used as monotherapy or in combination with synthetic DMARD
Consider synthetic DMARD
MILD o Azathioprine: limited evidence supports benefit for both acute and maintenance
o Mycophenolate: limited evidence supports benefit
Rituximab: as above
REFRACTORY Consider autologous SCT: limited data favour benefit in refractory disease
*Add anticoagulation for patients with associated antiphospholipid syndrome