Excesise 002

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For the standard normal probability distribution, what is the value of the area
a. To the left of 0;
b. To the right of 0;
c. To the left of -1.96;
d. To the right of -1.96;
e. To the left of -1.0;
f. To the right of -1.0;
g. To the left of +1.96;
h. To the right of +1.96;
i. To the left of 1.0;
j. To the right of 1.0;
k. To the left of -1.645;
l. To the right of -1.645;
m. To the left of +1.645;
n. To the right of +1.645

2. For the standard normal random variable Z, what is the value z of Z if the area to the left of z is
a. 0.025
b. 0.050;
c. 0.100;
d. 0.500;
e. 0.900;
f. 0.950;
g. 0.975.

3. For the standard normal random variable Z, what is the value z of Z if the area to the right of z is
a. 0.025
b. 0.050;
c. 0.100;
d. 0.500;
e. 0.900;
f. 0.950;
g. 0.975.

4. For the standard normal random variable Z, what is the value z of Z if the area between –z and +z is
a. 0.754;
b. 0.90;
c. 0.95;
d. 0.99;
e. 0.50;
f. 0.999.
5. The travel time for a college between student home and the college is uniformly distributed
between 20 and 70 minutes. What is the probability that a student will finish his trip
a. In 60 minutes or less;
b. In 30 minutes or less;
c. In more than 40 minutes;
d. In more than 50 minutes;
e. Between 20 and 30 minutes.

6. A sample of 66 observations will be taken from an infinite population. The population proportion
equals 0.12. What is the probability that the sample proportion will be
a. Less than 0.1969;
b. Less than 0.12;
c. Less than 0.08;
d. More than 0.12;
e. More than 0.08;
f. More than 0.10;
g. Less than 0.10.

7. A random sample of 1000 people was taken. 750 of the people use cell phone, among those 300 use
the Viettel service, 350 use the Vinaphone service. What is 95% confidence interval for the true
proportion of people who use
a. Cell phone;
b. The Viettel service;
c. The Vinaphone service.
What about the 90% confidence interval for the above proportions?

8. In Ha Noi National University, 30% of the students live in the dormitories. A random sample of 75
students is selected for a particular study. What is the probability that the sample proportion (the
proportion living in the dormitories) is
a. At most 0.40;
b. At least 0.10;
c. A number between 0.15 and 0.35.

9. In the past, 75% of the tourists who visited Vietnam went to see Ha Long Bay. The management of
the Tourism companies’ system recently undertook an extensive promotional campaign. They are
interested in determining whether the promotional campaign actually increased the proportion of
tourists visiting Ha Long Bay.
a. The correct set of hypotheses is H0: ………………, Ha: ………………..;
b. In a random sample of 400 tourists, 308 went to see Ha Long Bay. Test the hypotheses using a
5% level of significance: ;
c. Test the hypotheses using a 10% level of significance.
10. In 2022, 20% of households in Ha Noi City had an internet connection. A sample of 360 households
taken in 2023 showed that 25% of them had an internet connection. We are interested in
determining whether or not there has been a significant increase in the percentage of the
households in Ha Noi City that have internet connections. Test the hypotheses at the 5% level of

11. A normal distributed population has a mean of 300 and a standard deviation of 12. A sample of 64
observations will be taken. What is the probability that the sample mean will be
a. between 295 to 305;
b. less than 300;
c. greater than 290.

12. In order to estimate the average electric usage per month, a sample of 64 houses was selected and the
electric usage was determined. Assume a population standard deviation of 320 kilowatt-hours.
Calculate the size of the margin of error and the confidence interval of mean value
a. At 95% confidence level;
b. At 90% confidence level;
c. At 80% confidence level.

13. From a normal distributed population, a sample of 225 elements is selected. It is known that the
variance of the population is 900. Calculate the size of the margin of error and the confidence interval
of mean value
d. At 95% confidence level;
e. At 90% confidence level;
f. At 80% confidence level.

14. A random sample of size 49 is taken from a normal distributed population. The population variance is
unknown. The sample has a mean of 180, and a variance of 196. Calculate the size of the margin of
error and the confidence interval of mean value
a. At 95% confidence level;
b. At 90% confidence level;
c. At 80% confidence level.

15. A grocery store has an average sales of $8000 per day. The store introduced several advertising
campaigns in order to increase sales. To determine whether or not the advertising campaigns have
been effective in increasing sales, a sample of 100 days of sales was selected. It was found that the
average was $8200 per day. From past information, it is known that average sales has normal
distribution with the standard deviation of the population equal $1500. Compute the value of the
test statistic.

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