Parametric Modeling of Packed Bed-2020 Santiago

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Parametric Sensitivity Analysis for the Industrial
Case of O-Xylene Oxidation to Phthalic Anhydride
in a Packed Bed Catalytic Reactor
Santiago Zuluaga-Botero 1 , Izabela Dobrosz-Gómez 2 and Miguel-Ángel Gómez-García 1, *
1 Grupo de Investigación en Procesos Reactivos Intensificados y Materiales Avanzados—PRISMA,
Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Sede Manizales, Manizales 170004, Colombia; [email protected]
2 Grupo de Investigación en Procesos Reactivos Intensificados y Materiales Avanzados—PRISMA,
Departamento de Física y Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Sede Manizales, Manizales 170004, Colombia; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +57-6-887-9300 (ext. 55210)

Received: 1 May 2020; Accepted: 28 May 2020; Published: 4 June 2020 

Abstract: The operation of packed bed tubular reactors, for exothermic catalytic reactions, presents
special challenges provoked by hotspot development. Their potential safety risk can be assessed
using different mathematical methodologies, among them, the so-called parametric sensitivity
analysis (PSA). This study deals with the identification of safe operational conditions (e.g., feed
temperature conditions) for the catalytic oxidation of o-xylene. Three different reaction networks,
with different degrees of complexity, were analyzed. Thus, the critical values of the operating
parameters, allowing us to define run-away and stable operation conditions, were provided for
different reactive configurations. The obtained results were compared with the data reported by
various authors who used similar reaction rate laws. The purpose of the present study is to illustrate
the peculiarities of the PSA and its application for the design, analysis, and operation of o-xylene
multitubular catalytic reactor.

Keywords: parametric sensitivity analysis; o-xylene oxidation; packed bed tubular reactor; safe
operation conditions

1. Introduction
It is with great respect and profound admiration that we dedicate this work to Professor Hugo de
Lasa on the occasion of honoring and recognizing his outstanding career contributions to the fields of
heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis and catalytic reaction engineering. In the subject of modelling
and analysis of catalytic chemical reactors, it is not unjust to claim a starring place for Professor Hugo
de Lasa. Indeed, from the intelligent use of mathematical models during his early contributions
(e.g., Soria Lopez and de Lasa, 1981 [1]; de Lasa, 1983 [2]; Arandes and de Lasa, 1995 [3]), Professor de
Lasa exemplified his remarkable modeling and analytical skills. Professor de Lasa has set inspiration
and charted the course between the oversimplification and clouding details for parametric sensitivity
analysis of fixed bed catalytic reactors. So far, his intellect, wisdom and research contributions continue
to influence us deeply.
Packed Bed Tubular Reactors (PBRs) are considered the workhorses of the chemical and
petrochemical industries. Indeed, they are usually the first choice for large-scale production. PBRs,
in their multi-tubular scheme, are preferred for highly exothermic reactions, such as the partial
oxidation of different hydrocarbons [4]. Any effort to quantify the phenomena taking place in a
PBR must consider the mass and heat transport between the reactive fluid and the catalyst, the

Catalysts 2020, 10, 626; doi:10.3390/catal10060626

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fluid. The inherent two-way coupling between concentration and temperature causes chemical
pressure to show
for flowexceptional
through behaviors,
the packedsuch bed,as anda slight change
the energy in oneon
balance orthemore inlet parameter,
heat-exchange fluid.
inherentcan enormously
two-way coupling alter thebetween
reactor effluent conditions.
concentration Bilous and Amundson
and temperature causes chemical [5] called this
phenomenon parametric sensitivity. When a PBR operates in
to show exceptional behaviors, such as a slight change in one or more inlet parameter, which can the parametrically sensitive region,
its performance
enormously alter the becomes
reactor unreliable. For instance,
effluent conditions. Bilousa and
slight increase [5]
Amundson in the
called inlet
parametric can leadWhen
sensitivity. to a alarge
PBR rise in theinreaction
operates rate (due to
the parametrically the exponential
sensitive region, itstemperature
dependence of the rate constant). The increased reaction rate
becomes unreliable. For instance, a slight increase in the inlet reactive-fluid temperature can results in more heat generation
lead to a
which furthermore increases the reaction temperature. This feedback
large rise in the reaction rate (due to the exponential temperature dependence of the rate constant). mechanism results in the
increased reactor
reactionrunaway (wheninthe
rate results rateheat
more of heat generation
generation whichfar exceeds
furthermore the rate of heatthe
increases removal).
Such increase in the reaction temperature can damage the
temperature. This feedback mechanism results in the so-called reactor runaway (when the rate reactor, can generate safety hazards,
of heat
can causefar
generation catalyst
the rate of heat andremoval).
can propitiate undesirable
Such increase in the side reactions
reaction [6]. Thus,
temperature it would
can damage
of great canvalue
generateto reactor designerscan
safety hazards, and operators
cause catalysttodeactivation,
be able to predict and canparametric
propitiate sensitivity
side reactions [6]. Thus, it would be of great value to reactor designers and operators to be able to
predictThe solution
parametric of the rigorous
sensitivity conditions. model describing non-isothermal PBRs has proven to be
extremely challenging. Additionally,
The solution of the rigorous model describing the level of complexity
non-isothermal PBRs increases
has proven when to beincluding
mathematical tools for parametric sensitivity analysis.
challenging. Additionally, the level of complexity increases when including mathematical Fortunately, recent advances tools in
parametric sensitivity resourcesanalysis.have enabled their simultaneous
Fortunately, recent advances simulation. During the
in computational last three
resources have
enabled their simultaneous simulation. During the last three decades, the use of the following has
decades, the use of the following four methodologies for parametric sensitivity analysis four
become widespread:
methodologies for parametric(i) Temperature-partial
sensitivity analysis pressure phase plane
has become [7]; (ii) The
widespread: sensitivity indices
(i) Temperature-partial
pressure [8]; (iii)
phase plane The[7];divergence methods,
(ii) The sensitivity based
indices on chaos
method theory
[8]; (iii) The [9] and (iv) methods,
divergence The methods basedof on
trajectory extension [10]. This rough classification implies that,
chaos theory [9] and (iv) The methods of trajectory extension [10]. This rough classification implies that, although the runaway
although is wellphenomenon
the runaway known, a unique is well analysis
a unique does analysis notapproach
exist. Onedoes of the
exist. Oneofof
the present work is to compare the results obtained using the
the purposes of the present work is to compare the results obtained using the temperature-partial temperature-partial pressure phase
pressure phase plane (e.g., by de Lasa, [2]) vs. those obtained using the sensitivity indices method for of
plane (e.g., by de Lasa, [2]) vs. those obtained using the sensitivity indices method for the case the
the catalytic (with V 2O5) oxidation of ortho-xylene (o-xylene) for producing phthalic anhydride.
case of the catalytic (with V2 O5 ) oxidation of ortho-xylene (o-xylene) for producing phthalic anhydride.
This is aisclassic
a classic example
example of aoffast
a fast oxidation
oxidation reaction
reaction which,
which, if notif not controlled,
controlled, produces
produces CO COandand CO2
(COCO)2 instead
(COx) instead
of valuableof valuable
products. products.
It has beenIt has beenout
pointed pointed
in the out
open inliterature
the openthat literature
a that a
is indispensable PBR isand indispensable
that procedures and that procedures
for obtaining for obtaining
nearly nearly complete
complete conversion withoutconversion
causing a
runaway must be guaranteed [11]. Industrially, the reactive process proceeds at atmosphericproceeds
without causing a runaway must be guaranteed [11]. Industrially, the reactive process pressure,
at atmospheric pressure, in the temperature
◦ range of 360–400
in the temperature range of 360–400 C, reaching almost complete o-xylene conversion and with °C, reaching almost complete o-
xylene conversion and with a phthalic anhydride selectivity
a phthalic anhydride selectivity between 70–75% [12]. Ortho-tolualdehyde (o-tolualdehyde) and between 70%–75% [12]. Ortho-
phthalide are the(o-tolualdehyde)
main intermediates. andHowever,
are the main intermediates.
on operation However,
conditions, maleic depending
on operation conditions, maleic anhydride can also be generated
can also be generated (Figure 1). It is evident that the o-xylene oxidation process is highly complex. (Figure 1). It is evident that the
o-xylene oxidation process is highly complex.

Figure1. 1.Reaction
o-xyleneoxidation. Adapted with
oxidation. Adapted with permission
2008, Elsevier.
2008, Elsevier.
Catalysts 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17

Different approaches and assumptions, proposed by several researchers in the literature,

yielded some models for o-xylene disappearance. The only probable agreement between the
Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 3 of 15
different authors is that the reactions occur through a “redox” mechanism. Table 1 includes some
of the reaction steps considered by different investigators for kinetic studies or reactor modelling.
purposes, more than just theproposed
and assumptions, reaction rate of o-xylene
by several to phthalic
researchers in theanhydride
literature,(step 6
in Figure
some models1) foriso-xylene
To model theThe highly
only temperature-sensitive system,
probable agreement between thethe competition
different authors
is that the reactions occur through a “redox” mechanism. Table 1 includes some of the reactionlarge
between phthalic anhydride and complete oxidation must be followed at least, which causes steps
heat effects
considered by[14,15].
different investigators for kinetic studies or reactor modelling. For practical purposes,
more than just the reaction rate of o-xylene to phthalic anhydride (step 6 in Figure 1) is needed.
Table 1. Reaction steps considered by different authors for kinetic studies or reactor modelling.
To model the highly temperature-sensitive system, the competition between phthalic anhydride and
complete oxidation must be followed at least, which causes largeReaction
heat effects
Mechanism Reference
Table 1. Reaction steps considered by different2authors
3 for 4 kinetic
5 studies
6 7 or reactor
8 9modelling.
10 11 12
1 [7] X
Reaction Step
Mechanism [2,16]
Reference X X X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 [17] X X X X X
1 [7] X
24 [2,16] [12] X X X X X X XX
35 [17] [14] X X XX X X XX X XX
4 [12] X X X X X
56 [14] [18] X X XX X X XX X X XX
67 [18] [19] X X XX XX X X XX X XX
7 [19] X X X X X X X
88 [20] [20] X X XX X X X XX X
99 [21] [21] X X XX X X X XX X

Reaction step
fromFigure 1. 1.

ToTo illustrate
illustrate thethe effect
effect of o-xylene
of o-xylene oxidation
oxidation mechanism
mechanism on reactor
on reactor performance
performance prediction,
prediction, three
three different
different models
models were were considered
considered in Figurein2Figure 2 (data
(data used forused for simulation
simulation will be presented
will be presented later on).
later on). of
Regardless Regardless of the
the difference of difference
the kineticof the kinetic
model used formodel used for
simulation, simulation,
a common a common
behavior of the
behavior of the temperature profile occurs: a hotspot is predicted at some position
temperature profile occurs: a hotspot is predicted at some position in the PBR. However, the magnitude in the PBR.
of However,
the hotspot the magnitude
depends of the
on the hotspot
reaction depends
kinetics. It ison theinteresting
also reaction kinetics.
to note Itthat,
is also
for interesting to
the conditions
note that, for the conditions used in these calculations, the predicted o-xylene
used in these calculations, the predicted o-xylene conversions are significantly different. conversions are
significantly different.



Temperature, K


0.4 660
van Welsenaere & Froment [7]
de Lasa [2]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Lenght, m

Figure 2. 2.O-xylene
Figure O-xyleneconversion
reactive temperature profiles obtained
temperature profiles obtainedwith
Packed Bed Tubular Reactor (PBR) model using three different kinetic models.
Packed Bed Tubular Reactor (PBR) model using three different kinetic models.

The influence of the PBR parameters (parametric sensitivity), such as operation conditions and
reaction kinetics on o-xylene oxidation, with constant physicochemical properties, was analyzed using
the temperature-partial pressure phase plane by several authors as follows:
Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 4 of 15

• van Welsenaere and Froment, (1970) [7] introduced, for an ideal, one-dimensional PBR model,
with constant wall temperature, two criteria for runaway based on an intrinsic property of the
reactive system. They transposed the peak temperature and the conditions of the inflexion points
for the prediction of the critical values for the operating variables. Their work also treats the
related problem of a hotspot which has to be limited for reasons other than runaway.
• Soria-López et al. (1981) [1], as an extension of van Welsenaere and Froment’s [7] work, analyzed
an ideal, one-dimensional PBR model, with co-current external cooling, under two types of
operation modes: (i) the temperature along the reactor axis increases monotonically; that is,
without a hotspot can occur under certain conditions (referred to as pseudo-adiabatic operations,
PAO), and (ii) the temperature shows a maximum at a finite axial reactor position (MFARP).
Limiting operation conditions were defined between MFARP temperature curves and PAO curves.
• de Lasa (1983) [2], continuing Soria-López et al.’s work [1], studied the peculiarities of PAO and
its significance for the design and operational conditions of o-xylene oxidation in multi-tubular
reactors using reaction networks models of different complexity.
• Akella and Lee (1983) [22] studied, for an ideal, one-dimensional PBR model, a counter-current
operation. The runaway conditions were derived from a phase plane of feed and coolant
inlet temperatures.
• Hosten and Froment (1986) [23] extended the van Welsenaere and Froment (1970) [7] approach to
co-currently cooled PBRs with wall temperature variation with reactor length.
• Later, Arandes and de Lasa (1995) [3] extended the PAO analysis to the following operation
regimens in PBRs: isothermal, decreasing temperature profile, cold spot, hotspot–cold spot, and
cold spot–hotspot.

From another perspective of analysis, Henning and Perez (1986) [16] defined, for o-xylene oxidation
reaction, a criterion for runaway in PBRs based on the behavior of the sensitivity indices along the
reactor, when the temperature variation in a co-current cooling medium is considered. Their analysis
was not restricted to simple kinetics.
It is interesting to observe that all of the above-mentioned works neglected the pressure drop for
flow through a packed bed. However, in gas phase reactions, the concentration of the reacting species
is proportional to the total pressure. Therefore, a proper account of the effect of pressure variation on
the PBR is a key factor in the success of reactor operation.
This work deals with the definition of suitable inlet reactor conditions (e.g., temperature and
pressure leading to safe o-xylene oxidation reactor operation) applying a sensitivity indices method to
the analysis of a non-isothermal PBR model, which includes: mass and heat balances inside (packed
bed) and outside (shell side: in co-current or countercurrent flow) the reactor tubes and the pressure
drop balance (Ergun equation). For comparison, three different reaction networks, with different
degrees of complexity, are analyzed: (i) a pseudo-first-order kinetic model, used by van Welsenaere and
Froment [7], which includes a single reaction (step 6 in Figure 1); (ii) a three-step reaction model (steps
5, 6 and 11 in Figure 1), as used by de Lasa [2], and (iii) the Chandrasekharan and Calderbank [17]
kinetic model involving five steps of reaction (steps 1, 2, 3, 6 and 11 in Figure 1). Thus, the previously
reported a priori runaway conditions for hotspot operation are compared with the new obtained
criteria. Additionally, the boundary between safe and unsafe operation regions will be established.

2. Reactor Model
Previous work [24,25] indicated that a one-dimensional, pseudo-homogeneous, PBR model can
be considered adequate for the analysis for o-xylene oxidation. Thus, the model used in this work is
based on the following assumptions:

• The PBR is operating at steady state conditions.

Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 5 of 15

• Molar flows, pressure and temperature gradients only occur in the axial direction. The only
transport mechanism operating in this direction is the overall flow itself, and this is considered to
be of the plug flow type.
• The parameters M, u, ρg , Cpg ρc , Cpc wc , U, G, Rep are assumed to be independent of temperature.
• There are neither temperature nor concentration differences between the fluid and the
catalyst particle.

Thus, the mass, heat, and pressure balances can be written as follows [26]:

dFj N
Mass balance dz = rij
q P
Heat balance ρb
 4U(T−TC )
−rij ∆Hrxni −
dz = uρg Cpg uρg Cpg Dt
inside the reactor j=1 i=1
Pressure drop
dP G2 (1−ε) 150(1−ε)
dz =−ρ 3 Rep + 1.75
equation g Dp ε
dTC tn πDt U(T−TC )
Heat balance dz = CpC wC → Co − current flow
outside the reactor dTC tn πDt U(TC −T)
dz = CpC wC → Countercurrent flow

The parameter values used for simulation runs are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Data used for the o-xylene oxidation simulation [7,12,27].

Molecular weight of gaseous mixture M 29480 kmol
Superficial velocity u 3600 m h
Total pressure P 101.325 kPa
Cpg kcal
Heat capacity of the gaseous mixture 0.2498 kg K
Tube diameter Dt 0.025 m
Number of tubes tn 3000
Gas mixture density ρg 1.293 m3
Oxygen’s partial pressure P0O 21.07 kPa
Bulk density of the fixed bed ρb 1300 m3
Heat capacity of the cooling medium Cpc 0.3105 kg K
Cooling medium flow rate wc 72000 h
Overall heat transfer coefficient U 82.7 mkcal
2 h K

Total reactor length L 2m

Particle diameter Dp 0.022 m
Bed porosity ε 0.5
Particle Reynolds number Rep 121

3. Kinetic Models
In the context of the present study, three different o-xylene oxidation models were selected: (i) the
single reaction model used by van Welsenaere and Froment [7]; (ii) the three-step oxidation process
reported by de Lasa [2]; and (iii) the Chandrasekharan and Calderbank [17] kinetic model, which
includes five steps of reaction. The rate law and kinetic parameters for each of these models as well as
the heat of reaction of each step are presented in Table 3.
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17 15
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Table 3.
Table 3. Kinetic
Kinetic models
models for
for o-xylene
o-xylene oxidation
oxidation considered
considered in
in this
this work.
Table 3.
Table Kinetic models
3. Kinetic models for
for o-xylene
o-xylene oxidation
oxidation considered
considered in
in this
this work.

van Welsenaere
van Welsenaere and
and Froment
Froment [7]
van Welsenaereandand Froment
Froment [7] [7]

 −aa 

− aT (5)
−−rrAA == ρρ kk ee  −T 
LL 11  T  A
−rA = ρ k e L 1 (− a ) A
− rA = ρL k1 e T PA (5)
kg cat
0.5203 kg
ρρLL == 0.5203 kg cat

ρL = 0.5203 kgm mcat ΔHrxn1 == -306707

-306707 kcal
kcal // kmol
cat ΔH
ρL = 0.5203 m−1 ΔHrxn = -306707 kcal / kmol
aa == 13636
13636 K
Km−1 rxn1
a= a =13636
∆Hrxn1 = −306707 kcal/kmol
19.837 kmol ( h kg kPa))−1 −1
k 1 == 21.07e ( h kg catcat kPa
k1 =kk21.07e
1 19.837 kmol
kmol (hh kg
= 21.07e 19.837 kmol kg cat kPa)−1
1 cat
de Lasa[2][2]
Lasa [2] CH
de Lasa [2] CH3 CH



-rA == ρρ L ( kk 21 ++ kk 23 ) P
-r PA (6)
−-rrAAA ==ρρLLL (kk21
21 ++kk2323 )P

rrBB == ρρLL ( kk2121P PB )

PA -- kk 22P (7)
rB = ρ L ( k 21 PAA - k22 22 B )
PB (7)
rB = ρL (k21 PA − k22 PB ) (7)
8ρ L ( kk 23P
rrCC == 8ρ PB )
PA ++ kk 22P (8)
rC = 8ρLL ( k23 22 B )
PA + k22
23 A
PB (8)
 10.59 −13587.68
 kmol ( h kg
cat kPa )−1
 10.59 − −1 ΔHrxn21 == -307122
ΔH -307122 kcal
kcal // kmol
kk2121 == 21.07e
21.07e10.59 − 13587.68
TT kPa −1
T P  kmol+ k22 P(hhB )kg ΔHrxn
) = -307122 kcal / kmol
rC = 8ρL (k23
k 21 = 21.07e A kmol kgcat kPa rxn21 (8)

 11.62 −15801.97


 kmol ( h kPa )−−11 −1
 11.62 −  −1 ΔHrxn22 == -7837000
ΔH -7837000 kcal
kcal // kmol
kk2222 == 21.07e
21.07e(11.62 TT  kg cat kPa

T T  kmol ) kmolh hkg ΔHrxn
10.59− 13587.68
( h kgkgcatcatcatkPa ) = -7837000 kcal / kmol
kk2122= = 21.07e  kmol kPa rxn22
∆Hrxn21 = −307122 kcal/kmol
(  11.62−  )
k22 = 21.07e9.73 14392.88
9.73−−14392.88T kmol h kgcat kPa rxn22 = −7837000 kcal/kmol
 kmol ( h kPa )−1 −1
 −−11 ΔH
ΔH = -1090822 kcal / kmol
rxn = -1090822 kcal / kmol
kk2323 == 21.07e
  T
21.07e 9.73 − 14392.88
) kmol h
kg cat kPa
 kg ∆H 23 =
rxnrxn −1090822kcal
( hhkgkgcatcatcatkPa ) ΔH = -1090822 / kmol

kk2323= = 21.07e(9.73− T T  kmol kPa rxn23

CH33 O O
CH33 O

Chandrasekharan andand
and Calderbank [17]
Calderbank [17]
Chandrasekharan and Calderbank [17] O

− rA = θv αρb Ft (k31 + k22 + k33 )PA (9)

−−rrAA == θ αρ bFFt ( kk 31 ++ kk 22 ++ kk 33 ) P
θvαρ PA (9)
−rA = θvv αρbb Ftt ( k31 33 ) A
+ k22
+ k33 PA (9)

rB = θv αρb Ft (k32 PA + k35 PE ) (10)

rrBB == θ αρ bFFt ( kk 32P
θvαρ PE )
PA ++ kk 35P (10)
rB = θvv αρbb Ftt ( k32 35 E )
PA + k35
32 A
PE (10)

rC = 8θv αρb Ft k33 PA (11)

rrCC == 8θ
αρ bFFtkk 33PPA (11)
rC = 8θvv αρbb Ftt k33 PA
33 A (11)
Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 7 of 15

Table 3. Cont.

rD = θv αρb Ft (k31 PA − k34 PD ) (12)

rE = θv αρb Ft (k34 PD − k35 PE ) (13)

θv = 0.026+(k31 +3k32 +6.5k33 )PA +k34 PD +k35 PE
α= 3.2832 × 10−3 h m2 /kmol
Ft = kmol/h
k31 = 137.808e(− T )
kmol h kgcat kPa
 −1 ∆Hrxn31 = −108999 kcal/kmol
k32 = 46.62e(− T ) kmol h kgcat kPa ∆Hrxn32 = −295999 kcal/kmol
∆Hrxn33 = −550000 kcal/kmol

k33 = 12.888e(− T ) kmol h kgcat kPa
 −1 ∆Hrxn34 = −99001 kcal/kmol
k34 = 20.016e(− T ) kmol h kgcat kPa ∆Hrxn35 = −87800 kcal/kmol
k35 = 114.84e(− T ) kmol h kgcat kPa

4. Computation of Sensitivity Indices

Sensitivity analysis can be divided as “global” and “local”. Global sensitivity analysis describes
the effect of the simultaneous large variation of all parameters on the dependent variables. On the other
hand, the local sensitivity method provides information on the effect of a model output when only one
input factor is changed at a time while all other input factors are held fixed (at their nominal value).
Local sensitivity analysis is essentially linear, and it is the one used in this work. Following the ideas
proposed by Varma et al. [8], Equations (1) to (4) can be described by a vector y of the n dependent
variables (e.g., Fj , T, P, and Tc ), which changes in reactor length (z) rendering to the following general
differential equation:
= f(y; ϕ; z) → y = y(z; ϕ) (14)
where the initial conditions y(0) = y0 and ϕ representing the vector comprising the m system input
parameters. It is assumed that f is continuously differentiable in all its arguments (as denoted at
the right-hand side of the arrow in Equation (14)). If a small alteration of any input parameter
occurs (e.g., from ϕj to ϕj + ∆ϕj ), the corresponding solution for the dependent variables becomes
y = y z; ϕj + ∆ϕj . In this way, n first-order local sensitivity indices (S) of the vector of dependent
variables, y, concerning the same input parameter, ϕj , follows the form:
      
  ∂y z; ϕj  y z; ϕj + ∆ϕj − y z; ϕj 
S y; ϕj = = Lim  (15)
 
∂ϕj ∆ϕj
∆ϕj →0 

The local sensitivity indices can be evaluated using the direct differential method (Varma et al. [8]),
which implies differentiate both sides of Equation (14) leading to:
d ∂ϕ
j d S y; ϕj ∂f ∂y ∂f   ∂f
= = = S y; ϕj + (16)
dz dz ∂y ∂ϕj ∂y ∂ϕj
Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 8 of 15

Its initial conditions can also be obtained by differentiating the initial condition of Equation (14).
Thus, depending on which input parameter in the vector ϕ is chosen, it is possible to obtain:
  0, ϕj , y(0)
S y; ϕj = (17)
z=0 1, ϕj = y(0)

Thus, the simultaneous solution of Equation (14) (e.g., Equations (1) to (4)) and sensitivity
Equation (16), along with their corresponding initial conditions, obtain the value of the dependent
variable and the corresponding local sensibility index, as a function of the independent variable (z).
For comparison with the above-mentioned works [7,12,13,16,28], sensitivity indices with respect to the
inlet temperature of the reactants (To ) are evaluated for Fj, T and Tc as follows:

X ∂f   ∂f
dS(Fi , To ) i
= S Fj , To + i S(T, To ) (18)
dz ∂Fj ∂T

dS(T, To ) X ∂fi   ∂f ∂f
= S Fj , To + i S(T, To ) + i S(TC , To ) (19)
dz ∂Fj ∂T ∂TC

dS(TC , To ) ∂f ∂f
= i S(T, To ) + i S(TC , To ) (20)
dz ∂T ∂TC
with the initial conditions:

z = 0, ∀i S(Fi , To ) = 0, S(T, To ) = 1, S(TC , To ) = 0 (21)

5. Numerical Simulation
It is worthy of note that, depending on the reaction rate expressions included in the mathematical
model, the final form and the number of parametric sensitivity equations will be different for each case
analyzed in this work. Consequently, each reaction problem will correspond to a different numerical
challenge, because each mechanism must fulfill the operating sensitivity limit (S (T; To) = 1) at a single
point for the interval z = (0.2]. Their solution strategies are summarized in Sections 5.1 and 5.2.

5.1. For Constant Temperature or Co-Current Flow in the Shell Side

These cases imply the integration of a set of, initial value, ordinary differential equations (ODE).
Their solution is based on the execution of the ode15s MatLab®function, linked to the following
condition: ∃! z [0,2]: S(T; To ) = 1. This means that it is necessary to search, within the solution
range of the sensitivity index of the reactive temperature, relative to the inlet temperature, a single
condition different from the initial one, such that S(T; To ) = 1. Thus, if the inlet temperature is set,
the inlet o-xylene pressure will be varied until the criterion will be met (using additionally the fsolve
MatLab®function with a tolerance of 1 × 10−6 ).

5.2. For Countercurrent Flow in the Shell Side

The solution of this case infers, in addition to the sensitivity index restriction, the fulfillment of
the boundary conditions imposed by the fluid in the shell side. Thus, it is necessary to include two
more restrictions: i) z = 2 → Tco = To and ii) z = 2 → S(TC ; To ) = 0; generating a quite challenging
numerical problem which requires modifying, simultaneously, three joint variables and a trial-and-error
procedure. To achieve this, the shooting method was used where the inlet pressure or temperature
(depending on the case), the outlet temperature of the reactive fluid and the sensitivity index for
the inlet temperature, relative to the reactive temperature at the reactor outlet, were set. Then, to
minimize the objective functions, a restricted nonlinear least-squares minimization method (using the
lsqnonlin MatLab®function) allows for the limiting of the solutions to those corresponding to logical
Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 9 of 15

intervals of system operational conditions. For very demanding cases, such as the one including five
reactions, numerical difficulties were overcome by an orthogonal collocation method (using the bvp4c

6. Results
To analyze the behavior of o-xylene conversion and the reaction temperature, and to give a clear
interpretation of the temperature sensitivity index, the reactor performance was examined on the basis
of each of the three kinetic models. Moreover, the influence of the two types of heat exchange operation
(e.g., variable fluid temperature with co-current or countercurrent operation) was also compared.

6.1. Constant Cooling Temperature (TC = T0 = 625 K)

At first, critical feed pressure values, under constant cooling temperature of 625 K, were calculated
according to the approach proposed in this manuscript as well as to the models previously presented
by van Welsenaere and Froment [7]; Hlavacek [28]; and Henning and Perez [16] and are resumed in
Table 4. Notice that these simplified models [7,16,28] did not contemplate the pressure drop equation.
For the single reaction kinetic model, the application of our approach allows us to use the higher
value of P0o-xylene , implying less conservative operation conditions. Notice that, in addition, the value
of critical inlet o-xylene pressure depends on the complexity of the kinetic model: it decreases with
an increase in the number of considered reactions. This is probably due to the high exothermicity of
additional reactions.

Table 4. Critical feed pressures at different service fluid configurations. Comparison between different
criteria obtained from different kinetic models.

Constant Co-Current
Tco = To = 625
Kinetic Model Tc = To = 625 K Tco = To = 625 K
Author Author
This Work This Work This Work
Criterion Criterion
P0o-xylene,critical P0o-xylene,critical P0o-xylene,critical
P0o-xylene,critical P0o-xylene,critical
kPa kPa kPa
kPa kPa
1.677 [7]
One reaction 1.778 [16] 1.863 1.422 [1] 1.733 1.417
1.815 [28]
0.867 [16] a 1.106 a
Three reactions 0.867 [16] a 1.187 0.847
1.014 [2] 1.097
Five reactions - 0.692 0.800 [2] 0.692 0.689
a for a cooling flow of 79,200 kg/h.

6.2. Variable Cooling Temperature According to Co-Current or Countercurrent Pattern (TCo = To = 625 K)
Next, critical feed pressure values, obtained under variable cooling temperature, for both co-current
or countercurrent pattern, were calculated using the proposed model, and are also presented in Table 4
for the three kinetic models. In the case of co-current flow pattern, the comparison of the values obtained
using the proposed approach with these previously reported by Soria-López et al. [1], de Lasa [2] and
Henning and Perez [16] shows significant differences. They can be related to the effect of pressure drop
balance used in our model (approach). Both for the single step and three-step reaction kinetic model,
higher critical feed pressure values are predicted using our model. However, the contrary occurs for the
kinetic model involving five steps of reaction. These results prove the importance of both the reactor
model and the kinetic model for the selection of safe operation conditions. Figure 3 shows the resulting
conversion, reaction temperature and temperature sensitivity index profiles, illustrating the sensitivity
of the system with respect to the kinetic model and cooling flow configuration. The co-current case
was also analyzed by Soria-López et al. [1] and de Lasa [2], assuming a negligible pressure drop in
Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 10 of 15

the catalytic bed. Total o-xylene conversion was predicted only for the five-reaction kinetic model
(Figure 3a,b). An inspection of temperature profiles shows how the hotspot position and intensity
(ca. 675 K) are similarly predicted from one- or three-reaction kinetic models for the co-current case.
However, the more rigorous kinetic model predicts a faster and higher temperature increase in the
PBR (Figure 3c,d). A change in the cooling pattern, to the countercurrent one, amplifies the maximum
temperature for one- and three-reaction kinetic models (maximum of temperature of 695 K and 691
K, respectively), while it remains constant for the five-reaction mechanism. The corresponding S(T,
To)-z trajectories are presented in Figure 3e,f). As defined previously, the zone where the derivative
of the sensitivity index with respect to z is positive (for z , 0) is of special interest. Thus, for the
operation conditions presented in Table 2, the critical inlet o-xylene pressure is summarized in Table 4
for different kinetic models and criteria. As in the constant cooling temperature case, our criterion is
less conservative
Catalysts 2020, 10,than
x FOR these previously reported in the literature.
PEER REVIEW 12 of 17

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
van Welsenaere & Froment [7] van Welsenaere & Froment [7]
de Lasa [2] de Lasa [2]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17] Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Lenght, m Lenght, m

(a) (b)
680 van Welsenaere & Froment [7]
van Welsenaere & Froment [7]
de Lasa [2]
690 de Lasa [2]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]
Temperature, K

Temperature, K

660 670




620 620
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Lenght, m Lenght, m

(c) (d)
1.2 1.2


van Welsenaere & Froment [7] 0.8 van Welsenaere & Froment [7]
0.8 de Lasa [2] de Lasa [2]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17] Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]





-0.2 -0.4

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Lenght, m Lenght, m

(e) (f)
Figure 3. Effect
Figure ofofcooling
3. Effect cooling flow patternand
flow pattern andkinetic
kinetic model
model on: conversion,
on: conversion, reaction
reaction temperature
temperature and
and temperature
temperaturesensitivity index
sensitivity profiles.
index Co-current
profiles. flow: (a,c,e);
Co-current and countercurrent
flow: (a,c,e); flow (b,d,f).
and countercurrent flow =
Tco = To = 625 K, other simulation conditions from Table 2.
T o = 625 K, other simulation conditions from Table 2.

6.3. Variable Cooling Temperature According to Co-current or Countercurrent Pattern (PAo = 0.9322
This case is concerned with the determination of the maximum permissible inlet temperature
of the reactor fluid, as a function of cooling flow pattern and the kinetic model, for a given inlet
o-xylene partial pressure (the selected value of PAo = 0.9322 kPa was justified elsewhere [27,29]).
Here, as defined in Section 5.2, for each kinetic model, the solution must fulfill both the sensitivity
Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 11 of 15

6.3. Variable Cooling Temperature According to Co-Current or Countercurrent Pattern (PAo = 0.9322 kPa)
This case is concerned with the determination of the maximum permissible inlet temperature of
the reactor fluid, as a function of cooling flow pattern and the kinetic model, for a given inlet o-xylene
partial pressure (the selected value of PAo = 0.9322 kPa was justified elsewhere [27,29]). Here, as defined
in Section 5.2, for each kinetic model, the solution must fulfill both the sensitivity index restriction and
the boundary conditions imposed by the fluid in the shell side. Figure 4 presents the obtained results
for both cooling flow configurations. It illustrates the sensitivity of inlet temperature with respect
to both the kinetic
Catalysts 2020, 10, xmodel
FOR PEER and cooling flow configuration. In all cases, the lower feed temperatures,
REVIEW 13 of 17
for safe operation conditions, is suggested by the five-reaction kinetic model (e.g., (i) van Welsenaere
and Froment [7] =(e.g.,
kinetic model 655 K (i) and
van Welsenaere and
650 K, (ii) de Lasa [2] =[7]
Froment 633= 655 K and
K and 619650 K, (ii)(iii)
K and de Chandrasekharan
Lasa [2] = 633 K and
and 619 K and (iii) Chandrasekharan and Calderbank [17] = 598 K and 598
Calderbank [17] = 598 K and 598 K for co-current and countercurrent patterns, respectively).K for co-current and
countercurrent patterns, respectively).
1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
van Welsenaere & Froment [7] van Welsenaere & Froment [7]
de Lasa [2] de Lasa [2]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17] Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Lenght, m Lenght, m

(a) (b)

700 van Welsenaere & Froment [7] van Welsenaere & Froment [7]
de Lasa [2] de Lasa [2]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17] Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]
680 680
Temperature, K

Temperature, K

660 660

640 640

620 620

600 600

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Lenght, m Lenght, m

(c) (d)
1.2 1.2


van Welsenaere & Froment [7] van Welsenaere & Froment [7]
0.8 de Lasa [2] 0.8 de Lasa [2]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17] Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]


0.4 0.4


0.0 0.0


-0.4 -0.4
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Lenght, m Lenght, m

(e) (f)
Figure 4. Effect
Figure of of
4. Effect cooling
flow pattern
pattern andandkinetic
kinetic model
model on: on: conversion,
conversion, reaction
reaction temperature
temperature and
temperature sensitivity
and temperature index
sensitivity profiles.
index Co-current
profiles. flow: (a,
Co-current c, e) and
flow: countercurrent
(a,c,e) flow (b, d,flow
and countercurrent =
f). PAo(b,d,f).
PAo = 0.9322 kPa, other simulation conditions from Table 2.
0.9322 kPa, other simulation conditions from Table 2.

Finally, the critical
the critical operation
operation values values are found
are found readilyreadily by imposing
by imposing the conditions
the conditions of
of Equation (21),
Equation (21), as in Figures 3e, 3f, 4e and 4f. Thus, safe operation behavior is fully determined
as in Figures 3e,f, and 4e,f. Thus, safe operation behavior is fully determined by inspecting a very by
inspecting a very large number of numerical solutions of the model (reactor and sensitivity index)
for a wide variation of a specific inlet parameter. Figure 5 illustrates the runaway diagram for the
o-xylene oxidation, specifically the effect of o-xylene partial pressure feed, in the range of 0.0046
to 0.0184, according to [29], for the three analyzed kinetic models. The curves in Figure 5 define a
sepatrix that limits two regions: if the operating conditions are such that they lead to a coordinate
in Figure 5 above the corresponding curve, extreme parametric sensitivity and runaway is
Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 12 of 15

large number of numerical solutions of the model (reactor and sensitivity index) for a wide variation
of a specific inlet parameter. Figure 5 illustrates the runaway diagram for the o-xylene oxidation,
specifically the effect of o-xylene partial pressure feed, in the range of 0.0046 to 0.0184, according to [29],
for the three analyzed kinetic models. The curves in Figure 5 define a sepatrix that limits two regions:
if the operating
Catalysts 2020, 10,conditions
x FOR PEERare such that they lead to a coordinate in Figure 5 above the corresponding
REVIEW 14 of 17
curve, extreme parametric sensitivity and runaway is expected; but if it is located under the curves,
thethat only is
reactor the five-step reaction
insensitive to small kinetic modelNotice
fluctuations. definesthat
a single runaway
only the region,
five-step regardless
reaction kineticof the
defines flow pattern.
a single runawayAs expected,
region, the simplest
regardless kinetic flow
of the cooling model predicts
pattern. As the smallerthe
expected, runaway
kinetic model predicts the smaller runaway region.


650 Runaway
TO, crit, K


van Welsenaere & Froment [7]

550 de Lasa [2]
Chandrasekharan & Calderbank [17]

0.0070 0.0105 0.0140 0.0175

PAo, atm

Figure 5. Runaway diagram for the o-xylene oxidation as relation of inlet o-xylene partial pressure
andFigure 5. Runaway
temperature. Curvesdiagram
obtainedforforthe o-xylene
three kineticoxidation
models ofasdifferent
of inlet o-xylene
(i) Onepartial
as used by vanand temperature.
Welsenaere andCurves
Froment obtained
[7]; (ii)for three
Three kinetic models
reactions, as usedofbydifferent
de Lasacomplexity:
[2]; and (iii)(i)
One reaction,
reactions, as used
as proposed byby van Welsenaere and Froment
Chandrasekharan Calderbank[7]; [17].
(ii) Three reactions,
Cooling as used constant
flow pattern: by de
cooling [2]; and (iii)
(-),Five reactions,
co-current as proposed
direction by Chandrasekharan
(- -) and countercurrent and
direction (· ·).Calderbank [17].
Cooling flow pattern: constant cooling temperature (-), co-current direction (- -) and
7. Conclusions
countercurrent direction (· ·).
The parametric sensitivity of a Packed Bed Catalytic Reactor depends on the cooling flow pattern
and kinetic model. The required mathematical model, involving a one-dimensional reactor model
and7. Conclusions
a sensitivity index formulation, was analyzed to predict an a priori estimation of safe reactor
operation Theconditions.
parametricAn effective numerical
sensitivity of a Packedroutine for the solution
Bed Catalytic Reactor of depends
the countercurrent flow pattern
on the cooling flow
was also presented. The o-xylene oxidation was analyzed as an example of
pattern and kinetic model. The required mathematical model, involving a one-dimensionala complex kinetic model
and it wasmodel
reactor successfully solved. It provided
and a sensitivity less conservative
index formulation, operational
was analyzed conditions
to predict compared
an a priori to the
of safe previously proposed, conditions.
reactor operation even in the case of low inlet
An effective pressuresroutine
numerical of a keyfor
reactant. The benefits
the solution of theof
detailed kinetic models
countercurrent flow include
pattern the
waspossibility of analyzing
also presented. The product
as anfor
selectionofof reactor operation
a complex conditions
kinetic model and it (to
explored insolved.
a futureItcontribution).
provided less The presented
operational conditions compared to the models previously proposed, even in the case of low which
is generic and can accommodate rigorous kinetic, reactor and sensitivity models, inlet
could provide
pressures ofsignificant resultsThe
a key reactant. for reactor
benefitsdesign and operation.
of detailed kinetic models include the possibility of
analyzing product selectivity as additional criteria for the selection of reactor operation conditions
Author Contributions: Conceptualization: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-Á.G.-G.; methodology: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and
(to be explored in a future contribution). The presented methodology is generic and can
M.-Á.G.-G.; software, S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-Á.G.-G.; formal analysis: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-Á.G.-G.; investigation:
accommodate rigorous kinetic, reactor and sensitivity models, which could provide significant
S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-Á.G.-G.; resources: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-Á.G.-G.; writing—original draft preparation:
S.Z.-B., for reactor
I.D.-G. design and
and M.-Á.G.-G.; operation. and editing: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-Á.G.-G. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-A.G.-G.; methodology: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and
Funding: This research
M.-A.G.-G.; software,received
S.Z.-B., no external
I.D.-G. andfunding.
M.-A.G.-G.; formal analysis: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-A.G.-G.;
investigation: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-A.G.-G.; resources: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-A.G.-G.; writing—original
draft preparation: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-A.G.-G.; writing—review and editing: S.Z.-B., I.D.-G. and M.-A.G.-
G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Catalysts 2020, 10, 626 13 of 15

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

a Kinetic parameter (K−1 ) u Superficial velocity (m/h)
Heat capacity  
Cpc of the cooling kg K wc Cooling medium flow rate (kg/h)
Heat capacity  
Cpg kcal
of the gaseous kg K y Dependent’s variables vector
Dp Particle diameter (m) z Axial coordinate (m)
Dt Tube diameter (m) ∆Hrxn Heat of reaction (kcal/kmol)
f Continuous function Greek letters
h m2
F Molar flow (kmol/h) α kmol
Ft Total molar flow (kmol/h)
  ε Bed porosity
G Mass flow m2 h
θv Kinetic parameter
Kinetic Bulk density of the fixed bed
k ρb
constant h kgcat kPa (kg/m3 )
L Total reactor length (m) ρg Gas mixture density (kg/m3 )
Molecular weight of gaseous
M ρL Linear density (kgcat /m3 )
mixture (kg/m3 )
N Total number of reactions ϕ Input parameters
P Total pressure (kPa) Subscripts
P0O Oxygen’s partial pressure (kPa) i Counter for reactions
q Total number of compounds
  j Counter for compounds
r Reaction rate mh o Inlet conditions
Rep Particle Reynolds number 1 O-xylene to phthalic anhydride
O-xylene to phthalic anhydride
S Sensitivity coefficient 21
Molar flow sensitivity coefficient
Phthalic anhydride to CO and
S(F,To ) with respect to the inlet 22
CO2 step
Temperature sensitivity coefficient
S(T,To ) with respect to the inlet 23 O-xylene to CO and CO2 step
Cooling medium sensitivity
S(Tc ,To ) coefficient with respect to the inlet 31 O-xylene to O-tolualdehyde step
O-xylene to phthalic anhydride
T Temperature inside the reactor (K) 32
Temperature of the cooling
Tc 33 O-xylene to COx step
medium (K)
tn Number of tubes 34 O-tolualdehyde to Phthalide step
Overall heat 
 Phthalide to phthalic anhydride
U transfer 2
m hK

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