Substation Earthing Design

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IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 12, Issue 1 Ver. II (Jan. – Feb. 2017), PP 12-17

Substation Earthing Design

Akshay Patil
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Navrachana University, India)

Abstract: Successful operation of entire power system depends to a considerable extent on efficient and
satisfactory performance of substations. Hence substations in general can be considered as heart of overall
power system. In any substation, a well-designed grounding plays an important role. Since absence of safe and
effective grounding system can result in mal-operation or non-operation of control and protective devices,
grounding system design deserves considerable attention for all the substations. There are two primary
functions of a safe earthing system. Firstly, ensure that a person who is in the vicinity of earthed facilities
during a fault is not exposed to the possibility of a fatal electrical shock. Secondly, provide a low impedance
path to earth for currents occurring under normal and fault conditions.The earthing conductors, composing the
grid and connections to all equipment and structures, must possess sufficient thermal capacity to pass the
highest fault current for the required time.
Keywords: Conductor, Earthing, Grid, Impedance, Thermal Capacity

I. Introduction
An electrical substation is a serioussource in a power system. Safe process of a substation appeals for a
well-designed and properly installed grounding system. A well-designed grounding system will safeguard
reliable performance of the substation over its entire service life.Decent grounding path of adequately low
impedance certifies fast clearing of faults. The power system stability of system may affect if fault is persisted
for a longer duration.Faster clearing thus advancestotal reliability. It also guarantees safety.A ground fault in
equipment causes the metallic enclosure potential to rise above the „true‟ ground potential. An improper
grounding results in a higher potential and also results in delayed clearing of the fault (due to insufficient current
flow). This arrangement is essentially dangerous because any person coming into contact with the enclosure is
exposed to higher potentials for a time-consuming duration.Therefore, substation dependability and protection
must be as „built-in‟ as possible by worthy grounding scheme, which will turn to safeguard faster fault clearing
and low enclosure potential rise.
Grounding system has to be safe as it is straight concerned with safety of individual‟s working within
the substation. Chief purpose of this work is designing safe and cost effective grounding systems for HV / EHV
substations situated at such locations where soil of the substation site is not uniform. Standard equations are
used in the design of earthing system to get desired parameters such as touch and step voltage criteria for safety,
earth resistance, grid resistance, maximum grid current, minimum conductor size and electrode size, maximum
fault current level and resistivity of soil. By selecting the proper horizontal conductor size, vertical electrode
size and soil resistivity, the best choice of the project for safety can be performed.Substation earthing system is
primarily not only to deliver the protection of people working in the surrounding area of earthed facilities and
equipment against danger of electric shock, but to uphold proper function of electrical system. Reliability and
security are to be taken in contemplations as well as adherence to statutory obligations.
1.1 Importance:
The earthing system in a plant / facility is very important for a few reasons, all of which are related to either the
protection of people and equipment and/or the optimal operation of the electrical system.

FIG. 1 HV Substation Earthing

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Substation Earthing Design

These include:
Equipotential bonding of conductive objects (e.g. metallic equipment, buildings, piping etc.) to the earthing

 The earthing system provides a low resistance return path for earth faults within the plant, which protects
system prevent the presence of dangerous voltages between objects (and earth).

 For earth faults with return paths to offsite generation sources, a low resistance earthing grid relative to
both personnel and equipment.

 The earthing system provides a low resistance path (relative to remote earth) for voltage transients such as
remote earth prevents dangerous ground potential rises (touch and step potentials)

 Equipotential bonding helps prevent electrostatic build up and discharge, which can cause sparks with
lightning and surges / overvoltages

 The earthing system provides a reference potential for electronic circuits and helps reduce electrical noise
enough energy to ignite flammable atmospheres

 This calculation is based primarily on the guidelines provided by IEEE STD. 80 (2000), "Guide for safety
for electronic, instrumentation and communication systems.

in AC substation grounding".

II. Earthing Standards

There are a variety of national and international standards available, which provide empirical formulae for the

 BS7354 - 1990 Code of Practice for Design of High Voltage Open Terminal Stations
calculation of earthing design parameters and shock potential safety limits.

 IEEE Std. 80-2000 IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding

 EATS 41-24 - Guidelines for the Design, Installation, Testing & Maintenance of Main Earthing Systems in

III. Terms Associated with Earthing:

1.1 Ground Potential Rise (GPR)
The substation earth grid is used as an electrical connection to earth at zero potential reference. This
connection is not ideal due to the resistivity of the soil within which the earth grid is buried.
During typical earth fault conditions, the flow of current via the grid to earth will therefore result in the grid
rising in potential relative to remote earth to which other system neutrals are also connected.
This produces potential gradients within and around the substation ground area - this is defined as ground
potential rise or GPR.
The GPR of a substation under earth fault conditions must be limited so that step and touch potential limits are
not exceeded, and is controlled by keeping the earthing grid resistance as low as possible.
1.2 Step, Touch, Mesh & Transferred Potentials
In order to ensure the safety of people at a substation, it is necessary to ensure that step and touch potentials in
and around the substation yard during earth-fault conditions are kept below set limits.
These maximum permitted step and touch potentials are addressed within various national and international
1.3 Step Potential
The step potential is defined as the potential difference between a persons outstretched feet, normally 1 metre
apart, without the person touching any earthed structure.
1.4 Touch Potential
The touch potential is defined as the potential difference between a person‟s outstretched hand, touching an
earthed structure, and his foot. A person‟s maximum reach is normally assumed to be 1 metre.
1.5 Earthing System Design Considerations
Conductors - a substation earthing grid will consist of an earthing system of bonded cross conductors.
The earthing conductors, composing the grid and connections to all equipment and structures, must possess
sufficient thermal capacity to pass the highest fault current for the required time.
Also, the earthing conductors must have sufficient mechanical strength and corrosion resistance. It is normal
practice to bury horizontal earthing conductors at a depth of between 0.5m and 1m - this ensures that the earth

 Adequate mechanical protection

conductor has the following properties:

 It is situated below the frost line

 The surrounding earth will not dry out
1.6 Vertically Driven Earth Rods
Where there are low resistivity strata beneath the surface layer then it would be advantageous to drive
vertical earth rods down into this layer - to be effective the earth rods should be on the periphery of the site. The
length of the earth rod is chosen so as to reach the more stable layers of ground below.

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Substation Earthing Design

The earth rods would stabilise the earth grid resistance over seasonal resistivity changes at the grid burial depth.
1.7 Substation Fences
The earthing of metallic fences around a substation is of vital importance because dangerous touch potentials
can be involved and the fence is often accessible to the general public.
Fence earthing can be accomplished in two different ways:
Electrically connecting the fence to the earth grid, locating it within the grid area or alternatively just outside
Independently earthing the fence and locating it outside the earth grid area at a convenient place where the
potential gradient from the grid edge is acceptably low.
1.8 Other Substation Earthing
The GPR at a substation is reduced by:
Overhead line earth wires which are connected to the substation earthing grid. This diverts part of the earth fault
current to the tower footing earthing.
Cable entering and leaving the site.The armouring of such cables is usually earthed to the substation earthing
grid at both ends. Part of the earth fault current will thus be diverted to a remote earthing grid via the cable
Nomenclature and Given Data:

Symbol Description
ρ Soil Resistivity
ρs Gravel Resistivity
Iefs Symmetrical Short Circuit Current
ts Duration of Earth Fault Current
hs Thickness of Crushed Gravel
h Depth of Earth Grid
ho Reference depth of the Grid
γ Resistivity of Conductor Material
ργ Thermal co-efficient of resistivity at reference temperature
Tm Max. allowable temperature in °C
Ta Ambient temperature in °C
Ko 1/a0 or 1/ar - Tr in °C
tc Duration of Current in s
TCAP thermal capacity per unit volume
Amm² Conductor cross section in mm²
K Reflection factor between different material resistivities
Cs Surface layer derating factor
Estep70 Step Voltage for body weight of 70 kg
Etouch70 Touch Voltage for body weight of 70 kg
Estep50 Step Voltage for body weight of 50 kg
Etouch50 Touch Voltage for body weight of 50 kg
n Number of parallel conductors
D Conductor Spacing
Lp Length of the conductor across perimeter
Nr No. of Ground Rods
Lr Length of Ground Rods
LR Total length of Ground Rods
LT1 Total length of buried conductor
LT Total length of buried conductors & rods
Lx Maximum length of conductor in X-Axis
Ly Maximum length of conductor in Y-Axis
A Area of the Grid
Rg Grid Resistance
Ig Maximum grid current in A
Df Decrement factor for the entire duration of fault, given in s
Ki Corrective factor for current irregularity
Km Spacing factor for Mesh Voltage
Kii Corrective weighting factor that adjusts the effect of inner conductors
on the corner mesh
Kh Corrective weighting factor that emphasising the grid depth
Ks Spacing factor for Step voltage

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Substation Earthing Design
Sr. Description Notations Unit Value
1 Soil Resistivity ρ Ohm-M 25
2 Gravel Resistivity ρs Ohm-M 3000
3 Symmetrical Short Circuit Current Iefs A 40,000
4 Duration of Earth Fault Current ts sec 0.5
5 Thickness of Crushed Gravel hs m 0
6 Depth of Earth Grid h m 1.2
7 Reference depth of the Grid ho m 1
8 Resistivity of Conductor Material γ Ohm - M 0.0032
9 Thermal co-efficient of resistivity at reference temperature ργ Ohm - M 20.1
10 Max. allowable temperature in °C Tm °C 419
11 Ambient temperature in °C Ta °C 40
12 1/a0 or 1/ar - Tr in °C Ko °C 293
13 Duration of Current in s tc s 0.5
14 thermal capacity per unit volume TCAP J/cm³°C 3.93
15 Conductor cross section in mm² Amm² mm² 415.08
16 Number of parallel conductors n -- 12
17 Conductor Spacing D m 2
18 Length of the conductor across perimeter Lp m 69.5
19 No. of Ground Rods Nr -- 12
20 Length of Ground Rods Lr m 5
21 Total length of Ground Rods LR m 60
22 Total length of buried conductor LT1 m 248
23 Total length of buried conductors & rods LT m 308
24 Maximum length of conductor in X-Axis Lx m 25
25 Maximum length of conductor in Y-Axis Ly m 10
26 Area of the Grid A m² 247.5
27 Decrement factor for the entire duration of fault, given in s Df 0.415

Calculation Of 220 Kv Bus Section
1.9 Size Of Earthing Conductor :

Amm2 
 TCAP  10  4   K 0  Tm 
  ln  
 t c r  r   K 0  Ta 
Akcmil = 819.37 kcmil
Amm² = 415.08 mm²
The size of conductor selected = 23.0 mm
Diameter of the Grid Conductor d = 0.02299 m

1.10 Touch & Step Criteria:
  
Reflection factor between different material resistivities

0.091  

C    

2hs  0.09
Surface layer derating factor s

K = -0.98
Cs= 0.01

 (1000  6C   )
Therefore, 0.157
E step 70 s s
t s

Estep 70 = 255.34 Volts

 (1000  1.5C   )
E touch 70 s s

Etouch 70 = 230.36 Volts

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Substation Earthing Design

1.11 Grid Resistance:

1 1  
R    1  
20 A  1  h 20 / A 

A = Area of the Grid = 247.5 m²

Rg = Grid Resistance = 0.74 Ω

IG  D f  I g
1.12 Maximum Grid Current:

IG = Maximum grid current in A = 40,000

DF = Decrement factor for the entire duration of fault, given in s = 0.415
IG = 16600 A

1.13 Ground Potential Rise:

GPR = 12287.2 Volts GPR  I G

R g

Verification For Human Safety

The safety to personnel is specified by IEEE 80, which requires limiting the development of electrical potential
to dangerous value during earth fault current.
The regulation stipulates the following parameters to be within the permissible limit
a) Step Voltage (Foot to Foot Contact)
b) Touch Voltage(Hand to Foot Contact)

1.14 Calculation For Actual Derived Step & Mesh Voltage

I K K
I. Mesh Voltage:

Emesh( Design) 
  L 
L  1.55  1.22   L
G m i

  L  l 

C 2 2 R

x Ly

Ki = Corrective factor for current irregularity

K i  0.644  0.148n
n  n n n n
2 L
a b c d

n  a


na = 7.1
nb = 1.050917456
nc = 1 for square and rectangular grids
nd = 1 for square and rectangular grids and L Shaped grids

Therefore, n = 7.48
Ki = 1.75

Km 
1  D

D  2h   h   Kii ln  8 
4d  Kh  2n  1
ln 

2 16hd

K 
( 2  n)

1  h 
Kii = 0.60 and

 
 Khho=
Kii = 1.00 with ground rods

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Substation Earthing Design

Kh = 1.48
Km = 0.57
Emesh = 1169.50 Volts (Designed)

Calculated Mesh Voltage is lower than the Tolerable Touch Voltage.

Step Voltage:
Voltage developed for step as per the earthing system proposed during full Earth fault current.

Ks  Ki    I 
Estep( Design) 
0.75  L  0.85  L 

Where, C R

Ks = Spacing factor for Step voltage

11 1  0.5 
Ks     

  2h D  h  D 

Ki  0.644  0.148n
Ks = 0.388

Ki = 1.751772846
Estep = 1191.75 Volts (Designed)
Calculated Step Voltage is lower than the Tolerable Step Voltage.

IV. Conclusion
This paper has a focus on designing of a 220 kV HV/LV AC substation earthing system. The results for
earthing system are obtained by computational method. For earthing conductor and vertical earth electrode, mild
steel are used. The step by step approach for designing a substation earthing system is presented. The various
kinds of conductor sizes for earth equipment are mentioned in this paper. Construction of earthing grid is
expressed in here. The step and touch voltages are dangerous for human body. Human body may get electric
shocks from step and touch voltages. When high voltage substations are to be designed, step and touch voltages
should be calculated and values must be maintained specified standard.Importance to be given to the transfer of
Ground Potential rise (GPR) under fault conditions to avoid dangerous situations to the public, customer and
utility staff. The values of step and mesh voltages obtained for 220 kV substation are respectively 1191.75 Volt
and 1169.50 Volt which are within the permissible limits.

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