Request For Tender - FTA AI Digital Use Case v4.1F

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Request for Tender

For Federal Tax Authority

AI Digital Use Cases Implementation
September 2023

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FTA Project Context and Background

The Federal Tax Authority (“FTA”) is the government entity that was established in 2016 by the President of
the UAE, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, via Federal Decree-Law 13 of 2016 to administer
the UAE tax system and is leading the initiative to introduce taxes in the country.
The Federal Tax Authority has an independent legal capacity to act on the administration, collection and
enforcement of Federal Taxes and Relevant Penalties, to distribute their revenues and to apply the Tax
Procedures applicable in the State.
On 31 January 2022, the UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF) announced the introduction of a federal Corporate
Tax (CT) in the UAE that will be effective for financial years starting on or after 1 June 2023.

For more information about FTA, please refer to the FTA website (

FTA Vision
The FTA vision is to assist the UAE in achieving sustainable economic growth and economic diversification
through implementation of appropriate fiscal policies, best practices and lead taxpayer services. By handling
taxpayer interactions effectively and continuously enhancing the taxpayer experience, the FTA aims to
provide greater overall value for taxpayers, the country and its citizens.

FTA Mission
The FTA mission is to deliver leading taxpayer services at a global standard and guide the business
community to full compliance by leveraging modern tax administration technologies. The FTA aims to
maintain effective relationships with taxpayers and provide an exceptional experience by providing
exceptional taxpayer services.

FTA Organization Structure

The functional structure of the Federal Tax Authority consists of four (4) divisions, three (3) offices,
fourteen (14) departments, thirty-three (33) sections, and three (3) units.

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Specific background of IT in FTA:
FTA depends on Information Technology solutions & services to manage its business operations.
The IT Sector is one of the support services of the FTA, with the responsibility to build and manage:
1- A comprehensive suite of business information systems.
2- A comprehensive suite of government digital services.
3- Underlying network computing systems, personal computing systems and support services.

This document provides an overview of the Bid Guidelines related to the RFT process of the Digital Solutions
Implementation project at the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). It contains instructions to the Bidders for
submitting their proposal, guidelines for the evaluation of their proposals, as well as the process for selecting
a successful Bidder.

The information in this document is intended to enable the Bidder to have a clear understanding of the Bid
Guidelines to assist in planning for the Bid response and the delivery of the project. All proposals will be
considered on their merits against the requirements detailed in this RFT.

FTA’s aim is to focus on delivering high-quality, customer-centric, and integrated government tax services.
FTA intends to help the UAE’s business community improve their readiness and compliance with the UAE’s
Tax law through improved awareness of the regulations and compliance requirements. A vast majority of
companies in the UAE are classified as SMEs whose level of readiness in implementing taxation varies widely,
ranging from dormant companies to active businesses that don’t keep books to those with sophisticated
accounting teams and tools. Furthermore, while individual government agencies in all Emirates regularly

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arrange training courses for their constituents, Tax awareness and knowledge has not yet reached all
relevant businesses. FTA understands the importance digital technologies and data will play in helping it
achieve its ambitions and in addressing existing pain points in relation to internal and external tax services.
Additionally, FTA has recently developed its Digital Strategy and Roadmap for the next 3-5 years. As part of
this roadmap, FTA has defined a list of priority digital use cases to be implemented as pilots – small scale
implementations for the purposes of scaling at a later stage.

In this context, FTA is inviting leading implementers to submit proposals for providing design and
implementation services for two (2) digital use case as specified in this Request for Tender (RFT).

Scope of Work
Federal Tax Authority (FTA) is looking for an experienced and leading implementation company to design
and implement the following AI/ML use case pilots:

1- Taxpayer Trend Analysis for Targeted Audits

2- Automated Tax Expenditure and Underreporting

1- Taxpayer Trend Analysis for Targeted Audits

This use case aim is to provide a mechanism to analysis the taxpayer data to uncover trends in the taxpayer
behavior, resulting in more streamlined, informed, and targeted audit exercises.

 Understand and utilize outcome of taxpayer historic trends to provide FTA with informed insights
into fraudulent behavior
 Enhanced accuracy and efficiency of enforcement activities and audits, while reducing cost and time
for inspections.
Pain Points:
 FTA has multiple platforms to operate the daily tasks which cause difficulties in collecting the
required information and analyses it that leads to manual work and effort.
 Some of the data available in FTA is structured while the other is un-structured such as PDF &
Images the both sources are required for the team to execute their activities.
 The analysis for these data is being done manually which requires a lot of time and efforts.
 Data & Reporting - Relevant data is either unavailable (due to confidentiality issues), or for available
data, analysis is manual
 Data is not presented and visualized in an effective way that can drive decision making and analysis

Expected Benefits to FTA:

 The proposed solution should be capable to analyses the data from different sources and perform
matching based on different parameters such names, registration #, address and so on.

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 The system should be capable enough to understand different scenarios from tax payer history to
be leveraged in provided business scenarios, and also to generate a new scenario based on
experience from old and new scenarios.
 The proposed solution is expected to support FTA in doing a full detailed analysis based on collected
information from different resources to identify the potential audit that have high risk comparing
with the other tax payers who has similar activities, size, industries and etc.
 It is very important the systems can be able to compare the input and output among that tax payers
for the same industry and activity to highlight the differences and proposed and / or do the next
 It is expected that the proposed solution will act on behalf of tax officers to perform some activities
such as sending emails, creating a case and so on.
 Utilizing the public information
 Boost voluntary tax compliance and reduce cost of compliance
 Better revenue forecasting and anomaly detection
 Better data analysis, visualization and self-service reporting
 Increase in targeted audits

2- Automated Tax Expenditure and Underreporting

This use case aim is to Identify the unusual patterns and generation of alerts or predictions to flag suspicious
behaviors of spend (spending more than income and revenue).

 Understand and utilize outcome of taxpayer historic trends to provide FTA with informed insights
into suspicious patterns and behaviors
 Enhanced accuracy and efficiency of enforcement activities and audits, while reducing cost and time
for inspections.

Pain Points:
 Little to no visibility into industry, taxpayer and year on year performance comparisons
 Required data for analysis is available but the analysis is done manually. Some data is not accessible
due to confidentiality of data.
 Data is not presented and visualized in an effective way that can drive decision making and analysis

Expected Benefits to FTA:

 Enhanced ability to identify fraudulent behavior through detection of patterns
 Time & effort saved on fraud & audit activities
 Utilizing the public information.
 Better data analysis, visualization and self-service reporting
 Minimize unnecessary communications with taxpayer
 Increase in targeted audits

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Key Activities for all use cases described in this RFT:

 Discuss and understand the historical data points that need to be analyzed from business
 Develop historical data model that will accurately identify trends and provide taxpayer analysis for
the purposes to identify high risk fraudulent indicators
 Work with FTA business teams to validate the high-risk fraudulent indicators that will be built into
the statistical data model
 Test (SIT/UAT) and rollout / Go-Live with the solution
 Conduct relevant training/awareness sessions for the FTA Team/Inspection agents

Key Scope of Work Activities:

 Gather business requirements from the business owners, business users and the FTA IT Business
Alignment, to fully understand the business processes involved.
 Document and Develop detailed functional, technical and integration requirements
 Design the solution architecture, and build/configure, test and deploy the solution in production
 Develop and deploy related integrations with existing FTA systems as per requirements.
 Install and setup the solution on the development/UAT (User Acceptance Test) and Production
environments, and provide the needed Hardware Specifications/Sizing.
 Implement, test (SIT/UAT) and rollout / Go-Live with the solution
 Conduct relevant training/awareness sessions and provide training for FTA Users & FTA
Administrators & FTA IT Data Analytics Team
 Ensure data consistency, data output, data security and data control
 Enable suitable information security / cyber security and secure configuration in respect of the
components and utilities within the solution
 Provide Annual Maintenance & Support for one (1) year after going production, and optional two (2)
o The developed AI Model Maintenance and fine-tuning shall be handled by bidder during
support period as defined and agreed with FTA.
 During the project execution and AMS, the bidder shall submit the following general deliverables:
o Comprehensive documentation of the application including wireframe, functional and
business requirement documentation, integration documentation, application architecture,
bilingual (Arabic and English) user manual, technical manuals etc.
o Sufficient Demos to FTA Business Teams throughout the course of development to obtain
confirmations as required.
o Full project documentation made for the purpose of this project, including but not limited to
BRDs (Business Requirements Documents), SRSs (Specifications Requirements Documents),

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Test strategy, integration design, Test Scenarios, solution configuration and development,
solution customization, release plan, go-live cutover activities and implementation plan
o Disaster recovery infrastructure, backup and recovery procedures, business continuity
management plan covering well-defined recovery point objective and recovery time
o Required Infrastructure sizing including licenses
o Delivery of required licenses must be as per the licensing policy of the specified
 Bidder/Vendor shall need to provide data structures and data sources for AI/ML solution/platform.
o This needs to be include details of the AI/ML Models available as part of the
solution/platform like LLM etc.,
 Bidder needs to ensure that the AI/ML tool is secured and protects sensitive data from unauthorized
access or breaches
 The AI/ML tool should comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards
o The AI/ML solution shall be flexible and allow customization and be flexible to adapt to
changing regulations, tax laws, or operational procedures
 The AI/ML tool suite / solution is recommended to have inbuilt capabilities for Machine Learning,
Deep Learning, Generative AI, Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), and Analytics, Planning &
optimizing decisions, Predictive analysis
 The AI/ML tool solution should have strong capabilities and high accuracy in reading information in
English and Arabic languages.
 AI/ML solution need to support Dashboarding, Graphics and Reporting, Interactive Data Exploration
and Visualization, Descriptive and Exploratory Statistics & Graph Analytics,
 AI/ML solution should run On-premises data center
 Coding (R, Python, Scala, other), Composability / Inclusion of additional modules, libraries and
frameworks, Auto scaling for distributed compute clusters, Performance tuning for model
 Bidder shall include Scalability capabilities of the solution/platform, to show case solution’s ability to
expand in terms of data volume, number of users, and scope.
 Bidder shall Specify the estimated performance metrics and SLAs for the AI/ML solutions based on
recommended architecture and hardware, which include response times, accuracy rates, uptime
requirements, and support response times.
 The AI/ML solution proposed may be part of a comprehensive Enterprise AI application
development platform (or) must be compatible with a comprehensive AI Platform using which more
and more AI use cases can be developed and deployed.
 AI Development Environment for development of additional use cases in the future, which may be a
native development platform (or) Low-Code/No-Code solution.

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 Data access and preparation, Data exploration and visualization, Model development (machine
learning), Model development (other advanced analytics), Operationalization, Governance and
Responsible AI
 Data Access & Preparation: - Streaming / real-time data sources, Access to Nontraditional Data
Types (e.g. text, image, video, sound), Augmented data discovery, Data Integration / blending and
Transformation / wrangling, Data Quality, Data Catalog, Metadata and Lineage, Data Labeling /
Annotation, Feature Store, Synthetic Data, Augmented Data Preparation and Feature Engineering,
 Provide Model Development: - Basic Data Science and Machine Learning, Time Series Analysis, Deep
Learning (Deep Neural Nets), Advanced Machine Learning, Ensembles and Hierarchical Models,
Small Data Techniques, Augmented Machine Learning (AutoML),
 Provide Advanced Analytics: - Text Analytics, Image / Video Analytics, Optimization / Econometrics,
Simulations, Decision Management / Rule processing, Composite AI
 Ingest or Utilize data of any kind and size through proper interface‚ process‚ query and plug the data
into applications‚ connect to existing databases‚ define transformations‚ and develop or extend
application objects (e.g.‚ data model‚ analytics‚ algorithms‚ UI) to develop an application front end.
 Provide Data Integration: - offers data engineers and scientists seamless access to and consistent
integration across diverse structured and unstructured data using all kind if data connectors
 Provide Rich data exploration and visualization tools which allow users to interactively explore raw
data sources and offers users no-code data exploration and visualization
 Provide Data Profiling and Quality framework which enables users to assess the data quality for
datasets of any size to automatically detect data merge, deduplication, anomaly, outlier, sparsity, and
connectivity issues.
 Provide Timeseries engine: - Automatically integrate, clean, normalize, and persist timeseries data.
 Provide end-to-end lineage for any prediction where Developers and decision makers can trace the
lineage of any insight— including ML features, analytics, and models.
 Perform deep statistical analysis with interactive and customizable visualizations. Users can perform
a variety of use cases including timeseries anomaly detection, and statistical segmentation with single
and multiple sample hypothesis tests.
 Provide Governance: Auditability to Know how data is used with rich audit trails that provide end-to-
end traceability. Leveled access with detailed permissions and activity logging gives you full visibility
into all user actions with timestamps. Automatically keep records of when, where, why, how, and by
whom data was ingested, processed, and consumed across applications.
 Provide Governance: Security A comprehensive data security framework — compliant with all major
security standards —provides role-based access controls. Users can segregate duties across the
enterprise, define access control lists, and manage data and application access based on specific job

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Implementation Timelines
The estimated timelines for the implementation of the project is as below:
# Activities Timeline (from T - Date of Signing
of Contract)

1 Project Kick-off, Team Mobilization and finalization of scope with T+2 Weeks

2 Requirement gathering – Understand current processes, prepare T+6 Weeks

the design specifications and related documentation

3 Development of the proposed solution, Installation, Configuration, T+12 Weeks

System Integration and Testing

4 Completion of User Acceptance Testing & Signoff T+18 Weeks

5 Training, Documentation and Go Live T+24 Weeks

Other Guidelines and Requirements

• Personnel /Key experts:
a. The qualifications, skills and expertise of the core team should cover the current requirements
of this RFT
b. All the members of the core project team should have participated in similar projects
c. Vendor is required to submit the CVs of the team who will work on this project
d. The vendor should have completed at least three similar projects

• Equipment / Facilities:
The Vendor will work using their own equipment, however it is expected that the vendor will spend
appropriate time in FTA to carry out the assignment, and during that period, can be provided with
office space in FTA while using their own equipment.

Key Application Compatibility Requirements.

The proposed solution shall need to be capable of working/interacting with the application technologies
listed below. This may include reading to the below application as necessary based on the permission/roles

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available. The proposed solution shall need to have a provision to assign and manage roles according to the
requirements/needs from FTA.

• MSSQL 2019 and above

Key Security Requirements:

The minimum-security requirements are as below:
• All solutions to be proposed shall be deployed on FTA on-premise environments with no external or
cloud dependencies.
• Solution components should be vulnerability and malware free.
• Solution to support authentication and integrate with LDAPS (SSO).
• Solution to have sufficient logging and auditing capabilities.
• Solution to support roles and permissions management.

Information to be submitted by Vendor:

• Vendor/Bidder should have a registered organization in UAE Mainland providing IT Services and
must be in operational for at least 10 years.
a. Submit a copy of the Trade license along with details. If a consortium, prime bidder is
responsible for delivery of the project.
b. Additional information to be provided as per below table

S.No. Requested Information Answer / Remarks

1. Role Assigned Prime Bidder/Consortium

Member (if any)

2 Bidder Legal Entity Name

3 Bidder Legal Entity Type Company/Partnership/etc.

4. Address (street, zip code, town/ city, country)

5. Website

6. Year of establishment

7. Contact person

8. E-Mail

9. Telephone number

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• Vendor/bidder should have a focused team for AI solution development with a minimum employee
strength of 30 people.
a. Vendor shall submit a certificate/letter of assurance from the HR Head of Vendor Organization,
duly approved by the authorized signatory for the organization.
• Vendor should be involved currently in an AI implementation project. They should provide high level
details about the solution/use case being worked upon, including references from other tax
a. Must also provide 3 citations of already completed project with authorized signatory.
b. Project citation and self-certificate signed by signatory of the vendor confirming the details
c. Reference letter from authorized signatory of customers may be submitted along with contact

The technical proposal shall contain the following information without any financial information

1- Cover letter on company’s/service provider’s letterhead signed by an authorized representative

acknowledging the company’s/service provider’s agreement of the terms and conditions of this RFT
and certifying that all information offered in the proposal are true, accurate, and complete to the best
of his/her knowledge.

2- Title Page, showing RFT number, service provider / supplier’s name, address, telephone number and
contact person.

3- As well, the technical proposal should show:

Table of Contents, including page numbers.
Executive Summary in one page demonstrating that the company/service provider understands the
Vendors are required to provide a benchmark model of previously providing similar items/ services.
Detailed description of the company’s/service provider's understanding of the requirement and the
detailed proposed approach and methods that will be used to accomplish the required tasks.

Information to be provided to the Vendor:

The FTA shall supply all available data and information, and shall give such assistance to the Vendor at its
request and as may be reasonably required for carrying out his duties under this Agreement. The FTA
recognizes and confirms that the Vendor will use and rely primarily on the information provided by FTA and
on information available from public sources in performing the services without having independently
verified the same and does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information
provided by FTA or such other publicly available information.

Reporting to FTA:
The Vendor shall provide the FTA project team with a weekly status report.

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Project Management:
The Vendor shall treat this initiative as a project; Hence he should provide project management approach
and documentation following FTA processes and brand guidelines such as:
• Project Kick Off
• Project Planning (schedule and resources)
• Project Communication and Stakeholder management Plan
• Deliverables Log
• Risks Log
• Issues Log
• Change Management Plan
• Meeting minutes
• Any other project management documentation requested by the FTA

Evaluation Criteria
Technical Evaluation

The selection decision will be made based on the following key criteria, among others:
Sr Evaluation Criteria Sub-Criteria (Description/Comments – if any) Rating (%)
Company profile, Similar ● Experience of the Bidders in AI Solution 5%
project references with Implementation & Maintenance
1 government in UAE ● Implementations in UAE
● Specific Implementation references with
Government authorities
Detailed approach and ● Detailed project timelines 10%
methodology ● Detailed implementation approach
● Detailed work plan
● Availability and time to mobilization
3 Resources Profile ● Team composition 5%
● Experience of the resources
● Experience of implementing the similar solution
4 Technical Proposal ● Detailed response to Scope of Work for FTA 10%
Quality ● Similar Use Cases and references
● Compliance to RFT requirements
● Ease of configuration / readiness of the suite for
FTA requirements with minimal revisions or
code changes
Capabilities of AI/ML ● Unique features of the solution 10%
Solution ● Capabilities of the tool
● Accuracy of results and desired outcomes

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Vendor/Bidder ● High level and understanding of scope 5%
6 presentation of solution ● Proof of Concept (POC) demo, showcasing the
AI solution capabilities.
Total Rating Score 45%

However, it should be noted that the FTA reserves the right to refuse/decline/disqualify any proposal without
the need to provide any further explanation.

Commercial Evaluation

Commercial Proposal Requirements (It is necessary to state and clarify the following):
• Each item shall be given its separate price, or the total price and a clear breakdown.
• Maintenance and warranty (if any) - Duration of supply, installation and delivery (if any).
• Duration of project implementation. - Number of men on Site for this project (if any).
• Billing should be linked to milestones (upon FTA’s approval of each deliverable).

Prices quoted are to be:

• Only in United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED).
• Exclusive of all tariffs and/or taxes, where applicable.
• All other tariffs and/or taxes to be mentioned as a separate line item.

FTA will not reimburse any charges not included in the proposal.

Please note that it is not required to hand over any copies of papers; It is only required to submit the bid
bond of 5% and to hand it to the procurement department in FTA’s office in Dubai exclusively.

This RFT has been distributed to you and a limited number of other qualified parties on a strictly
confidential basis.
By your acceptance of this RFT and by acting in any way upon it (inclusive of mere initial consideration), you
agree to:

• Keep all the information contained herein and other information provided to you during the
selection process confidential
• Take all measures necessary to maintain the confidentiality of the content of this document
• Not to use the information contained herein for any other purposes than intended in this RFT.

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• The two parties agree to refrain from urging employees/consultants of the other party (directly or
indirectly) to leave work for the purpose of employing them, during the contract duration and for a
period of Two years from the date of its termination or expiry. However, this does not prevent
either party from hiring an employee or consultant from the other party by responding to a public
advertisement of employment through newspapers/magazines etc.
• In case of hiring an employee or consultant from the other party by responding to a public
advertisement of employment through newspapers/magazines etc., they are refrain from working
on any project related directly or indirectly to the FTA for two years from the exit date.

The information concerning this RFT shall under no circumstances be disclosed or released by you to any
third party (including but not limited to any company, government organization or news agency) without
the prior written consent of the FTA.

Any disclosure, release or handling of information deemed improper by the FTA might result in your proposal

The Proposal and information submitted by you to the FTA in response to this RFT shall be treated as

Terms & Conditions


Any inducements of any kind in relation to granting this or any Government Department contract will
automatically disqualify submitted proposals and may constitute a criminal offense.


The RFT documents shall remain the property of the FTA.

The FTA reserves the right to submit any part of the proposal to its Auditors.

Proposal Expenses

The FTA is not responsible for indemnifying any Proposer for any costs or expenses resulting from this RFT
during the whole RFT process.

Permits and Licenses

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Service Provider needs to submit along with the proposal all relevant licenses and permits to perform
requested hereby services in the UAE.
It is a solemn responsibility of a Service Provider to identify and obtain necessary licenses and permits to work
in the UAE.

Validity of a Proposal

The validity of a submitted Proposal must be a minimum of 90 days from a Proposal Submission Deadline.

Currency of a Proposal

The currency of all the submitted financial information in a proposal shall be UAE Dirham.

Format and Language of a Proposal

The technical and commercial documents should be submitted in PDF format. The proposal language must be
in English and Arabic.

Rights of Acceptance and Rejection

This RFT does not carry any obligation on the FTA to accept the lowest proposal or any specific proposal.
The FTA might decide to re-issue this RFT, postpone or cancel the project any time during this RFT process.
The FTA reserves the right to reject a Proposal for any reason.

Non-compliant Proposals

The service provider is required to submit a proposal that is fully compliant with the described, in this
document, instructions.

All non-compliant proposals will be automatically disqualified.

Proposal Submission Closing Timeline and Delivery

All Vendors invited to submit proposals should submit their proposals on xx-xx-2023 at xx:xx UAE time (
<Date> <Month> <year> at <Time> UAE time) through MOF Portal only as below:

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1. Technical Proposal shall be uploaded via portal only and clearly named “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL”
titled “Name of RFT”. The Technical Proposal shall not contain any parts of the commercial

While uploading the Technical Proposals on the system in case that the attachment is exceeding (5MB
per document) you can divide the documents to multiple documents with each document not
exceeding the attachment limit.

2. Commercial Proposal shall be uploaded via portal only and clearly marked “COMMERCIAL
PROPOSAL” “Name of RFT”.
While uploading the Financial Proposals on the system in case that the attachment is exceeding (5MB
per document) you can divide the documents to multiple documents with each document not
exceeding the attachment limit.

3. One (1) PDF file contain copy of (Trading License + NDA + Power of Attorney) to be uploaded to
the system under the technical field.

Important Note: When submitting the technical and commercial proposals in the system, please ensure
that it has been uploaded in the right field.

Inquiries and Communication Procedures

All the clarifications related to this RFT should be submitted during the Clarification Period in writing only
through the DPP Tender Discussion field.
No further clarifications will be accepted after the communicated clarification deadline by close of
business (3:00 PM). Responses to clarifications will be shared through the DPP Tender Discussion
field to all Service Providers.

We are not assuming any responsibility for missing the clarification deadline, or not viewing the
clarification. Please note that any communication carried out by the bidder with the end user
department directly will cause disqualification of the bidder automatically.

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Criteria for Selection

Proposals submitted may be reviewed and evaluated by any person at the discretion of the FTA’s internal
evaluation team, including non-allied and independent consultants retained by the FTA now or in the future
for the sole purpose of obtaining evaluations to proposals.

Service Providers may be asked to further explain or clarify areas of their proposal by written email or technical
presentation demo during the evaluation process.

Service Providers are expected to submit their best bid in response to the RFT, as negotiations may not be

FTA may, at its sole discretion, inform any inquiring Service Provider of the reason(s) why it was not awarded
the Contract. Written notification will be sent to all Proposers via e-mail notifying them of their success or

FTA reserves the right to conduct a reverse e- auction after the completion of the RFT process, the schedule
of which will be intimated later to all the pre-qualified Vendors.

Mandatory Sections in Proposal

Company Background

This section should contain following information:

 Give a brief history of your Company and credentials globally, regionally, and locally.
 Provide three relevant references for such projects including Name of the Customer, Contact Name,
Email, and Telephone Number. One of the references has to be a Government Entity.
Business and Technical Requirements
This section should contain the following information:
 Understanding of the Business requirement.
 Approach & Execution Methodology.
 Detailed Project Management Plan.

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Execution Team and Support

This section should include the following information:

 Team structure.
 Team members’ CVs including relevant certifications.
 Bilingual capabilities: Number of Employees who speak English / Arabic.
Performance Bond

Once the tender is awarded, the vendor is obligated to submit performance bond if the estimated contract
value exceeds (5) million UAE dirhams, the performance bond should be submitted (if any) within (10)
working days after signing the contract.
If the value of the contract ranges between (5) million and (25) million UAE dirhams, a performance bond of
5% must be submitted, and if the value of contracts exceeds (25) million UAE dirhams, a performance bond
of 10% of the total Contract must be submitted. The Performance bond should be valid for 30 days from the
contract expiry.
Intellectual Property

The Service Provider should not use any intellectual property of the FTA including, but not limited to, all
logos, registered trademarks, or trade names of the FTA, any information provided by the FTA at any time
without the prior written approval of the FTA, as appropriate.

Federal Tax Authority Contract

Service Provider is required to sign the FTA’s standard contract if awarded the bid. (Template Attached)

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