Symptoms of Black Magic & Roqya As A Protection. - Facebook

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Symptoms of Black magic & Roqya as

a protection.



Feel ants in the body

* Nightmares * Prosecution erotic dreams * See Spiders,

Snakes, Cats, Animals ..

Feel the hand shake from time to time or any member of the
body that moves.

Tightening at the Heart, Chest * Have deep fear of oneself.

Blockages in life * health problems * Abnormal Heart


Abnormal mental states * stress * thoughts * The black

thought mix.

* Strong Migraine pain unexplained a faculty member.

Of violent and aggressive behavior * Conditions that grow


Feel presences around or yourself * Printing be monitored,


Hate the pious gestures * Hearing voices or insults.

Not want to hear, listen to the Quran or do Roqyas.

Impression of being awakened by someone * Have trouble

waking up in the morning in general.
Much sleep or not sleep at all * Restless sleep

Believe that a person or more you are evil.

Want to move away from some people for no apparent


* Have a lonely fear of people

Suffering from stomach ache * forget * The loss of control.

Night changes * Feeling depressed most of the time.

Feel like crying for no reason * Have unusual sight problems.

Feel strange odors * refusal of marriage

Get angry for no reason * Doing things and then regret.

Be tired of thinking * laziness * Ringing in the ear.

Eating a lot and still be hungry after, or not eating at all.

Blue or red buttons that appear on the skin.

disruption of behavior and feelings abruptly.

- Blurred vision * Flashes * Nets * Visions strange gray ...

For women +Periods are irregular * Infertility * False layer.

- Problems with husband sex * (* Rejection * Leak Disgust ...)

Difficulty to sleep during nights, and the victims may wake up

with jerks after small naps or feels entire body is paralyzed in
the state of sleep.
Nightmares-seeing strange people or animals in dreams or
being chased by some black dogs, cats, snakes, black birds,
lizards, rats, owls, monkey, eagles or strange
animals/birds..etc in dreams or dreaming of bathroom/toilets
or taking bath etc or dreaming of dirt or filth or dreaming of
falling from heights or dreaming of seeing ones
duplicates(twins) or seeing oneself flying in ones dream or
seeing oneself traveling across deserts, mountains, forests in
a dream or dreaming of Hindu deities or someone
worshipping some strange idols or pictures.

Heaviness and weight on head[means jinn/sihir is in the head

and has control or trying to control the brain] or shoulders or
back/ribs or any part of the body or severe stomach
aches[means jinn/sihir is in digestive tract] ; moving pain from
head to neck and shoulders etc or feeling needle pricks on the
body or tightness in chest during nights or feeling like being
chained up or continuous burping[means jinn is in digestive
tract] or continuous and Sudden coughing/hiccups [means
jinn is in respiratory tracts]; and constriction in the throat;
Feeling suffocated and restless in all circumstances, never at
peace; dry skin or drying up of organs or limbs or burns on the
internal organs. One may to clearly feel someone brushing an
extremely delicate feather on your face or limbs or head.

Doctors are unable to diagnose the disease of the person or

multiple disorders suddenly diagnosed for a normal person
and no treatment is beneficial and doctors are confused.

Sudden mood swings, sudden feeling of love or hate for a

particular person.Sudden change in the character, the person
becomes more aggressive and isolates himself from others or
may say and speak unusual things or may play or talk to

Foul smell or odour[smell is of decomposing flesh] in the

breath or while burping or farting or in the body of the victim,
that doesn’t go even after bathing continuously or using
perfumes; Dark marks on skin and the face becoming darker
and darker for no reason.

Irregular cycles and continuous menses with continuous

stomach aches in women; infertility in men or women even
though medical reports are normal.

Feeling something moving under the skin or stomach,

twitching in eyes; veins or parts of the skin beating/dilating
continuously or strange swellings on various parts of the body
without medical reasons.

Sudden diversion from deen, laziness in offering salat, zikar or

Quran. Sudden interest in/of bad habits like excessive
smoking, alcoholism, sex.....

More symptoms of Black Magic :

if you have some of these symptons then you are also

suffering from black magic.

1) if some one sees motion or urine in his dream or see

himself in bathroom or with the motion attached to his body,
see himself/herself in unhygenic condition.

2) headache.

3) the whole body is in pain.

4) the one wishes or wants to have sex.

5) back-ache or has pain in kidneys

6) smelly farts.

7) feels like the body is on fire.

the whole body remains hot and so does the mouth.

9) eyes remain red and feels irritation in eyes.

10) you feel to go to the bathroom after a little while for urine
and motion.

11) fast heat beats

12) diffuculty in breathing and have chest pain.

13) become irritant.

14) face complexion changes and becomes darker day by day.

the more worse the magic is the more your complexion will
become darker.

15) feel pain in stomach and you will be having diarrhea like

16) pimples appear on the face.

17) face becomes terrible no attraction left in the face.

18) feeling anxiety.

19) becomes impatient.

20) you have all the happiness in life but still you don’t feel

21) what ever you eat you feel hungry again in about an hour
and a half.

22) you don’t wish to offer prayer and day by day you go away
from religion.

23) alwayz you have throat problem and the voice qulaity is
also affected
24) get scared in dreams. sometimes sees snakes, spiders,
lizards, and cockroches in dream.

25) you have fear in your heart.

26) feels like some one injecting pins in body.

27) get pain in stomach and feel nausia.

28) become lazy. and sleep for longer durations.

29) you forget where you put things and spend rest of the day
in finding. in money transactions give more money.

30) starts hating your self.

31 - seeing blue or pink dots or seeing funny lines

32 - feeling tired without any reason

33 - by reading or hearing the quran do you get pain in your


34 - feeling sick and hot

35 - always having a erection

36- Twitching of body parts and soreness of muscles

37 - hands and feet turn swollen

38 - spots on the head

39 - strong smell in your urine

40 - when you cook a lot does a bad smell come

41 - body feels cold

42 - pain in the feet

43 - seeing dogs and dead people as well as ants in your

44 - going skinny day by day

45 - taking medicine which works at the beginning then starts

giving you more problems

46 - seeing a women and man having sex meaning a wet


47 - body head and shoulders feeling heavy

48 - getting marks on your body

49 - body feels weak for no reason

50 - feeling dizzy and blacked out

51 - getting red spots on the body

52 - on hearing the azan you run away and you hate the azan


A. Total Touch the djinn has taken possession of the entire

body . It runs totally sick and can even speak through his
mouth. In this case, the patient that is struck is completely
insensitive to pain.

Two. Touch punctual : the Jinn is placed in only part of the

body such as arms, legs ... (you feel persistent pain)

Three. Standing Touch the djinn is in the body of the individual

without manifesting itself . (We do not feel at all despite its

4. Touch outside the djinn is outside the body and seeks to

This case can occur only when man is in some specific

1. in a state of violent anger

2. in a state of strong fear

3. when he indulges in lust

4. when in a state of great distraction and inattention.

Say " 'audhu billah" (I seek refuge in Allah) and other dhikr
(remembrance of Allah, swt) when the evil whisper of
Shaitaan comes upon you, such as

when becoming angry,

having confusing or disobedient thoughts,

when approached by arrogants who dispute the Truth of the

ayats of Allah, swt,

when about to recite Qur'an,

or when in any situation that Quran and Sunnah teaches you is

a result of the shaitaan.

List of Few Sickness or Diseases caused by Jinn and Magic

or Sihir:

Any disorder for which medical treatment doesn’t benefit at all

or has only temporary effects, some of which are epilepsy,
fits, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness especially during
nights, having strange visions or hallucinations, forgetfulness,
frequent migraines or severe headaches or stomach-aches,
continuous fever for days, extreme weakness or tiredness in
body, extreme anger or aggression against the normal nature,
falling unconscious , multiple sclerosis, paralysis or pain or
wound or scratch on any limb or entire body, chest
congestion, breathing problems or asthma , excessive
hiccups, burps, very frequent urinating or back-winds/gas so
that one is not able to keep wudhu, and some time no
urination at all for many days, strange skin diseases, itching in
the places between thighs and belly during nights, sudden
likeness and interest in/of bad habits like excessive smoking,
alcoholism, sex, lust, excessive blood in stool, brain tumor and
cancers, blindness, In Women: frequent abortions, irregular
menstrual periods or excessive bleeding or severe back pain
or abdominal pains during menses, In men: pre-mature
ejaculation, no or less erection, sexual impotence in Couples
and can only have sex when they visualize a specific person,
etc. To summarize any medical disorder that cannot be
explained or treated or occurs during a particular date or
month or time could be a ‘Paranormal Disorder’ potentially
caused by Jinn or Sihir.

Protection from the Jinn:

Recite Surahs Al-Falaq (Chapter 113) and An-Nas (Chapter


Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi 1019, Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

The Prophet used to seek protection against the Jinn and the
evil eye till surahs al-Falaq and an-Nas were revealed. After
they were revealed he stuck to them and discarded everything
beside them. [Transmitted by Tirmidhi]

Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi 4563, Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

Allah's Messenger used to seek refuge in Allah from jinn and

the evil eye in men till the Mu'awwidhatan came down, after
which he made use of them and abandoned everything else.
[Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is
a hasan gharib tradition]
Because the Jinn can see us while we cannot see them, the
Prophet Muhammad taught us many ways to protect
ourselves from their harm, such as seeking refuge in Allah
(God) from the accursed Satan, reciting chapters 113 and 114
of the Holy Quran, and reciting the words taught by God in the

“Say: ‘My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings
(suggestions) of Satan (devils). And I seek refuge with You,
my Lord, lest they may attend (or come near) me."

[QURAN 23:97-98]

The ayat "Al-Kursi" (2:255) is well-known as a means for

repelling mischievious jinn...

Reciting Al-Kursi verse in Arabic (Quran 2:255) provides also a

strong protection against the Jinn, as we learned from the
story of Abu Hurairah (one of Muhammad’s companions) with
a devil.


“A’oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammaati min sharri maa


(I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah from the evil of

that which He has created).” (Muslim, 4881)

A’oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammah min kulli shaytaanin

wa haammah wa min kulli ‘aynin laammah

(I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah, from every devil

and every poisonous reptile, and from every bad eye) (
Bukhari, 3120).
“Bismillaahi arqeeka min kulli shay’in yu’dheeka, min sharri
kulli nafsin aw ‘aynin haasid Allaahu yashfeek, bismillaahi

(In the name of Allaah I perform ruqya for you, from

everything that is harming you, from the evil of every soul or
envious eye may Allah heal you, in the name of Allah I perform
ruqya for you).” (Muslim, 4056)


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Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi 4563, Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri

Allah's Messenger May Allah's peace and blessings be on him

used to seek refuge in Allah from jinn and the evil eye in men
till the Mu'awwidhatan came down, after which he made use
of them and abandoned everything else.

[Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is

a hasan gharib tradition]

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