Affidavit of Substantial Hardship and Order
Affidavit of Substantial Hardship and Order
Affidavit of Substantial Hardship and Order
I, because of financial hardship, am unable to hire an attorney and request that the court appoint one for me.
I, because of financial hardship, am unable to pay for ignition interlock device fees in this case and request that
these fees be waived.
I, because of financial hardship, am unable to pay the expungement petition administrative filing fee and request a
payment plan for this fee.
Some of the residents in my household or I receive benefits from any of the following sources (check those which
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Food Stamps Medicaid
Social Security Income (SSI) Disability Other:______________________________________
The monthly value of these benefits combined is $__________________.
3e. TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES (Add totals from 3b, 3c., & 3d. monthly only) $______________
Total Monthly Gross Income (3a.) minus Total Monthly Expenses (3e.) $______________
4. Assets
My assets are as follows:
Cash on Hand/Bank (or otherwise available such as stocks,
bonds, certificates of deposit) $ _________________
Equity in Real Estate (value of properly less what you owe) $ _________________
Equity in Personal Property, etc. (such as the value of motor
vehicles, stereo, TV, electronics, furnishing, jewelry, tools, guns, $ _________________
less what you owe)
Other (be specific): _________________________________ $ _________________
Do you own anything else of value? Yes No
(land, house, boat, TV, stereo, jewelry)
If so, describe: ________________________________ $ _________________
5. Affidavit/Request
I swear or affirm that the answers are true and reflect my current financial status. I understand that a false statement or
answer to any question in the affidavit may subject me to the penalties of perjury. I authorize the court or its authorized
representative to obtain records of information pertaining to my financial status from any source in order to verify information
provided by me. I further understand and acknowledge that, if the court appoints an attorney to represent me, the court may
require me to pay all or part of the fees and expenses of my court-appointed counsel, in addition to all or part of the costs
associated with this case.
____________________________________________ _____________________________________
(Judge/Clerk/Notary) (Print or Type Name)
State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System Court Case Number
(Request for Court-Appointed Attorney and/or
Page 3 of 3 Rev. 9/2019 Waiver of Fees)
The Court has considered the Affiant’s testimony, his or her poverty level as measured by the United States poverty guidelines and
the potential for substantial hardship that payment by the Affiant would cause. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED
The Affiant is INDIGENT. Further, affiant has the following income level based on the United States poverty guidelines:
at or below 125%; or
greater than 125% but less than 200%. However, the Court finds that not providing indigent defense services would
cause the Affiant substantial hardship; or
greater than 200%. However, the Affiant is charged with a felony, and the Court finds that not providing indigent
defense services would cause the Affiant substantial hardship.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the court reserves the right and may order reimbursement of attorney’s fees and other
expenses, fees, and costs.