Review and Status of Waveiength-Division-Multiplexing Technology and Its Application

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4, AUGUST 1984

Review and Status of WaveIength-Division-

Multiplexing Technology and Its
(Imited Overview)

Abstract-Wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) technology is such as light sources and detectors. Section 111 presents opti-
now recognized as one of the key technologies in optical communica- cal multiplexing devices. Section IV gives an outline of WDM
tions systems. This is because it has great potential to enhance system
design and flexibility.
system design methods. Section V describes some applications
paper reviews state-of-the-art
multi/demultiplexers of WDM technology.
(MUX/DEMUX) and WDM system design. Varioussystemapplica- Wavelength-division-multiplexing technology is currently
tions arealso summarized. one of the most popular research and development items and
many review papers have already been published [5], [ 6 ] .
I. INTRODUCTION Therefore,inthispaper overlapping descriptions of well-
known data and technologyare minimized.
W technology, by which multiple optical channels can be
simultaneouslytransmittedatdifferent wavelengths through 11. OUTLINEOF WDM SYSTEMS
a single optical fiber, is a useful means of making full use of There are two basic configurationsfor WDM transmission
the low-loss characteristics of optical fibers over a wide-wave- systems, i.e., one-way and two-way transmission, as shown in
length region. Fig. 1. Eitherrequires a single opticalfiber, several light
This concept first appeared in 1970 according to published sources and photodetectors, and optical multi/demultiplexing
reports [ l ] , However, it was the middle of 1977 before fun- devices. The one-waytransmission systemrequires a multi-
damental research on WDM technology actually started. This plexer (MUX) and a demultiplexer (DEMUX), while two-way
research focused on practical applications to communications transmission systemrequires a multi/demultiplexer (MUX/
systems [2] -[4]. Since then, research hasintensified along DEMUX) on each end.
withdramatic progress in opticalfibers, light sources,and The advantages of WDM systems are: transmission capacity
detectors.Particularly,opticalmulti/demultiplexers,which increase per fiber, system cost reduction, simultaneous trans-
are key devices in theWDM transmission systems, are currently mission ofdifferentmodulation-scheme signals, and service
amongthemostpopular research anddevelopmentitems. channelexpandabilityafter fiber installation. These arethe
Many types of multi/demultiplexers have been proposed and reason WDM technology is expected to be widely applied to
fabricated to data. systems in various fields of communications.
Now, although WDM technology is notfullymaturedat In WDM system design, performance of optical multi/demul-
present, it hasbeen gradually introduced into practical systems tiplexers (MUX, DEMUX, and MUXIDEMUX) should be the
in some countries. It is also expected that this technology will primarily consideration, together with fibers, light sources and
play a major role in future communications. This is primarily photodetectors. Since opticalmulti/demultiplexers are ex:
due to the excellent applicability of WDM technology, which amined in the following sections, the latter part of this section
is based on utilization of the wide range of the low-loss spec- will focus on the status of other optical devices and compo-
trum region in optical fibers. nents. The performance of optical devices and components,
Thispaper reviews WDM technologyanditsapplication, some of which are shown in Fig. 2, depend on wavelength.
with emphasis on practical use. Section I1 presents an outline The itemsnecessary for WDM system design are the following.
of WDM systems, and the state-of-the-art of related devices
A . Optical Fibers
Manuscript received January 25, 1984;revised February 17, 1984.
H. Ishio is with the Musashino Electrical Communication Laboratory, Loss characteristics of silica fiber now approximately meet
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, 3-9-11, Midori- the theoretical values in the 0.8- to 1.7-pm regions, except in
cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180, Japan. the 0.95- and 1.38-pm regions, where OH absorption occurs.
J. Minowa and K. Nosu are with the Yokosuka Electrical Communi-
cation Laboratory Nippon Telegraph and TelephonePublic Corporation, Therefore, silica fiber can be applied to WDM transmission at
1-2356, Take, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 238. Japan. almost all wavelengths from 0.8 to 1.7 pm.

0733-8724/84/0800-0448$01.00 01984 IEEE




CH 2 CH 2

l *, +10 (nm)

CH n CH n
-3 +3 (nm)

would still leave many problems such as highLD cost, high
power consumption and maintenance of Peltier devices.
Thus an LD oscillating wavelength deviation range of about
X,, k 125 A and ho k 250 A is desired in the 0.8- and 1.3-pm
IITTER) regions, respectively.
Fig. 1. Fundamental configuration for WDM transmission.
C. Photodetectors
In the short-wavelength region, Si-p-i-n’s and Si-APD’s have
been developed, as well as Ge-p-i-n’s and Ge-APD’s in the long-
wavelengthregion. Inaddition, InGaAs photodetectors are
being developed in the long-wavelength region.


Optical multi/demultiplexing devices are primarily classified
into two types, wavelength selective and wavelength nonselec-
tive, as shownin Fig. 3. The wavelength selective type is
further classified into two types, passive and active. The pas-
sive type is further classified into four types, angularly disper-
sive, dielectric thin-film filter (DTF), hybrid, and planar wave-
Fig. 2. Low-loss wavelength region of fiber, emission wavelengths for
semiconductor light service, and wavelength responseofsemicon-
guide. The active type includes multiwavelength light sources
ductor photodetectors. (LD, LED) and multiwavelength photodiodes. The wavelength
selective type is primarily important because the WDM system
involves principles based on the combination and selection of
B. Light Sources different wavelength light. In a few cases, however, the wave-
GaAlAs LD’s and LED’s are now fully developed and have a length nonselective type is applicable for MUX-only use be-
considerably long lifetime of around 105-106 h in the 0.8-pm cause MUX does not always demand awavelength selective
region.InGaAsP LD’s are also gradually being employed in element.
the long-wavelength regions: the 1.2-, 1.3-, and 1.5-pm regions. In the following subsections, these devices are discussed with
When these devices are usedin WDM systems, wavelength respect totheirfeatures,configurations,andperformance
deviation is one of the most important design factors. There- characteristics. Here, subsections A , B, C, D ,and E correspond
fore, as anexample,letus consideroscillatingwavelength to the symbols A , B , C, D,and E written on the shoulders of
deviation for an LD. Wavelength deviations result from various the rectangles in Fig. 3.
factorsincluding deviation fromtarget wavelength during
production (wavelength reproducibility), temperature fluctua- A . Angularly Dispersive Devices
tion, feedback effect due toreflected light. Angularly dispersive devices have the advantage of compact-
In addition, the effective spectrum width of an LD should be ness forapplication to a large numberofchannels. This is
considered. Wavelength deviation due to these factors and the because theycanmultiplexordemultiplexmanychannels
effectivespectrumwidth are evaluatedin Table I [7] , [8]. using only one angularly dispersive element, such asa prism or
Thus broadly speaking, an LD has an oscillatingwavelength grating,However, it is not easy to obtain the required pass-
deviation range of ho k 125 A (ho : nominal wavelength) in the band width. The reason for this is that, in order to obtain the
0.8-pm region and an oscillating wavelength deviation range of required passband width, the output fiber core must be much
ho k 250 A in the 1.3-pm region. Here, it is assumed that the larger than the input fiber core. For MUX, since the output
yield of laser diodes is maintained ata reasonable value and no fiber is the transmission fiber, the input fiber core must have
measures are taken to stabilize temperature fluctuation. That a diameter of less than 50 pm, which is the standard fiber core
is, if wavelenght deviation due to production and temperature diameter. This thin core significantlydegrades couplingeffi-
fluctuation were reduced by strictly specifying the oscillating ciency between the light source and fiber. Such degradation is
wavelength of laser diodes(thus decreasing theyield)and more severe in MUX for asingle-mode WDM system. There-
using Peltier effect devices, then, the bandwidth requirement fore, a prism or grating may be applicable t o DEMUX, but is
formultiplexing devices could be relaxed. However, that very difficult to apply to MUX or MUX/DEMUX. Angularly

f l ~ ! t ~ - ~ o v e l e n ~detector
D1rect10n31 c a u ~ l e r
Po!cr12ot1on device GRIN ROD LENS


Fig. 3. Classification of multi/demultiplexers. (b) INPUT FIBER ----___

dispersive devices also have a disadvantage in that they cannot

structure for grating-Littrow type DEMUX. (a) Con-
achieve low insertion loss in both the 0.8- and 1.3-pm regions Fig. 4.Typical ventional lens type. (b) GRIN-rod lens type.
simultaneously, due to theprism or grating characteristics.
In the initial stage, prisms were employed as an element in
thedevelopmentof angularly dispersive devices [9] -[ 111 ,
but apractical device was not realized due tothematerial
constraints of prisms, i.e., low angular dispersion. At present,
the diffraction grating is primarily being used as the angularly
dispersive element.
For such a grating, a blazed grating that can efficiently dif-
fractlightinto aspecific diffractionorder is widely used.
There are two types of blazed gratings. One is fabricated by
conventional mechanicalruling and the other by anisotropic
etchingof single-crystal silicon [13] (silicon grating). Since WAVELENGTH ( y m l

the silicon gratingprovides design freedom (i.e., blaze wave- Fig. 5. Demultiplexingcharacteristic of theLittrow-type DEMUX
lengthand grating constant), high efficiency,and a stable shown in Fig. 4(a).
surface [ 131, it is superior to the conventional mechanically
ruled grating for practical use. shown in Fig. 5 . Insertionlossesfor five channels are 1.4,
With respect to structure, there are three types: the Czerny- 1.1, 1.1, 1.1, and 1.2 dB. Crosstalk levels are less than -30 dB.
Turner type, which has different lenses for input and output, Interchannel wavelength spacing is equal to the 25-nmdesigned
theLittrowtype, which hasonecommonlens,and a third value. The 0.1-dB bandwidths are all 11 nm. Such wide pass-
type'whichhasno lens. TheLittrowandthirdtypes have band width can be obtained due to the difference between the
been more extensively studied than the Czerny-Turner type core diameter Ad of the input fiber (core diameter: 60 pm)
due to their compact structures. andtheoutput fibers(core diameters:130pm).Bandwidth
I ) Littrow Type: Examples oftheLittrow-type DEMUX Bw can be estimated from
[13], [ 171 are shown in Fig. 4(a) (conventional lens type) and
(b) (GRIN-rod lens type). The GRIN-rod lens type is superior
to the conventional lens type in compactness and ease of align-
ment. Examples of the conventional lens type and GRIN-rod
where A h / U is linear dispersion in the focal plane, which is
lens type arelisted in [ 121 - [ 151 and [ 161 - [ 191 ,respectively.
25 nm/150 pm in this device. Since Ad is 7 0 pm, Bw is 11.7
Now,let us examinetheoperating principle andperfor-
nm from (3.1). This value is nearly equal to the experimental
mance for the Littrow-type DEMUX, referring to the structure
value of 11 nm. This wide bandwidth is necessary in aDEMUX
shown in Fig. 4(a) as an example. An input fiber and multiple
to prevent insertion loss being influenced by wavelength varia-
output fibers are arranged on the focal plane of the lens. Wave-
tion in the LD's.
length multiplexed light from the input fiber is collimated by
TheperformanceofLittrow-type DEMUX's listedin the
the lens and reaches the diffraction grating. The light is angu-
references includes:
larly dispersed,according to different wavelengths, andre-
flected at the same time. Then, the different wavelengths pass number of channels 3 20; -
through the lens and are focused to their corresponding output insertion loss 1 - 4 dB;
fibers.Eachwavelength is fed to one individual detector wavelength spacing 20 40 nm; and -
throughitsoutputfiber.Performanceforthis DEMUX is crosstalk attenuation 20 30 dB. -

2) Third Type: As previouslystated,third-type devices

have no lens. They are further classified into two types, one,
using only a concave grating [20] (concave grating type, the
other) using acombinationof slab waveguide andconcave
grating[21]-[23]or a Combinationof slab waveguide and
plane chirp-grating[24] (slab-wave’guide type). Slab-wave-

guide types are constructed with different materials between IFFRACTIONGRATING

the slab waveguide and grating. These waveguides do not func-

tion as single-mode waveguides. FIBER ARRAY
A’typical structure is shown in Fig. 6 [23]. The operating Fig. 6. DEMUX structure using a concave grating and slab waveguide
principle of the device is similar to that for the Littrow-type (Slab-guide type).
DEMUX, except that the concave grating functionsas both the
lens’ andtheplanegrating in the case oftheLittrow-type
DEMUX. Theslabwaveguide confines the multiplexed light
from the input fiber to a two-dimensional guidinglayer. Light
from the guiding layer hits the concave grating, is dispersed
intoindividualbeams,and is reflectedback to the guiding
layer. These light beams are then focused toward the output
Performance of this device is close to that of the Littrow-
type device, but it does not have adequate crosstalk attenua-
tionorpassbandloss.Thistype is very attractive since it is
compact and has no lens. It is expected that. slab-waveguide WAVELENGTH [ yrn )
loss, aberration, and efficiency of the concave grating will be Fig. 7. Spectral responses of bandpass-type DTF’s developed by ECL.

B. Dielectric Thin-Film Filter Type stage, these DTF’s consisted of alternate layers ofchiolite (low
Amultiplexing device thatmakesuseofthewavelength- refractive-indexmaterial: n = 1.35) and ZnS (high refractive
selective characteristic of a dielectric thin-fam filter (DTF) has index: n = 2.3).Suchfilters,however,were unsuitablefor
beenrealized;This device containshighandlow refractive- practical use due tothemoistureinstabilityofchioliteand
index dielectric films in alternating layers. Each layer has an ZnS.Recently,DTF’s have beenrealizedbyemployingan
optical thickness of approximately one quarter or half wave- electronbeamthatevaporateshigh-stabilitymaterials, i.e.,
length.Inthistypeofdevice,onlytheDTFelementhasa S O z (low refractive-index material: n = 1.46) and TiOz (high
wavelength-selectivefunction.Therefore,itcan bedesigned refractive-index material: n = 2.3) [25] , [26] .
almost independent of the fiber parameters used. This is quite Here, let us consider DTF design. The parameters of primary
differentfromangularly dispersive devices.Inotherwords, importance are passband loss, passband width, and rejection
by applying a DTF designed and manufactured according to band attenuation. In general, passband loss must be low (typi-
the system requirements’ (lightsourcewavelength allocation, cally, less than 0.3 dB, including ripples), passband width must
passbandwidth,crosstalkattenuation in adjacentchannels, be wide (typically, wider than oscillating wavelength deviation
etc.), the desired MUX and DEMUX can easily be realized. A in the light source), and rejection band attenuation must,be
MUX/DEMUX for two-way transmission, which demands high large (typically,morethan20 - 30 dB). Thussimulations
near-end crosstalk attenuation, can also be fabricated using a shouldbeperformed to ensurethattheDTFcharacteristics
DTFcascade-connectiontechnique.Here,theDTFcharac- satisfy the above requirements, since DTF characteristics are
teristics prove tobe very important. largely dependent on total layer number and layer structure.
On the other hand, such devices require DTF’s with center Thematrixmethod[27] is applicableforsuchsimulation.
wavelengthsthatdifferfromoneanotheraccording tothe One particularly significant point concerning DTF fabrication
numberofopticalchannelsmultiplexed.In additio’n, total is how to precisely control each film thickness during vacuum
insertion loss tendstoincreasewiththenumberofoptical evaporation. In the case of a BPF, less than 1-percent devia-
channels. tionfromthetheoretical value is demanded[26].Forex-
1) DTF Element: As justdescribed;.thecharacteristicsof ample, BPF’s of 0.81, 0.89, 1.2, and 1.3 pm have been devel-
DTFtype devices dependonDTFperformanceto a great opedby ECL,NTT, as shown‘in Fig. 7.Theseare23-layer
extent. Therefore, the design and performance of the DTF are 3-cavity BPF’s composedof SiOz andTiOzfilms.Their
very important. DTE’s are clqssified into two types, the band characteristics are:
pass-filter (BPF) type and the edge-filter type. The edge filter
type includes the long-wavelength pass-filter (LWPF) type and passband loss less than 0.2 dB;
theshort-wavelength pass-filter (SWPF) type.The BPF type passband width 400 A (0.8-pm region) and
is more advantageous than the edge-filter type because it has a
600 (1.3-pm region); and
rejection bands on both sides of the passband. In the initial rejection band attenuation -
25 30 dB.

common glass plate. In the same way, X 3 , X4, h 5 ,and X6 are

separated insequence through filters 3, 4, 5, and 6, respec-
tively. Although six filters are illustrated in the figure, more
light waves canbe demultiplexed byarranging additional
filters, each witha different center wavelength.
Now,let us compare the features of the three types. The
GRIN-rod-lenstypehasthe advantage ofcompactness,but
it is not easy to fabricate MUXs or DEMUX with more than
threechannels, because thiswouldrequireGRIN-rod lenses
of more than three elements with off-axis cascade connection
betweenelements,andsuchoff-axis cascade connection has
verycritical alignment. The multireflectiontypehas a more
complicatedstructureandhasan even more difficult align-
ment. However, it is applicable to MUX or DEMUX with
more than six channels. The fiber-end type has the simplest
structure, but it is difficult to fabricate for MUX or DEMUX
withmorethanthree channels.This is because ittendsto
increase insertion loss based onalignment, since ithasno
collimating lens.
DTF-type devices are now available withthe following
performance characteristics:
, FIBER number of channels
insertion loss
2 6 channels;
1 - 5 dB;
crosstalk attenuation -
20 70 dB; and
h':hZ- .~~ ~~~
\ ,'

~ ,-
channel spacing -
30 100 nm (or very wide spacing,
for example, 0.8 and 1.3 pm).
A practical,two-channel (1.2- and 1.3-pm) two-way MUX/
Fig. 8. Typical structure of DTF-type DEMUX. (a) GRIN-rod-lens
type. (b) Multi-reflection type. (c) Fiberend type. DEMUX using Si02/Ti02 BPF's ofthe GRIN-rod-lens type
has been fabricatedwiththeconfiguration shownin Fig. 9
[3 11 . In this device, cascade connection of BPF's is employed
2) DTF Types: Typical examples of the DTF device types to obtain highcrosstalk attenuation.Its spectralresponse is
are shown in Fig. 8. Theyare the Fig. 8(a)GRIN-rodlens shownin Fig. 10. Here,insertion loss is 1.5 dBor less and
type [28] -[31], (b) multireflection type [32] -[34], and (c) crosstalk attenuation is 58 dB ormoreintheoptical level.
fiber-endtype[35],[36]. While theseexamplesareshown This device has proven to be very stable (insertion-loss varia-
as DEMUX configurations, they can also be modified for MUX tion of less than 0.3 dB) during stability tests, i.e., vibration,
or MUXlDEMUX configurations by reversing the light input temperature-cycle, shock, and damp-heattests.
at the ports.
Let us consider the operation of this type of device by re- C. Hybrid- and Planar-Waveguide-TypeDevices
ferring tothemultireflectiontypeshownin Fig. 8(b).The 1) Hybrid Type: Hybrid-type devices [37],[38] are con-
filters are all of the BPF type. Their passband wavelengths are structedbyincorporating agrating andDTF, as shown in
all different.Forexample,thecenter wavelength offilter 1 Fig. 11. This device makes use of the special features of both
is h l . That is,alight beam of wavelength XI passes through DTF's and gratings, i.e., efficient multiplexing by DTF's and
filter 1; however, wavelength h2-h6 are sufficiently different demultiplexingof a large number of channels by gratings.
from X1 andarereflectedby filter 1. Similarly, thecenter Thus this device is expected to be useful for two-way large-
wavelengths offilters2-6 are h2-h6,respectively, andeach scale WDM transmission in the future.
filter reflects wavelengths sufficiently different from its par- 2) Planar-Waveguide Type: These devices are constructed
ticularcenter wavelength. When 'wavelengthsin the range byincorporating aplanar waveguide and planar diffraction
X1 -h6 are applied to the GRIN-rod lens from the input fiber; grating formedonthe same substrate surface. Theyareap-
they are collimatedbythelenstoform parallelbeams and plicable only to single-mode WDM system because they have
enterfilter 1. Due tothecharacteristicsoffilter 1, wave- a planar waveguide for single-mode operation. This is different

length hl is transmitted through the filter, while the others from the slab-waveguide type previously described. The planar-
are reflectedandenterfilter 2 throughthecommon glass waveguide types include the chirped-grating types [39] , the
plate. Wavelength hl , which is transmitted by filter 1, passes contradirectional-Bragg-couplertype[40] , the Bragg-grating
through a spacer, is focused by the GRIN-rod lens and enters type[41],[42],andthe selective cascaded-mode-converter
the output fiber. Among the light beams reflected by filter 1, type [43] . All are far inferior to such bulk WDM devices as
only those of wavelength X; are transmitted by filter 2 ; wave- thebulk-gratingorDTFtypesmentioned previously, with
lengths h3-X6 are reflectedandenterfilter 3 throughthe respect to insertion loss, passband width, and crosstalk attenu-
ISH10 et al. : REVIEW

FIBER TO wavelength light source performs both as a light source and a'
conventional passive multiplexer.Amultiwavelength photo-
detectorcan also perform as both a detectorand passive
demultiplexer. If theseactive devices functionsatisfactorily,
MISSION LINE WDM system configuration can be dramatically simplified.
To date, LD and LED type multiwavelengthlight sources for
2-4-channel multiplexing have been studied [44] -1471. Ad-
for2-or3-channeldemultiplexing havealsobeen studied
[481, [@I.
These active WDM devices, however, present some problems.
For multiwavelength light sources these problems include the
1) Totaloutputpower is restricted.Therefore,individual-
Fig. 9. Two-channel DTF-type MUX/DEMUX structure.
channel power is much less than that for a conventional
single-wavelength light source.
2) Coupling efficiency to the fiber is much lower than'that
for a conventional single-wavelength light source.
3) Stability and lifetime have not been clearly determined.
include the following.

1) dull wavelength selectivity; and

2) unsatisfactory degree of crosstalk suppression.
1225 1275
WAVLLEffitHlpml WAVELENGTH lpmi Sincegreatemphasishasbeen puton theseactive WDM
Fig. 10. MUX/DEMUX characteristicsfor the DTFtypeshown in devices,it ,is important to solve theseproblems.Atpresent,
Fig. 9. however, the level of development of passive WDM devices is
higher than that of activeWDM devices.

E. Wavelength Nonselective Devices

In WDM systems,although DEMUX principallyrequires
wavelengthselectiveelements(e.g.,gratingofDTF), MUX
doesn'talwaysrequiresuchelements.However,there is a
problem with wavelength nonselective MUX for practical use,
that is, wavelength nonselective MUX produces greater inser-
tion loss, except for certain special types (see, for example, the
polarizationtype). Also, DEMUX ina WDM system having
wavelength nonselective MUX must have much greater cross-
h 34 -
[ 0.80 0.87pm)
talk attenuation than that in a system using wavelength selec-
tive MUX.
Fig. 11. Typical hybrid-type MUX/DEMUX structure. Under these restrictions, directional and butt-joint couplers,
in principle, can be used in MUX. In addition, the polarization
[50] and double
GRIN-rod-lens type devices [51], 1521
ation.However,theseconfigurations have thepotentialad- should be applicableinnonselective MUX. The polarization-
vantages of planar technology, such as reproducibility, batch type device is based on enablingordinaryandextraordinary
fabrication,incorporationofcomplexopticalcircuitsinto rays to coincide in a birefringent crystal (i.e., calcite). Here,
photomasks,and ease ofalignmentwithconnecting fibers. theordinaryandextraordinaryraysareofdifferentwave-
Therefore,theyareexpectedtobecomemoreadvanced, al- lengths. They are combined into one ray at the output end of
though they are, at present, still in the fundamental stage of thecrystal.ThedoubleGRIN-rodlensdevice isbased on
development. beam-diameter transformation, and consists of a set of small
diameter first-stage quarter-pitch GRIN-rod lenses followedby
D. Active WDM Devices a large-diameter, second-stage quarter-pitch GRIN-rod lens.
Multiwavelengthlightsourcesandmultiwavelength photo- Such wavelength nonselective devices may be used only in
detectors as active WDM devices have been studied. A multi- special WDM systems.


0 Wavelength dependence on
Phoiodetector .Sensitivity dependenceon
Multi/demulti- Loss
plexer 0 Crosstalk
0 ModalNoise
0 Sinal distortion byoptml filters
Reflection fmm a connector to

Fiber Loss and bondwidth dependence Fig. 12. Received-power penalty due to interchannel crosstalk.
Raman scattering

Signal s tolerable intenhamel -talk



The previous section examined optical multi/demultiplexers
(MUX, DEMUX, and MUX/DEMUX) for WDM transmission.
This section discusses WDM system design and relatedproblems.
Section IV-A reviews the items taken into accountin design-
A M R p a E I E V E D LEVEL I dBm )
ing asystem;Section IV-B rather preciselydescribes multi/
demultiplexing system design; and Section IV-C provides some Fig. 13. SNR degradation due to interchannel crosstalk.
examples of WDM transmission system designs.

A . WDM System Design Parameters

Incomparisonwithconventionalfiber-optic transmission
systems, a WDM transmission system needs additional optical
multi/demultiplexers. When multi/demultiplexer insertion -70

loss is considered,the loss budget design fora WDM trans- -80

10K 1K 100 10
missionsystem is basically almost the same as that for con-
ventionalfiberoptic transmissionsystems.However, other
Fig. 14. Interchannel crosstalk caused by Raman scattering.
factors must be taken into account [53] -[57] .
The major parameters for WDM transmission system design
are shown in Table 11; these parameters are closely related to In multimode fiber systems, as well as in single-mode fiber
eachother because anumberofoptical signals having dif- systems, optical interchannel crosstalk due to Raman scatter-
ferent wavelengthsshare a single fiber whose loss and band- ing along a transmissionfiber can affect WDM transmission
widthdepend on wavelength. Among theseparameters, performance[60] , 1611 (see Fig.13).Crosstalk dependence
crosstalk is themostimportantwhen consideringsystem on fiber lengthinatwo-channelmultimode fibersystem in
design. which 0.813- (CH.l) and 0.885-pm (CH.2) LD’s areutilized
1 ) Interchannel Oosstalk: Since,multipleoptical signals is shown in Fig. 14.
traveling in the same direction, or in opposite directions, share One inherent characteristic of Raman scattering is that cross-
a common single fiber, optical interchannel crosstalk is a sig- talk occurs only between a shorter wavelength channel and a
nificantproblemin WDM systems. In optical multi/demulti- longer wavelength one (CH.l + CH.2). This Raman crosstalk
plexers,such crosstalk is related to light-source spectrum level increases as channel wavelength separation decrease.
width, photodetector sensitivity (which is dependent on wave- A similar phenomenaoccursin single-mode fibers,where
length) and so on. The tolerable crosstalk levels are determined stimulated Raman scattering is significant. However, from the
by the nature of thetransmission signal. practical point of view, Raman scattering is not significant for
Error-ratedegradationinan 8-Mb/sdigitaltransmission multimodefiber digitaltransmissionsystems orfor single-
system [58] is shownin Fig. 12. When theoptial crosstalk modefiber digitaltransmissionsystems.However,analog or
level is less than minus 15-20 dB, error-rate degradationis flat analog-digital hybrid transmission system designs may require
significant.SNR degradation in a 4-MHz analogbaseband attention to this problem.
transmission is shown in Fig. 13. For optical crosstalk levels 2) Modal Noise: In some multimode fibertransmission
of less than -30 dB, SNR degradation is also not significant systems, such as in an analog transmission system using laser
[59]. Multi/demultiplexer crosstalk problems will be dis- diodes or in a very high speed digital transmission system, an
cussed inconnectionwithmulti/demultiplexer design in opticalmulti/demultiplexer causessignificant SNR,differen-
Section IV-B. Here, we concentrateon crosstalkcaused by tial gain (DG), and differential phase (DP) degradation [62] .
the transmission fiber. This is primarily due to fiber propagationmode filtering in

Le is obtained as
L e = L o t AP, AP= A SNR * ( 2 t ~ ) / ( i2-
2 ~ )
A S N R = -20 log (1 - 2 X 10-(s'x)/lo) (dB) (4.1)
where x is the excess noise factorforan avalanche photo-
diode. Hereafter, x = 0.4 is used. A SNR is the signal-to-noise
ratiodeterioration causedbycrosstalk and AP is the loss
penalty due to crosstalk [65].
In order to simplify the argument, the reflection and aber-
Fig. 15. SNR degradation versus fiber-to-fiber coupling loss. ration losses in optical systems are neglected in the following
discussion. It is also assumed that the LED and LD emitting
spectrums are expressed by [53], [58]

1 CORE DIAMETER I 50um I4Oum I30urn

I I I '"
0.0 0.3
FIBER-TO-FIBER 5JJm* 0.15 00.03
COUPLING LOSS 10um* 1.4 0. 9 0.4 LD: rLD(h) = q h - x,) (4.2)
POWER PENALTY 110pn*l 1.2 1 0 . 4 5 I 0.2 where A. and Aho are the center wavelength and the emitting
spectrum halfwidth,respectively.
When fiber baseband width is sufficient for signal bandwidth,
the digital system repeater span I (km) is deteremined by

d=P, - P, - Le
fiber-to-fiber coupling through the lenses in the optical multi/ L,=Lo t A P
demultiplexers [63], [64].
SNR degradation as a function of fiber-to-fiber couplingloss where Po is an optical power coupled to a fiber (dBm), P, is
is shown in Fig. 15. In general, when an input fiber diameter the minimumreceived power (dBm), and CY is fiber loss (dB/km).
is smaller than the output core diameter, the modal noise can Therefore, multi/demultiplexers should be designed so that the
easily be reduced. Since the photodetector sensing area effective multi/demultiplexer loss Le is kept to a minimum.
diameter is more than 100 pm, it is easy for DEMUX output In analogtransmissionsystemdesign, themulti/demulti-
portsto use large-core-diameter fibers.However, for MUX plexer configuration should be chosen so that Lo is the smallest
input ports, core-diameter reduction decreases the LD-to-fiber among multi/demultiplexer configurations in which the cross-
coupling.Thecomparisonbetweenpowerpenaltydueto talk level is less than the desired level, for example, -30 dB for
modal noise and LD-to-fiber coupling loss is shown in Table a 4-MHz baseband analog system.
111. Here,the modal-noise powerpenalty is defined as the Practical WDM systems take various configurations, such as
powerrequired to maintain SO-dB unweightedSNR.From one-way ortwo-waysystems, analog-digital hybrids,and so
Table 111, for a 50-pm core-diameter graded-index fiber trans- on. Within the limits of this paper, it is difficult to cover all
mission line, the optimum core diameter fora MUX input port possible systems. Therefore, we will focus on one-way digital
is 40 pm. WDM systemsandone-way analogsystems.However, the
basic design principledescribedhere-namely the balance
between crosstalk and multi/demultiplexing loss-can be
B. MultilDemultiplexer Design
applied to other system configurations.
This section examines multi/demultiplexing loss, interchan- I ) DTF Multiplexers: Fig. 16 showsthestructurefor a
ne1 crosstalk and channelspacing for given wavelength-selective multireflection type MUX that uses DTF's [65] . It includes
element performance and light-source characteristics. optical bandpass filters with different reflectance/transmittance
The following terminologyformulti/demultiplexer design wavelength dependencies. A light signal having specific a
will be used hereafter: wavelength passes through its channel filter and is reflected to
thedifferentchannel filters.The channel 3 wave ( A = As),
sum of multiplexingloss and demultiplexing loss for example, passes through filter 3 and is reflected to filters
(dB); 4 and 5 ; it then couples to the output fiber. In the same way,
demultiplexing loss (dB); channels 1 , 2 , 4, and 5 waves couple to the output fiber by a
optical crosstalk from adjacent optical channels zigzag path. This MUX also functions as a DEMUX when it is
(dB); and used inversely.
effective optical multi/demultiplexing loss for Wide LED emission spectrums or LD oscillation wavelength
digital transmission systems (dB). deviationsduetotemperature changes createinterchannel


Fig. 17. Relationbetweenchannel spacing (A,) optimumwidthsand
Fig. 16. Schematic structure of multireflection-type crosstalk for LED-WDM transmission systems.

----ANALOG (SIX=30dEl 3
crosstalk. When the bandwidth of the bandpass filter becomes
narrow, crosstalk decreases but MUX loss increases.
a) LED systems: When LED’s areutilizedin a WDM
transmissionsystem using DTF-type MUX, filtering loss L o

And/AXo ( XIO-~)
Fig. 18. Relationbetween wavelength deviation, degraded values of
crosstalk and multi/demultiplexing loss.

Optimum filter bandwidth Ah, and Ah,; and L o , S/X and

L e , for analog and digitaltransmission systems,both using
LED’s, respectively, are shown in Fig. 17.
LEDcenter-emission wavelengthshiftdue totemperature
change results inincreased loss and crosstalk degradation.
Loss increases ALoand ALe, and crosstalk degradation
A ( S / X ) , all as a function of wavelength deviation, are shown
in Fig. 18.
b ) L D system: When using LD’s, it is necessary to
considerwavelength deviationduetotemperature change
and/or wavelength setting error. Let us assume that LD wave-
lengthshifts AXd fromthe given wavelength ho while, ata
longer wavelength, adjacent channel LD oscillates at h = ho +
A, - Ahd and,inanotheradjacentchannel, LDwavelength
is X = ho - X, + Ahd. This assumptionproducestheworst
case forthe given wavelength deviationAhd. In this case,
Lo and s/x are obtained by replacing FLED ( h )and r L E D ( h ?
X,) in (4.4) (4.6) by 6 (X + Ah,) and 6 (A 2 (h, - Ah,)),
respectively. Fig. 19 shows optimum filter bandwidths Ah,
and Ah, and L o , S / X , and-Le for analog and digital transmis-
sion systems.
1) Angular DispersionDemultiplexers: Fig. 20 shows the
configuration of a DEMUX using an angular dispersive element
where h,, Ah,, and Ah, are channel-spacing filter bandwidths such as a grating or a prism. The light signals from the input
of the multiplexing device and of the demultiplexing device, fiber are collimated.After striking the dispersive element,
respectively. T,(h) and T,(h) express the transmittance of a theirpropagation angles correspondtotheir wavelengths.
filter in themultiplexing device and in thedemultiplexing They are then focused on thereceiver plane by a Fourier trans-
device, respectively. form lens having focal length f 2 . Collimatedbeam diameter
In designing analogtransmission systems, Ah, and Ah, D is
should be chosen to minimizefiltering loss among pairs of
Ah, and AX, to make the crosstalk less than a given level, for (4.10)
example, S / X = 30 dB. For digital transmission systems, Ah,
and Ah, should be chosen so that effective loss Le is mini- where (NA) is the numerical aperture of the input fiber, nM is
mize d . the reflective indexofthemediumbetweenthe dispersive

As / A Ad

Fig. 19. Relation between channel spacing optimum fiber width, cross- 2 f2tanQe (mm)
talk and multi/demultiplexingloss for LD-WDM transmission systems. ha: 9 0 0 n m ,Aho : 35nm

Fig. 21. Relation between the structural parameter for a grating type
demultiplexing circuit, demultiplexing loss andcrosstalk,as a func-
tion of channel spacing.

In order to simplifydiscussion ofdemultiplexing loss and

crosstalk, it is assumed that a light signal having a fixed wave-
length is incident to the center of its channelwindow-a photo-

I A0 % - X *
I\ e diode or a fiber-in the receiving plane, and any light signals
incident to the channel window are completely converted to
-f2+ an electrical signal. Thus light signals incident to an adjacent
Fig. 20. Schematic structure of an angular-dispersive optical demulti- channelwindowcreate crosstalk. It is also assumedthat,
plexing circuit. as indicated in Fig. 20, the window dimension is x 1 and the
interval between windows is x2.
a) LED systems: When LED’s areused as light sources,
element and the lens, and fl is the focal length of the colli- the wideemission spectrumcreates crosstalk. Thedemulti-
mating lens. The angulardispersion for a Littrow-mounted plexing loss and crosstalk for a gratingtype DEMUX are
grating is given by obtained as
(4.1 1)
where 0, is the blaze angle. Prism angular dispersion for mini-
mum deviation angle is given by (4.16)
dB - B dn
d h n M D dh
where n , B, and D are the refractive index, length of the base
of the prism, and incident-beam diameter, respectively [ 5 3 ] ,
[541. (4.18)
A grating- or prism-type MUX needssophisticatedoptical
systems for low insertion loss [66] . Therefore, this discussion
will focus on DEMUX’s.
From (4.10), positional dispersion for a Littrow-type grating
DEMUX is given by
tan e (4.20)
dh = 2fi tan 0, -dh
Loss and crosstalk as a function of grating parameter 2f2 .

= 2f2 tan0, In 1 t-

From (4.10) and (4.12) positional

3 . (4.13)

dispersion for a prism-type

tan 0, are shown in Fig. 21. The broken lines denote values
for wavelength deviation of 10 nm. As a LED emitting spec-
trum spreads widely, channel spacing should be larger, about
70-100 nm, or so. A prism-type DEMUX presumably requires
DEMUX is given by similar channel spacing.
b ) LD system: When using LD’s, an angular dispersive
(4.14) DEMUX improves performance.Itbecomesdemultiplexing-
loss free and crosstalk free if proper channel spacing A, and

; ' - o l CONNECTOR

Fig. 23. Structure of MUX-DEMUX for abusinessusesubscriber

" M 1.400nm system.

Fig. 22. Relation between wavelength deviation in an LD and a grating SYSTEM 1 ADVANCED
or CdS prism demultiplexing circuit. DIGITAL CTV
1 (6.3Mb/s) I voice
sufficient window dimensions x1 are chosen to receive a light FIBER GI . 4dB/km AT 0 . 8 5 y m
signal deviating within a certain wavelength range. DIGITAL I N ANALOG I N
From (4.13) and (4.14),we can obtain thedevice parameters. A
Replacing 6h bythetolerable wavelength deviation Ahd, NUMBE OF WDM 1.2yrn (down) 1.3ym (down)
O.8lym (up) 0.89pm ( U P )
2 X A X gives the window interval x 2 . Fig. 22 shows device FILTER DIELECTRIC WLTllLIYER THIN flLM FILTER
parameters as a function of channel spacing and wavelength
deviation. Taking Ahd = 2.5 nm, X, = 10 nm, and ho = 850
nm,forexample, we obtain x l / f 2 tan OB = 1.2 X and The previousdiscussiondealt with simple models. More
x 2 / f 2 tan OB = 2.3 X lo-' for a grating-type DEMUX, and complicatedsystems, including two-way WDM systems,
f,(NA) x l / f 2 B= 9.0 X andfl(NA)x2/f2B = 1.8 X requiremoresophisticatedconsiderations,such asfiber loss
for a prism-type DEMUX. When using a grating having AB = and bandwidth dependence onwavelengths, minimum received
800 nm and A = 1/600 nm, an input fiberhaving (NA) = 0.17, levels ofdifferentmodulation scheme signals, and so on. A
and a lens having f i ( = f 2 ) = 30 mm, we obtain x 1 = 90 pm, design precedure for such systems may be difficult to show in
x 2 = 170 pm, and D = 10.2 mm for nM 1.0. When aprism simple form.Ratherheuristic design methods areused for
having B = 15 mm and lenses having fi = fz = 30 mm are suchsystems,althoughthe basic loss and crosstalk design
used, we obtain x1 = 80 pm, x 2 = 154 pm, and D = 10.2 mm procedure is valid. Fig. 23 showsa MUXiDEMUX structure
for nM = 1.O. for the business use fiber-optic subscriber transmission system
whose major system parameters are shownin Table V. TO
C. WDM System Design Examples [ 6 71-[69] suppress modalnoise,themultiplexinginputport uses a
Wavelength allocation design examplesobtainedfromthe 40-pm @ corefiber, while thedemultiplexingoutputport
above design maps (Figs. 17-22) are shown inTable IV. In uses an80-pm @ corefiber.Obliquepolishedfiber optic
thistabletheinfluenceof LD spontaneous emission and connectors are utilized to obtain low reflection return losses.
multi/demultiplexer losses caused by optical element imper- The MUXiDEMUX characteristics, including design objectives,
fections such as lens aberration, etc., are not considered. are shown in Fig. 24 and Table VI.
al.: AND


0.7 0.8 0.9 1 . 2 1 . 1 1.3 1.4


Fig. 24. Measured branching characteristics of the MUXlDEMUX shown

in Fig. 23.


A. Trunk Transmission System Applications

In the early stage of WDM technology research, application
to trunk transmission systems was the most attractive research
item because this technology was expected to greatly improve
system economy. Since then, numerous experiments, such as
laboratory tests or field trials, have been carried out on trunk
transmission system applications for both short- and long-haul
Upper : measured. below : specification (dB)
systems [70] -[73].
Today, such applications seem to be shifting from the fieid-
experiment stage to the commercial-usestage. In the follow-
V. SYSTEMAPPLICATIONS ing, two typicalWDM trunk transmission systems thatare now
WDM transmission hasmanyattractive advantages, e.g., being used in existing communicationsnetworksare briefly
greater transmission capacity,two-way transmission, simul- described.
taneous transmission of various types of signals such as digital In Japan, 32- andlOO-Mb/s digital transmission systems using
and analog, and easy system expansion. That is to say, WDM 1.3-pm laser diodes have been widely employed in short-haul
technology has two aspects. First, it is a technology that makes inter-city trunk lines [74]. Furthermore, large-capacity 400-
it feasible to transmit as much information as possible through Mb/s digital transmission systems using single-mode fibers have
a single optical fiber. Second, it is a technology that enhances been installed in long-haul intercity trunk lines [75] .
flexibility in system design [9] . On the other hand, in order to introduce optical fibers into
For example, in long-haul and/or large-capacity transmission intracitytrunks,it is necessary to design lowbit-ratetrans-
systems,fiber cablecost is oneofthedominantfactorsin mission systems that are more economical than conventionally
system cost.Therefore,systemcostcan be significantly re: paired cablesystems. A 6.3-Mb/sdigitaltransmission system
duced by applying WDM technology. This is the first aspect has been developed using WDM technology, taking into account
of WDM technology and it can besaid that it more or less the above requirements. Fundamental system parameters are
applies to almost all trunk transmission systems, from short- shown in Table VI1 [8] .
haul to long-haul. Two optical channels with wavelengths of 1.2 and 1.3 pm
Ontheotherhand,thesecond aspectseems tobemore are simultaneouslytransmitted,eitherone-wayortwo-way.
attractive for subscriber systems and on-premises applications, DTF's are used in the multiplexing devices, as shown in Fig. 9.
that is, it is foreseen that in the near future a wide variety of Another example is the FT3C Systemin the United States
information services must be available at any place and at any [30]. In this type of system, 3-channel one-way transmission
time due to diversification of social activities. These informa- is planned using three laser diodes (0.825, 0.875, and 1.3 p n ) .
tion services will be provided by broad-band fibered subscriber DTF's will also be used for multiplexing devices in this system.
networks in conjunctionwithlarge-capacityopticaltrunk
transmissionsystems. WDM technologycould be effectively B. Subscriber System Applications
applied in these areas because it makes it possible to transmit It is foreseen that all information services, including broad-
various types of signals, such as video and data or analog and casting and advanced telecommunications services, will be
digital, through a single optical fiber and to expand systems provided by a single telecommunication network in the future.
without changing underground facilities. In this network, information will be transmitted to all sub-
In the following subsections, various system applications are scribers bybroad-band subscriber networksinconjunction
described with emphasis on practicalapplications, including with large-capacity trunk-transmission systems.
field trials. Optical-fiber transmission is expected to be one of the key


rs uobfs c r i b e r s - - -- - - - -
9ae8rs1t. 0 9 - I - ---- --- I 1980 - 1983 1 -1981
1980 I
or configuration 1 s t a r
k II
star I
I star I
I n f o r m a t i o np r o v i d e d telephone t e l e p theolne ep h o n e telephone
data (56kb~s) data data data
FM r a d i o TV FM s t e r e o TV
TV TV h i - d e f i n i t i o n TV
Modulationscheme a n a l o g FDM digital digital- a n a l o g FDM

O p t i c a lf i b e r s G I (50/125) - - -- - - - - GI GI ( 5 0 / 1 2 5 j

Number o f w a v e l e n g t h 2 4 to 6 2 to 3 2, 4
multiplexed (two-way) (two-way) (two-way) (two-way)
W a v e l e n g t hu s e d 840nm, 930nm 3 ch i n 0 . 8 ~ ~ 1 850nm, 1,300nm 800nm,830nm,860nm
(down), (up) 1 ch i n 1.3um (down)
(up) 890nm,1150nm,1300nm
L i g h ts o u r c e s LED, LD - -- - - - - - LD LLEDD ,

o p t i c a l c o u p l e r M u l t i p l egxr iant g
i ndge tvyi p
cees DTF type DTF t y p e

g r a t i nt y
gp e
h y b rtiydp e
1 I I

technologies leading torealization of broad-band subscriber The Electrical Communication Laboratories (ECL‘s), which
networks. This is because of the optical fiber’s capability to arethe research anddevelopment arm oftheNippon Tele-
transmit a large volume of information, as well as its physical graph and Telephone Public Corporation (NTT), have carried
superiority, e.g., small size, lightweight,andimmunity to outtheirfirst fieldtrials on fiber-optic subscribersystems
electromagnetic interference. [81] . These experiments were carried out from April 1980 to
However, the most significant problems in applying optical May 1981,withthe objectives of confirming thetechnical
fiber to subscriber applications are in the area of cost effective- feasibility of the systems and to find any unexpected problems
ness and in technical difficulties with bilateral transmission of under actual operating conditions.
a wide variety of types of information, i.e., narrow-band and In these experiments, four types of subscriber systems were
wide-band signals, as well as analog and digital signals. tested and the multiplexing devices shown in Figs. 6, 8(b), and
The use of wavelength multiplexing technology in conjunc- 11 were developed.
tion with other multiplexing methods, such as frequency divi- Based upontheseexperiments, a larger scale fieldtrial of
sion multiplexing (FDM) and time division multiplexing a ‘home-use’ subscriber system and a “business-use” subscriber
(TDM), is expected to solve these problems. system has been going on in the Mitake area near Tokyo since
With these backgrounds in mind, experiments on fiber-optic September 1982. Main parameters of the systems are listed in
subscriber systems using WDM technology have been vigorously Table IX.
carried out all over the world during the last few years. Rela- The“home-use” subscriber systemhas a starnetwork in
tively large-scale experiments, including those still in the plan- which one optical fiber provides a single subscriber with two-
ning stages, as summarized in Table VIII. way transmission. Various types of services, such as broadcast
The Bigfon system has been tested in several cities in the TV, center-to-end video, data, and telephones are multiplexed
Federal Republic of Germany. This system employs 2-channel at the telephone office and provided to each subscriber. Each
two-way WDM transmission using two different laser diodes subscriber also has a wavelength-multiplexing device and can
(0.85 and 1.3 pm) that transmit FM stereo, video, and tele- generate upstream channels.
phone in digital formats [76], [77]. On the other hand, in the “business-use” system, high-speed
Elie experiments in Canada have been going on in rural field dataand video signals are transmitted bilaterally to provide
environments since the end of 1981. Two wavelength (0.84 data and TV-conference services between business offices.
and 0.93 bm) are used for two-way transmission of FM stereo, Inbothsystems,DTF-typemultiplexing devices are em-
video, telephone, and datasignals [78]. ployed for practical and economic reasons [26], E621 .
TheFrench SAFO system,nowinthe planning stage, is As these systems are now under field trial, detailed system
attempting to use grating devices for 4-6-channel WDM trans- performance and device characteristics will be presented at a
mission. However, details of this workhave not been provided later date. However, it should be noted that in designing, full
[791. considerationshould be given to analogvideo degradation
TheNetherlands TTOSSsystem is inthelaboratorytest resulting from internal reflection and modal noise in optical
stage and uses 3-channel WDM transmission [go]. multi/demultiplexers [62] .

Home Use System
Business Use System
Type A Type B
high-speed data L

Service provided TV-conference service CATV L center-to-end video services

color T V m l o r TV
Signals transmitted data
TV (7 channels) control sig. (2 channels) ~ ~ ~ ~ $ y ~ i g ’
(one-way) (two-way)
distance 5 kilometers 5 kilometers 2 kilometers

I Optical
fiber I! I
fiber (50 Pm/125 Um) I
baseband baseband baseband
Signal format VHF-FDM CMI
! analog analog analog
Number of wave-
1, GaAlAs-LED

I 3
1L Light sources InGaAsP-LD 1 InGaAsP-LD
1 GaAlAs-LD 1
1 II I I I I

Nominal wavelength

Optical detectors Si-APD Si-APD & Ge-APD Ge-APD Si -APD Si-APD

Optical multiplexer dielectric thin-film filter type

C. Other Applications REFERENCES

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ISH10 et al.: REVIEW

digital optical fiber system,” 4th Europ. Conf. Opt. Commun. Hideki Ishio was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1943.
(Genoa, Italy), Sept. 1978. He received the B.S. degree in1966andthe
K. Peterman and G. Arnold, “Noise and distortion characteristics Ph.D. degree in 1980, both from KyotoUniver-
of semiconductor lasers in optical fiber communication systems,” sity, Kyoto, Japan. Since1966,he has been
IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. QE-18, pp. 543-555, Apr. 1982. withthe Electrical CommunicationLaborato-
K. Nakagawa, H. Ishio, and T. Miki, “On loss margin for a fiber ries, Nippon Telegraph andTelephone Public
optic repeater,” in Proc. 1978 Nat. Conv. IECE Japan, no. 2010, Corporation.
Mar. 1978 (in Japanese). He was involved in the research and develop-
K. Nosu, H. Ishio, and K. Hashimoto, “Multireflectionoptical ment on high-speed modulation and demodula-
multi/demultiplexer using interference filters,” Electron.Lett., tion technologies for guided-millimeter-wave
vol. 15, no. 4,pp. 414, July 1979. transmission systems. From 1975, he has been
E. Iwahashi,“Opticalfiber systems for public telecommunica- engaged in research anddevelopment on optical-fibertransmission
tion,” in Proc. ZOOC’83, vol. 28C1-1 (Tokyo, Japan), June 1983. systems. He is currently head of Electronic Components Section,Elec-
Y. Fujii, J. Minowa, and T. Kanada,“Practical two-wavelength tronic Equipment Development Division, Musashino ECL, Musashino,
multi-multiplexer: Design and performance,” Appl.Opt., vol. Japan.
22, no. 19, pp. 3090-3097, Oct. 1,1983. Dr. Ishio is a member of the Institute of Electronics and Communica-
T. Kanada, Y. Okano, K. Aoyama, and T. Kitami, “Design and tion Engineers of Japan (IECEJ). He received the Yonezawa Memorial
performance of WDM transmission systems at 6.3 Mbit/s,”ZEEE Scholarship Award andthe Paper Awards for his papersfromthe
Trans. Commun., vol. COM-31, pp. 1095-1102, Sept. 1983. IECEJ .
I. Kobayashi et al., “A 4 channel wavelength-division multiplex-
ing transmission system,” in Proc. FOC’80 (San Francisco), Sept. s
1980, pp. 27-30.
K. Nakagawa, T. Ito,and K. Aoyama, “400 Mb/s two-way 2
wavelengths multiplexing transmission experiment,” in Nat.
Conv. Rec. ZECE Japan, vol. S4-6, Mar. 1980 (in Japanese).
K. Minemura et al., “Optical multiplexing transmission in 1 pm
wavelength region using single mode fibers,” in Nat. C o w . Rec.
ZECE Japan, vol. S4-7, Mar. 1980.
P. Kaiser et al., “Two-channel single-mode WDM in the 1.3 micron
wavelength region,” in Proc. IOOC’83, vol. 27CL-4 (Tokyo,
Japan), June 1983.
H. Ishio,“Japanese field, trials and applications in telephony,”
ZEEE Trans. Commun., vol. SAC-1, pp. 404-412, Apr. 1983.
E. Iwahashi, “Trends in long-wavelength single-mode transmission
systems and demonstrations in Japan,” IEEE J. Quantum Elec-
tron., vol. QE-17, pp. 890-896, June 1981.
D. Kneisel, “Goals and strategies for the introduction of ,broad-
,band optical communication systems into the Deutsche Bundes-
post telecommunication networks,” in ICC’83 Conf. Rec., vol.
4D.1 (Philadelphia, PA), June 1982.
U. Horn and F. Sporlender, “Service-integrated optical subscriber
loop systems research and industrial prototype projectsguided by s
the Deutsche Bundespost,” in ZSSLS 82 Proc. (Toronto, Canada),
Sept. 1982, pp. 214-219. Kiyoshi Nosu (S’73-M’77) was borninGifu,
G. A. Tough, K. B. Harries, K. Y. Chang, C. I. Nisbet, and J. F. Japan, on June19,1949. He received B.S.
Chalmers, “An integrated fiber opticsdistribution field trialin degree in electricengineering fromKeio Uni-
Elie, Manitoba,” in ICC’82 Conf: Rec., vol. 4D.4 (Philadelphia, versity, Tokyo, Japan, in 1972, and MS. and
PA), June 1982. Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering from
J. Popovics, “Opticalfiber multiservice subscriber connection Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1974 and
system: SAFO,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-30, pp. 2215- 1977, respectively.
2220, Sept. 1982. He joined the Yokosuka Electrical Communi-
E. Roza et al., “TV systems with remote selection for subscriber cation Laboratory, Nippon Telegraph and Tele-
glass fiber networks,” in Proc. 8th ECOC’82, vol. AXV-4 (Cannes, phone Public Corporation,Yokosuka, Kana-
France), Sept. 1982. gawa, Japan, in 1977, and has been engaged in
K. Asatani, R. Watanabe, K. Nosu, and T. Matsumoto, “A field research on fiber-opticcommunication systems, in particular, wave-
trial of fiber optic subscriber loop systems utilizing wavelength- length-division-multiplexing transmission systems and fiber-optic local
division multiplexers,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-30, area networks. In 1982 and 1983, he stayed atNaval Research Labora-
pp. 2172-2184, Sept. 1982. tory, Washington, DC, as a Visiting Scientist.
M. Saruwatari, K. Nosu, T. Miki, and K. Asatani, “Optically Dr. Kiyoshi Nosu is amember of the Institute of Electronicsand
accessing loop (OPAL) network using wavelength-division-multi- Communication Engineers of Japan, the Japanese Society of Applied
plexing technology,”presentedatthe Int.Conf.Commun. Physics, andJapanOperations Research Society.He received the
(Seattle, WA), June 1980,Paper 28.6. Young Engineers Award from the IECEJ.

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