Stowage & Securing of Project Cargo (RICKMERS)

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Bridge CREW TRAINING MANUAL STOWAGE AND SECURING OF PROJECT CARGO KOMROWSKI BEFRACHTUNGSKONTOR KG (GmbH & Co.) HAMBURG CREW TRAINING MANUAL crm.02.09 Root BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Bebe oo- dane OF PROJECT CARGO una KOMROWSKI Contents Preamble 3 1. _Pre-Shipment Information for Shippers and Agen il Physical dynamics acting, 1.2 Information on cargo stowage .. 1.3 Documentation required from shippers 14 Technical demands for marine transport of project cargo . 1s Categorization of heavy cargo units 1.5.1 Category A cargo units.. 1.5.2 Category B cargo units. 15.3 Category C cargo units.. 1.3.4 Category D cargo units.. 15.5 Category E cargo units 15.6 Category F cargo unit 15.7 Category G cargo units. 15.8 Category H cargo units 2, Standards for Lifting, Bedding and Securing 27 21 Lifting 27 2.1.1 Basie methods. 27 2.1.2 Lifting material 29 2.1.3 Safe lifting procedures 30 2.14 Stability Changes - Heavy Lif 32 22 Bedding, 37 2.251 Principles...... 37 222 Definition of primary and secondary members . 37 2.23 Definition of effective load area of primary and secondary member: 37 22.4 Definition of permissible surface load 38 22.5 Definition of gross bedding area .. 39 22.6 Bedding on the tanktop..... 40 2.2.7 Identification of type of MPC vessel 41 2.28 Tweendeck panels, types and structural design.. a2 2.2.11 New bedding system: H-beams on container fittings 44 2.2.12 Bedding material Wooden dunnage ... 44 22.13 Calculation method for steel beams Number and strength of beams 47 2.2.14 Use of platforms and flatracks for bedding 2.2.15 Calculation method for strength of tweendeck and hatchcover panels... 52 2.2.16 Relevant data for stowage and bedding of vessels of Rickmers-Linic 23 Securing. 56 23.1 Principles.. 56 2.3.2 Fixed equipment. 63 23.3 Loose lashing equipment 70 2.3.4 Options of assembled lashings 81 CREW TRAINING MANUAL crw.02.09 Root BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING eee OF PROJECT CARGO na. KOMROWSKI 23.5 Standard securing arrangements 84 2.3.6 Purchase, maintenance and sorting-out of lashing material. 91 24 Examples. casean 92 24.1 Securing of Locomotives 92 24.2 Negative example; securing of a yacht. 93 24,3 A better way to secure a yacht 97 2.4.4 — Mixed examples... 98 3. Assessment of Stowage and Securing Arrangements. 99 3.1 Responsibilities. E 99 3.2 Onboard planning and assessment 100 3.3. Assessment by appointed surveyors 102 Annex 1: Glossary of cargo securing terms and abbreviations.. 103 ‘Annex 2; Checklist for the assessment of a securing arrangement 106 Annex 3: Example of a calculated balance of forces and moments.. 107 Annex 4: Form for assessment of securing arrangements .. ul (CREW TRAINING MANUAL CTML02-08 ROO RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 90.05.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 32 KOMROWSKI Preamble This Stowing and Securing Manual of Project Cargo is created in reference to the respective manual from Rickmers-Line, but it includes special requirement and experience of Komrowski It has to be considered as a Standard reference for planning, handling, stowage and securing/lashing of project cargo in general, It applies to all vessels chartered and/or owned by Komrowsk.f This standard is one major component of the certified Quality Management System of the company (according to EN ISO 9002, until Dee.14, 2003, followed by "EN ISO 9001: 2000"). Furthermore, it is an integral part of the Safety Management System implemented by the managing owners of the vessels in accordance with the International Safety Management Code (ISM-Code). Other publications in this series are: * Cargo Management Guidelines for the Supercargo Instructions and Guidance to the Master The spirit and purpose of this standard is to inform shippers of cargo units, stevedores and supercargoes etc. about cargo handling and securing practices on board of the vessels sailing for the company and to provide a specific update to masters and officers Realizing that safety requirements do not necessarily contradict commercial aspects, the main objective of the company is to increase the technical and commercial performance of marine transport by avoiding damage and loss of cargo, finally resulting in an improved safety at sea and protection of the marine environment. It is the traditional aim of the company to maintain their high level of service quality in terms of utilizing state-of-the-art technologies to meet the ever increasing demands on handling sophisticated and high-value cargo. Nevertheless, the implementation of or deviation from this Standard shall be made without prejudice to any rights or immunities under the freight contract and the terms and conditions of the applicable Bill of Lading, Technical details of the Standard are in compliance with the “Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing”, IMO-Resolution A.714(17), as amended. The Standard, in particular, provides detailed information about lifting, bedding and securing! lashing of cargo as well as the equipment used and its maintenance, The Standard further describes the cargo information to be supplied by shippers in accordance with Chapter VI, Regulation 2 of the SOLAS-Convention (see Ch 1.3) and the necessary configuration of lifting provisions, bedding areas and securing points. The desired securing point configuration and lashing scheme of the cargo corresponds with the tensile strength (MSL as per MO) of the fixed and loose securing gear on board of the vessels and their deok lay-out. Ifa certain provision of the Standard cannot be met for any reason, an alternative solution with an equivalent level of safety shall be applied. No provision of this Standard shall dispense either the Shipper or the Carrier from fulfilling their lawful duties. CREW TRAINING MANUAL cTMe02.09 R001 RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Deen OF PROJECT CARGO 102/112 KOMROWSKI 3.3 Assessment by appointed surveyors 1 For the assessment of securing arrangement of heavy project cargoes on vessels operated by Rickmers-Linie it is compulsory to apply the IMO Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS). Officially appointed and swom marine surveyors are therefore requested to provide, in addition to the usual survey report, a balance calculation according to the methods mentioned in the Annex 13 to the CSS, 2 Both IMO balance calculations distinguish clearly which securing device (lashing, timber shoring, welded stoppers etc.) serves which purpose, i.e. prevention of transverse/longitudinal sliding and transverse tipping. It further requires to clearly determine the strength of a securing device in terms of MSL and CS, with the annotation that the strength of a sequence of securing elements (deck ring, shackle, turnbuckle, chain, wire, etc.) is equal to the strength of the weakest element. 3 The IMO balance calculations also consider unsuitable lashing angles. These calculation schemes apply only a low efficiency factor for near vertical lashing, as this can still be observed on ‘board of ships. Same applies to occasional imbalance concerning securing to port and starboard, which would remain undetected when using other rule-of-thumb methods, e.g, the “three-times- rule”, 4 Rickmers-Linie instructs that the IMO minimum balance should be exceeded by at least 20% for heavy and vulnerable cargo units. 5 The “balance of forces and moments” calculation should be documented using the form sheet of the Annex 4 to this Standard. If a computer program should be used to obtain the outcome of the advanced calculation methods of Annex 13 to the CSS, a suitable printout can replace the form, provided it contains all information necessary to comprehend the calculation. 6 The alternative method as described in paragraph 7.3 of Annex 13 to the CSS allows a more precise consideration of horizontal securing angles. By doing so the CS can be taken as follows: CS=MSL/1.35 Please refer to the “2002 Amendments” to the CSS (Annex 13), “Calculated example 2, Balances of forces - alternative method”. CREW TRAINING MANUAL (cTM-02-09 Root BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Remeea ce: OF PROJECT CARGO 103/112 KOMROWSKI Annex 1: Glossary of cargo securing terms and abbreviations ‘Ageing of a securing Element ] Reduction of strength and elasticity due to corrosion, abrasion or changes in the molecular structure. Bedding Material andlor devices to support cargo units, levelling out small differences in height, providing friction and stability, ie. dunnage, timber and H-beams, piles, trestles, shores, cribbing or any other kind of support. Blocking Wooden or metal supports to keep cargo units in place to prevent shifing, Block timbers are commonly used to provide a foundation for heavy loads. When selecting blocking as a foundation for heavy-ifts, ensure it is sound and large enough to support the ioad safely. It must be free from grease end thoroughly dry. Block stowage ‘Stowing a group of homogeneous cargo items destined for a specific location close together to avoid unnecessary broken stowage and cargo shifting (see also "Mult- unitization’). Breaking Load (BL) Minimum guaranteed breaking load of producer, determined by sample testing | (see also MUL). ‘Cross-stowage ‘Stowage pattem of cargo stowed from side to side. ‘deka-Newton (daN)) | Dimension unit of force equivalent to @ mass of approx. 7.02 kg (on earth). Direct securing Direct transfer of forces between cargo unit and ship by means of lashings, timber shores or welded stopper. Dunnage ‘Any material, e.g. (limber boards, planks, blocks, rubber mais, pneumatic pilows, etc.) placed on the bottom of the hold or deck and used to support, protect and/or ‘secure cargo items. Elastic stretch Ability of a securing device to stretch under load and to maintain a pre-tension necessary for a steady compression of cargo units. Equivalent solution | Securing arrangement of equivalent strength, elastic stretch and ability to sustain pre-tension. Friction securing ‘Securing by means of near vertical lashings and high pre-tension. Friction loop ‘Loop of lashing over a cargo unit with near vertical ends on both sides with the intention of providing friction securing (see fig. 2.3.6). Footprint Net supporting area of a cargo unit. Friction coefficient | In technical terms there are two different friction coefficients which should be normally applied when calculating cargo securing arrangements: ‘adhesive friction + sliding friction coefficient Note: in the sense ofthis Standard, adhesive fiction does not apply. I con is mentioned within the context, siding fiction is meant. Gross bedding area ‘Area of @ cargo unit in relation to the PSL, often the projected area of the unit in top-view.. Half loop Loop of lashing around @ cargo unit with both ends tightened to the same side, providing a defined securing potential (see fig. 2.7/8). Head loop Closed loop of lashing (endless sling) around the topside of @ cargo unit as ‘securing provision for direct lashings (see fig. 2.3.9). kilo-Newton (kN) Unit of force equivalent to a mass of approx. 102 kg (on earth). Le-Paloma sling Fancy name for an endless sing, also called "clipped grommet, with clips at the ‘open length. Lashing sling Pre-fabricated short wire sling, re-usable, for applying lashings fo a cargo unit. Lashing Capacity (LC) ‘Strength of a lashing device as @ percentage of the breaking load, equivalent to MSL, according to international standards for web lashings and transport chains. KOMROWSKI 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING c7M.02.09 RoOt Date: 30.05.2006 CREW TRAINING MANUAL OF PROJECT CARGO 104/112 Maximum Securing Load (MSL) Strength of a lashing device as a percentage of the Breaking Load (see also Annex 13 to the CSS Code) equivalent to LC. Maximum Ultimate Load (MUL) Minimum guaranteed breaking load of producer determined by sample testing, also known as Breaking Load (BL). Multi-unitization Stowage arrangement of similer-shaped cargo units to form larger blocks; primarily used to increase productivity of loading and discharging, Permissible Surface Load (PSL) Maximum uniformly distributed load for a stowage area, also known 6s “Uniform Load, "Uniform Loading” or "Deck Load” given in [t/m*} ‘Safely Factor Ratio between the BL and the WLL (or SWL) mainly used for lifting devices and provisions, or between BL and LC for lashing material if LC is indicated, ‘Safe Working Load (SWL) Maximum strength as a percentage of the BL to be used for lifting, also known as WLL Securing arrangement {securing pattern) Entire set of securing devices to secure @ cargo unit. ‘Securing devices ‘Appliances for securing cargo units, e.g. timber shores, block timbers, braves, chocks, wedges, twistiooks ete. ‘Securing element Single element used for securing, e.g. D-Ring, shackle, turnbuckle, etc. Side stowage Stowage of cargo against one side of the cargo hold or bulkhead (positive locking); stowage method to be preferred, Sily loop Loop of lashing around a cargo unit (belly lashing) with the ends in opposite direction, no defined securing potential. Not permitted at alll Single stowage ‘Stowage of a cargo unit free to all sides, e.g. stowage on deck. ‘Sustain pre-tension Ablity of @ securing device to maintain pre-tension through low permanent stretch, i.e. good creep properties (also known as elongation for web lashings) ‘Compact cargo Stowage arrangement of small and medium-sized cargo units secured to each other in order to form a block or layer (e.g. steel coils, palletized goods). Working Load limit (WLL) Maximum strength as a percentage of the BL to be used for lifting, also known as SWL. CREW TRAINING MANUAL ‘cTM-02-09 R001 BES 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Cee OF PROJECT CARGO 105/112 KOMROWSKI Abbreviations ABS. ‘American Bureau of Shipping (Classification Society) BL Breaking Load as per CSS, also called MUL_ cs Calculated strength of a securing device within a lashing arrangement, ‘as calculated in the advanced calculation method (2002 Amendments to the deka-Newton, see definitions CSM ‘Cargo Securing Manual of the respective vessel css IMO's “Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing” daN deka-Newton, see definitions GL Germanischer Lloyd (German classification society) LC Lashing Capacity, also known as MSL. Lc Lashing Capacity, also known es MSL KN kilo-Newton, see definitions m Gross mass of a cargo unit ‘MSL Maximum Securing Load, es per CSS_ MUL Maximum Ultimate Load, also known as BL. ne Not available/not applicable PL Proof Load, also known as Test Load PSL Permissible Surface Load ‘SF | Safety Factor ‘SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea ‘SWL | Safe Working Load, also known as WLL_ WL | Working Load Limit, also known as SWL CREW TRAINING MANUAL crweoz.09 RoOt 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Deere. OF PROJECT CARGO 106/112 KOMROWSKI Annex 2: Checklist for the assessment of a securing arrangement NO. | ITEM YES NIA 1. | Has dunnage or other suitable material been used to achieve the best possible friction? 2. _ | Are location and orientation of frames, web frames, girders, strong ereas near container fitings etc. well known? 3.__| Does the footorint area cross framing, or are strong areas used? 4. | Hes the surface load been kept within permissible limits, e.g. by using beams? '5.__ | Do the beams cross the framing and have length and size been checked? 6. | If the gross bedding area has been extended, do the stevedores/ship's crew know that no other cargo is permitted within this area and has this area been marked? 7. | While planning allocation of cargo units, has the load-bearing capacity of girders crossing each other been observed to avoid overlapping? @. | Has the maximum bending strength of tweendeck and hatchcover panels been considered and does the position of the cargo unit not overstress the bearing faces of the panel-tweendeck or panel-bulkhead structure? .__ | Has the permissible load on platforms or flatracks been observed? 10. | Hes the lashing arrangement been checked with the rule-of-thumb method of Annex 13 to the CSS? 11, | Has the lashing and securing arrangement been checked with the advanced calculation methods of Annex 13 to the CSS? 12,_| Are the horizontal deviation angles of transverse lashings smaller than 30°? 13._ | Are tie-down angles of transverse and longitudinal lashings kept below 60°? 14, | Are forward and aft components of transverse devices counteracting? 15. _| Are lashings evenly distributed in respect of the center of gravity? 16, | Do all securing devices consist of elements with same MSL. (homogeneous)? 17. | Is the securing arrangement homogeneous in terms of elastic stretch, angles etc.? 18._| Are fiber straps or wire ropes protected against chafing at sharp comers? 19. | Are wire clips attached correctly (position, distance, U-bolt at dead end) and in sufficient numbers? 20,_| Are the threads of the wire clips greased and the nuts tightened sufficiently? 21,_| Are lever tighteners of lashing chains secured correctly? 22. | Are all lashings pretightened well without overstressing (amount of pre= tension)? 23.__[ Are timber shores placed properly and secured against selfloosening? 724,__| Are stoppers and D-rings welded properly? 25.__| Is the securing arrangement accessible during voyage? 26. Identification of cargo unit: Place: Date: for stevedores for ship oTM-02.09 R001 (CREW TRAINING MANUAL Dato; 30.08.2008 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING OF PROJECT CARGO 107/112 KOMROWSKI Annex 3: Example of a calculated balance of forces and moments 1 The Annex 13 to the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS), worked out by the IMO in the early 1990s and amended in 2002, contains two comprehensive methods for the assessment of stowage and securing arrangements for non-standardized and semi-standardized cargo. They should not be used for containers in a standardized system approved by a classification society. 2 The Annex-13 methods are based on a heuristic system (evaluation of feedback) of assumption of forces as being used in naval architecture and by classification societies. This system has been transferred into an easy-to-use numerical system, as specified in the Annex 13 to the CSS. Determination of external forces to a cargo unit 3 The following example shows how the method of "balance of forces and moments" is applied to determine external forces on a cargo unit. First of all some necessary information must be collected, which are: * Length between perpendiculars (Lpp) = 125.4m * Breadth moulded (B) = 202m ‘© Metacentric height (GM) 183m * Service speed 16.3 kn ‘* Gross mass (m) of the unit to be secured 158t ‘# Location of stowage of the unit in: + longitudinal direction 0.8 Lpp - vertical direction on deck low - transverse direction na * Length, breadth and height (LxBxH) of the unit = 8.5.x 5.2x 6.3, # Height of center of gravity (above tipping axis) = 4.2m ‘* Dimensions of footprint area (for tipping) = 85x52 4 Table 2 of the Annex-13 method provides basic acceleration data in the longitudinal, transverse and vertical direction. With the above-mentioned information these three values can be taken from this table. Since these figures are only valid for a ship of 100 m length and a speed of 15 knots, they should be multiplied with the correction factor given in Table 3.To determine this factor based on the length of 125.4 m and a speed of 16.3 kn some interpolation is needed which finally shows a figure of 0.9 for this example. S The next step is to check the value of B/GM which is 20.2 /1.83 = 11.0 in this example. Should this stability factor be smaller than 13 the transverse acceleration data must be multiplied with the corresponding factor given in Table 4, which is 1.09 for B/GM = 11.0 and the cargo position “on deck low”. The value for B/GM is an indication for relative stiffiiess and vessels with a value of 13 and smaller should be regarded as “stiff”. 6 The basic above-mentioned data should be multiplied with the gross mass of the unit to obtain the acceleration forces, presented by: Fy = 1582.90.90 412, kN gy 1007 KN E 1080 kN CREW TRAINING MANUAL c7M402-00 Root 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Rete en. os 2 OF PROJECT CARGO 13/112 KOMROWSKI TABLE 1.2. SAFE WORKING LOADS OF ALLOY SHACKLES MADE TO THE U.S. FEDERAL SPEC. CO oO 1) & \ es i\ i } } at ) ime Anchor Shuckle with Safety Anchor Shackle Chain Shackle with Safety Chain Shackle ‘Screw Pin Bolt Type serew Pin ‘Bolt Type INSIDE LENGTH “Th pests ae Bd CHAIN |ANCHOR| SWL an TYPE | TYPE mm mm mm mm mm__|_ tonne | mm 13 16 2 ay 3 a 32 16 19 6 St 64 25 B 19 2 a 59 6 4.751 31 2 %6 36 a 83 6.51 58 26 8 4a 85 95 8st 68 2B 2 a 90. 108 9st 5 32 35 3 94 1s 12 83 35 38 37 us 133 13.51 92 38 a2 60 127 146 m 99 45 32 74 lay 178 25 126 52 58 Ba im 197 35 146 64 70 os 203 254 55t 185 16 83 127 zo | 330 85 190 0 36 146 267 381 1200 238 MINIMUM BREAKING STRENGTH =6 x SWL, (PROOF LOADED TO ILO TABLES) CREW TRAINING MANUAL crw.02.09 ROOt 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING See. OF PROJECT CARGO 142 KOMROWSKI WL WiLL Diameter of | Diameter of | Weight Guaranteed | MSL shackle pin | eye plate of breaking = only tor holes Shackle bad BL lashing - Tey] io) [mm] [mm] tka] kN] UN] 4.91 05 8 410. |: 24.6 12.3 7.36 0.75 40 12 |- 36.8 18.4 9.81 4.0 M1 43. = 49.1 24.6 14.7 45 413 45. = 73.5 36.8 19.6 2.0 16 18 04 98.0 49.0 31.9 3.25, 419 22 07 160. 80.0 46.6 475, 22 25 13 233, 417 63.8 6.5 25 28 18 319 | 160. 83.4 85 29 32 25 417 [209 93.2 95 32 35, 3.5 486 [233 118 12.0 35 38 5.0 590, 295 132 13.5 38 42 68 660. 330, 167 17.0 41 45 88 835. 418 245 25.0 54 55 14 4,225 613 343 35.0 57, 64 24 4,715 858 540 55.0 70 78 42 2,700 1,350 834 85.0 82 90 65 4170 2,085 AA77 120 95, 4105, 412 5,885 2,943 A,AT2 150) 108 118 160, 7,360 3,680 1,962 200 130. 140 235 9,810 4,905 2,453 250 140 150 285 12,265 6,133 2,943 300 150. 160 340, 44,715 7,358 3,924 400 175, 190 560. 49,620 9,810 4.905 500, 185, 200 685, 24,525 12,263, 5,886 600 205 220 880. 29,430, 14,715, 6,867 700 215 230 980. 34,335, 17,168. 7,848 800 220 240 4,100 39,240, 419,620. 8,829 900 230 250 41,280 44,145 22,073, 9,810 1,000 240 260 1,460 49,050, 24,525, Teble 1.&; Relation between shackle pin diameter / eye plate hole for Green-Pin shackles: 5 The safety factor of each single lifting provision shall not be less than four (SF = 4), calculated on basis of the worst allowed lifting arrangement. The Shipper shall, where appropriate, indicate the lifting provisions of the cargo in a drawing of sufficient scale, showing the worst allowed lifting arrangement. The strength of these provisions shall be confirmed in writing. Note: The lifting provisions, if applied in a suitable way, can also be used for securing/lashing of the heavy lift. Bedding 6 Asarule of thumb it can be stated that the heavy cargo unit should be delivered alongside ship with a footprint area as large as possible within the dimensional limits of the unit. Furthermore, this footprint should be symmetrical to the center of gravity as far as practicable. Following this, principle valuable time can be saved by finding an optimum stowage area for heavy cargo units in general, since positioning will be less critical and the risk of overstressing the ship's structure will be reduced to a minimum, Bearing in mind the high acceleration forces and healing angles of more than 30° sufficient securing/lashing should be provided. Special attention should be paid to the cargo, its substructure and the friction between the supporting area and the footprint area of the cargo. CREW TRAINING MANUAL e7M.02-00 Root BE 29 STOWAGE AND SECURING Geman ne ae OF PROJECT CARGO 15/12 KOMROWSKI 7 From the Carrier’s point of view it would perfectly match his requirements if the Shipper provides a special substructure (cradle, trestle or support) to enable straightforward bedding of the concemed cargo unit. Such resting structures must be able to safely absorb (without deformation or flexibility) suddenly applied peak loads. These loads may, by all means, rise to “Dynamic Amplification Factor” (DAF)! of 1.8 related to the gross weight of the cargo unit. Suddenly applied peak loads to the inertial forces are caused by large amplitude motions of the ship, particularly, while heavy rolling and pitching. Each of these motion types may generate high degrees of acceleration forces leading to extreme dynamic strain, either transverse and vertically, but also in longitudinal direction. Basically, common timber cradles, purpose-built to match requirements of road and rail transport, are to be considered unsuitable for oceangoing cargo ships. To overcome this problem many professional sea port terminals operate packing centers which are experienced in the design of custom-made cradles and other kinds of beddings for heavy cargo units. 'Note: The “Dynamic Amplification Factor” for a dynamic system with one degree of freedom can be approximated as the ratio ofthe suddenly applied peak loads tothe inertial force of the system that has to withstand that shock. Conr= Fyn g ‘where Cae Dynamic Amplification Factor Fae — Suddenly Applied Peak Load/Impulse [kN] m= _ Structure Mass / Gross Weight of eargo unit [mt] g Acceleration due to Gravity [m/s"] For dynamic strain the Dynamic Amplification Factor is multiplied by the static load, ie. Gross Weight x Acceleration due to Gravity, to determine how much the dynamic peak load will be. Structural computations solely using static models must include a margin at least equal to the Dynamic Amplification Factor or the structure will eventually fail under peak load. Note: The Dynamic Amplification Factor is not a safety margin! It is a measure of required strength for normal ‘operation of a dynamic system. It represents expected loads. However, since the simplified equation given here is NOT a thorough treatment of the Dynamic Amplification Factor for anything but a simple structure, itis often difficult to apply. Thus, it has become popular for engineers in some disciplines to include this factor in their “safety margin” for systems which are too complicated to model accurately but whose Dynamic Amplification Factor is empirically known to be low value. 8 The Shipper shall, where appropriate, indicate bedding areas of the cargo unit in a drawing of sufficient scale with all necessary information clearly visible. The Shipper shall confirm in writing that the substructure, i.e. cradle/trestle/support etc., has been approved for ocean transport, Securing 9 Heavy cargo units should generally be equipped with securing provisions of sufficient strength and number. For the design of the securing point arrangement following rule-of-thumb method can be applied: “The total breaking strength of all securing points should not be less than 2.8 times the weight of the unit, The arrangement of these securing points should be symmetrical to the center of gravity of the unit. The value of the total breaking strength is to be divided for portside, starboard, forward and aft into approximately 40%, 40%, 10% and 10% of (2.8 « m g) (where g = 9.81 mis?) respectively.” Note: Compared to the CSS 1994/1995 rule-of-thumb method: 40% out of factor 2.8-g equals 1.12-g as breaking strength, which, applied with a SF of two (MSL = 50% BL) gives an MSL of 50% x 1.12-g = 0.56, whicl 5.5 mist, for both port and starboard and 0.14-g, witich is 1.4 mis?, for forward and aft securing. Bearing in mind a friction coefficient of 0.3 (f= 0.3) for friction between steel and timber, which roughly means that 0.3 x = 2.9 m/s? works as counterforce against the acceleration forces, the transverse total counterforce of friction CREW TRAINING MANUAL ERE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING OF PROJECT CARGO KOMROWSKI crnvo2.09 R001 Date: 30,08 2008 16/112 and MSL adds up to 5.5 + 2.9 = 8.4 m/s? and the longitudinal counterforce adds up to 1.4 + 2.9 = 4.3 mls? which is still covered by the “basic acceleration data” obtained from the CSS 1994/1995 Advanced Calculation Method. 10 The 2002 Amendments to the "Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing” show a rule-of-thumb method which can be taken from: Ch 5.1 “The total of the MSL values of the securing devices on each side of a unit of cargo (port as well as starboard) should equal the weight of the unit (KN).” Ch5.2 “This method, which implies a transverse acceleration of 1g (9.81 m/s”), applies to nearly any size of ship, regardless of the location of stowage, stability and loading condition, season and area of operation. The method, however, takes into account neither the adverse effects of lashing angles and non-homogencous distribution of forces among the securing devices nor the favorable effect of friction.” Ch 5.3 “Transverse lashing angles to the deck should not be greater than 60° and it is important that adequate friction is provided by the use of suitable material. ‘Additional lashings at angles of greater than 60° may be desirable to prevent tipping but are not to be counted in the number of lashings und the rule-of-thumb.” 11 Each securing point of a cargo unit should have a breaking strength of not less than 200 kN. Preferably, securing points should be provided by using so-called “D-rings” which allow for lashings up to a breaking strength of 490 - 500 KN (80 t). They are designed to take up forces from almost all directions and overcome the main disadvantage of lifting lugs made from steel plates and or eye plates which usually can only take up forces in the plane of the plate itself. By using a shackle and a symmetrical lashing arrangement the applied lashing force can be increased, but the collective force of this arrangement is still to be kept in the plane of the lashing plate, since otherwise the lashing plate will bend under extreme circumstances, with all its consequences. Note: ‘The breaking strength of securing points and their positions shall be confirmed by the Shipper in writing. 12 The determination of MSL from breaking strength BL is mentioned in the 2002 Amendments to the “Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing”: Ch 4.2:“Safe Working Load (SWL) may be substituted for MSL for scouring purposes, provided this is equal to or exceeds the strength defined by MSL.” The MSLs for different securing devices are give in table 1 (of CSS-Code, see following table) if not under 4.3 of CSS: Material MSL ‘shackles, rings, deckeyes, turnbuckles of mild steal ‘50% of breaking strength fiber ropes 33% of breaking strengih ‘web lashings: 50% of breaking strength ‘wire ropes (single use) 80% of breaking strength wire ropes (re-useable) 30% of breaking strength ‘steel band (single use) 70% of breaking strength lashing chains ‘50% of breaking strength “The MSL of timber should be taken as 0.3 KN/om? normal to the grain.” CREW TRAINING MANUAL CTM-02-09 R001 RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 30.05.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO rir KOMROWSKI Ch43 “For particular securing devices (eg. fiber straps with tensioners or special equipment for securing containers), a permissible working load may be prescribed and marked by authority. This should be taken as the MSL.” Ch4.4 “When the components of a lashing device are connected in series (for example, a wire to a shackle to a deckeye), the minimum MSL in the series shall apply to that device.” Note: Ifa cettified shackle is used in an eye plate in connection with certified lashing gear and certified lashing wire, special attention must be paid to the BL and MSL of the eye plate. For this reason the Shipper shall provide documents that specify the breaking strength of securing points ofthe cargo. 13 If there are no securing points on the cargo unit, securing should be done by using half loops and/or head loops of wire rope or lashing chain (see figure 2.3.10 and 2.3.11). In this case the Shipper shall indicate in a drawing of sufficient scale or by clear marking on the unit where such oops can be applied. 14 The appropriate design of a vulnerable project cargo unit should include an “imaginary lashing point area” around the unit. This area should accommodate the securing points, preferably D-rings which are available in standardized sizes. This strong imaginary belt should be at about 40% of the height of the unit in its transportation position, but not higher than 2 meters. With such a distribution of securing elements of similar material and length, a “uniform elastic behavior” within the lashing arrangement can be provided according to the CSS. Wooden cases as well as GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester) boxes could be provided with a steel belt or steel reinforcements with D- rings attached to match such an arrangement. 15 Additionally, an appropriate design should include a framing which allows for adequate shoring (use of timber beams), welded stoppers and/or lashing. The use of flat timber, plywood, soft boards, rubber mats and/or timber beams not only provides friction against _Fig. 1.7: "Strong belt” and “strong foot" for lashing end shoring sliding, but also levels out small differences in height with the effect of a uniformly distributed weight of the heavy cargo unit transferred into the ship's structure. For this reason the design of the framing should consider the “permissible surface load” of the tanktop, the tweendeck and/or tweendeck panel for cargo without deck option. For cargo with deck option the “deck load” of the hatchcover panels should be taken. For the lower hold and tweendeck, shoring/chocking and/or use of welded stoppers is preferred but does not prevent tipping. D-rings and/or eye plates are absolutely essential if no wires can be slung around the cargo. ‘CREW TRAINING MANUAL (CTM02-09 ROOT BES 29 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 30.05.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 12 KOMROWSKI 16 Also special attention must be paid to the system of securing. For example, considering securing in transverse direction, a combination of rigid and flexible securing like welded stoppers and steel wire should be avoided at all times. Since always the most rigid securing device, in this case the welded stoppers, will take over the entire horizontal load, they should be calculated as such. I this case the main function of the lashings is to prevent tipping. The remaining advantage of the flexible lashings is the increased pressure out of the vertical component (F,) of the lashing force which results in a higher pressure and subsequently higher friction resistance. 17 The Shipper shall provide a drawing of sufficient scale with information on all necessary securing provisions. It is paramount that the overall dimensions include all protrusions like lifting provisions, protection casings, packaging, guard rails etc. in order to enable proper planning of the heavy-lift operation and stowage (see figure 1.8). 18 The Shipper shall check and take care that, if heavy cargo unit is provided with a hydraulic system, all parts of this hydraulic equipment are protected with adequate packaging. He should always bear in mind that contact with oily products will reduce friction to a minimum which can end up in a disaster. Note: Especially in case of heavy cargo units that have been partly dismantled for transport, the Shipper shall take all measures to close hydraulic systems or any other parts of the cargo in order to prevent oily products leaking from the cargo when the ship heels over in heavy seas. The Ship’s Management should at all times pay very special attention to lifting, stowage and securing of such units to avoid problems in heavy weather. If oily products are spilled on the stowage area and lashings break away due to a reduction of friction resistance, there is no more chance of replacing broken lashings when the ship is rolling. On supply vessels, for example, where contact with oily products is inevitable, a friction coefficient of zero (f= 0) is stipulated, resulting in stoppers or lashings capable of bearing the full acceleration forces of the heavy cargo unit. mags = 82 9 breaking load of lifting fitings ® = 100 teach centre of gravy : breaking sirenath of lashing E rings = 450 kN each Seslpent seale; 1:100 SIDE VIEW — tig tings — ® 2G aon ab 5.950 m Fig. 1.8 Sample scale drawing containing information required from the Shipper Date: 30.05.2006, CREW TRAINING MANUAL ‘crM02-09 ROOT RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING OF PROJECT CARGO 19/112 KOMROWSKI 1.5 Categorization of heavy cargo units 1.5.1. Category A cargo units 1 This category includes heavy and compact units with integrated lifting provisions, standing upright on their base structure, with a solid surface and generating high deck loads. Examples are transformers and generators. Lifting of these units will usually be performed by methods (a), (b), (4) or (¢) according to chapter 2.1 of this Standard, 2 Drawings of the unit are required showing side, front and top view. The scale should be such that all important information, with emphasis on the lifting provisions and the footprint, can be taken from the drawing, The position of the center of gravity (CG) of the unit should be given, showing dimensions in x, y and z-axis. 3 The Shipper shall also provide a drawing showing the suitability of the lifting provisions for securing the cargo. Whether these lifting points can be used for securing may depend on the direction of stowage onboard of the ship. 4 If the lifting provisions are not suitable for securing/lashing the cargo, a sufficient number of securing points on the cargo unit should be provided as described in chapter 1.4 of this Standard, 5 The Shipper shall provide documents that specify the breaking strength of lifting and securing points of the cargo. If any provision of the cargo unit is not intended for securing but can also be used for securing due to its strength, this should be clearly advised by the Shipper in writing as well. Fig. 1.9 discharging heavy lift equipment ‘CREW TRAINING MANUAL (CTM-02-09 R001 BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING tee 008-200 OF PROJECT CARGO 20/112 KOMROWSKI Fig, 1.11Preparation at pier to receive heavy oversized cargo Fig, 1.10 Oversized cargo in length of 55 meter and weight of 150 ton is discharged 1.5.2 Category B cargo units 1 This category includes large and heavy units which will be transported horizontally, not resting on their base, with a soft or only partially rigid surface and sometimes without any lifting and/or securing provisions. Examples are columns for the chemical industry and pressure vessels of all kind, Lifting of these units will usually be performed by using lifting slings or belt slings according to methods (©), ©, (2) oF (h) as shown in chapter 2.1 of this Standard. 2 Drawings of the unit are required showing side, front and top view. The scale should be such that all important information, with emphasis on the lifting provisions and the saddles/bedding areas, can be taken from the drawing. The Shipper shall provide the position of the center of gravity (CG) of the unit, showing 7. > dimensions in x, y and z-axis. 3 __ If the unit is fitted with securing points, their total breaking strength should be not less than 2.8 times the ‘weight of the unit and their position should be, if possible, evenly distributed and symmetrical to the center of gravity (CG) of the unit as lined out in chapter 1.4.9 of this Standard. 4 If this cannot be achieved due to the specific nature of the cargo unit, the Shipper shall indicate areas in the Fig. 1.12 Project cargo with oversized drawings where half-loop lashings made of wire rope ot Units upto 55 meter length chain should be attached. If possible, these areas should be evenly distributed along the length of the unit and symmetrical to the center of gravity. CREW TRAINING MANUAL cTw-02.09 ROO1 EI 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Basten as208 OF PROJECT CARGO 22 KOMROWSKI 5 The Shipper shall provide documents that specify the breaking strength of lifting and securing points of the cargo. If any provision of the cargo unit is not intended for securing but can also be used for securing due to its strength, this should be clearly advised by the Shipper in writing as well. 6 The Shipper shall also provide documents that specify the breaking/design strength of the steel/ wooden cradies in horizontal and vertical direction. 1.5.3 Category C cargo units 1 This category includes heavy and open steel structures with lifting and securing provisions and a defined bedding area along the supporting structure. Examples are prefabricated structures like economizers and condensers. in steel framing for industrial plants, power stations etc. Lifting of these units will usually be performed by using lifting slings or belt slings according to methods (a), (b), (d) or (e) as shown in chapter 2.1 of this Standard. Sida — Se & Fig. 1.14 Category C units stowed in the lower hold 2 Drawings of the unit are required showing side, front and top view. The scale should be such that all important information, with emphasis on the lifting provisions, diameters of the holes if any, the footprint and securing points, can be taken from the drawing. The Shipper shall provide the position of the center of gravity (CG) of the unit, showing dimensions in x, y and z-axis. The relation between the diameter of the hole of each single lifting provision and the size of the respective shackle can be taken from table 1.1 or 1.2 of chapter 1.4 of this Standard, 3 The safety factor of each single lifting provision shall not be less than factor four (SF = 4) calculated on basis of the worst allowed lifting arrangement. The Shipper shall, where appropriate, indicate the lifting provisions of the cargo in a scale drawing showing the worst allowed lifting arrangement. The strength of these provisions shall be confirmed in writing. 4 The total breaking strength of the securing points of the cargo unit should be not less than 2.8 times the weight of the unit and their position should be, if possible, symmetrical to the center of gravity (CG) of the unit as outlined in chapter 1.4.9 of this Standard. Each securing point should have a strength of not less than 200 kN. CREW TRAINING MANUAL CTM-02-09 ROO1 BES 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 3005:2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 4a KOMROWSKI Nothing in this Standard shall be construed to be in contradiction to the approved Cargo Securing Manual of the particular vessel. If in doubt, the instruction providing the higher level of safety shall be adhered to. Any relevant contribution, suggestion, comment, information and advice is highly appreciated. Komrowski, therefore, welcomes comments and recommendations for improving this reference. Readers are requested to send their proposals by letter or email to: Komrowski Befrachtungskontor KG (GmbH & Co.) Technical Department Montanhof Kattrepel 2 20095 Hamburg CREW TRAINING MANUAL cTNM.02-08 Root RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date 0.05 2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 22/112 KOMROWSKI 5 Because of the nature of the framing, transverse sliding can be prevented by using flat timber or plywood for friction resistance and by using timber beams against the framing for shoring/chocking of the unit, or alternatively by welding stoppers if feasible (see chapter 2.3 of this Standard). 6 If securing points consist of eye plates or similar fittings the diameter of the eyes should not be less than provided in table 1.2 of this Standard. The Shipper shall provide documents that specify the breaking strength of lifting and securing points of the cargo. 1.5.4 Category D cargo units 1 This category includes vulnerable and heavy units without special lifting provisions. Lifting areas are generally marked on the unit. The units are covered with a comparatively light metal or wooden casing. Examples are wooden cases and cable drums, There are generally no securing points. Lifting will be performed by one of the loop methods defined in chapter 2.1 of this Standard unless there are special lifting provisions accessible through apertures in the outer casing, _FIg- 1.15: Category D unit without securing points 2 A scale drawing is generally not required, but the Shipper’s documents shall include the length, breadth and height of the unit as well as the gross mass and the position of the center of gravity (CG) of the unit, showing dimensions in x, y and z-axis. The Shipper shall also declare in writing that the cargo inside the casing is solidly bolted or otherwise connected to the bottom platform or other framework of the unit 3 It is absolutely vital that the intended positions of a\ lifting slings or apertures that provide access to lifting 4 points are clearly marked on the unit. This applies also for lifting devices, e.g. for lifting of cable drums, if advised. The breaking strength of the lifting arrangement shall be not less than four times the weight of the unit (SF = 4), paying special attention to any diagonal direction of chain, wire rope and shackles, which increases the load on the lifting gear considerably. The Shipper shall provide documents that specify the breaking strength of the lifting arrangement/equipment. 4 The bedding of wooden cases does normally not require special information from the shipper. Heavy cable drums should be provided with a steel structure able to take m4 acceleration forces and wide enough in order to match the _ Fig. 1.16 Cargo without securing points deck load of the stowage area. CREW TRAINING MANUAL CTM-02-09 R001 RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Dat: 30.08.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 23112 KOMROWSKI 5 Securing of such units can be difficult if they are not stowed in a tight cross-stowage pattern. ‘The Shipper should state in his document if the structural strength of the outer casing of the unit is suitable for securing by head loops assuming a securing force to each side of 50% of the weight of the unit. This is particularly important if the unit shall be shipped on deck, where in this case additional dumnage, e.g. flat timber, rubber mats or plywood, for friction resistance is indispensable. Alternatively to the head loops transverse forces should be compensated by using timber beams for shoring/chocking or welded stoppers at the bottom platform/framework of the unit. 4.5.5 Category E cargo units 1 This category includes unpacked and imegular shaped cargo units of moderate weight without specific bedding areas and without specific lifting provisions or securing points. Examples are structures parts like crane booms and lattice girders. Lifting of these units will usually be performed by using one of the loop methods (c), (£) or (h) as shown in chapter 2.1 of this Standard. 2 A scale drawing is generally not required unless the overall shape of the unit deviates considerably from a block shape or if there are special demands for lifting, bedding and securing. As 2 minimum the Shipper’s documents shall include the length, breadth and height of the unit as well as the gross mass and the position of the center of gravity (CG) of the unit, showing dimensions in x, yand z-axis. 3 Bedding of the unit may require dunnage like flat timber or timber beams. In order not to overstress the ship's structure this should preferably be positioned on strong points within the ship's structure like main girders of the double bottom (tanktop), tweendeck, tweendeck panels or hatchcover panels or also on bulkheads. 4 Securing of the unit will generally be possible by means of wire rope lashings around parts of the cargo unit or by using half-loop wire rope lashings. Upon releasing cargo description the Shipper shall confirm this method of securing in writing or advise an alternative method, «g. welding stoppers to prevent sliding in combination with minor diagonal securing against tipping. 1.5.6 Category F cargo units 1 This category includes vehicles on rubber wheels, steel tracks or steel wheels with or without defined lifting provisions and without defined securing points. Lifting will generally be performed by one of the methods defined in chapter 2.1 of this Standard or a combination of these methods, where in addition special lifting spreaders may be necessary. CREW TRAINING MANUAL (CTM-02-09 R001 Rg 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 30.08.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 24/112 KOMROWSKI 2 A seale drawing is generally not required unless the overall shape of the unit deviates considerably from a block shape or if there are special demands for lifting and securing. As a minimum the Shipper's documents shall include the length, breadth and height of the unit, the gross mass and the position of the lifting provisions or slinging areas as well as securing points and/or strong areas where half-loop securing should be applied. The Shipper shall provide documents that specify the breaking strength of lifting and securing points on the vehicle. 3 With regard to bedding needs, generally, no problems are to be expected. Some vehicles, e.g. rail-cars, may require additional supports. The same principles for securing wheeled vehicles are used when securing tracked vehicles, ¢.g. excavators, bulldozers, tanks etc. One exception that responsible personne! must remember is that a double layer dunnage floor must be laid. When _ laying the dunnage floor, tie-down fittings are to be Kept clear so that lashing will be possible thereafter. For main battle tanks (MBT) and other heavy tracked vehicles, timbers of no less than 20 — x 20 em (8 x 8 in.) should be used for effective RD chocking. Information on bedding is normally not required fiom the Shipper. Fig. 1.19 loading of locomotives. 4 Some types of vehicles like busses, where half-loop lashings are prohibited, may be difficult to secure against tipping through lack of securing points at the upper part of the body and the absence of a provision to stabilize the upper body. Here, inflatable bags in combination with anti-chafing pads for surface protection should be applied if the cargo is placed alongside the ship's structure or any kind of plane and rigid cargo. Upon release of cargo details the Shipper shall confirm this securing method in writing. 1.5.7 Category G cargo units 1 This category includes all types of water atest GEES aapisst craft. Typical for these units is a vulnerable hull Ag AOL OR ERCP no ee surface and a limited amount of deck fittings with more or less limited breaking strength. Lifting of these units is generally performed by using one of the methods (4), (g) or (h) as shown in chapter 2.1 of this Standard CREW TRAINING MANUAL ‘c7M.02-08 Root RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Dale OLS OF PROJECT CARGO 25/112 Ey, KOMROWSKI 2 Drawings of the unit are required showing side, front and top view. The scale should be such that all important information, with emphasis on the lifting provisions or lifting areas where wire slings or fiber belts are to be used and the bedding areas of the attached cradles, can be taken from the drawing. The Shipper shall provide the position of the center of gravity (CG) of the unit, showing dimensions in x, y and z-axis as well as a drawing showing the position of | suitable securing points at deck level of the ‘water craft or elsewhere at the hull 3. In addition, the Shipper shall state any Fig. 1.21 Finished motor boat ready for loading precautionary measures with regard to the vulnerable surface of the hull, deck edges and/or hawses. The overall breaking strength of the securing points at deck level of the water craft shall not be less than 1.4 times its unit weight if no solid cradle is provided. This figure assumes that about half of the number of transverse lashings is guided from the deck edge under the keel to the other side and vice versa. The application of half loops with appropriate edge protection may be a suitable alternative. 4 If the Shipper delivers the cargo with a solid cradle which reaches well up the side of the water craft in order to sustain horizontal acceleration forces of 0.8 times the unit weight of this eraft without danger for its hull structure, in this case a pure vertical securing of the craft of 0.4 times its unit weight shall be sufficient, For the cradle this means that the total breaking strength of all securing points shall not be less than 2.8 times the unit weight, consisting of the weight of the water craft added with that of the cradle. The arrangement of these securing points should be symmetrical to the center of gravity of the water craft. The value of the total breaking strength is to be divided for portside, starboard, forward and aft into approximately 40%, 40%, 10% and 10% of 2.8 times 5 The Shipper shall provide documents that specify the breaking strength of lifting and securing points of the water craft and those on the cradle. Fig. 1.22: Gantry era for a ship yard as category H unit CREW TRAINING MANUAL, (CTM.02-08 ROOt E. RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Deter 0,06: 2008: OF PROJECT CARGO 26/112 KOMROWSKI 1.5.8 Category H cargo units 1 This category includes ultra large and 4 particularly high units which must be loaded on top of yi the hatchcover panels, They may exceed the stowage evel “on deck high” as stipulated in the Annex 13 to is the CSS. Examples are gantry cranes and container bridges, e.g. RTGs (rubber-tired gantry cranes). Bedding areas are irregular, usually small and may need special steel structures to match the main girders of the hatchcovers or the deck structure. Lifting is generally performed by a special arrangement according to the nature of the unit. 2 Drawings of the unit are required showing side, front and top view. The scale should be such that all Fig. 1.23 Loading of a gantry crane important information, with emphasis on the lifting provisions or lifting areas where wires or fiber belts are to be used and the bedding areas can be taken from the drawing. The Shipper shall provide the position of the center of gravity (CG) of the unit, showing dimensions in x, y and z-axis. 3 If the cargo unit is provided with securing points, their total breaking strength shall be not less than 3.4 times the weight of the unit and their arrangement should be evenly distributed and symmetrical to the center of gravity. The value of the total breaking strength is to be divided for portside, starboard, forward and aft into approximately 40%, 40%, 10% and 10% of 3.4 times "g” respectively as outlined in chapter 1.4 of this Standard, 4 IE, because of the specific nature of the cargo, the above mentioned securing cannot be achieved, the Shipper shall provide drawings which show areas where half-loop lashings of wire rope or chain should be used. Their arrangement should be evenly distributed and symmetrical to the center of gravity. 5 The Shipper shall provide documents that specify the breaking strength of lifting and securing : points of the cargo. If any provision of the cargo unit [a= is not intended for securing but can also be used for Fig. 1.24: Lifting of 337-t diesel engine securing due to its strength, this should be clearly bottom section as category A unit advised by the Shipper in writing as well, CREW TRAINING MANUAL cTn02-00 R01 BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Deer ompalie: OF PROJECT CARGO 27012 KOMROWSKI 6 The Shipper shall undertake all necessary precautions for safe access of all securing points. Because of the nature of the cargo, lashing points against tipping may be required at the upper level of the cargo, which can be in a height of more than 20 m (for your information, this equals a seven- storied building). Fig, 1.25 loading of a diesel engine 2. Standards for Lifting, Bedding and Securing 2.1 Lifting 2.1.1 Basic methods 1 This Standard distinguishes between the following basic methods of lifting heavy cargo units: (a) single-hook lift with slings/grommets/chains connected to the cargo unit by shackles (spreaders not required) (b) single-hook or two-crane lift with slings/grommets/chains directly connected to lifting provisions attached to the cargo unit (spreaders not required) (©) single-hook or two-crane lift with slings/grommets/chains slung under the cargo unit (spreader not required) (@) single-hook or two-crane lift with one or more spreaders using slings/grommets connected to the cargo unit by shackles (©) single-hook or two-crane lift with one or more spreaders using slings/grommets directly con- nected to lifting provisions attached to the cargo unit (®._single-hook or two-crane lift with one or more spreaders using slings/grommets slung under the cargo unit (g)_single-hook or two-crane lift with two or more spreaders using multiple lifting belts or fiber belts slung under the cargo unit (h) single-hook lift with or without spreaders using fiber belts or multiple lifting belts slung under the cargo unit As a service to our customers, Rickmers-Linie provides calculations necessary for lifting heavy cargo units, using our specialized calculation programs for lifting arrangements of the above- mentioned methods. Clients are, therefore, kindly requested to contact the nearest Cargo Operations Center of Rickmers-Linie or to call one of the assigned Cargo Superintendents. Method A Fig, 2.1.1: Lifting methods (a) and (b) CREW TRAINING MANUAL CT™M.02-09 ROOT BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 20.08.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 28/112 KOMROWSKI Method F Fig. 2.1.3: Lifting methods (e) and (f) Fig. 2.4 3a: Lifting methods (g) and (h) 2 Special attention should be paid to lifting equipment when it becomes necessary to ascertain size and strength. In order not to damage the equipment, when there is no other altemative as to lead them around sharp corners, suitable corner protectors should be used or the use of chain should be CREW TRAINING MANUAL 71.02.09 R001 BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING abr a0-oaics OF PROJECT CARGO 29/12 KOMROWSKI considered. For lifting equipment the safety factor (SF) is generally 4 against the breaking strength (BL). For wire rope slings, however, the SF-value depends on the SWL of the rope as shown in the following table (reference: Germanischer Lloyd): SWL[kN] [100 [200 [300 [400 [500 [e00 [700 [600 [900 [1000 SF 600 [574 [551 (530 |510 [491 [474 [458 [443 [4.20 BLkN]__| 600 | 1140 | 1650 | 2120 | 2550 | 2940 [3320 | 3660__| 3990 | 4200 Table 2.1.1: Safety factors of lifting slings Note: It should be verified that lifting equipment is marked and its certificates are on board or have been provided by the Shipper. 2.1.2. Lifting material 3 The lifting equipment on board of ships chartered and/or owned by Rickmers-Linie may vary due to the individual supply for heavy-lift operations of cargo cartied out in the past. Necessary lifting equipment for the heavy-lift operation, which is not on board of the vessel planned for transportation, will be supplied. This equipment mainly consists of: ‘wire rope lifting slings ‘endless wire rope slings, also known as grommets + wire rope belts « synthetic endless fiber slings, also known as soft slings « synthetic belts ‘* multiple-belt self-adapting lifting arrangements for water craft etc. «shackles ‘edge protectors and other special equipment spreaders 4 The lifting equipment on board of vessels chartered and/or owned by Rickmers-Linie should be inspected thoroughly each time before and after use. Grommets and wire belts should be preserved with seawater resistant conservation grease (e.g. wire rope grease) at suitable intervals to avoid corrosion. Same applies for the thread of the shackles and their bolts. After contact with seawater synthetic fiber lifting gear should be cleaned on deck with plenty of fresh water, simply using the fire hose, 5 _ Wire slings must be sorted out if, at a length of 8 times the wire diameter, more than 10% of the single wires are visibly broken, Shackles must be sorted out if the diameter of the yoke or the bolt is locally reduced by 10% from abrasion or visibly deformed. After being sorted out this material should be disposed at a scrap yard of which a receipt is required to be kept on board. Simultaneously, Rickmers-Linie is to be informed in order to update the on-board stock of heavy- lift equipment, Disposal of such material overboard is not permitted by Rickmers-Linie. 6 The stock of heavy-lift equipment will stay on board as long as the vessel is chartered by Rickmers-Linie, On demand, equipment should be given ashore in order to be used on board of other vessels chartered and/or owned by Rickmers-Linie. Chartered vessels are obliged to retum lifting equipment to Rickmers-Linie in coordination with the Company's representative upon completion of the voyage or charter period. CREW TRAINING MANUAL cT02.09 Root 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING De AE OF PROJECT CARGO 30/112 KOMROWSKI 2.4.3. Safe lifting procedures 1 The breaking strength of the lifting arrangement shall be not less than four times the weight of the unit (SF = 4), paying special attention to any diagonal direction of chain, wire rope and shackles, which increases the load on the lifting gear considerably. A suitable sketch should be made to calculate this deviation angle of parts of the arrangement. In the case of a symmetrical lifting arrangement with usual four identical lifting slings it can be assumed that the load is evenly distributed to all 4 slings. The load per sling is then calculated with the following formula: Load per sling = W / (4- cosy) where = deviation angle [2°] of sling/grommet from the vertical W=m:g where W =weight [KN] of cargo unit m= gross mass [t] of the cargo unit g=9.81 [m/s] (gravity) (to estimate the force in metric tons, the unit weight W should be taken in [t]) Example: mass of cargo unit = 136 t => weight W = 136 - 9.81 = 1,334 KN number of slings = 4 deviation angle y= 30° => load per sling = 1,334 / (4 - cos 30°) = 385 KN( 39.3 t) 2 The calculated load per sling should not exceed the WLL (SWL) of any sling/grommet/chain or shackle used in the lifting arrangement. Ifa single-wire-rope sling is bent around a shackle or a bolt of a heavy-lift spreader the reduction of strength due to the bend should be taken into account in the lifting calculation (refer to chapter 2.3 and table 2.3.2 of this Standard). In order not to damage a grommet, the remaining deformation caused by previous heavy-lift operations should only be used at shackles and bolts of spreaders. Fig, 2.1.3b: Lifting angle y 3. Incase of an asymmetrical lifting arrangement the required individual length of lifting slings should be determined for which a more sophisticated calculation will be necessary. In order to overcome difficulties of shippers with such calculation methods, Rickmers-Linie provides calculations as a service to their customers, using their specialized calculation programs for lifting arrangements. Clients are, therefore, kindly requested to contact the nearest Cargo Operation Center of the Rickmers-Linie or to call one of the assigned Cargo Superintendents. CREW TRAINING MANUAL (CTM02-09 ROO EI 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 30.08.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 3yi2 KOMROWSKI 4 — Single-wire-rope slings and grommets shall never be used in the form of running straps when lifting a heavy cargo unit (see figure 2.1.3c). These slings shall either be used directly on the hook of the lifting tackle or on a bolt of a heavy-lift spreader or fastened with a shackle, Heavy-lift hooks shall be greased to allow the grommets to settle smoothly into position in the tightening phase prior to lifting. If a lifting tackle is provided with a combined hook with one smaller pair of hooks for slings, belts or smaller grommets and one pair of hooks for the main hoist, the latter shall be greased. } Fig. 2.1.3c: Non-permissible lifting of heavy units by running straps 5 Stacked cargo (Timber beams, pipes, ete.) shall only be lifted together if all parts are of similar dimension. Parts of different dimension could easily slip out and fall down. Fig. 2.1.36 CREW TRAINING MANUAL c7M.02-09 Root RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Dee OF PROJECT CARGO Su2 KOMROWSKI 1. Pre-Shipment Information for Shippers and Agents 1.1. Physical dynamics acting on ships in a seaway 1 Despite on-board and on-shore technologies ships will encounter wind and waves. Depending on the wind force and sea state the ship will react with motions. Figure 1.2 shows six possible freedoms of motion, which can be divided into rotation and linear motions, all of which will produce acceleration forces acting on cargo stowed in the ship's hold and/or on the weather deck. 2 Im heavy weather or strong swell rolling angles of 30° or even more may be experienced. Pitching and heaving on the other hand will mainly occur in head seas Fig. 1.1: Heavy seas and effects may be amplified by so-called "slamming" erage te heave away “Surge Figure 1.2: Six freedoms of motion 3 Although the ship's management is trained and advised to reduce these motions in heavy seas by choosing a suitable course and speed, there is a certain range of such accelerations considered inevitable. Values have been laid down by the IMO (Intemational Maritime Organization) as intemational standard (see also IMO “2002 Amendments to the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing”, table 2 - Basic Acceleration Data). On the one hand this calls for special attention to stowage, securing and lashing to meet IMO-requirements, on the other hand it is important that shippers provide cargo ready-made for ocean transport, with adequate packaging and sufficient lashing provisions to enable securing and lashing to standard. 4 Acceleration forces can be estimated by using the calculation methods mentioned in the IMO “Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing” (CSS) and its 2002 Amendments. Under the terms of these methods forces are determined from the mass of the cargo and the "basic acceleration data" depending on stowage position of cargo on board. CREW TRAINING MANUAL e7M-02-09 R001 RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Drea OF PROJECT CARGO 32/112 KOMROWSKI 2.1.4 Stability Changes - Heavy Lifts ‘Once a heavy lift is taken up by a crane or derrick, the Centre of Gravity of the load is deemed to act from the head of that derrick or crane jib. When calculating the ship’s stability criteria, this assumption is, for all intents and purpose, like loading a weight above the ship’s Centre of Gravity. ‘When a weight is loaded on board the vessel, a movement of the ship's G will be expected. This ‘movement (GG), will be in a direction towards the weight being loaded. It therefore follows that, ‘once a weight is lifted and that weight effectively acts from the head of the derrick, the ship's position of “G” will move upwards towards this point of action. ‘The outcome of lifting the load and causing an upward movement of G is to cause G to move towards M (the Metacentre). This action would be to affect a reduction in the ship’s GM Value (GM = Metacentric Height). 1. Condition 1, shows the reflective positions of ‘M, the Metacentre, G, the ship's Centre of Gravity, and K, the position of the keel, with the vessel in an upright aspect. Once the weight of the load is taken by the ship's derrick, chief officers . possibly \T TT should appreciate that the ship's “G” will rise towards even rising above “M”, causing an unstable condition. It would, x therefore, make sense to lower the posi mn of “G”, in anticipation of the Figure rising “G”, prior to a heavy lift being made, 2. Condition 2, the vessel is still in the Upright, but the double o Lod Figure bottom tanks have been filled, adding weight below “G”, This action causes “G” to move down and generates an increase in the ship's GM. value. 3 Figure Condition 3, where the derrick lifts the load on the centre line of the vessel would cause “G” to move upwards, towards the new G! position (vessel stays in the upright), Double bottoms full and pressed up, eliminating any possibility of Free Surface effects. CREW TRAINING MANUAL CTM-02-09 ROO1 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING PES Ae OF PROJECT CARGO 33/112 KOMROWSKI Condition 4, where the derrick and the load is swung over side, causing the vessel to heel over to 6. Figure Figure The Chief Officer would normally be charged with the task of ascertaining the maximum angle of heel, that would affeet the vessel during the period of lifting. If the GM can be increased before the lift takes place, i.e. by filling double bottom tanks, the angle of heel can be seen to be less. M M I GM, Large — i = Large GM, small hheel angle © heel angle Gi IG Gy G Fig. CREW TRAINING MANUAL crmo208 Root BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Deco geus OF PROJECT CARGO 34/112 KOMROWSKI Movement of the Centre of Buoyancy “B” When the weight is being lifted overside, either in a loading or discharging situation, the vessel will experience an angle of heel. This angle of heel will effectively increase the “Waterplane Area” of the ship causing a shift in the position of “B”. A “Righting Couple” is generated, which will increase if the vessel continues to list further towards the quay. To this end, some designated heavy lift ships have deployed a tracked, water tank, to the offshore side of the ship. Once lowered on the tracks, this tank is allowed to fill with water, as the is lowered past the waterline. This action effectively increases the ship's water plane area, thereby increasing the righting couple established from the shift of the Centre of Buoyancy “B” As the position of “B” is defined as the geometric centre of the underwater volume, it should be realised that if the ship is inclined, for any reason, the underwater volume will change and “B” will move off the ship’s Centre Line, towards the low side, to a new position of the new Centre of Buoyancy “B™, The underwater volume being the same size, but of a different shape. Vessel Upright Water Line Centre of ] =: Vessel Inclined Centre of | Buoyaney B | New Centre of | Buoyaney 8 Figure CREW TRAINING MANUAL CTM-02-08 R001 RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 3005-2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 35/112 KOMROWSKI Shipboard Stability Examples Loading/Discharging/Moving - Heavy Lifts Ex. 1. A bulldozer weighing 50 tonnes is to be loaded on deck at a Kg of 10.2 metres, and in a position off the ship's centre line of 9.0 m to starboard. ‘The KG of the ship prior to loading this weight was 6.7 m, and the displacement of the vessel was 7,400 tonnes. If the final KM is 7.3 m, determine the final list that the vessel will take. Ans., Transverse GG" wxd Final Transversegg' GM Ans., TransverseGG' = Tan9? = wed WxGM Therfore? = __30%9 7,450xGM VerticalGG' = = 0.023m Ww 7,450 NewKG = 6.7 +0.023 = 6.723m NewGM = 7.3-6.723 = 0.577m 50x90 7,450x0.577 10468 °FinalList TherforeTan6? = a Key: W=displacement. w= added small weight. Kg= Kgof added weight. KG= KG of the ship KM = distance between ship's keel (K)and Metacentre (M) D= distance off centre line of ship. °= angle of list. CREW TRAINING MANUAL eT.02-00 R001 RS 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING ‘ames aa.oszznne: OF PROJECT CARGO 36/112 KOMROWSKI Ex. 2. A vessel of 6,000 tonnes displacement and KG 8.2m with a GM of 0.82m. The ship, which has a beam of 16.4m, loses a deck cargo load of 80 tonnes (Kg 12.4m) and C of G, 3.2m, over the side rails. Calculate the resulting angle of list. Ans., ‘Weight KG Vert Moment Dist from C/L ‘Transverse Moment 6000 82 2200 @ = -80 [12.4 992 (5.0 400 5,920 48,208 | 400 ThereforeFinaix.g = TetatVerticalMoments TransverseGG = 2. TotalWeight 5,920 ‘a 48,208 = 0.0676m 5,920 =8.143m, Tange = Transverse" GM GM = KM ~ KG(8.2+0.82)-8.143 = 0.877m Tang? = 9576 0.877 @ 4° Resulting angle of list. CREW TRAINING MANUAL ‘CTM.02-09 ROO1 RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Dems 20, s ae OF PROJECT CARGO 3712 KOMROWSKI 2.2 Bedding 2.2.1 Principles 1 The general purpose of bedding of heavy cargo units on board is, primarily, to meet all requirements specified by the ship's deck structure and, on the other hand, to ensure a reliable arrangement for the implementation of the regulations concerning securing. Furthermore, the bedding should provide a high friction force between the cargo and the ship's deck to prevent excessive lashing in order to overcome lack of friction resistance, causing loss of time and money. While planning the stowage position of the heavy lift unit, special attention must be paid to the location and direction of the bottom or deck frames and main girders of the intended stowage area. 2.2.2 Definition of primary and secondary members 1 Frames, usually positioned equidistant from each other, are used to give stiffness and strength to any plating of the ship's hull, i. the shell plating, double bottom and double sides, the decks, but also the tweendeck panels and hatchcovers. The frame spacing is usually between 600 and 900 mm and depends on the size and type of the ship. 2 Imorder to transfer the surface load on this plate field into the ship’s structure there are huge girders, called longitudinal girders or web frames, crossing and replacing frames at regular distances depending on their orientation. Because of their function these girders are called “primary members” and the frames welded to the plating “secondary members”. These primary members are connected among each other, supported by the ship's main structure like double bottom, double side, decks and hatch coaming structure, which in turn are supported by the bulkheads. 3 Within the double bottom structure, primary and secondary members can also be found. Primary members are called “center girder”, “side girder” and “solid floor”, depending on their position and orientation. 4 Secondary members of the double bottom and weather deck are mostly set up in the ship's longitudinal direction and are called “longitudinal frames”. In case of transverse framing of the double bottom, the structural arrangement with frames is called “open floor” which can be found at cach frame spacing between the solid floors. In the tweendecks and in the tweendeck panels as well as the hatchcovers, these frames are called “transverse frames”. 2.2.3 Definition of effective load area of primary and secondary members 1 If such a steel structure is designed to withstand a force or to carry a load spread over its surface, each primary and secondary member will carry only a part of the total force related to the size of its effective load carrying surface. This surface extends, on both sides of the member, up to halfway the distance of the same type of member right next to it and stops at the ends where the member is supported. 2 For frames this means two times half the frame spacing, which equals the frame spacing. The effective load area is defined by its width multiplied with the unsupported length of this secondary member. CREW TRAINING MANUAL crm-02.09 R001 BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Dagens OF PROJECT CARGO 38/112 KOMROWSKI 3 For primary members this means two times half the spacing between them, which equals the initial spacing between each web frame, longitudinal girder or solid floor. The effective load area is defined by its width multiplied with the unsupported length of this primary member. Note: Primary members in the direction of the framing can be considered as frames passing on their load to primary members which cross the framing and the framing-oriented gitders, whereas the frame-crossing girders are equidistantly supported by the framing-oriented girders and/or main ship's structure. This is done to reduce the unsupported length, thus size of the primary member. Following the principle that parts of the structure are designed to transfer forces from one member to the other, thus increasing ia size, this does not mean that the load-bearing capacity of girders crossing each other can be added within a limited area. Basis for the load- bearing strength ofa limited or larger stowage area will always be the maximum uniformly distributed load, 2.2.4. Definition of permissible surface load 1 The permissible surface load “PSL” also called “uniform load”, or “uniform loading” as under the ABS “Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels", is the maximum uniformly distributed load for which the cargo deck or tanktop has been designed for. For dimensioning of the primary and secondary members this load is to be taken in KN/m*. In regions where American and British weights, measures and units are commonly used this can also be defined by the unit thfift2 (also tbs/sqft and psf). 2 For practical reasons, this Standard will use the definition of PSL in the unit of “metric tons per square meter” or [t/m?], or t/sqm] where it can be useful to replace [t] by [mt] to overcome confusion with other ton-units, Following values are valid for converting KN/m? and Ibf/f into t'm? and vice versa: 1IbPR2 —=0.004930t/m2 = 1 tm? = 202.83 Ib ffi? 1 kgff'm? 001 tim? + 1tm?=1000 kgffm? 1daN/m? =0,00102 tim? = 1 tim? = 980.97 daN/m? 1kNim? =0.10194 vm? + 1vm?=9.81 kNim? = On Rickmers-Linie’s new “Superflex Heavy Multi-Purpose Container” vessels (MPC) the uniformly distributed permissible surface load of stowage areas arc limited as follows (see also chapter 2.2): # Weather deck: 2.5 tm? « Hatchcovers: 2.5 vm? « Tweendeck panels: 4.0 tim? * Tanktop hold no.1: 13.75 tim? © Tanktop holds no.2 - 4: 22.0 vim? © Tanktop hold no.5 13.5 tim? © Weather deck bay 40: 2.5 tim? Note: The local strength because of container foundation has not been considered CREW TRAINING MANUAL CTM-02-09 R001 BE 29 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 30.08.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 39112 KOMROWSKI 2.2.5. Definition of gross bedding area 1 Heavy cargo units usually have a defined “footprint” which serves to transfer their weight into the ship's structure, Upon positioning of this unit, the cargo operator, supercargo or vessel’s in-charge should ensure that this contact area crosses as many frames of the deck plating as possible. 2 The “gross bedding area” of a cargo unit equals at least the projected area of the cargo unit, provided the “footprint” crosses all frames of that area. If this is not Fig, 2.2.1: “Foot print’ of a heavy cargo unit provided and should it be necessary to increase the contact area, timber or steel beams should be used to spread the weight over more frames. 3 The mass in metric tons [t or mi] of the unit, divided by the gross bedding area [m? or sqm] should not exceed the permissible surface load PSL [vsqm] of that deck, tanktop, tweendeck or hatchcover panel, If necessary, the gross bedding area can be increased by two methods: * Extending the footprint by means of timber or steel beams across as many frames of the stowage area as necessary * Extending the gross bedding area to the limits of the effective load area of the respective primary members that cross the framing like web frames, longitudinal girders or solid floors by “not” placing other cargo within that space. This is, however, limited by the permissible bending moment of the frames that cross this primary member. “7 Fig. 2.2.3: Extension of gross bedding area (top view) CREW TRAINING MANUAL CTM-02-08 ROO1 RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Date: 30.05.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO 4012 KOMROWSKI 4 Ifthe gross bedding area of a cargo unit has been extended by a suitable amount of timber or steel beams to match the permissible surface load PSL, no other cargo in that extended area is permitted. The gross bedding area can be extended into the direction of the limits of the effective load area of the respective gitders or solid floors without further beams, if no other cargo is loaded in that area. The gross bedding area should never be extended over the limits of the effective load area of the respective primary member without considering the effective area of the adjacent primary members. In order not to overstress the frames under the bedding area, the footprint with or without possible supporting timber or steel beams should always be positioned as close to the frame-crossing web frames or solid floors, or to frame-crossing longitudinal girders as possible Note: A primary member parallel to framing can only be used as a strong point when the heavy cargo unit is ‘immediately placed on top of it. Also please note that only primary members which cross the framing will be carrying the load induced into the frames that support the heavy cargo unit, This means thatthe effective load area cannot be extended for primary members which do not cross the framing, unless the substructure of the hheavy cargo unit rests directly on this girder and provided there is no overlapping of effective load areas of adjacent crossing web frames. 2.2.6 Bedding on the tanktop 1 The tanktop is known as the floor plating of the lower hold, i.e. the upper plating of the double bottom structure of a ship. Double bottoms are usually provided with longitudinal framing which are supported by transverse solid floors usually positioned _equidistantly from each other every 2" to 5' frame (figure 2.2.4), In order to take the high load induced by the container cargo, longitudinal and transverse girders are preferably installed near container sockets and strengthened accordingly. side oer marks sold floor marks 2 The position of solid floors and longitudinal girders can be generally seen by slight deformation of the tank top caused by welding, if not marked otherwise. Should the surface of the double bottom be such that they are not visible, knocking with any kind of object will indicate a frame or floor according to its orientation, i.e. transverse orientation usually indicates a solid floor and longitudinal orientation indicates a frame. 2.2.4: Usuel layout of double bottom structures on dry-cargo vessels CREW TRAINING MANUAL (CTM-02-09 ROO1 Ry 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Dat: 90.08.2008 OF PROJECT CARGO ain KOMROWSKI 2.2.7. Identification of type of MPC vessel 1 Multi-purpose dry-cargo ships are usually equipped with transverse tweendeck panels. The average ames permissible surface load of these panels varies between 3 and 4 tm’. The applicable figure should be taken from the ship's approved capacity _ plan. Depending on the structure of their side and deck arrangement multi-purpose dry-cargo ships can be divided into the following types, which has direct influence on the tweendeck panel structure and the way of stowing cargo: panels ransfer of loads from a cargo unit to the ship's structure via stee! beams + traditional vessel with single side structure, small tweendeck panels, pronounced hatch-side girders in the tweendeck and cantilever-type web frames every 3 or 4" frame * classic MPC vessel with single side structure, wide deck panels, no pronounced hatch-side girders in the tweendeck and small cantilever-type framing at each frame (see figure 2.2.5) * classic MPC vessel with a combined single-double side structure, single side structure with small cantilever-type framing at each frame in the lower hold, full width web frame in the upper hold, wide tweendeck panels, supported in the center on bigger vessels, (see figure 2.2.15: “Merida-Class” with 1 x 250-1 lifting gear) ‘* modem MPC vessel with double side structure, box-shaped holds with flexible tweendeck panels supported in the center on bigger vessels (see figure 2.2.16 “Rickmers Hamburg-Class” Superflex Heavy Multi-Purpose Container vessel with 2 x 320-t+ 1 x 100-1 + 1 x 45-t lifting gear) 2.2.8 Tweendeck panels, types and structural design Classic multi-purpose vessels 1 Incase of the classic vessel with cantilever-type framing in the side, the footprint of heavy cargo units or its supporting substructure should cross an as high as possible number of frames in order not to overstress the cantilever side structure, This structure provides practically no strong points. CREW TRAINING MANUAL (CTM-02-09 R001 BE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Dees OF PROJECT CARGO oni KOMROWSKI This method is also described in the vessel's “Cargo Securing Manual” (CSM). Using a__ simplified illustration (see figure 1.3), based on a multi-purpose cargo ship typically operated by Rickmers-Linie, these forces can be visualized and demonstrated as a fraction of the acceleration due to gravity. By means of these calculated (i.e. estimated) acceleration forces the appropriate 039 03 securing and lashing arrangement °°° may be easily identified. The Fig, 1.3: Longitudinal, transverse and vertical obiained data are to be corrected for oceleration forces length, speed and stability. 1.2 Information on cargo stowage 1 Oceangoing cargo ships are unique in their intelligent combination of electronic and mechanical components. First and foremost they are designed to take in and to transport cargo, to stay afloat even in the heaviest seas, to maintain and resume upright conditions through sufficient and reasonable stability and, of course, to remain watertight, come what may. 2 Cargo ships are, virtually, huge warehouses featuring three or more stories due to their primary purpose to carry great amount of goods. They are equipped with an energy producing plant and with auxiliary equipment for various services as well as the necessary spaces for operation and navigation, On top of all, ships carry a multi-storied living quarter to accommodate all crew over months. 3 The stability of a ship is defined by its physical ability to retain an upright condition and to develop righting moments once it has been subjected to external forces causing the ship to heel to one side, Parameters of stability are the so-called metacentric height (GM) and the righting arm (GZ). Under all circumstances the GM shall be positive and not be reduced to its lower limit which is, depending on ship type and size, stipulated by the "Intact Stability Code", IMO resolution A.749(18), the "Intemational Convention on Load Lines, 1966" (LLC) and national regulations of the individual flag states. Same applies to the righting arms which are to be kept above certain minimum values determined by aforementioned regulations as well. The vertical distribution of cargo on board the ship exerts a predominant influence on its stability Note: Shipboard supervision and surveying of actual cargo allocation is, therefore, one of the most important jobs of Masters and Chief Orficers. 4 The longitudinal strength of a ship is not unlimited. It is, therefore, necessary to distribute all masses, i.e. cargo, bunker and ballast, fairly even over the length of the ship. Otherwise excessive bending of the hull would occur which might lead to structural failure and the risk of total loss, particularly in heavy seas. Although nowadays an increasing number of cargo ships are equipped with tailor-made and approved loadmaster software running on suitable personal computers, it is of utmost importance that masters and/or chief officers check and verify the longitudinal strength and torsion on a regular basis. CREW TRAINING MANUAL ‘cTM02-08 Root RE 2.9 STOWAGE AND SECURING Eee OF PROJECT CARGO A112 KOMROWSKT 2 Some of these classic vessels have removable so-called “king beams” (see figure 2.2.6) crossing the hold, which are supported in the side by box-type web frames. Between two king beams usually two or more panels next to each other are grouped, supported by the king beams. These panels usually have longitudinal framing which has to be considered when bedding heavy cargo units. Jongtudna rames in eendeck pancls “Merida-Class” vessels 3 The “Merida-Class” vessels have foldable tweendeck panels which are stored in the sheltered tweendeck space fore and aft of the hatch opening when opened. This system provides a net tweendeck opening for the lower hold of the size of the hatch opening. These panels are provided with container fittings. The structure is similar to that of hatchcover panels with transverse girders at the forward and aft end of the panel spaced by equidistantly positioned longitudinal girders that cross the transverse framing. Fig. 2.2.6: Longitudinal frames in tweendeck panels “Rickmers Hamburg-Class” vessels 4 The “Rickmers Hamburg-Class” also called Superflex Heavy Multi-Purpose Container vessels have box-shaped holds of which the purpose differs depending on its longitudinal position. This vessel type is equipped with four cranes dividing the vessel into mainly five cargo sections. In front of the forward crane “1” and aft of crane “4” the holds are equipped with racks to allow for container stowage, Stoppers in two levels enable loading of breakbulk up to these levels. By using one of the 30 on-board 40 ft flatracks it is possible to create decks for general cargo and heavy cargo units up to weights limited by the capacity of crane 1 and 4 as well as the load capacity of the flatracks. 5 All three ship sections within reach of the 320 t cranes “2” and “3” have box-shaped holds each of which equipped with two full layers of tweendeck panels which can be used in four different heights. The uniform width of these holds allows the tweendeck panels to be interchanged with other holds. The system foresees a stowage position against the forward and aft bulkhead of each hold. If not needed, e.g. in case of cargo with excessive height, the panels can be stored on top of ‘each other. Since these panels fit into each other there is in no need for further securing. 6 __ The lengths of these holds are based on 20 ft containers with two tweendeck panels forming 20 fl stacking area and are fitted out accordingly. This means that all panels are about 10 ft or 3m wide with strong areas on the side of the container fittings. In view of the fact that all tweendeck panels can be placed in any panel position the best possible arrangement for bedding and securing can be found by intelligent positioning of the panels. “MV Merida” renamed in summer 2004. New name: “Rickmers Mumbai" “MV Leon” renamed in summer 2004. New name: “Rickmers Chennai’ “MV Bibi" renamed in summer 2004, New name: “Rickmers Dubai Note: CREW TRAINING MANUAL cTm.02.09 R001 RE 29 STOWAGE AND SECURING Pee ea OF PROJECT CARGO ug KOMROWSKI Calculation example strong area under a For w/d hatchcover 3 a typical area with a combination of two 40f container fitting is designed to carry a static load of (2 - 85/4) = 42.5 1, This pattem repeats itself at every container bay at that girder, which is, on the “Rickmers Hamburg-Class”, times giving a total static load of 212.5 t. Whereas, on the other side of the panel, the girder has been designed to cay 20f containers and each set of fittings are to cary (2 70/4) = 35 t, which is 5 - 35 = 175 t over the total length of the girder. Figure 2.2.8: Girders in a hatchcover panel Hatchcover panels Permissible surface ‘Stacking load ‘Stacking load load 20ft container 40ft container {m’] tt i Merida-Class | widhatches 1.63 60 90, Rickmers Hamburg- Class wid hatch 1 25 50 65 wid hatch 2-5 25 70 85 Table 2.2.1: Permissible surface load and stacking load of Rickmers vessels Based on the effective load area of this girder, which is (L x 0.5 B x PSL), or, its length (width of the hatchcover) multiplied by about 3.1 m (half a container bay) and the “deck load” of 2.5 vm’ the maximum uniformly distributed load is 83 t, for each girder. For the longitudinal girders, spacing the two transverse girders of the panel at every pair of container sockets, the effective load area is about 6: 2.5 = 15 m’ reflecting a maximum uniformly distributed load of 37.5 t. Note: ‘The strength of the girders foresees the static load multiplied with acceleration factors and a safety factor for container cargo, based on analysis of damage. Under no circumstance the maximum allowed “uniform loading” as well as the stacking load should be exceeded since this decreases the safety factor ofthe structure, which in ‘um has immediately influence on the seaworthy stowage and bedding of the cargo and thus the safety of the ‘vessel and its crew. 4 From this calculation it can be clearly seen that the panel loading out of the containers is much higher than the loading out of a uniformly distributed load. When loading heavy lift units on top of the hatch-cover panels, special attention should be paid to the position of the supports. Should it not be possible to position the supports on these strong areas the following H-beam bedding system should be used.

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