How To Train A Dog

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indoors is Crate training.

This allows your

dog to use a crate to eliminate his bodily
Almost everyone will tell you they want wastes instead of littering them on your
most-prized antique sofa or hardwood
their canine helper to be an obedient one,
and shortly after that they’ll sigh and say floors.
that it is no easy task. Moreover, every dog needs to learn how
to wear and savour their leash. In addition
to leash laws in some jurisdictions, dogs
will absolutely need to wear it for their
own safety. To ensure your dog enjoys
wearing his leash you should always keep
it loose so that he doesn’t correlate a leash
being put on his neck with gasping for air
and pain. Over time, your little friend will
know exactly how fast it needs to walk
and may even be perfectly walkable while
It is believed that wolves and dogs share a
you ride your bike, side by side.
common ancestor. It was only after
generations upon generations of selective Offer your dog a treat every time he
breeding that this mighty beast was behaves well. Dogs are very intelligent
transformed into man’s subservient little and will start to correlate between reward
helper. So, the next time you see a wolf and behaviour. (Positive reinforcement)
think of it as a dog’s closest cousin. (But You can combine the abovementioned
that doesn’t mean they are even remotely strategy with punishment for the dog’s
approachable as they are wild carnivore wrongdoings. To punish a dog, simply
predators) change your tone and body language to
In the beginning, it can be seriously show concern or dismay.
overwhelming. Especially so if you’re For example, if he breaks a vase after a
training your first dog. But breaking it short burst of hyperactivity, you exclaim:
down can make your task far less “Bad dog!” pointing at his face. Over time,
daunting. The average dog will take your dog will also correlate this with
around six weeks to be a trained dog, behaviour and will adjust accordingly.
ready to take on the world with you. (Negative reinforcement)
To answer this question, there are Unlike parrots, most dogs will not want to
multiple stages to train your dog. Start do an action if it upsets you just to get a
small by setting a basic foundation onto negative reaction from you. What a relief!
which the trainer and the dog can enjoy
before getting onto the actual training.
This is called a “Dog Obedience Program”
Another crucial stage that can be
especially useful if you keep your dog

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