Research Q

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Water is an essential element that penetrates our universe and is known as the "elixir
of life." It piques curiosity and captures the imagination with its special qualities and
essential role in maintaining life. The foundation of Earth's watery ecosystems is this
liquid, which is made up of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms and supports a
wide variety of creatures. It is among the most common and important substances.
According to Ecologix, water purification is the process of removing undesirable
chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids, and gases from contaminated
water. The goal of this process is to produce water fit for a specific purpose. Filtration is
one of the most effective ways of purifying water. This method uses chemical and
physical processes to purify water and make it safe for human consumption.

In the exploration of research on the success rate of DIY water purification systems, a
significant gap emerges, particularly when considering the challenges faced by
communities in Ethiopia and 11 million Filipino families. The meticulous detailing of the
purification process and the role of various materials reveals a glaring blind spot in
understanding how well the system copes with the unique water quality issues prevalent
in both Ethiopian and Filipino regions. Imagine villages in the Philippines and Ethiopia
that are coping with water contamination caused by particular pollutants or
microbiological organisms that are exclusive to their regions.

The research falls short in assessing the effectiveness of the DIY water purification
system in such situations, creating a crucial research gap. There's a need to delve into
whether the integration of charcoal, sand gravel, sand stone, coffee filters, clean
clothes, pebble stone, gravel stone, ballast stone, and sawdust, followed by meticulous
boiling, evaporation, and condensation, is genuinely suited to tackle the nuanced water
composition found in both Ethiopia and the Philippines. This research gap directs
attention to the imperative of tailoring the study to the Ethiopian and Filipino contexts,
examining how adaptable and successful the DIY water purification system is in
addressing challenges specific to these regions. By doing so, researchers can ensure
the research not only contributes valuable knowledge but also provides practical
solutions tailored to the everyday struggles of communities grappling with water scarcity
and contamination in Ethiopia and 11 million Filipino families.
Background of the study(done)

In a small village on the banks of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, the action takes place. As
a result of industrial runoff and poor waste management, the once-pure waterways that
provided food for millennia now run muddy and poisoned. The locals, who were largely
agrarians, had to deal with the unpleasant reality of waterborne illnesses and
agricultural difficulties. The quest for clean, drinkable water was entwined with the daily
lives of women, children, and others who had to travel far to gather water. The
Philippines, on the other hand, had a backdrop that alternated between vibrant cities
and picture-perfect rural settings. From the densely populated metro regions to the
remote countryside, the 11 million families impacted by water poisoning represented a
cross-section of Philippine society. Various factors, including urban runoff, industrial
discharges, and poor sanitation facilities, contributed to the water contamination in this
area. Families struggled with health problems and financial strain in their dispersed
houses throughout the archipelago as a result of the lack of access to potable water.

The students found inspiration in these stories of resilience and adversity. Motivated
by a sense of global citizenship, they recognized the interconnectedness of water-
related challenges across continents. The Ethiopian and Filipino communities became
more than statistics—they became faces and stories that fueled the students'
commitment to making a meaningful impact. The students, immersed in their studies in
the vibrant city of Mandaue, understood the power of education to drive change. As they
delved into the intricacies of water contamination issues, the stark reality of
communities struggling for basic necessities became a driving force for their research.
They felt a responsibility to bridge the gap between classroom knowledge and tangible
solutions, embarking on a journey that would connect their academic pursuits with the
real-world struggles of people thousands of miles away. The students embodied the
spirit of global citizenship, turning their education into a force for positive change in the
lives of those affected by water contamination in Ethiopia and the Philippines.
Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored by Hippocrates' model of early water filtration, symbolized by the 'Hippocratic
sleeve' in 500 BC, a pioneering cloth filter acting as a sieve to enhance taste and purity by trapping
impurities from Greek aqueducts.

This study is anchored by Joseph Amy's model of water purification, embodied in his mid-1700s patent
incorporating wool, sponge, and charcoal layers, a revolutionary design marking a significant step
towards home water filtration.

This study is anchored by John Gibb's model of water filtration innovation, represented by the Slow Sand
Filter developed in 1804, showcasing the first documented use of sand filters for water purification and
introducing experimental filters to the public.

This study is anchored by Henry Doulton's model of water filtration evolution, epitomized by the
Doulton Manganous Carbon Filter in 1862, a groundbreaking development in carbon cartridge type
filters with micro porous ceramic cartridges achieving 99% efficiency in bacteria removal.

Our DIY water purification system, inspired by these historical pioneers, introduces the Progressive
Integration Model. Comprising sand stone, pebble stone, gravel stone, ballast stone, sand gravel, cotton,
clean clothes, coffee filters, charcoal, sawdust and utilizing methods such as boiling, evaporation, and
condensation, our model represents a holistic integration of diverse materials and techniques.

The theory asserts that the success of our model lies in its advanced integration of historical techniques
with modern adaptability. Anchored by the contributions of Hippocrates, Joseph Amy, John Gibb, and
Henry Doulton, our DIY water purification system aspires to be a versatile, efficient, and adaptive
solution, marking a new pinnacle in the ongoing narrative of water purification evolution.
Statement of the Problem(done)

This study seek to examine the success rate of DIY water purification systems in transforming the
contaminated water into purified Water.

Specifically, this study seek to answer the following questions:

1. How do DIY water purification system clean dirty waters?

2. What is the process of making a DIY water purification system?

3. What is the success rate of DIY water purification system as water purifier?
Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study is to determine the success rate of DIY water purification systems in
transforming the contaminated water into purified water. The scope includes detailing the purification
process involving specific materials and techniques. The study encompasses the design, implementation,
and evaluation of the DIY system using diverse sources of contaminated water. Affordability of the
system and water quality are two important factors that will be considered.

This research will focus specifically on the effectiveness of the DIY water purification system and its
success rate in transforming the contaminated water into purified water. It does not extend to the
broader field of professional water treatment methods. The study will not delve into the intricacies of
large-scale water purification systems or address socio-economic factors influencing water quality.

Despite these delimitations, the study aims to provide valuable insights into the success rate of DIY
water purification systems in transforming the contaminated water into purified water.
Conceptual Framework

In the quest for sustainable water solutions, our research delves into "The Success Rate of a DIY Water
Purification System in Transforming Contaminated Water into Purified Water." This investigation is
pivotal in addressing global concerns surrounding water quality and scarcity. Our DIY purification system
integrates a symphony of materials - Rocks, Sand, Sawdust, Charcoal, Coal, Cotton, Cloths, and a Coffee
Filter. Complemented by versatile purification techniques such as boiling, evaporation, and
condensation, we embark on a journey to unveil the efficacy of this innovative water purification

At the heart of our conceptual framework lies the dynamic interplay between the independent variables
(IV) and the dependent variable (DV). The intricate composition of our DIY water purification system,
carefully orchestrated with an ensemble of rocks, sand, sawdust, charcoal, coal, cotton, cloths, and a
coffee filter, forms the basis for experimentation. Simultaneously, the choice of purification methods -
boiling, evaporation, and condensation - introduces a nuanced layer to our investigation.

The crux of our inquiry lies in deciphering the impact of these components and methods on the
overarching DV: the success rate of water purification. This success rate is not merely a metric; it
encapsulates the transformative power of our DIY system, as it endeavors to metamorphose
contaminated water into a purified elixir. As we navigate this scientific odyssey, our conceptual
framework stands as a beacon, illuminating the intricate relationships between materials, methods, and
the ultimate triumph of turning adversity into purified triumph.
Significance of the study

Studying the success rate of DIY water purification systems in converting contaminated water to
purified water is of great importance for several reasons:

1. Access to Safe Drinking Water: Water contamination is a global issue, especially in areas with limited
access to clean water sources. DIY water purification systems have the potential to provide an
affordable and accessible solution to purify contaminated water, thereby improving access to safe
drinking water.

2. Public Health: Contaminated water can lead to the spread of water-borne diseases such as cholera,
typhoid, and dysentery. By assessing the success rate of DIY water purification systems, we can
determine their effectiveness in removing harmful pathogens, chemicals, and impurities from water,
thus reducing the risk of water-related diseases. water and improving public health.

3. Emergency Situations: During natural disasters, emergencies, or in remote areas, access to clean
water may be severely limited. DIY water purification systems can provide a practical and immediate
solution to turn available water sources into potable water, ensuring safety and well-being in
challenging situations.

4. Environmental Conservation: Traditional methods of water purification often require energy-

intensive processes or the use of chemicals, which can have a negative impact on the environment. DIY
water purification systems can offer more sustainable alternatives by using natural filtration methods or
low-energy technologies, which contribute to environmental protection.

5. Community Empowerment: DIY water purification systems have the potential to empower
individuals, communities, and households to take control of their water quality. By understanding the
success rate of these systems, communities can make informed decisions about their water sources,
treatment methods, and take proactive steps toward ensuring access in clean and safe water.

Overall, studying the success rate of DIY water purification systems helps us assess their feasibility,
effectiveness, and potential impact on improving access to safe drinking water, public health,
emergency, environmental sustainability, and community empowerment. We can also ensure that the
water we drink is clean, and many people will be helped through this.

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