NCP Fever Final

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Nursing Goal Intervention Rationale Evaluation


Impaired After three Independent: Goal met. After 3

comfort days of 1.Establish rapport with the This is to allow days of effective
related to nursing pediatric patient communication and trust nursing
hyperthermia intervention, between the patient and interventions, the
as evidenced the patient nurse to easily provide patient was able
by crying, will interventions and carry to demonstrate an
irritable demonstrate out treatment plan as elevated level of
mood, an elevated necessary. comfort in both
elevated level of their physical and
Body comfort in emotional state.
Temperature both their 2.Monitor the patient’s vital signs Assess and record the Additionally, they
of 38C. physical and patient's vital signs. will be capable of
emotional Cooling measures should maintaining a
state. be implemented based on normal body
Additionally, the patient's response to temperature
they will be interventions. within the
capable of acceptable range
maintaining of at least 36.4°C.
a normal 3. Create a calm and quiet space by Reduce the amount of
body making sure there is enough unnecessary stimuli and
temperature airflow and ventilation and by work to make the
within the adjusting the temperature and environment more quiet.
acceptable humidity of the room.
range of at
least 36.4°C.

4. Apply Comfort Measures such Reduces the baby's body

as Cool Compresses and Tepid temperature and provides
Sponge Baths immediate relief from

5. In order to promote hydration, To avoid the baby

clear fluids such as water and broth becoming dehydrated and
should be encouraged. to assist the body in
maintaining a healthy
temperature, it is
important to encourage
the child to drink fluids
that are clear.

Modifications in the
6. Make sure the patient is patient’s position
repositioned frequently and ameliorate stress and
encourage range-of-motion tension and aid in pain
activities like reaching, lifting the control. Furthermore,
head, and grasping textured baby initial treatment may
toys during tummy time. alleviate the discomfort
associated with bed rest.

Help shift the focus away

7.Provide several relaxation from the currently
techniques such as music therapy experienced pain,
and guided imagery that may anxiety, and tension and
decrease discomfort. instead focus on more
pleasant experiences.


1.)Administer prescribed To alleviate symptoms of

antipyretic medications such as fever and to provide
Paracetamol 2.5 mL orally q4h for comfort for the child
body temperature of 37.8C and

Interdependent: 1.To check any

1. Collaborate with the medical significant changes in the
technologist or laboratory laboratory values which
department for his laboratory include CBC, Complete
studies. metabolic panel (CMP;
provides data on
electrolytes, glucose,
acid-base, renal, liver,
protein status) C-reactive
protein (CRP), and
sedimentation rate (ESR).

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