Topics For Nukkad Natak

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Topics given to SEBI

1) Do your own research or consult an investment advisor before

investing. Making investments based on tips through social media can
result in losses.

Brief : Investors should do their own research about the company whose
shares they intend to buy. Doing own research about the fundamentals of the
company is always advisable than relying on the tips and rumours making
rounds in the social media, which may be misleading.

2) Arbitration mechanism available with the Exchanges for settlement of

claims against listed companies.

Brief : SEBI has recently brought this investor friendly measure in force.
Through this facility the investors can settle their claims against the listed
companies whose shares they possess, by just approaching the nearest
regional investor service centre of the Exchange and file an arbitration case.
The arbitration is a quasi-judicial mechanism and the order passed is binding
upon the parties. Thus, investors will benefit from this time bond and very
effective claim settlement process.

3) Right to receive dividend within 30 days of declaration

Brief : As per regulatory guidelines, a listed company is duty bound to

pay the dividend to the shareholders within 30 days of its declaration.
As such it becomes the right of the shareholder to receive the same in
time. If not received, shareholder can lodge complaint with the company
first and if not resolved then with the Exchange.

4) Not to invest in any scheme in exchange for commission/incentive.

Brief : There are various schemes floating in market to lure the common
investors to receive attractive commission/incentive if they invest their money
in those schemes. Investors should not fall for such schemes which offer
exceptionally high returns than the normal rate of returns received from any
regularised investment. This may result into losing their hard-earned money.

5) Do you receive alerts about investment transactions? Update your

mobile number and email id with your broker/all stock exchanges/all

Brief : In order to protect the interest of investors from unauthorised trades

happening in their trading account, under the guidance of SEBI, Exchanges
are now sending trade sms and emails to the investors on the day of trade
itself. This helps the investors to take action if any trade has happened
without his/her instructions. For that investors shall keep the latest email id
and mobile no. updated with his/her stockbroker which is in tern get updated

in Stock Exchange system. Similarly, they shall update the same with their
Depository Participants where they hold demat account.

6) Did you know that Power of Attorney is not a mandatory KYC

document ? PoA may be given only if required by investor and should
be specific and not general PoA.

Brief : Many investors do not know that POA is not a mandatory document
while opening a trading account. By giving POA they authorise the stock
broker to deal with their shares in the manner broker desire. Some brokers
may misappropriate shares from the demat accounts of the investors by using
these POAs. So, investors should know that POA is not a mandatory KYC
document. Further, it shall be given only if investor want to give and that too
for specific purpose.

7) Did you know that you should get contract notes within 24 hours of
trade? If it exceeds this time limit, get in touch with your broker

Brief : As per regulatory guidelines it is the right of every investor to receive

contract note from his/her broker for trades executed, within 24 hours of trade.
Contract note is a legal document which provide proof of trades executed in
the account of investor as per the details mentioned therein. This document
helps investor in resolving any dispute/claim arising out of such trade against
the stock broker at any forum. So, always get the contract note from broker
and preserve it for any future reference.

8) Do not trade in products which are unregulated and not fully understood
by you like Crypto Currency.

Brief : There are many attractive products made available in market which
promise very high returns in short time. Many investors do not even
understand the basic features of these products and simply on advise from
somebody or watching some one doing, they invest in such products, which
are mostly unregulated. One of such product is Crypto Currency which is not
a legally recognised product in India and therefore it is unregulated. There is a
high risk in investing in such unregulated products, since investors may lose
their money due to ignorance and then not having any legal recourse to
recover the same.

9) As a shareholder, do understand the resolutions sent by your company

for approval and participate in voting. It may bring policy change at your

Brief : As a shareholder you receive notices for voting on certain resolutions at

the meetings of the company. Many such resolutions carry important policy
decisions related to the functioning of the company. Your vote for or against
the same can make a difference. So, every shareholder needs to read these
resolutions, understand their implications and take part in voting for or against

the same. It is the right of every shareholder which can make policy change at
the company.


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