Zest Say-WPS Office

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Zest Say


To the amazing facilitators, namely;

Mrs ___________ who gave us tips on how to make instructional materials,

Mrs.__________ who talked about explicit teaching,
Mrs. __________ who talked about differentiated instruction,
Mrs. __________ who talked about problem-based learning,
Mrs. __________ who talked about classroom management,
Mrs. __________ who talked about Guidance and Counseling,
Mr. __________ who taught us about ICT Integration in lesson planning,
to all my fellow teachers, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!

The main thrust of the Bureau of Elementary Education is to provide access, progress and quality in
elementary education.

And after having attended this five-day in-service training, I would like to challenge myself this question:
Am I willing to accept change? Because progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot
change their minds cannot change anything. And if my answer to this question is, “Yes, I am willing to
accept change”, well, then, I can proudly say that today’s generation is in good hands.

Honestly speaking, when we were told that we will be having an INSET, the negative side of me was
murmuring, “INSET NAPUD! MAAYO PAG MAGKLASE!!!“ But the positive side of me reminded
myself that I am a teacher. I need to behave. I need to open my door to changes. I need to free myself from
any doubts and complaints and just let my mind be sprinkled with fresh ideas and knowledge.

And my positive side was not mistaken because with the help of our competent and knowledgeable
facilitators, I have learned a lot of things. During the training, I was able to come out from my shell of
timidity and was able to share my ideas without hesitations. And indeed, it is true that the more you share
your ideas, the more learnings you will get.

And now, this is it! We’ve made it! We are able to finish our training with smiles in our faces. But before
we will part ways, please allow me to share some of my impressions for this innovative seminar.

The seminar was well organized in terms of structure, time frames and contents. From the start to the end, it
went smoothly.

With its well-ventilated and well-lighted venue, with meals and snacks served, I just couldn’t find reasons
to leave the room and miss an event. The activities were informative and useful.

This 5-day in-service training caters our needs in updating our approaches in teaching, our skills in
classroom management and guidance counseling and a lot more. It is also a good point that this training
includes ICT integration in lesson planning that is really timely to address the needs of our pupils as well as
the demands and challenges of the 21st century.

When I was in the ICT room, I was very attentive and participative because I want to learn the technology
that my pupils deserve to learn today so that when tomorrow comes, they will not come back to me and ask
me why I stole their future.

This training is not just an avenue for more learning but also a venue to gain new friends and strengthen the
bond with our co-teachers, especially with the new ones.
This training has come to end but the learnings are never-ending. Added knowledge and the passion for
teaching will surely maximize our potentials as educators as we are one of the important people to shape
the minds of our future leaders.

To the organizers and facilitators of this 5-day training, thank you so much. I hope that you will continue
helping us to be the best among the rest, not just during trainings but every time that we feel that we need
you and every time you feel that there is a need for us to be helped by you.

And to my co-participants, thank you so much for your cooperation in making this training a success!

To everyone, CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done and advance Happy Halloween to us all!
To our beloved District Supervisor, Dr. Fe M. Puspus, host principal Dr.Esterlita C. Dadios, school
administrators namely Dr. Gewaresel T. Carlos, Sir Val,
Sir Sayas, my fellow teachers…., a pleasant morning to all of you.

When Ma’am Imelda of

Antongalon ES approached me yesterday askingme to give an impression about the 2
day of training, I am hesitant becausethere are teachers who are worthy to do so because there are teachers
who aremore qualified than me. But, as we all know, teachers are always ready. Just like
the motto of Girls Scout “Be Prepared Always.”

Let me start with a saying “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher
explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires byWILLIAM ARTHUR WARD.
Truly, our goal is to inspire our learners that what weare doing now we are having this INSET Training to
be able to be acquire newlearning insights and experience in order to share to our dear learners.In behalf of
East Butuan District 1 Teachers, we would like to congratulateall the speakers who have generously shared
your time and expertise to us.Please allow me to give my impression by this ACRONYM:
elivered the topic very comprehensive,
ttitude is always emphasized
by Dr. Puspus “wala baya ko nasuko”, she touches our heart so that we can
improve our abilities in order to create

in order to strive more like aneagle, soaring high, aiming high to

challenges were all transpired when Dr. Puspus shared about the story ofcockroach. The conclusion of that
story was about the inability of people tohandle the cockroach. This is the way of seeing things and
handling them thatmake us successful in every endeavor/ undertaking we may be facing. We havelearned
also from the story that in every situation that may come our way LETUS NOT REACT BUT INSTEAD
iving us inputs about the nature and concepts about Gender andDevelopment;
dding new information about GAD such as the importance ofEQUITY & EQUALITY by Aristotle on His
Two Kinds of Equality;
eveloping our

positive attitude towards the integration of GAD in our classroom setting as wellas dealing with the
learners as well.The last topic was about classroom management shared to us by Dr. Dadios. Themost
striking word and always repeated was RULES.
emembering the different strategies we are utilizing to imposediscipline in the classroom;
nderstanding our learners refer to Knowing Them,by knowing our learners we will learn how to deal with
iving a goodexample to others, even without our school head/ supervisor observing us , weteachers are
doing our commitment to produce competitive and productivelearners; Enhancing our full potentials to
inculcate values (KASH

Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits) to the learners;
etting standards to follow in orderto create Safe, Orderly and Organized classroom.I would like to end my
impression by a bible verse taken from MATTHEW5:16
let your light shine before men
, that they may see
good works,and glorify
Father who is in heaven. LIGHT refers to our wisdom, our faithand our learning. As a teacher we will not
hide this LIGHT in us. We teachers arewilling to share our wisdom, learning and knowledge these are the
greatest giftswe have to give. So we must ready to SHARE.Shared by:
Teacher-III, Ampayon CES

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