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Metrohm Applikon

Applications for Process Analytics

Titration Photometry Electrochemistry


Spectroscopy Ion Chromatography

Handbook 2020

Selections of sold applications to customers installed

over the past 40+ years
About this Handbook Table of Contents

Chemical Industry: Chlor-Alkali Production 6-7

02 This Metrohm Process Analytics Handbook for Sold
Applications is meant to be a significant sales tool to help
Fully automated, online customizable analyzers facilitate
process monitoring across a wide array of applications.
Brine Production: 7 03
Brine Purification: 7
guide you through our work at Metrohm Applikon over Drawing on our core competencies in titration, spectros-
Chlorine Production:  7
40 years of process analysis control. Many major and copy, and electrochemistry, we leverage our applications
Ion Exchange Cell Membrane Electrolyzer: 7
critical analysis parameters in various industries are com- knowledge to create reliable solutions for process analy-
Secondary Purification Resin Treatment: 7
piled here according to specific process areas, facilitating sis that optimize efficiency, decrease chemical consump-
Waste Water: 7
more targeted and productive discussions between sales- tion and create a safer work environment.
Other Applications for the Chlor-Alkali Industry: 7
people and customers. Metrohm knows your industry,
and we are an active partner in your process control with We back our systems with a team of experienced support
Chemical Industry: Soda Ash Production 8
our vast experience from thousands of installations personnel to offer you the full value chain of process
Soda Ash Production: 8
around the globe. ana­­lytics:
Brine Preparation: 8
Waste Water: 8
Additionally, attention is called to our Process Appli­ca­ • Process Control
tion Notes (PANs) at the beginning of each industry • Process Optimization
Chemical Industry: Polymer Production 9-11
chapter, be­­low the introduction. PANs are a short over- • An increased yield
Applications for PVC: 10
view about a specific process, problem (and its repercus- • Reduced operational cost
Monitoring Blend/Reaction Characteristics: 10
sions), and the Metrohm Process Analytics solution. These
Moisture/Water Content: 10
are freely downloadable from With our expertise and experience we do not just offer
Additives: 10
process analyzers, but an integrated solution to the end
Other Applications for the Polymer Industry: 10
Process Solutions from Metrohm Process Analytics user. This helps optimizing process efficiency while reduc-
NIRS Applications for the Polymer Industry: 10
Metrohm Process Analytics is the brand name represent- ing operation cost. Real time analysis as an integrated
Physical Characteristics (Thickness, Density, Viscosity): 10
ing the well-known Metrohm Applikon wet chemistry part of process control and automation will help you in­­
Monitoring Curing Rate: 10
pro­­cess ana­lyzers as well as the Metrohm NIRSystems crease yields and improve production quality.
Hydroxyl Number: 11
ins­­truments for process analysis. Our process analyzers
Moisture/Water Content: 11
take the famous Metrohm laboratory solutions a step
Comparison / Distinguishing: 11
further, offering ana­lytical systems for titration, spectros- For your information, this document has been made
Monitoring Blend/Reaction Characteristics: 11
copy, electroche­mis­try, ion chromatography, photometry, interactive for easier usage on electronic devices.
Additives: 11
as well as ion selective measure­­ments.

Chemical Industry 12-17

Applications for Cumene Process: Phenols + Toluene: 13
Applications for Cumene Process Waste: 13

New in 2020: 2060 Process Analyzer Applications for Polyamide/Caprolactam Production:

Applications for Caprolactam Process Waste:
Applications for the HPPO Process: 14
Applications for HPPO Process Waste: 14
Metrohm Process Analytics has now added a analyzer enables 24/7 online monitoring of critical Applications for Fertilizer Production:  15
multiparameter process analyzer to our wide portfolio of chemical parameters in industrial processes and Applications for Fertilizer Emission Control:  15
analyzers offered for online, inline, and atline process wastewater streams. Other Applications for the Chemical Industry: 15
control. Take note that few applications will be found Waste Water: 16
here as a result. • Modular flexibility to up to four cabinets NIRS Applications for the Chemical Industry: 16
• IP66/NEMA 4 enclosure for harsh environments Cumene Process: 16
The 2060 Process Analyzer offers modularity up to • Intuitive software designed to efficiently program and Polyamide/Caprolactam Production: 17
four cabinets to create one single analyzer platform. The control the analyzer. HPPO Process: 17
new modular flexibility feature grants the 2060 Process Surfactants: 17
Analyzer the position as the most versatile analyzer in the For more information, visit https://www.metrohm. Moisture Analysis: 17
Metrohm Process Analytics product portfolio. With one com/en/products/process-analyzers/2060-process- Reaction Monitoring: 17
analyzer and a variety of analytical techniques, the analyzers/ Mixtures: 17
Solvent purity and recovery: 17
Petrochemical Industry 18-20 Energy / Power Industry 38-40

04 Biodiesel Production: 19 Boiler Feed:

Cooling Water:
Kerosene Production: 19
Other Downstream Processes: 19 Waste Water: 40
Waste Water: 19 Other Applications for the Energy / Power Industry: 40
Other Applications for the Petrochemical Industry: 20
NIRS Applications for the Petrochemical Industry: 20 Automotive and Aerospace Industry 41-42
Electroplating Surface Treatment: 42
Semiconductor / Electronics Industry 21-24 Etching Baths: 42
Aluminum Foil Etching: 22 Zinc-Phosphatizing: 42
Glass Etching: 22 Waste Water: 42
Solar Etching: 22 Other Applications for the Automotive and Aerospace Industry: 42
Wafer Etching: 23
Photolithography: 23 Textile Industry 43-44
Plating Baths: 23 Acrylic Fiber Production: 44
Waste Water: 24 Cellulose Fiber Production: 44
Other Applications for the Semiconductor / Electronics Industry: 25 Spin Bath Process: 44
NIRS Applications for the Semiconductor Industry: 25 Other Applications for the Textile Industry: 44
Etching and Purification baths in wet benches: 25 NIRS Applications for the Textile Industry: 44
Photolithography: 25 Fiber Blends: 44
Wafer Etching: 25 Finishing: 44
Other Applications for the Semiconductor/Electronics Industry: 25 Fire Resistance: 44
Mining Industry 26-29 Heatset Monitoring: 44
Copper Mining & Purification: 27 Other Applications for the Textile Industry: 44
Electrowinning Processes: 27
Gold Mining & Purification: 27 Pharmaceutical / Biochemical Sector 45-47
Leaching Processes: 27 Waste Water: 46
Nickel Mining & Purification: 28 Other Applications for the Pharmaceutical / Biochemical Sector: 46
Platinum Refineries: 28 NIRS Applications for the Pharmaceutical Industry: 46
Zinc Mining & Purification: 28 Active Ingredients (API) / Content Uniformity: 47
Waste Water: 29 API – Antacids: 47
Other Applications for the Mining Industry: 29 API – Cough Syrup: 47
API – Foot Powder: 47
Steel / Metal Industry 30-32 API – Transdermal Patches: 47
Pickling Process: 31 Drying: 47
Waste Water: 31 Other Applications for the Pharmaceutical/ Biochemical Industry: 47
Aluminum Milling: 31
Other Applications for the Steel / Metal Industry: 32 Food and Beverage Industry 48-49
Beverages: 49
Galvanic / Metal Surface Industry 33-35 Potato Products: 49
Waste Water: 35 Waste Water: 49
Other Applications for the Galvanic / Metal Surface Industry: 35 Other Applications for the Food and Beverage Industry: 49

Pulp and Paper Industry 36-37 Industrial Waste Water 50-51

Bleaching Process: 37
Waste Water: 37 Environmental Sector 52-53
Other Applications for the Pulp and Paper Industry: 37 Potable (Drinking) Water: 53
NIRS Applications for the Pulp and Paper Industry: 37 River and Surface Waters: 53
Kappa Number: 37 Air Pollution: 53
Moisture Content: 37
Resin Levels: 37 Overview of Process Analyzers 54-55
Process Application Notes for the Chlor-Alkali Industry
06 07
• Chlor-alkali industry: Hardness in Brine.
• Online Determination of Anions in 50% NaOH and 50% KOH by IC (ASTM E1787-16)
Sold and Installed Applications

Brine Production: Secondary Purification Resin Treatment:

• Alkalinity in Brine (Brine Production) • Calcium [Ca2+] + Magnesium [Mg2+] in KCl Brine (Inlet
• Bromide [Br-] in Brine (Brine production) Resin treatment)
• Calcium [Ca2+] in Brine (NaCl Production) • Hydroxide [OH-] + Carbonate [CO32-] in Brine (Brine
• Chloride [Cl-] in Brine (Brine production) Purification, Resin Treatment)
• Potassium [K+], Sodium,[Na+] Calcium [Ca] and
Magnesium [Mg], Chloride [Cl] and Sulfate [SO42-] in Waste Water:
Brine (IC) • Chloride [Cl-] in effluent waste to river (Effluent
WWTP to river)
Brine Purification: • Hypochlorite [ClO-] + Sulfite [SO3-] (Mercury Cell
• Caustic [OH-] + Carbonate [CO32-] in Brine (Pretreat­ Effluent)
ment Raw Brine) • Sulfate [SO42-], Chlorine [Cl2], + pH in waste water
• Hydroxide [OH-], Carbonate [CO32-], + Calcium [Ca2+] (Effluent WWTP)

Chemical Industry: Chlor-Alkali Production in Brine (Brine Purification)

• Hydroxide [OH-], Carbonate [CO32-], + Hypochlorite Other Applications for the Chlor-Alkali Industry:
[ClO-] in Brine • Ammonia [NH3], Total Alkalinity, Carbonate [CO32-],
• Magnesium [Mg2+] in Brine (Brine Purification) + Chloride [Cl-] in Brine
• Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH] in Brine (Brine Pre-Treatment) • Carbonate [CO32-] in Overcarbonated Brine
Production Processes Brine Purity
• Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH], Chlorine [Cl2], + • Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] in Sodium hypochlorite
The chlor-alkali production process mainly relies upon the In the membrane electrolysis production of chlor-alkali,
Carbonate [CO32-] in Brine (Brine Purification) [NaClO]
electrolysis of NaCl brine to produce caustic soda (sodium the purity of the brine is very important. The presence of
hydroxide, NaOH) and chlorine (Cl2), which are then used impurities such as calcium and magnesium can shorten
in countless other industries. the performance and lifetime of the membranes or can Chlorine Production:
damage the electrodes. Partial membrane blockage from • Chloride [Cl-] in 50% Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH] or in
Two main techniques are in use for the production of precipitation reactions will lead to high electrical opera- 50% KOH Concentration Unit (Chlorine production)
chlor-alkali from salt: the membrane technology which tional costs and the high cost associated with replacing • Chlorine [Cl2], Hydroxide [OH-], Carbonate [CO32-],
accounted for 82.4% of production in Europe in 2018, membranes. Chloride [Cl-], + pH in Brine (Chlorine plant)
followed by the diaphragm process (11.7%). All new • Potassium iodate [KIO3] in Brine (Chlorine production)
plants are based on the membrane technique, which For more information about the Chlor-Alkali industry, visit
does not include mercury and asbestos like the other our website and download our Chlor-Alkali white paper. Ion Exchange Cell Membrane Electrolyzer:
processes. The shift towards membrane technology is in • Calcium [Ca2+] + Magnesium [Mg2+] in Brine (Inlet
line with Euro Chlor’s voluntary agreement to phase out Membrane Electrolyzer, Brine Treatment)
the installed mercury capacity by 2020. • Calcium [Ca2+], Magnesium [Mg2+], + Chloride [Cl-] in
Brine with % Hydrochloric Acid [HCl]
(Inlet Membrane Electrolyzer)
• Calcium [Ca2+], Magnesium [Mg2+], Sodium Hydroxide
[NaOH], + Sodium Carbonate [Na2CO3] in Brine
(Inlet Resin Treatment)
• Chlorate [ClO3-] in Brine (Inlet Membrane Electrolyzer)
• Chlorine [Cl2] in Brine (Outlet Membrane Electrolyzer)

Chlor-Alkali Chlor-Alkali
08 09

Chemical Industry: Soda Ash Production Chemical Industry: Polymer Production

Solvay Process Polymer and plastics in everyday life Final product
Soda ash (sodium carbonate, Na2CO3) is used as the pre- Soda Ash production: Polymers and plastics are a mainstay of modern life due Polymers are the result of complex reactions and pro-
cursor of many goods, in industries such as Pulp & Paper, • Total alkalinity [HCO3- +CO32-], Calcium [Ca2+] in process to their versatility and physical properties: they can be cesses involving various raw materials and additives. The
glass, detergents, and chemical manufacturing. There are • Calcium [Ca2+] + Magnesium [Mg2+] in Sodium formed into nearly any shape, with different degrees of final product must therefore be thoroughly inspected to
three major soda ash producers in the world: ANSAC of bicarbonate [NaHCO3] (Soda Ash production) flexibility and other variable parameters. Polymers can ensure that it meets the specifications. Our instruments
the United States, multiple producers in China, and • Calcium Oxide [CaO] in soda lime (Soda Ash production) also be made into fibers which are spun, woven, and and applications enable you to determine a variety of
Solvay S.A. (now INOVYN) of Belgium. The major pro­­ • Carbon dioxide [CO2] in soda (Soda Ash production) made into synthetic fabrics with adjustable properties substances and parameters, including additives, copoly-
duc­tion process for soda ash is the Solvay process, which • Carbonate [CO32-] in the Gas Scrubber Carbonization which can vary from flame resistance to bullet protec- mer levels, water content, halogens, and residual mono-
uses brine and limestone (calcium carbonate) as precur- Column (Soda Ash production) tion. Even rubber, such as the type used in automobile mers or impurities.
sors. In 2019, the global soda ash consumption reached • Caustic [OH­­­-] + Carbonate [CO3 2-] in Brine tires, is composed mainly of synthetic polymers.
a volume of 56.5 million tons. Out of this amount, about • Hydroxide [OH-] in soda (Soda Ash production) Standards for quality control
72% has been created synthetically with the Sol­­vay pro- Reaction monitoring and quality control The importance of polymer feedstock quality is reflected
cess, while the remaining 28% has been mi­­ned from Brine Preparation: Polymer production is a demanding process in which by the large number of standards relating to them.
natural sources. The Solvay process is responsible for • Ammonia [NH3] / Ammonium [NH4+] in brine high-purity raw materials undergo complex reactions and Metrohm instruments comply with numerous chemical
most soda ash production outside of the US, which uses (Preparation Ammonia Saturated Brine) are turned into polymers, fibers, resins, rubbers, and standards, which can be found within the Polymer branch
its own natural mineral deposits. • Calcium [Ca2+] + Magnesium [Mg2+] in Brine (Soda Ash gums. The polymerization reaction is the critical point in sites here:
production) the production process, and poor-quality raw materials
Sold and Installed Applications will inevitably yield poor-quality polymers. To make sure
Process Application Notes for the Soda Waste Water: that the products meet the specifications, the materials Process Application Notes for the
Ash Industry • Chloride [Cl-] in effluent (WWTP) and processes have to be monitored along the entire Polymer Industry
• Ammonia [NH3] / Ammonium [NH4+] in waste water production chain. You therefore need methods that
• Analysis of Ammonia in the Preparation • Inline monitoring of free isocyanate (%NCO)
(WWTP) operate where the reaction takes place and that yield
of Ammonia-Saturated Brine. content in polyurethane.
immediate results.
AN-PAN-1025 Other relevant PANs can be found in the Chlor-Alkali
Industry section.

Soda Ash Polymers

10 Sold and Installed Applications Additives:
• Monitoring TAN, water, and KOH in plasticizer pro- Hydroxyl Number:
PVC Production duction • Monitoring Hydroxyl Number and Acid Value in
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a plastic polymer which is seen Various Polymer Products (NIRS)
all over in everyday life – in pipes, bank cards, sports Moisture/Water Content: • Monitoring Hydroxyl value; acid number; Water; pH
equip­­ment, and even furniture. It is generally rigid, but • Water in MDI-TDI (Polyurethane production) (Reaction kettle) (NIRS)
can be made into more flexible forms with the addition • Monitoring the Hydroxyl Number in Powdered Resins
of plasticizers such as phthalates. The precursor to PVC is Other Applications for the polymer industry (NIRS)
the vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) which is reacted with • Caustic [OH-] in MDI-TDI (Polyurethane production) • Quantitatively Determining the Hydroxyl Number in
itself to create the PVC polymer. VCM is created by an­­ • Free Cyanide in in adiponitrile for Nylon production Various Solid and Liquid Polyols (NIRS)
other process, which begins by chlorinating ethylene. • Monitoring Hydroxyl Level of Polymer in an Ethanol/
Manufacturing PVC is in fact the largest use of chlorine NIRS Applications for the Polymer Industry: Water Solution (NIRS)
for industrial purposes. The process is followed by oxy- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is a technique used to
chlorination with hydrochloric acid, creating the interme- quickly and accurately determine many properties in Moisture/Water Content:
diate – ethylene dichloride (EDC). EDC is then cracked by process. No chemicals are needed and results are • Monitoring Moisture in Nylon (NIRS)
heating in a furnace, which splits the compound into obtained very quickly. NIR spectroscopy can be used in • Monitoring Moisture in plastic in a fluid bed dryer
vinyl chloride (VCM) and hydrochloric acid (which can be many different areas within the polymer and plastic • Monitoring the Level of Water in Blends (NIRS)
Acrylate in Polymer Pellets (NIRS)
reused). The VCM must be cooled quickly (quenched) manufacturing process, for any polymer type (liquids or • Determining the Relative Amounts of Water in an
• Monitoring the Levels of Vinyl-Acetate and Three
before it degrades further, requiring large quantities of solids). Common applications include the determination Acrylic Resin Throughout a Three Step Drying Process
Antioxidants in a LDPE-Based Polymer Pellet (NIRS)
water, which is also reused throughout the plant after of the acid value, amine value, hydroxyl number, mois- (NIRS)
• Monitoring Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Stearate,
cleaning. VCM is purified by distillation in large towers, ture (typically higher than 100 ppm), adhesive content, • Monitoring the Concentration of a Polymer
and Talc in Chlorinated Polyethylene (NIRS)
then stored before making PVC. antioxidant and UV inhibitor content, cure, melt index, Intermediate and Moisture in a Feed Reactor (NIRS)
• Monitoring Moisture, melt flow index, color-number
HDPE/LDPE, melamine content, plastic identification, po­­ • Monitoring a Melamine Reaction and Determining
in PET pellets (NIRS)
The polymerization process happens inside of an auto- ly­­mer analysis, end point determination, alcohol detec- Moisture in a Melamine Mix (NIRS)
• Monomer determination in synthetic latex
clave in an emulsion or suspension with water. At this tion/analysis and residual solvent detection. NIRS analysis production (NIRS)
point, the process can be adjusted to produce different also allows for the determination of physical properties Comparison / Distinguishing:
grades of PVC which are made into different products. such as molecular weight, degree of branching, tacticity, • Qualitative Comparison of Polystyrene Pellets (NIRS)
Once the reaction in the autoclave is stopped, any unre- melting point, particle size verification, density, and • Distinguishing Among Various PVC Samples (NIRS)
• Monitoring TAN, water, alcohol, and ester in plasticiz-
acted VCM is stripped, purified and reused. A centrifuge viscosity. er (DOTP) production (NIRS)
removes excess water from the PVC slurry, which is then Monitoring Blend/Reaction Characteristics:
• Monitoring the Level of an Additive in PVC Sidings
fed into a hot air dryer and a sieve to complete the This list is intended as a starting point but is not • MAAS in MMA and PMMA production (NIRS)
process. comprehensive. Many determinations listed below • Monitoring COOH; DEG; IPA; IV in PET production
• Monitoring the Presence of an Additive in
could also be applied to other chemicals and pro­ (NIRS)
Polypropylene RCP Base Resin (NIRS)
Applications for PVC: ducts. • Monitoring a Polyurethane Reaction (NIRS)
• Quantifying an Additive in Polypropylene Pellets
• Acidity in Vinyl Chloride (VC/EDC/PVC Production) • Monitoring Blend Composition in Butadiene/Styrene/
• Calcium [Ca2+] + Hydrochloric Acid [HCl] in PVC Physical Characteristics (Thickness, Density, Acrylonitrile Polymer Resins (NIRS)
Production (Electrolysis) Viscosity): • Monitoring Butadiene, Polycarbonate, and Butyl
• Free Chlorine [Cl2] in Incineration Furnace Waste • Monitoring Viscosity During a Phenolformaldehyde
Treatment (PVC Production, WWTP) Resin Reaction (NIRS)
• Free Chlorine [Cl2] in PVC (PVC Production) • Monitoring a Coating Material on Polystyrene Pellets
• Water [H2O] content in 1,2-dichloroethane [C2H4Cl2] (NIRS)
(EDC/VCM production)
• Monitoring Ethylbenzene; Styrol in PVC production Monitoring Curing Rate:
• Monitoring Degree of Cure (Monomer Content) on
Monitoring Blend/Reaction Characteristics: Polymer Film (NIRS)
• MAAS (PMMA production, MMA monomer) • Monitoring Cure Rate of an Adhesive (NIRS)
• Monitoring the Degree of Cure of Resin-Coated
Fiberglass (NIRS)

Polymers Polymers
Process Application Notes for the Chemical Industry
• HPPO process for Propylene oxide (PO): Analysis of peroxide.
12 • Cumene process: Analysis of Sulfuric Acid in Acetone and Phenol.
• Caprolactam Production: Determination of Permanganate Absorption Number.
• Inline process monitoring of moisture content in propylene oxide.

Sold and Installed Applications Applications for Cumene Process Waste:

• Total Cyanide [TCN] in waste water (WWTP –
Cumene process for Phenol & Acetone production Toluene/Cumene production)
In this process, two products (acetone and phenol) are • Phenol in waste water (WWTP)
created from a cumene precursor (itself created by the
reaction of benzene and propene). Both phenol and Caprolactam industry
acetone are widely used in many industries – phenol Caprolactam is the precursor chemical to create Nylon-6,
mostly as a precursor to creating plastics and resins, and which is ubiquitous in our lives. Nylon can be made into
acetone mainly as a solvent and also the precursor to fabric, plastic machine parts, and even cookware (like
plexiglass (Poly(methyl methacrylate)). If the two prod- spatulas) due to heat resistance up to its melting point of
ucts are allowed to react together, they form a third 256 °C. Multiple methods have been developed to syn-
compound, bisphenol, which is used as a starting point thesize caprolactam, though the majority is now created

Chemical Industry in formation of polycarbonate plastics. Polycarbonate

plastics are known to be lightweight and transparent,
via a cyclohexanone precursor with bases and acids.
Nearly all manufactured caprolactam is used for the syn-
but also exhibit high impact strength and heat resistance. thesis of Nylon-6.
These plastics are used in many industries – from auto-
motive and electronics to the food and beverage indus- Applications for Polyamide/Caprolactam
The Chemical industry as a whole is responsible for creat- and phenol, caprolactam production for Nylon-6, the
tries. Production:
ing and supplying the world with precursors and reagents HPPO process which converts hydrogen peroxide to pro-
• Acid Number in Anolon (Cyclohexanone before
for every possible use. Various grades of chemical quality pylene oxide, and also the chemical fertilizer manufactur-
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is found in many hard plastics, such as Oxidation step)
are needed depending on their end use: pharmaceuticals ing process. Other sold and installed applications for
water bottles, baby bottles, and even within the lining in • Alkalinity in cooling water (Chemicals, Cooling water
need higher purity chemical reagents than metal leach- various chemical industry processes can be found at the
food and beverage containers. This compound has often for Refinery Facility)
ing solutions in the mining industry, for example. It end of the chapter.
been in the news in recent years because it has been • Ammonium [NH4+] + Nitrite [NO2-] in Caprolactam
would be impractical to list every manufacturing process
found to mimic the effects of estrogen in the endocrine Production (Reactor)
in this handbook, so for more information it is advisable Standards for quality control
system, and leaches out from the plastic despite having • Ammonium Sulfite [(NH4)2SO3] in Caprolactam
to search for the most updated global market informa- The importance of chemical products is reflected by the
low solubility in water. The exposure to low concentra- Production (Reactor)
tion online. large number of standards relating to them. Metrohm
tions are enough to disrupt the endocrine system, espe- • Hydroxylamine [NH2OH] in Caprolactam Production
instruments comply with numerous chemical and solvent
cially for children, and could lead to developmental dis- (Reactor)
Process analyzers from Metrohm Applikon have been standards, which can be found below:
orders in later years. • Impurities (Iso-Butanol) in HexaMethyleneDiamine
installed at numerous chemical plants worldwide for a
(HMD)/Water [H2O] (90/10%)
variety of applications in many areas. The following are a
Applications for Cumene Process: • Kjeldahl-N + Acid Value in Caprolactam Production
selection of some of the more prominent chemical ma­­ industry-basic-chemicals/chemical-standards
• Caustic [NaOH] in Phenol (Phenol Production) • Permanganate Index in Caprolactam Production
nufacturing processes to which we have sold many appli­
• Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] in Phenol-Acetone/Phenol (Caprolactam Purification, End product)
cations: the cumene process which produces acetone
(Reactor – Acetone + Phenol production) • pH (Acidity) in Caprolactam Production (Reactor)
• Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4], Sodium Phenolate [C6H5NaO], +
Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH] in process (Outlet Reactor) Applications for Caprolactam Process Waste:
• Ammonium [NH4+] in Outlet WWTP (Effluent)
• Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] in Outlet Reactor
(Caprolactam Outlet Reactor)

Chemicals Chemicals
14 HPPO Process – Propylene Oxide production
Propylene oxide is an important product for the chemical
the nutritional needs of individual crops and soils. De­­fi­
ciencies in these nutrients result in stunted growth, yel-
Applications for Fertilizer Production:
• Phosphoric acid [H3PO4] in Diammonium phosphate
Other Applications for the Chemical Industry:
• Ammonia [NH3] in process (MDEA Production)
industries because of its wide range of applications that lowed leaves, and an overall weak structure. [(NH4)2HPO4] production • Amines in process (ethylenediamine production)
are predominantly used in the polyurethane and solvent • Phosphorus pentoxide [P2O5] in Fertilizer Production • Aniline (Amino-Benzene) [C­6H5NH2] (in Brine for
industries. The total PO market is still growing and so is The synthesis of the nitrogen component begins with • Sulfate [SO42-] in Fertilizer Production Isocyanate production
the need for a cost efficient and environmentally friendly ammonia (NH3) generally derived from the large-scale • Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] in Phosphoric Acid [H3PO4] for • Bisphenol A [BPA], NaOH in polycarbonate
production process. Today’s industry leading technology Haber process, which is then reacted with nitric acid Fertilizer Production (H3PO4 Reactor) • Bromine Number in process (linear alkylbenzenes)
process «HPPO» (Hydrogen Peroxide to Propylene Oxide) (HNO3) to create ammonium nitrate. Phosphorus can be • Caustic [NaOH] in process
yields PO from propene and hydrogen peroxide using a derived from mineral sources with acid digestion, and Applications for Fertilizer Emission Control: • Caustic [NaOH] and peroxide [H2O2] in process
titanium silicate catalyst, leaving water as a byproduct. can be made into either ammonium phosphate or triple • Ammonia [NH3] in Fertilizer Production (Emission • Chlorine [Cl2] in Titanium(II) oxide [TiO2] (Titanium
superphosphate (TSP). The potassium component comes Control) Oxide production)
Hydrogen peroxide present in a methanol solvent is used from potassium chloride, generally granulated in order • Ammonia [NH3] + Nitrate [NO3-] in Fertilizer • Chromium [Cr6+] on effluent of adiponitrile process
as the sole oxidizing agent and is the critical feedstock for easier blending with the other compounds so that the Production (Waste water recovery) (effluent HCN)
and parameter to measure the complete conversion rate fertilizer can be easily and properly distributed. • Chloride [Cl-] in Fertilizer Production (WWTP) • Chromium [Cr6+] analysis (Boiler water)
to PO. Therefore there is a high demand for accurate and • Chloride [Cl-] in Outlet Anion Exchange Column • Fluoride [F-] (Aluminium treatment, heat treatment
robust online process monitoring throughout the entire (Quality control, water after column with anion line)
reaction process. Measuring the H2O2 concentrations in exchange resin) • Formaldehyde in waste water (Formaldehyde produc-
the primary reaction tank plays a vital role to ensure high • Fluoride [F-] in Fertilizer Production (WWTP, Emission tion)
PO yields while reducing costs with low feedstock con- Control) • Free Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] (dissolved alumminum)
sumption. • Nitrate [NO3-] in Fertilizer Production (effluents • Hexavalent Chromium [Cr6+] in waste water (Chromic
treatment) Acids production)
Applications for the HPPO Process: • Total Phosphate in Fertilizer Production (WWTP) • Hydrochloric acid [HCl] in process water (Herbicides,
• Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] + Hydroquinone [C6H6O2] • Silica [Si] in Outlet Anion Exchange Column (Quality Acid Adjust Tank)
(Reactor, Hydrogen peroxide production) control, water after column with anion exchange • Hypochlorite [ClO-] + Thiosulfate [S2O32-] in process
• Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in Anthraquinone [C14H8O2] resin) • Iodine [I-], Iodate [IO3-] (production of salt)
(Hydrogen peroxide production) • Calcium [Ca+] and Magnesium [Mg+] in Magnesium
• Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in Condensate (Hydrogen Hydroxide [Mg(OH)2] production
peroxide production)
• Monitoring peroxide [H2O2] in methanolic samples
(propylene oxide production)

Applications for HPPO Process Waste:

• Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in neutralized aqueous
effluent (WWTP)
• Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in waste water (Hydrogen
peroxide production, WWTP)

Fertilizer manufacturing
Fertilizer is used to supply essential nutrients for prolifera-
tion of plant growth, leading to larger yields in the agri-
cultural industry. Fertilizers can come from either natural
(such as manure, bone meal, or compost) or synthetic
sources. Primarily, synthetic fertilizers are made of nitro-
gen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds, though
single-nutrient fertilizers are also available on the market.
Synthetic fertilizers can be easily modified to better meet

16 • Moisture in Isopropyl Alcohol (moisture control)
• P&M Number and Hardness [Ca2+ / Mg2+] (Commercial
• Fluoride [F-] in Recycled water (Fluorinated Polymers,
Polyamide/Caprolactam Production:
• Monitoring Perester production (NIRS)
• Monitoring the Chemical Reaction of Nonene with
Diphenylamine (NIRS)
salt production) • Free Chlorine [Cl2] in condensing water (WWTP) • Monitoring Hydroquinol Production in a Reaction
• P&M Number in Demi water (Demi Water plant, • Free Nickel [Ni] (WWTP) HPPO Process: Stream (NIRS)
Decarbonization) • Nitrate [N-NO3-] in waste water (WWTP) • Moisture (ppm) in PO (NIRS) • Monitoring Bromine Number (Degree of Unsaturation)
• Fenolftaleine and methyl orange (p & m) values (qual- • Total Nickel [Ni­2+] + Total Iron [Fe­2+/Fe­3+­] in waste • Monitoring Peroxide in a Reaction Stream (NIRS) during the Hydrogenation of a Polyalphaolefin (NIRS)
ity control process) water
• Sodium [Na­+] in demi water (Maleic Anhydride pro- • Phosphate [P-PO43-] in waste water (WWTP) Surfactants: Mixtures:
duction) • Sodium [Na­+] in high purity water (utilities) • Monitoring Surfactants in a Water/Isopropyl Alcohol • Monitoring Methoxypropylamine and N,N
• Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] in Caustic Scrubber Mixture (NIRS) Diethylaminoethanol in a Complex Mixture (NIRS)
• Total Alkalinity (TA-TAC) and calcium [Ca2+] (manufac- NIRS Applications for the Chemical Industry: • Monitoring the Presence of a Surfactant in a Water
ture of carbonate and sodium bicarbonate) Solvent (NIRS) Solvent purity and recovery:
• Water determination in Carbon Tetrachloride [CCl4] This list is intended as a starting point but is not • Distillation process in caprolactone production (NIRS)
by Karl Fischer Titration comprehensive. Many determinations listed below Moisture Analysis: • Monitoring Glycol Purity (NIRS)
could also be applied to other chemicals and pro­ • Monitoring Low Level Moisture in Ethylenediamine • Monitoring the Levels of Toluene in an Organic
Waste Water: ­ducts. (NIRS) Solvent (NIRS)
• Ammonia [NH3] in waste water (WWTP) • Monitoring moisture in ethyl acetate production by
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] in waste water Cumene Process: fermentation (NIRS)
(WWTP) • Monitoring Parts per million (PPM) Levels of Moisture • Monitoring the Levels of Water and Fluorosulfonic
• Chloride [Cl-] in waste water (Final Effluent discharge) in Phenol (NIRS) Acid in a Mixed Hydrofluoric/Sulfuric Acid Stream
• Cyanide [CN-] in influent WWTP (Chemicals, WWTP) (NIRS)
• Monitoring moisture in polyol production (NIRS)
• Monitoring Water, Acetic Acid, Beta-Picoline and
Dimethylacetamide in a Solvent Stream (NIRS)

Reaction Monitoring:
• Bisphenol A; Ethanol; Water; TBBPA (NIRS)
• Br2 ; Ethanol; Water; White solids; HBr (NIRS)
• Dissolution monitoring (NIRS)
• Monitoring the Hydrolysis Reaction of Polyvinyl
Alcohol (NIRS)

Chemicals Chemicals
Process Application Notes for the Petrochemical Industry
18 • Sour Water Stripper (SWS): Analysis of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia in Sour Water. 19
• Desalting Crude Oil – Analysis of Salt in Crude Oil.
• Mercaptans and Hydrogen Sulfide Derived from Crude Oil According to ASTM D3227
and UOP163. AN-PAN-1026
• Inhibiting Polymerization: Monitoring the Concentration of TBC in Styrene According
to ASTM D4590. AN-PAN-1027
• ASTM D8045: Online measurement of the acid number (AN) in oils with
thermometric titration. AN-PAN-1037
• Inline monitoring of water content in naphtha fractions by NIRS
• Online process monitoring of octane number during catalytic reforming by NIRS
following ASTM D2699 and ASTM D2700. AN-PAN-1052

Petrochemical Industry Sold and Installed Applications

Waste Water:
Biodiesel Production: • Ammonia [NH3] / Ammonium [NH4+] in waste water
A demanding industry required. For those circumstances, the Metrohm Process • Acid number + Potassium in biodiesel • Ammonia [NH3] + Sulfide [S2-] in inlet of WWTP
Crude oil is a highly complex mixture of hydrocarbons Analytics 2045TI Ex proof Analyzer is available in a stain­ • Acidity + moisture in biodiesel (Waste Water Treatment, Sour water)
and other compounds that through desalting, distillation less-steel explosion-proof version to comply with explo- • Ammonium [NH4+] + Hydrogen sulfide [H2S] (WWTP)
and conversion is transformed into higher quality hydro- sion-proof electrical area classifications. (ATEX, ClassI Kerosene Production: • Barium [Ba2+] in waste water (WWTP)
carbons. This refining is demanding and requires precise Div2/ ClassI Div1…) • Mercaptans + Total Acidity in Kerosene (Kerosene • Calcium [Ca2+] in reactor WWTP (reactor WWTP)
and reliable analysis. purification process) • Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] in refinery waste
Standards for quality control • Sodium chloride [NaCl] in Crude Oil (Salt in crude) water (WWTP)
Lubricant of the global economy The importance of petroleum products is reflected by the • Water determination in Kerosene and Diesel • Chloride [Cl-] in refinery waste water (WWTP)
Nowadays crude oil, which consists of at least 500 differ- large number of standards relating to them. Metrohm (Production and Purification Processes) • Manganese (WWTP)
ent components, is processed by distillation and refining instruments comply with numerous petrochemical stan- • Nitrite [NO2-] in waste water (WWTP)
to produce liquefied gas, gasoline, diesel, heating fuel, dards, which can be found within the three Petrochemical Other Downstream Processes: • Total Nitrogen [TN] in water control
and lubricants as well as a large variety of other products. branch sites here: • Free and Total Acid determination in Refinery Processes • Phenol [C6H5OH] in refinery waste water (WWTP)
As the «lubricant» of the global economy, crude oil is (Water Carbonate Removal) • Phosphate [PO43-] / Total Phosphate [TP] in waste
omnipresent. It covers approximately 40% of our energy • Ammonia [NH3] / Ammonium [NH4+] in Petrochemical water (water control, WWTP)
demand and is used in the chemical industry for the water treatments (Acid water treatment, Sour Stripper • Sodium [Na­+] in high purity water (utilities)
production of plastics, textiles, dyes, cosmetics, fertiliz- water, Circulation water, Waste water, etc.) • Sulfate [SO42-] in waste water (Seawater treatment,
ers, detergents, building materials, and pharmaceuticals. • Carbonate [CO32-] in water recovery process WWTP)
• Chlorine [Cl2] in water treatment processes • Sulfide [S2-] in refinery waste water (Stripped water,
Explosion-proof systems for petrochemistry (Cooling water) WWTP)
In many cases, the IP66-NEMA4 housing of our Process • Fluoride [F-] in cooling water (Alkylation Unit) • Sulphide [S2-] + Mercaptanes (Oxidized Spent Caustic
Analyzers will be sufficient. In some cases in the petro- • Hypochlorite [ClO-] in Cooling water system to WWTP)
chemical industry, however, explosion-proof systems are • Moisture in gasoline • Sulfite [SO3-] in waste water (WWTP)
• P&M value in water (Water Carbonate Removal)

Petrochemical Petrochemical
20 Other Applications for the Petrochemical
NIRS Applications for the Petrochemical Industry:
NIR Spectroscopy can monitor many processes in the
• 4-tertiary-butylcatechol [TBC] in Styrene (Styrene Inlet Petrochemical sector. Gasoline parameters measured
Storage Tank) with NIR cover research octane (RON, ASTM D2699),
• Acetic Acid [CH3COOH] in Petrochemical Processes motor octane (MON, ASTM D2700), and road octane
• Acid number in synthetic light oil (Synthol reactor) number (RdON), and volume percentage or even mole
• Total-Acid-Number [TAN] in solvents percent of individual components (paraffins, isoparaffins,
• Total-Alkalinity [TA] in MEG aromatics, naphthenes, and olefins; PIANO). Common
• Amine strength (Amine Production) die­­sel parameters measured with NIR include specific
• Ammonia [NH4+] in CDU overhead water (Overhead gra­­­­vity, viscosity, flash point, cold filter plugging point
condensing system) (CFPP), pour point, and cloud point. Also possible to
• Bromide [Br-] Index + Bromine number in Petro­ monitor with NIRS: crude oil distillation, gasoline blend-
chemical Processes (LAP Production, Naphtha Cracker) ing, diesel blending, and biofuels blending (ethanol in
• Carbonyl number in oxo-alcohols ga­­soline, biodiesel).
• Caustic [NaOH] in Diethylene Glycol [DEG] (Ethylene
Glycol production, MEG Scrubber) This list is intended as a starting point but is not
• Caustic [NaOH] in fuels (Refinery process) comprehensive. Many determinations listed below
• Total Caustic [OH-] + Free Caustic [OH-] in Ethylene could also be applied to other chemicals and pro­
Scrubber ­ducts.
• Chloride [Cl-], Iron [Fe2+], + pH in Distillate stream • Gasoline blending (blender control) (NIRS)
(Overhead Condensing System of Crude Distillation • Monitoring the Alkylation Process (NIRS)
Unit) • Monitoring a Gasoline Blend (NIRS)
• Free-Chlorine [Cl2] in Seawater (Sea water treatment- • Monitoring the Level of Rolling Oil in a Rolling Oil Semiconductor / Electronics Industry
ment) Emulsion (NIRS)
• Cobalt [Co2+] in Petrochemical Hydrotreating • Monitoring a Mixture of Pentane, Pentane, and
Processes (Petrochemical production, Desulfurization Pentyne (NIRS)
process) • Monitoring the Pour Point of Lube Oils (NIRS) Semiconductors in everyday use Record sales in recent decades
• Hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] in Dispensed/Recovery • Monitoring Saponification Value in Various Oil Semiconductors are the fundamental components of According to the Semiconductor Industry Association,
Liquid (Methanol/Propylene/H2O/Propylene-Oxide Products (NIRS) modern electronic goods. With the advent of the digital the worldwide semiconductor sales increased from US $
mixture) • Monitoring Surfactants in Oil (NIRS) age and now the current «Internet of Things», smaller, 125.6 billion in 1998 to US $ 468.8 billion in 2018, a
• Hydrogen-Sulphide [H2S] in Stripped Water (utilities, • Octane number and vapor pressure (RVP) (refining faster, and more powerful processors are in constant compound annual growth rate of 6.81% per year.
sour water stripping unit) process) (NIRS) demand for many goods and services. The semiconduc- Between 2017-2018, global sales have had the largest
• Hydrogen-Sulphide [H2S] in amine (fuel gas treatment • Styrene; Bromine number; Softening point tor industry is largely responsible for improving many growth since 1998. With an increase from US $ 340
unit) (Hydrogenated Hydrocarbon Resin) (NIRS) aspects of society as many services have been digitized billion in 2017 to US $ 468.8 billion in 2018.
• Iron [Fe2+], Chloride [Cl-], + pH in Distillate stream and interlinked (e.g. Big Data, smart grids). Without suf-
For more information about the Propylene oxide ficient processing power, a service can be rendered ob­­ World Semi­conductor Trade Statistics projects that the
(CDU Crude Distillation Unit)
production, visit our website and download our Propylene solete as new technologies are introduced daily. Security, worldwide semiconductor industry sales are forecast to
• Methoxyethanol in aircraft fuel
oxide white paper. health care, energy efficiency, and many other sectors reach US $ 490 billion in 2019 and US $ 506 billion in
• Saponification value in various petrochemical products
(Petrochemical process) benefit greatly from improvements within the semicon- 2020.
• Water [H2O] + Formic Acid [HCOOH] in Methanol ductor industry.
(Water Removal Process)

Petrochemical Semicon / Electronics

22 Process Application Notes for the Semiconductor / Electronics Industry • Potassium hydroxide [KOH], Isopropanol, + Hexa­-
fluor­osilicic acid [H2SiF6] / Hydrochloric acid [HCl] +
Etching baths)
• Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], Phosphoric acid [H3PO4],
• Electroless Nickel Plating; Semiconductor, PCB industry Analysis of Nickel ion & Hydrogen fluoride [HF] / Hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2], + Titanium in Etching bath
Hypo­phos­phite content. AN-PAN-1012 (Solar Panels, Etching Texturing) (Copper Etchant, Mixing)
• Monitoring Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide (TMAH) in Developer. • Potassium-Hydroxyde [KOH] + Ethanol-Amine [MEA] • Tin [Sn2+] + Copper [Cu2+] in etching bath (Integrated
AN-PAN-1028 in Etching bath (TFT-LCD / color filter) Circuits (PCB), Sn/Cu Plating bath)
• Tin [Sn2+] + Free Acid in Tin Plating baths (Etching
Wafer Etching: baths, Electronic components)
Sold and Installed Applications • Acid (Total) - (Phosphoric acid [H3PO4], Nitric acid
[HNO3] and Citric acid) in etching process (LCD Photolithography:
Aluminum Foil Etching: • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] + Hydrogen Fluoride [HF] in
Manufacture) • pH + Amines (wafer production, photolithography)
• Free and Total Acid in Etching bath (Aluminum Foil process (Glass etching)
• Total Acid in etching baths (Touch Panel, Etching bath) • Tetramethylammonium hydroxide [TMAH] in
for Electrolytic Capacitors, PCB)
• Acidity in etching baths (Copper bath) Developer (LCD Screen, Photoresist, Developer
• Free and Total Acid + Ortho-Phosphate [P-PO4] in Solar Etching:
• Acidity + Nitrite [NO2-] in etching baths (PCB, Etching Recycling System)
Etching bath (Aluminum Foil for Electrolytic Capacitors, • Hydrogen fluoride [HF], HydroChloric Acid [HCl] +
PCB) Potassium Hydroxide [KOH] in etching baths (photo-
• Chloride [Cl-] in 50 to 80% Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] Plating Baths:
• Chloride [Cl-] in Etching bath (Aluminum Foil Etching resist developer)
(Waste H2SO4 recycling system) • Copper [Cu2+] in plating (Electroless Copper Plating,
Bath) • Hydrogen fluoride [HF], Hexafluorosilicic acid [H2SiF6],
• Copper [Cu2+], Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], + Chloride [Cl-] Flexible PCB)
• Phosphoric acid [H3PO4] in Etching bath (Aluminum Nitric Acid [HNO3], + Acetic Acid [CH3COOH] (Wafer
in etching bath (Micro-Chips, Etching bath) • Copper [Cu2+] in Zinc Electrolyte (Zinc electrolysis)
Foil for Electrolytic Capacitors, PCB) texturing of solar panels)
• Copper [Cu2+], Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], + Sodium • Copper [Cu2+], Sodium hydroxide [NaOH], + Formal­
• Hydrofluoric Acid [HF] + Nitric acid [HNO3] Etching
peroxosulfate [NaPS] in Etching Cleaner (BOC (Board dehyde [CH2O] in electroless Copper (BOC (Board On
Glass Etching: baths (Solar Cells, Etching Baths, Mixed acid etchant)
On Chip)) Chip))
• Hydrofluoric acid [HF], Nitric acid [HNO3], + Sulfuric • Isopropyl alcohol [C3H8O] + Sodium hydroxide [NaOH]
• Fluoride [F-] in strong acids (etching baths) • Dimethylamine borane [DMAB], Boric acid [B(OH)3],
acid [H2SO4] in etching baths (LCD Display, Glass in etching baths (Wafer Texturing, Etching bath)
• Hydrochloric acid [HCl], Aluminum Chloride [AlCl3], + Cobalt(II) sulfate [CoSO4], + pH in Cobalt plating bath
etching) • Nitric acid [HNO3], Hydrogen fluoride [HF], + Hexa­
Boric acid [B(OH)3] in process (Transistor & Resistors, (Chip manufacturing, plating baths)
• Nitric acid [HNO3], Sulfurous Acid [H2SO3], + Hydro­ fluor­osilicic acid [H2SiF6] / Hydrochloric acid [HCl] +
Etching bath) • EDTA in Cu Bath (PCB production)
fluoric Acid [HF] in etching (LCD screen, Glass etching) Hydrogen fluoride [HF] / Potassium hydroxide [KOH] +
• Hydrochloric-acid [HCl] & Nitric-acid [HNO3] + pH in • EDA and Potassium hydroxide [KOH] in Cu Bath (PCB
• Oxalic acid [H2C2O4] in etching process (LCD manufac- Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] (Solar Panels, Etching
etching baths production)
turing) Texturing)
• Hydrofluoric Acid [HF] + Hydrochloric acid [HCl] • Glycolic Acid + pH in Cu-Electro plating bath (Chip
(binary acid etchant) manufacturing, plating baths)
• Hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] + Hydrochloric acid [HCl] in • Gold [Au] + Thallium [Tl] in plating baths
etching bath (Surface treatment, etching bath) • Formaldehyde [CH2O], Sodium hydroxide [NaOH], +
• Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] + Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] in Dimethylamine borane [DMAB] in Cu plating solution
Etchant (Touch Screen Panels, Monitoring Etchant, (PCB, Copper Plating)
Etching Clean Bath) • Leveller in acid-Cu bath (Micro-Chips, Copper Plating
• Iron [Fe2+], Nickel [Ni2+], + Copper [Cu2+] in Etching at Pilot Plant)
Bath (Monitoring Etching Bath, SC1, SC2) • Nickel [Ni2+] + Hypophosphite [H2PO2-] in Nickel
• Methanesulfonic acid [MSA] + Hydrofluoric acid [HF] Plating Bath (Electroless Wafer Bumping, Nickel
in MSA/HF storage tanks (Wafers, Etching baths) Plating Bath)
• Monoethanolamine [MEA] + water [H2O] in Alkaline • Nickel [Ni2+] + Phosphoric acid [H3PO4] (Nickel bath)
Photoetch (Flexible Electronic Circuitry) • Phosphate [P-PO43-] and Sulfite [SO32-] in plating baths
• Nickel [Ni] + Hypophosphite [H2PO2-] in etching baths • Tin [Sn2+] + Free Acid in Tin Plating baths (Etching
(Etching baths) baths, Electronic components)
• Nitric acid [HNO3] in etching bath (Etching) • Tin [Sn2+] + Copper [Cu2+] in etching bath (Integrated
• Sodium carbonate [Na2CO3] in developer (PCB) Circuits (PCB), Sn/Cu Plating bath)
• Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], Hydrofluoric acid [HF], +
Hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] in etching baths (Wafers,

Semicon / Electronics Semicon / Electronics

24 Waste Water:
• Ammonia [NH3] in waste water (WWTP)
• Fluoride [F-] + Ammonia [NH3] in Inlet & Outlet waste
water treatment (wafer manufacture)
Other Applications for the Semiconductor/
Electronics Industry:
NIRS Applications for the Semiconductor
• Ammonia [NH3], Fluoride [F-], + pH in Hydrofluoric • Hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] in waste water (WWTP) • Ammonia [NH3] in cooling water (Microchips The purity of chemicals, bath composition and other
Acid Waste (HFW) (WWTP) • Hydrogen-Peroxide [H2O2] + Chloride [Cl­-] in Waste production) processes can be easily monitored around the clock with
• Boron [B] in waste water (Glass Thinning in LCD H2SO4 Recycle System • Ammonium [NH4+] in Chemical Dilution system (Semi­ online NIRS. Chemical-free process analysis with NIRS
Industry, WWTP) • Nickel [Ni2+] in waste water (WWTP) conductor parts) gives real-time data, saving time and money over other
• Cadmium [Cd] in waste water (Solar Panels, WWTP) • Nitrite [NO2-] in waste water (Solar Panels, Detox • Ammonium Hydroxide [NH4OH] (Chemical distribution, analytical methods. Multiplexer options allow several
• Calcium [Ca2+] in waste water (WWTP) Waste Water, WWTP) Blending system) baths to be monitored by the same analyzer, from
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] in waste water • Phenol [C6H5OH] in waste water (Semiconductor, • Ammonium Hydroxide [NH4OH] + Hydrogen Peroxide opaque slurries to clear liquids. Even the wafer surface
(Chip (Wafer), Solar Panels, WWTP) WWTP) [H2O2] in SC1 Clean can be analyzed with NIR.
• Chloride [Cl-] in waste water (WWTP) • Potassium-Hydroxyde [KOH] + MEA in etching bath • Benzotriazole (BTA) [C6H4N3H] as Copper Corrosion
• Hexavalent Chromium [Cr6+] in waste water (PCB (TFT-LCD / color filter) Inhibitor in flexible circuitry This list is intended as a starting point but is not
Industrial, Electroplating Products, WWTP) • Ortho-Phosphate [PO43-] in waste water (WWTP, • Boric acid [B(OH)3], Potassium iodide [KI] in polarizing comprehensive.
• Copper [Cu2+] in waste water (PCB Industrial, CCW, Outlet LED production) film (PCB)
Chip (Wafer), WWTP) • Phosphate [P-PO43-] in waste water (TFT -LCD produc- • Copper [Cu2+] + Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in SCW Etching and Purification baths in wet benches:
• Copper(I) [Cu+] and Copper(II) [Cu2+] in waste water tion) (Slurry Copper Waste) (Ion exchange Treatment, Chip • HCl-QDR baths monitoring HCl/ H2O (NIRS)
(PCB Industrial, WWTP) • Sulfate [SO42-] in waste water (Final Effluent wafer) • HF-Dip/DHF baths monitoring HF / H2O (NIRS)
• Copper [Cu2+] + Cobalt [Co2+] in waste water (Chip monitoring, WWTP) • Copper [Cu2+], Zinc [Zn2+], Nickel [Ni2+], Free and Total • HotPhos baths monitoring H3PO4/ H2O (NIRS)
(Wafer), Heavy Metals Waste Treatment, WWTP) • Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] + Peroxide [H2O2] + Copper [Cu] Acid (Zinc, Acid baths) • BOE baths monitoring NH4F / HF / H2O (NIRS)
• Copper [Cu2+] + Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in slurry (wafer manufacturing, WWTP) • Hydrochloric acid [HCl] in recovery systems (TMAH • PETCH baths monitoring HF / HNO3/ H2O (NIRS)
Copper waste treatment (Chip (Wafer), waste water • Tin [Sn2+], Lead [Pb], + Copper [Cu2+] in waste water Recovery System, Wafers) • SC1/APM baths monitoring NH4OH / H2O2 (NIRS)
treatment) (WWTP) • Hydrochloric acid [HCl] + Germanium [Ge] • SC2 baths monitoring HCl/ H2O2/ H2O (NIRS)
• Copper [Cu2+], Iron [Fe3+], + Nickel [Ni2+] in waste (Germanium purifying) • SPM baths monitoring H2O2/ H2SO4 (NIRS)
water (WWTP) • Hydrofluoric acid [HF] in process water (Chemical • TMAH baths monitoring TMAH / H2O (NIRS)
• Cyanide [CN-] in waste water (Electroplating Products, preparation, Dilution system, Blending)
WWTP) • Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in CMP Slurry (Wafer Photolithography:
• Fluoride [F-] in waste water (Chip (Wafer), Semi­ polishing, Chemical Mechanical planarization) • Monitoring Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide [TMAH]
conductor, Solar Cells, WWTP) • Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] + Ammonia [NH3] in in Water (NIRS)
• Fluoride [F-] and pH in waste water (DRAM produc- reclaim water (Reclaim water)
tion) • Hydrogen peroxide [H2O2], pH, Temperature, + Wafer Etching:
Conductivity (CMP Slurry chemical blending) • Monitoring Etching Baths (NIRS)
• Lead [Pb2+] in activator bath (PCB manufacture)
• Phosphoric acid [H3PO4], Hydrogen peroxide [H2O2], + Other Applications for the Semiconductor/
Copper [Cu2+] (semiconductors) Electronics Industry:
• Silica [Si4+] in make-up water (Solar Cells, Make-up • Hydrochloric acid [HCl] + Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2]
water) in SC2 Clean (NIRS)
• Sodium [Na+] in Make-up Water (Solar Cells, Make-up • Water content in cleaning solution of semiconductor
water) (NIRS)
• Sodium hydroPCBxide [NaOH] in cleaner for
Electroless Copper Wet Bench
• Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] in scrubber (PCB manufac-
• TMAH + TMAC in developer (reagent production)

Semicon / Electronics Semicon / Electronics

26 Quality control with chemical analysis
Accurate and reliable chemical analysis plays a crucial remediation processes require chemical analysis to ensure
role in meeting these challenges. It is required to keep that environmental impact is minimal. For the mining
mining and refining operations running at peak efficiency, industry, continuous control of the production process,
as well as ensuring that raw materials and products are the quality of the product, and the composition of any
of the specified quality. Moreover, waste streams and waste streams is of utmost importance.

Process Application Notes for the Mining Industry

• Hydrometallurgical Process: Analysis of Free, Total & WAD Cyanide in gold leach slurry &
• Zinc production: Analysis of Zinc, Sulfuric acid and Iron.
• Analysis of Bayer Aluminate Liquors Using Thermometric Titration.

Sold and Installed Applications

Mining Industry Copper Mining & Purification:

• Acidity [H+] and Copper [Cu2+] in electrostatic tanks
Processing, Uranium Extraction (Yellow Cake Process))
• Sulfur Dioxide [SO2] in Electrolyte solution (Manganese,
(copper refinery) SO2 Absorption into Feed Electrowinning)
Ever-increasing demands oxygen in the water considerably which can affect the • Chloride [Cl-] in Copper Electrolyte solution (Copper • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] (Zinc purification, Copper Electro­
Mining produces both common and rare elements which rate of leaching, but this waste water has severe conse- refinery, Electrolyte tanks) winning, Copper Electro Refining)
are then refined and used in all kinds of other industries, quences for the environment and must first be treated • Copper [Cu2+] in refining processes (Copper electro
from creating jewelry to the manufacture of electronics. with oxidants to decrease its toxicity. refining, Nickel purification, Refinery Deep Electrolyte Gold Mining & Purification:
The global mining industry is undergoing massive expan- Decopperization, Smelter, Metal recovery) • Cyanide, Free [CN-] in gold mining (Gold winning,
sion to meet the increasing demand for minerals and Electrowinning can be used instead of ion exchange • Copper [Cu2+] + Iron [Fe3+] (Copper mining) WWTP)
metals. This expansion is taking place in an environment resins to recover materials, in fact – this is the only pro- • Metals (Cadmium [Cd] / Cobalt [Co] / Copper [Cu] / • Cyanide, total [TCN] (Gold mining, Detoxination Plant
where costs of capital, labor, raw materials and other cess to refine aluminum from ore. In this case, the semi- Germanium [Ge] / Antimony [Sb]) (Metal Purification, (CIP/CIL Plant))
inputs are all rising, demanding that operations must be saturated leaching solution is electrolyzed and the mate- Recovery) • Cyanide, Weak Acid Dissociable [CN-WAD] (Gold
run at optimum efficiency. rial (such as copper or gold) is electroplated on a large • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], Copper [Cu2+], Iron [Fe2+], Iron mine, WWTP, Gold winning, Electroplating)
scale. Some metals need subsequent reduction to be [Fe3+], + BT (Copper refinery)
Extraction and refining refined, while others can deposit at the bottom of the Leaching Processes:
In order to extract some materials, a process known as plating tank and form anodic sludge, which also requires Electrowinning Processes: • Ammonia [NH3] + Carbon Dioxide [CO2] (Nickel,
«leaching» is performed by introducing a leaching solu- further treatment before the refined material can be • Acid, Chloride [Cl-], Iron [Fe2+], + Rx in Copper Leaching S/X Circuit)
tion (such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, or nitric used. electro­winning process (Electrolysis) • Metals (Total) + pH (Leach plant)
acid) into bore holes and fracture lines in the ground. The • Chloride [Cl-] in Copper Electrolyte solution (Copper • Silica [SiO2] in Ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] in
solution is pumped out after a certain amount of time refinery, Electrolyte tanks) Manganese processing (Leaching, Thickening, and
and allowed to flow through ion exchange resins to con­ • Copper [Cu2+] from copper electrowinning (Copper Purification)
centrate the material (such as uranium). In some situa- electro refining) • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], pH, Redox, + Chloride [Cl-]
tions, rather than pumping the carrier solution down into • Copper [Cu2+], Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4], + Chloride [Cl-] (Copper mining, Leaching)
the ore, the ore is ground up and allowed to mix with the in Electrolyte (Metallurgy company, Refinery Deep • Zinc [Zn2+] + Iron [Fe3+] and Acid [H+] in process (Zinc
solution, such as in gold cyanidation where cyanide is Electrolyte Decopperization) production, zinc leaching)
used to leach gold. The cyanide lowers the amount of • Free Acid (Nitric Acid) [HNO3] in process (Uranium • Zinc [Zn2+] + Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] in process (Zinc
production, zinc leaching)

Mining Mining
28 Nickel Mining & Purification:
• Aluminum [Al3+] (Nickel Purification)
Zinc Mining & Purification:
• Acid + Iron [Fe2+] in Zinc Mining
Waste Water:
• Ammonia [NH3] in process (Nickel, Solvent Extraction, • Metals (Total) and Acid in spent electrolyte (Autoclave
• Ammonia [NH3] in process (Nickel, Solvent Extraction, • Acidity in zinc production processes (Zinc Purification) WWTP) Spent Electrolyte)
WWTP) • Cadmium [Cd] in Zinc sulfate [ZnSO4] (Zinc Purification, • Aluminum [Al], pH and Total Phosphorus [TP] in • Monitoring Moisture Content in Concentrated Iron
• Ammonia [NH3] + Carbon Dioxide [CO2] (Nickel, WWTP) waste water (Iron ore processing) Ore Samples (NIRS)
Leaching S/X Circuit) • Cobalt [Co2+] in leaching process (Zinc plant) • Cadmium [Cd] in Zinc sulfate [ZnSO4] (Zinc Purification, • Sodium Hydrosulfide [NaHS] in copper production
• Copper [Cu2+] in Nickel(II) sulfate [NiSO4] refining • Cobalt [Co2+] in Zinc Electrolyte (Zinc electrolysis) WWTP) (Molybdenum selection)
process (Deep removal copper process) • Cobalt [Co2+] in Zinc-plant liquid purification (Zinc • Calcium [Ca2+] in waste water (Zinc Copper mining,
• Nickel [Ni2+] from purification processes (Nickel plant) WWTP)
Purification) • Copper [Cu2+] + Iron [Fe3+] (Copper mining) • Hexavalent Chromium [Cr6+] in Waste Water Treatment
• Sulfide [S2-] gas in flue gas in acid smelter in Nickel • Hydrogen Sulfide [H2S] in Process (Zinc production) Plant (Nickel, PN Feed)
mine (Nickel) • Hydrogen sulfide [H2S] in zinc purification processes • Cyanide, Free [CN-] in waste water (WWTP)
• Zinc [Zn2+] (Nickel Purification) (Zinc purification) • Cyanide, total [TCN] in Process Waste (Polymetallic
• Iron [Fe2+] (Zinc purification) mining, Cyanide Destruction Plant)
Platinum Refineries: • Iron [Fe] + Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] in Electrolysis (Zinc • Cyanide, Weak Acid Dissociable [CN-WAD] in waste
• Acid, pH, Redox, + Caustic [NaOH] in multiple sample production, Electrolysis) water (WWTP)
streams (Platinum refineries) • Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] in Electrolysis (Zinc production, • Fluoride [F-] in waste water (Waste water treatment)
• Molar Ratio [Ni/NH3] (Platinum refineries) Electrolysis) • Hydrochloric acid [HCl] in Waste Water Treatment
• Zinc [Zn2+] + Manganese [Mn2+] in Electrolysis (Zinc Plant (Nickel, PN Feed)
production, Electrolysis) • Manganese [Mn2+] in Waste Water Treatment Plant
• Zinc [Zn2+], Manganese [Mn2+], + Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] (Nickel, PN Feed)
in Electrolysis (Zinc production, Electrolysis) • Mercury [Hg+2] in waste water (Iron ore processing)
• Zinc [Zn2+] + Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] in process (Zinc • Metals (Total) in effluent (Waste water treatment)
production, zinc leaching) • Phosphate [PO43-] in waste water
(Grit Chamber, precipitation of particles, WWTP)
• Silica [SiO2] in waste water (Metallurgy company,
• Sulfate [SO42-] in waste water
• Sulfide [S2-] in waste water (Zinc & Lead Production,

Other Applications for the Mining Industry:

• Acid and Chloride [Cl-] in copper electrolyte solution
• Acidity (Total + Free), Zinc [Zn], Iron [Fe], + Chloride
[Cl-] in process (Acid Recovery Plant)
• Chromic acid [H2CrO4] (Chrome production)
• Dinitrogen trioxide [N2O3] in H2SO4 (Reactor, Sulfuric
Acid by absorption of SO2)
• Hydrochloric acid [HCl] in Magnesium oxide [MgO]
• Hypochlorite [OCl-] in a scrubber system for exhaust
gas (mining)
• Carbonates [CO3-2] in lithium [Li+]­ pulps

Mining Mining
30 The liquid steel is then poured into casts and while still
warm, rolled out into increasingly thinner sheets, which
Hot vs. cold roll
Hot rolled steel is suitable for pipes, tubing, auto frames,
can then be further treated based on customer requests. rail cars, and construction and agricultural equipment.
Pickling baths with hydrochloric acid are used to remove Cold rolled steel is better suited for exposed automotive
the oxide layer which formed on the surface during the body parts, appliance cabinets, office furniture, and elec-
hot strip mill. The cold mill squeezes the sheets of steel tric motors. Cold rolled steel is harder, and sometimes
even further, giving a smooth finish and increasing the must go through an additional heat treating process
steel’s strength. called annealing to restore its formability. Surfacing tech-
niques such as galvanization are used to make metal
corrosion- and heat-resistant. Metal surfacing informa-
tion can be found in the following chapter.

Process Application Notes for the Steel / Metal Industry

• Steel Industry: Analysis of Acids and Iron in Pickling Baths.

Sold and Installed Applications

Pickling Process:
• Acid (Total), Hydrogen fluoride [HF], + Nitric acid • Fluoride [F-] in industrial waste water (WWTP)

Steel / Metal Industry [HNO3] (Acid Pickling Stainless Steel)

• Hydrochloric acid [HCl] in Pickling solution (Pickling

Hydrogen Sulfide [H2S] in waste water (WWTP)
Iron [Fe2+] in waste water (Steel, WWTP)
bath) • Total Iron [Fe2+ / Fe3+] in waste water (Steel/Metal,
• Hydrochloric acid [HCl] + Iron [Fe] in Pickling solution WWTP)
(Pickling bath) • Manganese [Mn2+] + Sulfate [SO42-] in waste water
An industry with nerves of steel
• Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in Pickling solution (Stainless (Manganese Based Metals, WWTP)
The Metals industry, and steel in particular, is responsible 1250 °C) into the furnace, eventually forming liquid «pig
Steel, Pickling process) • Nickel [Ni2+] in ground/waste water (WWTP)
for creating the infrastructure that our modern world iron» and lighter slag as a byproduct. The iron is collected
• Iron [Fe3+], Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4], + Hydrogen Fluoride • Nitrate [NO3-] in influent (Stainless Steel, WWTP)
depends on. Steel is essentially a form of iron, combined and lime powder added to reduce the sulfur content in
[HF] in pickling bath (Pickling bath) • pH, Free-Ammonia [NH3], + Total Ammonia [NH3]
with a small amount of carbon (typically less than 1%), order to preserve ductility in the final product.
in waste water (Steel, Waste De-Ammonization of
which is refined for strength and formability. In 2014,
Waste Water: Coke plant)
according to the World Steel Association, 51.2% of When the refined iron is reheated prior to steelmaking,
• Ammonia [NH3] in waste water (WWTP) • Sodium sulfate [Na2SO4] in waste water (WWTP)
global steel production went toward construction proj- scrap steel is added to help control the temperature due
• Ammonia [NH3] and carbon dioxide (CO2) in waste • Sulfate [SO42–] in waste water (WWTP)
ects, such as houses and skyscrapers. China is the largest to oxidation of impurities in the mixture. Pure oxygen is
water (WWTP) • Thiosulfate [S2O32-] in waste water (WWTP)
steel producer in the world, followed by Japan, India, the added in the blast furnace to the liquid pig iron, oxidizing
• Ammonia [NH3], Nitrate [NO3-], + Nitrite [NO2-] in • Zinc [Zn2+] in waste water (Metal treatment, WWTP)
US, and Russia. In 2015, world crude steel production the impurities into slag, and eventually the mixture
waste water (Steel, WWTP) • Zinc [Zn2+] + Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] in waste water
slowed, with a change of -2.8% compared to 2014. reaches a final temperature of 1650 °C. Excess carbon is
• Ammonia [NH3], Phenol [C6H5OH], Cyanide [CN-], + (WWTP)
also removed via vacuum degassing.
Thiocyanate [SCN-] in effluent WWTP (Outlet WWTP
Bessemer Process
Cokes plant) Aluminum Milling:
The industrial production of steel is performed via the Metal alloys can be created with other elements like
• Cadmiun [Cd] and Zinc [Zn] in monitoring waste • Aluminum [Al3+] + Caustic [NaOH] (Aluminum)
Bessemer process, patented in the 1850’s. Iron from iron titanium, manganese, or aluminum, which can be added
water (WWTP) • Fluoride [F-] in 2.5% Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] bath
ore, coal converted to coke (pure carbon) at 1100 °C, to de-oxidize and improve the ductility of steel for
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] (BDS, WWTP) (Aluminum Annealing Line)
and limestone are blended, sintered (a process also used example. Inert gases such as argon are bubbled through
• Chloride [Cl-] in waste water (Effluent WWTP) • Fluoride [F-] + Free and Total Acid in etching bath
in lead and copper production), and poured into a blast the hot mixture to stir and ensure homogeneity in com-
• Hexavalent Chromium [Cr6+] in waste water (WWTP, (Aluminum plates, Aluminum Coating Baths)
furnace. The iron is released and combined with carbon position and temperature, as well to float out remaining
Steel, Aluminum metal bashing) • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] + Aluminum [Al3+] in Aluminum
by the coking process and injection of hot air (around impurities into the slag above.
• Cyanide, total [TCN] in waste water (WWTP) etching bath (Aluminum Cast Line, Al anodization)

Steel / Metal Steel / Metal

32 Other Applications for the Steel / Metal Industry:
• Total Acid (TA), Free Acid (FA), + Iron [Fe2+] in • Hydrochloric-acid [HCl], Nitric-acid [HNO3] and pH in
Manganese [Mn]/Phosphating Bath (Tubes for Crude etching baths (gear production)
transport) • Hydrofluoric acid [HF], nitric acid [HNO3], titanium [Ti]
• Total acidity [TA] + Accelerator in process (chemical in surface finishing
conversion coating) • Hydrogen Sulfide [H2S], Ammonia [NH3], + pH in Acid
• Ammonia [NH3] in Cokes Gas (Steel, Coking Plant) Stripper (Steel, Outlet Acid Scrubber)
• Ammonia [NH3] + Sulfide [S2-] in Scrubber (Ammonia • Iron [Fe] + Chloride [Cl-] (Steel, Cold mill 2)
Recovery plant) • pH, redox for aerospace production (Etching)
• Total + Free Ammonia [NH3] in Stripper (Steel, Coking • Potassium hydroxide [KOH] in baths
Plant, Waste water from Strippers) • Silica [Si4+] (Steel, Cold mill 2)
• Ammonium [NH4] in tanks (WWTT) • Sodium [Na+] in water (Steel, Demi Water plant)
• Ammonium [NH4] in tanks (Nickel [Ni2+] production) • Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH], Sodium Cyanide [NaCN],
• Calcium [Ca2+] (Aluminum Smelter, Dosing unit) Sodium Carbonate [Na2CO3], + Copper [Cu2+] in
• Calcium [Ca2+] + Magnesium [Mg2+] in washing water Copper Plating Bath (Metal Wire Production)
• Chloride [Cl-] in process water (Steel, cold mill 2) • Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH], Nitric acid [HNO3], Sodium
• Chromate [CrO42-] in process (Steel, Metal Finishing) Carbonate [Na2CO3], Hydrofluoric acid [HF], Sulfuric
• Copper [Cu2+] (Copper tubes) acid [H2SO4] and Titanuim [Ti] in process
• Copper [Cu2+] , Pyrophosphate, Ammonium [NH4], • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] in water (Zinc extraction, metal
Acid, Alkalinity (wire production, plating bath) recovery, Process water treatment)
• Copper [Cu2+], Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4], + Chloride [Cl-] in • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] in Ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4]
Copper Plating bath (Copper Foil Plating Bath) (Outlet reactor)
• Copper [Cu2+] + Tin [Sn4+] in Etching baths (Steel wire • Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4] + Chloride [Cl-] in process Galvanic / Metal Surface Industry
for Tire, Etching process) (Cupper recycling)
• Fluoride [F-] in etching baths • Tin [Sn] + Sulfonic acid [R-S(=O)2-OH] (Steel production)
• Hydrochloric acid [HCl] + Aluminum [Al3+] (House • Zinc [Zn2+], Nickel [Ni2+], + Nitrate [NO3-] in zinc Corrosion
Cooking Equipment, Etching bath) phosphating bath (Phosphate plating) In the earth’s crust, many metals are found in their oxi- products and services for metal surface finishing analysis
• Hydrochloric acid [HCl] + Iron [Fe] (Carbon Steel • Zinc [Zn2+] + Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] in process (Steel, dized, ore state. Iron for example, is found naturally in a can be found here:
production) Leaching) multitude of oxide forms as magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite
(Fe2O3), goethite (FeO(OH)), and more. As a refined
metal, iron is especially vulnerable to corrosion, which is Surfacing
visible as red-brown colored rust. The iron is only trying Corrosion- and heat-resistant properties are highly valued
to revert back to its oxide form. Considering the immense in the metal industry. The thin plating of one metal on
amount of time and energy funneled into mining, refin- top of another can take advantage the oxidized coating
ing, and producing metals, protection against corrosion that results, shielding the base layer from the environ-
from the air, water, and other harsh environments is a ment. Immersion of steel sheets (or other metals or alloys)
top priority. in baths of molten zinc for galvanization makes the sur-
face rust resistant. Galvannealing combines the process
Nothing lasts forever of galvanizing (hot-dip) and then immediately annealing
Despite the various types of surfacing techniques avail- the steel inline, creating a matte finish which is resistant
able, rusting and corrosion are inevitable over the life- to corrosion and can be easily painted. This type of steel
time of the refined metal. Wet, salty environments such is used in many industries, including automotive, because
as areas near the ocean, or cold climates where salt is of its lifetime and paintability. Aluminum coated steel is
used to de-ice roads, decrease the effectiveness of pro- also used in the automotive industry and other industries
tective metal coatings due to the high electrical conduc- for long-life parts which can withstand high heat. Elec­tro­
tivity of saltwater. Corrosion rates are increased in these galvanizing (electrolytic plating) of cold rolled steel with
environments, which is why rusted automobiles are more zinc or a Zn/Ni mixture is another option to provide a
prevalent in cold, northern climates compared to hot, dry non-reactive surface.
climates where the protective layer on the body is more
preserved. More information about our atline and online

Steel / Metal Galvanic / Metal

34 Passivation and Anodizing
Passivation is the state in which a metal surface is shield- be used instead in these situations. The Brooklyn Bridge,
Sold and Installed Applications • Causic [OH-] + Zinc [Zn2+] (galvanizing baths)
• Chloride [Cl-] + Borax [Na2B4O7] in platening process
ed from some environmental forces such as air and built in 1883, was the first bridge to use hot-dip galva- Waste Water: (Cu and Sn plating for wire)
water, usually by an applied oxide coat made of a base nized steel wire for its suspension cables. At the time, it • Ammonium [NH4+] in wastewater (stainless steal pro- • Copper [Cu2+] in Electrolysis Bath (Copper alloys,
material. This oxide coat strengthens and protects the was 50% longer than any other bridge constructed, duction) Electrolysis Bath)
metal surface, while inhibiting deeper corrosion. Passi­va­ making it the longest in the world. The suspension cables • Hexavalent Chromium [Cr6+] in waste effluent • Chromium [Cr6+] in process water (anticorrosive pro-
tion can occur naturally or result from applying a micro- were found to be in good condition after the bridge’s (Effluent monitoring, WWTP) cess)
coating on the metal’s surface. Anodizing is an electro- re­­habilitation more than 100 years later. • Total Chromium [Cr6+ / Cr3+] in final waste effluent • Hydrofluoric acid [HF], Nitric Acid [HNO3], + Titanium
lytic passivation process which can increase the thickness (Mechanical Components for Aviation Industry, [Ti] in Plating baths (Titanium, Plating Bath Quality
of the oxide layer, increasing the resistance to corrosion. Thermal diffusion galvanization WWTP) Control)
Anodized materials are able to be easily painted and Also known as dry galvanizing, this form diffuses a zinc • Copper [Cu+ / Cu2+] in final waste effluent (Mechanical • Hydrochloric acid [HCl] + Iron [Fe] in platening &
glued due to the porous qualities of the surface. Both alloy coating on iron or copper-based materials. Zinc Components for Aviation Industry, WWTP) pateting process (Cu and Sn plating for wire)
aluminum (including its alloys) and steel are common powder and metal parts are sealed and tumbled in a • Free Cyanide [CN-] in final effluent (WWTP) • Monitor the quality of Silica in process water
metal surfaces which use anodization and passivation for rotating drum at about 300 °C, where the zinc evapo- • Total Cyanide [TCN] in effluent (plating company, • Nickel [Ni] + Copper [Cu] (Inkjet Printer Heads, Plating
protection. rates and diffuses into the substrate. Thermal diffusion WWTP) line)
galvanization can provide better corrosion resistance • Digester Unit for final waste effluent (Mechanical • Nickel Sulfate [NiSO4] + Cobalt Sulfate [CoSO4] in
Galvanization than hot-dip galvanization in many cases, as well as emit Components for Aviation Industry, WWTP) etching baths (Cathode materials for Lithium-Ion
Galvanization, originally invented in India, is an anti- less waste products. • Nickel [Ni2+] in waste water (Chrome / Nickel Plating, secondary battery, Etching baths)
corrosive measure taken with iron and steel (and other Mechanical Components for Aviation Industry, • Potassium hydroxide [KOH] in scrubber (Carbon
metals) by applying a protective zinc coating. Protection Phosphatizing WWTP) Dioxide Scrubber)
against the elements occurs by forming a coat of rust- The phosphatizing process produces a hard, electrically • Sulfate [SO42-] in waste water (WWTP) • Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH] in etching baths (Cathode
resistant zinc over the iron (or other metal) which does non-conducting surface coating that adheres tightly to • Sulfate [SO42-] and phosphate [PO43-]in wastewater materials for Lithium-Ion secondary battery, Etching
not allow oxidation to occur, and the zinc also acts as a the underlying metal. This layer protects the metal from (inhaler capsules production) baths)
sacrificial anode which still protects the underlying metal corrosion and improves the adhesion of paints and or­­ • Zinc [Zn2+] in waste water (Steel, WWTP) • Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH] + Ammonia [NH3] in
in the event of a scratch or gouge in the galvanized sur- ganic finishes to be subsequently applied. Phos­phatization etching baths (Cathode materials for Lithium-Ion
face. Electrogalvanization (electrolytic plating) results in a consists of two parts: an etching reaction with phos- Other Applications for the Galvanic / Metal secondary battery, Etching baths)
thinner layer, which is beneficial for automotive manu- phoric acid which increases the surface roughness, and a Surface Industry: • Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] + Calcium [Ca2+] in process
facturers and other industries which apply additional second reaction at the surface between the alkali phos- • Acidity [H+] (phosphating bath, PCB surface prepara- (Sodium Monochromate)
rust-proof paint as protection. This is not limited to steel phates and the previously generated metal ions. This tion) • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] + Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] in
– aluminum, copper and many other types of metals and coating is quite thin and offers only basic corrosion pro- • Total acidity [H+], free acidity, Iron [Fe2+, Fe3+] for sur- etching bath (Etching bath)
alloys can be galvanized as well. tection. The addition of metal cations such as Zn2+, Mn2+, face treatment process • Sulfuric-acid [H2SO4] + Iron [Fe] in platening &
and Ca2+ to the phosphatizing bath results in the forma- • Acids, Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH], + Aluminum [Al3+] pateting process (Cu and Sn plating for wire)
Hot-dip galvanization tion of very resistant zinc phosphates with a coating thick­ (Etching bath) • Tin [Sn] + Acid (Tin plating)
Hot-dip galvanization is the most common method of ness between 7 and 15 times thicker, perfectly suited for • Boric Acid [B(OH)3], Aluminum [Al3+], + Nitric Acid • Zinc [Zn2+] in galvanic bath (Surface finish)
galvanization. This method utilizes a bath of molten zinc, outdoor use. [HNO3] in plating bath (Plating bath control)
in which the metal parts are dipped into, coating them
with a thick protective layer. Constant exposure to a cor- This is not an exhaustive list of metal surface
rosive environment (such as salt water) will eventually treatments.
corrode hot-dip galvanized steel, but stainless steel can

Process Application Notes for the Galvanic / Metal Surface Industry

• Galvanic Industry – Metal Surface Treatment Aluminium etching/anodizing for analysis
of Acids, Bases and Aluminium. AN-PAN-1018
• Steel Industry: Analysis of Acids and Iron in Pickling Baths.

Galvanic / Metal Galvanic / Metal

36 Process Application Notes for the Pulp and Paper Industry 37
• ABC Titration: Analysis of Alkali, Carbonate, hydroxide and sulfide in Pulping Liquors.

Sold and Installed Applications

Bleaching Process: • Sulfite [SO32-] in process (Tannin production, Reactor)

• Caustic [NaOH] in Hypochlorite [ClO-] (Bleach
production) NIRS Applications for the Pulp and Paper
• Residual Peroxide [H2O2] in bleaching solution Industry:
(Bleaching Mechanical Produced Pulp, Bleaching The Pulp and Paper industry has used NIR analysis for
process) many years providing qualitative and quantitative infor-
mation about incoming timber materials and lignin con-
Waste Water: tent. Discriminant NIR analysis can be used to determine
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] in waste water species: hardwoods from softwoods, and sapwoods from
(WWTP) heartwoods. Common paper and pulp attributes mea­­
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD], pH, + Conductivity sured with NIR include: kappa number, lignin content,
in waste water (WWTP) kraft pulp yield, tall oil, moisture, resin, brightness, wood
• Chloride [Cl-] and Bromide [Br-] in waste water (pulp species, hardwood/softwood ratio, coatings, and com-
& paper) ponent analysis (clay, titanium dioxide, fillers, ash, etc.).

Pulp and Paper Industry • P&M Number + Hardness [Ca2+ / Mg2+] in waste water
(WWTP) This list is intended as a starting point but is not
• Ortho Phosphate [PO43-] + Total Phosphate (TP) in comprehensive.
waste water (WWTP)

Paper or plastic? Kraft Process Kappa Number:

Other Applications for the Pulp and Paper • Determining Kappa Number in Blended Wood Pulp
The Pulp and Paper industry is one of the largest indus- The breakdown process from solid wood to sheet of
Industry: Samples (NIRS)
tries in the world, taking in more than 40% of all indus- paper involves quite a number of preparative steps. The
• Dissolved Carbon Dioxide [CO2] in Treated/Recycled • Determining Kappa Number in Pulp in Blowline
trial wood traded globally. This industry is responsible for main process which converts wood into pulp is named
Water (Water purification) Samples (NIRS)
creating products such as paper-based packaging, matte the Kraft process, which utilizes white liquor (a mixture
• Caustic [OH-], Carbonate [CO32-], Hydrogen Sulfide • Monitoring Kappa Numbers in Pulp-Cotton Linters
and glossy paper, tissues, toilet paper, and so on. A major of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide) to break down
[HS-], + Sulfate [SO42-] in Black, Green & White Liquor Mixtures (NIRS)
benefit for the use of paper products is that they can the lignin and cellulose linkages. Trees are pulverized into
(recovery process)
generally be recycled. Though recycling paper materials wood chips, which are then steamed to force out air
• Silica [Si4+] (Pulp Process) Moisture Content:
is a feasible option most of the time, paper fibers lose pockets. The wood chips are saturated with a mixture of
• Sodium Bisulfite [NaHSO3] in paper production (Paper • Monitoring Moisture in Paper Coating Mixtures (NIRS)
quality over successive cycles, and so new pulp (a paper chemicals (liquors) and cooked in pressurized digesters.
production) • Determining Moisture in Paper and Lacquer Weight
precursor) will always be in need. The high pH, pressure, and temperature allow lignin and
hemicellulose to break down, and the resulting pulp is on Backed Paper (NIRS)
then sieved, washed, and sometimes bleached. The
chemical liquors are processed and recovered for further Resin Levels:
use, where possible, considering their adverse environ- • Monitoring Wax and Phenolic Resin Content in Wood
mental effects. Fiber (NIRS)
• Monitoring Percent Resin and Percent Volatiles in
Paper Material (NIRS)

Pulp liquors:
• Analysis of Alkali, Carbonate, hydroxide and sulfide in
Pulping Liquors (ABC test) (NIRS)

Pulp / Paper Pulp / Paper

38 tion. Nearly 50% of the unplanned downtimes in power
plants are caused by contaminants or problems with the
power plant. This can be combated with an optimized
feed water chemistry. On the one hand, the water must
chemistry of the water-steam circuit, with corrosion being be ultrapure and on the other, the addition of condition-
the primary factor. ing agents (phosphates, oxygen scavengers) must be
con­­tinuously monitored.
High-purity steam is essential if the steam turbine is to
operate efficiently and trouble-free. Cooling water is Turbine and lubricating oils
used to condense the exhaust steam from the turbine to Turbine and lubricating oils are exposed to extreme con-
water, which can then be returned and used as feed ditions in power plants. New power plant technologies
water. Continuous circulation of the cooling water in­­ and improvement of the efficiencies of gas and steam
creases the concentration of contaminants. This necessi- turbines present ever greater requirements regarding lub­
tates water analyses to monitor and control corrosion, ri­cant performance. Key parameters to be determined
and deposition processes taking place in the cooling are the acid and base numbers as well as the water con-
water circuit. How­ever, the purity requirements of cool- tent using Karl Fischer titration. Numerous international
ing water are much lower compared to those of the standards define the requirements and test procedures
boiler feed water. for in-service maintenance of the turbines.

Corrosion of metals in power plants is a commonly oc­­ Metrohm instruments comply with numerous standards
curring phenomenon due to the continuous contact of related to the energy and power industry, which can be
the metal with a corrosive environment. The very high found within the Energy and Power Plant branch sites
temperatures in the steam generator lead to corrosion here:
and deposits that severely reduce the efficiency of the
Energy / Power Industry
Process Application Notes for the Energy / Power Industry
• Carbon Capture Plants, Power Generation Industry: Measurement of the «rich» and «lean»
Increasing energy consumption Process water: Water circuits in thermal power
Amine Concentration and the amount of CO2 captured (CO2 Loading). AN-PAN-1003
Humans are set apart from other organisms in many plants
ways, among them is the drive and knowledge to create Thermal power plants use the heat generated by com- • Nuclear Power Plants: Analysis of Boric Acid in cooling water PWRs.
and harness excess energy. We have the capacity now to bustion or nuclear fission to produce steam, which is fed AN-PAN-1013
develop power plants which convert kinetic (wind, into a turbine driving a generator that converts the me­­
• Flue-gas desulfurization; incineration process – Analysis of calcium and sulfate.
water) and thermal energy (nuclear energy, chemical chanical energy into electrical energy. Downstream of
energy) into electrical power which improves our lives the turbine, the steam is converted to water in a con-
immensely. However, energy supply has become a major denser. This water is held in a feed tank from where it is • Power Plant: Analysis of Silica in boiler feed water.
issue of modern times. It is well-known that the burning pumped back into the steam boiler. Cooling water flows AN-PAN-1016
of unclean fuel sources such as fossil fuels for energy is through the condenser in a separate circuit and removes
now putting our climate in danger. The rapid increase in the heat of condensation released by the steam via a
• Monitoring Flow Accelerated Corrosion & Metal Transportation in Power Plants:
the Earth’s population, which is growing by about 80 heat exchanger. Nuclear power plants with pressurized
Online Ultratrace Measurements of Fe and Cu. AN-PAN-1032
million every year, has led to rising energy consumption. water reactors have an additional water circuit known as • Power Generation: Analysis of the M-Number (Alkalinity) in cooling water.
Calculations by the International Energy Agency (IEA) the primary circuit. AN-PAN-1038
predict that the global energy demand will increase by
about 65% by 2035. A major fraction of the required An optimized water chemistry is essential • Ammonia in cooling water of thermal power plants.
energy will continue to be provided by fossil fuel-fired The water chemistry depends on the type of power AN-PAN-1040
and nuclear power plants, despite climate talks. plant, the cooling circuit design, and the construction • Online trace analysis of anions in the primary circuit of nuclear power plants.
materials. Every cooling circuit has a unique design and AN-PAN-1042
its own analytical requirements. A well-devised water
chemistry ensures safe and efficient power plant opera- • Online trace analysis of cations in the primary circuit of nuclear power plants.
• Online trace analysis of amines in the alkaline water-steam circuit of power
plants. AN-PAN-1044

Energy / Power Energy / Power

Process Application Notes for the Energy / Power Industry
40 41
• Online monitoring of copper corrosion inhibitors in cooling water

Sold and Installed Applications

Other Applications for the Energy / Power
Boiler Feed: Industry:
• Ammonia [NH3] in boiler feed water (Boiler Feed) • Aluminum [Al3+] (Feed to softeners)
• Iron [Fe2+ / Fe3+] in boiler feed water (Boiler Feed) • Ammonia [NH3] in scrubber ash (Stack Scrubber
• pH + Alkalinity in Boiler feed water (Boiler feed water, control for Ash content)
Neutralization process) • Calcium [Ca2+] + Sulfate [SO42-] in process (Incinerator
• Phosphate [PO43-] (total and ortho) in water (Boiler plant)
feed water, Feed to softeners) • Carbon Dioxide [CO2] Loading in Organic Absorber
• Silica [Si4+] in Boiler Feed Water (Boiler Feed) Liquid (Carbon Dioxide Capture System)
• Sodium [Na+] in Boiler Feed Water (Boiler Feed) • Chloride [Cl-] in condensate return (Energy production)
• Free acidity in Uranyl Nitrate (fuel rod production)
Cooling Water: • Fluoride in Uranium dioxide (Uranium enrichment
• Ammonia [NH3] in cooling water (Nuclear Power process)
Plant, Cooling of Reactor) • Hardness [Ca2+ / Mg2+] in demi water plant
• Boric acid [B(OH)3] in heavy water / cooling water • Hypochlorite [NaOCl] in make-up water (Disinfection
of Nuclear Power Plants (Cooling water circuit) Treatment Monitoring)
• Heavy Metals [Ni + Fe + Zn + Cu] in Cooling Water • Iron [Fe2+ / Fe3+] in process water (Coal-fired Power
(Coal Plant – Electricity, Cooling water circuit) Plant, Process Water) Automotive and Aerospace Industry
• P&M number in cooling water (Preparation cooling • Acetic Acid; Alcohol; Butanol; Butyric Acid in bioetha-
water) nol production (NIRS)
• Potassium [K+] + Ammonium [NH4+] in primary circuit • Silica [SiO2] in demi water (Boiler feed)
cooling water (Nuclear Power Plant, Primary Circuit • Determination of Uranium prior to discharge to Transportation: Driving societal growth Automotive Industry
Water) WWTP (Effluent from Ion Exchange Column) Trading and mixing of ideas between different locales The Automotive industry is estimated to account for 7%
• Sulfide [S2-] in cooling water (Nuclear Power Plant, and cultures would be so much more difficult without of the Euro­­pean GDP by offering 13.6 million direct and
Cooling Water) automobiles and airplanes. Transportation and mobility indirect jobs. Europe is responsible for producing a major
• TAC, pH, + Total Hardness [Ca] in cooling water are vital to modern society. Our earliest ancestors walked portion of the world’s automobiles, and as such, invests
(riverwater) (Inlet Cooling Water) endlessly as nomads until we formed agricultural societ- significant amounts of time and capital (€ 57.4 billion
ies – taming the land and animals alike. We learned to annually) into research and development in this industry.
Waste Water: make animals work for us, which lessened our burdens In 2018, Europe produced 21% of the world’s passenger
• Ammonia [NH3] in waste water treatment (WWTP) and freed up more time for other pursuits. Sailing ruled cars and 20% of motor vehicles overall. Production from
• Total-Ammonia [NH3], Free-Ammonia [NH3], + pH in as a form of transport for centuries, both for trading and the Americas in 2018 stood at about 27%, while Asia led
waste water (Coking plant, De-Ammonization of emigration purposes. Eventually, the Industrial Revolution the way with 47% of all passenger car production. In
waste water) came in the middle of the 19th century, and machines, 2018, European output for passenger car increased by
• Chlorine [Cl2] in cooling water discharge (Cooling production lines, and factories became more and more 11.7% compared to 2015, with a total of about 18 mil-
Water discharge, WWTP) prevalent in our lives. The automotive industry was born, lion cars manufactured. The market is expected to
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] in waste water and soon after came aerospace. Eventually, we even increase modestly in 2020 according to the European
(WWTP) travelled outside of our own planetary boundaries. Automobile Ma­­nufacturers’ Association (ACEA).
• Hexavalent Chromium [Cr6+] in surface water (Heavy
Metals monitoring)
• Copper [Cu+ / Cu2+] in outlet waste water (WWTP)
• Manganese [Mn2+] in waste water treatment
• Sulfite [SO32-] in waste water (WWTP)
• Volatile Fatty Acids (Anaerobic WWTP)

Energy / Power Auto / Aero

42 Aerospace Industry
The Aerospace industry in the EU is the world leader in A detailed description of the many metal surfac­
the production of civil aircraft. Overall, the industry pro- ing techniques available for this industry can be
vided more than 870,000 jobs in the European Union in found in previous sections.
2018, and generated €246 billion in turnover, which was
a 18% increase compared to 2014. Research, develop-
ment, and innovation in this sector are highly valued, and
this is reflected in both the quality and volume of aero-
space products which are exported worldwide.

Sold and Installed Applications

Electroplating Surface Treatment: Waste Water:

• Boric Acid [B(OH)3] in Nickel [NiCl2] Electroplating Bath • Aluminum [Al3+], Copper [Cu], + Chromium [Cr3+ /Cr6+]
(Aerospace Engines, Nickel Electroplating Surface in Effluent (Airfighters production, Effluent WWTP)
Treatment) • Fluoride [F-] in waste water (WWTP)
• Chromium [Cr3+] in Chromic Acid [H2Cr2O4] Electro­ • Iron, Total [Fe2+ / Fe3+] + Zinc [Zn2+] in Effluent (Air­
plating Bath (Aerospace Engines, Chromium Electro­ fighters production, WWTP)
plating Surface Treatment)
Other Applications for the Automotive and
Etching Baths:
• Caustic [NaOH] in Electrolytic Clean, Nitric Acid
Aerospace Industry:
• Alkaline cleaner (Alkaline scrubber)
Textile Industry
[HNO3], Hydrofluoric Acid [HF] + Neutralizer in Etching • Caustic [NaOH] in Surface Treatment Bath (Car, Surface
Baths (Blade production, Nickel Turbine Etching Baths) treatment)
• Caustic [NaOH], Nitric acid [HNO3], + Ammonium • Chemical indicators OH number, Acid number, amine
Origins of textiles and clothing
Bifluoride [NH4HF2] in Etching Baths number, water content, solid/pigment content
Humans have been creating textiles and clothing for thermia and worse, which is why it is advised to wear
(Blade production, Titanium Fan Blade Etching Baths) (Monitoring of quality parameters in a cathodic dip
about 8,000 years, intended as protection from the har­ fabrics made from synthetics because they keep the skin
• Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], Phosphoric Acid [H3PO4], Total coating process) (NIR)
sher elements. Fabric can be used for many different dry and allow the water to evaporate easier.
Iron [Fe2+ / Fe3+], + Hydrochloric Acid [HCl] (Turbine • Hydrofluoric acid [HF] (Car screen (glass))
pur­­poses – to decorate, to clothe, and to protect. Du­­ra­­
Blade Production, Electrolytic Etching Baths) • Sodium Hydroxide [NaOH] in Scrubber (Scrubber,
bility, texture, weight, and even the source are important Creation of synthetic textiles begins with a polymeriza-
Automotive parts for car & aviation industry)
characteristics. There is a dizzying array of clothing made tion process in which the resulting liquid is forced through
from textiles available in nearly every size, color, and shape tiny holes (called spinnerets, similar to those of spiders)
• Acid [Free and total], Accelerator (Zn-Phosphatizing
created from both natural and synthetic fibers. and forms small threads. These tiny threads are then
dyed and woven into fabric. There are many types of
• Acid [Free and total], Fluoride [F-], Zinc [Zn2+], +
Natural vs. Synthetic Sources synthetic fibers, such as nylon, polyester, acetate, spandex,
Accelerator (Zn-Phosphatizing Bath)
There are many ways to create fabric, but certain charac- acrylic, and rayon (viscose). Kevlar, Twaron, and other
• Acid [Free and total], Nitrite [NO2-], + Zinc [Zn2+]
teristics may be desired over others. Sports enthusiasts, para-aramid fibers which are man-made are strong
(Zn-Phosphatizing Bath)
and mountaineers in particular, know that the breath- enough to withstand bullets. The properties (such as
• Fluoride [F-] in Surface Treatment Bath (Cars, Zinc-
ability of certain fabrics can help or hinder during exer- elas­ticity) of these synthetic materials can be modified
Phosphatizing Bath)
tion. Sweating is a natural way of losing heat through the much easier than for natural fibers. In 2016, we now
• Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] + Zinc [Zn2+] (Phosphatizing bath)
evaporation of water from our skin. Natural fibers, such have many items which are even created from graphene
as cotton, will soak up the water, holding it against the (carbon fiber), one of the strongest, lightest materials
skin, offering no respite from overheating. In cold cli- known.
mates, this wet layer against the skin can lead to hypo-

Auto / Aero Textiles

44 Process Application Notes for the Textile Industry 45
• Viscose / Rayon production: Analysis of Sulfuric Acid and Zinc Sulfate.
• Online Analysis of Indigo, Hydrosulfite, and Other Parameters in Textile Dye Baths.

Sold and Installed Applications NIR include: cotton/linen, merchandized cotton, acrylic,
modified acrylic, acetate, triacetate, Nomex®, Kevlar®
Acrylic Fiber Production:
(K-29, K49, and K129), nylon-6, nylon-6,6, silk, polyester,
• Cyanide [CN-] in waste water (WWTP)
cationic and disperse dyeable polyester, polypropylene,
• Sulfite [SO3-] in influentv WWTP (WWTP)
PVA and PVC.

Cellulose Fiber Production:

This list is intended as a starting point but is not
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] in waste water
(Fiber production, Discharge waste water)

Fiber Blends:
Spin Bath Process:
• Monitoring Fiber Blends for Blend Ratios, Moisture
• Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] in Spin Bath (Fiber Production,
and Finish (NIRS)
Cellulose Fibers, Spin bath)
• Distinguishing Between Nylon, Polyester, and Poly­
• Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], Zinc sulfate [ZnSO4], + Sodium
propylene Threads (NIRS)
sulfate [Na2SO4] in Spin Bath (Fiber Production, Spin
Pharmaceutical / Biochemical Sector
• Quantitative Determination of Bond and Finish on
Other Applications for the Textile Industry:
Nylon Thread (NIRS)
• Hydroxide [OH-] + Carbonate [CO32-] in cleaning Determination of active ingredients, excipients, Pharmacopoeias and drug safety
• Measuring Finish on Crimped and Uncrimped Fibers,
solution (Textile cleaning) and impurities According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
and Total Solids in Bath Liquor (NIRS)
• Indigo [C16H10N2O2] + Hydrosulfite [S2O42-] (Textile Pharmaceutical analysis provides information on the specifications and test methods for commonly used ac­­
• Monitoring Oil Finish on Nylon Fibers (NIRS)
Production, Indigo dye bath) iden­­­­tity, purity, content and stability of starting materials, tive ingredients and excipients are outlined in detail in
• Monitoring Resin Content in a Textile Finishing Bath
• Indigo [C16H10N2O2] + sodium dithionite [Na2S2O4] + excipients, and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). A monographs contained in the national pharmacopoeias
pH + conductivity and temperature in textile dying distinction is made between analysis of the pure active of more than 38 countries. These include the United
process pharmaceutical ingredients used to cure, soothe, pre- States Pharmacopeia (USP), the European Pharmacopoeia
Fire Resistance:
• Sodium Hypochlorite [NaOCl] in bleaching solution vent, or identify illnesses and diseases (active ingredient (Ph.Eur.), derived from a harmonization of the regulations
• Monitoring the Amount of PBI During the Batch
(Fiber Production, Bleaching) analysis) and analysis of drug products (drug product of a number of individual states, and the Japanese Phar­­
Production of Fire Retardant Fabric (NIRS)
• Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] + Formaldehyde [CH2O] in acid analysis). Drug products come in various forms (oint- macopoeia (JP), to name just a few examples. The phar-
bath (Fiber cloths, Acid bath) ments, tinctures, pills, lotions, suppositories, infusions, macopoeias are official compendia containing statutory
Heatset Monitoring:
• Zinc [Zn] + Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] (spin bath) drops, etc.) and consist of the pharmaceutically active requirements pertaining to identity, content, quality, pu­­
• Qualitative Monitoring of Heatset Temperature of
Nylon (NIRS) substance and at least one pharmaceutical excipient. rity, packaging, storage, and labeling of APIs and other
NIRS Applications for the Textile Industry: Impurities are mainly introduced during the synthesis of products used for therapeutic purposes. They are essen-
NIR has been long used in the textile industry to differen- the active ingredient, and are usually monitored accord- tial for anyone seeking to produce, test, or market me­­di­
Dying denim
tiate fiber types for carpet recycling. Blend analysis of ing to both the directives of the ICH (International ci­nal products.
• Monitoring sulfur dyes concentration in caustic baths
different polymer fibers can be analyzed with NIR. Real- Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements
time analysis of the application of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) and Metrohm instruments comply with numerous pharmaco-
or PVOH) sizing to warp yarn has been done with NIR the pharmacopoeias. poeia standards, which can be found within the Phar­ma­
Other Applications for the Textile Industry:
online process analyzers. Common fibers identified with ceutical branch sites here:
• Determining moisture and oil content in wool samples

Textiles Pharma / Biochem

46 Sold and Installed Applications Process Application Notes for the Pharmaceutical/ Biochemical Industry 47
Waste Water: • Inline moisture analysis in a pilot scale granulation process by NIRS
• Ammonia [NH3] in waste water (WWTP) AN-PAN-1048
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] in waste water
• Inline moisture analysis in fluid bed dryers by NIRS
influent WWTP)
• Chloride [Cl-] in Outlet WWTP (WWTP, Hospitals)
• Nitrite [NO2-] in BioReactor (Inlet BioReactor, WWTP)
• Phosphate [P-PO4] in Final Effluent (Pharmaceutical,
This list is intended as a starting point but is not

Other Applications for the Pharmaceutical /

Active Ingredients (API) / Content Uniformity: • Doxylamine Succinate in Cough Syrup (NIRS)
Biochemical Sector:
• API isolation from Krill paste (Development) (NIRS) • Pseudoephedrine in Cough Syrup (NIRS)
• Ammonia [NH3] in Fermenter Cultures (Control of
• Dissolution monitoring of surfactants for contact lens
Ammonia in Fermenter Cultures)
solutions (NIRS) API – Foot Powder:
• Total acid number [TAN] in biomass cutting oil
• Erythromycin A in Fermentation Broth (NIRS) • Aluminum Chlorohydrate in Foot Powder (NIRS)
• Calcium [Ca2+] in Bioreactor (Reactor)
• Naproxen in Tablets (NIRS) • Salicylic Acid in Foot Powder (NIRS)
• Fluoride [F-] and pH in mouthwash fluid
• Process determination of organic solvents (composi-
• Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] + Sodium Carbonate
tion: heptane, MTBE, IPA) for active pharmaceutical API – Transdermal Patches:
[Na2CO3] in Scrubber (Biopolymer, Scrubber)
substances (NIRS) • Methylphenidate in Transdermal Patches (NIRS)
• Salt [NaCl] + pH in perfusion solutions (Perfusion
• Nicotine in Transdermal Patches (NIRS)
solutions, Filling bags)
API – Antacids: • Nitroglycerine in Transdermal Patches (NIRS)
• Calcium Carbonate [CaCO3] in Antacid Powders and
Tablets (NIRS) Drying:
• Magnesium Hydroxide [Mg(OH)2] in Antacid Powders • Moisture in Bleomycin Sulfate (NIRS)
NIRS Applications for the Pharmaceutical With the PAT (process analytical technology) initiative,
(NIRS) • Moisture in Lyophilized Products (NIRS)
Industry: the FDA aims to bring about an increase in efficiency in
• Polydimethylsiloxane in Antacid Liquids (NIRS) • Moisture in Aspirin Granulations and Tablets (NIRS)
Specifications and test methods for the commonly used pharmaceutical production, including a trend away from
• Monitoring granulation and drying in fluid bed dryers
active ingredients and excipients are monographed in final checks towards real-time process analysis and con-
API – Cough Syrup: (NIRS)
detail in national pharmacopeias in more than 38 states trol. The future is quality by design, compared to to­­
• Acetaminophen in Cough Syrup (NIRS)
according to the World Health Organization (WHO). NIRS day’s techniques of quality by testing. The initiative re­­
• Dextromethorphan in Cough Syrup (NIRS) Other Applications for the Pharmaceutical /
has emerged as a powerful tool for the analysis of phar- quires rapid analytical techniques that allow comprehen-
Biochemical Sector:
maceuticals. The manufacture of pharmaceutical prod- sive on­­line and inline monitoring of the manufacturing
• Humidity in soap (NIRS)
ucts from raw material identification to the measurement process. To this end, NIRS is the most powerful analytical
• Sulfur tridioxide [SO3], Sulfuric Acid [H2SO4], Water
of content uniformity of dosage forms can be assisted by tool that is currently dominating all PAT projects.
content, Active LAS in process (soap production)
the implementation of NIR methods. The FDA and Euro­
pean Union health guidelines have increased the work- NIRS is described in the European (Ph.Eur.) and Japanese
• Process monitoring of bath composition (water/etha-
load and rigor associated with receiving inspection, (JP) Pharmacopoeia as well as in the United States Phar­­
nol/PEG) for coating of catheters (NIRS)
blending, and content assay. With the advent of 100% ma­­copeia (USP). The Vision® software used by Metrohm
container testing for receiving inspection of raw materi- Process Analytics NIR Analyzers is available in two ver-
als in Europe and Canada, NIR technology can reduce the sions: for general use but also in a pharmaceutical ver-
time and skill level required to meet the increased chal- sion which complies with FDA standards – fully validated
lenge of compliance. Common pharmaceutical applica- and 21 CFR Part 11 compliant. The Vision® soft­­ware for
tions using NIR include: receiving inspection of excipients chemical/pharmaceutical NIR data analysis is available as
and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), blend uni- a single- or multi-user version.
formity, granulation, drying and coating, and particle size
verification analysis. Additionally, NIR is an invaluable tool
for the detection of counterfeit drug products and the
determination of water and residual solvent content.

Pharma / Biochem Pharma / Biochem

Process Application Notes for the Food and Beverage Industry
• Monitoring Peracetic Acid (PAA) in a Beverage Bottling Facility.
48 49
• Effectively Monitoring Hydrogen Peroxide as a Delousing Agent in Salmon Farms.
• Alkalinity & hardness in process and make-up water for the production of beer.
• Online determination of bromate and other disinfection byproducts in drinking & bottled
water with IC. AN-PAN-1049

Sold and Installed Applications

Other Applications for the Food and Beverage
Beverages: Industry:
• Anions (Drinking water) • Ammonia [NH3] in food casings (Food casings)
• Alkalinity in process and make-up water (Beverages, • Total-Ammonia-Number [TAN] in Salmon Transport
Water treatment, Make-up water) Tanks (tap water)
• Free + Total Alkalinity of brewing water • Calcium [Ca2+] in process (Pectin solution, Calcium
• Calcium [Ca2+] in water (Beer, Water control) removal)
• Hardness [Ca2+ / Mg2+] in carbonated beverages • Chlorine [Cl2] in disinfection (Disinfection, Clean in
(Beverages (Soda), Water Purification System) Place)
• Total Iron [Fe2+ / Fe3+] in ground water (Beverages, • Chlorine [Cl2] in Hypochlorite [ClO-] (Starch products,
Groundwater inlet, Water control) Hypochlorite production)
• Lactic Acid in Raw Milk • Citric/Malic Acid in Pickling Solution (Dried fruit,
Food and Beverage Industry • Manganese [Mn2+] in water (drinking water, inlet raw Pickling solution)
water, Potable water purification, Dairy products) • FFA (Free Fatty Acids) and soap in edible oils
• Peracetic Acid (PAA) [CH3CO3H] in beverage industry • Fluoride [F-] in toothpaste (Toothpaste, Dental rinsing)
filling systems (Aseptic Bottling Line) • Hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] in seawater (Salmon
You are what you eat... Process control in food production • Polyacrylamide (PAM) solution (Bottling plant) treatment)
Beyond their nutritive value, foods and beverages are It is a long way before a raw material becomes a finished • Sodium [Na­+] in reverse osmosis water (mineral water • Hypochlorite [OCl–] in bleach
consumed for their taste or flavor. Increasingly, they are product in the food industry. Numerous production steps, bottling) • Iodide [I–] (salt production)
also a source for maintaining health and enhancing our such as pulverization, filtration, fermentation as well as • Sulfide [S2–] (Beverage production) • Monitor moisture of collagen casings (NIRS)
well-being via high-quality nutrition. At the same time, heat­ing, cooking, pasteurization, sterilization or distilla- • Nitrite [NO2-] in table salt
with an ever-increasing number of processed foods, food tion, are involved in the preparation of a product and to Potato Products: • Peracetic-acid (PAA) [CH3CO3H] in process (PET bot-
quality and safety aspects are becoming more important. make it storable. In addition to the statutory final inspec- • Calcium [Ca2+] in blanching water (Potato chips tling line)
All the more because foods are highly complex materials tion and testing, control of the different production steps processing) • pH, hydroxide [OH-], carbonate [CO32-] and sulfate in
– prone to degradation and contamination – that con- also has an important role, which is to maximize through­ • Chloride [Cl–] in potato chips production (Potato chips, brine (purification process of table salt production)
tain myriads of compounds. put and yield of a product. Valuable time is lost if the Potato production) • Salt [NaCl] and vinegar [CH3COOH] in mayonnaise
product cannot be further processed or packaged while • Glucose in process (Potato Chips, French fries, Water production
Analytical chemistry ensures that consumers obtain safe samples from the various production steps are being flume) • Sodium [Na+] in Pickling Solution (Dried fruit, Pickling
and sanitary food in compliance with regulatory require- tested in the laboratory. It is thus a great advantage if • Total Phosphorus [P] (Potato processing) solution)
ments. Nutrient information, food traceability, and pro- these analyses can be performed directly at the process • Sodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate [Na2H2P2O7] in • Sodium hydroxide [NaOH] (Cellulose housing for food)
tection against fraud are further challenges. From the site while production goes on uninterrupted. deep-frozen potato products (blanching process) • Sulphuric Acid [H2SO4] in mother liquors (Casings for
process point of view, analytical chemistry supports the sausage)
manufacturer to improve yields and optimize quality by Metrohm instruments comply with numerous standards Waste Water: • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] (Cellulose housing for food)
offering robust, efficient, and sensitive instrumentation. related to the food and beverage industry (including the • Ammonium [NH4+] in Inlet WWTP (Soya production, • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], Ammonium Sulfate [(NH4)2SO4],
FDA regulation Title 21 CFR Part 11) which can be found WWTP) + total Sulfate [SO42–] (Casings for sausage)
within the Food and Beverage branch sites here: • Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] (WWTP) • Sulfuric acid [H2SO4] + Ammonium Sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] • Copper [Cu] in waste water in process (Casings for sausage)
• Fluoride [F–] in waste water (WWTP) • Total Chlorine for disinfection processes
• Nitrite [N-NO2–] in Inlet WWTP (Soy production, WWTP) (Dosing disinfection of boiling water, Meat products)
• Phosphate [PO43–] in waste water (Food, Milk, Inlet
WWTP, Outlet WWTP)

Food / Drinks Food / Drinks

Process Application Notes for the Waste Water Industry
• Waste Water Treatment Plants: Nitrogen Removal – Simultaneously analysis of
Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite. AN-PAN-1009
50 51
• Detecting Chromate (Cr(VI)) in Waste Water Streams.
• Ortho- and total phosphate phosphorus analysis online according to DIN EN ISO
6878:2004-09 (formerly DIN 38405-D11). AN-PAN-1039

Sold and Installed Applications

• Alkalinity in Effluent WWTP (Waste water treatment • Phenol [C6H5OH] in waste water (WWTP)
(Nitrification), Effluent WWTP) • Ortho-Phosphate [P-PO43-] in outlet and effluent
• Ammonia [NH3] in effluent WWTP (Municipal WWTP) WWTP (Municipal WWTP, Effluent WWTP)
• Ammonia [NH3] + Sulfide [S2-] in waste water treat- • Ortho-Phosphate [P-PO43-] + Total-Phosphate [TP] in
ment (Municipal Wastewater Treatment, WWTP) effluent WWTP (Municipal WWTP, Effluent WWTP)
• Ammonium [NH4+] in waste water effluent (Municipal • Phosphate [PO43-], Total Phosphate [TP], + Chemical
WWTP) Oxygen Demand [COD] in Surface water (Municipal
• Arsenic [As3+] in waste water WWTP, Total Phosphate [TP] in Effluent WWTP
• Calcium [Ca2+] in waste water (Waste water Treatment) (Outlet WWTP)
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] in waste water • Sodium [Na+] in waste water (Waste water)
(WWTP) • Sulfate [SO42-] in seawater (desalination plant)
• Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] + Ammonia [N-NH4] • Volatile Fatty Acids in biomatrix (anaerobic WWT)
in municipal wastewater (Outlet WWTP) (Water treatment, WWTP)
Industrial Waste Water • Hexavalent Chromium [Cr6+] in waste water (Waste • Zinc [Zn], Lead [Pb], Cadmium [Cd], + Copper [Cu]
water Treatment, Municipal + Industrial) in WWTP (Waste Incineration, WWTP)
• Copper [Cu+ / Cu2+] in waste water (Outlet WWTP) • Zinc [Zn2+] in waste water (Steel wire for Tire, Effluent
• Cobalt [Co] measurement (WWTP) WWTP)
Harmful substances in water • Chromium [Cr] determination (WWTP)
Water is the source and basis of all life. It is essential for Because of the associated health risks, the World Health • Free Cyanide [CN-] in Influent + Effluent WWTP This is not an exhaustive list. Each industry also
metabolism and is our most important foodstuff. As a Organization (WHO) has issued guideline values for about (WWTP, Outlet WWTP) has some examples of specific waste water
solvent and transporting agent it carries not only the vital 200 substances found in water. These guideline values, • Fluoride [F-] in waste water (Effluent WWTP) treatment.
minerals and nutrients, but also, increasingly, harmful together with the hydrogeological conditions of the va­­ • Fluoride [F-] in outlet of water treatement of the
pollutants, which bioaccumulate in aquatic or terrestrial rious countries, form the basis for the setting of country- fumes of an incinerator
organisms. There are roughly 1700 substances, mainly of specific limits. That is why water is the subject of a host • Heavy metals [Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb] in waste water treatment
anthropogenic origin, that can today be detected in of laws, regulations, and standards in most countries. (WWTP)
water. As a source of food and energy, during use in irri­ • Hydrogen Peroxide [H2O2] + Peracetic acid [CH2COOH]
­gation, as a solvent, cleaning agent, or coolant, and also Metrohm instruments comply with numerous water ana­ in waste (Oxidative Substances, WWTP)
as a means of transportation and discharge system for ­lysis standards, which can be found here: • Total Iron [Fe2+ / Fe3+] in water treatment process
effluents, water becomes contaminated with fertilizers, (Water treatment, WWTP)
pesticides, drugs, hormones, heavy-metal compounds, environment-water/table_water_standards • Manganese [Mn2+] in waste water effluent (Municipal
body care and synthetic products. WWTP)
• Nickel [Ni2+] in waste water (Steel wire for Tire,
Effluent WWTP)
• Nitrate [NO3-], Nitrite [NO2-], + Ortho-Phosphate [P-PO43-]
in waste water (Municipal WWTP, Outlet WWTP)
• Nitrite [NO2-] in water treatment (Biological reactor)
• Nitrite [NO2-], Nitrate [NO3-], + Ammonium [NH4+] in
waste water (WWTP)

52 Sold and Installed Applications 53
Potable (Drinking) Water:
• Aluminum [Al3+] in drinking water (Potable water) River and Surface Waters:
• Ammonia [NH3] in drinking water (Drinking water • Ammonia [NH3] + Nitrate [NO3-] in river water (River
monitoring) Water Monitoring)
• Ammonia [NH3] in tap water (outlet waste water, • Ammonium [NH4+] in river water (River Water
WWTP) Monitoring)
• Boron for water in desalination plants (Water treatment • Boron in Surface Water (Surface Water Monitoring)
process) • Cadmium [Cd], Lead [Pb], Copper [Cu], + Zinc [Zn]
• Chloride [Cl-] in outlet Carbon Filter (Drinking water, in river and surface waters (River Water Monitoring,
Outlet Carbon Filter) Surface Water Monitoring)
• Copper [Cu2+] in hot water production (hospitals) • Chloride [Cl-] in surface water (Surface Water
• Free Cyanide [CN-] in drinking water (Drinking water Monitoring)
monitoring) • Total Chromium [Cr3+/Cr6+] (inlet WWTP)
• Fluoride [F-] in drinking water (Drinking water • Hexavalent Chromium [Cr6+] in surface and river
monitoring) waters (River Water Monitoring, Surface Water
• Iron(II) [Fe2+] + Iron(III) [Fe3+] in drinking water (Drinking Monitoring)
water treatment) • Copper [Cu+ / Cu2+] in surface water (Surface Water
• Langelier Saturation Index (Hardness) in drinking Monitoring)
water (Potable water) • Free Cyanide [CN-] in river and surface waters
• Manganese [Mn2+] in outlet drinking water (Outlet (River Water Monitoring, Surface Water Monitoring)
Environmental Sector to Storage, Potable water) • Manganese [Mn2+] in surface water (Surface Water
• Nitrite [NO2-] in drinking water (Drink water quality Monitoring)
self-monitoring) • Nickel [Ni2+] in surface water (Surface Water
• Phenol [C6H5OH] in drinking water (Drinking water Monitoring)
The importance of environmental analysis Air monitoring) • Nitrate [NO3-] in river water (River Water Monitoring)
The rapid growth in the world population has led to The atmosphere is an important thermal buffer against • Phenol [C6H5OH] in river and surface waters
sharp increases in the consumption of energy and re­­ space, and protects the earth from cosmic radiation. It is (River Water Inlet, WWTP, Surface Water Monitoring)
sources and in the production of consumer goods and the place where clouds are formed and water is present • Ortho-Phosphate [PO43-] in river water (River Control,
chemicals. It is estimated that there are a total of 17 mil- there in all its physical states. Thus it is a heterogeneous River Water Monitoring)
lion chemical compounds on the market, including as mixture of finely dispersed, solid or liquid particles in a • Phosphate [PO43-], Total Phosphate (TP), + Chemical
many as 100,000 that are produced on a large industrial gas (air). Its constituents are characterized by extreme Oxygen Demand [COD] in surface water (Surface
scale. Substances introduced into the environment are mobility, enter our bodies easily through breathing, and Water Monitoring)
distributed among the environmental compartments water influence the climate and weather. Filter methods, and • Sulfate [SO42-] in surface water (Environmental control
(hydrosphere), soil (pedosphere), rock (lithosphere), and air aerosol and gas collectors bring the constituents of air of river water, River Water Monitoring)
(atmosphere), as well as among the organisms living on into the aqueous phase, which is preferable for chemical • Zinc [Zn2+] in surface water (Surface Water Monitoring)
them (biosphere). analysis.
Air Pollution:
Water We can only protect the environment and its inhabitants • Applications involving air quality are generally per-
As its physical state changes, water passes through all if we know the type and quantity of these contaminants. formed with PILS or MARGA Analyzers.
spheres. It is the most frequently analyzed environmental This requires internationally accepted standards, in which
compartment and is also the easiest, because – unlike air limits and test methods are defined. Metrohm instru-
or soil – it already exists in the liquid phase. If drinking ments comply with numerous environmental standards,
water samples are to be analyzed, sample preparation is which can be found within the three Environmental
usually not necessary; however, it is usually unavoidable branch sites here:
in the case of wastewater samples.

Environmental Environmental
54 Wet chemical systems
Customizable, multi-stream Process Analyzers*

2060 2060
ADI 2060
Features 202X 2035 Process IC
Analyzer Analyzer
Number of sample streams 1–2 1–10 1–10 1–10 1–20 1
Titration ü ü ü ü - -
Photometry ü ü ü ü - -
Ingress Protection (IP66/Nema 4x) ü ü ü ü ü IP40
Modular Configuration ü ü ü ü ü ü
Ex-proof Zone 1 or 2 - - ü - - -

Reagent-free systems
NIRS – Near Infrared Spectroscopy Process Analyzers

Overview of Process Analyzers from Features NIRS XDS NIRS Pro

Metrohm Process Analytics
Number of sample streams 1–9 1

Whatever your project requirements and budget, you with an innovative and customizable analyzer to Reagent-free ü ü
Metrohm Process Analytics has the right analyzer and cover all your process monitoring needs. We also offer NIR: 800–2200 nm
monitoring solution for you. From our low-cost, single- environmental solutions such as MARGA (Monitor for Wavelength range 1100–1650 nm
vis-NIR: 400–2200 nm
stream dedicated 202X series to our multi-stream, AeRosols and Gases in Ambient air), and nondestructive,
Transmittance Mode ü ü
multipurpose 2060 Process Analyzer range, we provide «real-time» analysis with near-infrared spectroscopy
(NIRS) analyzers. Transflectance Mode ü ü
Reflectance Mode ü ü
Direct Light/Non Contact option - ü
Single fiber option ü ü
Wet chemical systems
Microbundle option ü ü
Single method Process Analyzers*
Dedicated Sample Interfaces** ü ü
Features 2026 Titrolyzer 2026 pH Analyzer 2029 Process Photometer Ingress Protection IP65/Nema 4x IP69k
Sampling in Ex-proof Zone 1 or 2 -
Number of sample streams 1–2 1–2 1–2
Ion Selective Electrodes - Instrument in Ex-proof Zone 2 Zone 20
ü ü
Colorimetry - - ü Acquisition Time 20–30 seconds < 1 second
Titration ü ü -
Modular Configuration ü ü ü
* Preconditioning systems and shelters can also be custom-built by Metrohm.
Ex-proof Zone 1 or 2 - - - ** Collection probes, probes with purging options, angled fibers, and other customizable solutions are available.

Process Analyzers Process Analyzers

Subject to change
Layout by Ecknauer+Schoch ASW, printed in Switzerland by Metrohm AG, CH-9100 Herisau
8.000.5184EN – 2020-02

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