Misconceptions of People Towards Non-Governmental Organizations Aid To Internally Displaced Persons in Gonidamgari Bolori 2 Ward of Maiduguri Metropolitan Council of Borno State, Nigeria
Misconceptions of People Towards Non-Governmental Organizations Aid To Internally Displaced Persons in Gonidamgari Bolori 2 Ward of Maiduguri Metropolitan Council of Borno State, Nigeria
Misconceptions of People Towards Non-Governmental Organizations Aid To Internally Displaced Persons in Gonidamgari Bolori 2 Ward of Maiduguri Metropolitan Council of Borno State, Nigeria
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Let it be no doubt or fear of contradictions encouraged to understand the aim and objectives of the
that the northeast Nigeria has faced one the worlds project to be implemented by the NGOs. There should be
devastating terror by the non-state armed group called inclusivity of the community members with regards to
Boko-Haram. For more than a decade, Boko-Haram the NGOs project planning and implementation. The
crises have subjected the population in the region into field of Humanitarian crises and responds should be
acute humanitarian crises. The crises instigated internal included in nursing curriculum as nurses are very
displacement of people with resultant escalating important stakeholders in Emergency management and
humanitarian needs. The non-governmental crises response in the humanitarian sector. The study can
organization (NGOs) both national and international set help clarify and correct any misconceptions residents
to respond to these ever-increasing needs among these may have about the role and intentions of NGOs. This
vulnerable populations. This study was explored to can lead to a better understanding of the assistance
investigate and find out the Misconceptions of people provided and foster trust between the community and
towards the non-governmental organizations aids to aid organizations. By addressing misconceptions, the
these internally displaced persons, the knowledge of the study can contribute to building a collaborative
people towards NGOs, and the consequences of relationship between the residents and NGOs. Increased
misconceptions of people towards the NGO respectively. trust may lead to more effective cooperation in
The research is a non-experimental descriptive survey addressing the needs of the internally displaced persons.
design. It was conducted in Gonidangari Bolori 2 of As the study identifies and dispels misconceptions,
Maiduguri metropolitan council of Borno State, community members may be more likely to actively
northeast Nigeria. The target population of the study participate in programs and initiatives implemented by
area was 3,000 according to 2006 Nigerian National NGOs. This increased engagement can enhance the
Population Census. The sample size was 353 obtained impact of aid efforts. Understanding specific
using Taro Yamane’s formula. The instruments for data misconceptions can inform NGOs about the unique
were a self-constructed questionnaire which was challenges faced by the community. This knowledge can
administered using research assistants. The data were lead to the development of more targeted and culturally
obtained manually, analyzed, and presented using tables, sensitive interventions to address the residents' needs
frequencies, and percentages. The results of the study effectively. By addressing misconceptions, the study can
revealed that (45.04%) were aware of the functions of contribute to empowering the community. When
NGOs. (54.95%) have no knowledge of the NGOs’ residents have accurate information about aid efforts,
functions. (72.23%) agreed that NGOs operate double they may feel more in control of their situation and be
standard activities i.e., NGOs have hidden motive and better positioned to advocate for their needs. The study
agenda apart from giving aids. (42.49%) mentioned that can guide NGOs in refining their communication
food assistance was supplied to the internally displaced strategies to better convey their mission, goals, and the
persons and as well as the insurgents. (58.64%) opined nature of their assistance. This can lead to more effective
that the Nigerian government can shoulder the needs of outreach and engagement with the community.
the victims affected by the crisis. Despite the assistance Addressing misconceptions contributes to building trust
given by the NGOs, Majority of the respondents and credibility for NGOs. A positive perception of aid
(80.02%) holds that if the NGOs remain in the state, organizations can lead to better reception and
insurgency will not come to an end. The study acceptance of their services by the community. Insights
recommends that the NGOs should consider awareness from the study can inform NGOs about the specific
raising on their activities and functions as part of the needs and concerns of the community, allowing them to
project in Gonidamgari Bolori 2 Maiduguri Borno State adapt and tailor their programs accordingly. This
Nigeria. People within the community should be ensures that aid efforts are responsive to the realities on
Table 1. present the socio-demographic data or the tertiary level of education. Majority of the respondents
characteristics of the respondents. The data was obtained practice Islam as religion (320/353) 90.65% and (33/353)
from the various age groups. Most of the respondents 9.3%practice Christianity.
(180/353) accounting for 50.9% fall between the ages of 31-
<35brackets. While 90/353 (25.4%) are between the age Majority of the respondents were Kanuri by tribe
average of 26-30. For 49/353 accounting for (3.8%) of the (199/252) 56.37%. furthermore, (57/353) 16.14% were
respondents. Moreover, the data above revealed that 34/353 Hauwa by tribe. Total of (25/353) 7.08% were Babur tribe.
(9.6%) of respondents were at the age of 21-25 years The above table also revealed that (9/353) were Shuwa Arab
respectively. From the table above the results shows that by tribe. Other tribes have the total of (3/353) 0.84%.
majority of respondents 206/353 (58.4%) were males. And additionally the table above shows that majority of the
147/353 (41.6%) were females. Majority of the respondents respondents were farmers (300/353) 84.98%.A total of
240/353 (67.6%) have attended elementary school level of (43/353) 12.18% were students and (10/353) 2.83% of the
education.Total of 90/353 (25.4%) have attended secondary respondents were civil servant respectively.
school level of education whereas 23/353 (7.0%) have had
Table 2 presents the knowledge of people towards the Majority of the respondents (200/353) 56.6% did not agree
NGOs. Majority of the respondents were aware of the NGOs that NGOs render their services with bias. Whereasa total of
functions (194/353) 54.95%. A total of (159/353) of the (153/353) 43.32% agreed that NGOs render their services
respondents 45.04% were not aware of the NGOs functions. with bias. Majority of the respondents (199/353) 56.37%
Majority of respondents (190/353) 53.8% know the indicated that NGOs shown bias in age group when
functions of the NGOs through friends. Furthermore, 43.3% rendering services. While (100/353) 28.32% of the
(153/353) of the respondents knew the functions of NGOs respondents indicated that NGOs shows bias based religion.
through family members. A total of (4/353) 1.1% know the A total of (54/353) 15.29% of respondents have indicated
function of the NGOs through healthcare professionals. bias and preferences of services rendering based on gender
(6/353) 1.6% of the respondents get to know the NGOs of beneficiaries.
functions through hospitals and seminars respectively.
Table 3 present the misconceptions of people toward was relieved by the NGOs. 0.84% says that despite the
the NGOS. Majority of the respondents (255/353) 72.23% number of NGOs were many and starving was on the
agreed that the NGOS operated double standard activities. increased. From the table above in exploring the relationship
Whereas (98/353) of the respondents did not agree that the of the NGOS with terrorist, majority of the respondents
NGOS operated double standard activities. In investigating agreed that the NGOs have relationship with the terrorist
if yes of the operating double standard activities, majority of organization. 15.01% did not agreed. 55.3% of the
the respondents (150/353) 42.4% identified that food items respondents believed that the act terrorism will not come to
were supplied to the victims affected by Boko-Haram as and end until the NGOS leave the country. 43.63% of the
well as the insurgents (Boko-Haram). 4.24% of the respondent did not agree to that. 41.07% viewed that the
respondents says that these terrorists developed and grows NGOs are less important since they help the terrorist group.
and never become extinct. 14.16% says despites the attack 56.56% viewed that the NGOS should be told not to help the
on the various sectors, the NGOs were not attacked in any insurgents. 1.13% viewed that the federal government
way. 28.32% identified that the NGOS benefited when the should be informed of the NGOS functions and activities.
insurgents lunched attack. 4.42% of the respondents agreed 1.13% said that the NGOS promotes and contributes to the
that the NGOs were employed by the Nigerian money success of the insurgents hence they should be banned from
looters to instigates disharmony. 0.28% of the respondents all operations.
identified that the insurgents suffered time of hunger and
Table 4 present the data collected on the consequences assisted with food items, 4.24% were given Nonfood items
of the misconceptions towards the NGO aids. 58.64% like clothing as relief materials, 14.16% were being given
agreed that the Nigerian government can shoulder the need other nonfood items Infection prevention items for latrines
of the victims affected by insurgency. 41.35% did not agree (Toilets) and constructs toilets to them respectively. 99.9%
that Nigerian government can shoulder the need of the of the respondents used the relief items given to them
victims. 59.77% did collected relief materials from the respective.
NGOS, 40.22% did not collect relief materials from the
NGOs. 22.66% were assisted with Cash relief, 50.99% were