16. Which law relates to a Person’s right to choose whether they want treatment or not?
a) The misuse of Drugs Act 1971
b) The Health and Safety at work Act 1974
c) Mental Capacity Act 2005
d) Medicines Act 1968
24. Which of the following health communication style makes use of the patient’s
knowledge and experience?
a. doctor-centred communication
b. patient-centred communication
c. practitioner-centred communication
d. none of these
25. Which of the following charters defined health promotion as ‘the process of enabling
people to increase control over, and to improve, their health’?
a. Charter of the United Nations (1945)
b. Tokyo Charter (1946)
c. Ottawa Charter (1986)
d. none of these
26. Which year did the World Health Organization first express the right to health as a
fundamental human right?
a. 1946
b. 1952
c. 1987
d. 2000
27. This approach to health promotion aims to improve and promote health by addressing
socioeconomic and environmental determinants of health within the community.
a. behaviour change approach
b. community development approach
c. biomedical approach
d. none of these
29. A family in which the mother, father, one child, and his uncles are living present an
example of which family?
a) Joint family
b) Nuclear family
c) Patrilocal family
d) None of the above