RIICWD507D Learner Guide

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Learner Guide

RIICWD507D Prepare detailed geotechnical design

Table of Content

Table of Contents..................................................................................................2
1.1 Access, interpret and apply geotechnical works design documentation and ensure
the work activity is compliant..........................................................................6
1.2 Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements...........................14
1.3 Identify and confirm the geotechnical works project requirements and information
1.4 Prepare a design plan which makes best use of the available resources...............23
2.1 Interpret and analyse data and identify viable options.....................................31
2.2 Interpret and analyse data and make a recommendation for the preferred option.34
2.3 Complete the detailed design of the geotechnical works....................................38
2.4 Prepare a cost estimate for executing the designed geotechnical works...............40
2.5 Participate in the review of the geotechnical works design with peers and
2.6 Complete the documentation for the geotechnical works design.........................48
2.7 Monitor and coordinate the progress of other team members involved in the design
2.8 Gain design approval...................................................................................54
3.1 Ensure filing of design records is completed....................................................60
3.2 Complete and submit design cost and other reporting.......................................63
3.3 Participate in performance review of the design process....................................65
3.4 Seek client feedback and contribute to the verification of the design...................67
3.5 Close out all systems...................................................................................69
GEOTECHNICAL WORKS......................................................................................73
4.1 Provide clarification and advice to those applying the design..............................76
4.2 Review the application of the design and recommend changes for continuous
4.3 Contribute to the validation of the design........................................................80
Knowledge evidence (KE) Compliance................................................................83

RIICWD507D 1 Learner Guide

The study of soil behaviour under the influence of loading forces and soil-water
interactions is known as geotechnical engineering. This knowledge is used in the design of
waste containment foundations, retaining walls, earth dams, clay liners, and

It is a civil engineering discipline that studies the behaviour of natural geological materials
in engineered systems.

This guide describes the skills and knowledge required for a participant to prepare detailed
geotechnical designs in civil construction.

This guide is appropriate for those in management positions.

What will I learn?

This learning guide will provide you the skills and knowledge required to:

1. Plan for the detailed design of geotechnical works.

2. Undertake the detailed design of geotechnical works.
3. Finalise design processes of geotechnical works.
4. Support and review the application of the design of geotechnical works.

RIICWD507D 2 Learner Guide


RIICWD507D 3 Learner Guide

In this chapter, we will discuss how to plan and prepare for the detailed design of
geotechnical works.

What will I learn?

In this chapter, you will learn about the following:

1. Access, interpret and apply geotechnical works design documentation

and ensure the work activity is compliant.
2. Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements.
3. Identify and confirm the geotechnical works project requirements and
4. Prepare a design plan which makes best use of the available resources.

RIICWD507D 4 Learner Guide

Access, interpret and apply geotechnical works design
documentation and ensure the work activity is
Geotechnical design

1. The investigation of subsurface soil/rock/water conditions.

2. The analysis of soil-structure interaction between these conditions and proposed
engineered structures.
3. The functional structure(s) is designed to achieve stability objectives.
Geotechnical works include:

Slope stability

Settlement control and repair

Soil reinforcement

Access, interpret and apply geotechnical works design documentation

L e g isla tiv e , o rg a n is a tio n a n d site re q u ire m e n ts a n d p ro ce d u re s

M a n u fa ctu re r's g u id e lin e s a n d sp e cifica tio n s

A u stra lia n s ta n d a rd s

C o d e s o f p ra ctic e

E m p lo y m e n t a n d w o rk p la ce re la tio n s le g isla tio n

E q u a l e m p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n ity a n d d isa b ility d is crim in a tio n le g isla tio n

The legislation required preparing a detailed geotechnical design

RIICWD507D 5 Learner Guide

Acts, Ordinances, Regulations, By-Laws, Orders, Codes, Policies, Industrial Instruments
(including Awards), and Proclamations of the Commonwealth and the State or Territory in
which the Works or any part thereof are being carried out; certificates, licences, consents,
permits, approvals, and requirements of organisations or Authorities having jurisdiction in
connection with the Works or any part thereof; and charges payable in connection with the

You must be aware of the laws that apply to the construction industry. Key legislation

 Competition and Consumer Act 2010- external site

 Australian Consumer Law (ACL) external site

 National Construction Code- external site

 Disability (Access to Premises-Buildings) Standards 2010- external site

 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999- external site

 Heritage protection- external site

 National native title Tribunal

Organisation and site requirements and procedures

Organisational rules and procedures guide decision-making processes and how work
should be done in an organisation. Increased openness, accountability, uniformity, and
stability result from clear, well-written policies and processes.


Work health and safety (WHS) – sometimes known as occupational health and safety
(OH&S) – is the management of threats to everyone's health and safety in the workplace.
This encompasses the health and safety of your employees, as well as your customers,
visitors, and suppliers.

Implementing safe procedures and installing safety equipment may cost money and time
at first, but it is vital to the success of your organisation. Failure to act may also result in
prosecution, fines, and the loss of your skilled personnel.

Workers' compensation rules also necessitate purchasing workers' compensation insurance

coverage for your employees.

WHS Advantages

Creating a safe working environment is a legal requirement. It is also crucial to the long-
term success of your company and can:

 Help you keep your staff

 Improve staff productivity

 Reduce injury and illness in the workplace

 Reduce the costs of injury and workers' compensation.

RIICWD507D 6 Learner Guide

What you need to do

You must implement health and safety practices as soon as you begin your business.
Under Australian WHS legislation, your company must guarantee its employees' health and
safety while not endangering others' health and safety. To accomplish this, you must:

 Ensure a safe working environment

 Ensure that machinery and structures are safe and that they are kept in good
working order
 Provide safe working conditions

 Ensure that machines, structures, and chemicals are used, handled, and stored
 Create and maintain sufficient facilities.

 Give any necessary information, training, teaching, or monitoring for safety.

 Workers' health and working conditions are monitored.

What your employees must do

Employees in your company have WHS responsibilities to themselves and others on the
job. They are required to:

 Take responsibility for their health and safety.

 Take care not to do anything that can cause harm to others.

 Adhere to WHS guidelines

 Adhere to the workplace's WHS regulations and procedures.

WHS mandates in your state or territory

Each state has its own set of WHS legislation and a regulator enforcing them. Each state's
WHS framework comprises the following elements:

 Act – lays out your broad responsibilities.

 Regulations - establishes precise criteria for various hazards and risks, such as
noise, machinery, and manual handling.
 Codes of practice - provide practical guidance on how to meet the Act's and
Regulations' requirements.
 Regulating Agency (regulator) - administers WHS legislation by inspecting
workplaces, providing advice, and enforcing the laws. Check out their website for
WHS resources and information.
Manufacturer's guidelines and specifications

Manufacturer's Recommendations refer to the instructions, procedures, and

recommendations issued by the manufacturer of any equipment used at the Facility
relating to the operation, maintenance, or repair of such equipment, as well as any
revisions or updates issued by the manufacturer from time to time.

RIICWD507D 7 Learner Guide

Manufacturer's Specifications refer to

(a) the written specifications, instructions, or recommendations provided by the

manufacturer of equipment or supplies that describe how the equipment or supplies are to
be built, erected, installed, assembled, examined, inspected, started, operated, used,
handled, stored, stopped, calibrated, adjusted, maintained, repaired, or dismantled; and

(b) an instruction, maintenance, and operating manual, including any diagrams, for the
equipment or supplies.

Australian standards

Australian Standards are published papers outlining requirements and processes to ensure
that products, services, and systems are safe, dependable, and consistently functioning as
intended. They establish a set of minimal parameters that determine quality and safety

Australian Standards are voluntary documents created through consensus. However,

because of their rigour, many Australian Standards are incorporated into legislation and
made required or mentioned in contracts.

 The geotechnical site investigation must be performed following AS 1726.

 Geotechnical Site Investigations, Soils/Rocks | AS 1726:2017

 Australian Standard AS1726: Geotechnical Site Investigations

 Australian Standards, AS1289 - Various Methods of Testing Soils for Engineering

Codes of practice

A code of practice is a practical guide for meeting the legal obligations imposed by the
Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act and Regulations.

The WHS Act allows the relevant Minister to approve, modify, or revoke codes of practice.

The Act also specifies how codes of practice may be applied in court.

Codes of practice have a particular position since an approved code is automatically

admissible as evidence in court actions under the WHS Act and Regulations. Courts may
consider a code as evidence of what is known about a hazard, risk, or control, and they
may rely on the code to determine what is reasonably practical in the conditions to which
the code refers.

Deals with

 Deal with a duty or obligation imposed by the WHS Act or Regulations.

 Contain known information regarding specific hazards, risks, and mitigation

 Assist in establishing what is practical in the given circumstances.

RIICWD507D 8 Learner Guide

 It can be supplemented with additional sorts of guidance material.

Employment and workplace relations legislation

As an employer, it is your responsibility to guarantee that all aspects of Australian

employment legislation are followed and that your workers may work comfortably in a safe
and secure workplace free of bullying, discrimination, and harassment.

In Australia, the primary sources of employment law are:

 Legislation (federal, state, and territorial laws)

 Industrial instruments

 Common law

 Legislation enforcing labour standards

The major pieces of legislation we deal with are the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act) and the
Fair Work Regulations 2009. In Australia, they control the employee-employer
relationship. They provide a safety net of minimum entitlements, allow for flexible working
arrangements and workplace fairness, and prevent employee discrimination.

The Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009
permitted certain aspects of the Fair Work system to be phased progressively from 1 July
2009 until roughly 2014.

The Fair Work (State Referral and Consequential and Other Amendments) Act 2009 and
the Fair Work Amendment (State Referrals and Other Measures) Act 2009 amend the Fair
Work Act to allow states to refer issues to the Australian federal government to establish a
national workplace relations system. Before this, most individual states enacted and
enforced workplace regulations. States retained control over state and local government
employees regarding labour relations.

Equal employment opportunity and disability discrimination legislation

EEO, or Equal Employment Opportunity, is the notion that everyone, regardless of race,
gender, or sexual orientation, has an equal opportunity to find work based on merit.
Several pieces of legislation in Australia aim to ensure equal opportunity and combat
employment discrimination. The majority of states have comparable legislation.

Australia's EEO Legislation

At the federal level, some examples of equal opportunity laws include:

 The Age Discrimination Act 2004;

 The Disability Discrimination Act 1992;

 The Racial Discrimination Act 1975; and

 The Sex Discrimination Act 1984.

Disability discrimination legislation

RIICWD507D 9 Learner Guide

The Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 (This is covered in state and federal anti-
discrimination laws above)

The Disability Discrimination Act was enacted to protect everyone, including employees,
from disability-based discrimination and is now part of Australian employment law.

It is forbidden under this statute to treat an employee unfairly because they have a
disability. This also applies to employees who are relatives, friends, coworkers, or
companions of a disabled individual.

What the legislation defines as a "disability" includes physical problems and intellectual,
sensory, neurological, and mental disorders.

As a result, it is critical to remember that you cannot discriminate against candidates or

recruits based on their impairment and that you must accommodate a disabled employee
to the greatest extent humanly practical.

Confirm the work activity is compliant

Employers can take a few different steps to assist in establishing a compliance culture.
Here are six techniques to ensure that your personnel follows existing policies and

Any guidelines that your personnel must follow should be documented.

The first step towards workplace compliance is ensuring everyone is familiar with your
policies and processes. It is critical to include your company's regulations in your employee
handbook. In this manner, you may provide each employee with a handbook in which they
can evaluate the policies and procedures in place.

This method provides everyone with a document to review their rights and obligations and
functions as a compliance tool if someone violates business policies. Employees can sign
off on obtaining and studying the handbook. You may also use checklists to ensure
employees understand the necessary steps for specific operations.

Keeping your rules and processes current with new federal regulations or company trends
is also critical. You can update your handbook to incorporate new policies or alter old
rules; ensure every employee can access these modifications to remain compliant. Finally,
these documents should be easily accessible to employees so they can peruse them at
their leisure.

Apply those policies and processes regularly.

Having policies and procedures in place is one thing; how they are implemented is quite
another. Everyone in your organisation is affected by your compliance regulations, from
the top CEO to the newest team member.

You must constantly apply such policies and processes equitably so that your entire
organisation recognises that there is no preferential treatment. Employees will be

RIICWD507D 10 Learner Guide

considerably less inclined to buy into the rules if they see them not being implemented
evenly. This dissatisfaction might rapidly lead to non-compliance.

The simplest method to avoid this possible issue is to emphasise the importance of these
policies and procedures for everyone. Conduct frequent handbook reviews with your entire
employees, going through essential regulations and corporate culture and reinforcing that
it takes buy-in from everyone. You can build a culture of compliance and avoid challenges
caused by inconsistent treatment by leading by example and holding everyone

Take a positive approach instead of just saying “no.”

If you want people to genuinely buy into a compliance culture, it's important to emphasise
what they should do rather than what they shouldn't do. Taking an "against" stance on
workplace standards is analogous to repeatedly telling someone "no" - at some point, they
may stop listening.

This natural reaction to being told what to do is why it is preferable to focus on the right
actions and educate staff on why that approach is preferable. Create policies outlining
what employees should do and why those behaviours are best if you have specific safety
guidelines. Establish guidelines, for example, on the safety equipment employees should
use and how it keeps them safe and healthy. That is, messaging will naturally impact more
than saying, "don't work without a harness."

Invest in employee training

Once you've established your policies, you'll want to do more than merely explain them to
staff. Training will help to reinforce those compliance procedures and regulations, making
it less likely that they will make mistakes. The following topics should be covered
throughout these training sessions.

 Policies, objectives, and procedures for safety and health

 The safety program's functions

 Contact information for anyone with questions or complaints about the programme.

 How to Report Dangers, Injuries, Illnesses, and Near, Misses

 In an emergency, what should you do?

Training should also be more than just a one-time occurrence. A continuous training
program can assist your personnel in keeping informed about company policies and
processes, especially if your compliance guidelines alter.

Use positive reinforcement for doing the right thing

Positive reinforcement can not only assist in preventing problems, but it can also
encourage your staff to actively participate in workplace compliance initiatives.

There are numerous approaches you might take in this situation. You can also motivate
staff by instituting a small rewards program for those who actively engage in compliant

RIICWD507D 11 Learner Guide

Maintain employee engagement

Positive reinforcement is a good start, but remember that compliance is a two-way street.
Therefore, it is vital to have open lines of communication for any employees who wish to
discuss workplace compliance. These discussions will not only make your staff feel heard
but also reveal some possible areas for improvement.

These discussions aren't always entertaining. If someone violates corporate standards

about safety, harassment, or anything else, it's time to have a serious conversation about
undesirable behaviour. It's critical to maintain a compliant work environment. Therefore
these discussions are vital to explain why an employee's actions violated corporate policy
and how to proceed.

It's also critical to have an open line of communication with employees to learn about
what's happening in the workplace. For example, if employees have problems with certain
regulations or have suggestions for establishing a safer work environment, let them know
that management is there to listen. In addition, allowing workers to express their feelings
can help develop a more engaged workforce and highlight potential possibilities to improve

Risk assessment and management

Occupational safety and health (OSH) risk management includes a function called risk
assessment that focuses on locating potential hazards. The objectives include finding
hazards and analysing and evaluating the risks they pose.

To reduce the likelihood of injury and sickness, risk management in OSH is a rigorous
procedure for identifying hazards, assessing and analysing the risks connected to those
hazards, and then taking action to mitigate the risks that can't be eliminated. Any
organisation's efforts to proactively mitigate risk before an accident or tragedy must
include risk management.

In any company, the risk is the primary source of uncertainty. Before an event occurs,
you, as a safety expert, may assist your organisation in identifying and managing risks.

Even though your company must adhere to standards and lower its injury rate, these
measures require a perspective from the past. You may minimise risk proactively, improve
safety, and maximise the return on investment from safety initiatives by putting risk
management principles into practice.

Principles of risk management

By taking the following actions, risk management aims to produce and protect value:

 Include risk assessment in every aspect of your business.

 Set up risk management to produce reliable results.

 Create a risk management programme unique to your internal and external goals.

 Include information, opinions, and perceptions from all levels of stakeholders.

RIICWD507D 12 Learner Guide

 Be prepared for changes and hazards and act quickly to address them.

 To assist in decision-making, identify historical and current data and set

 Finally, recognise how culture and human performance affect risk management.

RIICWD507D 13 Learner Guide

Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work


Steps to obtain and confirm work requirements

Confirm work requirements with the following:

Consultation with the client: A consultation allows you to gather information from your
client, understand their objectives, and recommend the best products for them.
Understanding the client's needs and expectations, which are then recorded and signed off
on by the customer, is the key to a great consultation.

Consultation with others within the organisation: It is easier to discuss important

information, share concerns, and ask for help when people communicate effectively. A
better understanding of another person's point of view and the situation leads to better
decision-making and more long-term solutions to problems.

Conducting a risk assessment of the existing and potential hazards:

 Determine the hazards.

 Determine who may suffer harm.

 Take precautions after assessing the risks.

 Keep track of your findings.

 Examine your assessment and, if necessary, update it.

Obtaining further site data, including:

Known and potential hazards, constraints and conditions

Potential hazards:

Vehicles and Moving Objects

 During construction, many moving objects are encountered. Overhead lifting

equipment, supply vehicles, diggers, and forklifts are among them.
 There is frequently a high traffic volume on a working site, and equipment
movement within sites is uneven. This makes the movement extremely difficult.
 As a result, your safety rule should establish clear vehicle routes and ensure that
your employees do not position themselves between fixed and moving objects.
Electricity Hazards

RIICWD507D 14 Learner Guide

This can happen if electrical work is done in wet conditions or if non-professionals are

This hazard is not limited to electricians. It can also affect other workers if they work near
underground or overhead cables, at a height near power lines, or in other hazardous
situations. Injuries caused by this hazard can result in serious illnesses and even death.


Construction workers are prone to hearing disorders due to the noise produced by
machinery, power tools, groundwork equipment, and supply vehicles. This noise can take
the form of a sudden burst of high volume, which is extremely dangerous.

Long-term repetitive sounds, such as drills and compressors, can cause short- and long-
term issues, including hearing loss. It can also be a source of distraction, leading to

Constraints and conditions:

Time, scope, and cost are the three primary constraints that project managers should be
aware of. These are commonly referred to as the three constraints or the project
management triangle.

The constraints include a limited number of machines and automated equipment,

productivity rates, weather conditions, duration of activities, and interdependence, among
other things; these can all significantly impact progress.

Cultural and heritage data:

This Advisory Note explains the relevant provisions of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006
(the Act) and the obligation to protect Aboriginal cultural heritage when conducting
geotechnical investigations. In addition, this Advisory Note addresses the following topics:

 The duty to safeguard Aboriginal cultural heritage during geotechnical

 Preliminary issues to consider before beginning geotechnical investigations.

 What should be done if Aboriginal cultural heritage is discovered before or during

geotechnical exploration?
 Where to find further information and advice.

Considering the impact of geotechnical investigations on Aboriginal cultural heritage


 Examining the Australian Aboriginal Heritage Register for specific information on

any Aboriginal cultural heritage listed in the geotechnical investigation area
 Determining whether a CHMP for the geotechnical investigation area has previously
been prepared.

RIICWD507D 15 Learner Guide

 Consultation with the Registered Aboriginal Party(s) whose area the geotechnical
investigation will take place.
Geological data: Information gathered or derived from geological and geochemical
techniques, such as coring and test drilling, well logging, bottom sampling, or other
physical sampling or chemical testing processes, are called geological data and

Geotechnical data: Any information describing the ground condition through which a
trenchless construction project will pass is considered geotechnical information. It
considers factors such as soil type, rock presence, groundwater conditions, and other
existing installations in the surrounding area.

Hydrological data: Various technologies are used to collect hydrological data, from
observing gauges installed at flow measuring points to automatic data recorders and
remote sensing. Data from international hydrological data collection systems are
transmitted via telephone, radio, and satellite.

Survey data: A geotechnical survey involves gathering information about the physical
properties of the soils and rocks that comprise the land.

Geotechnical engineers and geologists conduct surveys to design earthworks and

foundations for structures.

Work Instructions checklist/template

The elements required for distinct work instructions will vary depending on the job, but
most work instructions must include the following:

Locations of work
Nature and scope Achievement allocation,
and essential
of the work targets including any
survey data

Locations of Site working Environmental

service facilities conditions conditions

Potential hazards Next area of work

RIICWD507D 16 Learner Guide

You must be clear about what type of work you will do in the project. Moreover,
everything should be written down before actual work is carried out, which includes the
required procedure and equipment.

Work instruction Sources

Work specifications and strategies are the characteristics that are necessary to complete a
particular job or task.

You may require a manual that includes plans, specifications, quality requirements, and
operational details and checks the work's accuracy.

Work instructions may be obtained via:

 Oral or written and graphical instructions

 Signposts

 Work schedules/plans/specifications

 Work-related journals/newsletters/advertisements

 Charts and hand drawings

 Memos

 Materials safety data sheets

 Technical drawings or sketches

Read work instructions

All work must comply with worksite, environment, and organisation safety strategies.

Procedures help ensure the work is completed safely without damaging equipment or
putting individuals in unsafe situations. They also help ensure that the work is completed
in the correct order and doesn’t interrupt or get in the way of other work on the site.

Your work manual will describe the safest method of performing work and the equipment
based on the specifications. You must clarify work instructions with your supervisor.

If you are unclear about where you will find work instructions or any section regarding
work instructions, you must seek help from your supervisor. They will help you to locate
and understand the work instructions.

Interpret and apply work instructions

The meaning of interpreting is to explain or understand.

It is important to understand the work requirements. A good understanding of the

compliance documents will help you to:

RIICWD507D 17 Learner Guide

 Make the right decisions for each work activity/solution.

 Distinguish the steps that are given in the given situation.

 Determine expectations.

The keywords that must be understood when reading the compliance documents are as

Designate preferred The actions that are Selecting the

course of action. It is mandatory measures from a
foremost to explain consistened with group of actions
the action in case of legislative and which will produce
any event. compliance best and safest
requirements. results.

If there is any doubt while reading the compliance documents, discuss it with the site
manager to understand them.

RIICWD507D 18 Learner Guide

Identify and confirm the geotechnical works project

requirements and information

Geotechnical works project requirement:

Project specifications: A project specification is a document that defines the overall

management plan of a project and is used for successful project management. It lists the
needs, objectives, constraints, expected features, deadlines, and budget as accurately as

Contains factual information and data from an office, field investigation, and a laboratory
testing program for project design elements. These are typically created by or for the
owner and used in Design-Build (DB) contracts. In addition, they are given to proposal
teams as a starting point for developing designs and costs for the project's pursuit phase.

Owner agencies typically state that any additional investigations required are the
contractor's responsibility.

Contractual requirements: A construction contract is a crucial document because it

specifies the scope of work, risks, duration, duties, deliverables, and legal rights of both
the contractor and the owner.

Client's requirements: Client's Requirements refer to the document prepared by the

Designer and approved by the Client that outlines the goal the Client wishes to achieve in
the Project (including functional requirements, environmental standards, life span, and
levels of quality) and on which the Services will be rendered.

Project site geological data: The data collected during the subsoil survey of a proposed
construction site is referred to as project site geological data. The study is carried out
using field research, available data, and maps, from which data is compiled to provide
answers about site feasibility. Below the earth's surface, trenchless construction methods
such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD) and micro tunnelling are used.

Project site engineering survey data:

The engineering survey collects, evaluates, and records ground data to determine objects'
exact position on the Earth's surface (whether natural or artificial).

Among the primary goals of the engineering survey are the following:

 The production of topographical maps

 The mapping of property lines

 The planning and evaluation of new construction projects' feasibility.

RIICWD507D 19 Learner Guide

 The evaluation of proposed routes for roads, railways, power lines, and so on.

 Existing structures, such as highways, canals, dams, and bridges, must be

Existing project design and drawings: A project design and drawing, also known as a site
drawing, is a type of technical drawing that depicts grading, geotechnical works design, or
other site details. These drawings are intended to give a civil engineer a clear picture of
everything on a construction site.

Geotechnical reports

Geotechnical engineers investigate and evaluate the interactions of soil, rock,

groundwater, and man-made materials with earth retention systems, structure
foundations, and other civil engineering work.

A set of review checklists and technical guidelines has been developed to assist engineers
in reviewing projects with major and unusual geotechnical features. These features may
include any earthwork or foundation-related activities, such as the construction of cuts,
fills, or retaining structures, that require special attention due to their size, scope,
complexity, or cost.

Identify and confirm geotechnical works project requirement

This information sheet's purpose and applicability are as follows:

 Ensure that development in any area of potential instability or landslide considers

factors affecting land stability.
 Advise on how to prepare geotechnical reports for specific types of development.

 Advise on the geotechnical certifications needed for different types and stages of
 Determine the locations that are prone to instability.

The following factors may hamper development on steep and/or potentially unstable land:

 Excavation and filling of the earth.

 Building and other structure construction (such as swimming pools, tennis courts,
retaining walls, roads, and driveways).
 Near retaining walls and any structure, underground services.

 Wastewater disposal on-site.

 Natural drainage patterns have also changed significantly.

 Inadequate development on steep and/or potentially unstable land may pose

significant risks to property and human safety on and in areas above and below the
The Planning Scheme requires Geotechnical Reports to be prepared where development
may affect or is affected by land instability to ensure such risks are avoided or minimised.

RIICWD507D 20 Learner Guide

Geotechnical project requirement information

Where a geotechnical report has already been provided to Council as support

documentation for previous development applications on the site, these documents must
be referenced in the report. The reference should state that the report was prepared as
support documentation for the subsequent application. Support documentation must be
available to Council and be current and relevant to the proposed development, not for an
alternate development on the same site.

An investigation of existing site conditions must be included in the geotechnical report.

 Field investigations and tests using excavators, drill rigs, and/or seismic techniques
will be required to assess the following factors.
 Within the proposed work areas, the subsurface profile.

 Surface and subsurface material classification.

 Potential for erosion; foundation conditions that could impair structural

performance and suitability for wastewater disposal
 Any other site characteristics that are important for slope stability.

 Previous instability (curved and/or non-vertical tree trunks, broken kerbs and
gutters, cracked or uneven roadway surfaces, distressed houses or other
structures). It is necessary to determine the classification of any existing slips.
 The extent and type of any existing erosional occurrences.

 Surface drainage patterns and characteristics.

 Subsurface drainage characteristics, as well as the likelihood of this occurring as a

result of heavy rain events.
 current vegetation cover

 Any existing site improvements

Environment management

Geotechnical engineers, closely related to civil engineers, also play an important role in
sustainable development. Geotechnical engineering has the potential to embed
sustainability early in project development, reducing negative environmental impact and
adding social and economic value to society.

Wherever site contamination has occurred, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA)
recommends and encourages remediation. Remediation is the treatment, containment,
removal, or management of chemical substances or wastes so that they no longer pose an
actual or potential risk to human health or the environment while considering the site's
current and intended use.

Contamination is defined in the National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site

Contamination) Measure 1999 (NEPM) as "the condition of land or water in which any
chemical substance or waste has been added at or above background level and represents,
or potentially represents, an adverse health or environmental impact."

RIICWD507D 21 Learner Guide

Cultural and heritage management

The profession and practice of managing cultural heritage are known as cultural heritage
management (CHM). Although it draws on cultural conservation, restoration, museology,
archaeology, history, and architecture practices, it is a subset of cultural resource
management (CRM).

CHM focuses on identifying, interpreting, upkeep, and preserving important cultural

locations and tangible cultural assets. However, intangible cultural factors are also
considered, including traditional skills, customs, and languages. When there is a threat, it
usually receives the most attention and resources, and the emphasis is frequently on
salvaging or rescuing archaeology. Urbanisation, industrial agriculture, mining, looting,
erosive activities, or an increase in visitors beyond acceptable levels are all potential risks.

The interpretation and presentation of heritage to the general public, a substantial tourism
component, serves as the public face of CHM and a key source of revenue to support
ongoing heritage management. Thus, effective communication with the government and
the general public is essential.

Quality management

Quality assurance (QA) is defined as having a measurable test result. Geotechnical

engineers can conduct tests that yield factual, scientific data that project teams can use to
make informed project decisions and ensure contract requirements are met.

The geotechnical engineer performs visual quality control (QC). For example, the engineer
would monitor soil compaction to ensure it was done following contract documents.

Quality control of geotechnical design work should be an ongoing process that takes place
regularly throughout the design process. Each Region is in charge of quality control for
geotechnical products manufactured in its region.

RIICWD507D 22 Learner Guide

1.4 Prepare a design plan which makes best use of the

available resources

Prepare design plan according to resourcing

The design plan includes the following:

Human resource requirements

Human resource needs refer to the particular skills or qualities that project workers will
need to possess. Managing people within an organisation is known as human resource
management (HRM). HRM in construction is primarily concerned with ensuring that a
project has enough human resources with the necessary skill sets and experience to
complete the project successfully.

Human resource managers must be able to identify and document project roles and
responsibilities and create a plan describing the end-to-end processes required on a
project (or series of projects) to determine its human resource requirements.

Design hardware and software

Automatic processes are used for data collecting, contouring, terrain modelling, site
design, and earthwork quantities. As a result, everything is completed quickly, including
the design of culverts, corridors, drainage layers, barriers, guardrails, roundabouts, and

Simply input the necessary information, and the computer will handle the rest. Most will
also permit customisation to more accurately reflect the complexity of taxing projects.

The geotechnical designer is given complete authority over pertinent design data and has
ongoing access to project information, both of which are significant.

Design software’s

 Autodesk Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection

 Civil 3D by Autodesk

 Revit LT

RIICWD507D 23 Learner Guide


What is the schedule for construction?

Every activity and event in a construction project has a timeline, which is called a
construction schedule. The construction schedule is essential to project planning because it
identifies the teams and resources required to complete each activity.

Making a construction schedule in 5 easy steps

These five stages will help you address all the key issues that must be addressed when
making a building timetable.

1. Obtain information and tools.

Scheduling for construction requires a variety of resources, stakeholders, and players.

There are always a lot of subcontractors involved in a construction project, so start by
identifying them all. Once you get the list, contact the people on it and find out how long it
will take to get the items. Then, enquire about the anticipated duration of their portion of
the project. The accuracy of your time estimation depends on this.

The local code office must also obtain a list of requirements and the inspections required
during the build. You must conduct the necessary study to ensure that your project
complies with all applicable code requirements because they differ depending on the sort
of building and materials you'll be using.

2. Collect and prioritise tasks

The project needs to be broken down into the steps that will take it from a building plan to
a completed project now that you have the context and resources necessary. These are
the assignments. A complete inventory of every activity that has to be completed for the
construction to be successful is a requirement before you can create an accurate
construction timetable.

A work breakdown structure (WBS) can help you understand the scope and scale of your
project. This tool can be used to visualise your deliverables by starting with anything
you're going to build and then disassembling it until you reach the most basic components.
It doesn't hurt to collect the team and any subcontractors you plan to use at this time and
ask them for advice. Always remember that your job list will determine your building
timeline's precision. Remember that tasks might cause a project to fail; therefore, focus on
the scope. Finally, remember that certain jobs depend on others, so link those together.

You must arrange the tasks on your task list after it is as complete as feasible. The WBS
can help with this since it simplifies complex projects by identifying their key components
and the critical dates for their completion. To distribute these jobs throughout a project
timetable, use Gantt chart software. Soon, we'll go into more depth about that.

Small tasks are a good thing. Of course, larger tasks must be divided into more
manageable, smaller bits. But breaking the project up into bigger sections or milestones
also helps. A project's major phases, such as the addition of electrical or the cementing of

RIICWD507D 24 Learner Guide

the foundation, are completed at a milestone. Effective construction scheduling depends
on an accurate assessment of all the many jobs and milestones that make up your project.

3. Add duration

Give each task a start and end date so that a bar chart showing the task's duration may be
created on the Gantt chart. These conclusions must be grounded in reality. For example,
climate impacts building schedules, and long-term weather forecasts are particularly
inaccurate. Therefore, to estimate how the climate might affect the task, look at historical
weather data.

You may need to determine your construction schedule holidays and consider employee
sick and vacation days depending on how long the project will last. Be sure to use them as
a ruler when calculating the length of your schedule if there are any potential seasonal or
personal concerns.

Working with suppliers and subcontractors is an additional concern. Your contract will
contain details; however, remember that these dates are frequently subject to change.
Therefore, your construction timeline needs to provide flexibility to account for changes.

Making the schedule realistic is crucial. You can have a deadline in mind, but to meet it,
you'll need to make quality compromises and cut shortcuts. Unfortunately, construction
prohibits this from being done. The consequences are too severe. Therefore, be sincere
with yourself and provide enough time in your construction timetable for everything to be
finished appropriately.

Don't overlook scheduling non-task-related items like delivery, procurement, and other
sources essential to the project. You must know the materials you need to order or
replenish. It's equally crucial to the build. The same goes for planning any inspections, so
you have time to address code violations.

When planning, bear into consideration the project's financial component as well. Add the
bank draws and associate them with the relevant construction schedule assignments.
When money is needed, you and the bank need to be aware. On the other hand, you don't
want to delay the project by chasing after money.

4. Allocate and execute

The activities and resources are the focus of the construction schedule. Of course, tasks
can't be completed independently, but assigning the work to teams in your construction
plan might become complex when you have so many subcontractors to keep track of.
Instead, you may simply distinguish between the various teams and work by colour-coding
tasks. Once the project execution phase starts, you can identify who is working on what.

To assign your teams appropriately, you should have estimated how long the work will
take them to complete and a full description of their talents and expertise. A project
management solution like a project manager can provide notifications when new tasks are
given, and deadlines are approaching after allocating your resources.

RIICWD507D 25 Learner Guide

The construction timetable is prepared to enter the actual world once the persons allocated
to the task are in place.

5. Review

The scheduling of construction is extremely complicated and requires ongoing supervision.

The timeframe for any successful construction project is not set in stone. Things change,
and if you don't keep track of them and review them as the project progresses, those
changes will throw you off course or even worse.

As a result, you must review the building schedule at every stage of the project to ensure
that your progress matches your expectations. Look at your schedule daily and make
frequent updates depending on your time. To monitor the development of your
construction project, utilise our daily report template for construction.

This is a time management issue. Suppose you discover that providing a daily update
diverts you from other project concerns and obligations. In that case, you may need to
make time each week to address the adjustments you've noticed daily and incorporate
them into the timetable. The most crucial part of keeping your project on track may be
monitoring and modifying your construction schedule when on- and off-site challenges

Industry and organisational design

The organisational structure of a construction company refers to the arrangement of job

roles and the reporting and operational relationships between and within these roles. A
variety of roles and responsibilities, such as marketing, purchasing, human resources,
finance, pre-construction tasks, and construction operations, most often result in such a
corporate structure being organised according to departments, functions, or areas of
responsibility most appropriate to organisational design.

Current industry best practices:


The procurement procedure entails the following:

 Choosing the Best construction management method

 The best design team was chosen.

 Choosing the best team to deliver.

 Choose the best team to run the facility.


Compared to the traditional way of working, partnering is a unique working style. Working
on this requires a collaborative approach. It has been demonstrated through great projects
that collaboration aids in achievement.

 Greater monetary value

RIICWD507D 26 Learner Guide

 Increased profits for the company

 Quality enhancement

 Project completion forecast

Risk Management

Risks in projected are always to be expected, and a "risk register" must be kept. This will
assist in entering all risks encountered from the beginning to the end of the project. The
method used to manage the risk is also recorded along with the risk. This can be used in
other projects. Risk assessment and analysis will aid in assigning appropriate actions to
various project teams.

Value Management

This critical practice considers time, cost, and risk constraints to meet the client's business
needs. The value management method will entail complete team collaboration. The team
is in charge of project design and delivery.

RIICWD507D 27 Learner Guide

Self-check assessment

Discuss the documentation required for geotechnical works.



What are the Australian standards for geotechnical works?



How do you prepare design plan for geotechnical works?


RIICWD507D 28 Learner Guide


RIICWD507D 29 Learner Guide


In this chapter, we will learn how to undertake the detailed design of geotechnical works.

Geotechnical works plant and equipment capabilities

Geotechnical plant and Capabilities


Skid steer Attachments it should be able to fit and work with

the following attachments:

a) Excavator buckets with capacities of 300 mm, 450

mm, and 600 mm

b) Riper Tooth with five teeth

c) Ditch cleaning bucket size 550 mm-700 mm

d) Rock Breaker, Hydraulic vibrating type.

Streamlined track loaders: A tracked loader, also known as a crawler loader, is

a type of engineering vehicle that consists of a
tracked chassis and a loader for digging and loading
material. Three design evolutions can define the
evolution of tracked loaders.

Wheelbarrow: A wheelbarrow is a small hand-propelled vehicle with

only one wheel designed to be pushed and guided by
a single person using two handles at the back or by
a sail to propel the ancient wheelbarrow by the wind.

Theodolite The theodolite is a telescope that pivots around

horizontal and vertical axes to measure horizontal
and vertical angles. Angles are read from circles with
degrees and smaller intervals of 10 or 20 minutes.

RIICWD507D 30 Learner Guide

What will I learn?
In this chapter, you will learn about the following:

1. Interpret and analyse data and identify viable options.

2. Interpret and analyse data and make a recommendation for the
preferred option.
3. Complete the detailed design of the geotechnical works.
4. Prepare a cost estimate for executing the designed geotechnical works.
5. Participate in the review of the geotechnical works design with peers
and stakeholders.
6. Complete the documentation for the geotechnical works design.
7. Monitor and coordinate the progress of other team members involved
in the design process.
8. Gain design approval.

RIICWD507D 31 Learner Guide

Interpret and analyse data and identify viable options

It takes analysis, contextual interpretation, and presentation to give data meaning so that
the reader can utilise it to further their goals.

Evaluating material and formulating conclusions and recommendations for both expert and
non-expert audiences are typical tasks within the critical thinking skills category. They are
crucial to academic and professional activity.

A step-by-step approach

Working through data in three steps might be helpful when dealing with it.

1. Analyse

Analyse each piece of information to reach conclusions. Do you see any trends or
patterns? Do you notice any mistakes or contradictions?

2. Interpret

Describe the implications of these discoveries in the setting at hand. What does this
suggest to your reader, exactly?

3. Present

Choose, arrange, and classify ideas and supporting documentation logically. Which
research findings are more crucial or pertinent? Will text or visuals help your reader
understand what you mean?

To identify viable options for design

Three major activities are included in geotechnical engineering design:

1.) The comprehensive examination of subsurface soil/rock/water conditions.

2.) An examination of the interaction of soil structure with these conditions and proposed
engineered structures.

3.) The design of a functional structure(s) to achieve the required stability objectives.

Design methods and options for geotechnical work:

The following factors determine the thickness of the layers used:

 nature of the fill and reinforcement and

 the structure's geometry.

The filling material must be compaction-ready; granular fill is typically compacted to 95%
of its maximum dry density as determined by the modified proctor test.

RIICWD507D 32 Learner Guide

The type of reinforcement, facing, and connections used are determined by the soil type,
wall height, slope, and other factors. For example, polymeric geosynthetics are typically
considered extensible, whereas steel strips are typically considered inextensible; using
extensible or inextensible reinforcements may result in differences in the analysis method.

External stability evaluation will take into account the following:

 Overturning

 Sliding at or near the bottom

 The foundation bearing failed.

 The overall stability of the reinforced soil system includes the unstable or
potentially unstable ground behind it.
 They are carried out in static and seismic conditions using simplified methods for
conventional earth-retaining structures.
Internal stability assessments will include the following:

 Structural checks on the reinforcement to ensure that their tensile strength is

sufficient to withstand the tensile forces generated by the interaction with the soil
with adequate safety factors.
 Geotechnical checks on the reinforcement to ensure that their length is sufficient to
provide adequate pull-out resistance to withstand the tension generated by the
interaction with the soil with adequate safety factors.
 Structural checks on the facing, paying special attention to the connections with the
reinforcement and local bending and shear in the facing.
Slope stability:

Slope stability analyses consider slope geometry, soil mechanical properties, and
groundwater conditions to determine a slope's performance about a specified safety factor.
These properties change spatially over time; geotechnical design codes require factored
design parameter values to account for worst-case scenarios.

 Soil shear strength

 unit weight

 embankment height

 slope steepness

 soil pore pressure.

If the geotechnical designer determines that a slope stability study is required, the
following information will be required for analysis:

 An accurate cross-section showing topography

 Grade proposed

 Profiles of soil units

RIICWD507D 33 Learner Guide

 Unit weight and strength parameters

 As well as the loading conditions) for each soil unit

 The location of the water table, as well as the flow characteristics.

For static slope stability, the design factor of safety is 1.25. For slopes where failure would
significantly impact adjacent structures, this safety factor should be increased to at least
1.30. The factor of safety can be reduced to 1.1 for pseudo-static seismic analysis. Cut
slopes are generally not designed for seismic conditions unless the slope failure could
impact adjacent structures.

Seepage analysis and impact on design

A cut slope below the groundwater table destabilises seepage forces, adds weight to the
soil mass, and increases the driving forces for slope failures. It is critical to identify and
accurately model seepage within proposed cut slopes to use appropriate slope and
drainage designs.

Pore pressures must be known or estimated for slope stability analysis that requires
effective stress parameters. This is best accomplished by using open standpipes or
observation wells to measure the surface of the phreatic (water table).

Considerations and design for surface and subsurface drainage

When designing cut slopes, the importance of adequate drainage cannot be overstated.
Surface drainage can be achieved by placing drainage ditches and berms above the cut's
top, around the cut's sides, and at the bottom. Surface water should be directed to
appropriate collection facilities by surface drainage facilities.

RIICWD507D 34 Learner Guide

Interpret and analyse data and make a recommendation

for the preferred option

Requirements of a design plan

1. Identify the project's design needs and the owner's design criteria

The design manager should obtain any extra design-related information from the owner
and any pertinent sources in addition to the design-related data obtained to create the
workplace case. Any informational gaps should be noted, and sources should be sought as

2. Employ design advisers

Now is the time to hire all the important design experts to create the functional and
concept design brief. The consultant's scope of work must be clearly defined in their
contract agreement and the quantity of contribution needed.

3. Create the concept design and the functional design brief.

Control and direct the design consultant team to produce the functional design brief and
the concept design that will address and document all owner requirements and needs and
serve as the foundation for the design to be implemented across all design disciplines.

The concept design sketches and report, which give an overview of the suggested design,
will complement the functional design brief.

4. Create a design management strategy.

For the greatest outcomes, the design management plan must be created at this stage
since it serves as the road map for managing the design. It is an important part of the
project manager's project management plan.

The following are the major sections of a design management plan:

 Introduction

 Project Overview

 Design Objectives

 Design Process and related procedures

 Design Status

RIICWD507D 35 Learner Guide

 Design Documentation & Deliverables Schedule

 Value Engineering

 Design Reviews

 Design Change

 Peer Review Checks, Permits

 Design Quality Management

 Owner Sign‐Offs

 Design Close Out & As Built Record

5. Cost-outline plan

The creation of the outline cost plan must be managed and coordinated by the design
manager and the quantity surveyor with participation from all pertinent design

6. Recognise design risks

With participation from the entire design team, any design-related risks identified during
the workplace case stage should be examined and expanded upon. Any design hazards
related to safety should be noted as well. The overall risk register should then be used as
the foundation for the use and continuous management of the design risks after they have
been evaluated and their mitigation recorded.

7. Value administration

At this point, the design manager needs to set up a value management workshop. Value
management systematically evaluates a project's core capabilities or results to ensure that
the best possible return on investment is realised. It considers the project's overall
purpose as well as the project's capital and ongoing costs.

A value management report should be created after the workshop, reviewed by the owner,
and any recommendations executed.

8. Establish the procedure for project approval

Now the design manager and design team should outline and specify the planning
approval procedure and align it with the needs of the design process.

9. Create the report on the outline design.

Create a report outlining the outline design process and submit it to the owner with the
functional design brief, concept drawings, and findings. This gives the owner an update
and an opportunity to comment before going on to the following design phase.

RIICWD507D 36 Learner Guide

The design manager can move on to the schematic design stage of the project lifecycle
once the owner approves.

Preferred option factors for geotechnical design include:

Cost: The cost of performing a geotechnical design is the number of worker hours spent
performing standard calculations, the time and experience spent evaluating the most likely
conditions and the most unfavourable conceivable deviations from these conditions that
will affect the proposed project.

Site constraints: In a given environment or context, a constraint is a condition, agency, or

force that impedes or limits progress toward an objective or goal. It may have unintended
consequences that are detrimental to the company's goals. Constraints in construction are
classified into several types.

1. Economic constraints
2. Legal constraints
3. Environmental constraints
4. Technical constraints
5. Social constraints.
Available resources:

Resource management is the process of planning, supplying, and managing the resources
required to meet the client's requirements on time and within budget. Proper resource
management ensures that resource demand is met while maximising resource benefits.

Resource management may involve more than one project, ensuring that resource
utilisation is optimised across projects. However, this can lead to conflicts when the
resources needed to optimise project delivery differ from those needed to optimise
performance across a portfolio of projects.

Risk assessment of the existing condition:

A risk assessment is a thorough examination of your workplace to identify those things,

situations, processes, and so on that could cause harm, especially to people. After
identifying the risk, you must assess its likelihood and severity. Once this determination
has been made, you can decide what measures should be implemented to effectively
eliminate or control the harm.

 The overall process of hazard identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation is
known as risk assessment.
 The process of locating, listing, and characterising hazards is known as hazard
 Risk analysis is the process of determining the nature of hazards and the level of
Maintainability of the completed works

RIICWD507D 37 Learner Guide

Design for Maintainability emphasises the importance of early project design integration of
design and construction knowledge with operations and maintenance (O&M) experiences.

The stand-alone and combined processes are the two basic approaches for implementing
design for maintainability. The standalone maintainability process is solely concerned with
meeting project maintainability objectives. The project's resources and procedures are
solely dedicated to implementing appropriate levels of maintainability.

Techniques for choosing a preferred option

Personnel: A design must be carried out by a licensed geotechnical designer supervised by

a licenced professional engineer with relevant geotechnical work design experience
consistent with the project's scope.

Australian agencies only recognise qualifications that meet their standards. Engineering
teams typically carry out designs with assistance from many other professional fields.

Project objectives: A design should achieve project goals while considering geotechnical
earthwork link and network goals. To achieve the project's goals, the design team must
comprehend the project's scale, purpose, and relevance to the growth of the design.

Fit for purpose: While attempting to attain the highest degree of design, operational
efficiency, and safety within the constraints of the site, the project scope, and the budget,
a design must be fit for purpose.

To properly apply pertinent principles and engineering judgement and build a design
solution that is fit for purpose, the design team must comprehend the purpose and
function of the geotechnical design and the project scope. All aspects of geotechnical
design engineering (geometric design, slope stability etc.) should be considered while
creating a design.

Site specifics: To achieve the goals of the design and a balance of frequently opposing and
contradictory aspects, a design must be context-sensitive, take into account, and
incorporate input from all applicable disciplines and stakeholders. Each site is different.
Thus the design team must consider it. It's possible that what has worked at one place
won't work at another. The design team must consider various stakeholders' and
disciplines' suggestions and opinions.

External factors: To meet project objectives, the design team must consider all
environmental, cultural heritage, and social needs and issues, as well as how best to offset
any negative effects.

RIICWD507D 38 Learner Guide

Complete the detailed design of the geotechnical works
Complete the detailed design of the geotechnical works

 Determine the distribution of soil and rock types for the concept design and
evaluate how material properties will affect the design and construction of project
 Define the ground and surface water regimes for the project concept design. It is
especially important to determine the depth of groundwater or surface water and
its seasonal and spatial variability. It is also necessary to identify the locations of
confined water-bearing zones, artesian pressures, and seasonal or tidal variations.
 Identify and consider any impacts to adjacent facilities that the Concept Design's
construction may cause.
 Identify and characterise any geologic hazards within or adjacent to the project
boundaries (e.g., landslides, rockfall, debris flows, liquefaction, soft ground or
otherwise unstable soils, seismic hazards) that could affect the concept design as
well as adjacent facilities that the concept design's construction could impact.
 Evaluate the feasibility of proposed alignments, including the feasibility and
conceptual evaluation of retaining walls and slope angles for cuts and fills, as well
as the impact of concept design construction on adjacent facilities.
Geotechnical works options

Satisfactory pavement performance depends on the proper design and operation of the
pavement system's key components. These include:

a) A smooth, friction-resistant, and sealing-wearing surface.

b) A sealing surface or surface water drainage (i.e., to minimise hydroplaning).
c) Bound structural layers (asphalt or portland cement concrete) that provide
adequate load-carrying capacity as well as water intrusion barriers into the
underlying unbound materials.
d) Unbound base and subbase layers provide additional strength and resistance to
moisture-induced deterioration, particularly in flexible pavement systems.
e) A subgrade that provides a uniformly stiff, strong, and stable foundation for the
layers above it.
f) Water-removal systems remove water from the pavement system quickly before it
deteriorates the properties of the unbound layers and subgrade.
g) Remedial measures, such as soil improvement/stabilisation or geosynthetics in
some cases, to increase the strength, stiffness, and/or drainage characteristics of
various layers or to provide separation between layers (e.g., to prevent fines
Geotechnical works geometric

RIICWD507D 39 Learner Guide

Slope geometry is an important factor that influences slope stability. Bench height, overall
slope angle, and surface area are the basic geometrical slope design parameters. The
stability of a slope decreases as its height and slope angle increase.

The stability of both naturally and artificially formed rock slopes can be rationally
assessed. Slope stability can be improved by modifying factors such as slope geometry
and groundwater conditions and adding engineered reinforcement. The slope materials'
geology determines the rock mass's nature, which serves as an invariant in any
subsequent analysis.

Five factors influence the slope stability of an embankment:

1. Soil shear strength

2. Unit weight
3. Embankment height
4. Slope steepness
5. Pore pressure within the soil.
Geotechnical work surfacing

The surfacing materials section develops standards and specifications for asphalt and
concrete pavements and bridges and designs and evaluates material mixes for these
products. In addition, the section evaluates new materials and manages the approved
products list, which identifies construction and maintenance materials approved for

The term "aggregate" generally refers to materials that began as bedrock. Aggregate is
commonly used for unpaved access roads, heavy-use area protection sites, stream
crossings, trails, and other projects that require subgrade stabilisation.

RIICWD507D 40 Learner Guide

2.4 Prepare a cost estimate for executing the designed

geotechnical works

Prepare a cost estimate for executing the designed geotechnical works

Estimating appears to be a relatively straightforward process for the average individual.

However, it involves some tasks that must be included in an estimate. To ensure a correct
bid with a lucrative end, it is necessary to take into account labour, materials, equipment,
subcontracting, contingencies, sales tax, and profits, which are fully stated as follows:

 Labour costs: wages and benefits of workers.

 Materials costs: materials required for the project. Plants, boulders, fertilisers,
mulch, PVC, sprinklers, valves, controllers, wood, concrete, etc.
 Equipment costs: equipment needed to complete a project, whether rented, making
payments, or completely owned. Tiller, backhoe, etc.
 Subcontracting costs: Even if the geotechnical design contractor isn’t doing a
specific task on site, it still needs to be included in the bid. Usually, subcontracting
occurs if it falls out of the contractor’s expertise.
 Contingencies: this is a backup plan in case something occurs during a project that
wasn’t accounted for; this can range from missing certain tasks to missed items.
However, the contingencies only account for a fraction of the overall bid, so a
geotechnical contractor will lose money if too many items are forgotten.
 Profits: profits need to be included in a bid, or the job is practically being done for
free. This section in a bid usually ranges from seven to fifteen percent. A profit
section in a bid ensures that the company performing the tasks makes enough
money to keep thriving long-term.
Estimating a full design requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure a profit is made
at the very end of the process. The margin of error is rather high if this phase is skipped
and/or guessed at.

Making an excel spreadsheet is the quickest approach to finishing this section. Once a
specific plan is finished, put all the materials needed to build or construct the design into
the sheet. Understanding the requirements for constructing a certain structure or setting
up an irrigation or drainage system requires experience. After becoming familiar with this
building style, assembling all the necessary components becomes increasingly simple.

RIICWD507D 41 Learner Guide

A labour rate must be added once all materials and labour have been considered. This
section focuses on the cost of hiring a labourer to complete a task. It's critical to
remember that this sum encompasses more than simply the employee's hourly wage.

Including a contingency, sales tax, and profit margin in the bid is the last step in
calculating the cost of a project. A category called contingency is used to account for
anything that is overlooked. For instance, a contingency will take this into account if a
backflow is not taken into consideration. Additionally, the contractor will probably incur
losses if several duties or supplies are overlooked. Particularly, the contingency for this bid
only represents 3% of the total bid.

Steps to estimate the cost

1. Define the Cost Estimate’s Purpose

Establish the cost estimate's purpose, the required level of detail, the recipient of the
estimate, and the estimate's overall scope.

2. Develop estimating plan

Organise a team to estimate costs and describe the methods they will use. Establish a
schedule and choose the person who will conduct the independent cost estimate. Make the
team's schedule last.

3. Define characteristics

Establish a baseline description of the goal, the system, and the performance metrics. This
covers all technological implications, system setups, plans, and interactions with current
systems. Don't overlook the need for support, security, risk considerations, testing and
production, deployment and maintenance, and comparable older systems.

4. Determine cost-estimating techniques

Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and select the optimal estimating technique for
each WBS component. Cross-check for drivers of cost and schedule, then make a

5. Identify rules and assumptions and obtain data

Determine explicit assumptions and specify what is included and excluded in the estimate.

6. Develop a point estimate

By calculating each WBS component, a cost model may be created.

7. Conduct sensitivity analysis

Determine the primary cost drivers and test the sensitivity of costs to changes in
predicting input values and key assumptions.

8. Conduct risk and uncertainty analysis

Decide how to manage each WBS item's cost, scheduling, and technical risks.

RIICWD507D 42 Learner Guide

9. Document the estimate and present it to management

To keep everyone on the same page with the cost estimate, have documentation for each
step in the process. After that, you can inform the project's stakeholders about cost
projections and request their permission.

10. Update Cost Estimate

The cost estimate needs to be updated and reported on if anything changes. Perform a
post-mortem as well so you can record the things you learnt.

Cost estimation techniques

One of the crucial elements of the assessment and planning of geotechnical work is cost
calculation. Therefore, these estimations must be reliable and consistent.

Cost estimates are necessary for various tasks, such as policy and strategy planning, rapid
and in-depth initiative evaluation, cost-benefit analysis, financing decisions, budgeting,
contract negotiation, and contract management for initiative delivery.

Components of an estimate

A project cost estimate itself comprises three core components:

 The Base Estimate

 A Contingency Allowance

 An Escalation Allowance.

The Base Estimate is the sum of the Construction Costs and the Client’s Costs.

 Costs associated with planning and completing the tasks or activities related to a
project's construction components are referred to as construction costs. They

RIICWD507D 43 Learner Guide

consist of direct and indirect costs, such as supervision, preliminary work, paving,
and drainage.

 Client costs are the expenses the proponent (for instance, a public sector agency)
incurs to create and implement an initiative. These expenses include project
management, design and investigation, client-specified insurance, fees, levies, and
the acquisition of land and property.

The first principles estimation method is preferred to other base estimate approaches,

 Unit rate estimates multiply the amount of work by historical unit rates obtained
from earlier initiatives to determine the number of each initiative's element.
Despite being a quicker way of estimation than a first-principles estimate, it is less
accurate. Such a technique has inherent problems because it applies factors and
allowances defined for a previous initiative (which might not apply to the initiative
being assessed) inside the unit rate. After all, each initiative has specific restrictions
and requirements.

 Global estimating is an estimation technique that uses "all in" or "global" composite
rates, like the cost of a road per kilometre. This approach may be acceptable at the
beginning of an initiative when the scope is not sufficiently specified to develop a
first-principles estimate, even though it is less satisfactory for later advanced

Contingency allowance

Cost estimating contains risks and uncertainties; it is not an exact science. A contingency
allowance calculates a project's cost portion that considers or represents risks and
uncertainties related to the project.

Escalation allowance, outturn (nominal) cash flow and cost

The Real Cash Flow (including Contingency Allowance) for the financial years in which the
expenditure will take place is then adjusted with an escalation allowance. This accounts for
variations in expenses over the time from the estimate's base date (the day it was
created) until the project is finished. Changes in market conditions, technology, regulation,
overall industry or regional productivity, and other economic factors often impact an
economic sector or segment and are among the causes that drive escalation (AACE
International, 2011). As a result, escalation rates may change between economic sectors
or subgroups, geographic regions, and other factors.

RIICWD507D 44 Learner Guide

Participate in the review of the geotechnical works

design with peers and stakeholders

Who is a stakeholder?

A stakeholder is any person, group, or organisation whose interests are affected by the
success or failure of a project. Stakeholders can be inside or outside the company funding
the project, and they all have a vested stake in the project's success. Stakeholders are
significant because their choices can positively or negatively affect the project. In addition,
there are additional crucial or important stakeholders whose backing is necessary for the
project to proceed.

Reviewing geotechnical work design with peers and stakeholders

A set of review checklists and technical guidelines has been developed to assist engineers
in reviewing projects with major and unusual geotechnical features. These features may
include any earthwork or foundation-related activities, such as the construction of cuts,
fills, or retaining structures, that require special attention due to their size, scope,
complexity, or cost.

 A geotechnical peer review checks for compliance with minimum code standards,
completeness, obvious factual errors, consistency of data with conclusions, and
geotechnical practice standards, as well as identifying areas where the proposed
design may lead to future significant problems.
 The geotechnical reviewer should understand that differing viewpoints characterise
geotechnical engineering among geotechnical professionals.
 Suppose the geotechnical consultant of record's professional opinion is supported
by sufficient data and geologic and engineering analyses, and professional
experience indicates that the recommendations will provide satisfactory
performance. In that case, the consultant of record's opinion should be accepted.
However, given the diversity of experience and background of the professionals
involved, no single valid opinion or interpretation is often possible.
 The geotechnical reviewer should be a licenced professional geotechnical engineer
and/or engineering geologist who practises in the field being reviewed (e.g., reports
by a registered geotechnical engineer should be reviewed by a registered
geotechnical engineer, reports by an engineering geologist should be reviewed by
an engineering geologist).
 To ensure that the evolving design accurately reflects the client's objectives and
that the design and budget do not diverge, it is crucial to conduct regular
evaluations throughout the design process.

RIICWD507D 45 Learner Guide

The main designer usually organises design reviews. They could involve the client, the
consultant team, independent client advisers, and the contractor if there is one. They
might also work with outside businesses that are experts in conducting design evaluations.

Design review principles

Design reviews may consider the following:

 Design excellence.

 Value administration.

 Risk management in design.

 Risks (other than risks to health and safety) related to the design, such as using
novel components, goods with extended lead times, and non-standard design
 Coordination in design.

 Path for procurement.

 Adherence to the project's guidelines. If necessary, the project brief should be

 Adherence to the guidelines outlined in the project execution plan. If necessary, the
project execution plan should be modified.
 Adherence to pertinent laws, directives, guidelines, rules, and regulations
(particularly the building regulations). Consultation with statutory authorities,
including the local planning authority, building control officials, or emergency
services, who may have opinions on key elements of the design, may be necessary
for this situation.
 Plans for emergencies.

 The design's viability, constructability, packageability, cost, and programming.

 Coordination and integration of the design are many components or packages.

 The requirement for specialised designers or contractors.

 The requirement for samples, testing, mockups, and inspections (in the later stages
of the design process, it may be appropriate to visit the premises of specialist
contractors or suppliers to assess samples, mock-ups and tests).
 Creation of a site waste management strategy that addresses ways to cut back on
resource use and waste production
 Evaluation of design submission methods, such as building information modelling
(BIM) protocols.
After a design review, the lead designer often aggregated the feedback and gave the
consulting team the go-ahead to modify or improve the design as needed.

It may be appropriate in some cases to hire specialised design review companies or

unaffiliated client counsel to conduct design reviews. Design audits are another name for
these reviews.

RIICWD507D 46 Learner Guide

The government mandates that gateway evaluations be conducted on projects in the
public sector at crucial junctures in the project's development. First, a review team
conducts gateway, impartial peer reviews on behalf of the senior responsible owner. After
that, the review team writes a private report for the senior responsible owner.

As a designer, to conduct an effective design review, please consider the following:

1. Set clear design review goals and rules

Every successful design review has a defined objective. Most design evaluations aim to
improve the design. Therefore, issues and suggestions for improvement should take centre

2. Set a clear design review process and schedule

Choose the design review procedure to help you reach your objectives, and then make
sure to convey it to your team before the review begins. Finally, create a schedule to
make the most of your limited time.

3. Make it user centred

User-centred design reviews are the most successful. They are all focused on the user and
how to give them the best experience. Don't pay attention to what you or your colleagues

4. Make wireframes the first thing people see

An excellent location to obtain the initial round of feedback is always using wireframes. In
place of specifics, it will concentrate on and emphasise the broad issues.

Design review and validation techniques

1. Review: assessing a design’s acceptability, sufficiency, or efficacy in achieving

predetermined goals.

Examples include peer review, design and development review, customer requirement
review, review of remedial action, and review of management.

2. Verification: confirming that certain standards have been met by providing unbiased

The results of an inspection or other types of decision, such as doing alternative

calculations or analysing documents, can yield the objective evidence required for

The corresponding status is denoted by the phrase "verified".

3. Validation: confirming that the conditions for a particular intended use or application
have been met by providing objective proof. The outcome of a test or another type of
determination, such as conducting alternative calculations or evaluating documents, offers
the objective evidence required for validation.

RIICWD507D 47 Learner Guide

The corresponding status is denoted by the word "validated".

Real or simulated use situations may be used for validation.

Performance review techniques

1. Self-Evaluation

Employees must evaluate their performance in light of established standards as part of

self-evaluation. To facilitate a more in-depth conversation and ensure employees are
aware of how they will be evaluated, self-evaluation is typically taken into account during
an official performance review. Employees may assess their performance too high or too
low, making the self-evaluation too subjective to accurately reflect work performance.
However, the differences between employee and company evaluations might be

2. Behavioral Checklist

The behavioural checklist is exactly what it sounds like: a list of actions that must be taken
by an employee to be regarded as a valuable team member and, consequently, to receive
a positive review. Of course, the actions expected of an employee vary depending on the
job type. To complete the evaluation, the employer must answer a series of precisely
written yes-or-no questions, each of which may be weighted with a predetermined value.

3. 360-Degree Evaluation

A 360-degree feedback evaluation, as its name suggests, gives a thorough assessment of

an employee's performance by incorporating comments from external sources. While the
employee's work performance and technical skill set will still be evaluated by the employee
and his or her manager, this review process will incorporate input from peers, direct
reports, and/or non-direct supervisors with whom the employee routinely collaborates. A
character and leadership abilities evaluation of the employee may also be included in a
360-degree feedback review.

RIICWD507D 48 Learner Guide

Complete the documentation for the geotechnical works


Complete the documentation for the design of the geotechnical work

The Geotechnical Data Report (GDR), Geotechnical Baseline Report (GBR), Geotechnical
Memoranda (GM), and other geotechnical documents provided as part of or in support of a
design-build project.

A GDR should only present factual geotechnical and geological information obtained for the
project through site and subsurface investigation and laboratory testing and should not
include interpretive information. The GDR is typically considered part of the contract in the

A Geotechnical Baseline Report (GBR) is a document provided to design-build project

proposers that provides the primary contractually binding interpretation of geotechnical
conditions for proposal submission.

Geotechnical design documentation includes:

 A review of historical records from previous investigations and facility construction.

 A geological site survey of the proposed alignment emphasises all key project
features and identifies potential hazards within and adjacent to the alignment.
 A subsurface investigation includes borings, cone probes, field testing, field
instrumentation (such as piezometers or inclinometers), geophysical surveys, and
laboratory testing.
The following elements should be included in the final geotechnical reports:

1. A general description of the project, its elements, and its history.

2. Surface conditions and current use of the project site.
3. Geology of the region and the site. This section should include the site's stress
history, depositional/erosional history, bedrock and soil geologic units, etc.
Final reports of field test

The design method(s) used for each set of calculations must also be identified, including
any assumptions used to simplify the calculations, if any, or to determine input values for
variables in the design equation.

RIICWD507D 49 Learner Guide

In addition to the final geotechnical report, the geotechnical design file should include the
following information:

 Historical project geotechnical and as-built data

 Development documents for geotechnical investigation plans

 The findings of geologic reconnaissance. If such data is not included in the

geotechnical report, critical end area plots, cross-sections, structure layouts, and so
on demonstrate the project scope and project feature geometry as understood at
the time of the final design.
 Information that illustrates design constraints, such as right-of-way location of
critical utilities, location and type of adjacent facilities that could be affected by the
design, etc.
 Laboratory data, including rock core photos and records.

 Measurements from field instruments

 Only use final calculations unless preliminary calculations are required to

demonstrate design development.
To give the contractor and the construction engineering staff a clear and simple project
proposal, including the design's intent in the project plans and specifications. Maintain
effective communication between the engineers responsible for the design, construction,
and maintenance. This will support the design's goal and offer input on the project's
constructability, maintainability, and performance to help promptly evaluate the chosen
rehabilitation option.

Complete documentation required for geotechnical works

1. The construction agreement

The most basic document in a collection of building contracts is the agreement. This is
essential to "the contract," the basis upon which the remaining project specifics are
constructed. Therefore, the overall intent of the contract, as well as the agreed-upon price,
will be stated in this document.

2. General conditions

The general conditions serve as the basis for the written construction contract papers.

Most crucially, general conditions define all contracting parties' rights and obligations. The
roles and obligations of each party will also be outlined.

3. Special conditions

Usually, the general conditions section is expanded upon or modified to include special
conditions. The particular terms and conditions for each assignment or project are
described in full in this document. For instance, unique circumstances could contain
detailed guidelines that only apply to a particular task or section of the construction.

4. Scope of work

RIICWD507D 50 Learner Guide

A construction contract must include a statement of work with a clearly defined scope. The
duties and goals of each contractor will be outlined in detail in this document.

The amount of work the contractor must accomplish to fulfil their contractual obligations
depends on the scope of the work. Therefore, the scope is a crucial point of reference
when creating change orders and punch lists.

5. Drawings

A set of blueprints or drawings should be included in every building project. Drawings offer
a quick overview of the entire project. Before any construction work starts, the architect or
construction manager should deliver these to the contractors.

The contractors are given instructions in this paper on what to build and how to execute it.
Then, the architect, the clients, and the contractor work together to create the
construction drawings. These are ideally the most recent iterations of the drawings.

6. Specifications

All technical information and performance specifications are contained in the construction
specifications section. For example, the materials and methods the contractors must
employ for each task should be specified in the specs. In addition, it will list all the
requirements for approved materials, quality standards, and any quality checks required to
ensure compliance.

The engineer or the architect will create these, and the client will confirm them. The client
then gives the specifications to the contractors, who must carry out the work following
them. However, if the specifications are flawed, the customer can be held responsible for
any additional expenditures the contractor may have incurred due to the specs.

7. Bill of quantities

On some contracts, a bill of quantities is required but not always beneficial. For example,
an itemised inventory of the components, labour hours, and materials needed is called a
bill of quantities. Usually, this list is made available during the bidding process.

This will make it easier for potential bidders to evaluate their costs and enable more
precise cost estimation. A quantity surveyor or building estimator often creates the bill of

Often, a schedule of values will resemble a bill of quantities to the extent that some
individuals conflate the two concepts.

8. Construction Schedule

Detail-oriented planning is necessary for a successful construction timetable. All project

participants should have easy access to any updates. Construction managers can create
schedules using the Critical Path Method, Gantt charts, a line of balance, or any other
method that best suits the project's needs. In addition, simple project outlines can be
included in schedules.

RIICWD507D 51 Learner Guide

However, there is a greater demand for more formal, thorough procedures the bigger and
more involved the project is. In addition, everyone is updated on the project's progress via
detailed construction timetables, which can lessen disagreements and delays.

9. Schedule of values

A contractor offers a schedule of values that details every aspect of the work from
beginning to end. It will divide the contract payment among the different parts of the
work. The schedule of values is a helpful management tool for submitting and evaluating
progress payments. This document can support timely bill payments and financial flow.

RIICWD507D 52 Learner Guide

Monitor and coordinate the progress of other team

members involved in the design process

To clarify the project's scope, timetable, budget, and expected objectives collaborate with
the many stakeholders, designers, and project executors.

Monitor and coordinate before a project

 Before a project starts, ensure sufficient preparation and coordination to ensure

everyone is working towards the same goals.

 Determine the project's timetable, budget, scope, and quality goals.

 Describe any restrictions on the current site.

 Engage all parties immediately, highlight the project's advantages, and establish a
continual, open communication channel.

 All stakeholders' roles and obligations should be clearly defined.

 Sync project plans with regional laws, regulations, and ordinances.

 Early on in the process, identify probable obstacles, and budget for unforeseen
expenses and delays

 Establish a schedule for regular site visits, updates, and follow-ups to guarantee
that the project is carried out as intended and that problems are dealt with as soon
as they arise.

 Coordinate with nearby ongoing projects to maximise effects and minimise the
need for reconstruction or repair in the future.

Monitoring project progress:

Monitoring the progress of a project entails keeping track of numerous moving parts. For
example, most projects have multiple team members working on different aspects of the
project simultaneously. In addition, you must keep track of the budget, scope, schedule,
resources, and tasks to be completed. Accurate and effective monitoring allows us to stay
on schedule and identify problems early in the process, ensuring project success.

 Make sure to develop a solid project plan.

 Oversee project timelines.

 Budget management.

RIICWD507D 53 Learner Guide

 Monitoring the project's scope.

 Keeping track of project resources

Interagency coordination

 It can be difficult to coordinate the several entities involved in forming roadways,

but it is essential to a project's success.

 Work with planning, transportation, health, design and construction, parks,

enforcement, utilities, and other departments to coordinate projects, schedules,
and budgets.

 Establish a coordinating body responsible for assembling taskforce teams.

 Organise regular gatherings and encourage the agency to agency collaborate.

 Seek improved incorporation into the development of grand plans through

coordinating with local, state, and federal governments.

Public-private coordination

 Project managers should improve communication and coordination between all

concerned public agencies and the public and private sectors.

 Make sure to keep the client up to date on the project's progress and development.

 Let all contractors know what the goals and deadlines are.

 Engage community members who are enthusiastic about the initiative.

Coordination with utility companies

 Work with utility companies and maintenance stakeholders to explain how their
efforts contribute to the project's long-term success.

 Make sure project objectives are well communicated and rules are established for
restoring the street to its previous condition or a better one.

Communicate information

 To ensure accurate construction, include detailed design documentation,

illustrations, and diagrams with simple-to-follow directions.

 Throughout the process, keep the community informed to foster and sustain

 Use a variety of channels to share progress, such as social media, update signs,
weekly fliers, in-person meetings, and announcements.

 Think about hiring a dedicated employee to inform folks regularly.

RIICWD507D 54 Learner Guide

Principles and techniques for leading and coordinating teams.

Works effectively with others to undertake and complete detailed geotechnical

works design that meets all the required outcomes, including:

Complying with written and verbal reporting requirements and procedures

Reporting is an essential component of evaluation because it allows you to:

 Explain what you do;

 Track and monitor progress

 Demonstrate influence;

 Record the lessons learned;

Communicating clearly and concisely with others to receive and clarify work instructions:

When messages are given clearly, there is no possibility for misinterpretation or message
modification, which lowers the likelihood of conflict. When conflict does arise, effective
communication is critical to ensuring that it is resolved respectfully.

Communicating clearly and concisely with others to coordinate work activities:

Organising people, systems, activities, and other things is called coordination (or
coordination). In general, coordination increases effectiveness and efficiency, whereas
fragmentation can result in inefficiencies and conflicts.

Providing clarification and advice to those applying the design:

A design review is performed to ensure that all contributing factors and reasonable design
options have been considered and that the design meets the requirements outlined in the
geotechnical design development Specification.

The design team provides an accurate, concise overview of the design to date and
facilitates productive discussions. Reviewers are responsible for evaluating the design to
ensure that it can be manufactured, tested, installed, operated, and maintained acceptably
to the clients.

RIICWD507D 55 Learner Guide

n design approval

Design approvals and records filing

That documentation provided for building approval includes sufficient information to:

 Demonstrate how each regulatory requirement will be met and document the
assessment methods used to support the design.
 Allow the statutory building surveyor to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the
 Allowing the project to be built following the NCC (National Construction Code) and
other specified requirements.
 Advise the statutory building surveyor on the appropriate compliance assessment
to be performed during construction; and provide information on each registered
practitioner responsible for the building's design and certification.
Record filing:

Filing entails storing documents in a secure location and being able to locate them quickly
and easily. As a result, Cared-for documents will not easily tear, become lost, or become
dirty. A filing system is an organisation's central record-keeping system. It assists you in
being more organised, systematic, efficient, and transparent.

Geotechnical engineering Record keeping in construction projects allows you to better

understand what happened on the job site. Keeping daily records of work progress allows
you to better understand ongoing projects, organise them better, and plan for the future.

 A general description of the project, project elements, and project background.

 A summary of the regional and site geology. The detail included here will vary
depending on the project's scope.
 A summary of the site data available, including as-built information.

 If applicable, a summary of the field exploration.

 If applicable, a summary of the laboratory testing.

 A description of the soil and rock conditions for the project. The amount of
information included here will vary depending on the type of report.
Gaining design approvals for geotechnical work design

The geotechnical site investigation shall be carried out following AS 1726, and the logging
of encountered subsurface materials during the geotechnical investigation shall be carried
out following the departmental Geotechnical Logging Guideline.

RIICWD507D 56 Learner Guide

When AS 1726 and this Geotechnical Design Standard (GDS) conflict, the content of this
GDS takes precedence.

All geotechnical design reports, including drawings, must be submitted in electronic format
(and hard copy if requested) to the Transport and Main Roads Geotechnical Section for
review. The reports must clearly state the assumptions, justify the adopted geotechnical
profiles, parameters, and design methods, and address all relevant issues or concerns for
the design element.

The following items must be provided as minimum documentation for each project, as

a) Identify the site and the characteristics and conditions influencing the design (e.g.
title, survey plan, soil sampling, climate zone, easements, vegetation, known
hazards, etc.).
b) Site plan with confirmed boundaries, setbacks, dimensions, levels, contours, north
points, existing buildings, and other site features that may impact the design.
c) Any notice of a local government decision or other referral body that conditions the
d) A description of the construction work to be done, including the building Class,
Type, Importance Level, and, if required, complexity.
The Deemed-to-Satisfy or Performance Solution pathway was used for each relevant
Performance Requirement, which includes a reference to where the evidence in support
can be found in the documentation. The checklist also keeps track of which version of
the NCC was used in the design.

Geotechnical design approval:

Concept designs are more casual drawings, often consisting of freehand sketches and
diagrams. They are intended to explore options and design solutions for a project. The
drawings will typically include site and floor plans, sections, and, on occasion, three-
dimensional modelling to aid the client's early consideration of a proposal.

Following client feedback, concept designs are developed in greater detail as more
certainty about the project is defined.

Following completing these designs, the next step is to prepare a development application,
also known as D.A. documents. These documents contain all the information required for a
formal development approval submission to the local Council.

During this stage of the project, an Architect will be juggling various tasks at once,
including but not limited to the following:

 Design refinement

 Adding notes and dimensions to the design drawings

 Creating an environmental impact statement

Development Application/D.A

RIICWD507D 57 Learner Guide

A Development Application, or D.A., is a formal application to the local Council for building

The approved D.A. represents the Council's approval of the project's design aspects. These
aspects include the height, setbacks from the boundaries, site coverage, compatibility with
the streetscape, colours and materials, and vehicle parking and access.

The requirements for D.A. drawings these days include many detailed notes and
dimensions. Unfortunately, these drawings do not usually contain enough information to
build the project.

Construction certificate:

The Construction Certificate is the authorisation required for an owner or builder to begin
construction. A local council or a private building certifier can issue a Construction

RIICWD507D 58 Learner Guide

Self-check assessment

Discuss the requirements of geotechnical design plan.



How do you prepare cost estimation for geotechnical design work?



Write the procedure to gain design approval.


RIICWD507D 59 Learner Guide


RIICWD507D 60 Learner Guide

Operational techniques:

Operations management (OM) is the administration of business practices within an

organisation to achieve the highest efficiency possible.

Operations management aims to convert materials and labour into goods and services as
efficiently as possible.

Corporate operations management professionals strive to maximise net operating profit by

balancing costs and revenue.


1. Business process redesign (BPR) is analysing and redesigning a company's

workflow and business processes. BPR's goal is to assist businesses in dramatically
restructuring their organisations by designing the business process from the ground

2. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems are built to accommodate rapid

structure, hardware, and software changes. This enables systems to respond
quickly to changes in the capacity with which they can continue production and the
efficiency with which they function in response to market or intrinsic system

3. Six Sigma is a quality-focused approach. The term "six" refers to the control
limits, which are set at six standard deviations from the mean of the normal
distribution. In addition, trending charts, potential defect calculations, and other
ratios are tools used in the Six Sigma process.

What will I learn?

In this chapter, you will learn about the following:

1. Ensure filing of design records is completed.

2. Complete and submit design cost and other reporting.
3. Participate in performance review of the design process.
4. Seek client feedback and contribute to the verification of the design.
5. Close out all systems.

RIICWD507D 61 Learner Guide

Ensure filing of design records is completed
Ensure filing of design records is completed

Construction projects should be documented appropriately and kept on file for the
duration. This produces a contemporary history of what occurred during the project's
course that may be consulted if necessary.

This not only creates a paper trail or memory for the project that can be used to assess
actions and decisions, but it also enables the reconstruction, examination, and analysis of
events and timeframes in the event of a disagreement. It is commercially crucial to the
parties involved that accurate records are kept since disputes are frequently resolved
based on the records that are accessible rather than the facts.

There are several justifications for maintaining records:

 Legal prerequisites.

 Contractual conditions

 To manage work.

 To offer data for the next research.

The sort of project will determine how much record-keeping is necessary. It's important to
balance keeping sufficient documents in case a disagreement arises and trying to capture
everything, which can be challenging, time-consuming, and expensive.

High-quality records must be kept. Otherwise, they might not include the data that is
expected when it is needed. Therefore, a document management system should be in
place to enable effective storage and retrieval, and records, in particular, should be dated
(including incoming records) and signed as needed.

Specialised software is now frequently used to manage information. Some apps make
record-keeping simpler and more trustworthy. This may, for instance, enable mobile phone
records to be produced on the job site and then instantly uploaded to a project document
management system.

Lodge a geotechnical report

Significant engineered constructions are typically subject to some additional geotechnical

tenement requirements when approved by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation
and Safety (DMIRS).

Tenement owners must submit geotechnical reports to the government within the time
range given by their tenancy agreements. For example, these reports may need to be filed
every month or as a one-time submission (such as a TSF construction report) (such as an
annual TSF operational review report).

RIICWD507D 62 Learner Guide

RIICWD507D 63 Learner Guide
Submitting your report

Geotechnical reports must be provided electronically through DMIRS Submissions to

satisfy a tenancy condition. In the "Reference" field, please list the tenement condition
number(s) corresponding to the geotechnical report.

When submitted to satisfy a tenement condition, it is inappropriate to include geotechnical

reports with the site's annual environmental report(s).

Geotechnical reports should not be submitted through the DMIRS Submissions system;
rather, they should be submitted with the corresponding mining proposal or mine closure
plan to support the approval of a new substantial engineered structure (such as a TSF
design report).

When the report has been examined, the agency will respond in writing to tenement

Types of information and Documents

Numerous decisions are taken, and a vast amount of project-related information is

produced throughout a project. There must be documentation for all such facts and
choices. The following crucial project information will be included:

Plans for project scope, time, cost, quality, resources, communication, risk, procurement,
stakeholder involvement, and change management are all included in project management
plans. Contains the scope, time, and cost baselines as well.

Project Documents - Several documents are produced during the project's planning,
execution, and closeout phases.

Project charter, stakeholder register, requirement traceability document, project scope

statement, WBS, activity list, activity attributes, milestone lists, network diagram, duration
estimation document, project schedule, cost estimation sheet, resource estimation sheet,
risk register, SOWs, bid documents, issue log, assumption log, lessons learned register,
change request logs, change request forms, issue log, assumption log, lessons learned
register, change request forms, and status report are some of the documents.

Project Contracts and Agreements - Consists of various contracts and agreements with
outside clients and suppliers.

Project Records Management

Records from the projects above must be managed. Not all project records are documents.
Therefore, there needs to be a clear set of guidelines for determining which papers above
will be classified as project records and require efficient management. The management
process for all such records will include the following steps:

 Creation

 Upkeep, holding, and retrieval

RIICWD507D 64 Learner Guide

 Preservation and disposal

Organisations do develop their own internal records management rules and procedures. It
is made sure that every employee is informed of these rules and regulations. Records
management can benefit from the usage of information technology. For example, it is
possible to design appropriate file structures where the records will be stored for the
project's management.

RIICWD507D 65 Learner Guide

Complete and submit design cost and other reporting
Complete and submit design cost and other reporting

Cost reporting is informing a client (or another party) about a construction project's
estimated or actual cost. This can be expressed in absolute terms or as a percentage of
the project budget.

Cost reports are typically prepared by a cost consultant (such as a quantity surveyor) and
updated regularly (perhaps monthly) to keep the client informed and to assist the client
and project team in cost control.

Cost reports typically evolve throughout a project, increasing in detail and accuracy as
more information about the nature of the design becomes available. Finally, specialist
contractors and suppliers provide the actual prices and costs incurred.

A cost report will typically include all costs incurred up to the date of the report, where
known, a forecast of the costs likely to be incurred during the remainder of the project, to
the extent that these can be predicted and estimated, and risk allowances for the
possibility of unforeseeable costs. Contingencies to cover these risks are frequently
expressed as percentages.

Hard cost: The labour and materials used to construct the finished structure, excluding
large appliances (though it generally includes installing those appliances). This includes
any demolition, removal, or site work required to complete the project. This is sometimes
referred to as the project's "hard cost."

General conditions refer to work that must be completed for the project to function but
does not directly contribute to the finished product. Some examples include securing the
site during construction, managing water runoff, providing toilet facilities during
construction, and paying for the insurance required of the General Contractor (G.C.).

Calculating the cost

When it comes to each construction project, it is critical to understand the two types of
charges. Soft costs and hard costs are the two types of costs:

Soft expenses

Soft costs account for 30% of total construction costs and include project management,
taxes, and inspection fees.

Inspection fees apply to all transactions involving building inspections and permits. In
addition, the costs of filing and obtaining necessary permits are required for project

Loan interest, accounting fees such as loan-generated interest, bank transaction fees,
construction loan commitment fees, mortgage broker fees, permanent commitment fees,
and a few others are correlated fees.

RIICWD507D 66 Learner Guide

Soft costs include construction equipment, rentals, tools, office supplies, and
communication devices.

Additional soft costs may include project management fees, construction insurance,
professional dues, local and state taxes, advertising, and public relations fees.

The high costs

High costs account for roughly 70% of total construction costs. The hard cost category
includes any expense that is a substantial asset, such as labour and materials, to build the
structure and is required to complete the project. In addition, the following are references
that can also be used to offset hard costs:

Site costs include utility underground, aerial, water systems, drains, fire, paving, and

A contingency fund is money for unforeseen problems that may arise during construction.
It typically ranges between 5% and 10% for new projects and 10% to 20% for
remodelling projects.

Overhead: covers the costs of general business operations such as staff, management,
temporary facilities, utilities, tools and safety, and security.

Submission of design records and other documents include:

a) A general description of the project site's geological conditions.

b) All subsurface exploration data collected include finalised boring logs, boring
location plan sheets, subsurface soil profiles, laboratory or in-situ test results, acid-
producing soil presence, and groundwater information. In addition, existing water
tables and standard penetration blow counts should be included in soil profiles.
c) Subsurface data interpretation and analysis, including laboratory and in-situ
testing, and determination of design soil engineering properties such as unit
weight, shear strength, compressive strength, and compressibility.
Documentation and reporting

It is critical to reduce risk in every field as much as possible. Documentation is an

excellent tool for avoiding lawsuits and complaints. Documentation helps to ensure that
consent and expectations are met. It is beneficial to tell the story of decisions made and
how you or the client responded to various situations.

A report is a written document that contains data. Reports in the construction industry are
typically formal documents that provide information to a client, local authority, purchaser,
and so on about key events, project stages, or processes. However, they can also provide
more general information about the state of something, from individual components to the
entire construction industry or the economy.

RIICWD507D 67 Learner Guide

Participate in performance review of the design process
Participate in performance review of design process according to workplace

To ensure that the design being generated accurately reflects the client's needs and that
the design and budget do not diverge, it is crucial to perform regular reviews throughout
the design process. Furthermore, the project's solutions must abide by all applicable laws.
Before moving to implementation, a qualified individual must typically review the project.

The construction control specialists offer clients their professional judgement on suggested
design solutions, optimising investment implementation costs while considering industry-
specifics and particular client needs. In addition, investors can save money by avoiding
costly errors by thoroughly reviewing all documentation before it is published for

It conducts assessments of the documentation during the draught and detailed design
phases to ensure its accuracy, conformity to the contract, and compliance with all relevant
laws. Verifies the accuracy of the assumptions used for the project computation in specific
instances at the client's request.

The project manager starts the review process for designs.

The scope of the review is laid forth by the project managers, together with the choice of
an appropriate Reviewer (or review team). The Project Manager should suggest a method
for conducting the review. There are the possibilities above (in no particular order of

 By discipline, e.g. civil, electrical, structural etc

 By element, e.g. horizontal alignment, vertical, drainage etc

 By drawing numbers

 No preferences (left to the Reviewer to decide how they want to conduct the

RIICWD507D 68 Learner Guide

The Design Review Coordinator must receive any requests for design reviews that the
construction and geotechnical Engineering Branch will conduct.

Before sending the document to the reviewer(s), the project manager should complete all
the fields.

Significant projects should be assessed at critical junctures during the design development
process to minimise rework. However, sometimes it is advantageous to review certain
project components more frequently than at the important milestone.

For each project, a plan for design reviews should be created. A design review plan may
be necessary depending on the project's size, complexity, and the number of different
design disciplines involved. The project manager should consider the risks associated with
starting the project without a design review plan.

Requests for evaluations should include the following information:

 Project Details - To inform the Reviewer of any matters they should be aware of,
such as restrictions, approvals, or directions that deviate from accepted practises
and the project's current state. A Design Report including all design-related topics
(such as survey, environmental, geotechnical, lighting, etc.) and any additional
pertinent documentation, such as Project Charters and Plans, should be included
with the design.
 Information Provided: A list of documents provided for review and those provided
merely as background material, such as the design brief.
 Review Requirements: To state whether a site inspection is necessary, the length of
the project that needs to be evaluated, the features that need to be taken into
account (such as drainage, geometry, etc.), and the deadline for the review report.
 Material about whether the information delivered is a copy or whether it is returned
to the project manager after evaluation.
Site visits are typically helpful for the review, especially for projects with a high level of
risk. Site inspections, however, are not always a wise investment due to travel expenses.
The risks involved in failing to recognise a project issue because a site visit was not made
should be considered when determining the requirement for a site visit.

Before the review, it is frequently advantageous for the project manager and designer to
speak with the reviewers about the project.

The geotechnical Engineering Branch can conduct some design reviews. By speaking with
the Design Review Co-ordinator, Project Managers can check the availability of
geotechnical Engineering resources. A project manager might need to engage external
resources if the necessary resources are not readily available. For projects that are
internally evaluated, the project manager still must coordinate each design element, such
as geotechnical studies, structures, and other elements that the appropriate departments

According to project managers, a design review should take ten working days. However,
complex projects may take longer.

RIICWD507D 69 Learner Guide

Seek client feedback and contribute to the verification of the design

Review client feedback

Both supervisors and peers can give feedback, and when done properly, the process can
result in a stronger, more harmonious workplace. Positive and negative feedback is
essential because it helps to break bad habits, reinforces positive behaviour, and allows
teams to work more effectively toward their goals.

Contribute to design verification according to workplace requirements

Unless there are good reasons not to, the Designer should make changes to the design to
remedy the faults in the review.

The Designer should be allowed to comment on the review's conclusions. Typically, a

reaction can be categorised into one of the following categories:

 Agree with the comment and will make the amendment.

 Agree with the comment but propose not to amend it because of project constraints
- (proper justification required).
 Understand the comment but propose not to amend it because it is beyond the
scope of the brief.
 Disagree with the comment and propose not to make the amendment. Details on
why the Designer disagrees with the comment are required.
 Disagree with the comment but will amend it as instructed by the Project Manager.

This report should provide information on how the Designer intends to address the
shortcomings noted. If the Designer disagrees with a change to address discovered flaws,
they should document their reasoning in the design review report.

The project manager assesses responses and determines outcomes

The Project Manager ensures that the right course of action is implemented in response to
the review's findings.

To decide on a course of action, the Project Manager and the Designer should discuss the
Designer's findings and reactions. Some conclusions will be regarded as the Designer's
fault, while others as a shift in the commission's original parameters. This occasionally
results in a dispute over who should pay for the change. Finally, to finish the last column
of the review report, it is necessary to agree on the cost of the necessary adjustments at
this point.

While the Reviewer is not involved in the closeout of design changes, a Project Manager
may desire to consult the Reviewer for further review information. In rare cases, a
closeout meeting with the Project Manager, Designer, and Reviewer might help to explain
issues presented during the review.

RIICWD507D 70 Learner Guide

Several iterations may be required to resolve review concerns. Using the same review
table with extra comments added for subsequent issues reported as the project proceeds
for a project to be reviewed through several phases (e.g., preliminary and detailed design)
may be suitable.

Any deviation from the norm or the adoption of a prescribed therapy over the Designer's
advice must be approved following the Delegation of Authority.

As a formal record of the outcomes, the Project Manager must complete the last column of
the design review report after the agreement has been obtained. The Designer shall
receive a copy of the final report.

The Project Manager must ensure that the Designer has made the agreed-upon changes
and that a copy of the finished design review report is added to the relevant project files.

RIICWD507D 71 Learner Guide

Close out all systems
System closeouts

Project close-out concludes all activities throughout all phases to formally terminate and
transfer the finished or abandoned project as necessary. Project closeout evaluates the
project, guarantees its completion, and identifies lessons learned and best practices that
can be used in similar projects. However, in multi-phase projects, the close-out approach
may be used at many points in the project, such as the completion of a deliverable, a
phase, an iteration, at predetermined intervals during the project's duration, or at any
other point that designates a completed section of project work. When the close-out
procedure is used in this way, only the portion of the project scope and related activities
that pertain to that section of the project is closed out.

The final stage of construction design, known as a "construction design closeout," is

frequently seen as the most challenging because it frequently results in the longest delays.

It is a process for which coordination must take into account a variety of factors:

 Contractors and subcontractors

 Equipment rental

 Trash management

 Area cleaning and delivery to the owner

 As well as documentation collection and delivery to the client.

The construction design closeout's goal is to make sure that:

All project management procedures have been followed, all work has been finished as
planned, and all necessary permissions have been acquired.

What steps must be taken to complete the construction process?

The seven stages that must be taken to accomplish the construction closure are as

 Gathering all necessary paperwork.

 Verification of technical specification conformity.

 Delivery to a customer.

 Ensure client satisfaction.

 Termination of all pending contracts.

 Creating the report on the project's completion.

RIICWD507D 72 Learner Guide

 Archiving and outcome analysis

Collection of the necessary documentation

A substantial amount of documentation is produced throughout a project's execution,

including records, estimates, orders, invoices, and reports on testing, quality, and risk.

Before the work can be finished, you must have all the required paperwork ready.

Verification of compliance with the technical specifications

It is advisable to confirm that all systems and features adhere to the client's specifications
and are compatible with the project.

Delivery to the client

After the verification procedure is finished, all that is left to do is deliver the project to the

The client's expectations will be satisfied, and the delivery process will be completed
without a hitch if all work phases have been adhered to diligently. On the other hand, if
there are any administrative or quality problems, you'll almost likely need to justify any

RIICWD507D 73 Learner Guide

Client satisfaction check

Client feedback is crucial, especially their approval, which is nearly always required for a
project to be considered closed.

It could be helpful to develop a feedback survey to examine and expand on the findings to
improve future efforts.

Closure of pending contracts

With the client's agreement, it is possible to close any unfinished contracts and move
forwards with payment to suppliers and contractors.

Preparation of the works closure report

The works closing report is the last document to be written and is used to assess the
project's level of success, point out any flaws and identify any positive features before
formally wrapping up the entire procedure.

The project, its goals, and its accomplishments should all be summarised in the report.

Analysis of results

As with any project, it's crucial to compile as much data as possible to support ongoing
improvement. For instance, a survey conducted internally could help address the following

 What organisational elements proved to be successful?

 What was ineffective?

 Have there ever been enough resources for the workforce?

 What crucial elements were a surprise?

 Which areas need to be improved?

The project can then be deemed complete, and all files and data will be archived.

RIICWD507D 74 Learner Guide

Self-check assessment

How do you file design records?



Discuss performance review.



Discuss system closeouts.


RIICWD507D 75 Learner Guide


RIICWD507D 76 Learner Guide

In this chapter, we will discuss the support and review of the application of the design of
geotechnical works.

Team leadership techniques

Understand your goals clearly

Ensure you understand the project details to outline your plans and communicate them to
your team.

Get to know your coworkers

Next, the best leaders are acquainted with and understand their team members. Take the
time to get to know each team member, and you'll be able to communicate with them
more effectively, all while assisting them in doing their best and achieving the best results

Always be learning

Looking to constantly improve your skill set will allow you to expand your opportunities
and effectively lead your team.


Good leaders can listen and understand what is being said. Soliciting feedback from your
team and taking their suggestions seriously can significantly impact the results. Getting
advice from your team could also be beneficial to you.

Learn to Delegate

A good leader can effectively delegate. This includes knowing how to enlist the help and
ensuring that tasks are outsourced ahead of time to allow for adequate completion time.

Encourage collaboration

Following that, good leaders encourage team collaboration. A team with open
communication channels can interact well, and supporting one another will produce the
best collaborations.

RIICWD507D 77 Learner Guide

What will I learn?
In this chapter, you will learn about the following:

1. Provide clarification and advice to those applying the design.

2. Review the application of the design and recommend changes for
continuous improvement.
3. Contribute to the validation of the design.


RIICWD507D 78 Learner Guide

Provide clarification and advice to those applying the
Provide clarification and advice to those applying design

Why clarifying the scope of work is essential

Clarity is critical when it comes to this crucial project paperwork.

Making your expectations clearer reduces room for misunderstanding. By doing this, your
construction team will easily complete your project the way you want it to.

Preventing errors and reworks

The less likely your contractor will need to undo work already done, the clearer the
expectations in the scope of work should be. Even though it's crucial, editing work can be
time- and money-consuming. In addition, a professional relationship may become overly
stressed due to figuring out who is responsible for those charges.

Ensure timely delivery of materials and equipment

Planning is one of the best ways a contractor can complete your project on schedule,
especially given the state of the supply chain today. They may plan and schedule
deliveries with a clear scope of work so that necessary components arrive on time.
Otherwise, items with long lead times may delay important tasks.

Choosing the best talent

Maintaining the project's schedule depends on having the appropriate personnel on-site at
the appropriate time. Without a defined scope of the work, this gets complicated. In
addition, finding the talent the project needs without planning could be difficult, as
partners and subcontractors are frequently booked months in advance.

Provide advice to personnel implementing design

1. Focus on the problem

Because they first misidentify the client or problem, workplaces frequently struggle to
solve issues successfully or achieve goals. To pinpoint your issue, you can:

 Listen: Consider users' perspectives and put yourself in their position.

 Pose inquiries: Who runs into the issue and why? Why did earlier tries to address it
fall short?

 Finally, engage in a cooperative dialogue.

 Stay impartial

2. Train your team members on design thinking techniques.

RIICWD507D 79 Learner Guide

Engineers or project managers have traditionally handled the ideation stage of the
geotechnical design thinking process. However, it is not restricted to those uses. Everyone
should contribute by clarifying, comprehending, and testing.

Develop the mindset: Start putting the approach into practice in your role as soon as

Encourage interest: Encourage experimentation or consider paying for design thinking

workshops if you have team members who wish to take the initiative and broaden their
skill sets.

3. Increase the frequency of your debriefings.

This process is ongoing. Iterating on prior experiments enables the outcome or product to
be improved. However, without feedback, learning cannot be put into practice.

4. Adopt a feedback loop.

Finding the optimal solution is what design thinking aims toward, not perfection. And it's
unlikely that the initial response will always be the best. So the feedback loop must always
be active. For example, you can use a feedback loop to:

 Make as many tests and revisions as you can. Look for fresh approaches and
perspectives to test your theories. You might discover something that would have
never occurred to you otherwise.

 Hold frequent feedback sessions. When you accept feedback, you establish a safe
environment for innovation and stop the same errors from repeating.

 The geotechnical design team may find it helpful to use design thinking to find and
address important problems. In addition, you may spend time productively solving
the correct problems and creating procedures that will affect your company's
success if you adopt a design-thinking mentality.

RIICWD507D 80 Learner Guide

Review the application of the design and recommend

changes for continuous improvement

Review the application of the design and recommend changes for continuous

Design review concerns the appearance of new construction, site planning, geotechnical
work, hydrological data etc.

A set of review checklists and technical guidelines has been developed to assist engineers
in reviewing projects with major and unusual geotechnical features. These features may
include any earthwork or foundation-related activities, such as the construction of cuts,
fills, or retaining structures, that require special attention due to their size, scope,
complexity, or cost.

The goal is to compare the current state of the design to a set of requirements, using the
team's collective wisdom to digest the information and provide feedback on the emerging
design solution. Finally, the team either approves the design state or creates a prioritised
list of issues that must be addressed before moving on to the next stage of development.

1. Appoint a facilitator: The facilitator will plan the review, decide who will participate, and
determine whether the review will be complex enough that information will need to be
provided ahead of time, among other things. Assign someone to take notes.

2. Outline the review's objectives: Begin with a level-setting exercise to ensure that
participants understand the project's status and the purpose of the review.

3. Give the team context: What are the requirements and constraints? What are the
critical success factors?

RIICWD507D 81 Learner Guide

4. Display the design. This can take various forms, including CAD models and screenshots,
functional prototypes, schematics, and theory of operation documents.

5. Maintain a productive and focused discussion- Don't be defensive if you're the technical
lead. The review's goal is to identify problems and make improvements. Some comments
will undoubtedly be subjective, such as "that's not how I would do it..." Investigate further
to comprehend the issue with the current design state. Refrain from turning the design
review into a brainstorming session for improvement. First, locate all of the issues. A
follow-up activity could be brainstorming solutions.

6. Make a list of issues and prioritise them. This is why having someone assigned to take
notes is extremely beneficial. As people get tired and time runs out, this can be the most
difficult part of the meeting. Ensure that you adhere to your Design Review procedures,
categorise issues, and create follow-up tasks and sign-offs as needed.

7. Document, follow up, and conclude. Send meeting notes, and make sure action item
lists are completed and signed off on.

Report on design review

The scope and content of the report will be determined by the clients and what was agreed
upon during the design review. This report should typically be issued within a month of the
design review meeting. In addition to the meeting minutes, the report should include the
status of each issue or action item and details on how these items were resolved. If
additional investigation, testing, or other analyses have been completed, proof of these
should be provided.

It is not unusual for the results of a design review to result in changes in direction,
schedule, and budget. The impact of these changes should be assessed, and an updated
project plan should be included.

RIICWD507D 82 Learner Guide

4.3 Contribute to the validation of the design

Contribute to design validation process as required to meet job requirements

Design Validation Process

Some designs may be validated by comparing them to similar equipment serving similar
functions. This method is especially useful for validating configuration changes for existing
infrastructure or standard designs used in a new system or application.

Validation of requirements and other product functionality may be accomplished through

demonstration and/or inspection.

The design can be analysed using mathematical modelling and simulation techniques to
recreate the required functionality.

On the final design, tests are performed to validate the system's ability to operate as

The test plan, execution, and results should all be documented and kept as part of the
design records. As a result, Validation is a compilation of the outcomes of all validation

Because validation is all about ensuring that the product/intended service's purpose is
met, it is critical to specify as a design input:

 The environment and circumstances in which the final product/service will be used

RIICWD507D 83 Learner Guide

 The end-user's skills, knowledge, and abilities

 How the finished product or service will be used, and so on.

After the architect has completed the design and verified the drawings using the steps
outlined earlier, he must determine whether the geotechnical design meets the intended

Any defects or issues discovered during the design verification and validation activities
must be resolved before the organisation moves forward with production.

Before beginning validation tests, establishing acceptance criteria is always a good idea.
This can be subjective or objective as long as it is relevant to the product/service you are
providing. Another important point to remember is that final design validation always
comes after design verification activities, never before.

RIICWD507D 84 Learner Guide

Self-check assessment

Discuss about providing clarification and advice to personnel.



Discuss about design validation.



Discuss about design verification.


RIICWD507D 85 Learner Guide

Knowledge evidence (KE) Compliance

Evidence of the ability to: Mapped to Chapter Page

To be competent in this unit, a performance in the number and
candidate must demonstrate criteria learner paragraph
knowledge of the following: guide

Accessing, interpreting and applying

legislative, organisation and site
requirements and procedures for:

 risk assessment and

1.1 01 12-13
1.1 01 7-8
 work health and safety
 environmental management 1.3 01 20
 cultural and heritage 1.3 01 20-21
 quality management 1.3 01 21
 Australian and other relevant
1.1 01 9
 industry and organisational 1.4 01 26
 current industry best practice 1.4 01 26
 geotechnical works options 2.3 02 38
 geotechnical works geometric
2.3 02 39
 geotechnical works surfacing
 reporting and documentation 2.3 03 39
 design approvals and records 3.2 02 65
filing 2.8 55
 performance reviews 2.5 01 47-48
 systems close out
3.5 03 70

Potential hazards, constraints and 1.2 01 14-15


Techniques for choosing preferred 2.2 02 37-38


Team leadership techniques Introduction 04 75

RIICWD507D 86 Learner Guide

Operational techniques Introduction 03 60

Geotechnical works plant and Introduction 02 30

equipment capabilities

Cost estimation techniques 2.4 02 42-44

Design review principles

2.5 02 45-47

RIICWD507D 87 Learner Guide


1. Australian Building Codes Board. ABCB. (n.d.). Retrieved 2022, from

2. Federal Highway Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved 2022, from
3. 9 steps to define design requirements on your project – Project Manager. (2022).
Retrieved 2022, from https://projectmanager.com.au/9-steps-design-

4. (2022). Retrieved 2022, from https://www.levelset.com/blog/construction-

5. Design Review Guideline | Main Roads Western Australia. (2022). Retrieved 2022,
from https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/technical-commercial/technical-library/

RIICWD507D 88 Learner Guide

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