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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs

from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. attitude B. advent C. advantage D. mass
2. A. subscribe B. connect C. documentary D. efficient
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. perseverance B. experience C. dedication D. influential
4. A. generosity B. hospitality C. encyclopedia D. creativity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to Indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
5. After missing a term through illness, he had to work hard to catch with up the others.
6. This is the only place which we can obtain scientific information.
7. It was only when the judge announced the result did he know that he was
the winner of the contest.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
8. Nobody is ready to go, ______?
A. isn't he B. are they C. isn't he D. aren't they
9. Tim looks so frightened and upset. He ______something terrible.
A. must experience B. should have experienced
C. can have experienced D. must have experienced
10. I had two copies of it originally, but I can't find ______one now.
A. the others B. the other C. another D. other
11. _____rain or snow, there are always more than fifty thousand fans at the football games.
A. Despite B. In spite C. Despite of D. Although
12. We spent nearly 3 hours waiting outside the station, then out ______.
A. the star came B. did the star come
C. came the star D. be the star coming
13. It is possible _____may assist some trees in saving water in the winter.
A. to lose leaves B. that the loss of leaves
C. the leaves are lost D. when leaves have lost
14. I didn't enjoy this book on how to succeed in business. It wasn't very _______.
A. well typed B. poorly written C. good written D. well written
15. My friend bought ________from a shop on High Street.
A. a brown nice leather belt B. a nice brown leather belt
C. a leather brown nice belt D. a nice leather brown belt
16. Stop ________ about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving
17. I want to _____a table at the Bamboo Restaurant.
A. maintain B. manage C. reserve D. allow
18. It is natural that children ______their parents and teachers,
A. put up with B. look up to C. come up with D. make up to
19. The improvements in technology have ______the prices of computers considerably in recent months.
A. brought back B. brought down C. brought on D. brought up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each
of the following exchanges.
20. “Thanks for the nice gift!” - “______”
A. You're welcome. B. But do you know how much it costs?
C. In fact, I myself don’t like it. D. I'm glad you like it.
21. "I 'm so sorry I forgot your birthday!'' -"_______"
A. Oh, not really!
B. It's good of you to say so!
C. My pleasure!
D. Oh, don't worry, there's always next year!
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word’s CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The new cowboy-film catches the fancy of the children.
A. attracts B. satisfies C. surprises D. amuses
23. The winner will be selected at random.
A. by testing B.by interviewing C. by chance D. by competition
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Scientists proof that choosing a career for money will make you less efficient, happy and more selfish.
A. effective B. ineffective C. capable D. proficient
25. We left New York when I was six, so my recollections of it are rather faint.
A. explicable B. unintelligible C. clear D. ambiguous
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
26. Jack has not had his hair cut for over four months.
A. If s over four months since Jack has his hair cut.
B. It's over four months since Jack has had his hair cut.
C. It's over four months since Jack had his hair cut.
D. It's over four months since Jack had had his hair cut.
27. He took the food eagerly because he had eaten nothing since dawn.
A. He had eaten nothing since dawn although he took the food eagerly.
B. The food was taken at dawn and he had nothing to eat then.
C. He had eaten something before but he took the food eagerly.
D. Having eaten nothing since dawn, he took the food eagerly.
28. Scarcely had she arrived home when the quake happened.
A. As soon as the quake took place, she arrived home.
B. The quake took place before she arrived home.
C. Hardly the quake happened when she arrived home.
D. No sooner had she arrived home than the quake happened.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
29. The essay is too short. It can’t be given a high grade.
A. It is too short an essay to earn a high grade.
B. The essay needs to be shorter to receive a high grade.
C. Even if it were longer, the essay would not get a higher grade.
D. The essay is so short that it can be given a high grade.
30. Ann booked the tickets without asking US first. It was wrong of her to do so.
A. Ann booked the tickets after she had asked us about them.
B. Ann needn’t have asked us before she booked the tickets.
C. Before asking US, Ann should have booked the tickets.
D. Ann shouldn’t have booked the tickets without asking US first.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Natural Destruction
For all the talk of what humankind has done to cause destruction to the planet, we should not forget that
nature itself is a (31) ______force, capable of doing damage on a huge scale. The greenhouse effect and the
hole in the ozone layer are indeed made worse by the industrialised society we live in. however, we must
remember that there are certain species of plant and animal which, quite naturally, (32) _______off gases
that are very harmful to the atmosphere. And only 50 years ago in London, hundreds of people die from the
smog which hung over the River Thames. What is interesting here is that smoke and gases from industry,
vehicles and fossil fuels were ingredients in this deadly mixture. The other vital ingredient, though, was the
completely natural fog, and who would have thought that could be (33) ______?
In the early days of the industrial revolution, poets, painters and philosophers described how the polluted
(34) _______skies made them think of the end of the world. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the
volcanic eruption of Krakatoa nearly made it happen. Thousands of tons of dust and ash were thrown into
the air and, for years afterwards, there were red sunsets caused by the light filtering through this natural
pollution. Remembering scientists * pet theory about the dinosaurs (35) _______out because of a huge
volcanic eruption, we were lucky that humankind survived this time.
31. A. heavy B. muscular C. powerful D. natural
32. A. take B. give C. throw D. run
33. A. poisoned B. harmful C. environmental D. chemical
34. A. urban B. rural C. busy D. global
35. A. killing B. dying C. fading D. going
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to Indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Wonders of Egypt
For centuries, the pyramids of Giza have been timeless symbols of Egyptian culture. But who actually
built them? For years, we did not know for sure. But archeologists recently discovered an ancient village
near the pyramids. Close by, there was a cemetery where pyramid builders were buried. From studying these
places, archeologists can now confirm that the pyramids were not built by slaves or foreigners (or space
aliens). Ordinary Egyptians built them.
It took about eighty years to build the pyramids. According to archeologists, about 20,000-30,000
people were involved in completing the task. The workers have different roles. Some dug up the rock, some
moved it, and some shaped it into blocks. People also worked on different teams, each with its own name.
These teams often competed to do a job faster.
Life for these workers was hard. “We can see that in their skeletons,” says Mohamed El- Din, a scientist
studying bodies found in the cemetery. The bones show sign of arthritis, which developed from carrying
heavy things for a long time. Archeologists have also found many female skeletons in the village and
cemetery. The damage to their bones is similar to that of the men. Their lives may have been even tougher:
male workers lived to age 40-45, but women to only 30“35. (However, workers usually had enough food,
and they also had medical care if they got sick or hurt.
The work was challenging, but labourers were proud of their work. On a wall in Khufu’s Great
Pyramid, for example, a group of workers wrote “Friends of Khufu”. “It’s because they were not just
building the tomb of their king,” says Egyptian archeologist Zahi Hawass. “They were building Egypt. It
was a national project, and everyone was a participant.”
36. The main purpose of the reading is to describe ______.
A. who the pyramid builders were and what they did
B. how Khufu’s Great Pyramid was constructed
C. what life was like for Egyptian kings
D. why Egyptian kings wanted to build pyramids
37. What does the phrase “dug up” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. took out of the ground B. broke into small pieces
C. placed on top of each other D. joined together
38. Which statement about building the pyramids is true?
A. It took over a century to complete.
B. Builders all did the same work.
C. More than 30,000 workers were involved.
D. Builders worked in teams.
39. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A. how long female workers lived
B. information on the lives of pyramid builders
C. the benefits of being a male worker
D. men’s versus women’s roles in Egyptian society
40. What does the word “their” in paragraph refer to?
A. archeologists B. male workers C. female workers D. medical workers
41. What does the word “labourers” in the last paragraph mean?
A. kings B. archeologists C. workers D. women
42. What can we infer about the people who wrote “Friends of Khufu” on a wall?
A. They were looking for new friends.
B. They were pleased with their accomplishments.
C. They were very angry with their bosses.
D. They were in trouble because of their bad behaviour.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Space Travel and Science Fiction
Space travel and science fiction have long been connected. Science fiction writers such as Jules Verne
have dreamed up ideas and concepts of space travel which inspired generations of scientists and engineers to
develop new space technologies. In Verne’s novels From the Earth to the Moon (1865) and Around the
Moon (1870), a kind of spaceship is fired at the moon from a 900-foot-long cannon. At one point in their
journey, the three travelers are deprived of gravity and float around their small ship. Rockets are used to
slow the ship down before landing on the moon.
Given the time in which he was writing, Verne’s predictions were very good. The size of his spaceship
was about the size of the first one to go to the moon, the Apollo, minus its large rockets. Both Verne’s ship
and the Apollo earned three people into space. Furthermore, rockets were indeed used by the Apollo to slow
its descent. However, Verne’s ship shot his travelers into space, which never could have worked. The intense
pressure of firing a spaceship the way one would fire a bullet from a gun would cause great physiological
damage to the crew.
During the first half of the 20th century, science fiction novels and comic books were very popular in
the United States. Their portrayal of space travel was less far-fetched than Verne’s and were often based on
the space research of that time. For example, pictures began showing astronauts in space suits when writers
realized that exposing human beings to the cold, airless environment of space was lethal. Ideas of other
planets were still often wrong. A 1928 drawing of a moon circling the planet Jupiter show it covered in plant
life. It was only discovered later that the other planets and moons around our sun are without life as we know
it on the Earth.
Writers at that time knew that trips to other stars would take hundreds of years. Some writers addressed
this problem by using the concept of suspended animation - a deep sleep in which a person doesn’t grow
older. Such travelers would awaken at the end of their journey, hundreds of years in the future. It is not
impossible that these ideas could become reality one day.
As the American space programme began to grow, the television series Star Trek follows the adventures
of a large spaceship with over 400 crew members that flies around the universe at “warp speed,” going faster
than the speed of light. This is a wonderful dream. According to the current laws of physics, it is
impossible for any object to travel faster than the speed of light.
Science fiction has walked hand in hand with advances in science and technology. Looking back at their
ideas, some were correct and cannot be distinguished from today’s reality; many others were nothing but
fiction. However, science fiction writers continue to inspire new generations to dream of someday going into
43. Which best summarizes the author’s main idea?
A. Science fiction writers have been both right and wrong about the future of space travel.
B. The ideas of science fiction writers have caused scientists and engineers to make mistakes.
C. Science fiction writers will always be one step behind space research.
D. Scientists and engineers create inspiring science fiction that usually comes true.
44. “Given the time in which he was writing; Verne’s predictions were very good. ” (paragraph 2) Why
does the writer say this?
A. Very little was known about space at that time.
B. Verne was known for making incorrect predictions.
C. Verne took a very short time to write his books.
D. Verne wrote the books at a very young age.
45. Which of the following predictions by Jules Verne was incorrect?
A. The first spaceship would carry a crew of three people.
B. Space travelers would be deprived of gravity.
C. Rockets would be used to slow down a spaceship.
D. A spaceship would be launched using a very long gun.
46. Which fact about space travel was yet unknown to people in the early 20th century?
A. Humans were unable to survive in space without special suits.
B. The other stars in space were very far away from the Earth and the sun.
C. Other planets in the solar system also had moons around them.
D. There was no plant or animal life on other planets in the solar system.
47. According to the passage, suspended animation was a concept used in science fiction to ______.
A. cure diseases B. allow people to live longer
C. make time pass faster D. help spaceships travel faster
48. What does the phrase “a wonderful dream” in paragraph 5 refer to?
A. the American space programme
B. the television show Star Trek
C. traveling faster than the speed of light
D. a spaceship with more than 400 crew members
49. What is the role of science fiction in space travel?
A.to plan the trips into space in advance
B.to make fiction become reality one day
C. to inspire people to fly to other planets
D. to help scientists perfect their scientific concepts
50. Which could be another title for this passage?
A. A History of space Travel
B. The Influence of Jules Verne
C. The Best Predictions in Science Fiction
D. Space Travel: Fiction and Reality

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