انجلش كونكت بلاس عمر
انجلش كونكت بلاس عمر
انجلش كونكت بلاس عمر
3-2 مراجعة شهر نوفمبر استعدادا المتحان شهر نوفمبر على الوحدات
November Revision
Exercises on Unit 2
1 Choose the correct answer: Vocabulary
1 I often (do push-ups - play the violin - swap comic books - play chess)
with my friends so that I have something new to read.
2 I (play chess - play the violin - watch cartoons - do push-ups) because
my mom says it’s good to learn a musical instrument!
3 I (do push-ups - play chess - play the violin - watch cartoons) in my
room because I want to get stronger!
4 He’s very (lazy - sporty - tired - bored). He plays volleyball every day
with his friends.
5 We had lots of different ideas. It was a really interesting (dialogue -
speech - discussion - words).
6 Mom mops the (clothes - books - water - shirts) on the floor.
7 Give your cat lots of (attend - attention - look - watch) so it feels safe.
8 The cat can (sharp - sharpens - sharpen - sharpening) its claws on a
scratch post.
9 The (motor - invention - appliance - vaccine) is a part of a machine that
makes something move.
10 The (vaccine - smoothie - water - cola) is a drink made of blended fruits
or sometimes vegetables.
11 The (smoothie - vaccine - milkshake - appliance) is a type of medicine
that stops you getting ill.
12 We (cool - work - heat - invent) our food to eat. We like it warm.
13 The blender is one of the best kitchen (appliance - smoothie - recipe -
2 Step Ahead
Unit 2 November Revision
14 C
ats should go to the vet once a year for (enjoyment - relaxation -
vaccinations - explanation).
15 Sameh and Nadine were on school (test - experiment - vacation - open
day) at home with their parents.
16 Yesterday, we had a (wire - socket - power - cable) outage! We couldn’t
turn the TV on.
17 In our classroom, we have a/an (interactive - wooden - brick - rock)
whiteboard. It’s an electric one.
18 We boil water in an electric (kettle - fridge - oven - blender) to make
19 I (solved - broke - programmed - ironed) one of the robots to fix my car.
20 We use the (kettle - battery - microwave - fridge) to heat food.
21 I was (curious - interesting - shocked - tired) when I heard that Mr
Ahmed was dead. I couldn’t believe that.
22 We usually (heat - cool - iron - work) clothes before wearing them.
23 We need to (change - broke - program - heat) the car battery. It broke
24 To (cool - wash - heat - cut) food, we can use the microwave.
25 My sister hangs up the (books - chores - clothes - dishes) after
washing them.
26 Turtles need a very large (trace - space - soil - lamp) for their home.
27 Can you pick (away - on - in - up) the books and put them on the shelf,
28 If you hang (away - up - over - on) your clothes, your bedroom will look
29 Our dining table is really messy. I’ll (put - pick - clean - hang) it up.
30 I always (tidy - hang - put - pick) up my room on weekends.
31 Would you like me to (hang - tidy - pick - mop) up the water on the
32 He is (curious - shocked - bored - surprised). He wants to know
33 This house was built from (bricks - glass - paper - cloth) and stone. It’s
very strong.
Connect Plus 6 3
November Revision Unit 2
34 W
hen I (stand up - grow up - wake up - get up), I want to be a doctor.
35 W
e have a (dining - spare - kitchen - bath) room for visitors to stay in.
4 Step Ahead
Unit 2 November Revision
1 If my hair (get - gets - got - will get) wet, I’ll use the hairdryer.
2 If I put food in the refrigerator, it (is - be - are - will be) cold.
3 If I (put - puts - will put - to put) bread in the toaster, the bread will be hot.
4 People (aren’t - won’t - will - weren’t) get sick if they have a vaccine.
5 If you (arrive - arrives - arrived - will arrive) early, you can get a good
6 If he (go - goes - don’t go - doesn’t go) to bed now, he may be late for
7 H
e (comes - will come - won’t come - come) with us if he doesn’t have
free time.
8 If it’s hot tomorrow, I’ll (makes - make - to make - making) a smoothie
with fruit and ice!
9 If she hurries, she (is - may - will - does) catch the train; I’m not sure.
10 D
ad can take you to school (but - and - so - if) you ask him now.
Connect Plus 6 5
November Revision Unit 3
4 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
I think the blender is the best kitchen 1 ......................... ! If it’s hot tomorrow,
I’ll 2 ..................... a smoothie with fruit and ice! I use it for 3 .....................
milkshakes with my mom.
5 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
opinion - think - electricity - electric
Exercises on Unit 3
1 Choose the correct answer:
1 A (mobile - boarding - flexible - subject) room means it can move.
2 A (subject - boarding - timetable - flexible) school is a school where
children live and only go home at vacation times.
3 English, math, history and science are school (timetables - experiments
- subjects - tests).
4 When something is (hard - flexible - mixed - fixed), this means it can
change easily.
5 They travel in (feluccas - mobiles - sleds - trams) across the frozen
6 (ICT - CD - PE - PHD) is a subject that helps you learn and use
6 Step Ahead
Unit 3 November Revision
25 W
hen the snake bit his hand, he (screamed - smiled - relaxed -
laughed) loudly.
26 The (hotel - temple - museum - palace) is a place where kings and
queens live.
27 To their (excitement - happiness - surprise - pleasure), they suddenly
saw a little boy falling off heavily.
28 School trips are exciting learning (experiments - experiences -
exercises - examples).
8 Step Ahead
Unit 3 November Revision
Connect Plus 6 9
November Revision Unit 3
10 K
halid said that he (would - will - do - does) go to the park next
11 S
arah (say - says - said - told) that her letter had helped everybody.
12 T
hey said that they (were building - are building - builds - build) a new
5 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
roof - building - gardens - nature
In Egypt, some classes have their lessons in a garden on the roof of the
school! The Shagara at School Project designs 1 ......................... and green
roofs for schools in Egypt. Green roofs are gardens on the top of a
2 .........................They bring 3 ......................... into the city.
6 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
materials - grow - Eco-playground - trail
Come to green city school and see our 1 ......................... . The climbing
frame is made mostly with recycled materials. There is also a nature
2 ......................... around the playground, where we can learn about plants,
animals and insects. Enjoy delicious lunch in our School Garden where we
3 ......................... our own flowers, fruit, and vegetables.
Connect Plus 6 11
A wonderful surprise Reader
The Reader
12 Step Ahead
The A wonderful surprise
3 What was Mayar carrying when she came out of her classroom?
............................................................................................................ .
Connect Plus 6 13
November Tests Unit 2
14 Step Ahead
Unit 3 November Tests
2 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
Hello! I’m Sherif. I’ve joined the art club at school. Last week, our club went
for a walk in the park. When our teacher pointed to an object, we took a
photograph of it, but we could only take one photo! So, we had to look
carefully and decide where to stand. It was fun, and it made me excited
about the subject. When we compared our photo later, they were really
4 W
hat happened when they compared their photos later?
............................................................................................................ .
Connect Plus 6 15
November Revision Unit 3
16 Step Ahead
Model Answers
Model Answers
Exercises on Unit 2
1 Choose the correct answer: Vocabulary
1 s
wap comic book 2 p
lay the violin 3 d
o push-ups
4 s
porty 5 chess 6 w
7 a
ttention 8 s harpen 9 m
10 s
moothie 11 v
accine 12 h
13 a
ppliance 14 v
accinations 15 v
16 power 17 interactive 18 k
19 p
rogrammed 20 m
icrowave 21 s
22 iron 23 c
hange 24 c
25 c
lothes 26 s pace 27 u
28 u
p 29 c lean 30 tidy
31 m
op 32 c urious 33 b
34 g
row up 35 s
1 W
e moved into a new apartment.
2 W
hat do you like about your bedroom?
3 I love swapping comic books.
4 C
hess is quite difficult for me.
5 H
ome is where the heart is.
6 W
hich is your favorite kitchen appliance?
7 W
hat do you use the blender for?
8 B
lenders are useful in medicine.
9 W
e need lights in the evening
10 S
ome people have electric cars.
11 W
hat things can’t we do without electricity?
Connect Plus 6 17
Model Answers
12 L
ife on Earth is sweet!
13 T
he Bill robots do all the chores.
14 I’ll put out the garbage.
15 C
an you put away the dishes?
16 C
ats should go to the vet every year.
17 H
ow often should cats go to the vet?
18 C
ats like a warm, comfortable bed.
1 g
ets 2 w
ill be 3 p
ut 4 w
5 a
rrive 6 d
oesn’t go 7 w
on’t come 8 m
9 m
ay 10 if
4 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
1 appliance 2 make 3 making
5 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
1 opinion 2 think 3 electricity
Exercises on Unit 3
1 Choose the correct answer:
1 m
obile 2 b
oarding 3 s
ubjects 4 flexible
5 s
leds 6 ICT 7 n
eat 8 c
9 g
rade 10 p
rincipal 11 r ecycling 12 o
13 e
ncourage 14 s
teep 15 r epair 16 c
17 journey 18 b
ridge 19 s
torm 20 tablets
21 p
apyrus 22 s
cribe 23 c
ourt 24 h
25 s
creamed 26 p
alace 27 s
urprise 28 e
2 N
omadic people look after reindeer.
3 G
reen roofs are great for the environment
4 W
e never go to school on Fridays.
5 H
ow many days does Adam study every week?
6 w
hat are the children doing?
7 I tidy up my desk to keep it neat.
8 A
rt makes you relaxed and happy.
9 T
ennis is a great sport.
10 M
y friends make me happy
11 R
unning makes me feel healthy.
12 W
e sort the waste from our classroom.
13 E
njoy a delicious lunch in our school garden.
14 N
ew students are welcome to join us.
15 W
here does the school tour start?
16 W
here is the natural trail?
17 T
he storm lasted all night.
18 I’ve just listened to the radio.
19 T
he bus journey took two hours.
20 W
hat are we going to do?
21 W
e’re building a new bridge.
22 A
re school trips important?
23 A
ll children should learn Arabic at school.
24 S
chool clubs are a good way to learn.
25 ICT is the most useful subject.
Connect Plus 6 19
Model Answers
5 w
as 6 w
ould 7 h
adn’t 8 w
9 v
isited 10 w
ould 11 s
aid 12 w
ere building
5 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
1 gardens 2 buildings 3 nature
6 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
1 eco-playground 2 trail 3 grow
1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 F
7 F
8 T
9 T
10 F
20 Step Ahead
Model Answers
1 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
1 uniform
2 neat 3 get
Connect Plus 6 21