En1170-5 1997

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Page 3 EN 1170-5 :1997

I Scope
This European Standard specifies a test method for identifoing the stress and deformation performance, at the limit of proportionality and on failure, of a GRC composition subjected to bending. It is also used to establish, for a given composition of GRC, the relationship between the conventional strength at 28 days and the strength at 7 days (see EN 11704). 2 Normative references

3.2 Abbreviation GRC: glassfibrereinforced cement.

4 Apparatus
The apparatus comprises : L a bending test machine, of accuracy meeting the It specifiedin ISO 7500-1. is class2 requirements provided with a four-point bending device (minimum diameter of supports:6 mm) and a displacement sensor (accurate to 0,01mm) located preferably in the transverseaxis of symmetry of the test device. The test device shall be fitted with a system for plotting the load/deflection curve, either online or offline ; +two Jlat, easy to clean, smooth material plates, of approximately (500 3 800) mm. In the case of a 'pouring' production, provide for a frame having a thickness equal to that of the product being manufactured; + a flat-bottomedtank, of approximately (5003 200 3 100)mm filled with water maintained at (20 2)LC; t a rule, accurate to 0,5 mm ; +a calliper, accurate to 0,1mm ; ta ventilated drying oven, aditrstedto (105 5) tC l ! a scale,with a measuring range 0 kg to 2 kg accurate to 0,1g.

This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. ISO 7500-1 Metallic materials D verfication of static uniaxial testing machines F) Paft L knsile testing machines Precast concrete productsD Tbst method for glassfibre reinforced cement f) Part 4 : Measuring bending strength D 'Simplifed bending test' method

EN 1170-4

3 Symbols and abbreviation 3.1 Symbols

b d

5 Procedure
5.1 Test pieces Consecutivelymake sample panels on the two flat boards, with no facing layer (solid GRC only) under the same conditions as for the actual production they represent: spray or premix.

width of test piece, in millitnetres; thickness of test piece in millimetres; load at limit of proportionality, in newtons;

I L Md Mvr W Dlop Dvon elop eMoR slop svoR

failure load, in newtons, After 24 h, demould and store the two sample panels length of test piece, in millimetres; under the same conditions as for the achral production they represent for 6 days. span, in millirnetres; 'dry NOTE. Thc tcst picccs can also be cut out on thc day of mass of test piece after drying, mass', dcrnoulding. 1n grams; 'wet mass of test piece before drying, mass', Cut out by sawingin each panel.at 50+j mm from in grams; the edges,eight test pieces from the positions illustrated in figure l. water content, in percentageby mass; Mark the test pieces as shown in figure l. deflection at limit of proportionality, in millimetres; Dimensions the test pieces: of deflection at failure in millimetres; + width : (50 2) mm ; stress at limit of proportionality; + length as a function of the thickness, in deformation at failure accordance with table 1. stress at limit. of proportionality, The variations in thickness of the test pieces shall In nregapascals; not exceed 5 % and shall be limited to 0,5 mm. e.g. stress at failure, in megapascals. by grinding
NOTE. Thc thickness ofthe tcst piccc may nccd to be changedto meet this requirement.

B S r1 9 9 8

Page 4 EN 1170-521997


After removal fiom the water and prior to the test, wipe the test pieces with a damp cloth to remove any surface water. 5.2 Test method Measurethe length of each test piece to the nearest millimetre. Position the test pieces in the testing machine, as shown in figure 2, on the two bottom supports with a span I between them determined in accordance with table2. For each test panel,the test piecesmarked'l' '3'are 'mould' face down on the and testedwith the '2'and '4'with hvo bottom supportsand those marked 'mould' the face in contact with the top supports. To start the test, adjust the rate of application of the load : * automaticcontrol by load: (10 0,3)N/s ; t automatic control by displacement: (0,03 0,003) mm/s.
NOTE. In ordcr to evaluate correctly thc limit of proportionaliry thc load and displacement sensorsshould bc zerocd at the Inolnent thc tcst piccc is in contact with thc top supports.

Figure l. Position and identification of test pieces Table l. Length of test pieces as a function of their thickness
D i n r e n s i o n sn m i l l i r n e t r e s i


# 6.7

6,8to l 0 l 0 , l t o 1 2 , 5$ 1 2 , 6

Length I with a 160 tolerance oI 0mm




Storageof the test pieces : a) test pieces from the first panel : When the eight test pieces have been aged for six days, immerse them in the tank filled with water at (20 2)tC for 24hso that they have been aged for seven days at the time of the tests ; b) test pieces from the second panel : When the test pieces have been aged for six days, keep them in the laboratory at a ternperature of (20 3) ECand relative humidity of (60 5) % for 2l days so that they have been aged for 27 days. Then immerse them in water at (20 2) lC for 24 h for the test at 28 days. In both cases the test shall be carried out no more than 112 after the test pieces have been removed h from the water.

Continue the test until comolete failure of the test piece. Stop recordingat 0,9,tryep. Measurethe thickness and width of the test piece in the failure zoneto the nearest0,l mm. Weigh each test piece, i.e. myg (in grams). After failure, place the test pieces in the ventilated drying oven adjusted to (105 5) tC until a constant mass n?dis attained, i.e. until the difference befween two weighing results 24h apart is less than 0,1 %. Table 2. Span of test pieces as a function of their length
Dimensionsin millimetres

Length 1 Span Z

160 135

225 200



32s 300

Figure 2. Position of test pieces in testing machine

BSI I998

Page 5 EN 117G5 | 1997

6 Expression of results
6.1 Deflection proportionality and load at the limit of

The deflection DLop and load ^F16pat the limit of proportionality are assessed by considering the load/deflection curve.

NOTE l. Thc two equationsshown abovc for calculating cro, and cvon dr applicablewhen thc displacementsensor for measuring the deflection is placed in thc middle of thc axis of symrnetry of the tcst dcvicc. Ifthc sensor is placcd normal to thc bottom 27 108 support, thc constant 23 should bc replaced by J in thc two equations. NOTE 2. Thcsc four equationsarc only applicable theoretically in

the casc of lincar isotropic elastic materials-Howcvcq thc values They correspond to the point where the linearity of the calculated using thcm are sufficiently approximate for GRC two characteristics changes. material. thc in NOTE.To evaluate limit of proportionalify thc bcst possible way,it is desirable that thc choiccof scalcson thc load/deflection NOTE 3. Thc conversion fomulae are: graphproduces slopcof approximately iC. 45 a c"o* (subserviance by moving) = 0,70 s.o* (subserviance by loading) + 2,26 sro* (subserviance by loading) = 1,34 s.o* (subserviance by

6.2 Deflection

and load on failure

moving) 2 2,22

The deflection Dvon and load Fygp on failure correspond to the maximum load value recorded. NOTE. The determinatiorr the ultimate of valucof thc deflection
may bc difficult. Howcvcr, examination of thc descendingsection of thc curve is irnportant beca0se this givcs supplementary information on the ductility of the material.

6.4 Water content The water content l{ expressedin percentageby mass, is determined by the following equation :


ma =roo

and stress The deflection and the load depend on the geometry of the test piece. In order to compare the mechanical behavioru of the different test pieces it is necessaryto express the results in form of deflection and stress (of the extreme fibres of the bottom face). The deformation (e16p and ey6fl and stress (s19p and sysp) values at the limit of proportionality and on failure are given by the following equations: _ 1 0 8- D s e sLoP- -23 .---E- p 3 d

63 Deformation

108-Dp16p3d EM9R- -23 ----E.F1a6p z 3 sMoR- b572-



Figure 3. Example of load/deflection curve

BSI I998

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7 Test report
The test report shall contain the following information: + the identification of the laboratory (especially the characteristics and accuracy of the test machine, name of the test supervisor); + the complete identification of the test pieces (especially their origin, marking, date of manufacture of the panels); + all individual results : dimensions, wet mass, d4r mass, loads, skess, deflection and deformation at limit of proportionality and on failure, water content; + the load/deflection curves; +the mean averagevalues at 7 and28 days: epgp sLOp eMOR, sy3p and l/; l the relationships between the mean stresses on failure (y6fl of the identified test pieces Tt+T2+ T3+T4 T1+T3 , Br+B: Bt+Br+ 83+84 + the curing conditions if different to those specified in the standard; * all comments useful for interpreting the results; * the reference to this standard; + the date of test.

BSI 1998

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