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In TQM, the term "Six Sigma," which was
made popular by Motorola. It has two
Lean is a methodical approach meanings characterizes a procedure,
that reduces a process's good, or service with exceptionally
complexity and increases its high competence (99.9997%
efficiency by locating and accuracy) in a statistical sense. For
removing wasteful sources (such instance, management, a Six Sigma
personnel, materials, and time) program for baggage handling would
that impede flow. Lean essentially result in only 3.4 travelers having
aims to streamline organizational misplaced luggage out of a monthly
process flows to provide more total of 1 million passengers passing
value for the client with less effort through the St. Louis Airport with
—that is, to move the product checked bags. Six Sigma is defined in
through the process more quickly. the second TQM definition as a
program created to decrease defect
rates, save expenses, save time, and
raise customer satisfaction.
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1. Purpose-driven commitment
KAIZEN DEMING'S SYSTEM OF 2. Embrace a new philosophy
3. Move beyond inspection
PROFOUND KNOWLEDGE 4. Value beyond price
5. Continuously improve
Kaizen is a Japanese term
meaning change for the better or 6. Enhance on-the-job training
continuous improvement. It is a The System of Profound Knowledge (SoPK) is 7. Develop effective leadership
Japanese business philosophy the culmination of Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 8. Foster a fear-free environment
that concerns the processes that lifelong work. It is an effective theory of 9. Break down barriers
continuously improve operations management that provides a framework of 10. Focus on intrinsic motivation
and involve all employees. Kaizen thought and action for any leader wishing to 11. Quality over quotas
sees improvement in productivity transform and create a thriving organisation, 12. Encourage pride in workmanship
as a gradual and methodical with the aim for everybody to win 13. Invest in education and training
process. 14. Take action for transformation
Encourage a culture of continuous improvement Regularly monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to
by promoting employee involvement and design, production, and assembly processes.
empowerment. Conduct periodic audits and evaluations to assess the
Establish cross-functional teams comprising effectiveness of implemented improvements.
designers, engineers, and assembly line workers to Collect feedback from employees and customers to identify
collaborate on process improvement initiatives... further areas for enhancement.
b) Human resources In addition to attracting experts in the automotive industry, VinFast needs to take advantage of high-quality human
resources from the country's leading universities in the fields of mechatronics, automation, manufacturing and production. automobile
manufacturers such as Polytechnic University, Industry, Military Engineering,... along with the establishment of the Research and Practice Center,
VinFast can completely own a team of young, creative, capable human resources. fast learning ability. VinFast can sign long-term training and
labor contracts with third-year, fourth-year, and graduated students with excellent academic achievements so they can make the most of
domestic resources.
c) About customers and brands: Promote customer care, have after-sales services, strengthen measures to maintain good relationships with
customers, and handle complaints quickly and promptly. as well as legitimate requests from customers. There are attractive incentive
programs for loyal customers who take advantage of resources
d) The fact that Vingroup has to borrow and guarantee debt of up to 1.4 billion USD according to economic experts is an acceptable number for a
corporation with the ability to grow rapidly and steadily in business like Vingroup. Along with that, VinFast reduces these risks by hiring the world's
leading experts, developing technology research institutes and synchronization in the development of production infrastructure and
distribution systems, and promoting communication to promote promote product sales.