Psychiatric Emergencies 2
Psychiatric Emergencies 2
Psychiatric Emergencies 2
5. Acute dystonia
Disorientation or memory problems.
Depression or flat affect.
Trouble with concentration and attention.
Trouble thinking in an organized manner,
Poor communication skills due to overt negative affect.
4. Unnecessary seclusion
7. Staff inconsistency
the patient. To safe guard patient, other patients and staff from
being injured.
- Asses the level of motor agitation and verbal aggression to
include staff’s long fingernails, long hair left hanging and pens,
labels, bangles and ear rings to determine the need to remove them
personal space.
- Talk calmly, clearly and firmly keeping voice neutral; ask open
- Show the patient that you don’t have anything in your hands. Helps
the patient feel that he is not being pursued thus reducing tension.
- Explain to each staff what part of the patient to hold and from
familiar with to talk with him /her throughout the procedure. This
at a time.
- When the patient calms down discuss the incident with him/her.
the Dr.
6. Look around the ward for dangerous weapons e.g stones, brooms,
It is not yet known what causes panic attacks but certain factors may play
1. Genetics
- Asses the patient’s mental state and the environment. This aids to
system dysfunction
- Stay with the patient and encourage him /her to discuss his/her
- Use simple brief words and messages spoken calmly and clearly.
- Reinforce reality if distortions occur. High levels of anxiety
of suicide assessment.
- Search the patient’s and his roommates belongings and remove all
worth living.
reduce tension
- Ensure client/patient is always within view of the nurse at all time.
- Do not seclude nor allow the patient to sleep alone. Staying with
withdrawal delirium
- Assess the amount of light in the room. This is to plan for adequate
carried out.
neck/facial spasms),
the need for oxygen since spasms of the larynx and pharynx affect
air way.
- Take vital signs half hourly, gradually changing to one hourly until
antipsychotic drugs
- Explain to the patient how to recognize its early signs, the need to
Alcohol Intoxication:
But in some cases, people with this condition might have accidentally or
vanilla extract.
Alcohol intoxication can occur quickly over a short amount of time. When a
The stages of intoxication differ from person to person because they’re based on
But generally, the seven stages of alcohol intoxication and their symptoms include
the following:
At this stage of intoxication, the person’s behavior will be normal with no visible
Their blood alcohol content (BAC), which measures how much alcohol is in the
2. Euphoria
If a person has generally consumed two to three drinks as a man or one to two
decreased inhibitions
A person’s BAC at this stage might range from 0.03 to 0.12 percent.
In Kenya, the Traffic Act states that the legal Blood Alcohol concentration limit
for driving is 0,8 grams per litre of blood or 0.35 grams per litre of breath.
Note that a BAC of 0.08 percent is the legal limit of intoxication in the United
A person can be arrested for driving with a BAC above this limit.
3. Excitement
At this stage, a man might have consumed three to five drinks in an hour, or two to
four drinks for a woman. At this time, a person will begin to experience emotional
vision problems
loss of balance
4. Confusion
If a man consumes more than five drinks or a woman more than 4 drinks in an
The person may not be able to stand up, may stagger when walking, and will likely
People in this stage of intoxication are very likely to forget things happening
around or to them. They might “black out” without actually losing consciousness
and may not be able to feel pain. This makes them at risk of injury.
At this stage, a person’s BAC is very high. It’ll range from 0.18 to 0.30 percent.
5. Stupor
A person won’t be able to stand or walk. They may completely pass out or lose
They may also experience seizures or have blue-tinged or pale skin. Their
This stage can be very dangerous and even fatal if a person chokes on their vomit
Any of these symptoms are signs that immediate medical attention is necessary. At
this stage, a person’s BAC will range from 0.25 to 0.4 percent.
6. Coma
This stage is extremely dangerous. A person’s breathing and blood circulation will
be extremely slowed. Their motor responses and gag reflexes are nonfunctional,
and their body temperature drops. A person at this stage is at risk of death.
Their BAC will measure in at 0.35 to 0.45 percent. Emergency medical attention is
7. Death
At a BAC of 0.45 percent or above, a person is likely to die from alcohol
It may seem like a person has to drink a lot to get to this stage. But if a person
drinks very quickly, they can get to this stage before long.
Body type and weight. Larger people absorb alcohol more slowly than
smaller people.
Health status. Having certain health issues can put you at greater risk of
alcohol poisoning.
Whether or not one has eaten. Having food in your stomach before
Whether one has combined alcohol with other drugs. Consuming certain
of alcohol will raise your BAC more quickly than drinks with a lower
percentage of alcohol.
- Treatment for alcohol intoxication involves supportive care while the body
- You must seek emergency medical treatment for a person who’s showing
If they’re unconscious, gently turn the person on their side to prevent them
If they’re conscious, encourage the person to lay on their side in a safe place
black coffee or caffeine. In fact, doing these things can put an intoxicated
prevent breathing or choking problems with a breathing tube that opens the
fit a catheter, which allows urine to drain into a bag, so they don’t wet
- The person will be hospitalized until their vital signs return to normal.
- During the recovery period, a person may experience a depressed mood and
- Even after a person is released from hospital care, it can take up to a month
is given promptly.