Ilm Al Umraniyat

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Ilm al Umraniyat

Omar Butt
Ilm al Umraniyat

‫ور أَنْفُ ِسنَا‬

ِ ‫الله ِم ْن ُش ُر‬ ِ ‫ َون َ ُعو ُذ ِب‬,‫ َون َ ْستَ ِعين ُ ُه َون َ ْستَ ْغ ِف ُر ُه‬,‫ح َم ُد ُه‬
ْ َ ‫ ن‬,‫ِإ َن ال َْح ْم َد لِل َ ِه‬
,‫ َو َم ْن يُ ْضلِ ْل َفل َا َها ِد َي ل َُه‬,‫الله َفل َا ُم ِض َل ل َُه‬ ُ ‫ َم ْن ي َ ْه ِد ِه‬, ‫ع َمالِنَا‬ ْ َ ‫اتأ‬ِ َ‫َو ِم ْن َس ِيَئ‬

‫عبْ ُد ُه َو َر ُسول ُه‬ َ ‫يك ل َُه َوأ َ َن ُم‬

َ ‫ح َم ًدا‬ َ ‫الله َو ْح َد ُه ل َا َش ِر‬ ُ ‫َوأ َ ْش َه ُد أ َ ْن ل َا ِإل ََه ِإلَا‬

Verily, all praise is for Allah. We praise Him, we seek His

assistance and we ask for His forgiveness. And we seek
refuge in Him from the evils of our selves. Whoever Allah
guides, none can misguide. Whoever He misguides, none can
guide. And I bear witness that there is no deity other than
Allah and I bear witness that Mohammad is His slave and

َ ‫آمنُوا ات َ ُقوا الل َ َه َح َق تُ َقا ِت ِه َول َا تَ ُموتُ َن ِإلَا َوأَنْتُ ْم ُم ْسلِ ُم‬
‫ون‬ َ ‫يَا أَي َُ َها ال َ ِذ‬
َ ‫ين‬

102 ‫آل عمران‬

Ilm al Umraniyat

Al Imran (3) 102 : O you who believe! Fear Allah as He

should be feared, and die not except in a state of
Islam.“Say: I believe in Allah — and be steadfast.”

ُ َ‫استَق‬
ْ َ‫الله ثُم‬ َ ‫ِإ َن ال َ ِذ‬
ُ ‫ين قَال ُوا َربَُنَا‬

Fussilat (41) 30: Indeed, those who have said, “Our Lord is
Allah” and then remain steadfast

‫استَ ِق ْم‬
ْ َ‫اتَ َِقالله ثُم‬
“Be conscious of Allah then be steadfast”

Imam Ad Daramee narration

Ilm al Umraniyat



1. Psychology……………………………6

2. Encroachment……………….………..22

3. The People Rate……………...……....58

4. Islamic Sociology…………………….68

5. History……………………………….85

6. The future…………………………….99

Ilm al Umraniyat

All is but from the will of Allah and we must learn to
remember our own suffering in the Divine scheme of things.
If we are unhappy with what Allah has given us, it is easily
forgotten that Allah is the One who is in charge. Islam is our
religion and it possesses reason and the proof of why we exist
and our purpose here on planet earth.

The Truth is God Almighty, the beauty of the Holy Qur’an

and the love of the Final Prophet give us our real sense of
freedom. Unlike those whose belief in freedom, for whom it
has done little; our freedom of conscience provides us with
clear and lucid answers to the questions of life and the
existential issues burdened on us and placed on our shoulders.

Ilm al Umraniyat

1. Psychology
An early ninth century Muslim cartographer, Abu Zaid Al
Balkhi theorised neuroticism. He did this chiefly by having a
split between medicine of the spirit and medicine of the heart.
It is this split which can call the split of neuroticism or the
neurotic split. If there is in spirituality, the affairs of our
religion, these include indeed all explication of divine and
heavenly texts, and related matters. These are themselves the
matters of the heart, if there are no matters of the spirit
without the matters of the heart, then a split is deemed to have
occurred. It is from here that somehow it is possible to grasp
the medicine of the mind. This psychology is, in this sense,
medicine of the mind. The split of psychoticism, the
psychotic split. This sense of understanding of psychology as
being caused by a modal reality is present not in the ninth
century Balkhian split but in the Avicennan split some two

Ilm al Umraniyat

centuries later, and the Rhazian split, from Abu Bakr Ibn
Razi, who first employed psychiatric hospitals, in history.

In summary, the pathologies involved are depression and

phobia, from grief and fear respectively. Nevertheless, the
final split is into obsessions, and these lead to possession.
Obsession and possession are both from desire however,
normal anger is without hearing voices, or hallucinating.

But basically illness comes from sadness. Balkhi mentions

fears which push more towards headache. Further than this it
is anger, which causes fever and ultimately desire which can
drive us mad. However, this madness is not necessarily
satanic possession or otherwise; it is as Arabs say Sharul
Barrea dhahaka, the worst of things make you laugh. Neither
the voice nor the generalised pathology from desires, and
lusts in general; meaning someone is possessed but rather

Ilm al Umraniyat

they might indicate that, if the effect on the person is

somewhat pronounced. In fact, depression and grief in the
sense of endogenous and reactive clinical depression, are as
initiators of illness at a general level. Similarly, the
suppression of a person who's having family problems or
problems at a societal level; is known to create fear within
him, and can cause headache or phobia in him or her. Also,
Anger can cause fever in the sense of the oppression of a
people or culture. We must also remember the Quranic Ayat:

“Innal lazeena amanu wa amilus salihati ulaika hum khairul


Sahih International:

“Indeed, they who have believed and done righteous deeds -

those are the best of creatures.”

Ilm al Umraniyat

The Holy Qur’an (Al-Bayyinah [98] : 7)

This implies we have defined this as female desire or as

pathology hearing voices, whereas insanity could be defined
as hallucinating or male desire. Alternatively, the two
pathologies would have their gender reversed. So the
dominant patriarchal view of madness, is a model of
masculine desire, of hearing voices, and the rejoinder is a
female, hallucinating in the last.

To conclude with this view in mind the structure of the mind

as per psychology and psychiatry; is three modes, or three
nodes split. Fear, grief, anger and desire all leave us with a
need to fill in the gaps with a non-modal, nodal explanation,
or explication. These cause in the psychiatric condition of
headache, general illness, fever and insanity as given from the
two forms of internal and external, related as splits or nodes.

Ilm al Umraniyat

Fear- Fight


Grief- Depression (sometimes also anxiety)

Reactive depression

Anger- Infectious fever eg. smallpox

Viral fever or plague eg. measles

Lust- Complexes, phobias

Madness eg. Hysteria

After these nodes are only non-nodal reasoning or pure logic,

after that is practical logic. Whereas the first split of
psychology is at peace with itself and has no psychiatric

Ilm al Umraniyat

pertinence; with the three splits, there are illnesses such as,
first, palpitations of the heart as an example, then an infection
and a virus, then hysteria. Why infection and virus. How are
they different? If we define infection as a disease in which the
patient is affected by the environment, virus is a disease
which can be put into effect.

The study of infection and virus

I mentioned hysteria and palpitation, however, it must be

absorbed, the internal and external qualities are being
observed. To begin with the angry side of humanity, not the
sad or the mad; fear has, like grief or lust, internal and
external qualities. I am looking at this from the point of view
of fever and virus because of a psychoanalytic view of it is as
an affect and subjective; viruses are an effect and objective.
COVID-19 was the latter. It comes from outside of the body,

Ilm al Umraniyat

it was a fever in two ways; first as distinct from cold or flu,

and then as a disease as distinct from infection, a fever.

In the end analysis, sadness is after first fear. We will in this

respect come full circle and define the primary emotions of
happiness, temperance, peace and love or dignity, integrity,
peace and love: noble emotions. These are our virtues and
pointers in our civics. Our elements, just as the physical
world has solid, liquid, gas or organic elements, metals and
non-metal and noble gases etc.

With this dualism in mind, it can be known that the nature of

these parts of physical medicine or psychology in general, is
that in response to a stimulus; men can deal with it, or show
fear and fight or, he can avoid the thing. Similarly, you can be
sad for no reason, or have depression, too. Too, you can be
depressed or you can have been made to be depressed. You

Ilm al Umraniyat

can be calm and at peace, or not, in which case you are angry.
One can be angry inside oneself or one can affect others by it.
With desire, I can love another and this has effects inside, or I
can be affected inside, as well as effect others outside.

When we consider our behaviour as human beings as either

spiritual or from the heart, it is possible to see illnesses do
exist other than what we know as heart disease in the
medicine of the heart. Also there are illnesses which exist
other than what our society will consider a lack of spirituality
in medicine of the spirit of spiritual medicine. What is greed?
If it is not one of these illnesses? Whereas some think greed is
a disease of the spirit only, I would say it's true, but it also
exists as a disease of the heart, indeed is from the desires
though it may not be considered madness and there may not
be a medicine or remedy for it which is a physical or
therapeutic remedy, but it is from desire, so sits well with it.

Ilm al Umraniyat

Greed is a mental complex- a lack of balance in a person's

life, especially when they're trying hard and taking pleasure in
trying to balance something. What is that risk that they're
taking is irrelevant; money, food, clothes properties, cars,
power, control. We must flee from these. Then, fear of these
things kicks in, a reverse phobia.

“No greedy or stingy person will enter into paradise.”

“Avoid greed because this is greed which destroyed the

nation's before you.”

Lying, oppression, breaking ties of kinship are all problems

from greed as well as stinginess.

Ilm al Umraniyat

1. Fight

2. Flight

3. Anxiety

4. Depression

5. Infection

6. Virus

7. Complexes

8. Insanity

Having already written a section on the nature of the four

areas of concern corresponding to faith, love, trust and peace.
I'll look specifically the division of love into its complexes
and madness itself. I dealt with greed as a disease of the heart.
But when I analysed jealousy and envy, I described it more as
a split of diseases. I will now look at the other part of this,
which is madness.

Ilm al Umraniyat

As has been said, the main or primary split in psychology is

between self and other. So, knowing first the spirit, then the
mind. First, the angst, then the situational factors of sadness;
first jealousy then envy; first the complex and then insanity.
Only then is it possible to define psychology, psychiatry,
infection or virus and so on and so forth.

The split of insanity, also the schizophrenic split is not

dissimilar to the reasons why we have spirituality,
psychology, medicine, and basically if we have one we have
the other. Having defined the spirit, mind and medicine, we
only further seek to involve ourselves with complex
behavioural patterns also known as complexes. However,
once one is aware that there is a soul there is a spirit; there is
happiness and sadness in the world and there are emotions.

Ilm al Umraniyat

It is only natural to progress these splits to what is only really

obfuscation of the complex for the madman. The end of all
content is only possible by going beyond and into hysteria,
schizophrenia. So we're studying complexes is somewhere
between compartmentalising all between a pantheon and a
bestiary; a split personality is not dissimilar to harmonious,
stable, pair of personalities. As indeed a split means the outer
layer of the heart. A split is a natural path of the extending of
a righteous heart. Deep affect.

Allah Almighty says in the Hadith Qudsi,

“I am in the good opinion of my slave”

We musn’t forget a split does not mean a chasm, God has

tested us but we shouldn’t test one another. If I take the
example of addiction, such as the west who are alcoholics:
Ilm al Umraniyat

Addiction isn't created necessarily, certainly not from the

point of view of an addict, from internal chasm. If a new
entity, the addict is created, it is from the myriad of forces
laying latent in our society. The addict’s interpretation of
these forces and his behavioural import of these are
prerequisite for industrial growth in the sex industry in drug
trafficking and in money laundering. Nevertheless, it is
important to not be unforgiving, to a watcher of pornography
a person who tries drugs or a person who may quite
innocently get involved in the penury crime involved in the
money laundering which takes place in our society. If we are
to criticize and judge surely the top shelf should be criticized
in news agents, the drugstore and Big Pharma too. Lastly, our
penury example, financial terrorism, is just a greater force
over belligerency, in terms of preventable evils in our culture.

Ilm al Umraniyat

On this topic, even a credit card is seen as evil beyond the

shotgun. We are a society forbidding happiness, until we
forgive it in our great masses and in greater numbers for porn,
drug, financial terror and credit addicts. Forgiveness is as
hard as happiness. Happiness is halal in Islam. Forgiveness is
halal in Islam.

We must learn to recognize these things are doing each

others’ bidding. For example, vagrancy as a fact leads to
problems in households and inside the home. Why? Because
of alcoholism, gambling, fornication and taking of interest.
Forbidding social malaise and alcoholic drinks etc. is a very
necessary part of Islam. It is a fact nevertheless that
rehabilitation is often the most important reason for people
being attracted to Deen al Islam. The need for regimentation
and discipline is ever more apparent when Dawah,
reproduction, jihad and proselytization are all ways to
overcome the evils of society with inherent problems.

Ilm al Umraniyat

Socially learning to mend with our societies is all to us as

Muslims. Our impulses and penury realities meet with others
here, where there is no possibility, no need for confrontation
or challenging of systemic reality in society. Instead of
defeating porn, alcohol, drugs and so on, we can adjust to
realising first, evil and then keeping it at bay. Mixing doesn't
keep zina nor porn at bay, alcoholism doesn't keep drug
addiction at bay. Over developed economic economies’
lifestyle don't keep the credit cards at bay. We mean
moderation and socializing, in food and drink, in leisure
activities and in our expenditures. Yes, the Western countries
are over-productive, but we mustn't overdo it or it will be too

It being more than an Ijtihad to know the basic rights of

talking to people, from the wrong of feeling to prefer the
opposite sex or gender, and the gates of ijtihad are shut. It
being more than qiyas to know the pleasure and the pain of

Ilm al Umraniyat

one form or another, ie halal entertainment; it being more than

the word of Allah subhanahu wa Taala to realize to contain
his economic growth, watchful of his or her greed, weary for
his scholarly advice. To do this, it is necessarily required for
us to find and refind the Holy Qur’aan and Sunnah, for
without our Holy Book and Sunnah, there is only an
intoxicating or enchanting world.

Ilm al Umraniyat

2. Encroachment
The encroachment of species

We must remember the Divine cause as the basic cause of all

that happens. If we are more statistically dominant religion
here in the west as Muslims, it is because sin and forgiveness
guide our actions and our internal religion. It is not only a
coming threat of extinction that is to be forgiven and
forgotten, but a real mass of wars from injustice and tyranny,
stretching forward in every dimension. It is these wars which
have come from Allah subhanahu wa ta Ala and we should
return them to him in the sense of understanding his hand in
history, is our mountain to climb.

The case for encroachment

Although megafamines imposed on the world are ultimately

forgivable, as forgiveness is a quality possessed by God; an

Ilm al Umraniyat

initial analysis of the phenomena shocks us into seeing it as

warranting both retaliation/ retribution, and at the very least
full reparation. By this is meant the maximum penalty must
be applied and the criminal states must themselves be put in
tribute to victim and the respected people of the victim.

Decimation of species

To execute a decimation like Roman army units used to

execute a tenth of soldiers within their ranks, is possible if
today’s human population stands at eight billion, if eight
hundred millions are killed. Who would possibly stand
accused of even seven, hundred million man massacres? The
US military industrial complex and their big tech, along with

Ilm al Umraniyat

Information systems

A look into the history of information systems reveals over

the last half a century, reveals USA was in Iraq, in Af-Pak, in
Syria; in parts of Africa and Europe conducting mega-murder,
undeclared warfare and the big tech, that is large information
technology firms, weren’t funded, the research wasn't funded
properly. It went ahead of its funding lag or schedule. Being
by now an information capitalist country, USA started to have
defence companies, that is war-footed companies do the
work. A look at China or Russia is the point of comparison.
We won the space race, that is, we're first off this planet,
because of total investment of country-wide resources. Two
very clear ethical snags or problems have arisen:

Firstly, US has no government, it is an anarchic, anti-

democratic or undemocratic industry. If the US identifies as a
theoretically capitalist country, then it has no pressure on it to
do any justice to the concepts of government, progress and
Ilm al Umraniyat

globalisation. It only contemplates its dangerous tryst with

democracy. Just as USA is deemed an undeveloped country in
respect of it’s ethics and so on and so forth, it can also be
deemed as overdeveloped, specifically with regard to
automated warfare such as nuclear bombs and drones.

Secondly, US military industrial complex is far too

developed, globally. If the US tries to invest in space and
technology at the expense of lives of respected peoples of
other countries, it only feels justified by its political
emptiness in taking it out on its military budget. By this I
mean America is empty. It's inside devoid of a political core
and uses his cowardice to build up arrogance and aggression
onto others. He's busy playing catch up in a technological
race for economic output, which China is leading for good
systems, available in Pakistan for example, and overall social
mobilisation, in which India has maintained an advantage
over it, of late. Therefore, is not information technology a

Ilm al Umraniyat

perfect weapon to fit into the hands of Americans? Not

anymore. Now that they have in Israel, a country in whose
hands they will need the fit and not just for their economic
warfare, but for the extinction of our species by automated

If it’s not what you put in, it’s what you get out

Jesus famously quotes in the Bible (Matthew 15:11),

“It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that defiles and
dishonours him...”

It is frankly impossible to argue about cause and effect of war,

or inputs and outputs of science, but it can be seen that
Americans eat too much if we look at the average relative
weight of people from various countries:

Obese- Typical American (42%)

Ilm al Umraniyat

Healthy weight – Mode of Britons (34%)

Famine – Afghanistanis (9%)

Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975 (WHO)

So the condition is clearly created as a biologically imperial

state (hyperbolic stomach ie obesity) murders, in effect
millions of a biologically different state. Both are anomaly;
obese and malnourished, murderer and murdered.


It is part of a defence mechanism of so-called Christians to

use introjection ie. infection from their own subjective
circumstances, to what is clearly an attempt at theology, the
trinity. Defence mechanism of introjection means to pre-empt
the theological thoughts and emanations. They use this “A

Ilm al Umraniyat

Priori” knowledge of superego, ego and id ie. learnt

knowledge and sexual knowledge to do this.

This perversion gives rise to paedophile perversity, where

they accuse others wantonly, of paedophilia. What are the
psychological defence mechanisms? Denial, repression and
introjection, the list is long. It is neither philosophy of science
nor mind, it is psychology. In fact it is requisite psychiatry.
Denial and repression lead to phobias and normal pains or
illness. Excepting plague, which occurs in times when people
become internally heated, it is a complex which is the other
mental disorder so either Christianity is like a plague a form
through the heatedness of this, or is like a complex where
assumedly they believe themselves as god or in possession of
the root of godhead. Subjective induction of the trinity is like
a science or mental philosophy. However, there is no logical
basis, nor the rational basis for monotheism featuring three
parts existing, there never has and never will.

Ilm al Umraniyat

Therefore the fact is these cowards are busy murdering

innocent people frocked in the raiment of Jesus Christ, and
they wouldn't recognize piety or the fear of God for the love
of God. They attribute, incorrectly the supremacy of Isa Ibn
Maryam to the brainstem in the aggression, even the military
aggression of Muslims. Now although it is true, this is
something we have taught them, it's not right what they do in
the name of the global war on terror as it is called. In fact,
psychology is as per the great ninth century Islamic scholar
Al Kindi on the first philosophy, metaphysics; to do with the
human beings’ first cause argument for the existence of God
as is understood through his own personal truth and being. It
can be seen quite explicitly the defence mechanisms of
introjection which is an infection also is the very opposite of a
sympathy for and an understanding of, the first cause
argument; metaphysics, philosophy and indeed psychology.

Ilm al Umraniyat

Thus, trinity or trinitarianism is a type of dualism, is a

defence mechanism. Introjection is also an infection in the
sense of plague and is therefore the opposite of a virus, which
could be caused by, or spread outside. Another word for
infection will be a bacterial infection.

The Great Threat

We, as Muslims are not transgressive but are progressive, we

automate and don’t autocreate. Nevertheless, the great threat
is faced by Xi Jinping, China’s president in the real and
human confrontation with the multi-gigamurder and the war
taken to Ukraine. That is a place where the war has been
taken by the space-race winning Communists for over a
hundred years and meant very real consequences for us,
unspeakable crimes.

Ilm al Umraniyat

The great threat of the loss of many billions of lives is faced

by former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan in his fight
to regain power in that country. He must win the race to
regain popular electoral power, but first he must fight on the
right side of Gigawar, unlike those in power.

The great threat of Gigadeath is too faced by Modi, leader of

India. If he is to do justice to the world’s greatest populous, to
make an economic superpower.

The infection of Christians then is a bad bacteria which emits

and lingers in their stomachs. Their hyperbolic stomachs are
filled whilst they starve us such as in Afghanistan. The
introjection of trinity, a dualism is caused by a hyperbolic
stomach condition, where bad bacteria forces a step-back or
step-down in evil Christians where they have taught one
another to be better than they can possibly be at doing
whatever it is they so desire. It is different from the disease of

Ilm al Umraniyat

obesity, in that it is a change of the attribution of good and

bad and a reversal thereof. Indeed entire countries are victims
of this disease such as USA, where good gut- is vying with
bad gut-bacteria.

The wars against Islam are not megabiblical- Iraq (where all
Old testament prophets were born), nor Syria (where all New
testament prophets were born) but Giga-Quranic as per Af-
Pak, where a Gigaeconomy is involved.

Cockroaches wiped us out

How did cockroaches wipe out their own biblical adult

males? Through their disbelief in God, which the Almighty
only increases. Biologically we have lost control of
everything from science to jihad. Their scientists today are

Ilm al Umraniyat

telling us human beings have an Arachnoid mater in our

human brain, God forbid!

The Middle East is the main continent of planet earth and the
human race. Just only one gigaextinction (Afghanistan)
means all the others are seen as such (gigamurders). Even
though Iraq, Syria etc only millions died, it is the icing on the
cake of a country’s peoples. It is the cherry on top of
murdering millions in famine for them.

First they faminised millions then militarily nuked millions

more. In fact, first they stole the land they lie in now by
creating what they call world wars or similar problems
(“civil” wars etc).

America, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and Canada all are

examples of stolen lands. The white coloured people (Jews
Ilm al Umraniyat

and Christians) had come from elsewhere than these lands

and set the prerogative of megamurder by usurping their so-
called countries.

Once we humane peoples realised they would take our land

we inwardly expected them to take our lives, or millions of
lives too. First, they pillage the land, then they make war
against other countries, they make economic stability and
growth, and finally they encourage us to kill our peoples

What has happened now, is not just that they have military
technology to annihilate us quicker but that they teach us to
live with this process. This is done by megarape. When they
rape our women by a million as in Europe (Bosnia), and try to
have millions of Christian babies, they say to us this process

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of pillage, economic loss and oppression is all we can expect

from them.

Nuclear megawar

The argument that most of the world survives America and

it’s wars and so America should survive as it is, has already
been confounded. If it were just Vietnam or Korea, US made
iso-extinct (as the many million killed were equal to adult
males when the war started) or divided in two, then it was
possible. The human race would rationalise that communism
was an enemy. If it was just a couple of Muslim States which
US had gone to war against, the world might even say Islam
wrongly became an enemy. But given the respected nation
state of the Holy Bible’s Prophet’s birthplace have been made
(ie adult males’ number) extinct, then there is no case for

Ilm al Umraniyat

America as it is. There is no reason for America as we know


In fact megawar or nuclear war can be defined as

meganuclear war. In Iraq, for example, depleted uranium
tipped warheads are used to kill the many millions of Iraqi
war victims. Indeed when the term Iraq, a meganuclear
megawar, today’s equivalent of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is
clear, only Communism and Islam are able to turn the tables
against USA. If we fail as sociologists to see millions of
Christians attending places of worship throughout Europe, it
proves USA has no case. Even Israel nuked Syria, massive
ordinance air blast fell on Afghanistan. Whereas millions
attend mosques on Fridays across UK, France and Germany;
not only have we yet to find the same for churches in these
countries but we will likely NEVER.

Ilm al Umraniyat

Wars are the worse

It is, briefly, not possible to claim that there is benefit in

everything that has been taken place in modern history. There
has been good and bad both. But to say there is benefit in
American power as well as harm and to explain that harm as
simply having less of benefit would be wrong.

America prospers whilst it enforces evil upon others. In

particular, wars. These are not simply a cost or a lack of
benefit they are the worst thing and should be recognised as
for the worst.

Societies and cultures fail for this one main reason. They fail
to do justice to the people. They may provide; people are
wealthy. They may negotiate socio-political boundaries;
people are happy. But that is all. When there is no internal
Ilm al Umraniyat

cohesion in terms of the dignity and integrity of humanity,

then it is seen in history they are felled.

In Islam, we often relate the historicity of Rome, Persia and

Greek civilisations, but modern culture need to understand
this. It cannot possibly continue to relate the historicity of
Ancient Egypt, Ancient India and Ancient China. It needs to
understand these are antiquity. These respected peoples are
the replacement of European civilisations are whose respected
civilisations will not be defeated but rather will defeat them.


If each American president committed murder of non-

Americans to the scale of three holocausts each, including the
indirect murder through famine and famine-induced diseases;
not only is the total death-count of non-black American
Ilm al Umraniyat

presidents in the billions, but given President Teyyip Erdogan

calculates 94% of these fatalities are Muslim, the Muslim
death-count too is in billions.

43 + 2 US presidents before Obama, PLUS Trump and Biden

x 6m x 3=

270 million x 3=

810 million

x 94 %=


Thus the seven Muslim mega or giga-murders perpertrated by

USA at behest of Israel:

1. Muslim India ends year before Israel

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2. African holocaust ended in slavery

3. Slavery ended with Malcolm X

4. Ukraine in revolt ended in Russian domination

5. Leap forward ended in Chinese domination

6. World wars created Israel in months

7. Global war – actual factual Israel

All of the above gigamurders of Muslims have annual

megadeath tolls. Should Israel continue to do this and
multiply the effect by 7 or 8, all of humanity will be
destroyed in a hundred years.

7 x 10 x 100 years ( Each continent megamurdered every


= 7 billion

Ilm al Umraniyat

Israel threatens the existence of the whole of human life as

through USA, it can quickly make us extinct. We have seen
the megadeath rate threatening to become truly a gigadeath
rate. Let us see how the rate changes over time. This can be
done by ordinalising the seven calamities. It can be seen, first,
imperialism, and then, colonialism are as early and late, and
long and short (military and/or nuclear assault).



America, including Native American Holocaust

Communism…..Russia “revolution”

China “revolution”

Ilm al Umraniyat

Colonialism…...World military war

Global nuclear war

Colonialism spans hundreds of years as now does

communism. If imperial wars too last hundreds of years,
gigadeath rates or tolls may make extinct our human race. I
say this because no Jewish or Christian state is a Gigapower.

Given neither Israel nor America are billion-strong and they

stand accused of murdering billions, great war of terror may
be seen as a false flag Armageddon, as per the Bible’s book of
Revelations whereby the human species is made extinct by
nuclear military assault.

The nuclear military wars in Iraq, Syria and Af-pak are by

contrast to colonialism and communism in past centuries

Ilm al Umraniyat

being fought where not only are adult male populations wiped
out but these are including our now billion strong countries in
amongst the list of countries. Should the so-called world wars
shift the gigamurders towards making adult male populations
of respected countries, Pakistan, India and China; extinct,
does it threaten the extinction of species? Perhaps, but more
pertinently is the global war on terror, a war against Islam; the
dominant religion of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. It is a
direct affront to the Gigapowers respectively.

What is interesting is the world war or word war three, in the

sense of, an example of the world war is the Holodomor in
Ukraine, where Stalin has boasted to have committed three
times the slaughter of the so-called holocaust. Therefore if
Jews are slaughtered by millions it is not even a small
percentage of their slaughter they stand accused of. Given
Jews are making it illegal to deny their so-called holocaust
when not even one percent of people are Jews and the rate of
murders too is below one percent according to their own
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calculations, surely Jews are here for one reason and not just
to extinguish the Prophets of Allah.

Extinction of humanity is what they seek. To wipe Israel off

the map when it is not there is not possible. To wipe the
British Isles off the map is. It would free New Zealand. It
would liberate Canada. We talk of a free world but when will
the Caribbean Islands fight against the queen and the country
which has caused so much suffering and so much pain and
misery to them and their ancestors?

Should the King of Belgium, Phillip, apologize to the

Congolese people for Belgian megamurder in history? Should
the Queen of England apologise to Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka for the gigamurder of our people in
history? Should the American president apologise to the
Native American people for American gigamurder of Native

Ilm al Umraniyat

American in history? Should he do so to African countries for

slavery? Should the Russian leader apologise to Ukraine and
other Muslim Caucasus states for gigamurder of Muslims in
history? Should the Chinese leader to those in Turkestan?
Should those who benefited from world or global war
apologise and even compensate the others for these world
historical events?

Yes, evidently the answer to these questions is yes. Indeed the

very existence of a very great many countries and the body of
the United Nations have been formed partly with a view to do
something towards compensating countries, such as the
victims of the German state.

However, because sometimes the aggressor wasn’t created at

the time of the war, such as Israel being formed after world
wars; or the victim country wasn’t created at the time of the

Ilm al Umraniyat

war, such as Pakistan, India or China, this is difficult. There

are many other examples. The Muslim Caucasus states
weren’t in existence at the time of the Russian use of Ukraine
as a mega-slaughter house or giga-slaughter house.

The nature of capitalism is that it has three distinct elements.

First imperialism, where a country becomes stable and then
rich. Then communism, where a country learns to spread that
wealth equally. Then comes colonialism, where a country will
seek to subjugate other countries.

Gigamurder takes the form of the great satan (USA) inspired

by the lesser satan (Israel), but both these are themselves
effected upon the world in terms of imperial, communist and
colonial designs. What differentiates world war from global
war is that US waged world war but really it was Israel which
waged the global war on terror.

Ilm al Umraniyat

Capitalism, has a dimension of top-down (empire), in-out

(community) and bottom-up (colony). As does USA, as does

The eight calamities

The eight calamities:

1/ Imperialism- US- Muslim India

Israel- Africa

US- Native America

Israel- Slavery

2. Communism-US- Russia

Ilm al Umraniyat

Israel- China

3. Colonialism- US- World war

Israel- Global


Imperialism Nation-building

Continued Discontinued Communism Colonialism

Super- Failed

power states Legacy Mercantile Eastern Far- Anti- Islam

east Islam

Ilm al Umraniyat


1. Muslim India

A new world superpower is being created in global events, of

the past decades; India. However once upon a time Muslim
India was being subjugated and replaced by USA and it’s ally,
UK ie. Britain.

As Indians are the world’s biggest democracy it has been easy

to rise up and defeat capitalist warmongery for India, but, first
America and Britain were much smaller than India, poorer,
and had to orchestrate a policy of gigamurder.

2. Africa

Capitalism had led the world through imperial rule. Where it

failed was in slavery, in occupying the land in America (ie

Ilm al Umraniyat

Natives in USA). However, the biggest failure of USA is that

it continued to be a threat to world peace and never protected
it’s own lack of internal strength from negatively impacting,
even encroaching upon the human race.

The reason for this is that Jews and Christians had no country
at that time, in Europe only Christians lived; outside only
other faiths. So Jew decided to fight with Africa and force
them into christianity. Napolean was inspired by the idea that
Islam should be enslaved and used Muslims in the army.
Indeed Mamluks were a force to be reckoned with in the
Egyptian army, already.

3. Slavery

Today’s economic world exists with India and China as

dominant economic countries. The legacy of a now non-
Ilm al Umraniyat

christian USA still exists in military life, and according to

them, economically. However, this shadow-power was once a
world power or superpower. The discontinued power was
itself built upon a legacy of holocausts. The actual Native
American people were starved to death by millions if not
billions (maybe a half a billion over half a milllenium).

4. Mercantilism

Imperial rule in this country ie. on the British Isles in the

form of the English queen is causing much pain and suffering
in this world. Just take the Caribbean Islands as an example.
They are, and their heir apparent admits this, having their
noses rubbed in the legacy of slavery. They were raped and
forcibly converted too in Africa and brought to the America’s
as slaves (captives) to remain so.

Ilm al Umraniyat

Why was this easy for Prince Charles’ ancestors to do?

Because Europe was united in this; without the whole white
world united as such a cause was impossible. The actual
reason being it is seen as a revenge the Jews and Christians
take on Muslims, because Palestine is mentioned in the bible
before Israel ie. the table of nations mentions Canaan without
any reference to Israel.

Whereas it is in Africa which the Jews mercantilism has

caused the pain and suffering in the recent centuries, as they
looted South Africa for example for gold; it was not Jehova,
but rather Allah subhanahu wa ta Ala who freed the slaves of
Egypt, through Hazrat Musa (alaihi wasalam) thousands of
years ago, and this deliverance that they are jealous of, has
caused their jealousy for Malcolm X and others of our

Ilm al Umraniyat


1. Eastern

Why is the world intent on a war in Ukraine? Today, as the

world is led, economically by a communist superpower (as it
is, it is China who is killing Ukrainians) it is unable to regain
it’s relevance (ie. the west) and is being subjugated itself.

However, what is more pertinent is that the revolutionary

Russia in the early twentieth century had caused the triple
holocaust in Ukraine, where Muslims were assembled and
slaughtered, is conventional thinking about capitalism-
communism; it is possible to say, it was an upcoming
America which had created communism through it’s

Ilm al Umraniyat

2. Far Eastern

Communism in the Far East came at a cost to us Muslims. In

order for us to win the space race and the star wars, we had to
undertake a great leap. In China, we lost many millions of
lives. The economy of China was put through an agricultural
program such that it would feed it’s thirst for revolting. As I
have explained this is non-colonial nation-building and
Judaism is the root of the Marxist theory.

3. Islam

Islam bore the brunt of capitalism in that colonialism created

a war called world war against our Khilafah which at that
point spanned from East to West, with it’s capital as present
day Turkiye. Muslims therefore had not only central cities of
Arabia but also had great cities in Europe.

Ilm al Umraniyat

4. Anti-Islam

Present day war on the globe is unique for two reasons. For
forty years now:

1. It is nuclear military war not just imposition of


2. It is directed solely at Muslims and undeclared.

America is the perpetrator of this war since 1979, 43 years

ago. Nevertheless it is not the US who could have planned it,
since US is itself a Muslim idea at inception in essence. It is


Ilm al Umraniyat

If Muslims are against the isms of racism and sexism, it is

broadly speaking as against asabiyat. Tribalism itself becomes
nationalism and these are both incorrect social forms. The
roads to atheism are there and they are two. First, through
nationalism, such as Jewry make the mistake to commit but
also through secularism as Christians and we will see too,
Hindus act out.

As far as whether these eight tragedies will be furthered in the

future century it is worth knowing our own selves, our
motivations and to play a role in shaping them. Given as it is
the human race was a billion strong in around 1800, when the
US constitution was written (1787), and Israel-time
population of the Muslim Ummah was around 425 million of
two and a half billion.

Dejure government

Ilm al Umraniyat

A defacto state is not legal but fact, whereas a de jure

government is by right and jurisprudence. Compare Israel
with Palestine. De Jure Islamic government in Western
countries are another example of the history lesson of the
warfare states coming back to haunt them: fighting wars
against Muslims is the worse thing to have done.

Ilm al Umraniyat

3. The People Rate


Local National International

Local currency Population Prices Cost Econo- Globalisation

of mic

resources stability



As we scan over from calculation-based national-output to a

product and further adjustments, an increasing theorisation of

Ilm al Umraniyat

the subject is taking place. It starts with a notion of power and

in the end has given a notion of size. In between is the factor
of size/power of the economy.

1. A

2. B

3. A/B

We begin with a country’s national output and it’s population.

From here is calculated the personal wealth and then it’s
inverse. It is this inverse I will term the people rate. Just as
per capita is informative of how much a person gives; people
rate says how many a dollar requites ie. necessitates.

Obviously, this is a more cross-comparative or analytical

piece of information. We have gone from local to national to

Ilm al Umraniyat

international. It is an effective statistic as it is an effect of a

globalisation in the world and a global economy.

We will discuss, first the varying factors which are assumed

in people calculations. We will then show how gigaeconomics
and ultimately, gigapower arise from new ratios; simple
multiplications of wealth and population. This is, of course, a
mere reflection of wealth and and people interaction.

Personal wealth and gigaeconomic rate or ratio

Rate of Gigaeconomics a/b =c ………..c x b = a

Rate of Gigapower b/a = 1/c……...b x c = a

The first ratio, takes the plug from GDP per capita
calculation, and by a process of simply multiplying the per

Ilm al Umraniyat

capita GDP by it’s own denominator in it’s calculation ie. by

population; GDP can be found, ie. in reverse.

The second rate or ratio; takes the inspiration from a people

rate, whereby the actual inverse of per capita GDP has
inspired population first to be multiplied by GDP per capita;
this too gives GDP.

Management in a second

A- Praxis of the planet

There is no B

X- Hands-on

Y – Hands-off

Y – System

Z- Japanese
Ilm al Umraniyat

It is this second mathematical formula (population multiplied

by GDP per capita) which is called a ratio not a rate, a
gigapower formula not gigaeconomic formula; which is
inspired by people rate percentage.

People rate percentage

b/a = 1/c Pakistan- 18

India- 12

China- 5

UK- 2

USA- 2

The number of economic agents in the daily life of citizens is

estimated here. Assuming US is around 1, meaning an

Ilm al Umraniyat

American needs only to see one other face to fulfil his

economic needs. In UK, we need groups of three etc.

Population in billions/ GDP in billions

USA as an example

325 / 21,000 = 1/ 70,000 or .015 ie 2 percent

But instead of being measured in dollars as personal wealth,

it is how much of output is due to one, it is a percent rate of
how many people are due for certain economic assumptions.

Those assumptions are:

Iman- malnutrition and malnourishment means small family

sizes of say, four members

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Ibadaat – the right size of a country is based on the calamities

of history, one hundred million a go

Rasm – Normal expenses as affordable

Socio- we need to start making six-figure digit sums

Political – if we are to contribute even $25 per annum in

zakat we are to save $1,000 per annum

Extra assumptions:

Cash: income is 1:1

Expenses: Income is 1:2

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Countries are the size of calamities (100 million)

Saving: Income is 1:10

Income is $10,000 ie. $1,000 cash, $1,000 expenses and

$1,000 savings by three members


Local or Business National Public International

Popular Prices Interest sector or global

Factors stability governance

Muamalaat Ibadaat

Ilm al Umraniyat

If wealth and population are deemed to interact to create

economics and power as such, it can be opined that this is
power devoid of responsibility and the character of
magnanimity. To have real power we need a economic reality
where a situation of population and wealth interact and yield
real power. Wealth and wealth are not left to interact and
neither are people left to people. If it is possible it takes two
truths, gigaeconomics and gigapower.

If America has any allies such as UK, UK is three or four

times smaller than Pakistan. If Pakistan has three or four in a
group, we are ten times USA’s nearest ally. Our right to the
world’s resources are at least thrice. If only for every US
base, English medium school or institution, there were two
Pak-Indo-China would build.

Ilm al Umraniyat

If a superpower exists in the world and holds power over that

world and then wrongs everyone in that world it is no longer
worth calling a superpower. A new superpower can emerge in
the world if that new superpower is not existent at the time of
the wrongs being done. If a superpower wrongs all it ceases
to be a superpower, and if the new power is wronged by none
it can become a superpower.

Ilm al Umraniyat

4. Islamic sociology

As a Muslim, my sin is deemed by my enemy to be to have

worshipped my Creator, I do this daily, five times. Am I one
in ten? Do I compare favourably to the one in a hundred
Christians? Which one in ten am I, here in England? The one
in ten Africans slaughtered by them, the one in ten Native
Americans, or the one in ten of Muslim India’s citizens? Am I
of the USA’s one in ten slaves to imperialism and colonialism
that existed historically? Perhaps, I am the one in ten of the
Muslims in Ukraine when Russian revolution was taking
place? I am the one in ten of the human losses of the great
leap forward in China? Or am I the ten in ten of this world
war or that, or global war of terror which is being fought
lately? I am the one in ten of the human race having been
murdered by the system, here to replace it.

Ilm al Umraniyat


When you study history, you see, as an economist and a

student of societies; that there were in history many famines,
some of which caused the downfall of the cultures of the past.
One thing modern famines all have in common is that they
are, whether purposively or not, caused by Anglo-american
people. Famines can be cause or effect, single or double; the
reason for this classification is that famine is used to create in
cultures the ultimate good for a society’s economy:

The Christians of the past, in Europe, especially used to

believe the world and the love of God was brought about
relative to their enemies. To love one’s enemies was seen as a
form of worship. What does that mean in terms of famines
and the making of prosperous countries? The idea of
economics such is practised in Britain could be to either make

Ilm al Umraniyat

a famine in one country, it’s neighbour will prosper; or make

a country’s neighbour suffer famine so that the first country
prospers. Given Pakistan is close to Britain, perhaps this
second situation is why Afghanistan is in famine. The first
situation is if famine in Pakistan was sought to make India a

Using this logic, famine serves two purposes; first to block

other superpowers, then to create a superpower. This was the
case with West Africa, India and even, Russia. We see they
accuse China of doing this to the Muslim parts of the
seemingly “Islamic” superpower. The most well-known
example of this is, the mega-famine of Jews by Europeans in
the so-called holocaust, created dissatisfaction with Germany
and went as far as being the cause for usurping of vast
swathes of Palestine.

Ilm al Umraniyat

West Africa was a superpower with the richest countries on

earth before colonialism. The Malian kingdom were seafarers,
reputed to have discovered America, a thousand or so years
ago. If slavery were a human tragedy it was only possible
because of the annihilation of this superpower. It was only
afterwards that Europeans took the slaves from there. India
was a superpower with trade and surpluses, but when British
people colonised, not only did this subside but the door was
opened for the global assault against Islam. In Russia, we see
a victor of the space race. Nevertheless, once communists had
taken power, Ukraine became a slaughterhouse of millions.
China too, not only was the great leap forward a great famine,
but the oppression of millions of Muslims again, is justified
falsely by this same false pretence.

I can also give examples where non-Muslims did this to

themselves ie. Christians faminised other non-believers. The

Ilm al Umraniyat

Holocaust is one example I have already mentioned, but the

land of USA itself is an effect of a causal famine of Native
Americans by the million.

So this interplay of double famine and war is evidenced as

America is the perpetrator of a global war against Islam and
Muslims. Thus the cycle of rapine and aggression (war)
which fits nicely on the initial causal famine or precipitate
famine. The war of terror fits nicely with a narrative of not
having foreign superpowers and instead having famines in
those same countries which aren’t even necessarily our
neighbouring countries.


Islam brings a feeling of communality, universality and

brotherhood between all peoples. It has only suffered famines
Ilm al Umraniyat

but has never imposed any in history. In Islam, however,

nationalism too is deemed rotten, so the reaction to famine is
one which requires collective human effort.

Islam has our backs against world or global war and all the
complexes of tyranny and oppression, but what does Islam
teach about non-violent resistance or a philosophical
depiction of such enemies of our humanity? Enemies of the
Holy Qur’an are three: two from outside, Pharoah and
Haman. As well as this is Carun, from sectarianism. Pharoah
is the king or nationalism and his handy-man is Haman,
capitalism-communism. Thus the cause of famine is said to be
to have served other nations, such as former USSR or USA.


Ilm al Umraniyat

Islam will seek to conquer or to defend itself from

colonialism, through immigration, but before that, from
imperialism, through emigration. In the context of country’s
forming empires and then colonies; it is only justifiable
rationally for the colonised, a means of recompense, and
before this is a defence from it. Therefore emigration, mimics
the war against us, whereas immigration leads to integration,
assimilation and globalisation. Immigration is a need for
acceptance in another country. By contrast there is
phenomenon of economic immigration, termed emigration.
Here, the migrant leaves the country of residence, which is
often a colony as well as victimised through imperial rule. He
turns inward to the empire which has made for his
dependency and lives there, albeit with his old language and

Ilm al Umraniyat

Whereas the new form of immigration is emigration;

subjective, engendered as it is, the basic idea or gimmick of
immigration is only economic in ideation; the base idea,
immigration with it’s counter, reverse immigration remain
intact as systems of cultural change. What then is this non-
oppressive emigration? What good will it do? Is it a counter-
force in history?

A variation of immigration as we know it, which is deemed

part of some sort of hijrat or hijrah jihad to have been
undertaken, is emigration; the endogenous caused travel of
people from where we live (often colonised, warred upon,
faminised) to often that very same country, empire or cause of
famine. Nevertheless, it is a civil form of migration. The
migrant will come with his own language so in that sense it is
different from economic migration. It is different from the
other extreme of religious migration as somewhere in

Ilm al Umraniyat

between; which is a cause of the globalisation and the

divestment of global resources. It is cultural immigration in
the sense that emigration is not economic migration,
assimilation, annihilation or integration. It is more a step of
the migrant towards reparation and conquest, it has of late

Having differentiated endogenous caused famine or

precipitate famine and the wars that come out, which we have
linked to empire and colony (imperialism and colonialism),
there is an absorption in our frame of reference through
saying we are emigrants and we are not immigrants. We are
not only disavowing the economic imperative of our actions
but we are absorbing freedom of religion. Religious freedoms
come easily to us because of the economic agenda and
imperative mean there is more keenness towards the
precipitate factors of…

Ilm al Umraniyat

1. Economic factors, and

2. Finding religion and religious motivation

The sentiment and predicament of of Muslims on this part of

the world is tied intimately with the famines, even
meganuclear famine in other places in this same world.

A believer’s heart is for Allah only, His love, it is His garden,

and Allah created it for Himself. The sanctity of a life,
including the property and honour of such a believer is as
Holy as the Holy Ka’aba. To save one from heartbreak is the
reward of an accepted major pilgrimage.

Islam in the world

Ilm al Umraniyat

Islam, as an esoteric, spiritual and religious faith, is, with

Islam as an exoteric, economic, political and socially
organised Islamicate together, what can be recognised as our
faith, our creed. It is informed, in fact mainly by our
reinforcement of our closeness to Allah ta Ala, a closeness we
seek to establish in our iman in One God, five times a day in
prayer, one month in twelve in fasting, the fortieth of our
income (saving) and also if able, by pilgrimage to Allah’s

Having faith in our life, in our relationships, in the world and

all it’s trappings, then is not part of this transaction with God
Almighty. For example, being egoistic is neither encouraged
in our religion, nor is it part of our faith. Whether the
Pakistanis, Indonesians and the vast span of Middle Eastern
countries are part of the Islamicate is not really a matter
which is up for debate. Here in Iraq, Iran; Shite Islam. In

Ilm al Umraniyat

India, for example, 20-30% of people are praying to Allah, as

part of a caliphate of Islam, the Islamicate.

We see in Britain, Germany, France, even USA, tens of

millions of people praying to God Almighty and to no other in
such number, thus representing each country, 5- 10% of their
population (more than other religions in these countries).
Even in China, if only 2-3% are Muslim practitioners, it is
many million more than Buddhist adherents in Buddhist
temples every week, for a point of comparison. For those
governments who are practically Muslim as opposed to
Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, or like in Occupied Palestine,
Jewish in faith; it is like they get thrown out of this Islamicate
without good reason.

Whether due to the occupying government’s imposed rule, or

the falsity of their so-called religion outside of Islam, they are

Ilm al Umraniyat

seen as outside the fold of Islam and the corresponding safety

net. The Buddhists in Myanmar, the Hindus in Bharat, the
Jews in Palestine and the Christians in Europe and America
have done this to us. But why? Is it not valid to criticise the
Jew as Zionist, Israel as Apartheid; the Hindu or Buddhist as
extremist; the liberal democrat as practically Muslim not
Christian as such?

If these criticisms are levelled and accepted as such, the

countries such as India, Israel, UK, USA, China, France and
Germany can at least co-operate with Muslims and get along
with the Ummah. Further they may prove Dar al Islam if not
right away, eventually. India is actually Muslim india,
historically, as it was ruled by Muslims for almost all of the
last thousand years. So too is Israel and parts of China. Indeed
parts of Europe, too have been ruled by Muslims for half of

Ilm al Umraniyat

the last thousand years (Spain, Portugal, and parts of the

Mediterranean, France and Germany).

If we are to neglect our history, then surely we can

nevertheless, still accept our present reality. The idealogues
who war against us and have warred against us of the last
three or four decades, have no evidence that Islam isn’t our
dominant faith, here in the UK, France, Germany. Around one
in ten are praying to Allah Almighty as compared to one or
two percent in all other faiths. Soon the States will be in a
similar position as Muslims become the thirty million or ten
percent like in other similar liberal countries. Soon, in
Occupied Territories, Muslims will count as more numerous
than other faiths, as Muslims near ten million there (counting
Israel and Palestine together). These figures speak for
themselves, with no comparator religion:

Ilm al Umraniyat










We must stop worrying about going to water and learn to go

where the water is. The home is where the heart is and we
must go where the heart wants. It never wanted only the
House of David, it wanted the House of Islam; it never
wanted only India's Hinduism, it wanted the Rule of Islam; it
never wanted all of Europe, it wanted Cordoba; it never

Ilm al Umraniyat

wanted all of China, it wanted Turkestan. Shariah. Water, by

all means. Freedom, justice and equality; by any means

Ilm al Umraniyat

5. History
Compounds and civics

Does the compounding of our emotions and what not

originate in the elements as they are, lacking isolation and
specification? For example, is love, organic elements; respect,
metals; peace, non-metals; and honour, the noble gases etc?

If this is somewhat true, then is it possible the formation of

Ancient Pakistan took place, with the acceptance of herding
and animal-rearing (bringing milk, meat and an object of
sacrifice); as well as the creation of Ancient India to one side
and Ancient Elamite civilisation on the other?

Certainly, a zodiac is not metaphysical; a language’s alphabet

can be though. We need to search for our Ma’bood, not just

Ilm al Umraniyat

our Abd. Monotheism, Monolith, Monism, even Monasticism

are greatly important ideas when compared to polytheism,
composites, dualism and perversions. Indeed, in front of a
true spirituality, every materialism is confounded.


Physical Anthropology takes evidence from stone, metal,

organic compounds’ (ie. carbonised material such as charcoal)
evidence to gain knowledge about past societies, civilisations
and cultures. Whether there were cities in Ancient Pakistan
worthy of being called as altogether a country, is one of the
foundational questions, any anthropologist of the Indus Man
must ask. These ancient cities may or may not have included
a capital. There may or may not have enough of them to
constitute a type of country. These Pre-Jericho cities may

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have preceded Cairo and Babylon as a centre of civilisation in

this world too.

In fact, what modern Anthropologists accepts as the basis of

civilisation; Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, is questioned by this
theory. Like Peking Man, Homo Neanderthalensis and now
the Indus Man, the anthropological evidence for life on earth
or rather the paleontogical evidence for the early man on
earth and the first civilisation here on earth is possibly not
linking mankind to the Middle East as strictly and as sternly
as some might have previously suggested.


The focus of Paleolithic study is trees, fossils and charcoal

from ancient sites. Radiocarbon dating tells us how many half
lives (ie 5,370 years approximately) have passed since the
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physical evidence was formed; but the weight of the carbon is

halving as we neglect and fail to appreciate that other
societies than Peking Man, Java Man, Neanderthals etc. could
have been older than thought previously. If there is no
Pakistani paleontological evidence or study of the paleolithic
period in Ancient Pakistan, we cannot continue to assume it is
wrong to study the later periods of the anthropology of the
Ancient Indus Man. If we assume it is better to overlook the
tripartite theory for archaeology and pre-history and adopt a
new theory which is Pre-stone Age, we are left with two
major divisions: Pre-Metallurgical advances , there was the
Bronze Age. Post-Metallurgical advances, there was the Iron
Age, and then there was modern life as we know it.

It is in this theory which has created rupture of Metal-

working (called “Dhaat” in Urdu) in human culture and can
shed light of enormous proportion on our knowledge of

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Prehistorical man. I am not implicating a lack of a Stone Age

for the Indus Man, rather assuming a question of a detailed
analysis of what was the metalwork done by the Indus Man;
and answering why and how exactly did it culminate in the
prehistorical developments that took place in the life-cycle of
the Indus Man. Was Ancient India an effect of the
metallurgical advancement of Ancient Pakistan?

I don’t deny the Mesolithic or Neolithic periods of

development of the Indus Man in Ancient Pakistan but rather
acknowledge it is easier to study the smaller dates in
kiloannum before present, than the larger ones. First, a theory
for why India is so profoundly dualistic in nature and
upbringing. If we look at the present Paleontology; science
tells us Assyria (including Palestine in the South) and
Babylon (including Talmudic lands) and Caira (including

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Ancient Egypt) are the ABC of civilisations and cultures. This

is not other than the fact of the ABC of Islamic civilisations.

What has happened in the growth of Asian economic

developments and the growth of Anthropology has itself led
to new questions being asked and new avenues being
explored of our knowledge of Prehistorical Asians: Peking
Man, Java Man, and now the Indus Man, are recent additions
to the Neanderthal man, and other areas of the world, too,
have their own prehistories for the study of the generations.

These add to our knowledge of Ancient man which is based

on sources such as emanate from the ancient East and Middle

The question of whether the Indus Man, Ancient India, Java

Man or Peking Man, came first, is then put on hold on a
sidelined train of thought. We can then concentrate on the

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idea that it is revolution fro one mode of production, to

another, the next; which is want to study in Anthropology.
Stage one is paleontological revolution, by this I mean
moving from the Stone Age to the age of post-Neolithic
development. This is Stage one of metallurgy as prehistory.
Stage two is moving from this Bronze, Brass or Charcolithic
to the Iron Age or a further development of metallurgy. Here
the metals are mixed; whereas Stage one is about the use of
lighter metals, Stage two is about harder metals. Whereas
Stage one is about brittle metals, Stage two is about heavy

The colours of the two Stages is also different; whereas Stage

one goes darker into reds, browns and golds; Stage two is
about lighter colours such as are white, silver and metallic.

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It is this revolutionary theory which will allow us to say that

what we have and know of the Indus Man is about the two
revolutions or nodes of production. It tacitly implies that if
the Indus Man is two-fold ie. Dawlah al Islam (ie a Muslim
country we call Pakistan) and Dar al Islam (ie. a former
Muslim country we say is Hindustan), it may well prove
beneficial to note the division or at least, the terms of the
division and the causes of the precipitative of the two stages.

My theory isn’t that the Indus Man is actually a Muslim who

has all but apostated in a great respect thousands of years ago.
This we say is in a reaction to Ancient Babylon, Arabia,
Canaan and Egypt being formed.

Alloys and Polities

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Without knowing the precise formula for translation of human

emotions from the elements it may be possible to
acknowledge that the right and responsibility of a human
beings existence are given as such.

Given the cities of human life in existence in the Bronze Age

were formed of such people who were citizens with rights and
responsibilities, is it not possible to say it was the
composition of metal alloys that led to the development of

If to Copper, we add Tin or Zinc, to create alternatively

Bronze or Brass, has this simply coincided with the
“Patriarchs” and their altruism, self-sacrifice and stories such
as highlighting the vitality of sacrifice?

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Around the same time as the Biblical Patriarchs, it can be

observed the religion of the Indus Man is partly pagan and
pre-Islamic and also shows signs of Early Islam.

Nevertheless, before the end of the prehistorical period, we

not that the Indus Man has a type of Duty (Dharma), the
beginnings of his own religion. The Rigveda shows this
development first, in the Punjab as Ramayana, and
Mahabharata shows a full Ancient India.

As we know of the Great Famine of the Indus Man as a cause

of his hunger for selfhood and fulfilling duty (Sikhi calls the
economic, “Dharam da kirat karna”), it can be said that the
economic agenda is paramount and that so is culinary life.

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Which utensil we use to cook, prepare and even eat food is

concurrent with our normal tools and even weapons. In the
Stone Age we had old “Stone Tavey” (stone oven areas); then
clay ovens, and now we use metals. To cook today we use no
longer the brittle, light-coloured metal but harder, reflective
metals such as steel. Without separating Stages one and two it
will be easy to construct a theory of Zaat from this Dhaat-
work or the metalwork of prehistory:

Indus Man: No famine, statues nor dharam. Flour from small

grain, meat sacrifice.

Post-Indus Man: Dharmic, iconic. Flour from large grains and

rice. No oblation.

The Indus Man is a monolithic and overt metallurgical

period. Afterwards is a composite and avert period. In other
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words, oblation and ablution are present in the Indus Man

period but the theory of the Indus Man is completed with the
composition of metals. Without the overt revolution there is
no avert revolution. By this I mean, Paleontology is ended by
the overt revolution and only then is the aversion of the
Bronze Age. Ceramics, wood and other natural materials are
all in use but by now it is a lack of double-take of metal
composition which is seen as averted by the composite metal,

The Indus Man (TIM)’s culture is informed of pure, raw from

the earth as it is, by non-chemical extraction. Metals from ore
etc. The composite is not found in earth naturally of which we
see Zaat paat and dharam.

Rights and responsibilities

Ilm al Umraniyat

When the first country of human history was formed it is

unlikely we will know because of the many civilisations it is
hard to know exactly when they were formed; was it Egypt,
Palestine, Syria, Babylon (Iraq), in the Middle East; or
Beijing in China. Perhaps Indus Man preceded all, even
Neanderthals in Europe, Mayans in the Americas and others
still in South East Asia. I say this because of the evidence of
the Vidya of wars waged by citizens of areas of Punjab.

Ancient Pakistan was always peace-loving, indeed, we had

weapons but as well as being sword-fashioners, we were
peace-makers. We ensured the Vidya etc. were written by the

If there is a parable of Islam over other faiths in their guns but

our numbers it is such as in the West we dominate by number
of followers. Back in the Pak-Ind Subcontinent, it is reversed.

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It is their numbers which have shown millions of Muslims

born yearly too.

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6. The future


Neolithic Stone Age

Bronze Age

Iron Age

Modern Age – Early



The future The computer

age (Late)

Node of production

Stages one and two



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The modern era

The revolutionary

The future

Countries of the world

It has been said by many that Ancient Pakistan should be

acknowledged as greater than all other civilisations, just as
the pen is mightier than the sword. Today as countries of the
world have enough firepower to destroy us all, this is never
more relevant.

Nevertheless, it is our powerlessness which is too relevant.

We are helpless in front of a barrage of nuclear bombs. Only
knowing to believe in Allah and the Last Day and to
remember Allah often, we must accept that Qiyamat, the end
of the world is taking place.

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We must think of our coming conquering generations. They

are surviving this great or global war and we mustn’t let them
inherit wars such as Af-Pak. We must instead bequeath them
UK and USA.

“Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for

him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day, and
remembereth Allah much.”

The Holy Qur’an (Translation) 33:21


Revolution 1- Stone age to Bronze age

Life before Rasulallah (SWS)

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Revolution 2- Bronze age to Iron age

Early Islam

Revolution 3- Iron age to modernity

Islam- Coming of Rasulallah (SWS)

Android and cyberoid

Assyrians, Babylonians, Greek and Romans; witness two

risings and also two demises of the Early Muslims of Ancient
Palestine, after which is a period of Intishar (Diasporic
period). As Muslims it is possible to conceive of the two
risings as Stone age turning into Bronze age (ie. the invention
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of Bronze), and the Bronze age turning into the Iron age (ie
the invention of Iron); the two demises seen as the religions
of Christianity and Islam and the age of respective Prophets.
They do not, however represent cognitive and agricultural
revolutions, followed by scientific, as others have suggested.

In so suggesting this, the revolution of science is of the Last

Prophet (SWS). They have indeed lost out from Assyria and
Babel, but now Greece and Rome (Nazis and Fascists) will
keep them as occupier in Middle East. Nevertheless, Greek
knowledge will bring Judaism closer to Islam as a new
religion of peace as will Roman. Android (Information age)
and Cybroid (Algorithmism) will not change that.

Silicon Valleys

What characterises the future as revolutionary is that the Late

Islamic period as opposed to the historial Islamic period,

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leaves historical developments such as cars, planes, spacecraft

and nuclear wars, behind.

According to the above breakdown, life on earth has two

Golden Ages in islam. Knowing Islam we know of the
Golden Age but how does mode, node and means of
production develop to find a new way of sustenance and
providence? We had stone, bronze and iron, now what?

Silicon. A semi-conductive material giving us what we know

as electric power. The silicon chip being non-resistant to heat,
can revolutionise our metals as it allows us to harness nature
by electrical energy passing without problem. Silion valleys
will grow such as in Karachi, and corresponding intellectual
centres such as Islamabad. In Hindustan, Bangalore and

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There are two household inventions of the computer age, the

personal or programmed computer, and the smart phone
telecommunication devices, are the tools, weapons and
utensils which don’t necessitate the old famines, wars and
problems. Both run on the microprocessor chip containing
silicon, integrated circuits made in wafers in water at first and
then sliced off giving microchips.

State and government

In the various forms of State and government, there are De

facto, Bil Haq; and De jure, Bil Fa’l: similar to the occupation
of Palestine and the liberation of London.

There are two rejoinders to be warned of with these. Firstly is

that in Bil haq, we just sit down and do nothing; make no
effort, culturally nor militarily to defeat the occupation.
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Conversely, with Bil fa’l, we just try too hard to take for
granted our own system of rule and aim too high for ourselves
as individuals.

OFB 1443

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