Dragon Magazine 362 (Unofficial Compilation)

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Dragon #362

We’re less than five months away from the launch of

4th Edition. This issue continues to feature exclusive
glimpses of 4th Edition, and more articles that will
prepare you for the new game. In addition, we’ve
started our Countdown to the Realms of 4th Edition,
and more articles detailing what the Forgotten Realms
will look like in a few months.

Countdown to the Realms Sneak Attack!

Year of the Ageless One Ampersand
Dragon Features If you’re going to attend D&D Experience, say
Cities burned, kingdoms fell, luckless people hello to the gang for me. In the meantime, enjoy
were changed into monsters, and mages went this surprise peek at the rogue. Hurry, though.
berserk. This was the Spellplague, a rippling You know how sneaky the rogue can be....
outbreak of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of by Bill Slavicsek
magical catastrophes that left no corner of
Faerûn untouched.
b Ri h B k
Countdown to the Realms The Devil's in the Details
Magic in the Forgotten Realms Ampersand
Dragon Features Bill's generosity knows no bounds ... or maybe
Magical power and fantastic features abound in this is just because of that pesky pact he signed
the Forgotten Realms. If fact, the Realms are so with Asmodeus. Oh well, as long we get to reap
awash with magic that the world proved the rewards. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the pit
particularly vulnerable to a plague that fed on fiend.
magic itself. by Bill Slavicsek
by Bruce Cordell
Countdown to the Realms D&D Resolutions
Spellplague: The Wailing Years Confessions of a Full-Time Wizard
Dragon Features It's a New Year, and Shelly has vowed to improve
The Wailing Years were a time of storms that herself ... at the D&D table.
brought with them great change to the Realms. by Shelly Mazzanoble
Learn more about this time in a timeline, plus
some further information regarding Cormyr and
the Vilhon Reach.
by Brian James
Elder Evils: Shothragot The Down & Under Adventurer
Dragon Features Confessions of a Full-Time Wizard
Shothragot is at work, and it intends to do what it Our Full-Time Wizard has left the country for
must to reunite with Tharizdun. Take a look at danger and adventure Down Under. So what has
this elder evil and perhaps add it to your D&D taught her about traveling to the world's
campaign so that it ends with a memorable deadliest continent?
session (or perhaps several sessions!). by Shelly Mazzanoble
by Robert J. Schwalb, Art by Ryan Barger

Grand History of the Realms Death and Dying

The Moonshaes or “How We Learned to Stop Worrying and
Dragon Features Love Negative Hit Points”
From the Days of Thunder to the impending Design & Development
Spellplague, The Grand History of the Realms Character death is one of the ultimate threats in
presents the definitive chronology of the any RPG, and D&D is no exception. Today we
Forgotten Realms setting. Some corners of the look at the 4th Edition rules for death and dying
Realms, such as the Moonshae Isles, still hold (hint: it can still happen!), and the process it took
their secrets. to find them.
The Eye of Madness Halflings
Tyrants of the Feydark Design & Development
Dragon Features Rivers and streams crisscross the world, and
The Feywild has its own Underdark -- the upon these waterways, the nomadic halflings
Feydark -- and large portions of it are ruled by the quietly do the same. Learn more about the 4th
evil, tyrannical formorians. Get a first glimpse into Edition version of this race, whose talents (and
their terrible kingdoms here. charms) run toward sneakiness and craftiness.
by Chris Youngs by Chris Sims

Zeitgeists Magic Item Slots
Dragon Features Design & Development
Explore the idea of zeitgeists (or the spirit of the Magic items are almost as much a part of D&D
time), plus grab some ideas on how to make this as dungeons and dragons. Get a look at the
concept work for you in your campaign. magic item slots in 4th Edition, and some of the
by Hal Maclean design insight behind the changes to the system.
by Logan Bonner

Dragon Editorial
I've always been something of a risk taker with
my D&D characters. I'd volunteer to be the guy
who opened the door or the chest, even though I
was nearly certain to pay the consequences.
Sometimes, said consequences took
unexpected turns....
by Chris Thomasson

Part 2: Success and Decline in the Living City

RPGA Report
From its humble beginnings in the late '80s as an
alternative play experience to the
tournament-style convention play the RPGA was
offering, Living City grew to become the most
popular program the RPGA had yet seen.
by Chris Tulach

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Countdown to the Realms
Year of the Ageless One
by Rich Baker

The Realms of 1479 DR

Ninety-four years ago, Mystra perished and the world went mad.

Unchecked, ungoverned, the raw stuff of wild magic danced across the world, wreaking terrible destruction.
Cities burned, kingdoms fell, luckless people were changed into monsters, and mages went berserk. This was
the Spellplague, a rippling outbreak of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of magical catastrophes that left no corner
of Faerûn untouched. For almost ten years new outbreaks appeared here and there, striking randomly and
without warning. Wherever they struck, chaos reigned.

During the Year of Blue Fire and the terrible years that followed, heroes all over Faerûn battled to contain the
magical plague. In some places they succeeded; in others, they failed and died horribly. Places guarded by
powerful, persistent magical wards were largely unharmed; the Spellplague flowed around mythals and other
such mighty enchantments. But even then, some mythal-guarded sites fell prey to invasions of plaguechanged
monsters or the spells of maddened archmages. No place was truly safe.

In many places, the Spellplague wrought drastic changes to the very shape of the world. The vast Underdark
system beneath the western Shaar suffered a calamitous collapse, leaving a miles-deep pit the size of a country
where the Landrise once ran. Thay’s forbidding plateaus were lifted thousands of feet higher, leaving many of its
cities in ruins. The Priador and eastern Thesk are a maze of monster-haunted foothills beneath Thay’s daunting
ramparts now. Fencelike ridges of glass spires, drifting earthmotes covered in weird aerial forests, towering
mesas of whorled stone… all over Faerûn magical landscapes are interspersed with the common rock and root of
the lands that existed before. Even in countries that survived the Spellplague more or less intact, these
“changelands” stand as striking new landmarks—landmarks that sometimes harbor monsters never before seen
in Faerûn.

In time, the fury of the Spellplague burned itself out. New outbreaks became fewer and weaker, and finally
seemed to cease altogether. Pockets of “live” Spellplague still exist in a few places known as plaguelands; one of
the largest is a vast waste known as the Changing Lands, where Sespech and Chondath used to be. Few people
dare to enter such places, but from time to time they disgorge horribly mutated monsters, tormenting the lands
nearby. No new plaguelands have appeared in decades now, and some seem to be weakening as the years
pass. But the damage has already been done.

No one will ever be able to create a comprehensive chronology of where and when each outbreak struck, or how
each town and city fared through the chaos of the Plague Years. Countless thousands of people fled from each
new outbreak, migrating here and there across the continent. War, rebellion, and brigandage reigned unchecked.
Mad prophets walked the world, preaching that the Spellplague was the wrath of this god or that and demanding
repentance, sacrifice, or holy war in atonement. Anarchy descended over most kingdoms and lasted for a
generation or more before some semblance of authority was reestablished. The world that emerged from the
Plague Years was not the same Faerûn.

The Sword Coast

The Spellplague left the cities of the Sword Coast almost unscathed. Perhaps it was attenuated by the lingering
high magic of ancient Illefarn, perhaps it was deflected by the efforts of mighty heroes, or perhaps sheer chance
steered the magical contagion away from the Sea of Swords; however it happened, the Sword Coast looks much
as it did a hundred years ago.

In Waterdeep the great walking statues hidden within the city arose for a single day and wrecked several wards,
only to suddenly halt where they stood when the Spellplague’s influence retreated again. To this day the
towering colossi remain standing where they were at that moment, while the city has been rebuilt around their
stony waists. Waterdeep is still governed by its Lords, advised by the Blackstaff—the most powerful mage of
Blackstaff Tower, heir to the lore of the mighty Khelben. The city remains a hub of trade and commerce; all roads
lead to Waterdeep, or so it is said.

To the south, the city of Baldur’s Gate became a refuge for countless thousands fleeing the ruin wrought by the
Spellplague in the lands south of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Where other cities and lands turned away such
refugees, Baldur’s Gate tolerated them… and now, almost a century later, it is the largest city in Faerûn,
sprawling for mile after mile along the banks of the Chionthar. Each group of refugees created their own
neighborhood under the walls of the previous immigrants’ districts, and the city is a mad patchwork of crowded
neighborhoods, each dominated by a single race or human ethnicity such as dwarf, halfling, gnome, Turmic, or

Across the Sea of Swords, the Moonshaes have fallen into a patchwork of small kingdoms. Caer Calidyrr still
stands as the chief kingdom of the native Moonshavians (the Ffolk), but over the last century the powerful
mainland realm of Amn has set its sights on this land. Amnite merchant-lords control much of the large island of
Gwynneth, while the warlike Northlanders hold Oman and Norland. The Feywild, the realm of Faerie, lies close to
Faerûn here, and from its shadows a dire new threat is gathering—the terrible fomorians, who dream of sweeping
away the human kingdoms and subjugating the islands beneath their mighty fists.

The Empire of Netheril

Between the North and the Moonsea Lands lies a land under the dominion of shadow. The reborn Empire of
Netheril now lies in the basin that once held the desert Anauroch. The new Netheril claims all of the lands that
ancient Netheril once occupied, and seeks to dominate Faerûn just as ancient Netheril did twenty centuries ago.
Much of Anauroch’s vast basin is still desolate wasteland, but the lords of Netheril have spent decades weaving
mighty spells to summon water to the parched lands and fill the empty skies with rain. Slowly but surely,
grassland grows over the dunes, and young forests cover the stony barrens.

Netheril is a magical tyranny, governed by a noble caste of shades—powerful human mages and lords who have
exchanged their mortal essences for the stuff of shadow. Beneath the shade lords are the citizens of Shade, the
ancient city-state that fled into the plane of Shadow when the old empire fell and survived many centuries in dark
exile. They are a race of ambitious and masterful humans who strive to advance the power of their realm, hoping
to earn the reward of transformation into undying shades themselves. When folk of other lands refer to “the
Netherese,” they mean the people of Shade, both human and shadow-transformed.

Decades ago, the Netherese subjugated the nomads of Anauroch and many of the savage humanoid tribes
inhabiting the desert. More importantly, the Netherese seized control of the wealthy nation of Sembia in the
Twilight War just before the advent of the Spellplague, and they have not relinquished it since. Sembia is the
crown jewel of the Empire of Netheril, and provides the Netherese with the wealth and manpower they need to
bring more of Faerûn under their control. Only the fragile alliance of Myth Drannor, Cormyr, Evereska, and Luruar
checks Netheril’s further expansion… and Netherese diplomats and agents work constantly to break the alliance

While Netheril claims all of Anauroch and the neighboring lands, the Netherese are still few in number, and great
portions of this desolate land are left to ruins and monsters. The ruined cities of old Netheril and the Underdark
caverns of the monstrous phaerimm (now all but extirpated from the Realms) hold many secrets the shades want
to remain hidden, and ancient treasures they seek desperately to recover.

Imperial Cormyr

Cormyr is a strong, stable kingdom that has benefited from back-to-back reigns by very capable monarchs. Azoun
V, born in the troubling times at the end of his grandfather’s reign, went on to become a just, wise, and long-lived
ruler. Under his rule Cormyr quickly recovered from the chaos of the Plague Years. Azoun V successfully resisted
Netheril’s efforts to bring Cormyr under its domionion, and he fought Netherese-sponsored Sembia to a stalemate
in a war 40 years ago, preserving Cormyr from Sembia’s fate. Late in his reign, Azoun V enacted a new code of
laws that restrained the power of Cormyr’s restless nobility and established rights for commoners oppressed by
nobles. His son Foril is now king of Cormyr.

Foril has ruled for 30 years now, and while he is not the legendary warrior his great-grandfather was or the
brilliant law-giver his father was, he is a shrewd statesman and administrator. Foril continued his father’s reforms,
and authored the alliance of powers that keeps Netheril at bay. Standing between Sembia and Netheril, Cormyr’s
best security lies in firm alliance with Myth Drannor and the Dalelands. Cormyr is wealthier and more powerful
than it’s been in centuries, largely due to the foresight and determination of the Obarskyrs.

Cormyr now controls Daerlun and Urmlaspyr, two formerly Sembian cities that managed to break away from that
realm before the Netherese yoke settled completely over them. During the chaos of the Spellplague and the
years that followed, the small cities on the southern shore of the Dragonmere turned to Cormyr for protection.
Only ten years ago, the thief-ruled city of Proskur proved so obnoxious to the Forest Kingdom’s growing trade
and prosperity that King Foril brought it under Cormyr’s authority as well. Not all of these territories are content
under Cormyrean rule.

Adventurers in the service of the Crown find plenty of excitement in the Stonelands, the Tunlands, and the
Stormhorns, where various monsters and savage tribes (some secretly sponsored by Netheril) cause no small
amount of trouble.

Tymanther, Land of the Dragon Warriors

Along the shore of the Alamber Sea, old Unther was swept away by a catastrophic outbreak of the Spellplague.
Where once ancient Unther stood now stands an arid mesa-land inhabited by draconic humanoids calling
themselves dragonborn. This is the realm of Tymanther. The dragonborn have proven to be a proud, martial
race, and in the decades since the Year of Blue Fire they have slowly tamed the ruined changeland from the

Riders to the Sky all the way to the Black Ash Plain.

Some say that the dragonborn are creations of Tiamat, hatched from vast incubators hidden beneath temples of
the dragon-goddess in the cities of Unther. Others believe that the dragonborn are descended from the human
population of the old empire, changed by the touch of the Spellplague into something no longer human. But the
truth of the matter is even stranger: As it did in many other places in Faerûn, the Spellplague opened the door to
some other realm entirely, wrenching the aeries and castles of the dragonborn from their native land—wherever
that once was—and depositing them amid the chaos of devastated Unther.

The dragonborn of Tymanther are highly militarized, and the “lords” of the land are those dragonborn who have
proven themselves capable of leading their fellows. It is a harsh and unforgiving meritocracy, and each of the
kingdom’s great clans is organized more like an army than a noble house. In the world from which they came, the
dragonborn fought many terrible wars against true dragons, and they still harbor an ancestral hate for the winged

Tymanther lies atop the rubble of ancient Unther, and Untheric ruins are common throughout the land. Even in its
decline, Unther was a rich and populous land, and many palaces and treasure vaults of the God-King’s favorites
still wait to be discovered. In other places, broken cities carried into Faerûn from Tymanther’s appearance are
likewise storehouses of gold, gems, and magical artifacts. Unfortunately, many powerful monsters settled into
these Untheric and Tymantheran ruins during the Plague Years, and still pose a deadly threat to those who delve
too deeply.

The Changed World

This brief discussion touches on only a few of Faerûn’s myriad kingdoms and peoples. It’s a quick sketch of how
a century has changed several familiar lands, and a look at one new land that has arisen during that time. Many
of Faerûn’s most iconic locales are still what they were a century ago; wood elves still roam the High Forest, and
pirates still sail the Sea of Fallen Stars. Other places such as Unther have changed drastically, as described
above. But above all Faerûn remains a land of high magic, terrifying monsters, ancient ruins, and hidden
wonders—the essential fantasy world for your players to explore.

In upcoming previews, we’ll take a more thorough look at other aspects of the new Faerûn—the fate of the
Chosen, the nature of the pantheon, how magic has changed in the world, and an introduction to some of the
new threats that now menace Faerûn. Good fortune and good adventuring until next time!

About the Author

A former officer in the US Navy, Rich Baker has been a game designer since 1991. He has written or
contributed to more than 70 game products, including 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons and Axis & Allies
Miniatures. He is also the author of eight Forgotten Realms novels, including the New York Times bestseller

Rich married his college sweetheart, Kim, in 1991; they have two daughters, Alex and Hannah. Rich’s interests
include Golden Age SF, military history, hiking in the Cascades, wargaming, and the Philadelphia Phillies.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Countdown to the Realms
Magic in the Forgotten Realms
by Bruce Cordell

Magical power and fantastic features abound in the Forgotten Realms. Arcane secrets whisper to those with the
ears to hear in the eons-long movement of the continents, in rushing river rapids, in every inhalation of beasts
great and small, and in the sighing cries of the wind. Raw magic is the wild stuff of creation itself, the mute and
mindless will of being, suffusing every bit of matter and coursing within every manifestation of energy throughout
the world.

Wizards, warlocks, clerics, sorcerers, bards, paladins, and even rogues, fighters, rangers, and other adventurers
call upon personally derived threads of magic to cast mighty spells, enforce pacts with enigmatic entities, heal
injury, ward against evil, or accomplish physical feats that transcend purely mortal means.

Dangerous monsters, too, call up frightful magic to accomplish their deceitful ends. Aberrations spawned by
ancient magic seethe below the earth and above it, hungry for flesh and knowledge alike, waiting for the chance
to feed. Dragons whose blood runs with magic wield abilities so potent that gods and primordials alike fear to
face the most ancient of these mighty beings. Undead fuel their mind and protect their corpses from dissolution
by powerful necromantic rituals, especially liches, whose never-ending acquisition of arcane knowledge has
propelled more than a few into contention with divine designs.

Indeed, magic is so bountiful in Abeir-Toril that even the land bristles with fantastic landscapes. Great motes of
free-hanging earth balance on nothing but air, amazing all those who chance upon these mighty demonstrations
of nature’s glory.

If fact, the Realms are so awash with magic that the world proved particularly vulnerable to a plague that fed on
magic itself.

The Year of Blue Fire

“Learn ye well the lesson of the pebble that begets a landslide. Likewise a single betrayal unleashed the
Spellplague, whose consequences yet dance and stagger across Toril, and beyond.”
--Elminster of Shadowdale, 1479 DR, Year of the Ageless One

An appalling magical event called the Spellplague afflicted (and still afflicts) the world in 1385 DR.

Despite its name, the Spellplague was much more than a disease. For one, it did not restrict itself to mere flesh.
All things were meat to the Spellplague’s insatiable hunger—flesh, stone, magic, space, and perhaps even the
flow of time was suborned. The world of Toril, its lost sibling Abeir, and even the planes themselves were infected
with a plague of change.

Most suppose the Spellplague was the direct result of the goddess of magic’s murder at the hands of the god
Cyric. Some whisper that Mystra’s death was achieved through the machinations of the goddess Shar, with Cyric
her unwitting stooge.

This theory holds that the world’s magic was held so long in Mystra’s Weave that when the Weave lost its
weaver, magic spontaneously and ruinously burst its bonds. Areas of wild magic, already outside the constraints
of the Weave, touched off first when their boundaries misted suddenly away. But eventually, few parts of Toril
and the planes beyond were unaffected.

The plague raged on and on in ever-widening spirals, leaving some places completely untouched (such as many
northern lands of Faerûn, including Cormyr and the Swordcoast), and radically altering others (such as
Muhorand, Unther, and points south). The plague passed into the realms of demons, gods, and lost souls—
dividing some realms, joining others, and generally seeding chaos.

Near-mythical realms that had passed beyond easy reach were pulled back, such as the Feywild (called Faerie in
ancient days). The home of demons fell through the cosmology, unleashing swarming evil before the Abyss found
its new home beneath the Elemental Chaos.

Even the long forgotten world of Abeir burned in the plague of spells, despite having been unreachable and cut
off from Faerûn for tens of millennia. Portions of Abeir’s landscape were transposed with areas of Toril in the
disaster. Such landscapes included their living populations, and thus places such as Akanûl and Tymanther lie as
if new-birthed on Faerûn’s face. Across the Trackless Sea, and entire continent of the lost realm reappeared
(called Returned Abeir) subsuming the continent of Maztica.

The Spellplague was a potent direct agent of change, but it also set off a string of secondary catastrophes.

Effects on the Weave
For eons, the use of magic in Faerûn was focused through a god of magic, most recently Mystra. Except for
certain Netherese wizards of ancient days who learned the truth, most believed that no magic would be possible
without such a deity. However, with the death of Mystra and jealous Shar suppressing the ascension of a new
deity of magic, it became common knowledge that magic is accessible without a god to control and codify it. Now
when a spellcaster speaks of the Weave, she is just using another term for magic.

Effects on the Shadow Weave

Just as Mystra controlled the Weave, the goddess Shar controlled the Shadow Weave. Not satisfied with her
portion, Shar plotted to seize control of both. She miscalculated. When Cyric murdered Mystra, the Weave
collapsed so completely that Shar not only failed to gather up the fraying threads, she also lost control over the
Shadow Weave.

Just as magic persists without Mystra, so does the dusky power of shadow endure without Shar acting as an
intermediary. Powerful necromancers have developed their own unique methods for accessing the dim energies
of the Shadowfell.

Effect on Spellcasters
Many creatures that learned to cast spells and channel magic with Mystra’s Weave found themselves powerless
in the Spellplague’s wake. Some never regained their power. Others worked to attune themselves to the new
magical environment. Many required years to regain this facility, while others never regained the knack. Others
took shortcuts to reaquire the power they’d lost, swearing questionable pacts to enigmatic beings in return for the
ability to utilize arcane powers.

Today, spellcasters access magic through a dizzying array of methods. Some murmur spells and incant rituals,
some forge arcane bargains, and others pray for intervention. In truth, it seems that magic can be accessed in
more ways than ever before, fueled by newfound knowledge of arcane, shadow, primal, and other sources of

Effect on Items
Most magic items that permanently store magic, such as magic swords, cloaks, and boots, survived the
Spellplague and continue to operate normally. Permanent access to magic was "installed" in these devices when
they were created, so even though the Weave was used in their making, the Weave no longer played any part in
their continuing operation. That said, some items that temporarily stored “charges” of magic, such as wands and
staffs created prior to the Spellplague, no longer work. If such items do work, they no longer work in the same

The secret of making magic items in a post-Weave world was relearned decades ago. Magic items are as
plentiful as ever, as desperately sought by doughty adventurers, and as mysterious as they ever were.

Effects on the Landscape

Where magic was completely loosed, the Spellplague ate through stone and earth as readily as bone and spell.
Broad portions of Faerûn’s surface collapsed into the Underdark, partially draining the Sea of Fallen Stars into
the Glimmer Sea far below (and leaving behind a continent-sized pit called the Underchasm). The event
splintered several of the Old Empires south of the drained sea into a wildscape of towering mesas, bottomless
ravines, and cloud-scraping spires (further erasing evidence of the lands and kingdoms once situated there).
Historical lands most changed by the Spellplague include Mulhorand, Unther, Chondath, and portions of
Aglarond, the Sea of Fallen Stars, and the Shaar. What was once called Halruaa detonated and was destroyed
when every inscribed and prepared spell in the nation went off simultaneously. This explosion was partly to
blame for destroying the land bridge between Chult and the Shining South—only a scattered archipelago

Tendrils of the Change Plague reached many other corners of Faerûn, sometimes directly across the landscape,
othertimes bypassing great swathes of land by infecting both sides of the many two-way portals that once dotted
the world.

Pockets of active Spellplague still exist today, most famously in the Changing Land. Referred to as plaguelands,
each one is strange and dangerous. No two possess the exact same landscape or features, save for the fact that
entering could lead one to be infected by the Spellplague. Luckily, remnant plaguelands possess only a fraction
of the vigor demonstrated in the Spellplague’s initial appearance. These lingering Spellplague pockets are
secreted away in hard-to-reach locales, often surrounded by twisted no-man’s land. Most of Faerûn and
Returned Abeir are entirely free of such pockets, though the plaguechanged and spellscarred may appear in any

Effects on Creatures
When the initial wave of Spellplague infected a creature, object, or spell, the target usually dissolved into so
much glowing, dissipating ash. However, sometimes living creatures survived the plague's touch but were
altered, twisted, or fused to another creature or even a portion of the landscape. The initial Change Plague wave
had no regard for boundaries or species, or the ability of a changed entity to survive with its new form, powers,
and limitations. The most unlucky of these mewling, hideously changed survivors perished within a few days.

Luckily, the initial wave directly touched relatively few parts of Toril and Abeir. Moreover, not all creatures,
objects, or spells touched by the original Spellplague were doomed, but to have survived meant having to accept
change. Living creatures so affected are differentiated into two broad groups: plaguechanged and spellscarred.

A massive change in body and mind marks a creature that has survived contact with the original
wave of the Spellplague during the Year of Blue Fire. Such survivors are called the
Plaguechanged. Extreme alterations forge potent monstrosities in even the meekest flesh.
Plaguechanged creatures are monsters, driven slightly insane by the viciousness of their
metamorphosis. Few of this generation survive today, because the initial plague was so virulent,
and the changes wrought were so extreme. What’s more, many decades have passed since the
Spellplague’s end, so most plaguechanged creatures simply died in the interim. A few of the
horrifying monstrosities remain, though, hidden away in various corners of the world.

Spellscars are a phenomena of the present, gained when someone moves too close to a
plagueland (where active Spellplague yet lingers), though sometimes spellscars afflict people
who’ve never had any contact with rampant magic. Some individuals—heroes and villains
alike—can gain spellscars and learn to master the powers inherent in them.

On rare occasions, a spellscar appears as a physical abnormality, but more often it is an

intangible mark that only appears when its owner calls upon it. When this happens, a spellscar
might appear as jagged cracks of blue fire racing out across a spellscarred’s forearms or hands, a
corona of blue flame igniting the creature’s hair, a flaming blue glyph on the creature’s forehead,
or perhaps even wings of cobalt flame. In many instances, an individual's sudden manifestation of
blue fire is a reliable indicator of a spellscar.

Magic in the Year of The Ageless One

The ancient wonder of old magic yet lingers among the ruins of thousand-year-old empires, in crumbling towers
of mad wizards, and in buried vaults of elder races. The modern marvels of living wizards, sorcerers, warlocks,
clerics, druids, and other spellcasters stride the land as purposefully as they ever did, altering the world in small
or large ways with each spell they cast. Indeed, without the divine restrictions of previous ages, magic is more
abundant than ever, manifesting not only as inexplicable changes to the landscape, items, and creatures, but
even in some of the most fantastic exploits of fighters, rogues, rangers, and other heroes. Magic truly does
permeate all things. For all the changes wrought by the Mystra’s death, magic remains the lifeblood of Toril.

About the Author

Bruce Cordell is a D&D designer, but during his twelve years in the game industry, he has dabbled in
miniatures, board games, collectible card games, d20 games, and more. Bruce has over a sixty listed credits to
his name, including the Expanded Psionics Handbook, Libris Mortis, and Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. His
body of work also includes three published Forgotten Realms novels (Lady of Poison, Darkvision, and
Stardeep), with more on the way.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Countdown to the Realms
Spellplague: The Wailing Years
by Brian James

Excerpt from the journal of Arleenaya Kithmaer, First Magistrati of the House of the High One
Ascendant, Year of Blue Fire (1385 DR)

"Reaching out northwest from beyond the horizon's rim, I beheld a sight which was at once horrifying as it was
beautiful; a stormlike catastrophe rolling across the sky, which seemed to be ablaze with blue fire. Frozen in
stupefying awe, I witnessed the cerulean thunderhead crash into the mighty Lhairghal, throwing pillars of azure
fire skyward to snatch at Selûne's calming light. Selûne, my gods! The surface of the moon, long presented to
us mortals as a barren landscape of craters and lifeless valleys, now revealed to me majestic mountains and
sprawling seas; itself alight with similar cobalt radiance. A nearby exclamation from the Magehound returned
my attention earthward to witness a shimmering wall of sapphire flame racing down Mhair Pass. Five breaths
longer and the storm would crash into the battlement upon which I stood with a handful of loomwardens. I recall
hastily whispered prayers to Azuth, a moment of unqualified stillness, and then nothing."

As dusk fell over the Shining South on the 29th day of Tarsakh in the Year of Blue Fire (1385 DR), a menacing
storm began forming over the Mhair Jungles west of Halruaa. Beyond its massive size, the storm was particularly
notable for the ribbons of blue flame that seemed to writhe and flow among its formations. In the mountains near
Lhair in western Halruaa, dumbfounded priests watched in absolute silence, unable to comprehend the terrible
events unfolding on the horizon. What the clerics of Azuth could not possibly fathom was that three score or more
similar storms sprang up all across Toril; born instantly upon the assassination of Mystra in her heavenly
dominion. Arleenaya Kithmaer and four nearby priests were teleported to safety by a quick-thinking magehound.
The nation of Halruaa, however, would suffer horribly that ill-fated night. The three great mountain ranges that oft
protected the nation from external invasion actually made it difficult for many Halruaans to escape the
uncontrolled wild magic unleashed across the countryside. Halruaa today is best known as a magical wasteland;
it is also the birthplace of the roving mercenary bands known as the Five Companies.

The cerulean storm and its aftereffects would become known in later days as the Spellplague. Despite its name,
the Spellplague was no mere magical affliction. The Spellplague burned fiercest in its first year, but flareups and
indirect repercussions continued for decades, irrevocably altering whole regions while leaving others completely
unscathed. Whole countries vanished in earthquakes, fires, and windstorms, inexplicably replaced with peoples
and lands from a world beyond our own. Even the starry constellations in the Sea of Night seemingly rearranged
themselves in the heavens above. Scholars in later years would name this decade of chaos and upheaval the
Wailing Years, or simply the Plague Years. For more details on the Spellplague and the secondary catastrophes
that followed in its wake, check out the Countdown to the Realms preview article Magic in the Forgotten Realms.

The Wailing Years

In game terms, the Spellplague represents the definitive event for transitioning the setting from one rules system
to the next, and the loss of the Weave will have a profound effect on arcane spellcasters in your campaign.
Though a small percentage of mages are driven to madness at the outset of the Spellplague, it's recommended
you spare your players from this ignoble fate. Instead, wizards and other arcane spellcasters find that their magic
has gone wild or departed altogether. In effect, all of Abeir-Toril is blanketed by a massive zone of wild magic.
Refer to the 3rd Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (page 55) for Table 2–1 of Wild Magic Effects. As
the Weave unravels throughout the month of Nightal in the Year of Blue Fire, these wild magic zones are quickly
replaced with dead magic zones until one day arcane magic ceases to function altogether.

DMs might wish to take advantage of the Wailing Years to run a low magic/melee-centric campaign using rules or
concepts from sourcebooks such as Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords or Iron Heroes. Otherwise it might be
wise to simply move your campaign forward to the Year of Silent Death (1395 DR) or beyond, where direct
effects of the Spellplague have largely subsided and most spellcasters have once again gained mastery of their
magic. See the section below on the Vilhon Reach for a description of a functioning time portal you might wish to
use for this purpose.

Included below is a timeline of key events that occurred during the Wailing Years, which can be useful to a
transitional campaign set in the kingdom of Cormyr or the Vilhon Reach. Following the timeline is a brief update of
these two regions, including sample adventure hooks.


1385 DR (Year of Blue Fire)

The Spellplague: An unthinkable catastrophe ensues when Cyric, aided and abetted by Shar, murders Mystra
in Dweomerheart. The plane itself disintegrates at once, destroying Savras and sending the gods Azuth and

Velsharoon reeling into the endless Astral Sea. Without Mystra to govern the Weave, magic bursts its bonds all
across Toril and the surrounding planes and runs wild. In Faerûn, this event is known as the Spellplague.
Thousands of mages are driven insane or destroyed, and the very substance of the world becomes mutable
beneath veils of azure fire that dance across the skies by night or by day.

Where once stood the realm of Sespech, the Golden Plains, and the Nagalands, the Spellplague reveals
a surreal landscape breathtaking in its beauty, grandeur, and changeability. For the next century, active
Spellplague cavorts on this territory called the Plaguewrought Lands, contorting terrain, natural law, and
the flesh of any creature that dares enter.

Cormyr is struck hard, but not so violently as many other nations. Roughly one third of all Wizards of War
are slain, driven mad, or simply have gone missing in the year following Mystra's death.

1386 DR (Year of the Halfling's Lament)

A portion of Toril's sibling world Abeir violently exchanges places with large sections of Chondath and western
Chessenta. Displaced genasi from the Abeiran land of Shyr quickly set about creating a kingdom of their own.

The former expanse of the Sea of Fallen Stars is altered when wide portions of the landscape collapse
into the Underdark. When the sea level reaches its new equilibrium, the average drop in water level
measured nearly 50 feet. The waters of the Vilhon Reach were similarly drained, uncovering several
drowned ruins from ancient Jhaamdath.

1387 DR (Year of the Emerald Ermine)

The Emerald Enclave begins sending agents throughout the Vilhon Wilds to counter the effects of the
Spellplague. As years became decades, their original mission is slowly perverted from one of respect for and
guardianship of nature to a vain struggle against forces far beyond their control.

1388 DR (Year of the Tanarukka)

Bullywugs tribes from the Farsea Marshes begin harrying Zhentarim forces operating throughout the Tunlands,
diminishing Black Network activities in the region.

Some members of Cormyr's remaining War Wizards, having lost access to the Art, begin cross-training
with the Purple Dragons in swordplay and martial defense. In years to come these swordmages will prove
invaluable against neighboring aggression in the region.

1389 DR (Year of the Forgiven Foes)

A strangely angular black monolith is sometimes visible breaking above the waves along Cormyr's coast, never in
the same place twice.

1390 DR (Year of the Walking Man)

Dowager Dragon Queen, Filfaeril Selazair Obarskyr, dies. Alusair attends the state funeral, argues briefly and
privately with her nephew the king, and disappears altogether from Court. Rumors persist of her riding through
the frontiers and borderlands, but no confirmed reports of her appearance exist following the burial of Filfaeril.

1391 DR (Year of the Wrathful Eye)

The human druid Zalaznar Crinios, transformed into a mighty treant for his service to nature, takes hold of the
druid circle in Cedarspoke. A lesser druid, able to take lion form and calling himself Firemane, rises to
prominence in the same circle.

1392 DR (Year of the Scroll)

The Dragon Coast city of Pros petitions the Crown to become a vassal-state of Cormyr in order to protect it from
the ravages of the Spellplague. Azoun V reluctantly accepts. By year's end, Pros' sister-town of Ilipur joins the
Forest Kingdom as well. Unfortunately the receding waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars have spelled ruin for these
small trading towns.

1393 DR (Year of the Ring)

Sembian investors begin buying up land in the southern Dales. Concerned, Azoun V issues a formal objection to
the Dale's Council in Archendale but the King's emissary is rebuffed.

Spellscarred beings and pilgrims hoping to obtain a spellscar begin journeying to the Plaguewrought
Lands in large numbers. They are welcomed in Ormpetarr by the Order of Blue Fire.

1394 DR (Year of Deaths Unmourned)

The Grand Cabal of the Emerald Enclave begins attempting to stem the tide of spellscarred pilgrims that pass
through Turmish.

Years of straining with their conflicted Sembian and Cormyrean identities, and struggling against the rule
of Netheril, culminates in the annexation of the border city of Daerlun into the Forest Kingdom.

1395 DR (Year of Silent Death)

Sakkors, the Netherese floating enclave not seen since the days before the Spellplague, makes a reappearance

over Daerlun in the dead of night. The following morning civil unrest breaks out throughout the city. Azoun V
sends elite swordmages to restore order in the city.

Vilhon Reach Tone and Feel

The lands of the Vilhon Reach were affected greatly by the One part of creating a new edition of the
merging of Abeir with Toril. The waters of the Reach itself were Forgotten Realms is re-envisioning the look
partially drained during the Spellplague, revealing several of Faerûn and creating a new interpretation
drowned Cities of the Sword from ancient Jhaamdath. The once of this classic fantasy setting. We’ve decided
welcoming and cosmopolitan folk of Turmish have grown to shift the visuals of the setting toward a
increasingly xenophobic throughout the Wailing Years. Akanûl, slightly more fantastic look, drawing
formerly the lands of Chondath, are now populated by genasi from inspiration from many sources—for example,
the Abeiran land of Shyr, a region that will barely survive its first the exquisite visuals of artists such as Roger
contact with the Abolethic Sovereignty some years later. Since the Dean or Frank Frazetta (without the nudity,
Year of Blue Fire, civilization has been slow to return to the wilder it’s a PG game). We sometimes think of this
Spellplague-morphed regions. The notorious Plaguewrought as playing D&D in a world that looks just a
Lands lie close by, contorting terrain, natural law, and the flesh of little bit like the cover of a Yes album. High
any creature that dares enter. fantasy doesn't mean that the Realms are
turning into a magical steampunk setting.
The Vilhon Reach is a great example of the new "Tone and Feel" Eberron already has elemental-powered
of the setting in action, making it a great region to explore some of airships and trains, and that is not the
the more fantastic locales on Faerûn. direction set for the Realms.

ANDRIO'S GATE: The Reach happens to contain one of Instead, the landscape itself is often
Toril's few functioning time gates; a useful tool for bringing spectacular, striking, and magical. Of course
characters forward beyond the Wailing Years (1385 DR to each region maintains its own distinctive
1395 DR) to a more stable time period for campaign play. flavor; Waterdeep isn’t adrift on a floating
The time gate is located within Mount Andrus, a volcanic earthmote, and the Dalelands still have plenty
peak within the Orsraun Mountains on Turmish's western of farmland and forest… with just a little touch
frontier. There the time gate has survived millennia of the fantastic here and there.
despite several volcanic eruptions, shielded from the
monstrous heat and the effects of the Spellplague by powerful, and some would say divine, wards. Adrio's
Gate is activated by speaking the name of a year as given in the Roll of Years then stepping through the
gate's event horizon.

Turmish suffered much less than Chondath, but the partial draining of the Sea of Fallen Stars did leave its busy
port at Alaghôn high and dry. Today, this realm of increasingly competitive and desperate merchant costers is
also a through-route for fanatics on spellscar pilgrimages to the Plaguewrought Lands. The once welcoming and
cosmopolitan Turmishans have grown increasingly xenophobic, and they are guarded and suspicious of
strangers, even though they remain dependent on outside trade.

North and west of Turmish beyond the Orsraun and Alaoreum Mountains stretches the forested realm of
Gulthandor. Gulthandor has no ties with the largely disbanded organization once known as the Emerald Enclave.
Ilighôn, once the island home of the Enclave, became part of mainland Turmish when the seas retreated in 1386

YURGRIM'S DELVE: Alaghôn remains the capital of Turmish; the city's curious architecture is the result
of the Chondathan humans building over existing structures left by a previous dwarven civilization. The
dwarves also left an abandoned mine -- a maze of subterranean tunnels, vaults, and catacombs that have
never been fully explored, or fully rid of monsters -- beneath the city streets. Few entrances to the
Undercity remain, but adventurers continue to brave their dark reaches in search of plunder. A few
ancient tomes make reference to a lich queen from Unther residing below the palace, yet most discount
these accounts as wild tales of fiction.

PRIDE OF FIREMANE: Zalaznar Crinios (NE treant druid 12), has secretly turned away from the
teachings of Mielikki to embrace Malar, who "rewarded" the High Druid by transforming him into a treant.
Crinios used this transformation as proof he is meant to lead in Gulthandor. Dark creatures now threaten
the forest, as well as nearby settlements. Unaware of Crinios’s duplicity, a druid who prefers lion form and
calls himself Firemane has put out the call for those willing to purge the forest of whatever blight grows at
its heart.

A portion of Toril's sibling world Abeir violently exchanged places with large sections of Chondath and western
Chessenta during the Spellplague. The shattered ruins of cities lie broken at the bottom of ravines or thrust high
atop stone spires, a constant draw to adventurers seeking troves of lost gold. The land today is characterized by
crazed stone spires, cavernous ravines, and cliffs like petrified waves. Freefloating earthmotes host miniature
forests, grasslands, lakes, and ever-replenishing waterfalls that mist the land below in draperies of mist. The wild
landscape is perfectly suited to the tempestuous population of genasi that now claim the land as their own.

Akanûl is the name of this genasi-ruled realm, and the capital city of Airspur holds the bulk of the nation's
population. The waters of the Vilhon Reach were partially drained during the Spellplague, revealing several
ruined Cities of the Sword, lost since the last days of Jhaamdath. Travelers to the region are few and far
between. The few who travel through this treacherous floodplain return with madness or not at all.

The Chondalwood is a confusion of ravines and floating junglemotes, some sailing free, others webbed to lower
jungle regions by thick vines and vegetation. The Chondalwood's vigor is impressive -- it grew in the
Spellplague's wake instead of being diminished or being erased by it; witness its colonizing junglemotes
spreading like airborne seeds north, south, and east, and west. The halflings and centaurs that once roamed
these woods are now gone; replaced with spellscarred satyrs and feral elves who declare blood feud on any
outsider entering the jungle's heartwood.

LESSER OF TWO EVILS: During a violent spring thunderstorm, a strange angular black monolith is
spotted in the shallow waters off the Nun Coast near Reth. The following morning, kuo-toa harpooners
flying strange winged morkoth attack the port city. The invaders are repelled by High Lady Glorganna and
a detachment of Banite guerrillas. It remains unclear what the Abolethic Sovereignty was seeking in the
city -- half of which lies in shattered ruin at the bottom of the Bay of Silvanus.

MAGEDOOM: At the center of the Chondalwood is a ruin of ancient, toppled stone towers whose cellars
are packed with lost treasures. The elves of Wildhome steer well clear of it, citing terrible bodiless
guardian creatures that ravage flesh, inspire madness, and target spellcasters in particular, igniting them
like torches.

Plaguewrought Lands
Where once stood the realm of Sespech, the Golden Plains, and the Nagalands, now stands a surreal landscape
breathtaking in its beauty, grandeur, and changeability. Active Spellplague still cavorts on this territory, contorting
terrain, natural law, and the flesh of any creature that dares enter. Earthmotes aplenty break up the sky in a
strange parity with the fractured terrain below. Swaths of moving earth change with mercurial speed, and great
ravines empty directly into the Underdark. Artist renditions that capture true glimpses of the place's exquisite
loveliness and horrific strangeness can command large sums back in civilized lands.

SCAR PILGRIMAGE: Plaguechanged and pilgrims hoping to obtain a spellscar sometimes journey here
because it's the most prominent plagueland in Faerûn, as well as a great hold of the Order of Blue Fire.
The stability of the plagueland's border provides an environment where the clever, ambitious, or insane
can experiment with the Spellplague and its effects. As with most who brave plaguelands, few pilgrims
who enter the Plaguewrought Lands are ever seen again, but those who do return sometimes claim
newfound power.

Cormyr Motes
After the plague of change, some elements of
Unlike the lands of the Vilhon Reach, the nation of Cormyr the physical world have gained a
suffered little geological upheaval during the Spellplague Years. supernatural independence from certain
Instead the upheaval in the Forest Kingdom was largely political. natural laws. The most striking of these (to
Famine, economic hardship, and unrest among the peerage those unfamiliar with them) are motes. Motes
would be difficult for any ruling monarch, yet these challenges are free-floating bits of landscape that defy
perhaps weighed more heavily upon the shoulders of young King gravity to hover in place over certain locales
Azoun V. Claiming the Dragon Throne in the Year of Three (usually, those locales most affected by the
Streams Blooded (1384 DR), Azoun had merely thirteen winters Spellplague). These motes are usually small
behind him at his coronation and only sixteen months on the in size, but whole ecosystems cling to them,
throne before the Spellplague sent the world spinning into chaos. apparently sustained by the more natural
Thankfully, the king surrounded himself with men and women of landscape over or through which a particular
wise counsel, including the Caladnei, Mage Royal of Cormyr. mote floats.
Under his rule, the Forest Kingdom quickly recovered from the
anarchy of the Wailing Years, and the young king went on to Motes are often referred to according to the
become a just, wise, and long-lived ruler. type of landscape each sports. Thus, there
are junglemotes, fungusmotes, cavemotes,
The Helmlands grassmotes, pinemotes, and so on. Larger
Formed during the Time of Troubles, this desolate land of howling motes might support animal life, including
winds and jagged rock was the site of Mystra's destruction at the humanoids.
hands of Helm in the Year of Shadows (1358 DR). In the months
following its creation, locals named the site the Pits of Mystra, for the land was nothing but bubbling tar pits as far
as the eye could see. Priests dedicated to the new Goddess of Magic cleansed the land of the fetid pits in later
years, but the tear in the fabric of the Weave remained. Today a forest of towering redwoods has returned; the
original was lost when Mystra's dying energy blasted the land like a million Shou cannons. In the wake of the
Spellplague, the Helmlands have grown, spreading along the northern wall of the Stormhorns, stretching as far
west as the foothills above Eveningstar. Wild magic still pervades the entire region, but unlike the Plaguewrought
Lands, visitors can enter the Helmslands without fear of becoming spellscarred.

TEMPLE ACHERON: Once the blasted ruin of Castle Kilgrave, the imposing stronghold was rebuilt by

priests of Bane following his apparent resurrection in the Year of Wild Magic (1372 DR). As the Lord of
Strife himself had done during the Time of Troubles, the strifelords reshaped the ruins into an echo of
Bane's Temple of the Suffering in the Barrens of Doom and Despair. Thirty-foot-high walls constructed of
a seamless other-worldly material of black laced with green connect the windowless towers on four
corners, and on the west side a towering 60-foot obelisk encloses a drawbridge set against the wall.
Purple Dragon Knights stationed at Castle Crag patrol the eastern perimeter of the Helmslands daily,
keeping a vigilant eye for any threats coming from Temple Acheron.

Farsea Swamp
This slowly growing swamp consists of two formerly separate marshes, Farsea and Tun. The swamp has mile
after mile of muddy terrain swept with golden-green tall grasses broken by channels of bronze water. Most
citizens of Cormyr see the wetlands as dark, forbidding places, where evil festers and foul creatures lurk in murky
water to devour the unwary. While this image is largely true of the deadly Vast Swamp in eastern Cormyr, it is an
incomplete and misleading portrayal of the Farsea Swamp.

LEGACY OF THE BATRACHI: Amid the vast, fog-laced expanse of the Farsea Swamp rests the
scattered ruins of a vanished civilization, not Netherese as many have speculated. Thick with poisonous
insects and plague, few enough have glimpsed these ruins. Ornate buildings made of glass as strong as
steel hint at a magical technology lost to the present day. Rumors have it that the bold can claim gold and
strange secrets from the half-drowned basements, if they can but survive the swamp's pestilence and
withstand the might of strange creatures set as guardians within the interior of the glassteel towers.

Hullack Forest
Dark and foreboding best describes the thick dense woods of the Hullack Forest. The Hullack is almost a
primeval forest, with dark valleys and hidden vales that have gone unseen for decades. Ghostly creatures and
odd monsters pepper the local folklore, and orcs and goblins are frequent visitors from the Thunder Peaks. In the
years immediately preceding the Spellplague, large numbers of adventurers entered the forest seeking to clear it
of monsters and explore its deeper regions. Thunderstone, a small town on the southern edge of Hullack Forest,
was often used as a base of operations for such expeditions.

These crown-sanctioned activities came to an abrupt end in the Year of the Wrathful Eye (1391 DR) when the
Eldreth Veluuthra, a militant group of human-despising elves, claimed the forest as their own. A brief conflict with
the elves ensued in the Year of Deaths Unmourned (1394 DR), but young King Azoun V later turned his full
attention to more pressing threats from neighboring Netheril and Sembia.

REALM OF WAILING FOG: Sandwiched between the Hullack Forest and the Thunder Peaks, the Realm
of Wailing Fog remains a land of desolate fens, ever-present mist, and eerie echoing calls. Even the
Eldreth Veluuthra dare not explore the realm's long-ruined towers. Travelers to the region speak of a
heavy feeling of "watchfulness" hanging over everything. Rumors persist that a coven of hags lives in the
area, but these claims have never been substantiated.

About the Author

A software engineering manager by day and Forgotten Realms aficionado by night, Brian R. James authored
the Grand History of the Realms and continues to serve up new Realmslore through D&D Insider and the
Candlekeep Compendium. Brian also contributed to the forthcoming 4E Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide to
be released later this year. In his spare time he enjoys exploring EverQuest II with his fae shadowknight
Iakhovas and pretending he's a good drummer on Rock Band. Brian lives in Montana with his high school
sweetheart Toni and their four children.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Elder Evils: Shothragot
by Robert J. Schwalb, Art by Ryan Barger

"The Ender, the Elder Elemental Eye, the Dark God, the Patient One, He Who Waits, the Anathema, the Father
of Elder Evils, the Author of Wickedness, He of Eternal Darkness, the Eater of Worlds, the Despised, the
Undoer -- these are but a few of the many names for our glorious master. One thousand years, the Dark God
has waited, lurking beyond the bounds of reality, contained in a vault constructed by jealous hands, his rightful
throne held by usurpers. In these last centuries, our efforts have found destruction, decay, and loss, as these
lesser powers have sought to confuse us, mislead us, and turn us against one another, for you see, Tharizdun's
release spells their end. They fear him. Yes, mighty Boccob, Heironeous, even that sad crone Beory all quail
before his imminent arrival. The time is at hand, the end has come, and it is our sacred duty to usher in the last
age of our world and bring the constructs of the false gods to rightful ruin. Only then will we understand the
perfect nature of all that is possible with the Eternal Darkness."

This June sees the debut of 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, and with this new edition of the world's most
popular roleplaying game comes a variety of exciting changes and opportunities. As your 3rd Edition game draws
to a close, what better way is there to conclude years of exciting play than a climactic encounter with
mind-blowing evil? Elder Evils is your toolbox for wrapping up your old campaigns with a bang and helping you
lay the foundation for a whole host of new adventures in the future.

The notion of the elder evil was first presented in Lords of Madness to reflect the incredibly powerful creatures
worshiped by the aboleths as gods. But these are no gods; they are abominations -- terrible forces of destruction
and change whose mere appearance signals a signature change in the world. Whether by triggering an
apocalyptic end, causing some cataclysm to reshape the continents, or even just altering the fundamental nature
of magic, these beings wield great power. Such figures have long been with D&D, even if not named such, and
can be found among the abominations in the Epic Level Handbook or further back with the tarrasque, powerful
demon princes, inexplicable powers that defy description, and, rarely, among some gods, specifically Tharizdun.

This special article that ties in to Elder Evils showcases one of the most iconic forces of evil in the D&D game,
revealing the danger posed by Tharizdun on a larger cosmological scale by presenting his chief minion, the elder
evil named Shothragot. As with the entries in the Elder Evils sourcebook, you should consider the information
here to be a collection of ideas to help you end your campaign. The statistics presented are the baseline values
for the type of adversary they represent and should your campaign feature much higher level PCs, you should
advance the elder evil using the normal rules found in the Monster Manual. Finally, to see Shothragot in action,
complete with all the dire consequences his presence promises, be sure to check out Essence of Evil in
Dungeon 152.


It is telling that the origins of the Dark God are buried beneath layers of secrecy. All faiths oppose the cults who
serve He of Eternal Darkness, and to whisper his name is tantamount to blasphemy. The fear Tharizdun evokes
and the intensity of his opposition are all well-founded since even the gods themselves, good and evil alike,

share this trepidation. The reason is simple: The Ebon God wants nothing more than to unravel the nature of
reality, to undo all the works of gods and mortals, to shatter the planes, and dissolve all things to their
fundamental natures. Tharizdun is an uncaring force of destruction, motivated by an inexplicable need to
eradicate all things, himself included (Knowledge [religion] DC 15).

Since Tharizdun works always to bring ruin, the gods set aside their differences and sealed the dreadful power
away, holding him in stasis so his malign will and countless servants could no longer threaten the balance of the
cosmos. And though the gods returned to squabbling soon after his imprisonment eons ago, they remain united in
their distaste and fear of their ancient enemy and, to this day, they are all committed to ensuring he remains
safely tucked away beyond the reach of misguided fools (DC 20). That the Dark God remains sealed away in a
prison plane in some forgotten corner of the multiverse, though, is no consolation. The divine seals may contain
him, but Tharizdun can extend his malign will beyond them, caressing the minds of his servants and impelling
them to do his bidding (DC 25). Assuming the guise of the Elder Elemental Eye, he has accumulated numerous
disturbing cults that swear their allegiance to the multifaceted nature of their insane master, fighting each other as
much as they move toward their unholy mission of releasing a power whose fullness and wickedness they only
dimly realize (DC 30).

Champions of the various gods and agencies remain vigilant against the legions of the Elder Elemental Eye, by
sacking their temples, raiding their redoubts, and executing cultists wherever they find them, but few realize the
true breadth of Tharizdun's power. A small body of scholars and sages believes that Tharizdun's greatest
servants are the elder evils themselves. So while the courageous heroes fight Tharizdun's minions, the Dark God
compels the elder evils to stir and awaken so that they may ravage the world and weaken its gods. Tharizdun
hopes that when he finally weakens the wards holding him, he will emerge unopposed (DC 35).

While various elder evils may or may not respond to the summons of the Dark God, Tharizdun's chief creation, an
abomination named Shothragot, awoke in the cyclopean depths of the earth, far below the mines of a temple
devoted to the Elder Elemental Eye. Weak and nearly powerless after years of undisturbed slumber, it siphons
power from the prayers of the unwitting servants above, biding its time until it gains the strength it needs to set in
motion the final events that would see its master free (DC 40).

While having an awakened elder evil is terrifying to conceive by itself, Shothragot is a special case, for this
dreadful horror's origins trace back to the Invoked Devastation and the Rain of Colorless Fire, when Tharizdun's
servants summoned forth his avatar for the last time (Knowledge [history] DC 30). Whether or not its
appearance compelled the use of appalling magic that brought death and devastation to hundreds of thousands
is a matter of debate, but what is known is that almost as fast as the avatar appeared, so too did he vanish after
the wrought destruction (DC 35). Most scholars suspect the avatar was destroyed in the conflagration (DC 40),
but in truth, it was weakened, dreadfully so, and the powerful energies unleashed left the avatar crippled (DC 45).
Thus it fled into the bowels of the earth, where it waited (DC 40).

Shothragot might have laid in wait forever, but its slumber was disturbed when a most unfortunate happenstance
occurred. A band of adventurers, whose purpose was to destroy a cult of the Elder Elemental Eye infesting the
mines around a fortress of wickedness, found their own deaths, nearly to the man. When a fleeing survivor
became lost and stumbled into the elder evil crèche, Shothragot awoke, seized the mortal, and refashioned him
using the last spark of divine essence to make him his principle servant (see Shadow of Shothragot: The Price of
Survival for details). With his new agent in the field and with the prayers dedicated to the Elder Elemental Eye
infusing him with power, the elder evil now swells with power and is nearly ready to reveal itself and bring about
the release of its beloved master.


Shothragot's nature as both avatar and elder evil fills its mind with a deep and abiding desire to reunite with
Tharizdun and restore the exiled god to the fullness of his being (Knowledge [religion] DC 30). The elder evil is
not quite aware of its own divine origins thanks to many centuries spent trapped deep within the earth, but at
some instinctual level, it recognizes this need and thus it devotes all of its being toward completing this objective.
What it does know is that it has many enemies arrayed against it, and so it is careful not to reveal itself until such
time that it is strong enough to smash those who stand against it.

Its need for joining Tharizdun fills its thoughts, but it has no clear understanding of how it should go about
achieving this end. The only thing it receives are fleeting images, disparate memories of sensations and
emotions, and a deep and abiding hatred. From time to time, a face swims into its consciousness, and when it
appears, it compels its minions to seek out and destroy these individuals, although even it knows not why. In
truth, it is Tharizdun himself who dispatches these messages to remove obstacles that would prevent Shothragot
from completing its mission.

Of late, Shothragot has become aware of a number of black jewels, 333 to be exact, known as the Gems of
Tharizdun. It's not certain, but it suspects these items are integral to dissolving the wards holding his master in
stasis. Thus, while its agents go out and murder his enemies, they are ever watchful for the 333 Gems of
Tharizdun, which they bring back to the growing elder evil. Shothragot consumes and destroys each one they
return to him, bloating on the released energy while simultaneously sending currents of destructive energies
through Tharizdun's oubliette.

Using this Elder Evil

Introducing Shothragot to your campaign signals a looming and devastating event that could have sweeping
repercussions and may very well alter the fundamental nature of your campaign setting. Shothragot, as
presented here, is close to unlocking the prison, having absorbed nearly all of the Gems of Tharizdun. To seed
the plot into an existing campaign, consider using the following campaign structure. Each adventure seed
includes an Encounter Level to help establish when the specific events should occur in the campaign. As well,
each also includes the strength of the elder evil's sign (see Signs of the Apocalypse sidebar for details).

EL 3: While exploring a dungeon, the player characters come upon a vault bearing the bas-relief carvings of
numerous holy and unholy symbols, representing nearly every known god and quite a few unknown ones as well.
Beyond the door, the player characters find a freezing cold room with walls, floor, and ceiling blackened and
cracked. Hovering in the center of the room is a black gem the size of a fist. The stone is surrounded by a wall of
force, preventing the PCs from acquiring it through normal means. If the PCs free the stone, they find themselves
constantly harassed by agents of Tharizdun until they rid themselves of the cursed object.

EL 6: A few months later, a powerful earthquake ripples through the lands, causing terrible destruction for
hundreds of miles around. While traveling through the ruins, the player characters come upon a community
buried in a landslide. While little remains other than rubble and debris, one structure stands intact: a slender
tower at the center of the community. It appears as if the tumbling boulders veered around the tower.
Investigating the place reveals a number of traps, magical guardians, and more, but worse, the PCs aren't the
only ones exploring the site. Also present are several insane cultists who plunder the place in search of

At the top of the tower, the cultists find what they're looking for -- a black gem, identical to the one the PCs found
earlier in the dungeon. A thrilling fight takes place, but before the PCs can slay all the villains, one slips away with
the gem in hand.

EL 9 (Faint Sign): After weeks of quiet, when life just starts to return to normal, a queer fiery glyph appears in
the sky. Attempts to reach it through magic utterly fail; it always seems to move just out of reach. No one seems
to know what it signifies, but certain types of spells are becoming harder to cast.

Tharizdun, peering into the future, senses the PCs are a dire threat, and so it dispatches a dream to Shothragot,
who in turn sends its greatest minion, Giorge Forsworn (see Shadow of Shothragot: The Price of Survival for
details), to attend to them. The mortal hunter plays a cat-and-mouse game, murdering those closest to the PCs
first and then picking off the heroes one at a time.

EL 12 (Moderate Sign): As the sign in the sky intensifies, the greatest minds in the lands set to unravel the
mystery of its appearance. A wide range of theories abound, but Jallarzi Sallavarian, a powerful wizard and
member of the Circle of Eight (or some other arcane group), is close and she believes the glyph signifies a dire
threat to the world, suspecting it may have something to do with Tharizdun. Well-acquainted with the history of
the Dark God, she sets out for the Sea of Dust to find the Forgotten City in the hopes of unraveling the mystery of
the glyph.

When she doesn't return, the remaining members of the Circle of Eight, who work to undo the expanding sign,
hire the adventurers to track the missing wizard. Enduring a long and perilous journey and exploring the haunted
ruins of the ancient city, the adventurers learn the history of the avatar, but not before being confronted by the
warped Jallarzi, who, through dabbling with dangerous magic, has become a twisted creature of the Dark God.

EL 15 (Strong Sign): Armed with the information Signs of the Apocalypse

uncovered in the Forgotten City and burdened with the
horrible fate of an esteemed member of the Circle, the As an elder evil grows in power, signs of its presence
adventurers return to the Circle of Eight, only to find that manifest themselves in the world. They may begin as
the sign has grown even stronger. Cross-referencing subtle ones at first, but over time, they grow in intensity
their information with that of the powerful wizards, until they are nearly as dangerous as the elder evil
Mordenkainen suggests the heroes explore former itself.
strongholds of Tharizdun's cultists to see if they can
learn of some way to stop the impending apocalypse. Seals of Binding
The PCs journey to the Temple of Elemental Evil, the
Crater Ridge Mines, and other locations, each site The Seals of Binding interfere with most conjuration
revealing a bit more about the enemy they face. spells and many divination spells. By closing off the
avenues enabling mortals to interact with the planes,
EL 18 (Overwhelming Sign): Just as the heroes are clerics find their connections with the divine severed,
exploring the final known site, the caldera formed by the summoned creatures remain trapped, and the most
Crater Ridge explodes, and amidst the debris and expedient means of travel cease to function.
destruction rises a massive globe of dripping black
corruption. As it rises, the sign in the heavens expands Shothragot's sign appears as a strange fiery glyph in
until it stretches from one horizon to the next. Horrific the sky. As the elder evil grows more powerful, the
insane creatures come and go from the bulk, emerging glyph expands, growing brighter and broader until it
from orifices that pierce its glistening hide. The sign's completely covers the heavens. To identify the

power prevents the Circle of Eight from arriving here features of the sign, a character may make a
quickly, so it falls to the PCs to journey inside this Knowledge (religion) check. If the check succeeds by 5
floating abomination and destroy the essence that lurks or more, it identifies the sign's strength. Success by 10
within. Should they fail, Shothragot will surely unlock the or more reveals the sign's full effects at all levels of
wards that seal Tharizdun and draw forth the gods in a strength.
climactic battle that will leave the world forever after
changed. Faint (DC 45): All conjuration (calling, summoning, and
teleportation) and divination spells and spell-like
Shothragot in Eberron abilities are impeded. A spellcaster must succeed on a
Tharizdun is a powerful daelkyr warlord, a being so Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the level of the spell) or the
profoundly evil and so immense in terms of magical spell fails and the spell or spell slot is lost. In addition,
power, he is very nearly a god. Despised by his fellow spells that return creatures to their native plane, such
Daelkyr, they sealed him away in a vast prison within the as banishment or dismissal, automatically fail.
Realm of Madness and set countless traps, guards, and
vicious wards to ensure he never broke loose. Moderate (DC 35): As faint, but also summoned
Unfortunately, Tharizdun's minions, of which there are creatures no longer return to their native plane when
many beneath Eberron, seek to release their dark lord the spell expires. The creature remains under the
and busily create a weapon that will not only breach the caster's control for the duration, but is free to act
Gatekeeper wards that keep them underground but also normally once the duration expires.
bridge the gulf between planes and release their
dreadful master. This weapon is Shothragot. Divine spellcasters cast their spells at -1 caster level,
and turn or rebuke attempts take a -5 penalty on the
Shothragot in Faerûn check and damage rolls.
Instead of being an avatar of Tharizdun, Shothragot is
the creation of Ghaunadaur, an entity spawned to Strong (DC 25): As moderate, but when a conjuration
shatter the worshipers of all other gods and enable the (teleportation) spell or spell-like ability is cast, there's a
Elder Eye to become master of all things. Shothragot is 20% chance for a mishap. On a mishap, the caster and
the principal instrument in his plans and the elder evil anyone else affected by the spell takes 5d6 points of
slaughters the worshipers of other gods to weaken damage.
them. Once the gods are brought low, Ghaunadaur
plans to move against them, stealing their power for Divine spellcasters cast their spells at -2 caster levels.
himself until he can challenge the architect of the As well, turning and rebuking attempts take a -10
universe -- Ao himself. penalty on the check and damage rolls.

Overwhelming (DC 15): All conjuration (calling,

summoning, and teleportation) spells cease to function.
Divination spells that contact extraplanar beings
Shothragot is not something that can be fought directly,
(commune and contact other plane for example) are
for in its fully awakened form, it is a massive ball of
glistening black tar pierced with scores of holes that likewise foiled. Divine spellcasters cast all spells at -4
caster levels and when praying for new spells, they
burrow into its body. Instead, to combat this horror, one
must destroy its consciousness, which hides within it have a 20% chance per spell of losing it. Also, turning
bloated, tumescent form. and rebuking attempts take a -20 penalty on the check
and damage rolls.
The essence of Shothragot is a 66-foot tall mountain of
slippery black tar, reflecting in miniature the large form containing it. Bubbling up to the surface of its slick
epidermis are twisted faces, crying out in agony or cackling with mad glee.

The essence of Shothragot holds centuries of memories, the untold suffering it endured as it fled the dreadful
magic of the Baklunish and Suloise, and the agony and madness it embraced as its body reformed into its
horribly bloated state. As intelligent and cunning as it is, hate consumes it, and any who dare confront it find only
its unquenchable wrath.

hp 350 (20 HD); regeneration 10; DR 15/epic and good
CE Gargantuan outsider (air, chaos, earth, evil, extraplanar, fire, water)
Init +9; Senses blindsight 500 ft., true seeing; Listen +34, Spot +34
Aura madness (120 ft., DC 35), divine madness (100 miles)
Languages telepathy 1,000 ft.
AC 40, touch 22, flat-footed 39
(-4 size, +1 Dex, +15 deflection, +18 natural)
Immune ability damage, ability drain, cold, energy drain, fire, massive damage, mind-affecting effects,
petrification, polymorph
Resist acid 20, electricity 20; SR 32
Fort +40, Ref +28, Will +38
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares), fly 120 ft.; Spring Attack
Melee 4 tentacles +40 (2d6+24 plus corporeal instability) and
4 bites +35 (2d8+12 plus wounding)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Base Atk +20; Grp +56

Atk Options Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Quicken
Spell-Like Ability (chain lightning), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (cone of cold), aligned strike (chaos, evil), epic
strike, constrict 2d6+36, corporeal instability, elemental seepage, improved grab, tremendous blow, wounding
Special Actions summon black cyst
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th):
At will -- bolts of bedevilment (ranged touch +17, DC 30)[SC], chain lightning (DC 31), cone of cold (DC 30),
control water, control weather, control winds, ice storm, magic missile, stone shape, wall of fire, wall of stone
1/day -- acid fog, earthquake (PH 225), fire storm (DC 32), insanity (DC 32), wall of force, whirlwind (DC 33, PH
Abilities Str 58, Dex 13, Con 36, Int 25, Wis 32, Cha 41
SA constrict, elemental seepage, force mastery, improved grab, sculpt flesh, summon black cyst, tremendous
SQ anathematic secrecy, force mastery, freedom of movement, nondetection, seals of binding, unholy blessing
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Quicken
Spell-Like Ability (chain lightning)[B], Quicken Spell-Like Ability (cone of cold)[B], Spring Attack[B], Superior
Skills Balance +34, Bluff +38, Concentration +36, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +15 (+17 acting), Hide +28,
Intimidate +40, Jump +30, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (history) +30, Knowledge (religion) +30, Listen
+34, Move Silently +24, Sense Motive +34, Spellcraft +32 (+34 deciphering scrolls), Spot +34, Tumble +34, Use
Magic Device +38 (+40 scrolls)
Regeneration (Ex) The essence of Shothragot takes lethal damage from good- and lawful-aligned attacks and
spells and effects with the good or lawful descriptor.

True Seeing (Ex) As the true seeing spell, always active.

Aura of Madness (Su) At the beginning of each of the essence of Shothragot's turns, all living creatures within
120 feet take 1d6 points of Wisdom drain and are confused for 1 round. A DC 35 negates this effect.

Divine Madness (Su) All extraplanar outsiders with divine ranks that come within 100 miles of Shothragot are
affected as if by the insanity spell (no save). When rolling to determine actions, any result that would have the
afflicted creature attack the caster instead forces the god to attack the closest creature and not the elder evil.

Telepathy (Su) The essence of Shothragot can communicate telepathically with any creature that has a
language and is within 1,000 feet.

Constrict (Ex) The essence of Shothragot deals 2d6+36 points of damage on a successful grapple check, in
addition to damage from its tentacle attack.

Corporeal Instability (Su) A blow from the essence of Shothragot's tentacle attack against a living creature can
cause a terrible transformation. The creature must succeed on a DC 33 Fortitude save or become a spongy,
amorphous mass. Unless the victim controls the effect (see below), its shape melts, flows, writhes, and boils. The
save DC is Constitution-based.

An affected creature is unable to hold or use any item. Clothing, armor, rings, and helmets become useless.
Large items worn or carried -- armor, backpacks, even shirts -- hamper more than help, reducing the victim's
Dexterity score by 4. Soft or misshapen feet and legs reduce speed to 10 feet or one-quarter normal, whichever
is less. Searing pain courses along the nerves, so strong that the victim cannot act coherently. The victim cannot
cast spells or use magic items, and it attacks blindly, unable to distinguish friend from foe (-4 penalty on attack
rolls and a 50% miss chance, regardless of the attack roll).

Each round the victim spends in an amorphous state causes 1 point of Wisdom drain from mental shock. If the
victim's Wisdom score falls to 0, it becomes a chaos beast (MM 33).

A victim can regain its own shape by taking a standard action to attempt a DC 15 Charisma check. A success
reestablishes the creature's normal form for 1 minute. On a failure, the victim can still repeat this check each
round until successful.

Corporeal instability is not a disease or a curse and so is hard to remove. A shapechange or stoneskin spell does
not cure an afflicted creature but fixes its form for the duration of the spell. A restoration, heal, or greater
restoration spell removes the affliction (a separate restoration is necessary to restore any drained points of

Elemental Seepage (Ex) Whenever the essence of Shothragot takes 20 or more points of damage from a single
hit, it looses a blast of elemental energy dealing 1d6 points of acid damage, 1d6 points of cold damage, 1d6
points of electricity damage, and 1d6 points of fire damage to the creature that attacked it. A successful DC 33
Reflex save halves this damage.

Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, the essence of Shothragot must hit an opponent of any size with a

tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If
it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Tremendous Blow (Ex) As a full-round action, the essence of Shothragot can make a devastating attack with a
tentacle against a single opponent. If the attack hits, the target must immediately succeed on a DC 44 Fortitude
save or fly straight back a number of 5-foot squares equal to the damage dealt. If the target strikes an object or a
creature in its path, it stops, and it and the obstacle struck take 12d6+24 points of damage.

Wounding (Ex) Any living creature damaged by the essence of Shothragot continues to bleed. Each time the
essence strikes an opponent with its bite attacks, that creature takes 1 point of Constitution damage in addition to
any normal damage taken. If the essence strikes an opponent but does not deal damage, the opponent does not
take this Constitution damage. Creatures immune to critical hits (such as plants and constructs) are immune to
the Constitution damage dealt by this ability.

Summon Black Cyst (Sp) Automatically summon 1 black cyst; 4/day; caster level 20th. The essence's sign
does not affect this ability. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th-level spell.

Anathematic Secrecy (Ex) Any divination spell from a divine origin used to ascertain information about
Shothragot fails. This ability is always active.

Force Mastery (Ex) An essence of Shothragot is immune to all spells and spell-like effects with the force
descriptor. In addition, it may move through any ongoing force effects (such as wall of force and forcecage) as if
they were not there.

Freedom of Movement (Ex) As the freedom of movement spell; always active.

Nondetection (Ex) As the nondetection spell; always active.

Seals of Binding (Ex) The seals of binding herald the appearance of Shothragot. See Signs of the
Apocalypse sidebar for details.

Unholy Blessing (Ex) The essence of Shothragot adds its Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to Armor
Class and as a resistance bonus on all saving throws (included).

Skills The essence of Shothragot gains a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Hide, and Tumble checks.
Hook A susurrus accompanies the essence whenever it moves.

Black Cysts

A great black ball of impenetrable darkness hangs in the

air. From the blackness spills a knot of writhing tentacles.

hp 346 (33 HD); regeneration 10; DR 15/lawful and silver
Always CE Large outsider (chaos, evil, extraplanar)
Init +7; Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Listen
+39, Spot +39
Aura warping (60 ft., DC 33)
Languages A black cyst cannot speak but understands
telepathic instructions from the essence of Tharizdun
AC 35, touch 17, flat-footed 32; Dodge, Mobility
(-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 insight, +18 natural)
Immune critical hits, massive damage, mind-affecting
effects, paralysis, petrification
Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 26
Fort +29, Ref +26, Will +26
Weakness vulnerability to sonic
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (perfect); Flyby Attack
Melee 8 tentacles +40 (1d6+8/19-20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +33; Grp +45
Atk Options Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush,
Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability
(confusion), aligned strike (chaos, evil), entropic touch, magic strike
Special Actions spawn elemental
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th):
At will -- confusion (DC 19), ethereal jaunt

1/day -- insanity (DC 22), power word stun, waves of exhaustion
Abilities Str 26, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 3, Wis 17, Cha 21
SA aligned strike (chaos, evil), entropic touch, magic strike, spawn elemental
SQ blessing of Tharizdun
Feats Ability Focus (warping aura), Cleave, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Critical (tentacle), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability
Skills Hide +43, Listen +39, Move Silently +39, Spot +39
Advancement 34-44 HD (Large), 45-66 (Huge)
Regeneration (Ex) A black cyst takes lethal damage from lawful and silver weapons as well as from effects with
the sonic descriptor.

Warping Aura (Su) Each round, at the start of the black cyst's turn, all living creatures within 60 feet must
succeed on DC 33 Will saves or take a -5 insight penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and
ability checks for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Entropic Touch (Su) As the harm spell, Will DC 31 half, caster level 15th. Once the black cyst uses this ability, it
cannot use it again in the same 24-hour period unless it takes 50 or more points of damage.

Spawn Elemental (Su) Whenever a black cyst is reduced to 200 hit points or less, it spews forth an elder
elemental into an adjacent square. Roll 1d4 to determine the elemental's type: 1 -- air; 2 -- earth; 3 -- fire; 4 --
water. The spawned elemental is a normal elemental for its kind except its alignment is chaotic evil. The
elemental is under the control of the black cyst that spawned it. Should the black cyst's hit point total rise above
200, the elder elemental vanishes.

Blessing of Tharizdun (Ex) A black cyst may add its Charisma bonus as an insight bonus to AC and as a
resistance bonus on all saving throws. These bonuses are included.

Skills A black cyst's coloration gives it a +8 bonus on Hide checks.

Hook A wild cackling sounds when a black cyst attacks.

A black cyst is a monstrous creation of Tharizdun, an idiotic servant that exists only to spread the ill-will of the
Dark God and destroy all living things.

Strategies and Tactics

A black cyst is aggressive in combat, flying into the thickest group of combatants and exposing them to its
warping aura. Once positioned, it uses its first action to deliver its entropic touch to weaken whichever opponent
is closest, uncaring or unable to distinguish between the types of foes.

Once it has begun its attack, the black cyst prefers to make full attacks, dividing its tentacle attacks between
each opponent it threatens. Depending on the success of its attacks, it may use Power Attack to deal additional
damage, but only if it successfully hits its opponents from the start. Through it all, it works to exhaust its
quickened confusion by casting this spell each round for the first three rounds in the hopes of driving mad all
creatures it faces.

The black cyst reserves its attack options and spell-like abilities for when it takes significant damage, usually 50
points or more. It responds first with waves of exhaustion followed on the next round with a power word stun
against the target that dealt it the most damage. Alternatively, if faced with extensive weapon damage, it may train
its focus on the attacker using Improved Sunder and insanity.

Sample Encounter
A black cyst is a particularly obscure outsider, virtually unknown outside of a few dusty journals penned by
occultists and lunatics. Black cysts, when encountered, are always found in conjunction with powerful priests of
Tharizdun or one of the mad god's other aspects, namely the Elder Elemental Eye. A cult lucky (or unlucky)
enough to have the service of such a monstrosity may very well bind it into an object such as an altar or magic
item, while others may mask its appearance with a liberal use of illusion spells. Some even contain them with
walls of force to keep them in reserve should their temple fall under attack.

The Fane of the Dark God (EL 18): This blasphemous temple is constructed of fitted blocks of obsidian that
drink in light brought inside the unholy sanctum. Violet tapestries hang from rails running along the walls near the
ceiling, while a great black altar riddled with lavender veins dominates the center of the room. Haunting the
border of the Ethereal Plane is a black cyst, watching and waiting for enemies.

The black cyst is an entirely unnatural creature -- an abomination conjured up from the madness that defines
Tharizdun's mind. Believed to ooze from the Dark God's demiplane prison, black cysts slip free and congregate
around the shackled color pool marking the entrance to this place, awaiting the time when their hideous master is
freed. Occasionally, black cysts escape the Ethereal Plane to visit horrors on the Material, usually, but not
always, on behalf of Tharizdun's mortal servants.

Having no need for sustenance doesn't stop these dim creatures from hunting. Black cysts seem to take special
delight from dissolving the flesh of their victims, and when they kill a mortal, they set to work liquefying the victim
with their unspeakable essences in a process that can take hours. As the tentacles caress the flesh, the
fundamental nature seems to unravel, leaving behind a sticky mess of blood, liquid flesh, and softened bones.
Queerly, this act does not actually affect living creatures or creatures animated by negative energy; it only works
on the inanimate dead.

Environment: Black cysts are native to the nameless demiplane holding Tharizdun. The divine power that
contains the Dark God seems not to affect the black cysts, who can come and go freely if they choose.

Typical Physical Characteristics: A black cyst looks like a massive black ball of darkness. Nothing mars its
surface and when light falls upon it, it leaves no reflection. From its depths, it forms long ropy tentacles that flail
about when angered. Outside of combat, the tentacles soften and retract, oozing back into the perfect orb of its

Society Black Cyst Lore

Black cysts are the nightmares of Tharizdun given form, and, as Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the
such, they are capricious beings, capable of unprovoked and planes) can learn more about a black cyst.
appalling acts of violence. They seem to delight in spreading When a character makes a skill check, the
suffering and insanity wherever they go, and some even torment following lore is revealed, including the
other creatures that bend their knee to the Dark God. Their dim information from lower DCs.
intellect prevents them from forming any sort of lasting community,
and their lack of need for sustenance gives them little impetus to KNOWLEDGE (THE PLANES)
set aside their wanton wickedness to work together overlong.
This said, black cysts are famous for combining their efforts DC Result
against greater enemies. It's unlikely they do so out of their own This creature is a black cyst, a vile
tactical sense. Likely, it is because of some missive from their horror born from Tharizdun's tortured
master. 28
flesh. This result reveals all outsider
Alignment: As creatures of Tharizdun's creation, black cysts are
always chaotic evil. They recognize no pacts, no alliances, and Black cysts are particularly resilient
are as quick to destroy their allies, as they are their enemies. creatures, and only weapons of the
33 purest silver and those imbued with the
Typical Treasure essence of law have even the faintest
Black cysts have no use for treasure and therefore never keep it. hopes of injuring it.
What valuables may be found with a black cyst are undoubtedly A black cyst is the embodiment of
the treasures of the cult that summoned it. madness and most of its attacks affect
its foes' minds. Between its warping
Advanced Black Cysts
38 aura that distorts the senses to its
Black cysts are incapable of growing larger on their own. A
various maddening spell-like abilities, to
servant of Tharizdun can cause the black cyst to swell, however,
fight these things, an adventurer would
by performing ritual sacrifice. Every 10 Hit Dice of sacrificed
do well to shield his mind.
victims causes the black cyst to gain 1 Hit Die. Once it has
acquired 44 Hit Dice, it suddenly bloats, expanding with terrifying Black cysts share their master's
speed until it finally settles on Huge size. elemental eye aspect such that when
43 injured, they spew forth a random
Black Cysts in Eberron elemental to do their bidding, which is
Black cysts are semi-intelligent formations that cling like usually to ravage its attackers.
cancerous tumors on the edges of Xoriat. From time to time, a few
become dislodged during the plane's normal passage only to find themselves caught between realities. Black
cysts search for a way to bind themselves to a new reality and so watch for any planar anomalies such as those
created by gate spells, and then they slip through to the surprise of the caster.

Black Cysts in Faerûn

Black cysts came to Faerûn with the shades. Native to the Plane of Shadow, these creatures of
incomprehensible wickedness and depthless evil seek only to spread madness and despair, to reduce all living
things to decay, and slowly pull the Material Plane into the Plane of Shadow. Luckily, the shades brought few of
these abominations with them and those that have slipped from their control have been destroyed by doughty
heroes, but rumors persist of more and more of these hateful creatures appearing in places beyond Anauroch.

About the Author

Robert J. Schwalb is a contract designer for Wizards of the Coast and has contributed to numerous
sourcebooks including Tome of Magic, Players Handbook 2, Fiendish Codex 2, Complete Scoundrel, Drow of
the Underdark, Monster Manual V, Exemplars of Evil, and Elder Evils. Robert rarely emerges from his
Tennessee office these days, except when dragged away from his keyboard by his incredibly patient wife
Stacee and his pride of fiendish werecats.

Grand History of the Realms
The Moonshaes
by Brian R. James

Cataloging the most prominent events from the Days of Thunder to the impending Spellplague, The Grand
History of the Realms presents the definitive chronology of the Forgotten Realms setting. Some corners of the
Realms, however, still hold their secrets from sages and historians. One such place is the enchanted Moonshae
Isles, home to the very first novel published in the Forgotten Realms setting, Darkwalker on Moonshae by
Douglas Niles.

Timeline Format

The bulk of this supplement is made up of brief entries that collectively form a timeline of the history of the
Moonshaes and other islands of the Sea of Swords. The events are presented (naturally) in chronological order
according to the year or time frame in which they occurred.

The Ffolk of the Moonshae mark the ascendancy of Cymrych Hugh to the throne of the High King in the Year of
the Student as the start of their calendar. For ease of reference, all dates in this timeline are expressed in the
Dalereckoning (DR) notation. To convert between Dalereckoning and Moonshae Reckoning (MR): DR - 200 =
MR or MR + 200 = DR.

Monarchies of the Ffolk

Following the chronology, enjoy for the first time a detailed list of the ruling dynasties of the Ffolk from Gwynneth
"the First Mother" to High Queen Alicia Kendrick.

History of the Moonshaes

c. -17600 DR
The unchecked energy of the Sundering fractures the supercontinent of Merrouroboros, driving one continental
plate westward and forming the Moonshae Islands in its wake. In this age, the Moonshaes consisted of hundreds
of little islands, little more than volcanic peaks rising up abruptly out of the turbulent sea.

-- Most undersea inhabitants of Claarteeros (Black Sea) are slain during the Sundering. Ongoing seismic activity
following the cataclysm leads to millennia of earthquakes, maelstroms, and other deadly sea hazards, limiting
travel and colonization both above and beneath the waves.

c. -15000 DR
Fey take a greater interest in the great archipelago off Faerûn's western shore. Using their mysterious
crossroads, thousands of fey begin settling the Moonshae Isles.

c. -11000 DR
-- The mighty fey guardian, Leviathan, arrives to defend the gravely shores and deep firths of the Moonshaes'
rugged shorelines.

-- Over the next several centuries the seas calm, the earthquakes subside, and the volcanoes become dormant. It
is thought that the leShay or their gods are responsible.

c. -10500 DR
By this time, the Moonshae Islands appear much as they do in the present day, consisting of a few large islands
and the Korinn Archipelago.

-- The leShay establish the kingdom of Sarifal; its capitol the shining city of Karador built upon a small island at
the center of the shimmering blue waters of Myrloch, a large lake nestled within a great vale on the Moonshae's
central island.

c. -10000 DR
The elder unicorn Kamerynn arrives on the Moonshaes, to defend the fields and glens of these great islands.

c. -9800 DR
The leShay welcome Llewyrr refugees from the mainland, allowing them to settle in isolation and safety among
the mountains of the Moonshae Islands. The Llewyrr name their new kingdom Synnoria, after the elf queen who
led them to this island sanctuary.

c. -9000 DR
Seeking a counterbalance for the benevolent Leviathan and the wise Kamerynn, the Earthmother summons to
the Moonshaes her third child -- the youngest and deadliest of her brood. The Balance demanded that life be
countered by death, so the goddess brought forth unto the Moonshaes the Pack, a congregation of savage and
bloodthirsty wolves.

c. -8000 DR
Dwarven refugees cut off from Shanatar as a result of the Mindstalker Wars begin exploring remote subterranean
passages beneath the Sea of Swords. The dwarves later establish Dwarvenhome in the natural caverns under
the Moonshae Islands.

The Moonshaes
The Moonshaes are a cold cluster of rocky islands west of the Sword Coast. Cloaked in mists and deep woods,
the islands boast abundant vegetation, wildlife, bogs, and soaring mountains. The coastlines are sharp and
rugged, and harsh storms sweep the islands during the cold months.

In previous years the isles' two dominate human ethnicities, the Northlanders or "Northmen" and the Ffolk, spent
much of their time at each other's throats, particularly because of the Northlanders' penchant for bloody raiding.
In the Year of the Bright Blade (1347 DR), High King Tristan Kendrick brought Ffolk and Northmen together to
sign the Treaty of Oman, which ushered in more than twenty years of uneasy peace. Then in the Year of the
Unstrung Harp (1371 DR), both groups agreed to permanently put aside long held animosities and come
together as a united people. Today Ffolk and Northlander alike swear fealty to High Queen Alicia Kendrick, who

rules from her court at Caer Callidyrr on the eastern island of Alaron.

The southern islands of the Moonshaes remain predominately settled by the Ffolk, dark-haired, fair-skinned
farmers and fisherfolk who were the original human inhabitants of the islands. The northern isles remain
dominated by the seafaring Northlanders, fair-skinned, light-haired warriors who trace their ancestry from the
raiders of Ruathym and ancient Illusk. Northmen still feel that it is far more honorable to live a life of adventure
on the seas than to farm and herd animals as the Ffolk do. The Northlanders haven't completely abandoned
their life of pillaging either, though they now focus their aggression against the smaller isles of the Trackless
Sea or the reaver-held lands of the Nelanther. All Moonshavians speak Illuskan and the few literate employ the
Thorass script introduced by Tethyrian immigrants. The Moonshae's small circle of druids speak the original
language of the Ffolk -- Waelan, an ancient Talfric tongue based on the Draconic alphabet.

Traditionally Moonshavians have not welcomed outlanders from the mainland. Since her rise to power in the
Year of the Sword (1365 DR), the high queen has sought to break the custom of isolationism long practiced by
her people.

Humans are not the only inhabitants among the isles. Gwynneth, the largest and most central of the
Moonshae's many islands, contains a large region still inhabited by the lands' original residents. The huge
valley of bogs, forests, and wild scrubland has been known for millennia as Myrloch Vale, named after the large,
cold lake at its center. Today the vale forms the center of the fey kingdom of Sarifal, returned to the Moonshaes
in the Year of Risen Elfkin (1375 DR). It's hard to dismiss the enchanted nature of the place. Here dwell many
varieties of fey, enchanted beasts, sentient vegetation, and of course the reclusive Llewyrrr elves in their
mountain home of Synnoria.

c. -7000 DR
Dwarven settlers establish Highhome in the Cambro Mountains east of Myrloch Vale.

c. -6000 DR
Grond Peaksmasher leads a tribe of giants to the Moonshae Isles, primarily settling on the island of Norland in
the Jotunhammer Mountains. The dwarves name the giant tribe "Fir-Bolg," or large men with spears.

c. -5000 DR
In a great conflict between the dwarves and firbolgs of the Moonshaes, Grond Peaksmasher is imprisoned on
Oman's Isle beneath the great Ice Peak. Without Grond's guidance, the firbolgs degenerate into brutes no more
civilized than hill giants.

c. -4600 DR
The stone fortress of Sonnmorndin is built as a naval base by the Sailors of the Mountainous Waves, the
dwarven marines of Haunghdannar, on the island of Arauwurbarak (present-day Ruathym).

c. -4000 DR
Imaskari artificers are common visitors to the Royal Court of Sarifal. It is thought that the leShay establish an
alliance with the human empire during this time.

c. -3100 DR
Human seafarers from the west, known today as the Illuskan or Northmen, name and settle the island of

c. -3000 DR
Human warriors of Ruathym found the settlement of Illusk at the mouth of the River Mirar and displace local Ice
Hunter tribes.

c. -2000 DR
Malar unleashes "The Beast" to stalk the Moonshae Islands. The Llewyrr united with the dwarves and the
children of the Earthmother to confront the Beast. From the darkest depths of Feywild, the Beast summons forth
mighty fomorians to fight against his enemies. For many decades, war wracks the isles, but finally the Beast's evil
minions are driven into small corners of the isles, where they were carefully watched by the protectors of the

-- The fomorians, an evil race of giant-sized fey, easily overpower the native firbolg tribes, taking them as slaves.
After a few generations of forced breeding, Moonshae firbolgs assume some of the disfigurements commonly
associated with fomorians.

c. -1000 DR
For the next several centuries, the Illuskans of Ruathym colonize the Gull Rocks, Gundarlun, Mintarn, the Purple
Rocks, the Teeth, Tuern (a.k.a., Uttersea), Umukek, the Wave Rocks, and the Whalebones. In time these
Illuskan seafarers become known as the Northmen. Thinking them cursed, the Northmen stay clear of the
Moonshae Isles and its mischievous fey inhabitants.

c. -500 DR
Most Fey, including the haughty leShay and the malevolent fomorians, inexplicably retreat to Feywild,

abandoning the kingdom of Sarifal and their claim to the Moonshae Isles. The ancient city of Karador sinks
beneath the waves of Myrloch, forgotten but not wholly abandoned.

-334 DR (Year of the Three Seas' Rage)

A group of Netherese arcanists establish the city Helbrester in the Nelanther Isles.

-105 DR (Year of the Bloody Goad)

An Illuskan tribe known as the Rus, led by their chieftain Yvengi, stumble upon a malfunctioning portal in the
Whalebones. It deposited them on the eastern shore of Lake Ashane in far away Rashemen.

-54 DR (Year of Tomes)

Pirates settle the Nelanther at this time and begin stealing ships and start major disruptions of the burgeoning
sea trade off Tethyr. The pirates are led by Black Alaric the Pirate, the exiled cousin of Chief Darius Fyrson of
Clan Fyrson.

-- The pirates under Black Alaric attempt to seize Helbrester but are driven off. The Sunset Towers area
becomes a neutral meeting ground for pirates and merchants alike.

-44 DR (Year of the Giant's Rage)

King Nishan II of Tethyr launches a major offensive against the pirates that culminates in the Channel Battle,
which sees the sinking of the royal flagship and the death of its commander, the scuttling of the pirate flagship,
and the believed death of Black Alaric the Pirate.

-9 DR (Year of Fell Traitors)

Clan Fyrson of Tethyr voluntarily goes outlaw and joins the Nelanther pirates after the murder of clan chief Tavis
II by his brother Volsun. Volsun assumes the mantle of Black Alaric, started by his late paternal uncle.

95 DR (Year of the Reluctant Hero)

The Ruathym warlord Uthgar Gardolfsson leads a reaver fleet against the port of Illusk and sacks the city. The
roused citizens of Illusk o succeed in burning the raiders' ships, and the weakened reavers are eventually driven
from the city by enraged citizen mobs.

127 DR (Year of the Defiant Stone)

Grath Erlkar, a Northmen raider and explorer, founds Grath's Hold (later known as Port Llast).

140 DR (Year of the Executioner)

Fleeing persecution under the Shadowking of Ebenfar, tribes of lost Talfir cross the Sea of Swords and settle
along the southern shores of the island they name Gwynneth.

144 DR (Year of the Fear and Flame)

Human settlers of Gwynneth come into conflict with the Llewyrr. The chieftain Taylor, consort of Gwynneth "the
First Mother," dies in combat with the elves.

149 DR (Year of the Dwarf)

Victorious in battle, Deric of the Ffolk unites the cantrevs of southern Gwynneth into the fledgling kingdom of

151 DR (Year of the Kraken)

Birth of Slarkrethel, future leader of the Kraken Society and seraph of Umberlee, in the depths of the Trackless

154 DR (Year of the Jealous Hag)

King Kaminas of Synnoria and King Deric of Corwell establish peace between their two peoples at the elven
capital of Chysalis.

177 DR (Year of the Troublesome Vixen)

Following years of civil war, Callidyrr Hugh, a son of Ebenfar nobility, unites the warring kingdoms of Corwell.

201 DR (Year of the Student)

Bhaal, assumes control of Kazgoroth and sends "the Beast" against the Ffolk of the Moonshaes. The legendary
warrior chieftain Cymrych Hugh defeats Kazgoroth and is crowned High King of the Moonshae Isles.

-- Later the same year Queen Allisynn succumbs to wounds suffered during the war against Kazgoroth. Cymrych
Hugh commissions the construction of a palace to house his wife's body and fills it with vast treasures. Druids
then send Caer Allisynn to a watery grave beneath the Strait of Alaron.

-- Year 1 of the Moonshae Reckoning (MR) calendar.

244 DR (Year of the Elfsands)

The kraken Slarkrethel discovers the ruins of the ancient elven city of Ascarle in the Trackless Sea and begins
formation of the Kraken Society.

250 DR (Year of the Storm Crown)

Upon his death, High King Cymrych Hugh is entombed beneath a barrow mound in the foothills north of
Blackstone. With no strong heir to the throne, the kingdoms of Moonshae split among the islands.

256 DR (Year of the Thousand Snows)

Illuskan sailors from the island nations of Tuern and Gundarlun make landfall on the Moonshae Islands, finding a
collection of squabbling kingdoms. Over the next couple centuries, Ffolk settlements throughout the Moonshaes
suffer seasonal attacks from the barbaric Northmen.

289 DR (Year of the Walking Dreams)

High King Gwylloch has the skulls of his enemies fashioned into the Castle of Skulls. The High King then moves
his court to the mighty palace hidden in the depths of Llyrath Forest. Gwylloch leads expeditions against the
lands of the Northmen over the next several years. Captives were taken to High King's palace where they were
slain in a grim arena called the Circus Bizarre.

295 DR (Year of the Wrathful Revenant)

Prince Ketheryll, son of High King Gwylloch, captures King Durnhal and Queen Morgan of Corwell and puts them
to death for treason against the High King.

299 DR (Year of the Vaasan Knot)

High King Gwylloch, Prince Ketheryll, and all of their retainers slowly go mad. On the evening of the summer
solstice, the inhabitants of the Castle of Skulls slaughter each other in a suicidal orgy of combat within the
castle's gruesome walls. It is suspected that the mage Flamsterd was somehow involved in the High King's

310 DR (Year of the Amber Hulk)

The halfling community of Marrduin on the island of Orlumbor is decimated by a six-legged horror from the Lower
Planes named Gorathil.

370 DR (Year of Sleeping Dangers)

Calimshan's Great Colony Fleet sets sail to colonize the Moonshaes. An unseasonable storm blows over the
Calishite vessels, sinking half the fleet within the first hour and driving the remaining vessels hundreds of leagues
into the Trackless Sea. Survivors, clinging to the few ships that remain afloat, drift upon the currents of the
Trackless Sea for twenty days and nights. Of the six hundred that set sail from Calimport, only a score survive to
reach landfall on the shores of distant Lopango.

467 DR (Year of Four Winds)

A large migrant group of Tethyrians immigrate to the Moonshae Isles and settle among the Ffolk. The outlanders
bring with them the faiths of the mainland, but most Ffolk continue to worship the Earthmother exclusively. Among
the settlers are architects and engineers who teach the Ffolk how to build strong defensive fortifications such as
city walls and stone keeps. Northmen incursions drop off precipitously over the next several centuries.

562 DR (Year of the Waking Feyr)

Anhaern Rhyllgallohyr, Captain of the Sisters of Synnoria, loses her life while investigating a disturbance in the
Fens of the Fallen. Restored to life by some fell magic, Anhaern is seen a tenday later galloping across Myrloch
Vale on her ghostly steed. Ffolk skalds name her the Shee, or "Banshee Rider."

621 DR (Year of Nineteen Swords)

Princess Bridget of Callidyrr and her royal entourage disappear en route to Norland, where she was to be wed to
Prince Scothgar of Rogarsheim. Both sides blame each other for the Princess' disappearance, further straining
relations between the two peoples.

-- Settlers from the Moonshae Isles colonize the lands of the Utter East and subjugate the indigenous Mar tribes.

745 DR (Year of the Proud Menhir)

Fire Giants sailing from Tuern on gargantuan longships sack the coastal town of Gundbarg. This is the first of
many giant raids against Gundarlun that continue to the present day.

852 DR (Year of the False Smile)

A massive fleet of Illuskan longships from the Sword Coast arrive in the Moonshae Islands, ready for conquest.
High King Dolan Cymrych is drowned when his coracle flotilla is destroyed crossing Whitefish Bay in a futile
attempt to turn back the Northmen fleet. The Crown of the High King is lost to the watery depths. Dolan's son
Conn assumes the High Throne, but the loss of the crown becomes a severe blow to his position.

887 DR (Year of Fell Pearls)

Pirates from the South raid Nimoar's Hold in force but all attacks against the fledgling city fail.

944 DR (Year of the Animated Armor)

The Ffolk of the Moonshaes concede the northern isles of the Moonshaes to "Northmen" settlers.

-- High King Tanner Cymrych leads his men into Myrloch Vale to quell a giant incursion. Ambushed, the High
King loses his life though the Ffolk win the day. The Sword of Cymrych Hugh is lost, apparently carried away by
giant survivors.

964 DR (Year of the Pickled Privateer)

Belshareen, a maiden of the Ffolk, marries Ridinlahr, a lord of the Llewyrr. Lord Ridinlahr crafts a magic harp for
his new bride, which in time will become known as the Lost Harp of Belshareen.

1052 DR (Year of the Frozen Kingdoms)

High King Bayle Carrathal of the Moonshaes seeks to annex the islands of Jannath's Tears into his kingdom.
Baldur's Gate comes to the defense of the Tears, sinking Carrathal's small fleet.

1107 DR (Year of the Skulk)

The sage and historian Bhaernom Khreyt of Baldur's Gate, possessor of the Tome of the Unicorn, loses the book
when the ship carrying it to the Moonshae Isles sinks with the loss of all hands.

1126 DR (Year of Azure Blood)

The royal family of Ruathym obtains the fabled Tome of the Unicorn and places this treasure in the Green Rooms
on that island.

1128 DR (Year of the Peryton)

The ancient red wyrm Gotha is deceived by Talos and led to his demise trapped within the cold earth of the icy
north. Instead of death, the corrupting influence of Talos transforms Gotha into a dracolich and for centuries he
lay there frozen and crushed beneath the mountain waiting for Talos to free him.

1148 DR (Year of the Angry Sea)

The first surface-dwelling agents of the Kraken Society begin to operate in the coastal lands of the North.

1228 DR (Year of the Tattered Banners)

The many small islands of the Korinn Archipelago are tamed by a Northmen chieftain named Viledel "the Sea

1291 DR (Year of the Hooded Falcon)

Flamsterd tower explodes in a great cacophony, dropping it and half the island of the same name into the sea.
There is no word of Flamsterd or his apprentices.

1326 DR (Year of the Striking Hawk)

Prince Tristan, son of King Bryon Kendrick of Corwell, is born.

1329 DR (Year of the Lost Helm)

The Calishite mining and refining colony of Berranzo is founded on Gundarlun by a consortium of merchants led
by the wizard Hochmiraz.

1330 DR (Year of the Marching Moon)

Brianna Moonsinger, Great Druid of the Moonshaes, is slain while trying to prevent the return of Kazgaroth. Her
sister Genna takes up the mantle of Great Druid.

-- Queen Addee of Corwell dies; succumbing to an illness sustained in childbirth with Tristan. King Bryon
Kendrick spends the next ten years in mourning.

1335 DR (Year of the Snow Winds)

King Dagdar of Moray leads an assault against the Northmen village of Trondhelm and is slain. His son
Dynnegall is later crowned king.

1336 DR (Year of the Blazing Brand)

Elminster "the Sage" visits the Moonshae Isles.

1341 DR (Year of the Gate)

Following the death of Sigurd Helmudson "the Wise," Rolf Olafsson is named King of Gnarhelm, uniting the
disparate realms of Olafstaad, Gnarhelm, and Sunderstaad under a single banner.

1345 DR (Year of the Saddle)

Darkwalker War: Agents of the god Bhaal corrupt one of the Earthmother's moonwells. From this darkwell,
Kazgaroth "the Beast" attempts to destroy the Earthmother and ruin the Moonshaes. Kazgaroth, disguised in the
human form of Thelgaar Ironhand, leads an invasion of Caer Corwell. In the end, Kazgoroth flees to the corrupted
moonwell and is slain by Tristan and his companions.

-- King Pwylloch of Snowdown is assassinated.

1346 DR (Year of the Bloodbird)

King Dynnegall of Moray and King Bryon Kendrick of Corwell are assassinated.

-- Prince Tristan and allies later defeat the murderous wizards and depose High King Carrathal, who had become
a puppet of evil in service to Bhaal. Tristan Kendrick is then anointed High King of the Moonshaes by the
Earthmother herself.

-- The sinister god Bhaal seeks to use a corrupted moonwell to send a manifestation known as "the Ravager" to
the Moonshaes. It was during this time that the goddess Chauntea noticed the crippled and faltering status of the
Earthmother and began to counter Bhaal's schemes for the Isles. Embracing the goddess Chauntea, the Great
Druid Robyn Moonsinger uses her new powers to drive Bhaal's avatar back through the darkwell. King Tristan
used the Sword of Cymrych Hugh to seal the gate, severing Bhaal's link to the Moonshaes.

-- High King Tristan Kendrick and Queen Robyn are married that winter in Caer Callidyrr. Within two years, the
royal couple welcome into the world two beautiful heirs, the girls Alicia and Deirdre.

1347 DR (Year of the Bright Blade)

Treaty of Oman: Witnessed by King Rolf Olafsson of Gnarhelm and Grunnarch the Red of Norland under the
looming spire of Icepeak, the Northmen tribes of the Moonshaes sign a peace treaty with High King Tristan
Kendrick of the Ffolk.

1348 DR (Year of the Spur)

King Rolf Olafsson dies of natural causes leaving the Northmen realm of Gnarhelm to his son Svenyird.

1353 DR (Year of the Arch)

Lord Dagus of Olafstaad sets sail with sixty warriors to pillage the Nelanther Isles. Their season of successful
raiding turns grim when they are confronted by bloodthirsty reavers southeast of Nindrol. Seeking a tactical
advantage over the inhuman pirates, Dagus leads his longships through the deadly whirlpools of Oboron's Maw.
His crew's superior seamanship wins the day, but the Northmen suffer many casualties. Lord Dagus himself is
grievously wounded, losing his left arm below the elbow.

1356 DR (Year of the Worm)

Ruathym-Luskan War: Ruathym attacks and sinks a Luskanite caravel after persons unknown (at the time)
stole the Tome of the Unicorn from the Green Library. Luskan responds by destroying much of Ruathym's fleet
and invades the island itself. After months of fighting, Ruathym's defenders drive the High Captains of Luskan
back to their ships.

1357 DR (Year of the Prince)

Waterdeep negotiates a truce between Ruathym and Luskan, but that backfires when Luskan, Ruathym, Tuern,
and the Whalebones forge an alliance to raid settlements along the Sword Coast.

-- The Chansreena (Princess) Alabhansree Alanasker disappears from Ormpur along with a large quantity of
saffron and many magical blades, traveling with her lover, the pirate Cairak Redbeard, to the Moonshaes.

1358 DR (Year of Shadows)

The Lords' Alliance expels Luskan's forces from Ruathym by applying combined diplomatic and military pressure.
Luskan and the allied island realms of the Trackless Sea join to form the Captain's Confederation.

-- Appearing also in the Trackless Sea, Umberlee "the Bitch Queen" adopts the kraken Slarkrethel as her seraph.

1359 DR (Year of the Serpent)

Led by Gauntather "the Dark Druid," priests of the Risen Cult of Bane arrive in the Moonshaes to spread fear
among the Ffolk and fight against local druids with hired brigands and undead. Employing a little used portal
known as the Cloven Stone, the Cult secretly infiltrates Caer Callidyrr seeking to abduct High King Tristan

Kendrick from his throne room. Adventurers with support from the Harpers and the archmage Flamsterd prevent
the abduction, but not before confronting and driving off an avatar of Iyachtu Xvim, "the Godson."

1360 DR (Year of the Helm)

Talos "the Destroyer" sends an onslaught of storm, drought, blizzard, and hurricanes upon the Moonshaes over
the next five years.

-- Akbet-Khrul, the self-named Grand Vizier of the Pirate Isles, leads two dozen galleys filled with bloodthirsty
pirates against Captain-General Cordell and a much smaller force of mercenaries hired by desperate merchants
from Amn. Superior tactics and the favor of Helm "the Vigilant One" win the day for Cordell and his Golden
Legion. Akbet-Khrul's pirates are routed, leaving the passage through Asavir's Channel safe for merchant traffic
over the next several years.

1361 DR (Year of Maidens)

The plotting of the Kraken Society sees Ruathym pitted against the sea elves of the surrounding region and
Luskan. Waterdeep, along with the rest of the Lords' Alliance, is forced to threaten war when Luskan once again
conquers Ruathym to the west. The Society's plot is foiled by Liriel Baenre and her companion Fyodor.

1365 DR (Year of the Sword)

Robyn Kendrick, High Queen of the Moonshaes, once again feels the Earthmother's touch, marking the
goddess's return to the Moonshae Isles. Displeased with the apparent rebirth of an ancient foe, the vengeful
Talos seeks to turn the Northmen and the Ffolk against one another. To assist in his evil agenda, Talos recruits
murderous pirates, sahuagin from the deep realm of Kressilacc, and the dracolich Gotha to his cause.

-- High King Tristan Kendrick sails for Amn to secure great quantities of grain to feed his growing population. On
the return trip his galleon is scuttled by bad weather with all hands lost to the sea. It is later revealed that the High
King was captured by sea troll king Krell-Bane and taken to the undersea city of Kyrasti. Emissaries of Krell-Bane
later deliver a grizzly trophy to High Queen Robyn, her husband's left hand.

-- While the High King is away, greed and lust for power drives Angus Blackstone, Earl of Fairheight, to betray
the throne in exchange for favors from a dark agent of Talos. His deceit is later revealed and Earl Blackstone
pays for his treachery with his life. His son, Hanrold is named the new Earl of Fairheight.

-- Malar unleashes Ityak-Ortheel "the Elf Eater" to rampage across Myrloch Vale and assault the elven realm of
Synnoria. Ityak-Ortheel destroys the portal Fey-Alamtine and the Llewyrr capital city of Chrysalis, including
Argen-Tellirynd, the timeless Palace of Ages. The halfling hero Pawldo of Lowhill is slain before Ityak-Ortheel is
banished back to the Abyss.

-- Thurgol, firbolg chieftain of Blackleaf, leads his tribe into the lands east of Codsrun Creek where they sack the
dwarven settlement of Cambro and retrieve the legendary Silverhaft Axe. Trolls join the firbolg ranks as the army
marches north toward the Strait of Oman and the doomed village of Codscove.

-- Parell Hyath, Exalted Inquisitor of Helm, arrives in the Moonshaes riding a Chariot of Sustarre. After failing to
regenerate the High King's hand, the Inquisitor convinces Tristan to undertake a holy quest in the wilds of
Myrloch Vale.

-- Princess Dierdre Kendrick, corrupted by Talos, assists firbolgs in releasing the avatar of Grond Peaksmasher
from his imprisonment atop the frozen trails of Ice Peak on Oman's Isle. The Princess is later slain by her sister

-- Queen Robyn later retires to Myrloch Vale to commune with the Earthmother. Tristan Kendrick abdicates his
throne to be with his wife and their daughter Alicia Kendrick is crowned High Queen of the Moonshaes.

1366 DR (Year of the Staff)

The wizard Keane is crowned High King upon his marriage to High Queen Alicia Kendrick of the Moonshae Isles.

-- Prince Brandon Olafsson is named king of Gnarhelm following his father's death by illness.

-- With the revitalization of the Moonshae's many moonwells, faithful of the Earthmother begin to pilgrimage to
druid groves in great numbers.

1367 DR (Year of the Shield)

In the Sacred Grove of the Great Druid on the shores of Myrloch, the Robyn Kendrick encounters an old friend,
Yazilliclik the wood sprite. Yazilliclik warns the Great Druid that "Sarifal is awakening" before disappearing.

1368 DR (Year of the Gauntlet)

The kraken Slarkrethel destroys and sinks the Harper-charted Maiden's Defiance near the ruins of Ascarle.

-- Druid grove wardens throughout Myrloch Vale mysteriously disappear after being called to enter the sacred
waters of the moonwells. Distracted by the faerie dragon Newt, the Great Druid Robyn Kendrick does not
succumb to the same fate.

1369 DR (Year of the Gauntlet)

Deepwater War: Sahuagin raiders, led by the enigmatic wereshark Iakhovas, attack port cities of the Sword
Coast throughout the year leaving harbors in ruin and fleets shattered. Sea trade throughout the Sea of Swords
drops precipitously in the wake of the conflict.

-- The Bozeman Line, a merchant coster operating out of Callidyr, sets aflame its own vessel, the Green Hag, to
prevent it from falling into the hands of the notorious pirate Black Alaric of the Nelanther.

-- Pilgrimages to the druid groves diminish as Ffolk continue to go missing at the moonwells. Against the High
Queen's advice, Robyn and Tristan Kendrick harness the power of the Great Moonwell of Myrloch Vale and enter
the otherworldly realm of Feywild in search of the missing druids.

1370 DR (Year of the Tankard)

In a decisive sea victory over the reavers of the Nelanther, the Royal Navy of the Moonshaes, lead by flagship
Callidyrr Hugh, sinks nearly twenty enemy vessels in the waters of Firedrake Bay. The Royal Navy loses only six
vessels in the confrontation.

-- Many species of fey, largely benevolent though occasionally mischievous, begin immigrating through the
moonwells. The faeries confine themselves primarily to the lands of Myrloch Vale and Winterglen Forest.

1371 DR (Year of the Unstrung Harp)

United Moonshae Isles: At King Olafsson's urging, Northmen kings throughout the Sea of Moonshae swear fealty
to the new High Queen. For the first time in their stormy history, both Northmen and Ffolk are united under a
single banner. With grand ceremony High Queen Alicia Kendrick signs a proclamation marking the birth of the
United Moonshae Isles. The Northmen kings adopt the title of Jarl and continue to rule the traditional lands of
their people.

-- In the waning days of Kythorn a shimmerling swarm descends on the remote Northmen village of Grimstad
along the northern frontier of Winterglen. Following the attack, the residents abandoned the site and by year's
end the entire village is subsumed by the ever-expanding Forest.

1372 DR (Year of Wild Magic)

Exotic species of half-fey are seen throughout the isles. Violent encounters with fey continue to increase as Ffolk
and Northmen are driven from settlements along the circumference of Myrloch Vale. High Queen Alicia sends
men to investigate the increasing fey threat to her kingdom. They are either turned away or disappear completely.
Hunters report that a charismatic verdant prince has been organizing the fey and sentient plants of Oakvale on
Myrloch's southwestern shore.

1373 DR (Year of the Rogue Dragons)

The ancient red dragon Hoondarrh, "the Red Rage of Mintarn," vents his fury on the city of Callidyrr, setting much
of the city ablaze. The Great Druid, Robyn Kendrick, emerges from Feywild with a circle of powerful druids. She
quickly teleports to Callidyrr with her entourage and drives away the Red Rage.

-- High King Keane later succumbs to grievous wounds suffered while defending the city. Attempts to resurrect
the High King are fruitless.

1374 DR (Year of Lightning Storms)

As they were millennia past, the firbolgs of the Grampalt Highlands are subjugated by fomorians and sent into
battle against the settlements of Oman's Isle. By Midsummer Iron Keep, all of Oman's Isle falls to the evil
fomorians and their firbolg thralls.

1375 DR (Year of Risen Elfkin)

The ancient leShay capital of Karador rises from the crystal clear waters of Myrloch. The fey queen Ordalf
announces the rebirth of the Sarifal and declares herself High Lady over all the lands of Gwynneth.

Monarchies of the Ffolk

For much of its history, the Ffolk of the Moonshaes have not been united under a High King.

Reading the Lists: In the following tables, the name of a monarch is not preceded by King or Queen (the gender
of each individual is apparent from the notes). Those who ruled the collective lands of the Ffolk as High King or
High Queen have their named preceded by "HK" or "HQ." Those who served as regents are denoted by [R], with
the years of their reigns likewise in brackets. The year of a monarch's death is the same as the end of his or her
reign unless otherwise noted.

The Legacy of Cymrych Hugh: The war with Kazgaroth in the Year of the Student (201 DR) resulted in the
death of most of the ruling families of the Ffolk. Surviving nobles married their daughters to the children and
grandchildren of Cymrych Hugh to establish a connection to the royal bloodline. Within a few short generations,
every ruling family in the Moonshaes adopted the surname Cymrych.

With High King Tanner's death and the loss of the Sword of Cymrych Hugh in the Year of the Animated Armor
(944 DR), the noble families begin to distance themselves from the legendary (or imaginary some would say)
Cymrych Hugh. Each family took to spelling and pronouncing their particular names differently. Thus, the
bloodline of Cymrych diverged into the royal lines of Carrathal, Kendrick, Selkirk, Cambridge, Kimball, Cyric,
Riker, and Kincaid.

Born Reigned Notes

The First Dynasty
Second daughter of Archduke Markus Randol of Ebenfar; led
Gwynneth "the First
109 140/141 refugees across the Sea of Swords establishing first human
settlement on the Moonshae Islands; died of consumption.
Taylor 115 141/144 Consort of Gwynneth; died in combat against Llewyrr.
Son of Taylor and Gwynneth; died of natural causes without an
Deric 130 149/171
heir; civil war ensues.
Hugh Dynasty of
Son of Ebenfar nobility; united the kingdom of Corwell following
Callidyrr 161 177/193
civil war; slain by trolls.
First son of Callidyrr; died of wounds suffered years earlier in
HK Cymrych 171 193/250*
combat against Kazgoroth.
Champion of Cymrych Hugh; named regent of Corwell in 201;
Christopher Riker [R] 174 [201/250]
died in 256.
Cedric Riker [R] 198 [250/272] Son of Reagent Christopher Koart.
Cymrych Dynasty of
HK Warren I 237 250/259 First son of Cymrych Hugh; died of illness.
HQ Tamara 238 259/263 First daughter of Cymrych High; poisoned
Second son of Cymrych Hugh; died in combat against
HK Carrig I 244 263/287
Northmen invaders.
First son of Carrig I; driven mad and died in suicidal orgy of
HK Gwylloch 265 287/299
combat within his court at the Palace of Skulls.
HK Gorham 270 299/322 Second son of Carrig I; slain by Markus.
HK Markus 288 322/333 Second son of Gwylloch; died in combat.
HK Cameron "the Wise" 291 333/370 Grandson of Warren I; died of natural causes.
HK Bran 319 370/378 Second son of Cameron; died of illness.
HK Conall 340 378/389 First son of Bran; accidental death by crossbow.
First son of Conall; drowned when ship went down off the coast
HK Lann 358 389/420
of Snowdown.
HK Carrig II 378 420/431 First son of Lann; died of plague.
HK Kemble "the Great First son of Carrig II; welcomed Tethyrian immigrants to the
400 431/482
Father" Moonshaes in 467 DR; died of natural causes.
HK Tristram 423 482/483 First son of Kemble; died of illness.
HK Tuathal 444 483/499 First son of Tristram; assassinated.
HK Carrig III 470 499/500 Son of Tuathal; assassinated.
King of Snowdown named regent by Queen Abigail, wife of
Edmund Kincaid [R] 469 [500/507]
Carrig III.
Son of Carrig III; famed for clearing Torriage Wood of
HK Colin 491 507/549 werewolves; slain by son Gordon when Colin himself contracted
HK Gordon 514 549/569 First son of Colin; died of illness.
HQ Miranda "the Fair" 543 569/609 Daughter of Gordon; died of natural causes.
First son of Miranda; died from injuries suffered in horse-riding
HK Embro I 559 609/614
Son of Embro I; established temporary peace with Northmen;
HK Embro II 577 614/632
died in battle against King Stromm of Norland.
HK Alec I 597 632/640 First son of Embro II; mauled by bear while on a hunt.
HK Rowland "the Boy
626 640/642 Son of Alec; died of illness.
HK Samuel 601 642/651 Second son of Embro II; died of heartstop.
HK Warren II 618 651/674 First son of Samuel; died of natural causes.
HK Tobert 640 674/679 First son of Warren II; died in combat against firbolgs.

HK Ernest 664 679/731 First son of Tobert; died of natural causes.
First son of Ernest; abdicates the throne to his brother Alec;
HK Carthus 684 731
died of natural causes in Tethyr in 745 DR.
HK Alec II 685 731/738 Second son of Ernest; died of plague.
HK Pendar 708 738/749 Son of Alec II; slain by wolves.
HK Declan 725 749/762 First son of Pendar; poisoned by son Ciaran.
Son of Declan; slain by angry mob during Festival of the Spring
HK Ciaran 744 762/773
HK Ardan 748 773/796 Nephew of Declan; died of natural causes.
HK Byron I 770 796/826 Son of Ardan; died of natural causes.
First son of Byron I; died of natural causes; Kevan ruled briefly
HK Kevan 789 826/850 in 818 and 819 when High King Byron I fell into magical
Second son of Kevan; died in sea battle against Northmen
HK Dolan 821 850/852
HK Conn 837 852/885 First son of Dolan; died in combat against Northmen invaders.
HK Byron II 855 885/902 First son of Conn; died of illness; original name Merrick.
HK Tanner* 879 902/944 Second son of Byron II; died in combat against firbolg chieftain.
*High King Tanner's death ends the Cymrych Dynasty of Callidyrr and the rule of the High Kings. His son Niall
changes the family name to Carrathal and assumes the rule over the realm of Callidyrr only.
Carrathal Dynasty of
Niall 901 944/954 Son of Tanner Cymrych; died of illness.
Erfle "the Venerable One" 921 954/1012 First son of Niall; died of natural causes.
Alec III 982 1012/1030 Grandson of Erfle; died in a fire.
Son and sole heir of Alec III; deposed following a failed attempt
Bayle 1005 1030/1052
to annex the small island chain of Jannath's Tears.
Yolanda 1029 1052/1089 Grandniece of Alec III; died of illness.
Bertrand 1026 1089/1095 Husband of Yolanda; died of natural causes.
Edwin I 1055 1095/1127 Third son of Yolanda and Bertrand; died of natural causes.
Bethany 1084 1127/1133 First daughter of Edwin I; died of illness.
First son of Bethany; died while touring iron mine near Cantrev
Edwin II 1103 1133/1135
King of Moray named regent by Queen Eleanor, wife of Edwin
Adom Kimball [R] 1096 [1135/1141]
Adrian "the Twinblade" 1125 1141/1207 Son and sole heir of Edwin II; died of natural causes.
Cedric 1176 1207/1243 Grandson of Adrian; died of natural causes.
Vance 1193 1243/1266 First son of Cedric; died of natural causes.
Teldin 1216 1266/1271 Son of Vance; died of heartstop.
Second son of Teldin; mysteriously disappeared in 1273; date
Rieger 1238 1271/1273
of death unknown.
First son of Rieger; assassinated by nobles from Cantrev
Benjamin 1257 1273/1296
Alec IV 1274 1296/1332 First son of Benjamin; died of natural causes.
Third son of Alec IV; murdered by the traitorous black wizard
Reginald 1312 1332/1346
Bastard son of Reginald; raised in Amn with his birthmother;
Brynth* 1334 --
slain by wererats in 1371.
Lionel* 1355 -- Grandson of Reginald; son of Brynth.
*Did not rule; marked for line of succession.
Kendrick Dynasty of
First son of King Bryon of Corwell; abdicated throne to his
HK Tristan 1328 1346/1365
daughter Alicia.

First daughter of Tristan; first monarch to unite the Ffolk and the
HQ Alicia 1346 1365/--
Northmen tribes together under a single banner.

About the Author

A software engineer by day and Forgotten Realms aficionado by night, Brian R. James is the author of the
recently released Grand History of the Realms. Brian lives in Montana with his high school sweetheart Toni and
their four children, Jesse, Cameron, Eleanor, and Bridget. In his spare time he enjoys playing a shadowknight in
Everquest 2 and cheering for the Denver Broncos.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Eye of Madness
Tyrants of the Feydark
by Chris Youngs

The Feywild is commonly thought to be a reflection of the natural world. If this is true, some skeptical sages point
out, then what parallel is there in the world for the mad fomorian tyrants in the Feywild? These kings and queens
rule their kingdoms in the Underdark of the Feywild -- or the Feydark -- with an iron fist. Their madness is
legendary, and few rulers of the Underdark can claim the level of power that these deformed creatures possess
in the Feydark.

Fomorian monarchs rule their dominions mercilessly and cruelly, their tyranny fueled in part by typical fomorian
madness. Among some fomorian rulers, this insanity manifests constantly, and their kingdoms are places of
chaos and violence. Among others, their madness manifests in a more calculated form, allowing for rational
thought, although this doesn't diminish their lust for power. All fomorian rulers, regardless of how insane, have
one trait in common: extreme paranoia. For all their physical and magical might, they constantly fear rebellion
from within, as well as conquest from without.

Fomorian Rule

Wielding absolute power within their kingdoms, fomorians rule their Feydark territories through fear and

oppression, and few dare to challenge a fomorian's grip on a kingdom. The unique madness of each ruler means
no two courts are the same. One court, that of King Borunnor, for example, embodies the enigma of fomorian
rulers. One week, he might seem merciful, granting pardons and sending emissaries of peace to neighboring
kingdoms. But the week following, in a mercurial shift of temperament, he is just as likely to begin an inquisition to
root out traitors, slaughtering pardoned souls and triggering sleeper agents among his ambassadors. Another
king might revel in blood sports and hold grand tournaments between selected champions, as well as command
the public -- and graphic -- executions of political enemies and conspirators, both real and imagined.

To an outsider, chaos seems to reign in fomorian kingdoms, but there is a method to their madness. The
paranoia that besets fomorian rulers is one of the prime reasons that they manage to retain their power, because
their constant fear is infectious. Their subjects tend to be suspicious and are likely to turn on one another if given
an opportunity, for a fomorian tyrant shows favoritism to those fey who succeed in their ruler's plots and are
willing to betray their fellows to do so. Fomorian tyrants are notorious for using their spies to stir up trouble within
their own governments to try to expose traitors, and many of those accused, interrogated, and publicly executed
are often just courtiers who failed to plan well enough for the onset of their ruler's latest mad investigations.

Each fomorian tyrant has an extensive spy network. The most elite of their spies are the Dark Hands, fey spies
and assassins that act as a tyrant's secret police. Many Dark Hands are quicklings, dryads, or members of other
fey races that are skilled at stealth or deception. These spies allow a fomorian tyrant to see much that happens
within a kingdom, so the tyrant relies on them but does not necessarily trust them. Due to their constant fear of
insurrection, fomorian tyrants keep few allies other than their loyal cyclops bodyguards, the only other creatures a
fomorian will trust. Few other servants keep their positions for long before they are moved to a new one or are
relieved of duty permanently.

Not every fomorian rules a kingdom. Those fomorians who lack this power hunger for it -- a trait that fuels the
fears of the leadership. Such fomorians often seek service under a fomorian king or queen and then constantly
scheme to usurp power. Still other fomorians seek advancement by overthrowing a power base in the Feywild --
perhaps an eladrin city or a gnome warren -- and claiming its magic and riches as their own.

A fomorian tyrant's spy network doesn't keep tabs on internal threats only. Fomorians plot against each other
constantly, which is one of the main reasons they see traitors lurking in every shadow. A fomorian knows that his
or her constant scheming is not unique among fomorians, that his or her lust for power is equaled by other
fomorian rulers', who are doing whatever they can to undermine one another's authority. They have sent their
agents across the Feydark and the surface of the Feywild, seeking chinks in the armor of neighboring fomorian

The natural suspicion of a fomorian tyrant's subjects serves a kingdom well when preventing incursions from
external enemies. Untrustworthy of any creature they do not recognize, the tyrant's subjects are quick to report
newcomers to the Dark Hands. A tyrant's subjects and spies keep an especially watchful eye on the drow, who
commonly establish outposts or enclaves within the Feydark, and the hated eladrin (see "Fomorians and the
Eladrin" below). But really, any race with a chance to accumulate power in the Feywild, especially magical power,
is likely to gain the attention of a fomorian tyrant's wandering eye. And woe to them, for fomorians are tenacious
in their madness, and usually nothing short of death will stop them from pursuing a goal.


Fomorian kingdoms are filled with blood sports. Gladiatorial combat is common and usually involves captured
creatures from the world as well as eladrin, other denizens of the Feywild, and supposed traitors to the crown.
Sometimes these games go on for days of gory pageantry. Whether held in massive arenas built of crystal or
staged as races through city streets and surrounding caverns, each contest is either to the death or, sometimes,
until mutilation.

In the latter case, two opponents are given nonlethal but brutal weapons, such as lashes or staffs that emit a
magical, low-damage dose of painful electricity or necrotic damage. Other times, contestants are put through a
grueling series of tests. Sometimes these are public inquisitions presided over by a master torturer, and
sometimes the contestants are made to compete at trivial games, with the loser being punished by the loss of a
finger or possibly a nose or an ear. Some games continue until one competitor confesses to some crime, whether
or not it was committed, and begs for death. The winner -- almost certainly deformed in some way -- is usually
never seen again.

What happens to the winners? Those who show a penchant for surviving the deadly games of a fomorian
kingdom often find themselves in a worse situation. Fomorians, perhaps because of their own disfigurements,
often pursue bizarre breeding programs, trying to magically combine the fiercest creatures in the hope of creating
new forces for their blood sports and armies. Those who find the most success in the gladiatorial arenas often
find themselves subjected to these breeding experiments, which usually result in their minds and bodies being
twisted beyond sanity. Most of these experiments go nowhere, but some result in new toys for fomorian tyrants:
deadly new creatures that serve them in all manner of twisted endeavors.

The Court

A fomorian tyrant's court consists of a variety of creatures. The most common, and the roles they often assume in
these bizarre hierarchies, are described below.

Cyclopses: Perhaps the creatures most instrumental in ensuring a fomorian's rule -- other than the fomorian --
are cyclopses. These one-eyed giants serve their fomorian masters unquestioningly and without hesitation. They
worship their fomorian masters as gods, a belief that fomorians foster through their practice of powerful magic. No
one is certain why cyclopses view their masters in this manner, and many sages debate the behavior endlessly.
Cyclopses act as a fomorian's valued lieutenants, spymasters (though they rarely take to the field themselves as
spies), field generals, and bodyguards, and the number of cyclopses a fomorian ruler commands serves almost
as a measure of the ruler's power in the Feydark. The eladrin, among others, believe that if they could unravel
the secret of the cyclopses' blind obedience, they could sever the tie between fomorians and cyclopses and
weaken all fomorian kingdoms permanently.

Most cyclopses are gifted in some sort of craft. Some show a knack for creating ornate suits of magic armor or
magic weapons, and fomorians value any creature that can increase their store of magic.

Quicklings: Nimble and deadly, quicklings are the most numerous fey among the Dark Hands. They form
squads of spies, assassins, and saboteurs and are frequently partnered with dryads, lamias, and hags on
reconnaissance missions sent to infiltrate eladrin and other settlements on the Feywild's surface.

Dryads: It seems unlikely that these creatures -- tied so strongly to their trees on the surface -- would ever serve
a fomorian. But it is precisely because of the dryads' ties to the surface that fomorians value their service; dryads'
knowledge of eladrin communities is considered invaluable. After quicklings, dryads form the second largest
contingent of fey among the Dark Hands, and briar witch dryads frequently command large groups of spies and

Goblins: Some goblin kingdoms populate the dark reaches of certain Feywild forests. Fomorians do not restrict
their activities to their own plane, and when they do turn their gaze to the world, goblins are often their proxies.
Only a few goblins serve within the dark, crystalline realms of the fomorians, usually as ambassadors from their
own kingdoms on the surface.


Because of how massive and brutish-looking fomorians are, many of their enemies assume that fomorians will
attack only with the massive weapons they carry. While all fomorians enjoy the feel of their enemies' blood
splashing against their skin, they are an inherently magical race of tremendous intelligence. Each fomorian
possesses an evil eye that gives it a potent magical ability -- as well as the potent curse that is the source of a
fomorian's madness.

Fomorian rulers employ some of the best magical artisans in the Feywild, some willing and some not. The cyclops
armorsmiths and weaponsmiths in fomorian employ are legendary in the Feydark, although many a fomorian has
enslaved members of other races. Captured dwarves are especially prized, as are enslaved shadar-kai from the
Shadowfell. Fomorians value magic as highly as dragons, some say, and many adventurers and brave merchants
have offered powerful magic items to gain audience with a fomorian ruler or to secure safe passage through a
fomorian kingdom.

The struggle for power through the acquisition of new magic has led to some of the fiercest struggles between
fomorians and the eladrin. The eladrin take to magic like a dryad to a forest and constantly develop new spells,
rituals, and magic items of all sorts. Conquering one of the last bastions of eladrin power in the world ranks high
on every fomorian ruler's list of desires, and they betray and compete against each other for the right to seize
each eladrin city they discover. This competition among fomorians is likely what has allowed the eladrin to
survive against such hostile odds in the increasingly dangerous Feywild.

Fomorians and the Eladrin

Fomorians see enemies everywhere. Their spy networks are vast, and the conspiracies they sow endless. Other
than fellow fomorians, few groups in the Feywild irk fomorians more than the eladrin. In contrast to the eladrin
empires of old, which sought peace and stability in the Feywild, fomorians have always sought to spread tyranny
and conflict. The two races' opposing goals have destined them for conflict.

The eladrin seek harmony with the natural world, while fomorians seek to bring everything they see under their
malformed thumbs. With eladrin civilization now splintered into city-states, the eladrin seem more vulnerable than
ever before, and fomorians covet their powerful magic. To a fomorian -- king, queen, or ambitious upstart -- an
eladrin city looks like a treasure trove waiting to be plundered. Most of the creatures will stop at nothing to crack
open these vaults and strip them bare. Glorious eladrin cities fall each year to fomorian forces, their beautiful
spires crushed to rubble and their vaults pillaged of powerful magic items.

Of all the varied races of the Feywild, fomorians are perhaps some of the least understood. Utterly mad but
possessed of nearly unrivaled power, they rule -- or seek to rule -- with unmatched avarice and ambition. Few
can get close enough to the fomorians to fully understand their paranoid and magical ways. But if eladrin scholars

can agree on anything, it is this: fomorians are a threat. Wielders of immense power, fomorians always crave
more, and the threat they represent is not restricted to the Feywild. Who knows what they could do if given
unrestricted access to a portal to the world . . . if this hasn't happened already.

About the Author

Chris Youngs is a producer for D&D Insider and a big fan of evil monsters with magic eyes that lurk in the dark
places of the world. When he grows up, that's what he'd like to be. He also promises this is the last Dragon
article for issue #362.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

by Hal Maclean

Some scholars, trying to make sense of the disparate deeds of countless millions, claim that each historical era
has its own particular theme influencing every soul born into it. According to them, this zeitgeist, literally the
"spirit" (geist) of the "time" (zeit), acts as destiny's guillotine, pitilessly choosing winners and losers based upon
how closely they adhere to the demands of the age. They believe that when the zeitgeist beats the drums of war,
armies march into an apocalypse of blood and terror. On the other hand, they also hold that if the zeitgeist
challenges mankind to push against the borders of the unknown, explorers sail beyond the horizon in search of
new lands even as scientists retreat to their laboratories, plumbing the mysteries of the universe like never
before. In their darkest moments, they even fear that when the zeitgeist demands ignorance and fanaticism, the
Inquisition stalks the night, thirsting for unbelievers and infidels to put to torment beyond imagination.

Of course, in our world, one of science and reason, most simply treat the zeitgeist as a convenient fiction.
However, in a world of magic, where powerful alien gods suddenly rise to ascendancy, or the stars themselves
sometimes form new constellations in a single night, the zeitgeist, birthing ages of legend or horror, could prove
very real indeed. This article gives DMs the tools to apply the zeitgeist, and the ages it create, to a campaign

It begins with a discussion of threshold eras, the times between ages when the future hangs in doubt, giving
mortals the chance to affect the destinies of future generations. From there, it offers up a number of different
scenarios to resolve a threshold era, giving DMs the option of setting an adventure, or entire campaign, during
one of these moments of great upheaval. It then explores ways in which the zeitgeist could shape events, and the
actions of NPCs, by considering, in a broad sense, how campaigns set during a particular age might unfold.

Threshold Eras

Physicists tell us that the universe rests upon an uneasy foundation of a handful of mighty forces locked in
constant struggle. When the equilibrium between these forces shifts, upsetting the balance of power, cataclysm
follows, whether in a localized region of space or the entire cosmos, until order reestablishes itself. If the zeitgeist
actually does exist, it might function in a similar way except that instead of a struggle between such impersonal
forces as gravity and nuclear bonds, it attempts to regulate the conflict between concepts such as war, decay,
and chaos. Acting as a pressure release, the zeitgeist periodically gives one of these timeless ideals a chance to
temporarily seize pre-eminence, establishing a new equilibrium, without a cataclysm, by creating threshold eras.

As their name suggests, threshold eras stand between the ages -- they are times when the cosmos pauses to
draw a breath, and they wait for a new zeitgeist to emerge and give shape to the age yet to come. The exact
length of each threshold era varies. Some could last for decades, others for mere moments; however, they matter
only if mortals have some way to influence their outcome. If the universe simply cycles through the ages,
immutable, each one merely a single tick of a celestial clock, threshold eras serve no purpose. In the game,
threshold eras give the PCs, and powerful NPCs, a chance to shape the future by determining the scope and
exact nature of the next age. This struggle to mold the coming age, creating a time of war or peace, freedom or

slavery, could easily serve as the focus for an entire campaign, spawning numerous adventures and plot threads
(see "Resolving Threshold Eras" below).

The zeitgeist requires one or more sentient beings to give it focus, serving, in a sense, as the "midwife" for the
age to come, determining both its nature and underlying elements. Since the zeitgeist has no soul and no
consciousness, it does not question the character of those who obtain this extraordinary influence over it,
embracing the most diabolical schemer as easily as a living saint. Instead, it simply waits for a champion of a
particular cause or ideal to rise to prominence by overcoming all possible rivals whether through war, intrigue, or
acquired prestige. Once this champion emerges, the zeitgeist uses his or her personality as the model for the
coming age. For instance, a cruel miser who built up a financial empire might unleash an age of appalling greed if
the zeitgeist identified him as the champion. Even a poet, celebrating the simple pastoral splendor of forest and
field, could, if she attracted enough followers to her worldview, trigger an age where nature stands triumphant,
drowning cities and empires beneath a tide of trees.

While it is perhaps a somewhat odd experience getting drafted by the zeitgeist to serve as the model for a new
age, it deals no lasting harm. Since, by definition, the champion the zeitgeist selects must enjoy great influence
and power over the world, he or she could remain on the scene for a considerable amount of time afterward. In
some cases, the champion may even live until the end of the age and the start of the next threshold era.

Resolving Threshold Eras

The key question when dealing with a threshold era is exactly how people affect the zeitgeist and the age to
come. As mentioned above, sometimes the zeitgeist might simply pick the most influential person of the day,
letting the ambitious clash until one stands supreme; but that is just one possibility. Fantasy writers, long intrigued
by the potential of the zeitgeist and the ages it creates, have come up with many other options. A few of the more
popular approaches, along with some examples, appear below.

The Adversary
The zeitgeist offers itself to the one who defeats a particularly powerful, and hostile, figure. Typically these sorts
of adversaries take on the character of "Dark Lords," sinister entities bent upon remaking the universe into a
place of endless horror and misery.

Personifications of the peril the zeitgeist exists to prevent, adversaries rarely simply sit around waiting for
someone to attack them. They usually go on the offensive by rallying armies to their banners and working dark
magic to cast down potential foes, which inevitably drags them into conflict with everyone else and sets the stage
for the zeitgeist to discover its champion.

One interesting variation of this approach involves casting the adversary as the person who heralded the
preceding age, the zeitgeist's former champion, who refuses to yield at the start of a new threshold era. This
presents the DM with many more interesting motivations for the adversary than pure malevolence. However, this
approach also usually requires some sort of catastrophe to occur should the adversary win out (particularly if he
or she hopes to continue a generally positive era). Alternatively, the adversary might resolve to defend an age
that has pushed the world too far in one direction, which then requires a fresh start with a new dominant zeitgeist
to rebalance things (for instance, an age of technology that has greatly harmed the environment). Blind to the
risks of maintaining the status quo, no matter how wondrous, or perhaps simply taking the excesses of a previous
age to a dangerous extreme, these adversaries make for much more realistic, and formidable, opponents.

Examples of Adversaries: Lord Foul from The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series by Stephen R. Donaldson,
the Dark One from The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, and the Crimson King from the Dark Tower
series by Steven King.

Periodically the gods, or similar beings who represent particular philosophies and worldviews, take on mortal form
-- beginning a new threshold era -- entering the world as infants and only slowly learning their powers and true
nature as they reach adulthood.

Usually, despite their temporary absence from their seats of power, divine magic continues to flow to mortals,
allowing clerics and the like to cast spells even as the gods lie squalling in a cradle. Eventually these avatars,
each representing one of the possible ages to come, gather followers and resources, the first steps in total war.
The avatar who wins this great struggle, defeating his or her peers, determines the next age.

This approach offers DMs several interesting variations, including the option of keeping the true identities of
these avatars a secret from the PCs and perhaps at first doing so with the avatars themselves. A mighty paladin
and general, an ally of the PCs, might actually be the avatar of war, putting a very different spin on his quest to
purge evil from the world. If the PCs help their friend build up his army, they could inadvertently lay the
groundwork for an age of war to follow. Similarly, a sanctimonious cleric with political ambitions, who regards the
PCs as dangerous louts, might actually be the avatar of good despite his own personal failings. This could put
the PCs in an awkward position, requiring them to help someone they loathe seize power.

Examples of Avatars: The Troy Game series by Sara Douglass, the Lords of Dûs series by Lawrence
Watt-Evans, and the Winter of the World series by Michael Scott Rohan.

The Great Trial
The zeitgeist responds to a particular ritual or test as the threshold era ebbs, using the first person or group to
succeed as the model upon which to base the next age. Often this test requires considerable preparation, laying
the groundwork for a number of preliminary adventures as the candidates gather the proper ingredients, suffer
the mandated trials, or obtain other necessary components. The courage and determination needed to succeed
guarantees that only the truly driven even attempt it, throwing the PCs into conflict with the craftiest, most
ruthless NPCs in the campaign.

One interesting variation on this approach involves creating some sort of massive testing area, a "super
dungeon" that only those chosen by the zeitgeist may safely enter and explore. Monsters and NPCs, lured by the
zeitgeist like moths to a flame, separate the wheat from the chaff, eliminating the teams who actually prepared
themselves to shape the zeitgeist before entering it. Since, in the end, only one of these teams can enter the
secret chamber buried deep within the dungeon and pass the final, lethal test, competition amongst the teams
themselves could prove just as deadly.

Examples of Great Trials: Stormbringer (and related Eternal Champion stories) by Michael Moorcock, the
Sandman sequence of comic books by Neil Gaiman, and Sir Galahad's quest for the Holy Grail.

The zeitgeist reveals itself, and its secrets, to a handful of mortals who, in an all but hopeless attempt to make
sense of its endless complexity, use metaphor and symbolism to convey the truths they learned. Those seeking
to seize control of the zeitgeist must interpret the advice offered by these people, long dead or perhaps utterly
insane, and use it to guide their actions. While very popular in fantasy fiction, where the author enjoys complete
control, DMs must take care when using this approach so that they never leave their players feeling railroaded.
Prophecies should also contain enough ambiguity to spark a party's imagination as they work out their own

One interesting variation of this approach involves creating several different prophecies, perhaps one for each of
the possible ages to come and treating them, in a sense, as recipes or formulas. This gives each faction, and
each powerful individual, the luxury of choosing which prophecy to promote and which to thwart. The threshold
era becomes a Darwinian struggle between competing ideals, with partisans trying to manufacture the omens
needed to make the prophecy they support come about while sabotaging those of their rivals.

Examples of Prophecy: The Prophecies of Valon from the Babylon 5 television series, the Belgariad series by
David Eddings, and the Karethon cycle from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.

Treasure Hunt
As the threshold era draws to an end, the zeitgeist coalesces around one or more powerful talismans, using the
personalities of those who control (or in some cases destroy) these items as the model for the next age. If their
temperaments conflict, the age to come suffers from these flaws as well, mixing various qualities in a chaotic
jumble. For instance, a teacher, driven to guide people toward enlightenment, and a warrior, driven to crush his
enemies, together might create an age of repression, where those who disagree with the "truth" endure torment
and persecution. The more of these items a person holds, the greater his or her impact on the next age, laying
the groundwork for a deadly scavenger hunt amongst the campaign's most powerful factions.

This approach works particularly well when the items also possess other, lesser properties, allowing the DM to
slip one into a monster hoard as a piece of magic treasure. When the PCs find their item, it immediately plunges
them into the middle of secret war, with thieves and assassins dogging their footsteps. Over time, as they grow in
levels and power, building up their own networks of allies, they could advance from mere pawns to movers and
shakers themselves, eventually putting their own spin on the next age. Examples of Treasure Hunts: The Lord of
the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien, the Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper, and the Book of Lost Swords
series by Fred Saberhagen.

Bridge Campaigns

While threshold eras, by definition, serve as the defining crisis of their day, and resolving one usually
acts as a natural climax for a campaign, some DMs (not to mention players) might like to see what
happens next. Bridge campaigns, beginning during a threshold era and then moving into the age that
follows, allow just that. When planning a bridge campaign, DMs must take extra care in resolving the
threshold era since events continue afterward. This means, among other things, that the DM should
pay close attention to the rewards (magic items, special abilities, favors/contacts with powerful NPCs,
improved social status, and so on) the PCs gain from their involvement in resolving the threshold era.

Similarly, the DM should make sure to leave plenty of room for character advancement during the age
that follows. One simple way to do this involves planning to end the campaign when the PCs reach a
certain level and then begin the process of resolving the threshold era once the PCs pass the half-way
mark and then concluding before the two-third mark. For instance, in a bridge campaign intended to
last until 20th level, resolving the threshold era should span levels 10, 11, and 12 with the remainder
of the campaign set during the era that follows.

Using Ages to Shape your Campaign

Threshold eras serve as crossroads -- as moments in history where mortals may seize the power to shape the
future for countless generations to come. However, despite their importance, they appear very rarely -- most of
the time the cosmos follows the path laid out for it by the zeitgeist. This offers DMs a very powerful tool for world
building and also presents a built-in rationale for any home rules they want to include in their campaigns. For
instance, a campaign in a bleak, frozen wasteland seems an odd place for flamestrike spells, not to mention fire
elementals. Setting it during an age where fire magic is on the rise goes a long way toward fixing this problem.
Similarly, an age of territorial conquest followed by an age of decay and isolationism offers up an excellent
rationale for an abundance of dungeons and ruins scattered across the landscape.

Each age has its own particular theme that overrides and influences everything else. Only the most heroic, or
villainous, of souls possess the fortitude to resist the influence the zeitgeist casts upon an age and often even
those who manage this feat find themselves punished for it. In an age of war, those who rely upon peace treaties
are the first to fall when their resurgent neighbors roar across the border. During an age of exploration, those who
shun risk miss out on countless opportunities, and they earn the scorn of society for their timidity. In an age of
repression, those who preach tolerance soon fall beneath the Inquisitions' iron boot and find themselves cast into
its cleansing flames.

Sample Ages
Destiny paints a portrait for each age that draws upon the entire spectrum of mortal experience, dabbing a sullen,
angry red as easily as a vibrant, expansive green, or a calm, placid blue. However, the zeitgeist chooses one of
these colors to overlay everything else in each age, creating a paramount stain that bleeds into each nook and
cranny of the cosmos. This theme, usually encapsulated with a single word like war or decay, touches every
heart and sways debate in the councils of the mighty as easily as it stirs passions in the meanest hovel. DMs
looking to set a campaign during a particular age should use the notes below as inspiration.

Age of Blood
In an age of blood, personal connections and personal feuds take precedence over all other concerns. Family
and kinship ties exert a much stronger pull than the bonds of a nation or any other social organization. Though
larger communities, or even countries, still exist, they seem more like loose federations of allied clans than a
unified citizenry. These clans exist almost as independent states, huddling together in strongholds or urban
enclaves, patrolled by their own private armies and ruled by elders revered for the wily cunning required to reach
old age during such cutthroat times.

The age leaves people believing they share an almost mystical connection with their relatives that causes them
to rise or fall along with their relatives. This makes both nepotism and savage blood feuds commonplace, along
with a very prickly sensitivity to shame and humiliation since it, in a very real sense, diminishes everyone a
person truly cares about. Perhaps because of this extra vitality, vampires tend to flourish during an age of blood,
often serving as champions for their families, who weaken rival clans by stealing their vital essence.

Age of Chaos
In an age of chaos, uncertainty reigns triumphant while the majesty of the law and organization withers. Few
genuine governments, with all their trappings of civil servants, codes of law, and the like, actually exist; most
people simply live under the thumb of their most powerful, or ruthless, neighbor. Often, the dominant social
organization resembles that of a street gang with their leaders, those most practiced at the savage, Darwinian
struggle for dominance demanded of the age, holding court amidst the ruins of a dying civilization.

The age encourages selfishness and a bleak nihilism, rewarding betrayal and deceit while punishing those with a
sense of integrity and justice. Odd phenomena, both magical and natural, seem almost commonplace, with
strange weather, bizarre mutations, and mystical catastrophes happening virtually every day. The ranks of
aberrations and other twisted freaks swell, but many creatures dependent upon the steady flow of magic for their
existence, particularly constructs, find the fluctuations of the age nearly intolerable. In an age of chaos, success
often seems to come through fluke rather than hard work, discouraging people from planning, or building, for the

Age of Decay

In the age of decay, corruption and apathy devours both institutions and people from within, leaving nothing but
hollow shells that collapse under the slightest pressure. Much of the land seems dominated by great empires,
with powerful bureaucracies and miles of red tape to entangle the hapless citizenry; however corruption,
inefficiency, and nearly constant maneuvering for position leaves these empires all but paralyzed. From the
highest to the lowest, a pervading sense of entitlement and self-interest rules, smothering ideals such as duty
and honor. It causes generals to throw away armies in schemes calculated to discredit rivals even if it leaves the
empire they serve fatally vulnerable as easily as it drives farmers to plant luxury crops in times of famine.

The age encourages decadence, with the surrender to unspeakable vices rendering members of every social
strata enfeebled and dissipated. This moral decay seeps into every other facet of life, leaving crumbling
buildings, the decline of scholarship, and even a weakening of the flesh that leads to the spread of innumerable
plagues (including lycanthropy) in its wake. Even nature dwindles away before the creeping malaise of the age;
trees, smothered by mold and mildew, collapse in merely brisk winds, while animals whelp litters with far too
many runts. The pervading sense of failure and gloom leaves many feeling strangely cheated, giving rise to a
cultural fascination with death and the next life, causing them to lavish extraordinary amounts of time and energy
on their funerals and their tombs. This preoccupation with death leads to a dramatic rise in the frequency and raw
power of the undead who call the age home.

Age of Heroes
In the age of heroes, the deeds of the few determine the fates of the many, whether for good or ill. The success
or failure of every great cause ultimately depends upon the tiny handful serving as its champions, rendering even
entire legions, in a sense, merely spectators to the drama. Most people live in city-states large enough to support
armies, temples, and all the other trappings of civilization, but they are still small enough to make the reign of a
single, legendary, ruler possible. Above all else, it is an age of strong passions rather than statecraft, where
thousands die due to the personal feuds and petty squabbles of a few champions.

The age pushes most into a subordinate role, leaving them content to serve merely as spear-carriers and
sidekicks, cheerfully assisting the heroes of the age as they carve their names in the history books. Even the
magically gifted often act as advisors and foils, their power to directly harm an opponent greatly reduced, forcing
them to ensnare minds or alter forms rather than to rain fiery destruction upon a foe. However, the heroes
themselves seldom find much time to enjoy their status -- in addition to the constant maneuvering for position
amongst their own kind they must also grapple with a seemingly endless supply of monstrous foes. Emerging
from vast swathes of untamed wilderness, places where civilization fears to tread, these deadly creatures prey
upon the hapless peasants and townsfolk who depend upon the heroes to protect them.

Age of Light
In the age of light, darkness, whether in the mortal heart or simply in the night sky, pales and grows noticeably
weaker. A spirit of altruism, only partially explained by the abundance of food sparked by prolonged growing
seasons, pervades the land, leaving people with the opportunity and need to help those less fortunate than
themselves. Most people find little need for governments, preferring to solve their problems through compromise
and negotiation, trusting in good will rather than appealing to some remote authority. Some organized groups still
exist, particularly the temples of good deities, universities, and craft guilds, and during those rare moments of
crisis they step in to provide the leadership normally offered by governments in less enlightened ages.

Most people lead simple, quiet lives, taking joy in their work, their friends, and their families, and they give little

thought to great causes and spend little time jealously brooding upon the good fortune of others. The age
encourages gentle, moderate climates, with winters both brief and mild, and plentiful rain to ensure bountiful
crops. At times the sun seems almost reluctant to cede the sky, often creating warm, languid sunsets that stretch
on for hours. These prolonged days, coupled with the generous spirits of most of those who call the age home,
leave little room for evil or malice. Few creatures wedded to the darkness, particularly fiends and those who
traffic with them, exist, causing some to consider them merely the fodder of stories.

Age of Nature
In the age of nature, the wilderness all but buries the trappings of civilization. Few, if any, settled communities
exist -- even individual farms are oddities since most people live as hunter/gatherers wandering the world in
search of food. Sometimes members of one of these bands come upon the crumbling ruins of once mighty cities,
and, as they pause for a day or two, their elders tell stories of how one day their ancestors simply walked away.
Each elder offers up his or her own explanation for why the settled races suddenly turned their backs upon
civilization; famine, war, a spiritual awakening. What matters is that most people consider life in settled
communities almost like a prison.

The age rewards those able to live in harmony with nature, ensuring them plentiful supplies of fish and game
while blessing them with keen senses to find edible plants and fresh water. Most people need only spend ten or
twenty hours a week in pursuit of the necessities of life, giving them plenty of time to follow their passions and to
hone their innate gifts. The age is far from idyllic however; like nature itself, savagery always lurks just beneath
the surface, sometimes erupting into ferocious conflicts as hunters from rival bands stalk each other in deadly
games of cat and mouse. While few of those born into the age master the arts of civilization, particularly writing or
metalsmithing, both arcane and divine magic still exists, albeit in a somewhat more primitive state.

However, "unnatural" creatures, especially undead, constructs, and aberrations, find it quite difficult to thrive in
the age of nature, but most other creatures soon discover their place in the duet between predator and prey.

Age of Tyranny

In an age of tyranny, authority recognizes few, if any, restraints upon its whims, whether within a family, faith, or
nation as a whole. Every person goes through life with an almost instinctive understanding of where he or she fits
within the overall hierarchy and a burning need to advance by any means, whether fair or foul. The age promotes
the spread of great empires led by absolute rulers propped up by merciless enforcers. Those who violate the
orthodoxy of society soon find themselves brutally kicked back in line.

The age rewards those who conform and punishes those who rebel. In each area of life there is a single
acceptable way of doing things: one church, one government, one economic system, with savage reprisals for
those who refuse to toe the line. Creatures with an instinctive ability to cooperate and submit to authority tend to
prosper far more than those with an individualist streak. Demons, slaadi, and other creatures wedded to chaos all
but fade away during an age of tyranny.

Age of War
In an age of war, violence, particularly organized violence, seems the natural way to settle disputes. Most people
feel an almost overwhelming desire to live near their own "kind," a kinship, whether based upon criteria such as
race, alignment, religion, national identity, or something else, that strongly colors their opinions of every other
group. This distrust, at times even hatred, for those who are different causes them to live in a state of almost

constant fear. The rampant xenophobia of the age drives most people to live within guarded and walled
communities, and they usually leave them only to raid their neighbors, all the while hoping for safety that is
brought about by killing their neighbors or at least driving them far, far away.

People born into the age tend to feel a strong loyalty toward members of their own group while at the same time
loathing outsiders. In most places, hybrids, whether half-orcs or half-celestials, experience tremendous hardships
-- usually only those who prove their absolute devotion to the group that raised them survive to adulthood.
However, since above all else the age worships the practice of arms, those who master weaponry soon find their
place, as do those who learn to serve the age by channeling magic to destroy their enemies.

About the Author

Hal Maclean has seen several of his articles get published in Dragon and Dungeon Magazines. Watch for his
work in GM Gems: A Tome of Inspiration for Fantasy Game Masters from Goodman Games.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Sneak Attack!
by Bill Slavicsek

This month, we’re granting everyone a surprise round before the actual launch of the 4th Edition of Dungeons &
Dragons. During this surprise round, a bunch of my staff is heading to the D&D Experience in Virginia to play
4E with people, show off the latest art, unveil the rest of the year’s slate of products, and provide a new look at
the elements of D&D Insider. It’s an exciting time!

Not only are we in the midst of seeing finished galleys of the core
books here in the office, but we’re about to enter the final stage before
the launch of 4E. To me, this last sprint kicks off with D&D
Experience. At the show, fans and players get to mingle with Chris
Perkins, Andy Collins, Rob Heinsoo, James Wyatt, Mike Mearls, and
Chris Youngs from my R&D team, as well as with The Rouse and
Sarah Girard from the Brand Team, Didier Monin, and the great folks
in Organized Play. It should be a wonderful event.

At the event, everyone will get to see the new game system in action.
Games will be played, secrets will be revealed, and amazing D&D
Insider features will take center stage. I’m sure the various tidbits that
get revealed will be reported here and elsewhere as they happen, but
I want to kick off the festivities with my own surprise round.

What better way to get everyone excited and talking than to show off
one of the class write-ups from the new Player’s Handbook? And what
class more typifies the surprise round than the rogue? What follows is
the opening spread for the rogue class, as well as a few of the powers
available to rogue characters.

You’re going to see something called “builds” in the information that

follows. Builds present themes that you can use to guide you as you
select powers and other abilities. You can follow the advice of a build,
or you can ignore it. It’s not a constraint, but instead provides
information to help you make informed choices as you create your
character. Using a class build isn’t required; builds exist to help guide
your decisions through the process of character creation and each
time you level up.

If you’re going to attend D&D Experience, say hello to the gang for
me. In the meantime, enjoy this surprise peek at the rogue. Hurry,
though. You know how sneaky the rogue can be.


"You look surprised to see me. If you’d been paying attention, you might still be alive."


Role: Striker. You dart in to attack, do massive damage, and then retreat to safety. You do best
when teamed with a defender to flank enemies.
Power Source: Martial. Your talents depend on extensive training and constant practice, innate
skill, and natural coordination.
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Strength, Charisma

Armor Training: Leather

Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, hand crossbow, shuriken, sling, short sword
Bonus to Defense: +2 Reflex

Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score

Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges: 6 + Constitution modifier

Trained Skills: Stealth and Thievery plus four others. From the class skills list below, choose four
more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dexterity), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), Insight
(Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dexterity), Streetwise (Cha), Thievery

Build Options: Brawny rogue, trickster rogue
Class Features: First Strike, Rogue Tactics, Rogue Weapon Talent, Sneak Attack

Rogues are cunning and elusive adversaries. Rogues slip into and out of shadows on a whim, pass anywhere
across the field of battle without fear of reprisal, and appear suddenly only to drive home a lethal blade.

As a rogue, you might face others’ preconceptions regarding your motivations, but your nature is your own to
mold. You could be an agent fresh from the deposed king’s shattered intelligence network, an accused criminal
on the lam seeking to clear your name, a wiry performer whose goals transcend the theatrical stage, a kid trying
to turn around your hard-luck story, or a daredevil thrill-seeker who can’t get enough of the adrenaline rush of
conflict. Or perhaps you are merely in it for the gold, after all.

With a blade up your sleeve and a concealing cloak across your shoulders, you stride forth, eyes alight with
anticipation. What worldly wonders and rewards are yours for the taking?


Characteristics: Combat advantage provides the full benefit of your powers, and a combination of
skills and powers helps you gain and keep that advantage over your foes. You are a master of skills,
from Stealth and Thievery to Bluff and Acrobatics.

Religion: Rogues prefer deities of the night, luck, freedom, and adventure, such as Sehanine and
Avandra. Evil and chaotic evil rogues often favor Lolth or Zehir.

Races: Those with a love for secrets exchanged in shadows and change for its own sake make ideal
rogues, including elves, tieflings, and halflings.

Creating a Rogue

The trickster rogue and the brawny rogue are the two rogue builds, one relying on bluffs and feints, the other on
brute strength. Dexterity, Charisma, and Strength are the rogue’s most important ability scores.

Brawny Rogue
You like powers that deal plenty of damage, aided by your Strength, and also stun, immobilize, knock down, or
push your foes. Your attacks use Dexterity, so keep that your highest ability score. Strength should be a close
second—it increases your damage directly, and it can determine other effects of your attacks. Charisma is a good
third ability score, particularly if you want to dabble in powers from the other rogue build. Select the brutal
scoundrel rogue tactic, and look for powers that pack a lot of damage into every punch.

Suggested Feat: Weapon Focus (Human feat: Toughness)

Suggested Skills: Athletics, Dungeoneering, Intimidate, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery
Suggested At-Will Powers: Piercing Strike, Riposte Strike
Suggested Encounter Power: Torturous Strike
Suggested Daily Power: Easy Target

Trickster Rogue
You like powers that deceive and misdirect your foes. You dart in and out of the fray in combat, dodging your
enemies’ attacks or redirecting them to other foes. Most of your attack powers rely on Dexterity, so that should be
your best ability score. Charisma is important for a few attacks, for Charisma-based skills you sometimes use in
place of attacks, and for other effects that depend on successful attacks, so make Charisma your second-best
score. Strength is useful if you want to choose powers intended for the other rogue build. Select the artful dodger
rogue tactic. Look for powers that take advantage of your high Charisma score, as well as those that add to your
trickster nature.

Suggested Feat: Backstabber (Human feat: Human Perseverance)

Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Insight, Perception, Stealth, Thievery
Suggested At-Will Powers: Deft Strike, Sly Flourish
Suggested Encounter Power: Positioning Strike
Suggested Daily Power: Trick Strike

Rogue Class Features

All rogues share these class features.

First Strike
At the start of an encounter, you have combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that

Rogue Tactics
Rogues operate in a variety of ways. Some rogues use their natural charm and cunning trickery to deceive foes.
Others rely on brute strength to overcome their enemies.

Choose one of the following options.

Artful Dodger: You gain a bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier against opportunity
Brutal Scoundrel: You gain a bonus to Sneak Attack damage equal to your Strength modifier.

The choice you make also provides bonuses to certain rogue powers. Individual powers detail the effects (if any)
your Rogue Tactics selection has on them.

Rogue Weapon Talent

When you wield a shuriken, your weapon damage die increases by one size. When you wield a dagger, you gain
a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Sneak Attack
Once per round, when you have combat advantage against an enemy and are using a light blade, a crossbow, or
a sling, your attacks against that enemy deal extra damage. As you advance in level, your extra damage

Level Sneak Attack Damage

1st–10th +2d6
11th–20th +3d6
21st–30th +5d6

Rogue Powers

Your powers are daring exploits that draw on your personal cunning, agility, and expertise. Some powers reward
a high Charisma and are well suited for the trickster rogue, and others reward a high Strength and appeal to the
brawny rogue, but you are free to choose any power you like.

Deft Strike
Rogue Attack 1
A final lunge brings you into an advantageous position.

At-Will [ ] Martial, Weapon

Standard Action
Melee or Ranged weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow, a light blade, or a sling.
Target: One creature
Special: You can move 2 squares before the attack.
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC

Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.

Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity modifier at 21st level.

Piercing Strike
Rogue Attack 1
A needle-sharp point slips past armor and into tender flesh.

At-Will [ ] Martial, Weapon

Standard Action
Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex

Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.

Increase damage to 2[W] + Dexterity modifier at 21st level.

Positioning Strike
Rogue Attack 1
A false stumble and a shove place the enemy exactly where you want him.

Encounter [ ] Martial, Weapon

Standard Action
Melee weapon

Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Will

Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and you slide the target 1 square.
Artful Dodger: You slide the target a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier.

Torturous Strike
Rogue Attack 1
If you twist the blade in the wound just so, you can make your enemy howl in pain.

Encounter [ ] Martial, Weapon

Standard Action
Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC

Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.

Brutal Scoundrel: You gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Strength modifier.

Rogue Utility 2
You tumble out of harm’s way, dodging the opportunistic attacks of your enemies.

Encounter [ ] Martial
Move Action
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Acrobatics.

Effect: You can shift a number of squares equal to one-half your speed.

Crimson Edge
Rogue Attack 9
You deal your enemy a vicious wound that continues to bleed, and like a shark, you circle in for the

Daily [ ] Martial, Weapon

Standard Action
Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude

Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target takes ongoing damage equal to 5 + your
Strength modifier and grants combat advantage to you (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and no ongoing damage.

About the Author

Bill Slavicsek is the R&D Director for Roleplaying Games, Miniatures, and Book Publishing at Wizards of the
Coast. All of the game designers, developers, editors, book editors, and D&D Insider content managers working
on Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, and the WotC Publishing Group report into Bill's R&D team.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Devil's in the Details
by Bill Slavicsek

Last month, I shared the elf racial entry from the upcoming 4th Edition Player's Handbook with you. It went over
so well that I thought I'd do something like it again this month. This time, though, I've decided to dive into the
Monster Manual files and see how that book is coming along. Just today, for example, Mike Mearls and I finished
reviewing every minion and swarm in the book, making sure that the rules for these are clear, concise, and easy
to use at the table. I was going to show you one of those, but while they're all cool and great for the game, they
aren't anywhere near the sexiest monsters in the book. No, I want to share with you something meaty, something
substantial, and something well and truly at the top of the pile of D&D monsters. Something new won't work for
this purpose, since I want you to be able to compare the 3E version to the 4th Edition version if you have a desire
to make such a comparison.

For all these reasons and more (and because the art sketch by Arnie Swekel is just wonderful), I've settled on the
pit fiend. Here's the entry from the new Monster Manual in all its current glory. Enjoy!


Nobles of the Nine Hells, pit fiends form an elite ruling class that oversees vast numbers of lesser devils. Only the
archdevils known as the Lords of the Nine stand higher than the pit fiends.

Each pit fiend is lord of a large domain within one of the layers of the Nine Hells and is vassal to the archdevil
who rules that layer. A pit fiend might govern a city, command a fortress, lead a great legion, or serve as a
seneschal or counselor for an archdevil. With the exception of Asmodeus, each Lord of the Nine commands no
more than a dozen or so pit fiends.

As the lords, barons, viziers, and generals of the Nine Hells, pit fiends rarely confront adventurers in person.
They are the progenitors of devilish schemes, and they step in only when important plans go awry or when great
plots reach fruition. In the Nine Hells proper, pit fiends command vast numbers of lesser devils. Penetrating the
defenses of a pit fiend's castle and destroying the mighty devil in its own demesne is a deed of truly epic

This hulking devil stands 12 feet tall and has red scales, leathery wings, and a long whiplike tail. It carries a
massive mace and wears an ornate breastplate decorated with evil runes and symbols.

Pit Fiend Level 26 Elite Soldier (Leader)

Large immortal humanoid (devil) XP 18,000
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +23; darkvision
Aura of Fear (Fear) aura 5; enemies in the aura take a –2 penalty on attack rolls.
Aura of Fire (Fire) aura 5; enemies that enter or start their turns in the aura take 15 fire damage.
HP 350; Bloodied 175
AC 44; Fortitude 42, Reflex 38, Will 40
Resist 30 fire, 15 poison
Saving Throws +2
Speed 12, fly 12 (clumsy), teleport 10
Action Points 1
Melee Flametouched Mace (standard; at-will) • Fire, Weapon
Reach 2; +31 vs. AC; 1d12+11 fire damage plus ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Melee Tail Sting (standard; at-will) • Poison
+31 vs. AC; 1d6+11 damage, and the pit fiend may make a free followup attack. Followup: +29 vs. Fortitude;
ongoing 15 poison damage, and the target is weakened (save ends both effects).
Melee Pit Fiend Frenzy (standard; at-will)
The pit fiend makes a flametouched mace attack and a tail sting attack.
Ranged Point of Terror (minor; at-will) • Fear
Range 5; +30 vs. Will; the target takes a –5 penalty to all defenses until the end of the pit fiend's next turn.
Ranged Irresistible Command (minor 1/round; at-will) • Charm, Fire
Range 10; affects one allied devil of lower level than the pit fiend; the target immediately slides up to 5 squares
and explodes, dealing 2d10+5 fire damage to all creatures in a close burst 2. The exploding devil is destroyed.
Infernal Summons (standard; encounter) • Conjuration
The pit fiend summons a group of devil allies. Summoned devils roll initiative to determine when they act in the
initiative order and gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls as long as the pit fiend is alive. They remain until they are
killed, dismissed by the pit fiend (free action), or the encounter ends. PCs do not earn experience points for killing
these summoned creatures. The pit fiend chooses to summon one of the following groups of devils:

8 legion devil legionnaires (level 21), or

2 war devils (level 22), or

1 war devil (level 22) and 4 legion devil legionnaires (level 21)

Tactical Teleport (standard; recharge 4 5 6) • Teleportation

The pit fiend can teleport up to 2 allies within 10 squares of it. The targets appear in any other unoccupied
squares within 10 squares of the pit fiend.
Alignment Evil
Languages Supernal
Skills Bluff +27, Intimidate +27,
Religion +24
Str 32 (+24) Dex 24 (+20) Wis 20
Con 27 (+21) Int 22 (+19) Cha 28
Equipment flametouched mace,
noble signet ring

Pit Fiend Tactics

A pit fiend fights close to its enemies,
catching them in its aura of fear and
aura of fire. On the first round of
combat, it spends an action point to
use infernal summons. It then uses
point of terror against a tough-
looking foe and tactical teleport to
place two allies in flanking positions
around that foe. With its remaining
minor action, the pit fiend uses
irresistible command on an ally
within range.

A pit fiend alternates between point of terror and irresistible command, sometimes using both if it has a spare
move action it can replace with a minor action. Otherwise, the pit fiend uses pit fiend frenzy, teleporting as
needed to gain a better position.

A pit fiend does not sacrifice its life needlessly and makes a tactical retreat if death is imminent.

Pit Fiend Lore

A character knows the following information with a successful Religion check:

DC 25: Pit fiends are the nobles of the Nine Hells. Each pit fiend serves as a vassal to one of the nine archdevils
and commands a fortress, city, or army in its master's domain.

DC 30: Once every 99 years, a pit fiend can grant a mortal's wish by performing a terrible ritual. Only the most
powerful and promising of mortals are offered such a temptation.

DC 35: Well-known pit fiends include Baalzephon, one of the powerful circle of pit fiends known as the Dark
Eight; Gazra, who governs the city of Abriymoch in Phlegethos, the Fourth Hell; and Baalberith, the major-domo
of the palace of Asmodeus.

What else is going on around here right now? The Player's Handbook is in Typesetting, and we're poring over
the galleys to make every last improvement we can before it goes to print. The Monster Manual is in its last two
weeks of Managing Editing, the stage right before it goes into Typesetting. And the Dungeon Master's Guide is
about to leave Editing and enter its Managing Editing stage. So, from a certain point of view, the end of the
process is in sight. At the same time, all kinds of other things are in process or just beginning.

For example, our Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide and Player's Guide have just entered Development, and
Design is underway on a number of projects -- many of which I can't talk about just yet. As for D&D Insider,
maybe I'll take some time next month to talk about how the digital initiative is shaping up.

Meanwhile, I need to select monsters from this wonderful Monster Manual file for my game tomorrow night. Let's
see if Biggy Small and company can get out of this one -- bwaHAHA!

Until then ...

Keep playing!

--Bill Slavicsek

About the Author

D&D Resolutions
by Shelly Mazzanoble

It's just a few days before the New Year and I'm about twelve words into a column that's due in … well … now. I
credit my procrastination to the fact I am on vacation and if it isn't covered in chocolate or getting a redesign on
HGTV, I ain't interested.

What does this have to do with Dungeons & Dragons? Not much, except for the fact that no more
procrastinating is going on my New Year's Resolution list. If I'm to follow the recent barrage of television
commercials on HGTV, my list of resolutions should include organize my life, lose a bunch of weight, and make
this be the year I find that someone special who apparently has been searching this whole time for me. Gee,
sorry about that, Mr. Someone Special. Ever hear of Google?

Like 98% of the world, I never keep my resolutions, which is why my list is usually filled with inconsequential
tasks like eat organic fruit or be nice to cats or read my horoscope every day.

For Wizards of the Coast, though, the list of resolutions is huge. 2008 is a big year, and essentially D&D's game
designers are making several resolutions to the players. 4th Edition will be bigger and better. It's easier to get into
for new players, and streamlined and finessed for better game play. The rules are simplified, the game is quicker,
the extras are top notch and Dungeon Mastering gets taken to a whole new level. That's a whole lotta resolving
for one year. Perhaps R&D should have opted to clean out their closets.

I've only ever played 3rd edition, and not even for that long in comparison to some. Weaning me off the old and
into the new is about as tough as switching a four year old from Count Chocula to Coco Puffs. But one thing I like
better about 4th Edition is that it makes me feel like a better player. Not better like I know what I'm doing, but
better as in more invested. I don't want to think of Astrid as a liability to my 3rd Edition party, but as I've said in the
past, my affinity for her might have prevented me from fully throwing myself into the game. Seeing as though New
Year's is all about parties and 2008 is all about D&D, I've decided to make all my resolutions be about my D&D
party. Sorry Jenny Craig. Maybe next year.

Resolution #1: Shelly-Come-Lately-No-More

Out of the 8 people in my group (including the DM), 35% of us are always on time, 35% are almost always on
time, and 25% are seldom on time. The remaining 5%? It's too soon to tell, as he's new to the group. Our rule is
that if you don't come three times in a row, we stage an epic battle and use your character as a meat shield. If
you survive, you can come back. If you die, we loot you and lose you. Thanks for the memories.

Unfortunately, I'm in the seldom-on time group. By seldom, I mean showing up anywhere between 5 to15 minutes
late. Sometimes New DM hasn't even finished setting up the battle grid yet and sometimes the party has moved
onto a new adventure.

"You're late," Scott says (on the rare occasions he's there before me).

"Sorry. Tabitha got stuck in traffic," I say.

I'm trying to improve my percentage, learning that I could use that extra 15 minutes to prepare for the day's
escapade, which brings me to my next resolution.

Resolution #2: Previously On Dungeons & Dragons

I have short-term memory issues. Big time. Like walking into the kitchen, forgetting why I went in there, and
walking all the way back to my desk with a dirty oatmeal bowl in my hand. Or being told as I'm heading to a
meeting to tell the organizer Stacy is showing up late. I do. When Stacy walks in 15 minutes later. "Oh yeah!
Stacy is coming 15 minutes late."

So how can I be expected to remember everything that happened a week ago? I can't. So, once we're all settled
in, I ask New DM to do a complete recap.

There is no such thing as a stupid question, right? Right. But apparently there are such things as annoying and
tedious questions. I guess most of the party doesn't have a brain like a sieve because New DM often sighs, looks
around the table, and then gives an abridged, monotone version of the peppier review he performed 15 minutes

"You're on the road to the keep to thwart a cult of Orcus."

"Orcas?" I ask. "I would remember whales."

"Yes. A roving pod of killer, zombie whales," New DM says.

"Why do we want to foil the zombie whales?" I ask.

"To get a sense of accomplishment. Now get moving."

All of these questions and more wouldn't have to be asked if I only took the time to write down the details when
New DM told us the first time. But not only do I suffer from ADD, my entire group suffers from co-dependency
issues due to being coddled by Adam, our secretary, treasurer, and unenthusiastic sherpa. Once, many sessions
ago, he took the liberty of writing down the translation of a Draconic poem we found deep within a dungeon. Now,
three years later, it's still his job. He keeps track of the vague clues New DM drops that go over the rest of our
heads, copies of maps our employers supply us, and the names of townsfolk we've met or are looking for. He
monitors our bank accounts and all the treasure we've scored. It's always, "Adam, can I get that masterwork chain
shirt we looted? Adam, how many potions do we have left? Adam, can I get 4,000 gold pieces to buy a pony?"
The poor guy is like a showbiz manager to six suddenly superstar teenagers. Remind me to get him a pinky ring
and lunch reservations at The Ivy.

Regardless of when I show up, I will ask without fail if we've slept yet. Why can't our characters get some shuteye
at some point during their six-day sabbatical? I think it's a valid question and an efficient use of the minis' time.
New DM will almost always ignore my question, which prompts me to turn to my left and ask Scott the same
question. The exchange goes something like this:

ME (To New DM): Have we slept yet? Tabitha wants her daily back.

NEW DM: (silence).

ME (Turning to Scott): Have we slept yet? Tabitha wants her daily back.

SCOTT (To New DM): Have we slept yet?

NEW DM: No. The game picks up where you left off. In battle.

ME: Well Tabitha managed to slip behind a boulder and catch a few Z's.

NEW DM: No, she didn't. She's right here on this square where we left her. In battle.

ME: Yes she did. You don't know what the minis do when we're not looking.

New DM will then ask the group if they'd like to stop fighting the evil band of hobgoblins to rest so that Tabitha,
the wonderful Wizard of Wussville, can get her daily spell back. A chorus of "Noooooooooooo's" is heard.

"Fine, suckers," I say. "Don't come crying to me when you need a bugbear put to sleep."

Usually Marty reminds me how much I hate seeing my party coup de grace a helpless bugbear and wouldn't I
rather fireblast or magic missile a dumb old human anyway? Of course! And the game resumes. From this I get
my third resolution.

Resolution #3: Don't Patronize the Dungeon Master.

Sure he's a fun guy. He likes to talk about his dogs and dish about the Food Network. He even lets me write
about his minty smelling hair. But for 2 hours a week he's the Dungeon Master, and I was raised to respect my
DM. Well, no, actually I wasn't. But if my mom knew there was such a thing as Dungeon Masters and that I would
someday have one, I'm sure she would have told me to hold him or her in high regard. So this I will try, even if he
does call me a "squishy" wizard, sacrifices my hit points, and makes up rules that work against us just so he'll
have something cool to put in his playtest report. So what if he's all about the TPK and pretends R&D "just
changed how that spell works" right before I was about to blow up a pack of kobolds, or makes homemade
sugar-laden treats and looks at me all sad and rejected as I move them aside to make way for my stupid yogurt
and granola bar. All right, this one will be a toughie, but it does lead into my next pledge.

Resolution #4: Don't Judge the Fudge

Or the pumpkin pie or the brownies or the smoked salmon, brie, or any other delicacy that shows up at the
gaming table. Let's be clear here. I don't judge other people's food choices. And while I appreciate that snacks are
an essential part of the game, I just choose to not indulge in what other people bring. This is not a personal
attack on my fellow party members, people! I'm perfectly content with my dime bag of Kashi cereal and baby
carrots. If it makes everyone feel better I will gladly take one of your Aunt Crystal's secret once-in-a-lifetime-
oatmeal-cherry-chocolate-chunk cookies off the plate, wrap it in a paper towel, bring it back to my desk and pawn
it off on my cube mate. Hilary loves your baking! And next week I'll bring a whole box of Kashi for us all to share.

Resolution #5: Assist Others Before Helping Myself

I'm no good in a crisis, so if you want a ride to the hospital or someone to dislodge the piece of General Tso's
chicken from your throat, don't put me down as your person to contact in case of emergency. But I really want to

be that person. At least in the world of D&D. Thank you, 4th Edition for providing every player with essentially
their own personal copy of Worst Case Dungeon Survival Handbook. This delights me to no end, as I've always
been a believer of the airline school of crisis management -- make sure you take care of yourself before assisting

Before 4th Edition, a Heal check meant looking down at your shoe to see what the heck you just stepped in. Now
it's something I can actually do to help my fellow party members, such as Adam's wee halfing warlock, Atticus.
The poor guy was knocked unconscious by a goblin on the high school javelin team. With the roll of a die and
some simple addition, Tabitha gave Atticus the ability to use one of his healing reserves. He was back on his feet
in no time. At least I think he was on his feet. With a halfling it's kind of hard to tell. I was filled with warm fuzzies
from having saved a life, making my resolve even stronger to learn the equivalent of the Heimlich maneuver in the
wizard's spellbook.

Resolution #6: Get a Change of Scenery

Does where you play affect how you play? Maybe we could game in a different conference room or at the Panda
Express down the street. Or maybe it's as simple as sitting in another player's chair. No one assigned us seats,
but we all seem to gravitate to the same chairs we started the campaign in. Maybe it's good luck. Maybe we're
creatures of habit. All I know is that when someone else is sitting where you usually sit, it messes with everyone's
feng shui.

I read somewhere that in business meetings you should always try to sit to the right of the highest-ranking person
in the room. I sit to the left of New DM because I'm not that much of a goody goodie and because that's just were I
planted myself on day one. But maybe there is an advantage to sitting where Marty usually sits (roughly 17 feet
from the play mat) or having a warlock next to me instead of a snobby old eladrin. Maybe if I saw the game from
the cleric's point of view I'd appreciate the role in the party he plays, and maybe if Scott sat in my seat he'd quit
calling me things like "cream puff" and "kobold cottontail" and pretending he's speaking into a intercom system
calling, "Attention shoppers. Will the wizard please join her party in the dungeon?"

Resolution #7: Get to Know Thyself

Sounds like something from a Zen-practice-a-day calendar, but in this case "thyself" is thy character. Sure, New
DM has encouraged us to delve a bit into our characters' backstories, and it has added a personal touch to our
game. Knowing Marty's character has a stronger than average distaste for orcs after they roasted his family's
homeland makes the possibility of running into some all the more enticing. I like to think of Tabitha as a middle
ages version of the game Katamari Damacy -- something that rolls through town, collecting a past, a bit of the
present, and hopefully a future. Adding in these little nuggets of personality can only enhance Tabitha's game
and hopefully that of her fellow adventurers. For instance, Scott might find out what happened to the last guy who
called Tabitha a cream puff.

Resolution #8: Get a Little (More) Culture

I've got a membership card to the library, art museum, and Costco. How much more culture does a girl need? I
also have a Netflix subscription, and I try to go to movies at least twice a month, but I'm ashamed to say there are
some films out there easily considered classics that I haven't gotten around to seeing. In fact, I could probably get
fired for admitting to a few of them, so I won't. But there have been several occasions where my fellow players
have gleefully prattled off 10 minutes of dialog from one of these classics only to find me wondering what the
heck is so funny about the word inconceivable? (And for the record, I get it now. Rather than break up our
friendship, Adam lent me the DVD.) I guess I should save the Mommie Dearest quotes for Thanksgiving dinner
with the family.

This is proving to be an ambitious year for someone who was content to just smile at cats. I can hardly wait for
my next game to put all this pledging and vowing into action. I'll get on it as soon as I finish this "House Hunters"
marathon on TV. And this can of double chocolate frosting. And maybe giving this Jenny person a call. It's always
good to have back up, right?

About the Author

Shelly Mazzanoble sat in Scott Rouse’s chair during their last D&D session and had the game of her life.
Keeping up with the momentum, she has taken to sitting at other people’s desks, driving other people’s cars, and
walking other people’s dogs. She is often shocked and amazed at the possessiveness of some people.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Down & Under Adventurer
by Shelly Mazzanoble

G’day, Dragon Mates. This is my last column before my whirlwind jaunt to the land down under. Judging from the
emails my dad keeps sending me of what appears to be a woman with striking resemblance to myself protruding
from the mouth of a crocodile or practically Saran Wrapped in deadly jellyfish, clutching her throat, and waving
goodbye to loved ones on the shore, it’s most likely going to be my last column. Ever. Note to my dad: Those
pictures are obviously Photoshopped. By you. Quit trying to scare me!

I think we’ve known each other long enough where

I can confess something. It may come as a shock to
you but I’m not exactly the rugged type. There. I
said it. This is especially true when I travel. I don’t
need 4-star hotels and jetted bathtubs, but there’s
a reason why those little shacks above liquor
stores and ambiguous massage parlors are called
youth hostels. They make me hostile! I wasn’t into
them even when I was a youth. The whole “share a
bathroom with new friends from all over the world”
mentality doesn’t appeal to me. I didn’t like sharing
a bathroom with my family. Plus, “hand over your
money belt” is scary even when said with a French
accent and a butter knife pressed against your

I went to a very earthy, liberal college where people wore Birkenstocks and fleece, listened to the Grateful Dead,
and spent weekends sleeping outdoors. By choice. I think this is called camping? That’s scarier than a French
tourist with a butter knife. I’ve lived in the liberal Pacific Northwest for thirteen years and have never owned
anything waterproof. If it’s raining outside, I get wet. I have never liked the Grateful Dead. Never. I don’t even like
Cherry Garcia ice cream. I don’t like being upside down. I’m terrified of moths. If I can’t see the bottom of the body
of water I’m swimming in I will become paralyzed with fear and drown. Worst of all, I’m terrified of being
unprepared. Packing for a trip takes me days. Okay, weeks. I created a spreadsheet in Excel to better track all
my essentials. That’s right. Excel. I’m that uptight. What if I get all the way to Jupiter, FL and realize I forgot cotton
balls? Yes, I know I can buy them there. I never said it was a rational fear.

My Australian travel party includes two friends. One is a mother of two toddlers (who should be adept in the art of
preparation and packing) and the other is a librarian (who should be adept in the art of organization and
research.) When I asked them what kind of suitcase they were bringing, they laughed. Guffawed really.

“A suitcase?” The Mommy asked. “You don’t bring a suitcase on a trip to Australia. Maybe a duffle or a small
roller bag.”

Clearly The Mommy is sleep deprived. I ask The Librarian to please set her straight.

“I’m only bringing a backpack,” she says, “to keep my hands free in case I need to wrestle you from the jaws of a

My stomach sank and not because it looks like my dad’s emails had reached her too. How did I allow myself to
get roped into traveling across the world with two lunatics? Have they no reason? No realism? No toiletries?

It’s times like these I find myself thinking WWTD. Tabitha is not just a skilled wizard, she’s an accomplished
adventurer, and to be an accomplished adventurer you must be ready to depart on your next escapade at a
moment’s notice. Tabby doesn’t have the luxury of deciding between the kitten heels or the wedge. Judging from
her ruddy complexion she obviously doesn’t use an exfoliant. If only there were a handbook to help with these
sorts of things.

Oh wait….

Every so often I see someone in the halls clutching a black binder a thick as a hatbox to their chest. It’s no secret
that the contents are what will become the 4th Edition Player’s Handbook. Fortunately, it’s also no secret (thanks
to New DM getting tired of us wandering into dank, dark dungeons only to realize no one brought a light source)
that there’s a nifty checklist of adventuring gear inside.

“Give me that thing!” I shout as I jump from behind a potted plant into Scott’s path. He half-drops, half-shoves the
90-pound binder into my stomach. I’d like to think he gives in so readily because of my awesome intimidation, but
really it’s because he’s also carrying his laptop, a latte and a cold piece of leftover pizza.

“Don’t take it within five feet of my cubicle,” he tells me. “It will self-destruct in your hands and probably ruin your


Heeding his advice, I drop into a sit position right there on the floor and find what I’m looking for. A whole chapter
on equipment. Food, drink, lodging. Carrying, lifting, and (more likely) dragging. Lonely Planet’s got nothing on
R&D. Better yet is the handy list of essential gear, neatly broken out by category. Really, my Excel spreadsheet
isn’t so different. I photocopy the list and bring it on Phase 1 of my great adventure. An exotic locale more
terrifying than a shark-infested reef.


The fact that I’ve managed never to darken the mammoth door of this iconic Seattle establishment could very well
have me extradited from the Northwest (and just imagine the packing nightmare that would be.) REI is as common
an attraction as the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, and the Ducks (all of which I’ve done and survived, thank
you). The Librarian agrees to chaperone me, as even Tabitha’s bag of tricks can’t conquer this beast alone.

Looking at the standard list of gear in The Player’s Handbook proves helpful. Most of it has a department at REI.
The backpack, bedroll, and trail rations. Belts, pouches, and lanterns. I might actually use some of this stuff. How
about tucking a couple loaves of journeybread in your carry-on? You only need a few bites to fill you up, and it’s
good for you! Beats a $15 tub of Pringles.

Let the consumerism begin.


They want you to believe REI stands for Recreation Equipment International, but really it should stand for
“Remove Every Incidental” because there’s no way you’re getting sunscreen and a razor in these eensie weensy

“Excuse me?” I ask the teenage tree-hugger unloading stock. “Where do you keep the Heward’s handy

“Heward’s?” he ponders. “I don’t know that we have that brand. But Eagle Creek makes a good day bag.”

The librarian pinches me. “Don’t be hostile. It’s not his fault you have a co-dependent relationship with your eye
lash curler.”

Bitterness aside, I spy a backpack that measures twice the length of my torso and has more pockets that a pool
hall. It’s also got a streak of yellow, which stands out in this canvas world of beige and navy. Does ergonomic
have to mean drab?

I've got to give the peeps at Eagle Creek credit. My first choice is a vortex of space and compartments—certainly
enough room for a couple weeks worth of novels and multiple shoe options. The teen tree hugger shakes his
head even before pulling a measuring tape out of his sleeve. Who is this guy? Inspector Granola? He probably
has a portable stove and some titanium dishware up there too.

“It’s too big for carry-on,” he tells me. “Try this.” Tree Hugger tosses me a compact beige swatch of canvas and
I’m not exaggerating when I say they make envelopes bigger than this. Just as I’m about to purchase a steamer
trunk, a vision of Tabitha flashes before me.

“Oh please,” she says. “Do you really need three pairs of jeans when you’re seven inches from the equator?”

Fine. I take the tiny bag, but still, wouldn’t something with wheels have been better… like a station wagon?

Climber’s Kit:

Personally I would prefer to hear the words “resort,” “day spa,” or “theme park” but almost every place we’re
hitting has the words “rock,” “out,” and “back” in it. Looks like we’re going to need a climber’s kit. Tabitha’s
version would have a grappling hook, hammer and ten pitons. She would also gain a +2 bonus on her Athletics
checks while climbing.

I’m fairly certain a hammer and grappling hooks won’t clear airport security, so I’ll need an alternative. R&D, like
everyone else in the Northwest, assumes we all have proper footwear because hiking shoes are nowhere on the
adventuring list. I pick up a pair of shoes at the urging of The Librarian, who reminds me we’ll be traveling during
what’s known as the monsoon season and my Chuck Taylor’s might get “dirty.”

“Now might be a good time to introduce you to Gore-Tex,” she says.

Now might be a good time to purchase travel insurance.


A bedroll sounds suspiciously like a sleeping bag according to The Player’s Handbook, but the only bedroll I plan

to see better involve a pat of butter and arrive in a basket on my nightstand with its friends Danish and Croissant.
The Librarian interprets this differently. She stashes a pack of disposable travel pillowcases into my backpack
(she was one of those youth hostel types).

“My college roommate discovered a colony of dust mites living in her nasal passage after spending the summer in
Austria,” she tells me.

I pick up a few extra packs of pillowcases as well as a toothbrush sanitizer, a facemask and a case of HygiMist.

Arcane Implement:

Probably the most important tool I can get my hands on is a staff of defense, and I’m not seeing them anywhere at
REI. The Tree Hugger offers to see if he can order me one. I have to admit the junior hippie is growing on me. I
almost wish I could fold him up like a Swiss Army Knife and bring him along if for no other reason than to see
what else he’s got up his polar fleece sleeve.

Any old wizard could use an ordinary implement to focus her spells, but an enchanted implement is handier than
a collapsible java press. Should Tabitha be sporting one of these charming bad boys, she’d get an enhancement
bonus on her attack and damage rolls with her arcane powers. Should I be sporting one of these—well—I’d
probably be playing a wizard in a D&D campaign. It’s too bad, because the staff can double as a weapon. Should
one of those sneaky-ass crocodiles, clingy stingers or disemboweling koala bears (no, really?) get all up in my
business, I’d gain a +1 to my Armor Class (which right now is -3 thanks to a wind resistant jacket and a couple
year’s worth of kickboxing classes – and yes, -3 is an improvement).

I’d like to point out that an empty chest and fine clothing are also on the adventurer’s checklist. I could also
purchase a hippogriff to carry my load for a 1,000 gp, but I’m trying to turn over a new leaf here. Or eucalyptus, in
this case. I’m not interested in traveling like a hermit crab with everything I own strapped to a knock-off Fendi
backpack. Besides, the more stuff I leave at home, the more my parents can sell to pay off my travel debt.

About the Author

Shelly Mazzanoble reports from Australia that she is managing just fine. The only danger she has encountered
so far has involved not looking in the right direction when crossing the street and narrowing missing getting peed
on by a kangaroo. Fortunately marsupials have found their way back into her heart due to a koala planting a kiss
on her forehead.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Death and Dying
or “How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Negative Hit
by Andy Collins

Welcome to Design & Development, your primary source of D&D 4th Edition insights and revelations! While
you're here, keep in mind that the game is still in a state of flux, as refinements are made by our design and
development staff. You’re getting a look behind the curtain at game design in progress, so enjoy, and feel free
to send your comments to [email protected].

Character death is one of the ultimate threats in

any RPG, and D&D is no exception. Besides the
obvious, um, “inconveniences” that death might
cause your character and his allies in both the
short and long term—inconveniences which vary
based on your level, the current situation, and of
course your attachment to that particular character
—death is a mark of failure. In some hard-to-
explain but very real way, a dead character
symbolizes that you just “lost” at D&D. That can
prove a bitter pill for many players, and in my
experience is even more frustrating than paying for
a resurrection.

What We Hated

Early in the design process, Rob, James, and I identified a number of ways that we were unsatisified with D&D’s
current death and dying rules. For example, we strongly disliked the inability of 3rd Edition D&D’s negative-
hit-point model to deal with combat at higher levels—once the monsters are reliably dealing 15 or 20 points of
damage with each attack, the chance of a character going straight from “alive and kicking” to “time to go through
his pockets for loose change” was exceedingly high; effectively, the -1 to -9 “dying” range was meaningless. Ask
any high-level fighter whether he’d prefer the second-to-last attack from a monster to leave him at 1 hp or -1 hp;
I’d put odds on unconsciousness, and how lame is that?

Among other problems, this also meant that characters effectively had no way to “lose” a combat except by being
killed. This removes a lot of dramatic possibilities for the story—for instance, the classic scene of the characters
being captured and thrown in a cell from which they have to escape using only their wits and a pack of chewing
gum (or whatever).

On top of all that, the game added a complex state of being at exactly 0 hp, which wasn’t quite like being fully
capable but also wasn’t quite dying. Honestly, though, how often does any character actually get reduced to
exactly 0 hp? Why did the game need a condition that existed at exactly one spot on the big, broad range of hit
point possibilities?

What We Wanted

We wanted a death and dying system that added fun and tension at the table, scaled well to any level of play,
and created the threat of PC mortality (without delivering on that threat as often as 3rd Edition did).

Characters had to feel that death was a possibility in order for combat to feel meaningful. If it seems impossible to
be killed, much of the tension of combat disappears. However, if the majority of combats result in death (as is the
case for a lot of high-level play in previous editions), the game is forced to reclassify death as a trivial obstacle in
order to remain playable. 3rd Edition accomplished this with popular spells such as close wounds, delay death,
and revivify—mandatory staples of any high-level cleric’s arsenal due purely to the commonality of death. But
that removes the tension, and now what’s the point of death at all?

The system also had to be simple to remember and adjudicate at the table. Being able to keep the rule in your
head is important, because you don’t want to be bogging the game down flipping through a book when a
character is clinging to life by a thread—that should be high-tension time, not slowdown time!

Finally, it had to be believable within the heroic-fantasy milieu of D&D. (Believability isn’t the same thing as
realism—an error which has ruined more games than I can count.) Put another way, it had to feel like D&D—one
of those tricky “you know it when you see it” things.

What We Did About It

Back in 2005, this was obviously a much lower priority than, say, creating the new model for how classes and
races worked, so we put it on the back burner to simmer. As the months passed, we and other designers
proposed various models that tried to solve the conundrums set out above, varying from exceedingly abstract to
witheringly simulationist. We playtested every model, from death tracks to life points, each time learning
something different about what worked or didn’t work. A few times, we even temporarily settled on a solution,
claiming that the playtesters only needed time to get used to our radical new ideas.

Thankfully, our awakening came well before we released the Side note to all those would-be game
game (or even before widescale playtesting began, for that designers out there: When you hear yourself
matter). Despite some quite elegant concepts, none of our radical making that claim, you might be in danger of
new ideas met all the criteria necessary, including simplicity, losing touch with reality. Sometimes you’re
playability, fun, and believability. right, and your innovative game design
concept just needs a little time to sink in.
The system had to be at least as simple to remember and at least
(The cycling initiative system used by 3rd
as easy to play as what already existed. For all their other flaws,
Edition D&D is a good example of that—back
negative hit points are pretty easy to use, and they work well with
in 1999, some very vociferous playtesters
the existing hit-point system.
were convinced that it would ruin D&D
It had to be at least as much fun as what already existed, and it combat forever. Turned out that wasn’t
had to be at least as believable as what already existed. In ideal exactly true.) But every time you convince
situations, negative hit points create fun tension at the table, and yourself that you know better than the people
they’re reasonably believable, at least within the heroic fantasy playing your game, you’re opening the
milieu of D&D, where characters are supposed to get the stuffing possibility of a very rude (and costly)
beaten out of them on a regular basis without serious awakening.

Every one of our new ideas failed to meet at least one of those criteria. Maybe they were playable but too
abstract to feel fun or believable, or they were believable but too complicated to remember. Nothing worked, and I
admit we experienced a couple of freak-out moments behind closed doors.

The Breakthrough

Eventually we got it through our heads that there wasn’t a radical new
game mechanic just waiting to be discovered that would revolutionize
the narrow window between life and death in D&D. What we really
needed to do was just widen the window, reframe it, and maybe put in
an extra pane for insulation. (OK, that analogy went off the tracks, but
its heart was in the right place.)

Characters still use a negative hit point threshold to determine when

they move from “unconscious and dying” to “all-the-way-dead,” but
now that threshold scales with their level (or more specifically, with
their hit point total). A character with 30 hit points (such as a low-level
cleric) dies when he reaches -15 hit points, while the 15th-level fighter
with 120 hp isn’t killed until he’s reduced to -60 hit points.

That may seem like an unreachable number, but it’s important to

remember that monsters, like characters, aren’t piling on as many
attacks on their turn as in 3rd Edition. At 15th level, that fighter might
face a tough brute capable of dishing out 25 or 30 points of damage
with its best attack… or nearly twice that on a crit. The threat of “alive-
to-negative-everything” on a single hit remains in play, but it’s much
less common than in the previous edition. That puts that bit of tension
back where it belongs.

The new system also retains the “unconscious character bleeding out” concept, but for obvious reasons speeds
it along a bit. (There’s not really any tension watching that 15th-level fighter bleed out at a rate of 1 hp per round
for 30 or 40 rounds.) Thanks to some clever abstractions, the new system also removes the predictability of the
current death timer. (“OK, Regdar’s at -2 hp, so we have 8 rounds to get to him. Yawn… time for a nap.”)

It’s also less costly to bring dying characters back into the fight now—there’s no “negative hit point tax” that you
have to pay out of the healing delivered by your cure serious wounds prayer. That helps ensure that a character
who was healed from unconsciousness isn’t in an immediate threat of going right back there (and you’ll never
again have the “I fed Jozan a potion of healing but he’s still at negative hit points” disappointment).

Monsters don’t need or use this system unless the DM has special reason to do so. A monster at 0 hp is dead,
and you don’t have to worry about wandering around the battlefield stabbing all your unconscious foes. (I’m sure
my table isn’t the only place that happens.) We’ve talked elsewhere about some of the bogus parallelism that can

lead to bad game design—such as all monsters having to follow character creation rules, even though they’re
supposed to be foes to kill, not player characters—this is just another example of the game escaping that trap.
Sure, a DM can decide for dramatic reasons that a notable NPC or monster might linger on after being defeated.
Maybe a dying enemy survives to deliver a final warning or curse before expiring, or at the end of a fight the PCs
discover a bloody trail leading away from where the evil warlock fell, but those will be significant, story-based
exceptions to the norm.

Oh, and speaking of zero hit points? You’re unconscious and dying, just like every new player expects it should
be. It’s not as harsh as the “dead at 0 hp” rule of the original D&D game, but it’s still not a place you want to be
for long!

Try It Now!

If you want to try out a version of this system in your current game, try the following house rule. It’s not
quite the 4th Edition system, but it should give you an idea of how it’ll feel.

1) At 0 hp or less, you fall unconscious and are dying.

Any damage dealt to a dying character is applied normally, and might kill him if it reduces his hit points
far enough (see #2).

2) Characters die when their negative hit point total reaches -10 or one-quarter of their full
normal hit points, whichever is a larger value.
This is less than a 4th Edition character would have, but each monster attack is dealing a smaller
fraction of the character’s total hit points, so it should be reasonable. If it feels too small, increase it to
one-third full normal hit points and try again.

3) If you’re dying at the end of your turn, roll 1d20.

Lower than 10: You get worse. If you get this result three times before you are healed or stabilized (as
per the Heal skill), you die.
10-19: No change.
20: You get better! You wake up with hit points equal to one-quarter your full normal hit points.

4) If a character with negative hit points receives healing, he returns to 0 hp before any
healing is applied.
In other words, he’ll wake up again with hit points equal to the healing provided by the effect—a cure
light wounds spell for 7 hp will bring any dying character back to 7 hp, no matter what his negative hit
point total had reached.)

5) A dying character who’s been stabilized (via the Heal skill) doesn’t roll a d20 at the end of
his turn unless he takes more damage.

About the Author

Andy Collins works as the system design and development manager for D&D at Wizards of the Coast. His
development credits include the Player's Handbook v.3.5, Races of Eberron, and Dungeon Master's Guide II.
He is also one of the lead designers for 4th Edition D&D, along with Rob Heinsoo and James Wyatt.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

by Chris Sims

The Design & Development article series premiered on the D&D website back in September 2005, and has
been a staple ever since. With the approach of 4th Edition, and our designers and developers focused on the
new edition, this column will be the primary vehicle for 4th Edition coverage. We’ll not only give you peeks at
what’s forthcoming, but also the “how” and “why.”

Keep in mind that the game is still in a state of flux, as refinements are made by our design and development
staff. You’re getting a look behind the curtain at game design in progress, so enjoy, and feel free to send your
comments to [email protected].

Rivers and streams crisscross the world, and

upon these waterways, the nomadic halflings
quietly do the same. Legend says that Melora
and Sehanine together crafted the halflings,
instilling in these small folk a love of water and
nature, as well as an innate wanderlust and
stealth. The same stories say that both
goddesses then left the halflings to their own

Left to themselves, halflings lived for ages.

They formed close families and communities,
centered on their wisest elders. Clans of
halflings wandered creation, never stopping
for long, and rarely claiming any particular
spot as their own. Their traditions formed and
survived among a population constantly on the
move and influenced little by the ways of other
races. Unassuming, resourceful and independent, halflings hardly ever attracted much notice.

But Avandra, the goddess of boldness, luck and travel, took note of the halflings traversing the world. It seemed
to her as if these little people, whom she didn’t create, were hers nonetheless by virtue of the fact that they were
living manifestations of her best-loved ideals. Halflings say Avandra smiled on them that day, adopting them as
her people and blessing them with good fortune through their worldly struggles. Anyone who knows halflings has
little doubt that chance is indeed on their side.

Halflings, for their part, hold fables such as these as true, and their rich oral tradition of such tales is an important
part of their culture. Young halflings learn the lore of their people, clan and family from hearing stories. From
these, halfling children also pick up lessons on morality and knowledge of many subjects. Outside the political
struggles, wars, and other concerns of nations and empires, but widely traveled, halflings have observed and
preserved what they learned in their common yarns.

Favorite sagas retell the life and deeds of halflings bold enough to strike out on their own to see the world, right a
wrong, or accomplish a great task. Most halflings are practical folk, concerning themselves with the simple things
in life. Adventurous halflings are of the same stripe but practice such habits in a different way. A halfling leaves
the security of family and clan not for high ideals, fame, or wealth. Instead, he goes to protect his community or
friends, to prove his own capabilities, or to merely see more of the world than his nomadic lifestyle can offer.

A halfling hero might be the size of a preteen human child, but he has quick feet, deft hands and quick wit. He is
forthright, bold and nigh fearless. His talents run toward sneakiness and craftiness. Pluck and fortune carry him
to success where others would fail. He is an expression of all that halflings esteem, and so he is a valuable ally
and a daunting foe.

All this went into creating halflings for the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons game. The popular halfling of 3rd
Edition is only slightly re-imagined so the race’s mechanical elements make the story elements true. Halflings are
still Small, even though they are not 3rd Edition’s versions—in which halflings are the size of 3- or 4-year old
humans. They still make great rogues, but they also make good rangers. A few new aspects, such as a tweak to
Charisma and a slight influence over luck, in addition to making halfling warlocks viable, reinforce the halfling as
a lucky, loveable protagonist. A halfling can also be a hard-to-kill enemy sharp of tongue and blade.

In other words, halflings are exactly what veteran D&D players expect from the 4th Edition refinement to
something that worked well in 3rd Edition. Similar flavor, mechanical underpinning to the story, and as much, if
not more, fun.

Magic Item Slots
by Logan Bonner

Welcome to Design & Development, your primary source of D&D 4th Edition insights and revelations! While
you're here, keep in mind that the game is still in a state of flux, as refinements are made by our design and
development staff. You’re getting a look behind the curtain at game design in progress, so enjoy, and feel free
to send your comments to [email protected].

One of our goals in 4th Edition was to reduce

characters’ reliance on magic items. The most
important portion of this goal involved
removing a lot of the magic items that were
essential just so your character could feel
effective, like stat-boosting items, amulets of
natural armor, and the like. We also felt like
these items weren't as exciting as magic items
should be, yet characters depended on them
heavily to feel adequate in proportion to their
level. We felt that the cool stuff a character
can do should come from that character’s
abilities, not his gear.

Items are divided by item slot, much like they

were in D&D 3.5 (though it took until Magic
Item Compendium for the system to be
quantified clearly). As before, you can only
wear one item in each slot. The number of
slots has been reduced (by combining slots that were similar), to keep the number of items manageable and easy
to remem-ber. You still have a ton of choices for items in the game, and when we were still using more slots, our
playtesters reported that it caused information overload.

Primary Slots

We've preserved a number of items that have traditional “plusses.” These are the items we expect everybody to
care about, and the ones that are factored into the math behind the game. If you’re 9th level, we expect you to
have a set of +2 armor, and the challenges in the game at that level are balanced accordingly. Here are the
primary item slots:

Weapon/Implement: Whether you’re swinging a mace or blasting with a magic wand, you have an item that
adds to your attack and damage. These weapons also set your critical hit dice (the extra dice you roll when you
score a critical hit, see the Design & Development article, "Critical Hits"). Even though this is called an item slot,
that doesn’t mean you can’t wield more than one weapon, because that would make the ranger cry. 3.5
Equivalents: Weapons, holy symbols, rods, staffs, wands.

Armor: This category now includes cloth

armor, so the wizard in robes has magic armor
just like the rest of the group. Magic armor
adds an enhancement bonus to your Armor
Class. 3.5 Equivalents: Body, torso.

Neck: An item in the neck slot increases your

Fortitude, Reflex, and Will defenses, as well
as usually doing something else snappy. The
most common items are amulets and cloaks.
3.5 Equivalents: Shoulders, throat.

Secondary Slots

These items don’t have enhancement

bonuses. That makes them essentially
optional. You could adventure with no items in your secondary item slots and not see a huge decrease in your
overall power. Take what looks cool, but don’t worry about having empty slots.

Arms: These are bulky items that fit over your arms, such as bracers, vambraces, and shields. You’ll notice that
shields no longer have an enhancement bonus. Instead, shields have special defensive effects and items you
wear instead of shields, like bracers, are more offensive. 3.5 Equivalents: Arms, shields.

Feet: Focused on mobility and special movement modes, you can be pretty sure what you’re getting when you
look at magic boots, greaves, or sandals. 3.5 Equivalent: Feet.

Hands: Thinner items that fit on your hands fall into this category. This includes gauntlets and gloves. They
usu-ally help out your attacks or help your manual dexterity. 3.5 Equivalent: Hands.

Head: These items increase your mental skills or enhance your senses. Helmets, circlets, and goggles all fall in
this category. Another major subcategory here includes orbitals, such as ioun stones. If you see someone with an
orbital, it’s a good bet you’re dealing with an epic character. 3.5 Equivalents: Face, head.

Rings: This slot has changed quite a bit. A starting character isn’t powerful enough to unleash the power of a
ring. You can use one ring when you reach paragon tier (11th level) and two when you’re epic (21st level). And
before you get started about how Frodo sure as hell wasn’t epic, let's be clear: the One Ring was an artifact, not
a magic item any old spellcaster could make. Artifacts follow their own rules. 3.5 Equivalent: Rings.

Waist: Items you wear around your waist are usually about protection, healing, or increasing your Strength
tem-porarily. 3.5 Equivalent: Waist.

Other Items

Some items don’t use item slots. Some of them aren’t useful in combat. Others can be useful in a fight, but only
once in a while.

Potions: Potions are consumable items, and they're mostly focused on healing effects.

Wondrous Items: This category no longer includes wearable items. These are utility items that don’t take up
space on your body or act as weapons.


Here’s what my 11th-level gnome warlock, Dessin, is wearing right now:

Implement: +3 rod of dark reward

Armor: +3 leather armor
Neck: +2 cloak of survival
Arms: Bracers of the perfect shot
Feet: Wavestrider boots
Hands: Shadowfell gloves
Head: Diadem of acuity
Rings: None right now, sadly
Waist: Belt of battle
Wondrous Items: Bag of holding

About the Author

Logan Bonner joined Wizards of the Coast as in 2006 as an editor on Dungeons & Dragons. He had no
experience in the industry prior to joining WotC, and marvels that his clever ruse has lasted this long. After doing
some class design work for 4th Edition on the side, he joined the mechanical design team. His previous editing
products include Magic Item Compendium and Monster Manual V, and he wrote about half of Eberron Survival
Guide, which releases in March '08.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

by Chris Thomasson

I've always been something of a risk taker with my D&D characters. I played 1st Edition for only a year when I
was very young, so I didn't live in perpetual fear of walls, floors, and ceilings that were actually uber-deadly
monsters. Throughout 3rd Edition, I'd volunteer to be the guy who opened the door or the chest, even though I
was nearly certain to pay the consequences. Sometimes, said consequences took unexpected turns. I think Chris
Perkins took a certain perverse glee, in fact, in making me pay for being (I'll cowboy up and say it) foolishly
brazen. For example, the first time we found a suit of magic full plate in the last campaign, I was the only
character proficient, so I confidently threw it on… and promptly turned into a woman. Turns out the armor's
previous owner was a dwarf princess who grew up in a misogynistic monarchy. The only way she could gain the
throne was as a man, so… yeah.

But that's beside the point. Part of the reason Chris came up with so many unique ways to, ahem, challenge his
players is that he ran a game full of designers and developers. When given unbridled access to the saucy
number of character options out there in 3rd Edition, our characters tended to flex the power curve. Don't get me
wrong: I like 3E as much as the next guy, but the unifying math behind the game tended to, well, allow for a range
of options, to put it delicately. If you've ever selected the Travel domain with your cleric, or chosen ray of
enfeeblement as a 1st-level spell instead of erase (Really? Erase? What were we thinking?!), then you know
what I'm talking about here.

All that said, there were still places I would draw the line. At low levels, especially, a character's sheer lack of hit
points were a liability. Every failed trap save or triggered hazard resulted in a larger percentage of your resources
disappearing. At higher levels, the game evolved into the "Don't Roll a 1" game. You could have +42 on your Fort
save, but if you roll a 1 against the damn beholder's flesh to stone ray, you're gonna fail (and yes, I'm speaking
from first-hand experience).

Well, over the past few months, I've learned to shake off the ghosts of previous editions. I'm still brazen to the
point of foolishness, but now I don't have to metagame and shirk away from certain tasks that I knew carried far
more risk in previous editions. In the past, I played with the assurance that I could survive what came my way
because my character was a bad-ass. Playing 4th Edition, I'm still confident, but for a different reason, and with a
different outcome. If in 3rd Edition confidence in my character's chops drove me on, in 4th Edition, it's still
confidence, but in the system.

Quite simply, the math behind the game is so rock solid that I've been encouraged to play my character as a
genuine, action movie, one-liner quoting hero. I'm not rushing to open the door because I know I can survive the
fireball trap on the door. It's that I know that the trap on the door isn't some ruthless save or die effect that will
punish me for rolling a 1 on my save. I still don't shy away from danger, but I find myself taking even more risks
with my 4th Edition character than I did before. I don't dread the finger of death, wail of the banshee, or worst of
all, energy drain effects that so permeated previous editions.

I'll be the first to open the obviously magic scroll tube, even though my Arcana check of 8 wasn't enough to find a
cantrip on a catbox, let alone a scroll tube clutched by the corpse of a high priest of a long-extinct yuan-ti cult.
That's right, the high priest. But I opened that scroll tube, knowing that the game wouldn't just kill me outright for
my temerity. (Sure, I ended up with an alien intelligence in residence in my brian, but it's not trying to control me
or anything. It just seems content to chill out and tell me where the cool stuff in the dungeon is.)

Here's an another example of our hijinks, something I would never have attempted at this level in 3E.

Let me start by saying this: Racing through a mine in a

mine cart Temple of Doom-style should be mandatory
for all D&D adventurers, at least once in their careers.
Complete with jumps, hairpin corners taken on two
wheels, monster attacks and collapsing tracks, it was
possibly the most fun sequence of encounters I've ever
had in a D&D game. In previous editions, I never would
have considered taking this risk. I would have been
afraid that my fragile character, especially at 4th level,
would never have survived the jump or 40-foot drop off
the top of the raised tracks. Instead, "the only thing
missing," my character Deimos gleefully shouted to Mat
Smith's character Garrot, "is fire! We need some

Just to be perfectly clear, here: the player proposing

this incredible venture in the first place (yours truly) is
playing a character with Wisdom 8, to another player
(Mr. Smith) playing a character with Intelligence 8. If

that's not a match made for the Darwin awards, I don't
know what is.

We also learned a lot about cart/monster physics in that adventure. For example, did you know that darkmantles
have trouble grabbing your face when you whip by at 30 mph? In fact, if they make impact with a resilient
surface—say a shield held out as a windbreak—they splatter like bugs?

But perhaps the best moment was when the other character on our little side adventure, the dragonborn warlord
Abraxus played by Andrew Finch, saw the gap in the tracks ahead. Thinking in 3rd Edition terms, I'm sure, he
decided the wise choice was to tumble out the back of the cart, taking just a few points of damage rather than risk
"certain" death by mine cart. But after Garrot and Deimos made their jump—pulling an untrained Dungeoneering
check out of their, well, you know—Abraxus could only marvel that as strange as it seemed, he made the wrong
choice by falling out.

And that's what D&D has become to me now. My character gets to act like a hero each week. The threat of doom
still hangs over our heads—heck, shortly after the mine cart derby, our character fought and killed (barely, and I
mean barely) a level 11 solo monster—and we still know that we could die, as Garrot (one death so far) and
Amnon (Greg Bilsland's first character) can attest. But I'm more comfortable taking risks than I ever was before,
secure in the knowledge that one stupid mistake—or worse, one d20 roll—is less likely to kill me.

Two stupid mistakes, though… well, we'll just have to wait and see what
Garrot and Deimos get up to next week.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Part 2: Success and Decline in the Living
by Chris Tulach

Last time, in part 1 of this series, I talked about the beginnings of the first Living campaign, called Living City.
From its humble beginnings back in the late '80s as an alternative play experience to the tournament-style
convention play the RPGA was offering, it grew to become the most popular program the RPGA had yet seen.

By 1995, Living City was what most RPGA members were playing. The campaign had dozens of adventures
released yearly, and multiple story arcs affected the city of Raven’s Bluff in the Forgotten Realms. There was
even a long-running war plot arc that lasted the better part of two years. Many players had multiple characters; it
was simply impossible to play the same character in every adventure.

While certificates were certainly one of the first organizational breakthroughs for the campaign, it was at this time
that a “tier” system was becoming more and more necessary. An avid Living City player might have a 12th-level
character, and while the RPGA wanted to keep those players playing their favorite characters, there was also still
a strong need to introduce new players to the campaign. Many adventures started to incorporate tiers -- the
adventure’s plot and backstory would be the same no matter what level characters participated, but the
challenges would be tailored to something appropriate for the group’s average level. This helped to solve
problems with delivering new content to a widening membership, but created some others in its wake.

2nd Edition wasn’t exactly the most flexible system for this tiered model. Power levels for monsters weren’t as
clearly defined as they would become later on, and it often led to uneven play experiences. Most adventures had
a “sweet spot” -- usually, the level of play the author had envisioned for the adventure. Playing in the sweet spot
(or close to it) made for an ideal play experience; more often than not, playing too far outside the sweet spot led
to either story inconsistencies or unbalanced combat encounters. Players and DMs made the best of it though,
and play continued to grow throughout the 1990’s.

It was also around this time that a separate play arena was established for high-level characters (those that had
attained at least 10th level). It was becoming increasingly difficult to adjudicate the actions of higher level groups
in a “normal” adventure. A common high-level group would have access to hundreds of magic items and very
powerful spells. Many DMs had difficulty providing appropriate challenges for them in the regular adventures. A
special series of high-level adventures were written specifically to deal with the avid Living City players that had
characters requiring a greater challenge. Eventually, two high-level areas were established for play: the
Underdark and the planes. Segregating the highest-level characters into their own mini-campaign helped to
maintain tighter writing on adventures for both groups.

In 1997, TSR went out of business, and the future of Dungeons & Dragons was in question. Winter Fantasy, a
long-standing RPGA convention, was cancelled that year. Folks working in the RPGA continued to provide
content through this uncertain period. For a few months, it was the only new D&D content that was being
distributed anywhere. Eventually, Wizards of the Coast stepped in and kept the D&D legacy alive. Even though
times were tough, the RPGA and Living City continued to grow.

In 1999, Wizards announced at Gen Con Indy that there would be a new version of the D&D game coming out
the next year -- 3rd Edition. At around the same time, work began on a new Living campaign designed to expand
upon the scope of what had already existed. This campaign was called Living Greyhawk. (We'll discuss Living
Greyhawk in more detail in a later article.)

With 3rd Edition looming, Living City players were given a choice. Certainly, the onset of a new edition of the
game brought obsolescence to the play of 2nd Edition in the RPGA. So, a crossroads was reached, and a vote
was taken at Gen Con Indy. The options were to (1) convert all existing characters and some content to 3rd
Edition, (2) keep the campaign but completely restart, or (3) conclude the campaign in its entirety. In the end,
conversion won out. It would prove to be incredibly daunting and helped to speed the campaign's decline.

The biggest, most difficult issue was conversion of certificates. Players had been collecting them for the better
part of a decade, and they represented all the magic items each character had accumulated throughout their
adventuring career. D&D was a very item-based game; many characters were defined by the magic items they
possessed. Every item that had ever been issued in the game had to be converted to 3rd Edition rules (or ruled
as non-convertible). In addition, since the items were issued on paper, all the members had to mail their
certificates in to Wizards. They had to be processed and new certificates had to be reissued. Everything had to
be tracked. It was a logistical behemoth.

The strain on the RPGA staff at the time was massive. In addition, there were printing errors in the first batch of
certificates that went back to the players, so another printing was needed. Character conversion went smoother,
but there were still a number of rules issues that simply couldn’t be addressed by the 3rd Edition conversion
document. Adventures were also treading new 3rd Edition ground, and many preconceptions of writing
adventures for D&D needed to be reassessed.

The workload became too great for the RPGA staff to maintain, particularly since Living Greyhawk had entered
the system, was larger in scope, and required more attention. Living City was handed off to a company called
Organized Play for management. Attempts were made to revitalize play. A new campaign, the Ruins of Raven’s
Bluff, was an attempt at a restart, but it was too late. Living City concluded in 2003, with only a few hundred
players participating in its final adventure. By that time, most of the player base had either moved to Living
Greyhawk or other 3rd Edition shared-world campaigns.

Next month, we’ll talk about Living campaign fever spreading throughout the RPGA in the 1990’s, and give brief
summaries of past “spin-off” programs that existed over the last thirteen years.

About the Author

Originally thought to have been raised from a humble Midwestern family, Chris Tulach actually fell to Earth in a
meteorite-shaped capsule flung from a planet far outside our galaxy. While under the yellow rays of Sol, Chris’s
nerdity far surpasses that of any normal human. Using this precious gift only for good, he has recently become
the RPGA Content Manager, responsible for the development and deployment of Dungeons & Dragons
organized play programs.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tomb of the Astronomer
by Bruce Cordell
Art by Thomas Denmark

The djinni Calim governed Calimshan for almost a thousand years before someone challenged his rule. On the
shore of the River Agis the great efreeti Memnon proclaimed his sovereignty. Despite border skirmishes,
assassination attempts, and unfavorable trade status, Memnon's power grew for three hundred years until all-out
war erupted between the Calim Empire and Memnonnar, ushering in the Era of Skyfire.

That war lasted for centuries.

Some of Faerûn's most appalling battles occurred during the Era of Skyfire. Battle accounts ink crumbling tomes
with names such as the Blood March, the Fall of Agis, and the Battle of Ruin. Both sides suffered horrendous
losses, especially so amongst the thousands of slave-soldiers forced to fight for both sides. Before the elves of
Keltormir and their djinn-efreet binding ritual permanently ended the clash, many heroes of the conflict fell to
noble and ignoble deaths alike.

More than powerless slaves found themselves caught up in the fighting. Stronger entities, too, who cared nothing
for either of the two principles, were forced to choose sides lest they be destroyed by the other.

One of these was known generally as the Astronomer. However, the Astronomer would not choose a side. For
that, she was brushed aside, and her home disappeared under what became the Calim Desert. Few histories
record even that she existed, let alone the location of her buried home.

Who Was the Astronomer?

Despite being kin to djinn, the Astronomer would have nothing to do with the centuries-long struggle for
dominance between Calim and Memnon. A genasi, the Astronomer concerned herself only with her study of a
burgeoning planar realm she referred to as the Elemental Tempest.

According to the Astronomer, beneath the world the forces of the Elemental Tempest churn. There, elemental
substance and energy crash together in an unending cycle of creation and destruction. Its substance, she
claimed, was the very stuff from which the world was crafted, and once the scales of ignorance fell away from the
eyes of the supposedly wise, all would recognize her claim as so.

Thus the Astronomer's lone home, far from any other home or village, was a facility dedicated to peering into this
realm over which she obsessed. Her large compound could support her, her staff of mage-researchers, her
household workers, and the explorers that she briefly dangled into the realm via magically insulated Tempest

When the ultimatum ("Serve me or perish!") from Calim arrived on the lips of a leering captain of one of Calim's
many armies, the Astronomer dropped the envoy, unprotected, through a portal to the very heart of the Elemental

Surface Description

In Calimshan, tales speak of a lost reliquary contemporary with the famous djinn Calim. This ancient place, called
the Tomb of the Astronomer, remains lost in the midst of the Calim Desert, and some say it contains an ancient

If it can be believed, an antique scroll in the library of Candlekeep explains how explorers once or twice stumbled
on the entrance to the Tomb of the Astronomer. A half-sunken, shattered stone face in the sand marks the
entrance. The wrinkled frown and cold sneer on this visage seems to recall images of ancient Calim, and indeed,
the scroll indicates that after the Astronomer's compound was buried under a sandstorm that lasted ten years and
a day, a single graven image of Calim, in all his splendor, was set upon the site as a warning to others not to
gainsay the will of the djinni.

Excavation of the Tomb

Excavating the constantly shifting, fluid sand anywhere in the Calim Desert is nearly impossible. A hole fills in
nearly as fast as it is dug unless the diggers use physical and magical supports.

And thus, if adventurers come upon the site with the antique scroll from Candlekeep clutched in eager hands,
perhaps they will be delighted to find someone has beat them to the site and has already started digging. Then
again, perhaps not.

The noted collector Dulmanico of Waterdeep is on location, and for several months he has supervised the work
of his team of diggers, excavators, sages, guards, and even a few fellow wizard collectors who contributed to the
cost of the expedition.

Thus hopeful adventurers discover a slowly growing pit of terraced shelves gradually stepping down to the lowest
point of the deepening pit. Nearly a hundred tents, an equal number of camels, a semipermanent barracks and
kitchen, and a camp library have made a once-sterile spot in the middle of nowhere into a miniature village.
Arcane and divine magic keep the draft animals, workers, and overseers fed, watered, and safe from the heat.

The guards, who Dulmanico pays in ale and silver, busy themselves dealing with the increasingly frequent
attacks coming out of the deep desert. The attackers consist mainly of shambling, mindless zombies whose
tissues are more fossil than bone. Dulmanico theorizes that the undead are animated recently from an eon-long
slumber rather than being the free-ranging zombies who've walked the desert so long that they've fossilized. He
supposes an intelligent agent controls them while lurking somewhere farther out in the desert in a hidden base.
Moreover, Dulmanico insists the undead attacks are not, as the superstitious workers in the dig camp mutter, the
effects of a curse that strengthens with each foot the excavation descends toward the Tomb's buried entrance.

In fact, Dulmanico believes the attacks are orchestrated by none other than agents of the Twisted Rune, a group
of powerful undead spellcasters that meddle with affairs in Calimshan and beyond for power and amusement.

If someone could stop the attacks once and for all, Dulmanico would command his workers to excavate the final
few feet to reveal the Tomb's entrance, which both mundane and arcane methods indicate would take only a few
days of uninterrupted work.

Newcomers to Dulmanico's dig site find him amenable to sharing the fruits of the excavation if they would make a
good faith effort; he asks interested visitors to look into the supposed Twisted Rune base hidden in the desert,
eradicate the Twisted Rune agent or agents that probably reside there, and thereby hopefully put an end to

undead raids. Only investigation reveals whether any of Dulmanico's series of surmises are accurate.

Inside the Tomb

Once diggers remove the final few feet of sand concealing the Tomb
of the Astronomer, a pitted iron surface is revealed. Curved seams
suggest a great, eyelike iris that is currently closed. A humanoid palm
print in the exact center of the iris begs to be touched. If it is, the eye

A terrible scraping sound accompanies the opening eye. Excess sand

around the edges pours into the opening like a liquid flood, but
apparently the space beyond the aperture is more than large enough
to contain it.

The rusted, newly sand-filled chamber beyond contains no immediate

threats, furnishings, or distinguishing furnishings (unless falling sand
buried them). The chamber is apparently carved from solid rock.
Corridors lead off in several directions, though one corridor is more
than twice as wide as all the others, potentially indicating its

Disturbingly, demons have somehow gotten into the Astronomer's

buried facility!

Soon after explorers begin to move through the chambers, several

demonic creatures attack them. These demons are initially as
astonished to discover visitors as visitors may be surprised at
encountering them. However, demonic eyes quickly alight with anticipation as they attack.

If the explorers overcome the demons, they soon enough find the main observing dome with its rusted arcane
instruments, shattered lenses, and forgotten astronomical scripts. There they can discover that the magic
mechanism for opening the dome for observation still functions. If they trigger it, the dome splits, though it doesn't
spill sand into dome. Instead, it opens onto a view into a different plane -- perhaps the Elemental Tempest itself!

The view through the opening is of a floor of black stone stretching away in all directions, though the landscape
is broken up by rivers of lightning, seas of fire, floating earthbergs, ice mountains, and cyclonic columns of air,
fire, and soil.

In the far distance, a fire-rimmed stain of darkness hangs in mid-air, as if a scar on the sky itself. According to
notes found half-shredded at the observation stations under the dome, the scar is the physical manifestation of
the Abyss within the Elemental Tempest.

Thankfully, despite being visible, the burning scar is hundreds of miles off, but perhaps it explains the demonic
infestation of the compound. Certainly the rusted, now-useless instruments in the dome appear as if they may
have once been trained on that distant blot.

What was the Astronomer really studying here? What does the view into the obviously very real Elemental
Tempest have to do with the Abyss and demons who swarm and breed within it? What other secrets does the
demon-infested, observatory-turned-tomb hold? And does any aspect or memory of the Astronomer herself yet
walk the hollow stone halls?


©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Purple Halls
Rich Baker

In a high mountain vale in the Starspire Mountains, a door of red granite stands in the side of a mountain. Old
magic glyphs burned into the stone cover the heavy posts on either side of the door, and the image of an orb and
dagger is emblazoned in its center. This door leads to the Purple Halls of Sulduskoon, a secret stronghold that
has been a magical assassins' den and the base for a band of evil adventurers, and now serves as a black
temple of Cyricist crusaders -- but one with a strange and perilous secret that its masters do not suspect.

The Delving of the Halls

In 361 DR, Year of the Fearless King, the noble-born wizard Tultysar of the Shoon Imperium founded a secret
society of mage-assassins called the Daggers of Dusk. The Daggers cut down a number of Shoon nobles over
the years, profiting from the endless feuds and rivalries that divided the Shoon realm in its waning years. Their
symbol was the orb and dagger, signifying arcane knowledge and deadly intent. Tultysar delved a hidden
stronghold for his brotherhood, choosing a remote vale in the Starspires. He and his fellows laid several portals
within the complex leading to smaller outposts and hiding-holds, including another extensive stronghold in the
Spiderhaunt Peaks of eastern Faerûn.

The Daggers of Dusk survived the fall of the Shoon Imperium in the Year of the Corrie Fist (450 DR), but were
lost to western history in the centuries that followed. They continued their secret slayings in eastern Faerûn,
meddling in the affairs of Murghôm and Semphar for some time longer. But in time the society faded there too,
and by the Year of Watchful Eyes (705 DR) the secret society's stronghold lay abandoned and forgotten.
Hobgoblins, ogres, and other such marauders eventually occupied the complex.

The Purple Claws

In the Year of the Singing Skull (1297 DR), a formidable Hunted by the Dark
company of sellswords known as the Purple Claws Although more than fifty years have passed since the
discovered the old Dusk Dagger hold and cleared it of Purple Claws ventured into the Underdark, a sinister
its monstrous occupants. The Purple Claws were a power in the Shrieking Abyss of Throrgar has not
mercenary band of adventurers fourteen strong -- forgotten their transgression. The Purple Claws
calculating, ambitious, and coldly pragmatic. Most of unwittingly ventured into the domain of an uvuudaum
their adventures revolved around the ruthless (Epic Level Handbook), who then dispatched mooncalf
accumulation of wealth and magic, and they decided (Monster Manual II) minions to erase all traces of the
that the old stronghold would make an ideal place to mercenary band. Most of the Purple Claws carried
store their considerable plunder. They brought magic, jeweled cloak-clasps in the shape of a dragon's
blindfolded and hooded stoneworkers, locksmiths, talon, and those unfortunate souls who happened to
engineers, and artisans from Myratma and Darromar to wear Purple Claw clasps were the first people the
refurbish the place, and restored the place to its old

splendor. The stronghold became known as the Hold of mooncalf minions sought out.
the Purple Claws -- or, as rumors slowly spread, simply
the Purple Halls. To this day a dozen or so Purple Claw clasps still exist
across Faerûn -- lying atop the moldering bones of a
The Purple Claws adventured off and on for many mercenary who died in some forsaken ruin, forgotten in
years, with an ever-changing roster of membership. the treasure heap of a greedy monster, or lying
Over time as many as thirty-five different heroes (and unsuspected amid the trinkets and baubles of the
villains) fought under the emblem of the Purple Claws. wealthy or noble. Only when a clasp's magical power is
Most met violent ends, and a few were killed by their activated does the uvuudaum perceive its existence.
own former comrades. But the company as a whole More than once an adventurer has discovered a magic
survived until a disastrous expedition into Throrgar, the clasp and pinned it to his cloak, only to discover that
Shrieking Abyss, in 1320 DR, the Year of the Watching an inhuman monstrosity of the deep Underdark is now
Cold. Not a single active Claw returned from the aware of his whereabouts and coldly intent on
Underdark -- and soon afterward the dozen or so dispatching horrible minions to carry him off into the
ex-members who had scattered to various parts of night skies.
Faerûn one by one met horrible ends, carried screaming
into the night sky by unseen assailants. The Purple Halls were abandoned again.

The Gloomfire Chasm

The Purple Halls consist of several levels of excavated The Secret Palace of Tultysar
halls, stairs, shafts, and galleries, all cut out of the livingUnknown to the Cyricists and their pets, the Mirror of
rock around a network of natural caverns -- including the Manedor also serves as a gate to the Plane of Mirrors .
spectacular Gloomfire Chasm, a subterranean rift that . . and in fact at random times someone stepping
runs for hundreds of yards and is easily 200 feet to the through the portal does not travel to the eastern
bottom. Large purple-hued crystals of quartz grow from citadel, but is instead drawn into the Plane of Mirrors
the sides and ceiling of the rift, glimmering with a faint and trapped there. A group of guardians from the
violet radiance; even without any torches or lanterns, the mysterious race known as the nerra (see Fiend Folio)
chasm is as bright as weak moonlight. Several passages watch the far side. Long ago the ancient mage
in the dungeon emerge on the chasm at various points, Tultysar, founder of the Daggers of Dusk, created the
run along ledges or descend staircases cut into its walls, Mirror to function in this manner and made a bargain
and then lead back into the cavern maze at some with the nerra to serve as his assassins and spies.
different point. When his death approached, Tultysar retreated into
the Plane of Mirrors, and became a mighty lord among
The Mirror of Manedor the nerra himself. The Mirror of Manedor leads to his
palace on the Plane of Mirrors, from which hundreds of
The old portals created by the Daggers of Dusk took the other mirrors peer out into hundreds of different places
form of mirrors -- highly polished sheets of bronze set in across Faerûn and other worlds. Tultysar can never
stonework carved to resemble twisting serpents, return, since he would crumble to dust if he left, but he
heightened to almost perfect clarity by subtle magic. regards all within the Purple Halls as his.
Several of these old bronze mirrors are now tarnished,
dark, and dead, but the Mirror of Manedor is still brilliant. It leads to a dungeon carved out by Tultysar in the
Spiderhaunt Mountains of eastern Faerûn, a hidden twin to the western Halls. Above this mirror the name
"Manedor" is chiseled in the Thorass runes.

The Purple Claws did not refurbish the eastern portion of their stronghold, and in fact left it as the lair of various
hungry monsters. That portion of the Purple Halls on the other side of the mirror-portal is therefore in great
disrepair and is infested by trolls, hags, and a large brood of wyverns. Viewed from the eastern side, the Mirror
appears the same -- but the name above the polished bronze surface is "Rodenam."

Cathedral of Daggers

In the Spiderhaunt portion of the Purple Halls lies the ancient meeting place and conclave of the Daggers of Dusk
-- a dark, splendid hall known as the Cathedral of Daggers. Ringing the center of this pillared chamber stand nine
stone markers or posts, each about 5 feet in height. Daggers of black adamantine hover in the air above seven of
the stone markers, encased in a flickering aura of violet flame (no one knows what became of the remaining two
daggers). Each marker commemorates the reign of a Dusk Master, a leader of the ancient order. Attempting to
remove a dagger from its place is dangerous, since each marker-stone is trapped in some way.

Ferantaril, Dark Master of the Halls

The uppermost portion of the western Purple Halls now serves as the home of a knight of Cyric named Ferantaril
(NE male human crusader 5/favored soul 4). Hearing that the Halls had been abandoned, he led a party of
Cyricists from the temple known as the Mountain of Skulls in Amn to clear out the savage humanoids squatting in
the place and establish a secret stronghold. Ferantaril claims the rank of Dark Master (Cyricists have a score of
such sobriquets), and he is working to transform the Purple Halls into a hidden temple of the Black Sun.

Ferantaril has enslaved a band of gnolls he found occupying the upper levels of the Purple Halls, and he sends
the marauders out on wide-ranging raids. Meanwhile, the Dark Master and his acolytes (a dozen or so low-level
clerics and crusaders of Cyric) are engaged in exploring the remainder of the Purple Halls. Many of the traps and
secret passages put in place by the Purple Claws remain undiscovered, and some of the portals within the
stronghold lead to very dangerous places indeed. One leads to a bone-filled desert cave somewhere in the
Bandit Wastes where a particularly large and vicious stonesinger lairs (12 HD; Monster Manual III). Another
opens in the dungeons of a ruined tower in the Gulthmere Forest -- a tower infested by spriggans, redcaps, and
displacer beasts trained by the evil fey.

About the Author

A former officer in the US Navy, Rich Baker has been a game designer since 1991. He has written or
contributed to more than 70 game products, including 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons and Axis & Allies
Miniatures. He is also the author of eight Forgotten Realms novels, including the New York Times bestseller

Rich married his college sweetheart, Kim, in 1991; they have two daughters, Alex and Hannah. Rich’s interests
include Golden Age SF, military history, hiking in the Cascades, wargaming, and the Philadelphia Phillies.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ironfang Keep
Brian James

For generations untold, a shadowy basalt fortress has loomed over the mouth of the White River along the
eastern shore of the Moonsea. Long reputed to be the home of practitioners of dark power, the structure is also
held responsible for centuries of abductions and strange abominations unleashed to roam the countryside.
Whether any of these rumors are true remains unknown as no credible accounts of the keep’s mysterious
inhabitants exist.

Sentinel of Lost Helligheim

Scholars today know little of the keep’s founding though draconic legends do speak of mighty fortress of similar
description around the close of the Dawn Ages, about twenty-five thousand years before man and elf raised the
Standing Stone.

In that distant time, a terrible war spanning a thousand years had been raging between the mighty giant and
dragon civilizations. Throughout the long war, the merciless dragon armies led by terrible Garyx had driven a
wedge through the heart of Ostoria, leaving the fire giant realm of Helligheim terribly weakened and isolated.
Centuries earlier, the fire giants had constructed twelve mighty fortresses across the breadth of Helligheim’s
southern frontier along the shore of the Dragons’ Sea. Though impressive fortifications of earth and magic, one
by one the citadels were overrun and shattered by the Dragon King’s armies. By the time the merciful King-Killer
star appeared in the heavens to drive the wyrms into madness, only one remote keep remained standing.

Helligheim endured for another century or two but the Colossal Kingdom has been shattered and soon the
defeated jotunbrud began retreating further into the remote wilds of the north. Sealed and protected by powerful
runecasters, the lone basalt sentinel stood silently for several millennia, abandoned and forgotten.

The Keep

Seemingly hewn from the cliff face upon which it rests, the imposing edifice thrusts upwards from the
bedrock of the White River, which surrounds the structure on all sides, save the east where the river
cascades into the Moonsea in the scream of a deadly falls. Crafted in the likeness of two opposing
fangs or massive pincers, the Keep’s great pinnacle reaches upward over 100 feet to snatch at the
sky. A second spire stretches outward perpendicular from the cliff face like a claw to loom over the
raging falls below. The keep’s strange, eerie look is further heightened by the fact that it has no
windows or battlements, only a single massive iron doorway at ground level. The fortress is seemingly
impervious to all divinations and teleportation effects, and in the days since the Avatar Crisis has been
surrounded by a defensive ring of wild and dead magic zones.

Ages after its construction, human settlers would name the imposing fortification Ironfang Keep due to
the rich deposits of iron to be found in the surrounding Giantspike Mountains. None of these deposits
have been mined, however, since no one dares go near the place—let alone set up a permanent
mining settlement in its very shadow.

Last Days of Grong-Haap

Ironfang Keep was again occupied in -981 DR when Haask, a monstrous greathorn minotaur (Monster Manual
IV), declared himself priest-king and claimed the basalt fortress as the capitol of his burgeoning new kingdom,
Grong-Haap. Over the next six-hundred years Grong-Haap slowly expanded to cover the modern-day wastes of
Thar, the eastern Moonsea, and northern highlands of the Vast. With only an occasional clash with the elves of
Cormanthyr or the orcs of Vastar, the minotaur kingdom enjoyed a level of civilization not common among their
kind. Then in the late winter months of the Year of Craven Words (-350 DR), a goblinoid horde one-hundred-
thousand strong marched against Grong-Haap from the Tortured Lands in the icy north.

Issuing an utterance in a tongue not spoken on Toril since the Days of Thunder, Haask summoned forth an elder
manifestation of absolute evil and sick malevolence. Hargut of the Gray Pestilence surveyed the battlefield before
turning his undying gaze upon the priest-king. Speaking a powerful recitation of command, Haask then ordered
the Gray Pestilence to scatter the invaders and defend the keep. Tens of thousands died that day before the
walls of Ironfang Keep, their flesh fed into Hargut’s voracious maw and their souls consigned to an eternity in the
Barrens of Doom and Despair.

By dusk the battle was all but won and Haask returned triumphantly to the keep to feast and rest. Inside, the
priest-king was stunned to discover two grim looking humans sitting nonchalantly upon his giant-crafted throne.
Before Haask could react, a third assassin appeared behind the priest-king, driving a simple iron blade through
his back and into his heart. As his life energy pumped into the enchanted dagger, Haask’s form began to shift
revealing his true nature as a batrachi-doppelganger. The mysterious trio later exited the keep heading upriver
toward the Glacier of the White Wyrm and beyond. Grong-Haap soon collapsed, and for a time Ironfang Keep
again fell out of memory.

Whispers and Legends

In is rumored that in the years following the fall of Netheril, an archwizard of that land came to Ironfang to claim
the keep as his own. Legend claims he actually penetrated the keep, but was later found wandering across the
wild lands of Thar. He was completely mad, and all he could mutter was the word “green”.

Orc folklore from the period tells a similarly disturbing tale. Every decade or so entire tribes of the great Vastar
Empire would go missing; the few witnesses describing shadowy abductors appearing totally without warning to
capture unsuspecting clansmen in the night.

The gray tuskers were not the only peoples to go missing in the region. For generations, elves, ogres, giants, and
even dragons would go missing under mysterious circumstances. Whispers began to surface that the Ironfang
Keep was now inhabited by vile “beast experimenters”. Rumors that were seemingly confirmed when strange
hybrid monstrosities would occasionally be spotted in the vicinity of the keep.

Sanctum of the Eviscerated

Suspected by some for decades, the present inhabitants of Ironfang Keep are priests of a beast cult whose
members venerate obscure elder powers and experiment on creatures whom they abduct from the nearby
mountains. The disturbed cultists believe in a dogma in which one can achieve physical perfection only through

the use of grafts (Fiend Folio), a grisy ritual in which the cult member willingly allows a monstrous limb or other
flesh to be magically attached to their bodies.

With grim purpose these surgeries are performed in the bowels of Ironfang Keep in a chamber known as the
Sanctum of the Eviscerated. But grafts are not the only bizarre rite performed in these halls. The adjoining
chambers collectively known as the Managerie, contain the cells of the many beasts captured by the beast cult.
Over the centuries several hundred ghastly aberrations have been released into the wild, the result of bizarre
breeding or other failed experimentation. The goat-like ibixians (Monster Manual III), first seen in the Year of the
Shambling Ice (703 DR), is just one creature of hundreds to have been born of this cult.

Prisoner of the Keep

The true power within Ironfang Keep comes not from the beast cult but from the entity trapped within that they
worship without question, Haask, Voice of Hargut. Imprisoned in the keep for nearly seven centuries, Haask did
not perish that day long ago on the field outside Ironfang Keep. The dark three—a shadowy assassin, the
brooding necromancer, and the dour warlord—presented an offer to the dying priest-king, vowing to spare his life
in exchange for his undying fealty and command of the Gray Pestilence. His life blood trickling away and not fully
appreciating the ramifications of his decision, Haask readily agreed. The three then dragged Haask outside the
keep to lay prone before Hargut the Grey Pestilence. Producing a gem-encrusted scepter from lost Imaskar, the
necromancer pointed the artifact first at Hargut then to Haask while speaking three arcane syllables. Great was
roar of the Gray Pestilence as he was forcibly dragged down toward the fallen doppelganger. When at last they
met, the two became one, and Haask, Voice of Hargut was reborn. The purpose of the union is yet unclear as the
three humans quickly imprisoned the abomination beneath Ironfang Keep and never returned.

Adventurers penetrating the keep today risk freeing the Lost God, an event which is sure to ignite fear across the
length and breadth of Faerûn. If released, Haask will quickly seek out and receive the protection of both Malar
and Ghaunadaur (Faiths and Pantheons), then turn his malevolent thoughts to the conquest of the Moonsea and
destruction of the Church of Bane and its followers. Already struggling under the tyrannical rule of Zhentil Keep,
the cities of the Moonsea are ill prepared for the bloody conflict which would surely follow.

Haask, Voice of Hargut

Hargut was an antediluvian horror from the Far Realm that manifested on the Toril as a colossal
worm-like creature with a giant-sized mouth filled with layer upon layer of razor sharp teeth. Hargut’s
skin is sickly green and semi-transparent with red sores visible beneath the surface. Haask, once an
elder doppelganger, is now a symbiont (Fiend Folio) fused to the outer flesh of the undying Hargut.
Through their symbiotic relationship the former priest-king grants a degree of lucidity and intelligence
to the otherwise mindless Hargut. It is unclear if the two would survive if they were separated for a
period of time, if possible at all.

About the Author

A software engineer by day and Forgotten Realms aficionado by night, Brian R. James is the author of the
recently released Grand History of the Realms. Brian lives in Montana with his high school sweetheart Toni and
their four children, Jesse, Cameron, Eleanor, and Bridget. In his spare time he enjoys playing a shadowknight in
Everquest 2 and cheering for the Denver Broncos.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Cavern of Death
by Rich Baker

Ninety miles west of the ruins of Tilverton, in the heart of the desolate Stonelands, stands a nameless hill whose
sere slopes are crowned by a long-ruined villa. Little remains aboveground, but beneath the hill lies a large cave
carved out of the stone by a rushing torrent that now has vanished. This is the Cavern of Death -- domain of the
lich Asbaron, who lived and died more than a thousand years ago. In this dark and terrible place he lingers still,
his mind long since lost in a purposeful madness.

Asbaron of the Emerald Eyes

Born in the ruined realm of Anauria in 199 DR, the Year of the Cold Enchanter, Asbaron traveled widely and
collected a great hoard of dangerous lore as he prolonged his life by various dark bargains and rituals.
Exceedingly ancient and cruel, he eventually crossed over into undeath, becoming a lich. Hundreds of years after
the fall of Anauria, he returned to his family's ancestral home and established his lair in the caverns beneath.

Asbaron has spent centuries obsessed with the fates of two long-scattered families: his own House Nemrin and
their rivals House Maluradek, both noble families of the ancient realm of Anauria. From his earliest childhood,
Asbaron was raised on the bitterness and gall of his great-grandfather Ashkelor, a warlock who believed first that
House Nemrin was meant to rule a mighty realm, and secondly that the treachery and jealousy of House
Maluradek stole away from House Nemrin its chance to rule Anauria. In Ashkelor's twisted view, Anauria never
would have fallen had a Nemrin sat on the throne, and he poured his hate and resentment into Asbaron
throughout Asbaron's childhood and his early studies.

A Scion of Maluradek?

In the thirteen centuries since the fall of Anauria, the Maluradek family has long since dissolved into
the general human population of western Faerûn. Literally thousands of people can trace descent from
one of the Maluradeks alive during the last days of the kingdom . . . including, perhaps, a human or
partially human player character. Through diligent research and tracing of various family trees, the lich
Asbaron discovers that one of the characters in the party is a Maluradek descendant. He dispatches
his servants to assassinate the character in whatever distant corner of Faerûn the heroes happen to
find themselves in. When the player characters trace the assassins back to their origin, they discover
that some hitherto unsuspected enemy lurking in the Stonelands seems to have it in for them -- a
perfect reason to investigate the old stories about the Cavern of Death.

Ashkelor died a thousand years ago, but Asbaron still remembers his great-grandfather's lessons. To amend this
ancient wrong, Asbaron has spent centuries of his undead existence searching out the far-flung descendants of
House Nemrin, hoping to find one suitable for a throne (and a throne suitable for that Nemrin). He is a demanding
and cruel judge of his family's progeny, and he seeks a descendant of iron will, keen intelligence, driving
ambition, and magical strength. Any Nemrin descendant who does not measure up is ignored . . . or, in the case
of the truly weak, plucked from the family tree. The lich spends most of his time seeking out hidden heirs of the
ancient Nemrin blood and spying on those he knows about, looking for the right mix of character, ability, and
position. At the same time, Asbaron has made it his personal crusade to extirpate the scions of Maluradek
wherever he finds them. He has not yet succeeded in completely exterminating this ancient line, and the
knowledge that the descendants of those who "betrayed" his house a thousand years ago still walk Faerûn
absolutely maddens him.

Also, Asbaron is engaged in a years-long feud against the Zhentarim. First of all, his minions have sacked the
Zhentish caravans seeking to pass through the Stonelands on more than one occasion. Secondly, Asbaron's
minions recently slew a minor lord of Zhentil Keep after the lich identified him as a Maluradek descendant. The
Zhentarim have therefore sent several expeditions against Asbaron, but each ended in failure.

A master of gem magic, Asbaron has a peculiar affinity for emeralds. Two large, perfect emeralds rest in the lich's
eye sockets, wreathed in the unholy green flames that burn there. Dozens of smaller gemstones are affixed to his
old yellow bones, many enchanted with potent spells.

Asbaron's Servitors

As one might expect, Asbaron's servitors include a number of undead -- mostly skeletons and wights of various
types. Many of these were once human guards or merchants whose caravans were attacked and plundered by
Asbaron's minions. The lich also rules over a large tribe of troglodytes, a band of gargoyles, and a variety of
monstrous guardians such as leucrottas, manticores, and a gorgon.

The Greenflame troglodytes are the most numerous of Asbaron's servants. The Nemser caverns have long been
overrun by the simple creatures, who worship Asbaron as a god. The lich promises the troglodytes' chieftains and
shamans perpetual existence in the form of undeath should they serve him well. Asbaron's sinister bargain is so
alluring that most Greenflame warriors are literally eager to die in the service of their undead master, hoping that
such a display of loyalty and bravery will earn them a higher place when the lich raises them into undeath.

The gargoyles loyal to Asbaron lair in the ruined cellars and passages of old Nemsergaar, the ancient family seat.
Their ability to range far out over the Stonelands in search of plunder or undertake long errands hundreds of
miles from the cavern make them especially useful. Asbaron often sends them to steal books and genealogies
from libraries and temples, assassinate Maluradeks he discovers, or carry gifts and advice to any Nemrins he
currently favors. Like the troglodytes, they too serve the lich for the promise of eternal existence.

Asbaron's pet monsters have no such desire, of course. The lich controls his more powerful minions by means of
a ritual in which he embeds a magic emerald in the flesh of a living creature's brow. The gemstone ritual
dominates the subject creature, and it also gives Asbaron the ability to perceive what his enslaved monsters
perceive and issue them telepathic commands over a substantial distance. Asbaron cannot watch through all
such gems constantly; in practice he only looks in on a particular monster for a few minutes at a time once every
day or so (or more intently if he has reason to be watchful).

A small number of powerful lieutenants (the troglodyte shaman, the gargoyle chief, and a few of the undead) bear
these gems not only to ensure their loyalty, but as a mark of favor. These individuals are known as Asbaron's
"Eyethanes," and they are greatly feared by the other creatures in the caverns and ruins because they speak
directly for the lich, commanding his minions. Asbaron himself rarely deigns to do so.

The Nemser Caves

Beneath the ancient ruins of Nemsergaar, the old seat

of House Nemrin, lies a maze of living limestone
caverns carved out of the heart of the hills by
once-torrential streams born in the Stormhorns snows.
These caves are quite splendid in many places,
festooned with frozen cascades of flowstone,
mineralized pools, living streams, and wide galleries.
For the most part they are unimproved and show little
working. There are two main entrances: A steep
staircase descends from the ruins of the palace above,
and a large cave mouth opens up a few hundred yards
distant where the stream flowing through the caves
emerges. Gargoyles infest the ruins and guard the
upper entrance, while the lower quickly leads into a
mazelike troglodyte warren.

The Cavern of Death itself is a large, bell-shaped pit or

shaft in the center of the complex. The entrance is near
the top of this hundred-foot high cavern. This is one of
the few chambers that has been substantially worked,
and a stone staircase winds down to the floor past
bas-reliefs of skeletal figures and dozens of burial-
niches in the walls where real skeletons stand. A shrine
to Orcus fills the floor of the cave, which is normally lit
by eerie green flames burning in iron cressets along the
walls. The lich's personal chambers, workroom, library,
treasure vault, and trophy room are all linked to this

cavern, and a secret escape tunnel leads down into the
depths of the Underdark below the caves.

House Nemrin of Anauria

After the fall of Netheril in the Year of the Sundered Webs, three smaller realms survived the wreckage
of the great empire: Anauria, Asram, and Hlondath. Anauria was the wealthiest of these three. It stood
in the broad lands north of the Stormhorns, in that part of Anauroch that is now known as the Sword.
In the days of Anauria, the Stonelands were green and forested, a well-watered upland of swift
streams rushing down from the mountains to the south. A number of Anaurian noble families built
hunting lodges, villas, and summer palaces in the hills, retreating to the cooler elevations during the
hottest months of the year. One of these families was House Nemrin, a family of wealthy nobles who
wielded great influence in the affairs of Anauria.

During the last years of the kingdom, the Nemrins fell into disfavor. Accused of trafficking with demons
and plotting rebellion by a rival noble family -- House Maluradek -- Lord Ashkelor Nemrin found himself
banished from the court on the basis of evidence presented to the king by his rivals. Ashkelor removed
himself to the relative seclusion of his family's summer palace in the hills, Nemsergaar. There
Ashkelon plotted revenge against his accusers and awaited his vindication before the king.

Ashkelor's vindication never came. A great orc-horde swept down from the harsh reaches of northern
Anauroch in the Year of Fallen Guards, destroying Anauria's cities and plundering its countryside.
Roving bands of monsters pillaged most of the estates in the southern hills. Nemsergaar was sacked
and burned during one such raid, and left in ruins. Most Anaurians died under orcish axes or fled to
other lands, never to return -- but the Nemrins remained. A warlock of no small skill, Ashkelor Nemrin
concealed his family in caverns hidden beneath Nemsergaar and survived the destruction of his home.

After the fall of Anauria, Ashkelor emerged to claim what was left of the realm -- but it was a vain
boast. For a few generations, the surviving Nemrins clung to their claim and tried to reestablish the
kingdom, but nothing came of their efforts. In time most of the remaining Nemrins drifted away and
finally abandoned ruined Anauria. Ashkelor's great-grandson Asbaron, a warlock even more
formidable than his ancestor, was the last of the line born in Nemsergaar.

About the Author

A former officer in the US Navy, Rich Baker has been a game designer since 1991. He has written or
contributed to more than 70 game products, including 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons and Axis & Allies
Miniatures. He is also the author of eight Forgotten Realms novels, including The New York Times best-seller

Rich married his college sweetheart, Kim, in 1991; they have two daughters, Alex and Hannah. Rich's interests
include Golden Age SF, military history, hiking in the Cascades, wargaming, and the Philadelphia Phillies.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Tribes of Thar
Rich Baker

North of the Moonsea lies the Great Gray Land of Thar -- a broad moorland stretching a hundred miles from the
shores of the cold blue lake to the snowcapped peaks of the Galenas Mountains. This windswept upland is good
for little more than grazing scrawny goats and sheep, and breeding hard, cruel warriors with a taste for plunder.
Dozens of tribes of orcs, ogres, goblinkind, and other such savage warriors live in this wild and desolate land.
Most are quite small -- thirty or forty orcs claim an old ruin as their "keep," or perhaps a dozen ogres lair in a cave
they found amid one of the rocky outcroppings that dot the moorland. But some of the tribes are quite large and
can muster hundreds of ferocious warriors.

Thar's humanoid tribes spend much of their time (and

blood) battling each other, but they also pose a threat to
nearby settlements. Melvaunt and Thentia are much too
large to attack directly, but bands of raiders sometimes
prey on caravans bound to or from Glister or winding
along the coastal track. Others occasionally plunder the
smaller villages and homesteads in the upper reaches
of the Stojanow Vale, or lonely mining camps in the
Galenas foothills.

The evil tribes would likely cause even more damage,

but several factors keep them in check. First, various
merchants and lords of the nearby cities strike deals
with one tribe or another to let their goods pass in
peace. Such bargains are often short-lived and
uncertain, but a few are usually in force at any given
time. Second, small bands of rangers and scouts patrol
the borders of Thar, hunting down orc or ogre
marauders, while the barbarians of the Ride viciously
slaughter any such creatures they find out on the open
steppe. Finally, any tribe that succeeds in some bloody
or spectacular feat of plunder often earns deadly
retribution -- the human cities nearby hire adventuring
companies armed with powerful magic or simply bribe
rival chieftains to punish a tribe that goes too far.

The Burning Daggers

Fanatical worshipers of Kossuth, the elemental god of

fire, the Burning Daggers are murderous, intolerant zealots even by orcish standards. The apex of their existence
is the opportunity to build a mighty bonfire and hurl their captives to fiery death one by one. Each Burning Dagger
orc is branded horribly in the center of his face with a dagger-shaped mark (point to the chin, crossguard above
the eyes, pommel in the center of the forehead) as a sign of devotion... once every year, the new mark seared
right over the old. The cumulative effect for an old chieftain is absolutely gruesome.

The Burning Daggers make their lair in a deep set of caverns about twenty miles from Glister. A natural rift to the
Elemental Plane of Fire exists at the bottom of the cave, creating volcanic conditions in a place where none
should exist. In the heart of the rift, a dagger of hot black iron floats in the air, wrapped in ebon flames. Sacred to
Kossuth's holy assassins, the dagger has been sought by the Black Flame zealots for many decades.

Fangjaws Hold

A crude palisade surrounding a dozen huge lodges made of fieldstone and turf, Fangjaws Hold is named for its
barbaric gate, where hundreds of bulette teeth have been driven into the wood to give it the appearance of, well,
a fanged jaw. This is the lair of the Skullsmashers, a tribe of unusually fierce and strong ogres. The
Skullsmashers have captured many slaves from weaker tribes around them and their raids against neighboring
lands, and so Fangjaws is home to a hundred or more goblin "thralls" who fight for their ogre masters, and scores
of human and dwarf wretches who are simply worked and bullied to death in the most callous and careless
manner imaginable. Few Skullsmasher captives last more than a few months.

The chief of the Skullsmashers is a hulking, two-headed ogre named Zar-Umak. Whether he has ettin blood in
him, or is simply some freak of nature, none can say.

The Red Claws

A large tribe of goblins and hobgoblins, the Red Claws lair in the cyclopean ruins of an old ogre hold from the
days when Thar was a kingdom. Cunning half-floors and quarter-steps of fieldstone and timber divide the huge
ogre doorways and towering ogre vaults into spaces more suitable for goblins. The Red Claws are allied with a
powerful pack of worgs, and Red Claw worg-riders range all over Thar (and the lands about) in search of easy

The Red Claws are currently the tribe of Thar causing the most trouble to the most people. The Red Castle
stands about twenty miles north of the coastal track between Phlan and Melvaunt, and marauding worg-riders
have made travel along this path dangerous even for large and well-armed groups. The hobgoblin marshal
Hashrad is warlord of the tribe, and he has been gleefully extorting tolls, bribes, and tribute from anyone within
reach. As you might expect, Hashrad is not particularly scrupulous about staying bribed, and so he frequently
"loses control" over raiding parties or "doesn't receive" tribute offerings -- both timeworn excuses to take a bribe,
and then plunder passers-by anyway.

Bloodskull Keep

This grim keep in northwestern Thar is home to the Bloody Skull orc tribe. In the keep's great hall, hundreds of
red-dyed skulls are affixed to the walls, each a trophy of the tribe. Most are human, dwarf, or orc skulls, but ogre,
giant, and wyvern skulls are also in prominent places. The Bloody Skulls carelessly mix the skulls of their own
fallen champions with the skulls of noteworthy enemies those champions slew.

The Bloody Skulls are a numerous and aggressive tribe, Caravan Guards
but they have been embroiled in vicious infighting for
many months now. They were known as the Black It's not glorious, but it's work. The player characters
Spears only a few years ago, a tribe dominated by the find that there's always a demand for sellswords in
clerics of Gruumsh; they took their name from the Melvaunt, since caravans bound to and from Glister
orc-god's fearsome weapon. When the old chief died, require heavy escort. Food staples, wine and beer,
the Gruumshites moved to take over the tribe altogether clothing, mining tools, and other supplies are shipped
and rule it in the name of He Who Watches. The orc to Glister, in exchange for gold, silver, furs, and timber
warriors soon grew restive and resentful of the clerics' cut from the nearby mountains. The journey takes
rule and rallied behind a young half-orc warchief named about ten days in good weather. Each guard typically
Wertha. Wertha overthrew the clerics of Gruumsh and earns about 5 to 20 gold pieces for a one-way trip
captured Bloodskull Keep, but Gruumshite devotees (experienced characters may make a lot more), and the
remained in control of various outlying lairs and secret caravan outfitter normally provides mounts, meals, and
holds. Wertha has been engaged in reducing these bedrolls -- but the player characters are hired by a
strongholds one by one and making himself the master dwarf merchant named Umthorn for ten times the going
of the new Bloody Skull tribe. When he finishes, the rate, because this caravan's cargo is "vitally important."
Bloody Skulls -- formerly the Black Spears -- will reclaim

their spot as one of the strongest tribes in Thar.
The caravan's cargo includes several large, locked
The Kur-Tharsu chests that radiate magic. In the middle of the journey,
a warband of orc berserkers and a manticore attacks
Most Moonsea natives have heard stories of the ancient the caravan. But in the aftermath of the fight the
ogre-kingdom of Thar and its surprising sophistication. heroes learn that someone set them up: The orcs
Long-ruined watchtowers and roads of well-built learned where to find the caravan, and the chests are
stonework, powerful ogre-sized magic weapons, and empty. Umthorn is a black-hearted rogue who has
black curses that still linger over ruined holds all suggest secretly partnered with the orcs for months, but he's
accomplishments beyond the capabilities of the already stolen the loot for himself and plans to blame
notoriously dull-witted ogres. And in fact all these things its loss on the orc raid he arranged. The trouble is,
were not the work of ordinary ogres. Ancient Thar was a nobody told the heroes.
kingdom of oni (or ogre mages), not common ogres.
While most of the old realm's common folk were indeed ordinary ogres, oni lords and captains were responsible
for building Thar's keeps and holds, laying its spells, and crafting its arms. Common ogres were little more than
laborers and loyal (if dimwitted) troops whose activities were closely supervised by oni masters.

Most of the oni vanished into history a thousand years Retribution

ago when Thar fell, but a few oni still linger in buried
strongholds or the ruins of Thar's ancient fortresses. The player characters are hired by an agent
They call themselves the Kur-Tharsu, or "Overlords of representing the Double Moon Coster (a local
Thar." The Kur-Tharsu are not really a tribe, per se -- merchant's guild) to track down a band of ogre
they consist of a few score scattered individuals, none ofmarauders from the Stoneclub tribe. The Stoneclubs
whom would admit to owing allegiance to any others. sacked a Double Moon caravan on the coastal track to
But they still exert an influence over the lesser savages Melvaunt and carried off goods and captives back to
who roam their ancient homeland. For example, some of their lair in Thar. The heroes' job is simple: Save the
the oni still enslave common ogres and rule over ogre captives, recover whatever Double Moon property can
bands. Tribes such as the Jade Skull, the Falling Star, be saved, and teach the Stoneclubs a lesson they'll
or the Crystal Sphere are bands of common ogres under never forget. When the heroes track the Stoneclubs to
the sway of one or more oni. their lair, they discover that the Stoneclubs have taken
up residence in an old Thenturan watchtower, and a
For the most part, the Kur-Tharsu oni have little desire clever oni is leading the ogres with far more
to rebuild their old kingdom. While they are far more intelligence than the heroes might expect an ogre
clever and ambitious than their minions, they simply are chieftain to demonstrate.
too few and too jealous of each other. Instead they use
their ogre servants to bring them food, plunder nearby ruins and caravans or weaker tribes, and guard their lairs.

About the Author

A former officer in the US Navy, Rich Baker has been a game designer since 1991. He has written or
contributed to more than 70 game products, including 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons and Axis & Allies
Miniatures. He is also the author of eight Forgotten Realms novels, including the New York Times bestseller

Rich married his college sweetheart, Kim, in 1991; they have two daughters, Alex and Hannah. Rich’s interests
include Golden Age SF, military history, hiking in the Cascades, wargaming, and the Philadelphia Phillies.

©1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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