Carbonyl Reaction

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Diazotization of primary aromatic amines and

their usefulness in synthesis of aromatic

• A primary amine can be converted into a
diazonium salt by treatment with nitrous acid,
using an aqueous solution of sodium nitrite and
HCl or HBr; indeed, N2 is such a good leaving
group than [NH2] that the diazonium salt is
synthesized at 0 °C and used immediately without

• The drive to form a molecule of stable nitrogen gas
(N2) causes the leaving group of a diazonium ion to be
easily displaced by a wide variety of nucleophiles.
The mechanism by which a nucleophile displaces the
diazonium group depends on the nucleophile: Some
displacements involve phenyl cations, while others
involve radicals.

• Nucleophiles such as -C≡N, Cl- and Br- will replace the

diazonium group if the appropriate cuprous salt is
added to the solution containing the arenediazonium
salt. The reaction of an arenediazonium salt with a
cuprous salt is known as a Sandmeyer reaction.
Aromatic diazonium salt can be converted
to a variety of compounds as follow:

NH2 N N Cl F

HNO2 HBF4, heat

O2 l, H
H H 3P Cl


H O+




I Br


Reactions of Aromatic Side Chains
• An alkyl group bonded to a benzene ring can be
oxidized to a carboxyl group. When an organic
compound is oxidized, either the number of C-O, C-
N, or C-X (where X denotes a halogen atom) bonds
increases or the number of C-H bonds decreases.
• Commonly used oxidizing agents are potassium
permanganate (KMnO4) or acidic solutions of sodium
dichromate (H+, Na2Cr2O7) because the benzene ring
is so stable, it will not be oxidized—only the alkyl
group is oxidized.

• Regardless of the length of the alkyl substituent, it
will be oxidized to a -COOH group, provided that a
hydrogen is bonded to the benzylic carbon. If the alkyl
group lacks a benzylic hydrogen, the oxidation reaction
will not occur because the first step in the oxidation
reaction is removal of a hydrogen from the benzylic

• When two alkyl groups are present on the ring, both are oxidized.


• The carbonyl group are

• Compounds containing C=O group are called carbonyl
compounds and are abundant in nature.
• Many play important roles in biological processes.
• Hormones, vitamins, amino acids, drugs, and flavorings
are just a few of the carbonyl compounds that affect
us daily.
• An acyl group consists of a carbonyl group attached
to an alkyl group or to an aryl group.

• Carbonyl compounds can be placed in one of two

classes: Class I and Class II.
Introduction cont’d

• Class I: acyl group is attached to an atom or

a group that can be replaced by another

Introduction cont’d

• Class II: acyl group is attached to a group

that cannot be readily replaced by another

Introduction cont’d

• Nucleophile can be either negatively charged

(-:Nu) or neutral (:Nu).
• If it’s neutral, however, it usually carries a
hydrogen atom that can subsequently be
eliminated, :Nu–H

Introduction cont’d

Introduction cont’d

• Carbonyl Compounds can undergo three

basic reactions types:

1. Addition Reactions
2. Addition-elimination and
3. Enolization-ketonization

8.1. Addition Reactions
8.1.1. Cyanohydrins: Hydrogen cyanide adds
to aldehydes and ketones to form
• forms a product with one more carbon atom
than the reactant.

8.2.1. Wittig reaction
• An aldehyde or a ketone reacts with a
phosphonium ylide (pronounced ―ILL-id‖) to
form an alkene.
• An ylide is a compound that has opposite
charges on adjacent covalently bonded
atoms with complete octets.
• The ylide can also be written in the double
bonded form because phosphorus can have
more than eight valence electrons.
• The reaction of an aldehyde or a ketone with
a phosphonium ylide to form an alkene is
called a Wittig reaction.
• The overall reaction change of C=O bond
with C=C
• Evidence has accumulated that the Wittig
reaction is a concerted [2 + 2]
cycloaddition reaction
• It is called a [2 + 2] cycloaddition reaction
because, of the four Π electrons involved in
the cyclic transition state
• Elimination of triphenylphosphine oxide
forms the alkene product.
• The phosphonium ylide needed for a
particular synthesis is obtained by an SN2
reaction between triphenylphosphine and an
alkyl halide with the appropriate number of
carbon atoms.
• A proton on the carbon adjacent to the
positively charged phosphorus atom is
sufficiently acidic (pKa = 35) to be removed
by a strong base such as butyllithium.
• If two sets of reagents are available for the
synthesis of an alkene, it is better to use
the one that requires the less sterically
hindered alkyl halide for synthesis of the
ylide. Why?
• The Wittig reaction is a very powerful way
to make an alkene because the reaction is
completely regioselective—the double bond
will be in only one place.

• The Wittig reaction also is the best way to

make a terminal alkene but other methods
would form a terminal alkene only as a minor
8.3. Enolization-Ketonization reactions

• H on a C adjacent to a carbonyl group is acidic

which leads keto and enol tautomers
• Keto–enol interconversion is also called keto–enol
tautomerization or enolization.
• The inter-conversion of the tautomers can be
catalyzed by either acids or bases.
• In a basic solution, hydroxide ion removes a
proton from the α-carbon of the keto tautomer.
• The anion that is formed has two resonance
contributors: a carbanion and an enolate ion.
• The enolate ion contributes more to the
resonance hybrid because the negative charge is
better accommodated by oxygen than by carbon.
• Protonation on oxygen forms the enol tautomer,
whereas protonation on the α-carbon reforms
the keto tautomer.

• In the base-catalyzed reaction, the base

removes the α-proton in the first step and the
oxygen is protonated in the second step.
• In an acidic solution, the carbonyl oxygen of the
keto tautomer is protonated and water removes a
proton from the α-carbon forming the enol.

• Notice that the steps are reversed in the base and

acid-catalyzed reactions.
• In the acid-catalyzed reaction, the acid protonates
the oxygen in the first step and the α-proton is
removed in the second step.
• Notice also how the catalyst is regenerated
in both the acid- and base-catalyzed
• The carbon–carbon double bond of an enol
suggests that it is a nucleophile like an
• An enol is more electron rich than an alkene
because the oxygen atom donates electrons
by resonance. An enol, therefore, is a better
nucleophile than an alkene.

• Carbonyl compounds that form enols undergo
substitution reactions at the α-carbon.
• When an α-substitution reaction takes place under
acidic conditions, water removes a proton from the
α-carbon of the protonated carbonyl compound.
• The nucleophilic enol then reacts with an
• The overall reaction is an α-substitution reaction in
which one electrophile (E+) is substituted for
another (H+).
Acid-catalyzed α-substitution reaction

• When a ketone is treated with a halogen and base, an α-
halogenation reaction occurs.

• The base-promoted halogenation takes place by a

nucleophilic attack of an enolate ion on the electrophilic
halogen molecule. The products are the halogenated
ketone and a halide ion.
• Mechanism

• Alkylation at α-carbon is carried out by first removing a
proton from the α-carbon with a strong base such as
lithium diisopropylamide (LDA), then adding the
appropriate alkyl halide. Because the alkylation is an SN2
reaction, it works best with methyl halides and primary
alkyl halides.

• Ketones, esters, and nitriles can be alkylated at

α-carbon in this way. Aldehydes, however, give
poor yields of a-alkylated products.
Aldol and Related Condensation reactions
• Aldol condensation
• Aldehydes and ketones are electrophiles and
therefore react with nucleophiles.
• When a proton is removed from the α-carbon of
an aldehyde or a ketone, the resulting anion is a
nucleophile and therefore reacts with
• An aldol addition is a reaction in which both of
these activities are observed: One molecule of a
carbonyl compound after a proton is removed
from an α-carbon reacts as a nucleophile and
attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of a
second molecule of the carbonyl compound.
• An aldol addition is a reaction between two molecules
of an aldehyde or two molecules of a ketone.
• When the reactant is an aldehyde, the addition
product is a β-hydroxyaldehyde that is why the
reaction is called an aldol addition (―ald for aldehyde,
―ol‖ for alcohol.

• When the reactant is a ketone, the addition product

is a β-hydroxyketone, Because the addition reaction
is reversible, good yields of the addition product are
obtained only if it is removed from the solution as it
is formed. 28
• In the first step of an aldol addition, a base
removes an α-proton from the carbonyl
compound, creating an enolate.

• The enolate adds to the carbonyl carbon of a

second molecule of the carbonyl compound,
and the resulting negatively charged oxygen is
protonated by the solvent.

• Ketones are less susceptible than aldehydes to
attack by nucleophiles, so aldol additions occur
more slowly with ketones.
• The relatively high reactivity of aldehydes in
competing aldol addition reactions is what causes
them to give low yields of α-alkylation products,

• Because an aldol addition reaction occurs between

two molecules of the same carbonyl compound, the
product has twice as many carbons as the reacting
aldehyde or ketone.

Mixed Aldol Addition
• If two different carbonyl compounds are used
in an aldol addition, four products can be formed
because each enolate can react both with
another molecule of the carbonyl compound from
which the enolate was formed and with the other
carbonyl compound.
• In the following example, both carbonyl
compound A and carbonyl compound B can lose a
proton from an α-carbon to form enolates A- and
B-; A- can react with either A or B, and B- can
react with either A or B:
The Claisen Condensation
• When two molecules of an ester undergo a
condensation reaction, the reaction is called a
Claisen condensation. The product of a
Claisen condensation β-keto is a ester.
• Example

Crossed Claisen Condensations
• Claisen condensation reactions that occur
between two different partners are called
crossed Claisen condensations.
• Just as we saw with aldol reactions, crossed
Claisen condensation reactions also produce a
mixture of products and are only efficient if one
of the two following criteria are met:
• If one ester has no α protons and cannot form an
enolate, for example;


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