Notice of Filing Love Letters From Sarah Thompson

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Pages 6-11 were added after the court document was filed.

Transcripts of Sarah Thompson’s

Marion County Jail postcards
to Neil Gillespie

• Sarah Thompson’s postcard to Neil Gillespie, transcript Jan-26-2021

Dear Neil,
Well as you can see my sister really got me this time or I guess I got me, not really sure, I was
hoping my charges would be dropped by now, but in order for that to happen Johanna would
have to go to the state attorney’s office and recount her statement. I’m not sure if she even
knows how to do that because I’m not allowed any contact with her directly or indirectly. I have
been thinking about you a lot wishing/dreaming I was there cooking food now. I’m constantly
starving. I’m hoping you can figure out how to get me out of here. When I ask your help
something always seems to happen so I hope to be able to spend Valentine’s day face to face.
My next court date is 02/08 my PD is Sean Gravel, 30 yr old new attorney and my Sumter PD is
Greg Williams. I miss you, Love Sarah. Help me plz

• Sarah Thompson’s postcard to Neil Gillespie, transcript Feb-16-2021

Dear Neil, (miss you!) Hopefully be home soon. Hey! I hope this postcard finds you well!
I’ve been thinking about you and cooking food at your house. I’m starving all the time, I go to
court 02/24 and will be getting time served but I still got my charges in Sumpter County. So I
have to wait until they come to get me. My attorney for Sumter is Gregory Williams. Maybe you
could let him know I will be done with my case on the 24th and see if he can put me in to be
transported right away. Or see if I can do video court from here. I just wanna get out of here. I
will have been locked up 48 days when I go to court. I am in lock too so I’m in all for real for
real. Hope you had a good Valentines Day. (heart) Sarah

• Sarah Thompson’s postcard to Neil Gillespie, transcript Mar-19-2021

Hey Neil. (hearts) (star) I hope you are alive (star) and well. I haven’t heard anything from you
or received any books so my imagination is starting to get the best of me. As you can see I am
still sitting in Marion County Jail, still have no idea what is going on in my Sumter case, and I’m
still the happiest I have been in a long time!! (smile)

I now have 70 days sobriety and I have no desire to ever go back to that life again!! This
“vacation” is just what I needed to start getting my life on the right track and realizing frankly
fuck every1! HaHa I just gotta start doing what’s best for me all the time and not worry
about everyone else. My new slogan, not my pussy, not my problem. I must love you. Sarah.
. SHERIFF - Marion County

* II'


This is to certify that SARAH MAY THOMPSON, DOB 06/08/1985 served time

in the Marion County Jail from 01/08/2021 until



Date: 04/30/21

Case #: 202100004011

Case #: MCS0210FF004197


P.O. BOX 1987, Ocala, FL 34478, (352) 732-8181 r\llcso Form #14-172 Reviewed 01/30/14
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Sarah’s Wings were ready May 12, 2021
but Neil’s Heart was not

Neil to Sarah text, Jan-07-2021 Sarah to Neil text, Jan-07-2021

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