Mental Health and Exercise

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Mental Illness and Exercise

As with the general population, activity and exercise Steps to Success

are very important for people living with mental illness Follow the steps below to form your own exercise
because of a higher risk for heart disease. Exercise can routine.
have a huge impact on your health. Physical activity can
lower the risk of early death, heart disease and stroke, Warm-up
Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain and The warm-up will slowly increase your breathing,
high cholesterol—all problems commonly found among heart rate and body temperature. Your warm-up should
people living with mental illness. last between five and 10 minutes.

While exercise is extremely important, please engage Strength Training

with your health care provider before starting an exercise This part of an exercise program can be done in many
plan. He or she will confirm that you are putting together different ways and will help protect your body from
a safe and appropriate plan. osteoporosis, help burn calories and increase lean muscle
Tips for Exercising on a Budget Good examples:
Take advantage of everyday opportunities. You don’t • push-ups
need special equipment for an aerobic workout. Take a • crunches
brisk walk every day, whether it is a path through your • pull-ups
neighborhood or laps in a local mall. Make a workout of • squats
household chores. • lunges
• dips
Consider modest investments. Some inexpensive
products to consider include dumbbells, resistance tubing, Strength training should be done twice a week when
balance balls, jump ropes and exercise videos or DVDs— you are first starting out. Try building up as you progress
some may even be available for free from your local library. to three or four times per week.

Improvise. Exercise doesn’t have to be intimidating or Aerobic Exercise

expensive. You don’t need a gym membership to go for a This part of an exercise program includes activity that
light jog or a walk with a friend. Canned goods can serve raises your heart rate. This is the type of exercise best
double duty as hand weights, milk or water jugs can be associated with reductions in depression and anxiety.
filled with water or sand and a common step stool can
Basic aerobic exercises include but aren’t limited to
become exercise equipment if you use it for step
jogging, swift walking, swimming, step or stair climbing,
cycling and inline skating. Start with just 20 minutes a
Be a savvy shopper. Check out your local recreational day, and eventually try working up to five hours of aerobic
department or check into the fitness center of a local exercise into every week.
college or church for bargain access. Online classifieds
Flexibility Exercises
or used exercise equipment stores often have deals on
This portion of an exercise program, also known as
equipment. Sharing the expenses with a friend can both
stretching, can be done anywhere, anytime. Stretching can
help defray costs as well as provide motivation and
increase flexibility, your range of motion and the blood
support for a new fitness routine.

Page 1 of 2 National Alliance on Mental Illness Created January 2010

3803 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 • Arlington, VA 22203 • (703) 524-7600
NAMI information HelpLine: 1 (800) 950-NAMI (6264)
flow to your muscles. Stretching also relieves stress, Cool-down
improves balance and helps relax tense muscles. Here are Gradually decrease the intensity of the exercise over a
some important tips: five- to 10-minute period until your heart rate and
breathing rate are near normal.
• Be sure to stretch major muscle groups including
calves, thighs, hips, back and shoulders. How Hard Should I Work?
• Do not bounce as you stretch because this can cause
There are several ways you can determine your exercise
slight tears in the muscles, making them tighter no
intensity level. The easiest way is known as the talk test.
matter how consistently you stretch.
As a rule of thumb, if you can talk easily you aren’t at the
• Stretching should not be painful, but expect to feel
high end of your exertion. If your goal is to exercise at a
some tension. It you feel pain, you have stretched too
moderate intensity, you should be able to talk, but not sing,
far. Ease up and hold the stretch lightly.
while performing your activity. If your goal is to be
exercising at a vigorous intensity, you will not be able to say
more than a few words without pausing to take a breath.

Tips for Staying Motivated workout and praise yourself after your improvements
Barrier 1: “I don’t have time.” and each time you keep your commitment to exercise.
Solution: Squeeze in a few short walks throughout Barrier 4: “I can’t afford to join a gym.”
the day, get up a few minutes earlier, take the stairs or Solution: Get a great workout by simply using the resources
do housework at a fast pace, combine activities (e.g., that surround you, take a walk, play basketball, go bowling,
instead of a meeting a friend for coffee, meet for a ride your bike, dance, go hiking, go roller or ice skating
walk), put your exercise on your calendar, stretch and and/or spend some free time gardening.
do strengthening exercises while you are watching Barrier 5: “I am afraid that I will hurt myself.”
television, get off one bus stop before your desired Solution: Be sure to check with your health care
stop or park your car further from the store. provider before you start an exercise program. If you are
Barrier 2: “Exercise is boring.” new at this, begin your new program slowly so you do
Solution: Choose activities you enjoy; vary your not get hurt or get such sore muscles that you won’t
routine; get an exercise partner and/or check out continue. Choose an activity that is appropriate for your
exercise classes or sports leagues at your local age and ability level. If you decide to go to a local YMCA
recreation center. or recreation center, ask for assistance from the staff at
the facility. Finally, remember to warm up and cool
Barrier 3: “I worry about how I look during down before and after exercise.
Solution: Remind yourself that you are doing
yourself a favor and focus on how you feel after a

NAMI Hearts & Minds program is an online, interactive, educational initiative promoting the idea of wellness for individuals living with mental illness.
This Fact Sheet is offered for informational purposes only. It does not intend to recommend specific treatment or strategies. Individuals should
always engage with their health care provider before starting an exercise plan.

This project was made possible with support For more information about exercise or the
from Optum Health Public Sector and the
NAMI Hearts & Minds program, visit
Smoking Cessation Leadership Center-
University of California. NAMI does not
endorse or promote any specific medication,
treatment, product or service.

Page 2 of 2 National Alliance on Mental Illness Created January 2010

3803 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 • Arlington, VA 22203 • (703) 524-7600
NAMI information HelpLine: 1 (800) 950-NAMI (6264)

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