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Business Analytics

Course Catalogue

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Business Analytics

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About Business Analytics

 Dun & Bradstreet and EduPristine have partnered to deliver a joint certification programme
developed specifically for young graduates and professionals aspiring to pursue a career in
analytics industry and are keen to enhance their technical skills with exposure to cutting-edge
 About the Business Analytics Course: The comprehensive Analytics program from EduPristine has
been designed to create complete analytics professionals. It has been designed by experts and
practitioners who have rich experience of having worked for some of the best analytics firms and
Fortune 500 clients. This 10 days hands-on workshop uses a real world case-based approach to
 About Dun & Bradstreet: Dun & Bradstreet is the world’s leading provider of global business
information, knowledge and insight.
Dun & Bradstreet offer a wide range of solutions for Risk & Finance, Operations &
Supply, Sales and Marketing professionals. Global Finance named Dun & Bradstreet as one of
"The World's Best Supply Chain Finance Providers" with the "Best Analytics for Credit Scoring and
Risk Assessment.

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 Business Analytics is a specialized course designed to deliver knowledge on application of

statistical concepts in
 Real world scenarios. This course is designed to equip professionals working in Finance,
Marketing, Economist,
 Statistical, Mathematics, Computer Science, IT, Analytics, Marketing Research, or Commodity
markets with the
 Essential tools, techniques and skills to answer important business questions.
Participants will be able to:
 Explore data to find new patterns and relationships (data mining)
 Predict the relationship between different variables (predictive modeling, predictive analytics)
Predict the probability of default and create customer Scorecards (Logistic Regression)
After completion of this program, the participants
 Understand a Problem in Business, Explore and Analyze the problem
 Solve business problems using analytics in R “tudio in different fields

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What is Analytics

 Analytics is the application of computer technology, statistics and domain knowledge to

 problems in business and industry, to aid efficient and effective design making.
 Analytics is the simply the scientific process of converting row data into knowledge to
support design making.
 Analytics involves finding patterns in data.
 The goal of Analytics is to improve business, society or personal performance by gaining
knowledge from data.
 Analytics is moving design making from Gut feel and guesstimates to better, more informed ones
driven by data.

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Pre-requisites for the course:

 The participants are expected to have the basic understanding of the following topic:
• * Basic Statistics
• EduPristine provides comprehensive recordings of basis statistics concept along with its Business Analytics
course ware & also conduct 2 days online brush up session on Analytics.
• *Should have good analytical skills.

• *Basic Excel knowledge.

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About Data

 Data is growing at 40% compound annual rate reaching by 45ZB by 2020

 2.5 Quintillion bytes of data created each yr.
 90% of data in world was created in last 2 yr.
 Why is Analytics is USED-
 Design making is now fact and performance based.
 Intuition is out, metrics are in.
 Shorter time to market, demanding customer.
 Make each and every dollar count and increase return on investment.
 The real time design.

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Different types of Analytics

 What happened or happening in the business?-Descriptive Analytics

 Why did it happened?-Inquisitive Analytics
 What is likely to happen based on historical Information?-Predictive Analytics
 What action should be taken?-Prescriptive Analytics

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Business Analytics-Concepts

 Statistical Analysis-Why is this happening?

 Forecasting-what if these trends continues?
 Predictive modelling-what will happen next?
 Optimization –What’s the best that can happen?

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Business Analysis Vs Business Analytics

Business Analysis Business Analytics

 Creating business Architecture.  Mine a data ware house to report past
 Requirement Elicitation, Documentation of performance.
Requirements.  Analyze why something happened.
 Business Process Analysis.  Create predictive models to understand
 would happen in a given scenario.
 Prescribe a strategy based on rigorous
statistical analysis of data to ensure

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Why is Analytics used?

 Decision making is now fact and performance based

 Intuition is out, metrics are in
 Intense connotation, shorter time –to –market, demanding customers
 Make each and every dollar count and increase return on investment
 The real- time decisions

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Uses of Analytics

 Customer Segmentation
 Up Selling/Cross Selling
 Market Basket Analytics
 Marketing Media Mix Analysis

Financial Sector
 Credit Risk Management
 Credit Scorecard Modeling
 Fraud Detection
 Stock Market Analysis

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Uses of Analytics

Retail Analytics
 Shelf space allocation

 Analysis of customers preference for store
brand or brand names
 Pricing decisions
 Promotions and product bundle offerings

Media Analytics
 Decision making on allocation of air- time of
a new TV show

 Prime time rate for advertisement

 Analysis of channel viewership

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What The Market Buzz On Analytics

 India’s analytics market to double to us$ 2.3 bn by 2018-Nasscom

 Analytics outsourcing to grow from us$ 42bn to us$ 71bn in 2016-Nasscom
 83% business leaders globally identified as their top priority-IBM
 Shortage of 1.5mn business analytics professional by 2018-McKinsey
 India has become a global analytic hub-Times of India
 The next big job boom is in analytics-up to 250k job openings in analytics over next 2 yrs. starting
salaries to be in region od Rs 5-9lacs PA-DNA
 Indian companies grooming data scientists to feed global jobs demand-Business Today

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Training Objective-EduPristine

Business Analytics is a specialized course designed to deliver knowledge on application of

Statistical concepts in-
 Real world scenarios. This course is designed to equip professionals working in Finance,
Marketing, Economist,
 Statistical, Mathematics, Computer Science, IT, Analytics, Marketing Research, or Commodity
 markets with the
 Essential tools, techniques and skills to answer important business questions.
Participants will be able to:
 Explore data to find new patterns and relationships (data mining)
 Predict the relationship between different variables (predictive modeling, predictive analytics)
Predict the probability of default and create customer Scorecards (Logistic Regression)
After completion of this program, the participants
 Understand a Problem in Business, Explore and Analyze the problem
 Solve business problems using analytics in R “tudio in different fields

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Day 1 & 2: Basic Stats (Online Session)

 Probability
 Random variables
 Probability distribution
 The Central Limit Theorem
 Sampling and statistical inference
 Confidence intervals
 Hypothesis testing

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Day 3: Introduction and Data Analytics

Analytics v/s Analysis

Introduction to Analytics - Overview Business Analytics
Business domains within Analytics

Summarizing Data
Data - Topic covered Data Collection
Data Dictionary
Outlier Treatment

Exploring credit card customer database to define the variable

Case: Categorization of data variables types and categorizing each type into relevant group.

Tool for Practice in Class MS Excel

Introduction to Commonly used Tools in R Software


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Day 4 & 5: Linear Regression

Correlation and Regression

Linear Regression – Topic Covered Multivariate Linear Regression Theory
Coefficient of determination (R2) and Adjusted R2
Model Misspecifications
Economic meaning of a Regression Model
Bivariate Analysis
ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
Multivariate Linear Regression Model
 Variable identification
 Response variable exploration
 Distribution analysis
 Outlier treatment
 Independent variables analyses
 Heteroskedasticity detection and correction
 Multicollinearity detection and correction
 Fitting the regression
 Model performance check
Case: Multivariate Linear Regression Identify and Quantify the factors responsible for loss amount
for an Auto Insurance Company
Domain Covered Insurance Industry
Tool for Practice in Class MS Excel and R
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Day 6 & 7: Logistic Regression

Identifying problems in fitting linear regression on data having

Logistic Regression – Topic Covered Binary Response variable
Introduction to Generalized Linear Modeling (GLMs)
Logistic Regression Theory
Logistic Regression Case
 Variable identification
 Response variable exploration
 Independent variables analyses
 Fitting the regression using SAS language
 Scoring equation
 Model diagnostics
 Analysis of results
 Check for reduction in Deviance/AIC
 Model performance check
 Actual vs Predicted comparison
 Lift/Gains chart and Gini coefficient
 K-S stat
 Score Card Development
Case: Multivariate Linear Regression Identify bank customers who will most likely default in making
the payment on balance due.
Domain Covered Banking Industry
Tool for Practice in Class R
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Day 8: Decision Tree and Clustering

Data Mining and Decision Trees

Decision Tree & Clustering – Topic Covered Decision Tree Example
CHAID analysis
Method and Algorithms
Running the CHAID analysis and Interpreting the results
 Method and Algorithms
Running the CART analysis and Interpreting the results
When to use CART and when to use CHAID
Defining Clustering
Why and Where to use Clustering
Clustering methods
Clustering examples
K-means Clustering Algorithm

Case: CHAID & CART Analysis Identifying the classes of customer having higher default rate

Case: K-means Clustering Identifying similar groups in database containing auto insurance
policy records using K-means Clustering
Domain Covered Insurance and Banking Industry
Tool for Practice in Class R

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Day 9 & 10: Time Series Modeling

Models of time series

Time Series Modeling – Topic Covered  Moving averages
 Autoregressive Models
The Box-Jenkins model building process
Model Estimation
Model Validation
Model forecasting
 Identify the ARIMA model
 Estimate the best ARIMA models
 Validate the model
 Forecast the sales based on model

Case I: Time Series Modeling on R Forecasting future sales based on historical data for an
Case II: ARIMA Modeling automobile company.
Domain Covered Automobile Industry

Tool for Practice in Class R

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Day 11: Logistic Regression

Identify and develop Dependent variable

Logistic Regression – Topic Covered Perform initial variable reduction and missing value imputation
Perform extreme value treatment
Prepare correlation matrix and VIF chart
Variable reduction through Multicollinearity
Perform Binning to prepare modeling dataset
Perform sampling to prepare training and validation dataset
Run the model
Develop report for model outcomes
Write the Scoring or implementation strategy

Case: Up-Sell Model Propensity Model for Up-Sell in Telecom Industry

Domain Covered Telecom Industry

Tool for Practice in Class R

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Day 12: Market Basket Analysis

Affinity analysis to understand purchase behavior

Association Rule – Topic Covered Understanding Apriority algorithm
Capturing the insightful association available in the transaction
Analysis of output results to plan store layout, promotions and

Understanding apriori algorithm to identify affinity among the

Case : Market Basket Analysis purchase data in the basket based on historical transactions.

Domain Covered Retail Industry

Tool for Practice in Class R

Session End

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Case studies (20Hrs Classroom Session)-Optional

Case Synopsis
Cross Sell Model Propensity to Cross sell health insurance products to
general insurance customers.
Market Mix Modeling Optimization of the promotion expense using Market
mix modeling
Churn Analytics Developing a churn model to gauge the propensity of
attrition among loyal and profitable customer segment.
Predicting the future number of transactions a customer
Buy Till You Die Model will make, thereby calculating the value of the customer
in his/her lifetime.
Predicting the customer survival along with the
Customer Lifetime Value Analysis profitability to model the life time value of each
Telecom Model to Estimate Bill Building a model that can suggest right tariff plan based
on estimated bill amount

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Data Visualization (20Hrs Classroom Session)-Optional

Data Visualization (20Hrs Classroom Session)-Optional

 Introduction
 The visualization design methodology
 The Data Visualization Process
 Working with Single Data Sources
 Using Multiple Data Source
 Using Calculations in Tableau
 Comparing Measures Against a Goal
 Tableau Geo coding, Advanced Mapping
 Showing Distributions of Data
 Statistics and Forecasting
 Dashboard Best Practices
 Sharing Your Work
 Case Study
 Exam/Exam Preparation

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Course Features.

10 Days Classroom Training (50 Hours) :- Get trained by topic experts with interactive learning.
 6 hrs. Online prerequisite session :- Get Brush up session on Basic stats through online platform.
100 Hours Virtual Lab Practice (On SAS Language) :- Get hand on experience on SAS language
analytic Tool.
25 Hours Live - Instructor Based Training ( On SAS Language) :- Get trained on SAS Language
through Live Instructor.
Pre-requisite Video Tutorial on Basic Statistic and Data, along with "R Studio" Software :-
Prepare yourself before attending the classes by referring Basic Stats videos.
Different domain case studies for practice purpose. Get the best training in analytics by
understanding real world problems and scenarios
Subject wise Video recording for each module. Download the study notes to supplement video
Webinar Video recording for each module. Download the recording to understand the topic in
better way.
Forum to Discuss with Fellow Students and Experts Access material any time. Write to us and get
your doubts solved by our experts within 2 business days. You can also initiate a discussion by
posting it on our active forum.

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Course Features.

Lecture Handout Refer lecture material before & after the session
Downloadable Course Material Download the whole material anytime during your 1 year
subscription and use it for any future reference.
Tool used for Training – Classroom Session - MS Excel ; R Studio and online :- SAS Language Get
hand on experience of various analytic tools.
24 * 7 Access to Online Materials Write to us and get your doubts solved by our experts within 2
business days. You can also initiate a discussion by posting it on our active forum.
Certifications that will be issued to Business Analytics students are as under:

 Certificate for Participation in Program – Upon completion of the course, students with 100% Attendance
will be awarded Certificate for Participation in Program which will be jointly certified from D&B and

 Certificate for Excellence – This prestigious certificate will be given to those who have demonstrated
excellence throughout the course and procured 60% and above qualifying marks.

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Course Highlights
Rs. 33,000 Rs. 45,000 Rs. 60,000
10 Days Classroom Training (50 Hours)   
100 Hours Virtual Lab Practice (On SAS Language)   
25 Hours Live - Instructor Based Training ( On SAS Language)   
Pre-requisite Video Tutorial on Basic Statistic and Data, along with "R   
Studio" Software.
10 different domain case studies for practice purpose.   
Subject wise Video recording   
Webinar Video recording for each module.   
Forum to Discuss with Fellow Students and Experts   
Lecture Handout   
Downloadable Course Material   
Tool used for Training – Classroom Session - MS Excel ; R Studio and online   
:- SAS Language
24 * 7 Access to Online Materials   
Certificate of Completion / Excellence   
4 Days Industrial Case Studies For Practice purpose -(20 Hours)  
4 Days Data Visualization Training -(20 Hours)  
PPT for Data Visualization Preparation  
Data Visualization Assignments for practice  
Exam Preparation Session  
Preparing for Data visualization global Certification
Tableau Desktop version 8. examination: 
Exam Registration-$250 Fees Included

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Available Packages

Packages Available
BA-Pro BA-Plus BA- Premium
Rs.33,000 Rs.45,000 Rs.60,000
BA Training
BA Training +
BA Training + Case Studies
+ Case Studies +
( Classroom session + Data Visualization training
+ Data Visualization +
Complimentary online Training Tableau certification fees
session) + +
Complimentary Complimentary online
online session session. ( BA)
Included (250$)

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