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Installation instructions


For transmission groups

ZF 1900; ZF 2000; ZF 2500; ZF 3000
ZF 4600; ZF 7500 ZF 12000
ZF 23560

Electronically controlled trolling

unit with electric transmission

3000 758 101

General Information

General information
The following safety pointers are used in this manual:

NOTE This NOTE is used to refer to particular operations, methods, information, use of auxiliary equip-
ment etc.

CAUTION This is used if different or incorrect methods can result in product damage.

DANGER This is used if carelessness can lead to personal injury or loss of life.

Subject to change

Copyright by ZF
Not to be reproduced in part or in whole without our written approval.
Printed in Germany

Issued: 2004-11

3000 758 101

ZF Friedrichshafen AG
D-88038 Friedrichshafen, Customer Service
Telephone: (07541) 77-0

1.0 Application and operating range .................................................................................................................1-1

1.1 Application ......................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Operating range ...............................................................................................................................................1-1
2.0 Functional description ..................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Propeller speed ................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Engine speed ...................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Through-drive rate ..........................................................................................................................................2-1
2.4 Reversing aids .................................................................................................................................................2-2
3.0 Actuation variants .........................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Separate control lever for trolling actuation ...................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Single-lever control .........................................................................................................................................3-1
4.0 Installation .....................................................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Installation of the actuation device .................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Setting the engine speed using a single-lever control .....................................................................................4-1
5.0 Components to be connected externally .....................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Interface design ...............................................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Crimp connection ............................................................................................................................................5-1
5.3 Onboard cabling ..............................................................................................................................................5-1
6.0 AUTOTROLL - actuation ............................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Version: Separate AUTOTROLL-actuation ...................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Version: Single-lever AUTOTROLL actuation ..............................................................................................6-5
6.3 General information ........................................................................................................................................6-5
7.0 Description of terminals ...............................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Power supply ...................................................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Inputs ...............................................................................................................................................................7-2
7.3 Outputs ............................................................................................................................................................7-3
7.4 Connection test ................................................................................................................................................7-4
7.5 Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................................................7-5
8.0 Safety functions .............................................................................................................................................8-1
8.1 Exceeding of the maximum permissible engine speed ...................................................................................8-1
8.2 Sensor failure ..................................................................................................................................................8-1
8.3 Failure of the trolling power supply circuit ....................................................................................................8-1
8.4 Failure of the electronic control unit ...............................................................................................................8-1
8.5 Electrical fault on the trolling valve ................................................................................................................8-1
8.6 Voltage faults of the ship´s electrical system ..................................................................................................8-1
8.7 Indicator failure ...............................................................................................................................................8-1
8.8 Setpoint fault ...................................................................................................................................................8-1
9.0 Addition .........................................................................................................................................................9-1
9.1 Ambient and operating conditions ..................................................................................................................9-1
9.2 Installation drawings: ......................................................................................................................................9-1

General information ZF AUTOTROLL (EST-59)

General information Scope of supplies

When fitting the transmission please refer to the installa- ZF AUTOTROLL is part of the special scope of
tion manual. The instructions given here are a supple- supplies.
ment to be used when the ZF AUTOTROLL (EST-59) is The requirement for ZF AUTOTROLL is a transmission
installed. prepared for trolling and electric transmission actuation.
Please read the document through carefully before plan-
ning and installing the unit. Proper installation and pro-
The AUTOTROLL scope of supplies includes:
blem-free operation can only be guaranteed if the
relevant documents have been studied and understood. • An electric trolling valve mounted on the transmis-
The power supply may only be connected by qualified • A control unit with output speed controller and elec-
personnel. tronic amplification for the proportional trolling
• Application-based programming of the control unit.
Please refer to the documents supplied by the manufac-
• Speed sensor on the input shaft.
turer of the actuation units as regards the onboard actua-
tion devices for electrically operated transmission • Speed sensor on the output shaft.
actuation and trolling. • Cable harness to connect all the autotroll compon-
ents mounted on the transmission.
• Socket mounted on the transmission with mating
connector as electrical interface.

The following are not included in the AUTOTROLL

scope of supplies:
• The onboard actuation device for the electric trans-
mission actuation.
• The onboard actuation device for trolling actuation.
• The electricity supply.
• All check lamps.
• Any dimmer devices for the check lamps.
• The onboard wiring system up to the electrical inter-
face on the transmission.

Transmissions with autotroll are supplied with the unit

ready mounted and tested.

ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59) Application and operating range

1.0 Application and operating range Trolling can be used from idling speed up to 45 % (up to
50 % with the ZF1900, ZF2000 and ZF2500 gearbox fa-
1.1 Application mily) of the rated engine speed but not more than 1000
The ZF-AUTOTROLL unit allows propeller speeds to rpm.
be steplessly adjusted at levels below the engine speed. These limits apply not to controllable pitch propellers
This allows the ship to travel at lower speeds than those and surface drives. With surface drives trolling can be
possible with a standard-control transmission at the lo- used from engine idling speed up to a maximum engine
west permissible engine speed. speed of 700 rpm.
Please note that it is essential to contact ZF for applicati-
ons with controllable pitch propellers and surface drives.
Typical applications include:
The ZF AUTOTROLL control unit shifts the transmissi-
• Where speed limits apply, e.g. passing through ons multiple-disc clutch into non-trolling mode when the
canals. engine speed exceeds the permissible range.
• Manoeuvring in ports, docks and at landing stages. The minimum propeller speed at operating temperature
(> 30°C) and with SAE 30 oil is preset to 50 rpm. The
• Maintaining position for police boats, rescue boats. maximum propeller speed is set by ZF depending on the
• Towing off small boats. application.

• Sport fishing at optimum trolling speed. With fixed pitch standard propellers (no surface drives)
trolling operation is possible without time limit for mo-
vement ahead and astern.
The boat can also be reversed in AUTOTROLL mode. With surface drives there can be heat losses in trolling
The reversing aids incorporated in the electronic system operation several factors higher than the losses with stan-
help to improve the ship's response considerably. - "Au- dard propellers. In this operation trolling is allowed up to
tomatic" and "Manual". a sump oil temperature of 100°C. If the temperature rises
above this temperature trolling must be switched off. For
this reason a suitable temperature monitoring and
The main features of the ZF-AUTOTROLL system are warning system need to be applied. For non-trolling ope-
as follows: ration it applies the oil temperature range given in the
monitoring layout.
• The propeller speed set via the control lever is auto-
matically kept constant. The ZF-AUTOTROLL system can be used in ships with
one or more propulsion units.
• The manual or automatic reversing sequence ensures
If there are several propulsion units, each one must be
problem-free manoeuvring (brief increase in clutch
equipped with an independently operating ZF-AUTO-
pressure). TROLL control unit.
• Foolproof transmission control. The transmission with the ZF-AUTOTROLL system is
controlled by the ship’s control system. The operation
The system automatically switches to non-trolling ope- and display functions described here may very depen-
ration in the event of a power failure. This ensures that ding on the manufacturer version and installation of the
the transmission operates normally in the event of a ca- ship’s control system. For further details please contact
ble break or a fault in the activating element. the supplier of the control system.

1.2 Operating range

NOTE: These installation instructions relate only to ZF
marine transmissions with electrical transmission actua-

AUTOTROLL is intended for “free running” operation

(not for bollard pull conditions).
For submerged fixed pitch standard propellers (not for
surface drives) and “free running” operation the follo-
wing applies:

Functional description ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59)

2.0 Functional description 2.2 Engine speed

The reduction in propeller speed at a given engine speed Trolling mode is only permissible up to a limited engine
is achieved by means of defined slipping of the clutch speed.
disks. The maximum permissible engine is determined by ZF
This involves reducing the transmissions clutch oil pres- depending on the application (see section 1.2) and en-
sure until specific slipping of the clutch disks is maintai- tered in the AUTOTROLL control unit. These settings
ned. During the trolling operation an increased amount may only be changed with the approval of the ZF Custo-
of oil is passed through the clutch disks for lubrication mer Service Centre (service engineers).
and for carrying off the frictional heat. If the maximum permissible engine speed is exceeded,
Once the trolling button has been actuated, the AUTO- AUTOTROLL automatically switches to non-trolling
TROLL control takes over to control the pre-selected mode.
propeller speed via close loop control. The electronic
control unit, the sensors to pick up the engine and propel-
ler speed and the actuators to regulate the clutch pressure
are directly attached to the transmission. A central con- DANGER!
nector on the transmission is used to connect both the
operator’s controls and the power supply. The ship's speed may increase suddenly when
AUTOTROLL automatically switches to non-
All the ZF-AUTOTROLL control units dispatched are trolling mode. Risk of accident!
programmed (basic program and application-specific list
of parameters) and tested at ZF.

2.1 Propeller speed

To prevent undesirable shutdown on engine speed
The propeller speed in AUTOTROLL operation is given "overshoot", the maximum engine speed when trolling
by the onboard actuation system. The set-point may be should be reduced by the "speed overshoot" to be expec-
any voltage from 1.2 to 3.8 V or, if a jumper X1 is fitted ted.
(see terminal diagram), a current of 5 to 17 mA. The cor-
relation between the propeller speed and the specified On surface drives, the “speed overshoot” has already
setpoint is linear. This means: been taken into account in the max. engine speeds given
in section 1.2. A further reduction is not necessary here.
Minimum setpoint => Minimum propeller speed If the engine speed is reduced to a value significantly be-
Maximum setpoint => Maximmum propeller speed low the maximum permissible engine speed after an
overspeed, AUTOTROLL switches automatically back
to trolling.
The minimum and maximum propeller speeds are deter-
NOTE: The above details apply to the standard case
mined by ZF to suit the application and entered in the au-
totroll control unit. These settings may only be changed where the primary (input) side of the transmission multi-
with the approval of ZF Customer Service Centre (ser- disk clutch rotates at engine speed.
vice engineers). Please contact ZF for transmissions with an input stage
ratio not equal to 1 (ZF 7850; ZF 23860).
NOTE: ZF-AUTOTROLL standard is the close loop 2.3 Through-drive rate
propeller speed control. On request also a close loop The through-drive rate is a measure for the "slipping" of
through-drive rate control (see section 2.3) is possible. the transmission clutch.
If there is very little slip (the secondary (output) side of
the clutch rotates almost as quickly as the primary (in-
put) side), the through-drive rate is high.
If there is a large amount of slip (the secondary side of
the clutch is clearly rotating more slowly than the prima-
ry side), the through-drive rate is low.

ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59) Functional description

Example 1: 2.4.2 "MANUAL" reversing aid

Through-drive rate of 70 %. The "MANUAL" reversing aid is an AUTOTROLL op-
tion for large and heavy ships.
At a through-drive rate of 70 %, the secondary side of the
clutch rotates 0.7 times as fast as the primary side of the The "MANUAL" function is active when a 24 V direct
clutch. The slippage is 30 %. current is applied to PIN "A5" (see terminal diagram). If
no current is applied to PIN "A5", the "AUTOMATIC"
Example 2: (standard) reversing aid is active. It is for the operator to
Through-drive rate of 100 %. decide whether the "MANUAL" function should be used
or not. When "MANUAL" is activated (24 V direct cur-
At a degree of through-drive of 100 %, the secondary rent to PIN "A5"), AUTOTROLL behaves as follows:
side of the clutch rotates as fast as the primary side of the
clutch. The slippage is 0 %. The clutch is completely clo- When switching the control lever out of NEUTRAL,
sed. AUTOTROLL closes the clutch completely even though
trolling is "ON".
The ship responds as it would do in non-trolling mode. If
In order to allow the adjustment of the propeller speed the operator now reduces the target value for the propel-
via close loop control in AUTOTROLL operation, the ler speed on the control lever (in the case of single-lever
engine speed must be sufficiently high. This does not ap- actuation) or on the separate trolling lever (in the case of
ply for a close loop though-drive rate control (see also versions with separate autotroll actuation) and thereby
section 2.1). selects a slower propeller speed, the AUTOTROLL
identifies this as a demand for reducing the speed. AU-
2.4 Reversing aids TOTROLL then automatically enables the trolling mode
If a reversing aid selector switch ("S31", see terminal and sets the propeller speed in accordance with the spe-
diagram) is installed, then either the "MANUAL" or cified target value (controlled trolling mode).
"AUTOMATIC" reversing aid can be chosen by opening
and closing this selector switch. The transmission remains in controlled trolling mode as
long as trolling is “ON” and until the operation status
When the "S31" switch is open or absent (no outboard (AHEAD; NEUTRAL; ASTERN) at the control lever is
(dockside) connection to PIN "A5"), the "AUTOMA- not changed.
TIC" reversing aid is active. When the "S31" switch is
closed (24 V DC at PIN "A5"), the "MANUAL" rever- If the direction of travel is changed, for instance by chan-
sing aid is active. ging from AHEAD to NEUTRAL and then to ASTERN,
AUTOTROLL will again close the clutch completely
2.4.1 "AUTOMATIC" reversing aid even though trolling is “ON”. The ship responds as it
would do in non-trolling mode. It is only when the ope-
The "AUTOMATIC" reversing aid is sufficient for the rator, by reducing the target value for the propeller
vast majority of applications. speed, indicates that a slow speed is again required, that
With the "AUTOMATIC" reversing aid, the clutch pres- AUTOTROLL recognises this command and switches to
sure increases in accordance with a pressure ramp and controlled trolling mode again.
ensures a safe reversing process when the controls have This process is repeated every time the controls are swit-
been moved out of NEUTRAL. As soon as the propeller ched out of NEUTRAL to AHEAD or ASTERN as long
speed corresponds to the pre-selected setpoint speed, the the “MANUAL” function is active.
system switches automatically to controlled trolling mo-
de. The "AUTOMATIC" reversing aid should be used
whenever rapid acceleration of the ship is undesirable
(e.g. gentle start when towing).

Actuation variants ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59)

3.0 Actuation variants Special features for control via MTU

With ZF-AUTOTROLL different actuation options can When controlled via MTU, the transmission actuation
be installed outboard without any changes to the trans- (AHEAD; NEUTRAL; ASTERN) and the trolling ac-
mission. tuation are separately connected to the transmission.
This means that on the transmission there is
• an interface for transmission actuation AHEAD;
3.1 Separate control lever for trolling actuation NEUTRAL; ASTERN
With this actuation variant the control lever for engine and
and transmission actuation (AHEAD; NEUTRAL;
ASTERN) and the AUTOTROLL actuation are separate. • an interface for trolling actuation
(Harting connector)
This means that the standard control lever for engine and
transmission actuation is fitted, as well as a separate con-
trol lever for actuating the trolling device (position Z1 in
the terminal diagram). The control lever for actuating the
trolling device is active when switch S30 is pressed.

3.2 Single-lever control

With this actuation variant the engine and transmission
actuation (AHEAD; NEUTRAL; ASTERN) and the
AUTOTROLL actuation have a common control lever.
The control lever must be suitable for this actuation faci-

The control lever has the following function for this ac-
tuation variant:

Without activation of the trolling mode:

• Engine speed
• Transmission actuation (AHEAD; NEUTRAL;

With activation of the trolling mode:

• Engine speed
• Transmission actuation (AHEAD; NEUTRAL;
• Trolling control

ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59) Installation

4.0 Installation
4.1 Installation of the actuation device
(Not part of the ZF scope of supplies)
All AUTOTROLL control components are installed di-
rectly on the transmission. For the outboard (supplied by
the shipyard), external control components, as well as
the cabling, please refer to the AUTOTROLL terminal
diagrams. The following diagrams are available to suit
the system variant that has been selected:
• Single-lever operation
Drawing 3081 700 353
(For control via MTU 3081 700 352)
• Separate trolling actuation
Drawing 3081 700 354

All the external cabling is to be connected to the supplied

Harting connector (X55) in accordance with these termi-
nal diagrams. When the connector X55 has been inserted
in the socket at the transmission, the connection to the
trolling control has been made.

All specifications and required information about the in-

dividual control and actuation components are detailed
in the terminal diagrams mentioned and these
installation instructions.

4.2 Setting the engine speed using a single-lever

In trolling mode the propeller speed is set via AUTO-
TROLL (see section 2.1). However, AUTOTROLL can
only set propeller speeds that are attainable, given the re-
levant engine speed. Consequently the engine speed
must be high enough to permit the required propeller
speed to be set.
It is sensible to limit the maximum target value for the
trolling propeller speed to the maximum attainable
trolling propeller speed (depending on the maximum al-
lowable engine speed in trolling mode).

Installation ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59)

5.0 Components to be connected externally 5.3 Onboard cabling

The onboard cabling is not included in the ZF scope of
5.1 Interface design supplies. This cabling must be suitable for use in the
The interface on the transmission is a 25-pin HARTING ship's operational areas. We recommend connecting the
HAN 25 D connector. The socket is mounted on the transmission-side HARTING HAN 25 D connector
transmission and the connector is supplied with the (X55) to an onboard terminal strip using a suitable light
transmission. The connector has a cable gland for light plastic-sheathed cable. The power can then be distribu-
plastic-sheathed cables with a diameter of 9 to 16 mm. ted from this terminal strip to the various functional units
25 silver-plated crimp contacts for a conductor cross sec- (power supply, actuation, displays etc.).
tion of 1 mm2 and a stripped length of 8 mm are supplied
with the connector.

5.2 Crimp connection

The following HARTING tools are required for crim-

Tool Order no.

HARTING crimping tool 09 99 000 0021
HARTING ejection tool 09 99 000 0052

Neither of these tools is included in the ZF scope of sup-

plies, but they can be ordered and obtained via the web-
The requirements for crimp connections are set out in
DIN IEC 60352 part 2.
A major criterion for the quality of a crimp connection is
the retention force of the litz wire that is attained in the
connecting part (terminal) of the contact. In accordance
with DIN IEC 60352 part 2, the contact extraction force
is shown in relation to the conductor cross section.
In the case of the HARTING HAN 25 D connector used
for Autotroll and the associated crimp contacts for a con-
ductor cross section of 1 mm2, the extraction force
should be at least 160 N. The tear limit of the litz wire is
approx. 230 N.

Conductor cross section (mm2) 1

Conductor cross section AWG 18
Connection bore diam (mm) 1,45
Stripped length l (mm) 8


6.0 AUTOTROLL - actuation Function:

Controlling the direction of travel AHEAD - NEUTRAL
6.1 Version: Separate AUTOTROLL-actuation - ASTERN. (Actuating the transmission clutches engi-
As detailed in drawing 3081 700 354 newise and counter-enginewise).
Abbreviations 2 NO (normally open) contacts (S-GL and S-GG)
Abbreviation used below: Connected load: 28 V / 4 A
S-GL = Switch, enginewise
S-GG = Switch, counter-enginewise Connections:
Power supply positive: +Ub
+Ub = +24V = Nominal voltage
Signal output GL:+Ub to control, clutch,
0Ub = 0V enginewise
Z = PIN designation (connector X55) Signal output GG:+Ub to control, clutch,
Current path Z:+Ub
6.1.1 Description of the components
• Pos. X55 (central connector, transmission)
Circuit logic:
Supplied with the transmission. All other compon-
ents to be connected externally must be provided by S-GL S-GG Z
the shipyard (outboard).
NEUTRAL 0 Ub 0 Ub + Ub
• Pos. A31 (potentiometer)
ZF can supply the potentiometer as detailed in draw- Clutch, + Ub 0 Ub + Ub
ing no. 3084 680 123 as a part of the special scope of enginewise
supplies. When using a customer’s potentiometer, Clutch, 0 Ub + Ub + Ub
please refer to the terminal diagram 3081 700 354 counter-enginewise
for the specification to be complied with.
• Power supply
to the AUTOTROLL control system-outboard CAUTION
The switching contacts of the control lever directly con-
trol the solenoid valves of the enginewise and counter-
Supply voltage.: +24 V (+20% /-10% constant) enginewise transmission clutches.
(+/-20% transient (1.5s))
NOTE: To avoid voltage peaks that might damage the
NOTE: The power supply must be fail-safe. The system electronics and possibly destroy contacts, varistors
automatically switches to non-trolling operation in the (surge protection component) are already included in the
event of a power failure. wiring on the transmission side.

6.1.2 Additional control components to be installed

(in accordance with the connection drawing)
• Pos. F10
Short-circuit protection, control lever
Fuse T7.5A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .outboard
• Pos. F20
Short-circuit protection, autotroll control unit
Fuse T7.5A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .outboard
• Pos. A10
Direction selector lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . .outboard


• Pos. A30 Signal allocation

Dimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . outboard
Control voltage Propeller speed
Brightness control of the check lamp (H32) and signal 1,2 V Min. propeller speed in trolling mode
lamp (H33). 3,8 V Max. propeller speed in trolling mode
Version: 1,2 V . . . 3,8 V propeller speed in trolling mode lin-
Voltage setting: 0V … approx. +15V early increasing
The setting range is dependent on the lamps used. The
maximum voltage, which can be set on the voltage dim-
mer, determines the low level of the signal lamps. NOTE: Check that the maximum control voltage of the
potentiometer (3.8 V) is also present at connector X55 -
without any voltage drop.
NOTE: The warning lamp (H30) and the alarm lamp
(H31) must not be dimmed! • Pos. H30
Warning lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . outboard
DANGER! The warning lamp indicates to the operator when the en-
The alarm lamp H31 (red) must not be dimmed. gine speed gets close to or over the max. permissible en-
gine speed.

• Pos. A31 Lamp OFF:

With trolling mode switched on, the engine speed is well
Potentiometer for setting
below the maximum permissible engine speed.
propeller speed in trolling mode . . . . . . . outboard
Function: The engine speed is still within the non-critical range but
For adjustment of the propeller speed in trolling mode. closer to the max. permissible engine speed. If the engine
The potentiometer (drawing 3084 680 123, special scope speed were to be increased further, the AUTOTROLL
of supply, must be ordered as an additional item) is sup- control would close the transmission clutch when the
plied with a cannon plug. It is actuated by the trolling maximum permissible (programmed) limit speed is rea-
control lever on the outboard side via a push / pull cable ched. This is to protect the transmission clutch from ther-
(not ZF scope of supply). If a similar potentiometer is mal overload. In such a case the clutch pressure is
used with comparable reliability, then this must be based increased to maximum via a controlled pressure ramp.
on the specification as set out in drawing 3081 700 354.
Lamp ON:
The engine speed is too high for trolling operation. The
Connections: AUTOTROLL control has closed the transmission
Supply voltage: +5 V clutch to protect it.
(Supply current <20mA) Trolling mode is automatically resumed when the engine
Supply earth: 0Ub speed is decreased well below the limit speed.
Signal output: U= +1.2V . . . +3.8V However, this resetting value is below the permissible li-
mit speed by a programmed speed difference. The pur-
pose of this is to prevent the trolling mode being
constantly switched on and off if there are slight variati-
ons in engine speed.
Signal lamp
Signal colour: Yellow


Version: • Pos. H32

Connected load: Max. 2x2.5 W Check lamp "Trolling ON/OFF" . . . . . . . . .outboard
Mechanical properties in accordance with the installati- Function:
on position. The check lamp provides the operator with information
Labelling: WARNING about the trolling mode. Its brightness can be adjusted if
an external dimmer is connected.

Signal input: 0Ub Lamp OFF:
Trolling mode is switched off
System voltage: +Ub
Lamp ON:
Trolling mode is switched on
• Pos. H31 Lamp FLASHING:
Alarm lamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .outboard The propeller speed in trolling mode is lower than the
Function: selected propeller speed (setpoint). At the selected set-
ting the transmission clutch would be operating in the
Lamp OFF:
stick-slip range.
Default condition
The ZF-AUTOTROLL control automatically avoids this
Lamp ON:
state. The operator can run the ship at this reduced pro-
Failure of the electronic control unit or the trolling on/off
peller speed. However, to be able to achieve the selected
valve (se section 8.4 and 8.5)
propeller speed, a higher engine speed must be set.
Lamp FLASHING: (Definition: Stick-slip means friction vibration at low
Malfunction in the trolling system clutch plate differential speeds.)

NOTE: See section on safety functions for the behaviour

of the AUTOTROLL system in the event of a fault. Type:
Signal lamp
Signal colour: Green
CAUTION Version:
In case lamp is ON or FLASHING trolling mode must be Connected load: Max. 2x2.5 W
switched off to protect against consequential damage. Mechanical properties in accordance with the installati-
on position.
Type: Labelling: TROLLING
Signal lamp
Signal colour: Red Signal input: 0Ub
Version: System voltage: +Ub
Connected load: Max. 2x2.5 W
Mechanical properties in accordance with the installati-
on position.
Labelling: ALARM
Signal input: 0Ub
System voltage: +Ub


• Pos. H33 CAUTION

Check lamp "Manual ON/OFF" . . . . . . . . . outboard In normal operation the AUTOTROLL system should
always be switched off via switch S30. If it is switched
The lamp is only required if the MANUAL reversing aid
(see section 2.4.2) is used, i.e. if switch “S31” is instal- off by disconnecting the power supply at KL15 or KL30
led. (KL = terminal), pressure peaks may occur in trolling
mode because the transmission clutch would be closed
The check lamp provides the operator with information without a pressure ramp being applied. As a rule the po-
about the status of the reversing aid. Its brightness can be wer supply should be maintained, even if the system is in
adjusted if an external dimmer is connected. non-trolling mode.

Lamp OFF: Type

"AUTOMATIC" reversing aid (see section 2.4.1) Momentary-contact switch

Lamp ON: Switch closed: Trolling ON

"MANUAL" reversing aid (see section 2.4.2) Switch open: Trolling OFF
Type: Version:
Signal lamp NO contact
Signal colour: White Connected load: 24V DC, 10mA
Version: Mechanical properties in accordance with the
Connected load: Max. 2x2.5 W installation position
Mechanical properties in accordance with th Labelling: TROLLING
installation position
Labelling: MANUAL Supply voltage: +Ub
Connections: Signal output: 0Ub at reset
Signal input: 0Ub
System voltage: +Ub
NOTE: In trolling mode the transmission's clutch oil
• Pos. R30 pressure is between approx. 2 and 6 bar, depending on
Resistor, dimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . outboard the selected trolling speed. If a clutch oil pressure warn-
In accordance with pos. A30
ing device is fitted to the transmission, the low clutch
• Pos. R31 presser signal from there should be ignored when in troll-
Potentiometer, dimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . outboard ing mode. One method of doing this is to use the trolling
In accordance with pos. A30 signal (item S30).
• Pos. S10
Control lever, enginewise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . outboard
See pos. A10
• Pos. S11
Control lever, counter-enginewise. . . . . . . . outboard
See pos. A10
• Pos. S30
Switch "Trolling ON/OFF" . . . . . . . . . . . . . outboard
Switch trolling mode ON/OFF. Switch S30 is therefore
the actual control element for switching the AUTO-
TROLL function on or off.
When switching off, the clutch pressure of the transmis-
sion is increased to maximum via a controlled pressure


• Pos. S31 6.2 Version: Single-lever AUTOTROLL actuation

Reversing aid selector switch (optional) . . .outboard As detailed in terminal diagram 3081 700 353.
The essential difference between this and the trolling
Function: version with a separate lever is that by selecting the ap-
Select AUTOMATIC or MANUAL reversing aid. propriate control lever, only one lever is required for ac-
Type: tuating the engine transmission and the AUTOTROLL
Momentary-contact switch control unit.
Switch closed: Manual ON
Switch open: Manual OFF Control lever function in trolling mode
Please refer to terminal diagram 3081 700 353 for all re-
Version: quired electrical data.
NO contact
In trolling mode the trolling range is always passed on
Connected load: 24V DC, 10mA the control lever, starting with the engine idling speed
Mechanical properties in accordance with the and minimal clutch oil pressure, i.e. with the slowest at-
installation position. tain-able propeller speed.
Labelling: MANUAL NOTE: Since the clutch cannot be closed accidentally
Connections: with this system variant, the warning lamp (Pos H30 -
Supply voltage: +Ub For system with separate actuating levers) is not requi-
Signal output: 0Ub at reset
6.3 General information
The power supply KL15 and KL30 should remain swit-
ched on constantly, even in standard operating mode
(TROLLING OFF). Only switch S30 should be used to
• Pos. Z1* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . switch the AUTOTROLL mode ON/OFF.
Trolling control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .outboard After the switch ON of the power supply at terminal 15
• Pos. Z2* (KL 15), all indicators connected illuminate briefly for
Push/pull cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .outboard the function check.

* To operate the potentiometer 3084 680 123

(special scope of supplies) Removing connectors
For reasons due to the system the power supply to the
AUTOTROLL system (KL15 and KL30) must be inter-
rupted before connectors may be removed and electrical
connections loosened. This is to protect the electronics
from glitches that might damage the electronic system
and from contact erosion.

Description of terminals ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59)

7.0 Description of terminals 7.1 Power supply

The HARTING HAN 25 D connector is the electrical in-
terface to the transmission. The relevant terminal dia- DANGER!
gram is detailed in the technical documentation for the
transmission (see section 4.1). Ensure that the power supply is fail-safe. Auto-
troll will automatically switch to non-trolling
mode if there is a power failure. This results in
Plug HAN 25 D pin parrangement
the ship's speed being increased - risk of acci-

C9 C8 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1

B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2

A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1

NOTE: There is no pin B1 and B9 with plug HAN 25 D.

The first pin at the “B-row” is pin B2 !

PIN on Pos. Designation Connected Tolerance Notes
HAN 25 D load

A1 KL15 Switched 24V DC constant Required:

supply +20% / -10% Current to terminal K15:0,5A + current to

transient H30, H31, H32, H33
(max. 1,5 s)
Protected by fuse „F10“, T 7,5 A, required
+20% / -20%
A2 KL30 Continuous 24V DC constant Required:
supply +20% / -10%
transient Voltage must be present for at least 10 s
(max. 1,5 s) after switched supply (KL15) “off” for
+20% / -20% diagnostic purposes (Faults are loaded
into the data memory). Simultaneous
shutdown of switched supply and continu-
ous supply is in principle allowed, how-
ever in this case not all faults will be
written to the fault memory. Simultaneous
switching on is allowed.
Rest-current at KL30 with KL15 “OFF”:
< 1 mA
Idling current at KL30 with KL15 “ON”:
<0.5 A
Max. current at KL30 in trolling mode:
<2.0 A
Protected by fuse “F10”, T 7.5 A, required.
C8 KL31 Battery (-) Required

C9 KL31 Battery (-) Required

ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59) Description of terminals

7.2 Inputs

PIN on Pos. Designation Connected load Tolerance/ Notes

HAN 25 D Logic

A7 S30 Switch 24V; 10 mA DC Required


A5 S31 Switch 24V; 10 mA Optional
Autom./ DC

24 V
24 V
24 V 24 V
B5 S1 Switch for shift- 24V; 8,6W Required

ing position DC (Not for MTU control)

The following must apply: If „S1“

24V then „S2“ 0V

for ZF 2000
3000 group

24 V

B7 S2 Switch for shift- 24V; 8,6W Required:
DC for ZF

ing position (Not for MTU control)The follo-
counter-engine- wing must apply: If „S2“ 24V then
group 27W
wise Counter-enginewise „S1“ 0V
B8 Current path 24V; 8,6W DC Required
(Not for MTU control)

Application for possible central

magnet (depending on version in-
C3 S3 Control signal 0V Required:
for trolling to „C2“ Control signal increasing linearly
between "XE" and "XT".
C2 Control signal IN „XN“ and
WITHOUT „XE“ -0,2 V The controlling signal specifies the
jumper X1 1,2 and between propeller trolling speed.
to 3,8 V „XN“ und The relationship between the control
„XE“ 1,2 V signal and the propeller speed is li-
Control signal
(0,3 V/+0 V) near. 1.2 V (5 mA) corresponds to
or 5 mA (- the minimum propeller speed. 3.8 V
jumper X1
1 mA/+0 m). (17 mA) corresponds to the maxi-
5 to 17 mA
mum propeller trolling speed. The
Between "XE" and "XT" linear- maximum propeller trolling speed is
ly increasing from 1.2 to 3.8 V (- programmed by the manufacturer in
0 V/+0.3 V) or 5 mA to 17 mA the Autotroll system for the specific
(-0 mA/+2 mA). In point "XT" application. The control signal must

up to maximum control lever be galvanically decoupled.

position "XM" constant 3.8 V or
17 mA.
C4 X1 Coding jumper Optional
C5 If „S3“ in Volt then without „X1“.If
„S3“ in mA then with „X1“. Whe-

ther signal type for „S3“ is V or mA

depends on manufacturer of actuati-
on device.

Description of terminals ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59)

7.3 Outputs

PIN on Pos. Designation Connected load Tolerance Notes

A8 H32 Check lamp Connection Required:

„Trolling“ „H32“ is earth for Labelling: „Trolling“
lamps. Colour: Green
Max. 2x2,5W Dimming is permissible.
Output is designed for ohmic loads
For LEDs the resistance 3.9 kOhm
must be connected in parallel with

the LED.
Please consult ZF for inputting in
control units.
A6 H33 Check lamp Connection Optional
„Manual“ „H32“ is earth for Labelling: "Manual"
lamps.. Colour: White
Max. 2x2,5W Dimming is permissible.
Output is designed for ohmic loads
For LEDs the resistance 3.9 kOhm
must be connected in parallel with

the LED.
Please consult ZF for inputting in
control units.
B3 H30 Check lamp Connection Necessary for version as per
„Warning“ „H32“ is earth for section 6.1
lamps. Labelling: "Warning"
Max. 2x2,5W Colour: Yellow
Dimming is not permissible.
Output is designed for ohmic loads
For LEDs the resistance 3.9 kOhm
must be connected in parallel with

the LED.
Please consult ZF for inputting in
control units.
B2 H31 Check lamp Connection Required:
„Alarm“ „H32“ is earth for Labelling: "Alarm"
lamps. Colour: Red
Max. 2x2,5W Dimming is not permissible.
Output is designed for ohmic loads
For LEDs the resistance 3.9 kOhm
must be connected in parallel with

the LED.
Please consult ZF for inputting in
control units.

ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59) Description of terminals

7.4 Connection test

Serial. PIN to Check Condition Comment Test result

No. interface
1 A2 24V ? Continuous supply (battery) Required
2 C8 (-) ? Battery (-) Required
3 C9 (-) ? Battery (-) Required
4 A1 0V ? Ignition „OFF“ Required
5 B8 0V ? Ignition „OFF“ Required
6 A1 24V ? Ignition „ON“ Required
7 B8 24V ? Ignition „ON“ Required
8 A7 0V ? Trolling „OFF“ Required
9 A7 24V ? Trolling „ON“ Required
10 A5 0V ? Manual „OFF“ optional
11 A5 24V ? Manual „ON“ optional
12 C2 1,2V ? (5 mA?) Min. Trolling Required
13 C2 < 3,8V ? (< 17 mA?) Max. Trolling Required
14 B5 24V ? „EW“ (enginewise) Required
15 B7 24V ? „CEW“ (counter-enginewise) Required
16 B5 u. B7 0V ? „NEUTRAL“ Required

Ensure that pin B2 and B3 are located at the plug positi-

on indicated at section 7.0.

Description of terminals ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59)

7.5 Diagnostics
The AUTOTROLL control unit offers control functions
as well as having an intelligent diagnostic system.
The diagnostic system is intended for the following:
• System monitoring, monitoring of performance
quantities, fault detection, generating operating pro-
perties for running under emergency conditions
• Warning the operator
• Recording faults that have occurred in the fault
memory and communicating with the "TESTMAN"
diagnostic unit.

Alarm messages for warning the craft’s operator in case

of faults are signalled using the (red) alarm light. If ope-
rational tolerances are exceeded or not maintained, this
is signalled by the (yellow) warning light and the (green)
check lamp.
Diagnostics are active as soon as the operating voltage
(KL 15) is present at the AUTOROLL control unit. I.e.
system faults are also diagnosed when trolling is not
used and indicated via the alarm system.
A diagnostic unit can be adapted for the AUTOTROLL
control unit to support the system service. Such work
needs to be carried out by qualified staff at the Fried-
richshafen Service Centre. The diagnostic unit, which is
not part of the AUTOTROLL scope of supplies,but is
available from Friedrichshafen.

ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59) Safety functions

8.0 Safety functions 8.3 Failure of the trolling power supply circuit
If the trolling power supply circuit fails, the trolling sy-
DANGER! stem is transferred to non-trolling mode. The maximum
clutch pressure is then applied. The ship can be operated
Trolling is to be deactivated on the occurrence as if it did not have a trolling device.
of a fault indicated by the alarm indicator (red).
Faults that result in the system automatically 8.4 Failure of the electronic control unit
being switched to non-trolling mode may lead If the control unit fails, the trolling system switches to
to a sudden increase in the ship's speed - risk of non-trolling mode. Normal operation can continue.
accident! The alarm lamp is on as a steady light.

8.5 Electrical fault on the trolling valve

8.1 Exceeding of the maximum permissible engine
Electrical faults on the trolling proportional valve are in-
dicated by the alarm lamp (red) flashing.
The transmission clutch closes automatically when the
maximum permissible engine speed in trolling mode The alarm indicator flashes as long as the fault is actively
(specified for each particular application in the AUTO- detected. Trolling is inhibited as soon as the operator
TROLL program) is exceeded. The warning lamp H30 switches the transmission to "NEUTRAL".
(yellow) indicates that this state has occurred by being Continuous illumination of the alarm indicator signals a
on constantly (see section 6.1.2). fault in the trolling on/off valve. Trolling will be deacti-
The flashing warning light indicates to the operator that vated automatically. Movement without the trolling
this change will be triggered by a further increase in the function is possible without limitations.
engine speed.
8.6 Voltage faults of the ship´s electrical system
This protective function protects the clutch from thermal Voltage faults in the ship´s electrical system are indica-
overload as a result of excessive engine speed. ted by the alarm lamp (red) flashing. A fault occurs when
Emergency manoeuvres requiring high engine speeds the voltage of the ship´s electrical system differs from
can be carried out without the trolling mode first having the operating voltage range for full operability of the
been switched off at the trolling switch. control unit.
To prevent an undefined drive state, trolling is automati-
8.2 Sensor failure
cally deactivated.
On the failure of the transmission input speed sensor, an
alarm is triggered; the alarm indicator (red) signals the After the rectification of a fault, the drive state set is re-
occurrence of the fault by flashing (see point 6.1.2). It is established, the alarm indicator extinguishes.
no longer possible to monitor the allowable engine
speed, for this reason trolling is deactivated. 8.7 Indicator failure
When the system is started it can be checked whether all
CAUTION indicators are in correct working order. All indicators are
To protect the system from consequential damage, the automatically switched on for 2s and off for 2s on star-
engine speed must not be increased. ting.

8.8 Setpoint fault

Trolling is inhibited as soon as the operator switches the
transmission to "NEUTRAL". Movement without the If the setpoint is not in the defined setpoint range, the
trolling function is possible without limitations. The alarm indicator (red) flashes. In this case AUTOTROLL
alarm indicator flashes as long as the fault is actively de- regulates to the last valid value detected.
tected. As long as this indicator is flashing it is also not Trolling is inhibited in "NEUTRAL".
possible to activate trolling.
The alarm indicator extinguishes when the setpoint fault
is no longer present in "NEUTRAL".

Addition ZF-AUTOTROLL (EST-59)

9.0 Addition
9.1 Ambient and operating conditions
- Minimum ambient temperature: -20°C
- Maximum ambient temperature:+65°C

9.2 Installation drawings:

Wiring diagram
(single lever control): 3081 700 353

Potentiometer (optional extra)

Option for version: separate AUTOROLL operation
(section 6.1, item A31): 3084 680 123


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