Iqts & Ipgce at Uwe Bristol Uk PDF
Iqts & Ipgce at Uwe Bristol Uk PDF
Iqts & Ipgce at Uwe Bristol Uk PDF
in the Guardian
League Table 2023
160 countries
• Responsive to the needs and priorities
of schools and teachers.
iQTS (PGCE) For those new to teaching and for more iQTS and Postgraduate Certificate 36 weeks £9,250
experienced practitioners who want to in Education (PGCE) (90 credits,
gain a masters’ level academic award including 60 credits at masters’
(PGCE) as well as the iQTS. level –these can be used towards
a full masters’ degree).
IQTS For teachers who have at least 2 years iQTS. (There is no academic 36 weeks £4,750
of teaching experience and who would award with this course.)
like to study for the iQTS only, without
the PGCE.
To discuss the courses, or other UWE Bristol Education courses, contact:
International PGCEs
Successful completion leads to the award of Requirements for enrolling on the course
iPGCE, an internationally respected qualification
• All participants must be able to teach and support
focused on teaching practice, to achieve the best
learning during the course, on an employment or
education for learners. voluntary basis.
iPGCE This course is for those who teach, Postgraduate Certificate in 36 weeks £4,250
or have the opportunity to gain Education (PGCE) (90 credits,
experience teaching, younger including 60 credits at masters’
or older learners (5-16yrs). level –these can be used towards
a full masters’ degree).
iPGCE This course is for teachers or those Postgraduate Certificate in 36 weeks £4,250
(Early Years) new to teaching who work with, or who Education (PGCE) (90 credits,
have the opportunity to gain experience including 60 credits at masters’
of teaching and leading in the early level –these can be used towards
years (0-5). The course enhances your a full masters’ degree).
teaching career by studying a range
of teaching and learning approaches
and frameworks specific to the early
years. This includes the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) and a range of
play-based, child-focused pedagogies.
The course is flexible, practice-
focused, and applicable to a range of
international contexts in any location.
To discuss the courses, or other UWE Bristol Education courses, contact:
• Course needs to meet Department for Education • Course needs to meet UWE Bristol
requirements (DfE) for iQTS. requirements.
• Leads to iQTS (with PGCE or without PGCE). • Leads to iPGCE or iPGCE (Early Years).
• Fee of £4,750 for iQTS (without PGCE) for • Fee of £4,250 for iPGCE or iPGCE (EY).
experienced teachers.
For further information, including detail of entry qualifications and requirements, visit:
Working in partnership
with schools to train and
retain skilled teachers