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Iqts & Ipgce at Uwe Bristol Uk PDF

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UWE Bristol, School of

Education and Childhood

International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS)
International Postgraduate Certificate
in Education (iPGCE)

in the Guardian
League Table 2023

UWE Bristol, School of Education and Childhood 1

UWE Bristol are a top 25 UK university* and
a long-established provider of successful
teacher education and development courses.

We work with schools and teachers to

train and retain skilled educators.
*24th in the Guardian League Tables 2023

We achieve high levels of Benefits to the school, individual,

and the school community include:
satisfaction on our portfolio of
• Skilled and creative teachers who have a
online education courses: range of strategies to enhance teaching and
learning and maximise outcomes for pupils.
• International Qualified Teacher • Wider impact on the school community
Status with PGCE. of teachers who are trying out different
approaches, asking questions and aiming high.
• International Qualified Teacher Status. • Access to further professional development
courses for the school team, including whole-
• International Postgraduate school short courses, our Career Development
Certificate in Education (iPGCE). programmes, our MA Education (Masters’) and
our International Education Doctorate
• International Postgraduate Certificate (EdD International).

in Education, Early Years (iPGCE (EY)).

Why UWE Bristol?
• High-quality, evidence-based provision
from a high-ranked university.

• Training can be completed at schools

based anywhere in the world.

• Support for the recruitment, retention

Global reach across and development of local talent.

160 countries
• Responsive to the needs and priorities
of schools and teachers.

• Become part of our online

professional communities.

2 UWE Bristol, School of Education and Childhood

Our Teaching Courses

International Qualified Teacher

Status (iQTS)
Successful completion leads to International Requirements for enrolling on the course
Qualified Teacher Status from the Department for
• All participants must be employed by the school for
Education (DfE), England.
the duration of the course.
• Participants must achieve the Department for • Practice element involves completing 120 days training
Education (England) qualification requirements by the in schools.
end of the course to achieve iQTS.
• Participants must hold a degree or equivalent to 2:2 or
• Includes comprehensive and ongoing mentor training higher (in a relevant subject for teaching 11-16).
for the in-school mentor, to benefit course participants,
• The school needs to provide a mentor. The mentor
the mentor, and the teaching team.
will undertake UWE Bristol online mentor training and
• A designated UWE Bristol tutor will work closely with will work with the UWE Bristol tutor to support the
your school throughout. teacher throughout the course.

Two iQTS course options

Course Who is it for? Qualification outcome Duration Cost

iQTS (PGCE) For those new to teaching and for more iQTS and Postgraduate Certificate 36 weeks £9,250
experienced practitioners who want to in Education (PGCE) (90 credits,
gain a masters’ level academic award including 60 credits at masters’
(PGCE) as well as the iQTS. level –these can be used towards
a full masters’ degree).

IQTS For teachers who have at least 2 years iQTS. (There is no academic 36 weeks £4,750
of teaching experience and who would award with this course.)
like to study for the iQTS only, without
the PGCE.

To discuss the courses, or other UWE Bristol Education courses, contact: uweiqts@uwe.ac.uk

Training teachers in strategies to

maximise outcomes for pupils

UWE Bristol, School of Education and Childhood 3

Our Teaching Courses

International PGCEs
Successful completion leads to the award of Requirements for enrolling on the course
iPGCE, an internationally respected qualification
• All participants must be able to teach and support
focused on teaching practice, to achieve the best
learning during the course, on an employment or
education for learners. voluntary basis.

• Practice element involves completing at least

The iPGCE courses do not lead to iQTS, QTS, or the
60 days of teaching and supporting learning,
equivalent in any other country. comprising at least 120 hours of direct teaching
to groups of 8 or more learners.

• Participants must hold a degree or equivalent

to 2:2 or higher (in a relevant subject for
teaching 11-16).

• The school needs to be able to support the

participant to meet the requirements of the course.

Two iPGCE course options

Course Who is it for? Qualification outcome Duration Cost

iPGCE This course is for those who teach, Postgraduate Certificate in 36 weeks £4,250
or have the opportunity to gain Education (PGCE) (90 credits,
experience teaching, younger including 60 credits at masters’
or older learners (5-16yrs). level –these can be used towards
a full masters’ degree).

iPGCE This course is for teachers or those Postgraduate Certificate in 36 weeks £4,250
(Early Years) new to teaching who work with, or who Education (PGCE) (90 credits,
have the opportunity to gain experience including 60 credits at masters’
of teaching and leading in the early level –these can be used towards
years (0-5). The course enhances your a full masters’ degree).
teaching career by studying a range
of teaching and learning approaches
and frameworks specific to the early
years. This includes the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS) and a range of
play-based, child-focused pedagogies.
The course is flexible, practice-
focused, and applicable to a range of
international contexts in any location.

To discuss the courses, or other UWE Bristol Education courses, contact: admissions@uwe.ac.uk

4 UWE Bristol, School of Education and Childhood

Our Teaching Courses

Comparing the iQTS and the

iPGCE courses - at a glance
Schools may find that the iQTS and iPGCEs are relevant for different members of teaching staff.

• Course needs to meet Department for Education • Course needs to meet UWE Bristol
requirements (DfE) for iQTS. requirements.

• Leads to iQTS (with PGCE or without PGCE). • Leads to iPGCE or iPGCE (Early Years).

• Participants must be employed by the school. • Participants can be employed or on a

• Involves 120 days teaching practice during course. voluntary practice.

• School needs to provide a mentor. • Involves 60 days practice during course.

• Fee of £9,250 for iQTS with PGCE. • School needs to be supportive.

• Fee of £4,750 for iQTS (without PGCE) for • Fee of £4,250 for iPGCE or iPGCE (EY).

experienced teachers.

For further information, including detail of entry qualifications and requirements, visit:

Working in partnership
with schools to train and
retain skilled teachers

UWE Bristol, School of Education and Childhood 5

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