EEE313 Past Questions Answer

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Tele He alelsa | Measuccrm result of 4h sal @ decapalle < Mtasurend ee eT ee Me devcal. th, overall franspar Panchen Seba Ths the cabo | of change a output value °F Qa Bere dhe oh chang ¢ in input vakes that cous the Oubpul charge a) A base LUD cele . ha meble confaimehre Floated: by eRe Gandy oi prima: on wo Secen de (ell Ge 1S inducel an Me | voltage Flas trelig, © Peace” xpd ell Lvot & RypT ae eee WWOT measaes. (ince cohtle VOT measures angular instruments are used fe te cele coun] get the wale ei OO EMP is genecalel ia the seconde] uorhly Clee Whe. the moveable core [ acmafur (5 Ceateally plored fo the primary woinding if would producer on efegl eae elind Ieee net ie secokey ies aan aie Jat he Soa out jes adele 4 292 1S Ze) llowever, moving h~ core awa ie eel ec e hetween the fwo secondan andi, ing “4, = Ihgh speck postion bs li Pic Signal) Vsgrt | _]Oake j ssn] Pate ee Fecstig | Octal Ds lower POS COnsumphorn Tncressed coy eppes hseness Pbihky te confok mulhvacrable system Simultaneously Sryral beainsenrssian capabilihy par dake Storage « bli with conteallees and alpharamen® — displays SC ee Memor Rares | Ue « z \ Anploees dhe 1 map) behweey J reluctance o cide Brite. 2? Varabes om ib cl OF ate PrSSure Can afer F nearee aa rolaks the a gar Keay bs Sichemabre error to heel tecth and magne |=? 1 an opeabee ges whch als. changes lenkel coith dhe cel e vellge 15 generated whch Reh th ee ef Os mo fron characlershrs ia) he Sree velec Loken wheel | Consstentl, makes Measucement oc Obie V4 bron errar. =? Terpepect Sanple papate hve Pour oe Renlom Fira | > Random © revs oplen refereed |b Bs measere men F Norse ( arse’ FrORy outer we Rousse csuprly (us | Unpredecfeble and uncontrollable Gach (romcbes suchas elecdical - fleece © Wigh Gar» They han avery) ee EL wy hgh inp Hn | pe Vcd 4-8) 4a Wipe — sacloee out metal ae ee O Dicpecabial Tryst are fos fe for the Of Amp D Op. any am desegned tobe | A F Gowry Woghll Datital — be -analog r en enciele e peel (Leck, | CPaverk™ Come) opertles 0 & pheaci! used wilh ney abve fea ee ae Te. conyart alu benenplil tok an analy velhage cxf eul “the dla wet fo the DAC ts a binary numbse. Each bib in the (nee APE CeCe Esa bi Se « ne < Sul the that connects or dhcconneel asoccakel ress e Bees balee sella trende teller; Were 15 Suppmirg re (eerie called the teinents pasasy Phouy Werestclelerar ir Tee Gao cee the binery weighs of the restos “The sum of mele oats ety analeg valle AL tl = output: This aealey voltage os prowchonal fo the Derary imped ae Cole The mor bite gt fp 1m the bineog input ds highse Neonat Gas) Done co the (craig o a Nei... Cited «Meer ccs ding. Bh a duck ta toed by selecti 3 Seecite point (Sample ea ae ) af @ thal inet @ in dhe (adle neler The coegheh ceureth al the summing lols Tn Sabie ieleala leeches rile! * soanal eee marie er, aaa Th |specally Fe foo cae Lyk reese ange of UtUG Be coats, FANE: Ie say cle he the process sere values lox Seqnee af She ah A LbE AOL has Zhimaas ovlock bil, which can ecerescnt + Uz dice ccent vallage levels. Wik a resolution of 4v, each dishnct brary dole ceprseals 1V Shep inthe input vellage range “Tn ordw bo operale He ght eles AO requres a yollage repeence = [In Haar le dal beg efocnck ge | AV matching the dened. resslfon A Cloh AO uses a sef of Comparator, ens «(ae cach possible cxut put code “The cufpuls of these Com para te 5 are Hen gel inbo & encoder, which Convels Bhe binary values inh @ a-bit Vina ae L) Segre ea lett devices 7 components Cemlern the Fil of elechonres Gnd inshumenlahes | hb omelifys sPhmenhares thro charac lends é of am inpad seeqal Ves V, o—t y | Vout Comparalee The « hgh gain aenplipree teheh re pee analogue input vollege - poy an oytet inform op a dy lel Pv ea ene ° Gen Segaal Suns fying cohich of The hue velleges ts lecger os cmos suth = 7 alee % Now i, qe hifiicenoeRe ae ee Seen vable b) beer power Spcreased (peel Bver taal Srena! eens Pri S3( [Lh date ( spect : I ei shoreg® ip — Memay Cepabil y x Com aalbalihy wh Contolles ond alghonumen despleys _Medheds commen! 4 em|leyc { [OD Semp lng S) CQaan besa bon OD - Cwco beep (eclramegmeh« Transducers Elena re aa uchsa cool ae Bich eg fe pecledkos Menphone , Prezaclechwe Senter a Vransdepars E $ Theme couple, Thermopils. et Oehal TWoesducers 4 fheb dole phchelecdne. Sense Strain Gauge stele clase ale with Shain guage (De ee fast queshio ( Feessect Tons duce cS Vx ih the Prevines yee Post ques” ) | vole (elt I A baste of a meoble cocefarmabie ¢lanked LVOT is made up iby three coandirg > One Race | Je secondary « When a voltage ts induced ta fhe pomany orl by an youre, ar ee ts ceonearg Coals 5 4 ) | armature |ente ing ceric the .o coc Ue is centrally plorel by the priney (athen the moves Lik eas protcc aa ar equal couplity [eee or ie Nats be sey { windin Secondary coindirys fl That He Secondary puteils cance oul, ie outest valbage (s) Ze \avever the core owas cal peroneal’ com 4 We tndtee! mmagnc= plac rahe Leluern the hue secondary corm Thus creaking a ron 26 ow vat voltage Digperence bhe Cvot & frvot t proving hi, ie: CU0T measus®> linen Lis h acemen while RYOT measues 153). 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