Parental Anxiety Questionnaire

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Parental Questionnaire

Name of Child:


Instructions: Below you will find a series of statements with which you may agree or disagree. Using the scale,
please indicate the degree of your agreement by selecting the number that corresponds with each statement.

1. Does your child have a Routine to follow every day?

 Yes
 No
2. How many hours do you sit with your child to make them study each day?
 Less than 3 Hours
 Around 5 Hours
 More than 5 Hours
3. How much time apart from studying do you spend with the child every day?
 Less than 1 Hour
 Around 2 Hours
 More than 2 Hours

4. How do you spend your free time with your child?


5. Do you worry too much about your child's academic performance?

 Yes, A lot
 Mostly
 Sometimes
 Rarely
6. What's your child's average score this year?


7. What do you think are your child's weak points?



8. On a scale of 1-10, please rate yourself for the ability to make decisions about your child’s education. (1 being the
lowest and 5 being the highest)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9. On a scale of 1-10, how openly does your child express their thoughts and feelings with you? (1 being never and
10 being always?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10.What does your child enjoy doing during his free time? (Hobbies, Activities, etc)


11. How often does your conversation with your child include academics?
 Always
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely
12. Do you have trouble disciplining your child?
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
13. How often is there conflict at home due to your child’s learning abilities?
 Always
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely

14. How often do you let your child participate in the extra-curricular activities he wants?

 Always
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely

15. How often do you pay attention to what your child is saying to you?

 Always
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely

16. Have you recently noted any sleep disturbances (waking up repeatedly, unable to fall asleep)?

 Always
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely

17. Have you noted any palpitations, excessive sweating, shortness of breath recently?

 Always
 Often
 Sometimes
 Rarely

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