103 English XI 2023 24

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Class XII
Time : 3 Hours
Theory One Paper Marks : 80

Section A – 26 Marks
Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passages (10+8=18 Marks)
1. One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and
vocabulary. The passage may be factual, descriptive or literary.
2. One unseen case-based factual passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data, charts
etc.to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation.
Note: The combined word limit for both the passages will be 600-750.
Only Multiple Choice Questions will be asked .
3. Note Making and Summarization based on a passage of approximately 200-250 words.

i. Note Making: 5 Marks

○ Title: 1
○ Numbering and indenting: 1
○ Key/glossary: 1
○ Notes: 2

ii. Summary (up to 50 words): 3 Marks

○ Content: 2
○ Expression: 1

Section B – 23 Marks
Grammar and Creative Writing Skills
II. Grammar 7 Marks
4. Questions on Gap filling (Tenses, Clauses)
5. Questions on re-ordering/transformation of sentences
(Total seven questions to be done out of the eight given Question N0 5 will be of MCQ type).
III Creative Writing Skills 16 Marks
6. Short writing task – Classified Advertisements, up to 50 words. One out of the two given
questions to be answered (3 Marks: Format : 1 / Content : 1 / Expression : 1)
7. Short writing task –Poster up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be
answered.(3 marks:Format : 1 / Content : 1 / Expression :1)
8. Long Writing task: Speech in 120-150 words based on verbal / visual cues related to
contemporary / age-appropriate topic. One out of the two given questions to be answered.
(5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2)
9. Long Writing Task: Debate based on visual/verbal inputs in 120-150 words, thematically
related to contemporary, topical issues. One out of the two given questions to be answered.
(5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2)
Section C – 31 Marks
Literature Text Book and Supplementary Reading Text
This section will have variety of assessment items including Multiple Choice Questions,
Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type Questions
to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation and extrapolation beyond the
10. One Poetry extract out of two, from the book Hornbill, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference and appreciation. (3x1=3 Marks)
11. One Prose extract out of two, from the book Hornbill, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, evaluation and appreciation. (3x1=3 Marks)
12. One prose extract out of two, from the book Snapshots, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference and appreciation. (4x1=4 Marks)
13. Two Short answer type questions (one from Prose and one from Poetry, from the
book Hornbill), out of four, to be answered in 40-50 words. Questions should elicit
inferential responses through critical thinking. (3x2=6 Marks)
14. One Short answer type question, from the book Snapshots, to be answered in 40- 50 words.
Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking.One out of two
questions to be done.
(3x1=3 Marks)
15. One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry of Hornbill, to be answered in 120-
150 words. Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract / event, as
reference points to assess extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question will elicit
analytical and evaluative response from the student. Any one out of two questions to be
done. (1x6=6 Marks)
16. One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Snapshots, to be
answered in 120-150 words, to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the
text. Questions to provide analytical and evaluative responses, using incidents, events,
themes, as reference points. Any one out of two questions to be done.
(1x6=6 Marks)
Internal Assessment 20 Marks

S. N. Topic Marks

1. Listening Skills 4

2. Speaking Skills 4

3. Project Work

a) Project Report/Script/Essay etc. 4

b) Viva based on Project 3

4. Continuous Assessment (Unit Test) 5

Total 20

Classes XI-XII

Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills:

i. Activities:

● Subject teachers must refer to books prescribed in the syllabus.

● In addition to the above, teachers may plan their own activities

and create their own material for assessing the listening and
speaking skills.

ii. Parameters for Assessment: The listening and speaking skills are to
be assessed on the following parameters:
a. Interactive competence (Initiation & turn taking, relevance to the topic)
b. Fluency (cohesion, coherence and speed of delivery)
c. Pronunciation
d. Language (grammar and vocabulary)
Suggestions for Project Work:
The Project can be inter-disciplinary in theme. The ideas/issues highlighted in the
chapters/ poems/ drama given the prescribed books can also be developed in the form of
a project. Students can also take up any relevant and age-appropriate theme.

Such topics may be taken up that provide students with opportunities

for listening and speaking. Some suggestions are as follows:
a) Interview-Based research:
Students can choose a topic on which to do their research/ interview, e.g. a
student can choose the topic : “ Evolving food tastes in my neighbourhood”
or “Corona pandemic and the fallout on families.” Read the available

The student then conducts interviews with a few neighbours on the topic. For
an interview, with the help of the teacher, student will frame questions based
on the preliminary research/background.

The student will then write an essay/ write up / report etc. up to 1000 words on
his/her research and submit it. He / She will then take a viva on the research
project. The project can be done in individually or in pairs/ groups
a) Students listen to podcasts/ interviews/radio or TV documentary on a
topic and prepare a report countering or agreeing with the speakers. Write an
800 - 1000 words report and submit. Take a viva on the report.

b) Students create their own video/ Audio, after writing a script. Before they
decide a format, the following elements can be taken into consideration:

● Theme/topic of the audio / video. Would the child like to pick a current issue or
something artistic like theatre?

● What are the elements that need to be part of the script?

● Will the video/audio have an interview with one or more guests?

● Would they prefer to improvise while chatting with guests, or work from a script?

● What would be the duration?

● How would they present the script/report to the teacher, e.g. Can it be in the form
of a narrative?
d) Students write, direct and present a theatrical production, /One act play

This will be a project which will be done as a team. It will involve

planning, preparation and presentation. In short, various language skills will
be utilised. There will be researching, discussion, writing the script,
auditioning and ultimately producing the play. The project will end with a
presentation and subsequently a viva. Teachers will be able to assess the
core language skills of the students and help them grow as 21 century
critical thinkers.

Project-Portfolio/Project Report
The Project-Portfolio/Project Report is a compilation of the work that the
students produce during the process of working on their ALS Project.
The Project-Portfolio may include the following:
● Cover page, with title of project, school details/details of students.
● Statement of purpose/objectives/goals
● Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher.
● Students Action Plan for the completion of assigned tasks.

● Materials such as scripts for the theatre/role play, questionnaires for interview,
written assignments, essays, survey-reports and other material evidence of
learning progress and academic accomplishment.
● The 800-1000 words essay/Script/Report.
● Student/group reflections.
● If possible, Photographs that capture the positive learning experiences of the
● List of resources
The following points must be kept for consideration while assessing the project
● Quality of content of the project
● Accuracy of information
● Adherence to the specified timeline
● Content in respect of (spellings, grammar ,punctuation)
● Clarity of thoughts and ideas
● Creativity
● Contributions by group members
● Knowledge and experience gained

Prescribed Books
1. Hornbill: English Reader published by National Council of Education Research and
Training, New Delhi
• The Portrait of a Lady (Prose)
• A Photograph (Poem)
• “We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can be Together
• Discovering Tut: the Saga Continues
• The Laburnum Top (Poem)
The Voice of the Rain (Poem)
• Childhood (Poem) The Adventure
• Silk Road (Prose) Father to Son
2. Snapshots: Supplementary Reader published by National Council of Education
Research and Training, New Delhi
• The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse (Prose)
• The Address (Prose)
• Mother’s Day (Play)
• Birth ( Prose)
• The Tale of Melon City

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