Injections SC
Injections SC
Injections SC
It is defined as the method of giving injection into the subcutaneous layer of the
skin just below the dermis and epidermis layers.
Bony prominences
Skin lesions, lumps
A Tray containing:
Check the doctor’s order for To prevent medication errors
medication administration
Confirm patient’s identity and To seek consent from the patient
explain the procedure
Check the 10 rights of To check any contraindication
medication administration
including the expiry date of
Wash hands and wear the Prevent cross contamination
Prepare the medication from To administer right dose.
the vial or ampoule. Calculate
the desired amount of dose .
With dominant hand, hold Pen holding grip is the right method of
syringe like a pencil between administration
the thumb and fingers ( pen
holding position)
Insert needle at 45 degree angle Holding the hub of needle prevents shaking of
with dominant hand using pen needle and prevent tissue injury
holding technique