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Analytical methods in nonlinear control systems

Abstract. The method of harmonic linearization, numerical methods, and the applied bifurcation the-
ory together discover new opportunities for analysis of oscillations of control systems. In the present survey
analytical-numerical algorithms for hidden oscillation localization are discussed. Examples of hidden attrac-
tor localization in Chua’s circuit and counterexamples construction to Aizerman’s conjecture and Kalman’s
conjecture are considered.

Keywords: hidden oscillation, hidden attractor, localization, harmonic balance, harmonic linearization,
describing function method justification, absolute stability, counterexamples to Aizerman problem, conjecture,
Kalman problem, hidden chaotic attractor, Chua circuit.

1 Introduction
The problem of hidden oscillations in nonlinear control systems forces to develop new approaches of nonlinear
oscillation theory. During initial establishment and development of theory of nonlinear oscillations in the first
half of 20th century (see [[Timoshenko(1928), van der Pol(1920), van der Pol(1926), Andronov et al.(1966),
Stoker(1950)]]) a main attention has been given to analysis and synthesis of oscillating systems for which the
solution of existence problems of oscillating regimes was not too difficult. The structure itself of many systems
was such that they had oscillating solutions, the existence of which was “almost obvious”. The arising in
these systems periodic solutions were well seen by numerical analysis when numerical integration procedure of
the trajectories allowed one to pass from small neighborhood of equilibrium to periodic trajectory. Therefore
main attention of researchers was concentrated on analysis of forms and properties of these oscillations (the
“almost” harmonic, relaxation, synchronous, circular, orbitally stable ones, and so on).
Further there came to light so called hidden oscillations - the oscillations, the existence itself of which
is not obvious (which are “small” and, therefore, are difficult for numerical analysis or are not “connected”
with equilibrium i.e. the creation of numerical procedure of integration of trajectories for the passage from
equilibrium to periodic solution is impossible). The simplest examples of such hidden oscillations are family of
nested small or large limit cycles in two-dimension dynamical systems (see, e.g., [[Kuznetsov & Leonov(2008),
Leonov(2010), Leonov et al.(2011)]]).
In the midpoint of twentieth century M.A.Aizerman [[Aizerman(1949)]] and R.E. Kalman [[Kalman(1957)]]
formulated two conjectures, which occupy, at once, attention of many famous scholars [[Krasovsky(1952),
Malkin(1952), Erugin(1952), Pliss(1958), Lefschetz(1965), Barabanov et al.(1996)]]. The attempts to refute
these conjectures lead to creation of effective methods for the search of hidden oscillations.

In this work these effective methods are described and a new approach for the study of hidden os-
cillations, based on the union of analytical and numerical methods, is considered. These methods al-
low to localize not only hidden oscillations, but also hidden attractors [[Leonov(2006), Leonov et al.(1995),
Leonov & Kuznetsov(2007), Leonov(2008a), Leonov(2008b)]]. In this work localization of hidden attractors (a
basin of attraction of which does not contain neighborhoods of equilibria) in Chua’s systems is demonstrated.

2 Analytical-numerical method for hidden oscillation localization

In the works [[Leonov(2009a), Leonov(2009b), Leonov(2009c), Leonov(2010)]] the methods of search of periodic
solutions of multidimensional nonlinear dynamical systems with scalar nonlinearity were suggested. In the
present work the approach suggested is generalized on the systems of the form
= Px + ψ(x), (2.1)
where P is a constant n × n-matrix, ψ(x) is a continuous vector-function, and ψ(0) = 0.
For the search of periodic solution close to harmonic oscillation, we consider matrix K such that the matrix
P0 = P + K has a pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues ±iω0 (ω0 > 0) and the rest of its eigenvalues have
negative real parts. Then system (2.1) can be rewritten as

= P0 x + ϕ(x), (2.2)
where ϕ(x) = ψ(x) − Kx.
Since we are interested in periodic solutions of system (2.2), it is natural to introduce a finite sequence of
continuous functions ϕ0 (x), ϕ1 (x), ..., ϕm (x) in such a way that the graphs of neighboring functions ϕj and
ϕj+1 in a sense, are slightly differ from each other, the function ϕ0 (x) is small, and ϕm (x) = ϕ(x).
In this case the smallness of function ϕ0 (x) permits one to apply and justify the method of harmonic
linearization for the system
= P0 x + ϕ0 (x), (2.3)
if the stable periodic solution x0 (t) close to harmonic one is determined. All the points of this stable periodic
solution are located in the domain of attraction of stable periodic solution x1 (t) of the system

= P0 x + ϕj (x) (2.4)
with j = 1 or when passing from (2.3) to system (2.4) with j = 1, we observe the instability bifurcation
destroying periodic solution. In the first case it is possible to find x1 (t) numerically, starting a trajectory of
system (2.4) with j = 1 from the initial point x0 (0).
Starting from the point x0 (0), after transient process the computational procedure reaches the periodic
solution x1 (t) and computes it. In this case the interval (0, Te], on which the computation is carried out, must
be sufficiently large.
After the computation of x1 (t) it is possible to obtain the following system (2.4) with j = 2 and to organize
a similar procedure of computing the periodic solution x2 (t), starting a trajectory, which with increasing t
approaches to periodic trajectory x2 (t), from the initial point x2 (0) = x1 (Te).
Proceeding this procedure and computing xj (t), using trajectories of system (2.4) with the initial data
xj (0) = xj−1 (Te), we either arrive at periodic solution of system (2.4) with j = m (i.e., at original system
(2.2)) or observe, at a certain step, the instability bifurcation destroying periodic solution.

For system (2.3) with such function ϕ0 (x) it turns out that it is possible to justify rigorously the method
of harmonic linearization and to determine the initial conditions, for which system (2.3) has a stable periodic
solution close to harmonic one.
Note that at some step the procedure may reach a locally stable attractor. This effect will be demonstrated
here for Chua’s systems.

2.1 System reduction

By nonsingular linear transformation x = Sy system (2.3) can be reduced to the form

ẏ1 = −ω0 y2 + φ1 (y1 , y2 , y3 ),

ẏ2 = ω0 y1 + φ2 (y1 , y2 , y3 ), (2.5)
ẏ3 = Ay3 + φ3 (y1 , y2 , y3 ),

where φ3 is an (n − 2)-dimensional vector-function, φ1 , φ2 are certain scalar functions; y1 and y2 are scalars,
y3 is an (n − 2)-dimensional vector.
Here A is a constant (n − 2) × (n − 2) matrix, all eigenvalues of which have negative real parts. Without
loss of generality, it may be assumed that for the matrix A there exists positive number d > 0 such that

y3∗ (A + A∗ )y3 ≤ −2d|y3 |2 , ∀ y3 ∈ Rn−2 (2.6)

Here ∗ is a transposition operation.

For scalar case in (2.1) we have ψ(y) = qϕ(r∗ y) and K = kqr∗ , where r and q are n-dimensional vectors,
ϕ(σ) is a continuous scalar function (ϕ(0) = 0), k is a coefficient of harmonic linearization. Here it is always
possible by nonsingular linear transformation to reduce the system in a such way that

φ1 (y1 , y2 , y3 ) = b1 ϕ(y1 + c∗ y3 ),
φ2 (y1 , y2 , y3 ) = b2 ϕ(y1 + c∗ y3 ), (2.7)
φ3 (y1 , y2 , y3 ) = bϕ(y1 + c∗ y3 ),

where b and c are (n − 2)-dimensional vectors, b1 and b2 are certain real numbers.
In scalar case one can write out the transfer function of system (2.2):

ηp + θ R(p)
W1 (p) = r∗ (P0 − pI)−1 q = 2 2
+ , (2.8)
p + ω0 Q(p)

and the transfer function of system (2.5):

−b1 p + b2 ω0
W2 (p) = + c∗ (A − pI)−1 b. (2.9)
p2 + ω02

Here η, θ are certain real numbers, Q(p) is a stable polynomial of degree (n − 2), R(p) is a polynomial of
degree smaller than (n − 2). Suppose, the polynomials R(p) and Q(p) have no common roots. By equivalence
of systems (2.2) and (2.5) the transfer functions of these systems coincide. This implies the relations

η = −b1 , θ = b2 ω0 , c∗ b + b1 = r∗ q = − lim pW1 (p),

R(p) (2.10)
= c∗ (A − pI)−1 b.

3 Poincare map for Harmonic linearization in noncritical case
Consider system (2.5) with nonlinearity φ = εϕ, where ε is “classical” small positive parameter.
Suppose, for the vector-function ϕ(y) the estimate

|ϕ(y0 ) − ϕ(y00 )| ≤ L|y0 − y00 |, ∀ y0 , y00 ∈ Rn (3.11)

is satisfied.
In a phase space of system (2.5) we introduce the following set

Ω = {|y3 | ≤ Dε, y2 = 0, y1 ∈ [a1 , a2 ]}. (3.12)

Here D, a1 , a2 are certain positive numbers, which will be determined below.

Define n-dimensional vector On (ε) as
 
On (ε) =  ...  .
 

From condition (3.11) and the form of system (2.5) for solutions with initial data from Ω we obtain the
following relations
y1 (t) = cos(ω0 t)y1 (0) + O(ε),
y2 (t) = sin(ω0 t)y1 (0) + O(ε), (3.13)
y3 (t) = exp(At)y3 (0) + On−2 (ε).
From formulas (3.13) it follows that for any point
y1 (0), y2 (0) = 0, y3 (0) , belonging to Ω, there exists a number

T = T (y1 (0), y3 (0)) = 2π/ω0 + O(ε)

such that relations

y1 (T ) > 0, y2 (T ) = 0 (3.14)
are satisfied and conditions
y1 (t) > 0, y2 (t) = 0, ∀t ∈ (0, T )
are not satisfied.
Construct a Poincare map F of the set Ω for the trajectories of system (2.5):
y1 (0) y1 (T )
F 0 = 0 . (3.15)
y3 (0) y3 (T )
Introduce the describing function
R 0

Φ(a) = ϕ1 ((cos ω0 t)a, (sin ω0 t)a, 0) cos ω0 t+
+ϕ2 ((cos ω0 t)a, (sin ω0 t)a, 0) sin ω0 t dt.

From estimates (3.13) and condition on nonlinearity (3.11) for solutions of system (2.5) we obtain the
following relations
|y3 (T )| ≤ Dε,
y12 (T ) − y12 (0) = 2y1 (0)εΦ(y1 (0)) + O(ε2 ).

Theorem 1 If the inequalities
Φ(a1 ) > 0, Φ(a2 ) < 0 (3.17)
are satisfied, then for small enough ε > 0 the Poincare map F of the set Ω into itself is as follows

F Ω ⊂ Ω.

From this theorem and the Brouwer fixed point theorem we have the following

Theorem 2 If the inequalities (3.17) are satisfied, then for small enough ε > 0 system (2.5) has a periodic
solution with the period

T = + O(ε).

This solution is stable in the sense that its neighborhood Ω is mapped into itself: F Ω ⊂ Ω.

Corollary 1 If the conditions

Φ(a0 ) = 0, η >0
da a=a0

are satisfied, then for small enough ε > 0 system with scalar nonlinearity and with transfer function (2.8) has
T -periodic solution such that

r∗ y(t) = a0 cos(ω0 t) + O(ε), T = + O(ε).

Corollary 1 formally coincide with the procedure of search of stable periodic solutions by means of the
harmonic linearization method [[Khalil(2002)]] (in noncritical case — nonlinearity does not belong to stability

4 Hidden attractor localization in Chua’s system

Let us apply the above algorithm to fulfil localization of attractors of the systems, which were obtained by Chua
and his progenies in studying nonlinear electrical circuits with feedback [[Chua & Lin(1990), Chua(1992a),
Chua(1992b), Bilotta & Pantano(2008), Chen & Ueta(2002)]]. The systems of differential equations, describ-
ing the behavior of Chua’s circuits, are three-dimensional dynamical systems with scalar nonlinearity.
Let us consider Chua’s system represented in dimensionless quantities.

ẋ = α(y − x) − αψ(x),
ẏ = x − y + z, (4.18)
ż = −(βy + γz).

Here the function

ψ(x) = m1 x + (m0 − m1 )sat(x) =
1 (4.19)
m1 x + (m0 − m1 )(|x + 1| − |x − 1|)
describes a nonlinear element of system, it is also called Chua’s diode, α, β, γ, m0 , m1 are parameters of the
classical Chua’s system.
For attractor localization of this system we plug-in [[Kuznetsov et al.(2010)]] the coefficient k and the
small parameter ε into system (4.18) and construct solutions of system (4.18) with the nonlinearity εϕ(x) =
ε(ψ(x) − kx) by means of sequential increasing ε with the step 0.1 from the value ε1 = 0.1 to ε10 = 1.

Corollary 1 allows to compute the initial data for the system (2.5). We have to calculate the matrix S
transforming system (2.1) into (2.5) to obtain the initial data for the system (2.1).
Rewrite Chua’s system as a Lur’e system
= Px + qψ(r∗ x), (4.20)
where    
−α(m1 + 1) α 0 −α
x ∈ R3 , P =  1 −1 1  , q =  0  ,
0 −β −γ 0
 
r =  0 .
Further consider the coefficient k, small parameter ε and rewrite system (4.20) in the form of (2.3)
= P0 x + qεϕ(r∗ x), (4.21)
where  
−α(m1 + 1 + k) α 0
P0 = P + kqr∗ =  1 −1 1  ,
0 −β −γ
λP P0
1,2 = ±iω0 , λ3 = −d < 0,

ϕ(σ) = ψ(σ) − kσ.

Using a nonsingular linear transformation x = Sy, it is possible to transform system (4.21) into the form
= Hy + bεϕ(u∗ y), (4.22)
where      
0 −ω0 0 b1 1
H =  ω0 0 0  , b =  b2  , u =  0  .
0 0 −d 1 −h
Here the transfer functions WH (p) of system (4.22) can be represented as
−b1 p + b2 ω0 h
WH (p) = 2 2
+ .
p + ω0 p+d
Then, using the equality of transfer functions

WH (p) = r∗ (P0 − pI)−1 q

of system (4.21) and system (4.22), one can obtain

−α(m1 +m1 γ+γ)+ω02 −γ−β
k= α(1+γ)
α+ω02 −β+1+γ+γ 2
d= 1+γ
h = α(γ+β−(1+γ)d+d
ω02 +d2
, (4.23)
α(γ+β−ω02 −(1+γ)d)
b1 = ω02 +d2

α (1+γ−d)ω02 +(γ+β)d
b2 = ω0 (ω02 +d2 )

Since system (4.21) transforms into system (4.22) by nonsingular linear conversion x = Sy, therefore, the
matrix S satisfies the following equations
H = S−1 P0 S, b = S−1 q, u∗ = r∗ S. (4.24)
Solving these matrix equations, for the matrix
 
s11 s12 s13
S =  s21 s22 s23  ,
s31 s32 s33
we obtain
s11 = 1, s12 = 0, s13 = −h,
s21 = m1 + 1 + k, s22 = − ωα0 ,
s23 = − h(α(m1 +1+k)−d)
α(m +k)−ω 2
s31 = α
α(β+γ)(m1 +k)+αβ−γω02
s32 = − αω0
α(m1 +k)(d−1)+d(1+α−d)
s33 = h α
For small enough ε one can obtain the initial data
   
y1 (0) a0
y(0) =  y2 (0)  =  0  (4.25)
y3 (0) 0
for the first step of the multistep procedure for localization of hidden oscillation. By (4.25) we obtain the
relations between the initial data of systems (4.21) and (4.22)
   
a0 a0 s11
x(0) = Sy(0) = S  0  =  a0 s21  .
0 a0 s31
Returning to the notions of Chua’s system, we obtain the following formulae for defining initial data:
α(m1 + k) − ω02
x(0) = a0 , y(0) = a0 (m1 + 1 + k), z(0) = a0 . (4.26)
Thus, using the obtained relations for initial data and applying the multistage algorithm described above,
we can numerically simulate Chua’s system, represented in the form (2.5).
Let us apply localization procedure, described above. Here the simplest and the most natural class of
functions ϕj are the following functions: ϕ1 (σ) = ε1 ϕ(σ), ..., ϕm − 1(σ) = εm−1 ϕ(σ), ϕm (σ) = ϕ(σ), where
εj = j/m, j = 1, ..., m.
Consider an example α = 8.4562, β = 12.0732, γ = 0.0052, m0 = −0.1768, m1 = −1.1468.
Firstly, we compute the coefficient of harmonic linearization k = 0.2098 and the value of “start” frequency
ω0 = 2.0392. Using relations (4.28) we obtain initial data x(0) = −49.9061, y(0) = −3.1469, z(0) = 71.2994
for the first step of multistage procedure of construction of solutions. For ε1 = 0.1 after transient process
the computational procedure arrives at a periodic solution close to harmonic one. Further with increasing
parameter ε this periodic solution close to harmonic one is transformed into chaotic attractor.
In the typical Chua’s system there occurs classical excitation of oscillations in the case when a trajectory
from the neighborhood of unstable zero equilibrium reaches the attractor. In this system, in despite of the
existence of stable zero equilibrium, the described procedure also allows one to go on “hidden” attractor by
means of sequential approximations.
The projections of solution on the plane {x, y} and transformation of the nonlinearity from the unstable
sector up to the stable one for the values ε1 = 0.1 and ε10 = 1 respectively are shown in the Fig. 2.

Figure 1: System with ε = 0.1: trajectory projection on (x, y); stability sector (shaded) and nonlinearity
ϕ1 (σ).

Figure 2: System with ε = 1: trajectory projection on (x, y); stability sector and nonlinearity ϕ10 (σ) = sat(σ).

4.1 Generalized Chua’s system with scalar nonlinearity

Let us consider system (4.18) with following nonlinearity (generalized Chua’s system)

ψ(x) = m1 x + (m0 − m1 )sat(x)+

1  (4.27)
+ (s − m0 )(|x + δ0 | − |x − δ0 |) ,
where α, β, γ, m0 , m1 are parameters of the classical Chua’s system, and δ0 and s are parameters that determine
the stability of zero equilibrium.
Modified and classical nonlinearities are shown in the Fig. 3. The shaded area is the stability sector.
A similar idea of nonlinearity modification was applied in the works [[Suykens et al.(1997), Savaci & Gunel(2006)]
to increase the number of scrolls of attractor without increase of the system’s order.
The procedure described above can be used for numerical localization of attractor of the generalized Chua’s
Here  
−α(1 + k) α 0
P0 = P + kqr∗ =  1 −1 1  ,
0 −β −γ
−αγ + ω0 − γ − β
α(1 + γ)
and d, h, b1 , b2 are as in (4.23).
Solving matrix equations (4.24), for the matrix S we obtain

s11 = 1, s12 = 0, s13 = −h,

s21 = 1 + k, s22 = − ωα0 , s23 = α

Figure 3: Standard Chua’s diode f (x) and modified nonlinearity ψ(x) with stability sector.

kα − ω02 (αβ + kαβ + kαγ − γω02 )

s31 = , s32 = − ,
α αω0
h(d2 − (1 + α + kα)d + kα)
s33 = − .
For small enough ε one can obtain the initial data
kα − ω02
x(0) = a0 , y(0) = a0 (1 + k), z(0) = a0 . (4.28)
for the first step of the multistep procedure for localization of hidden oscillation.
Let us apply localization procedure, described above. Consider an example s = −0.31, δ0 = 0.2, a =
0.1691, b = −0.4768, α = −1.398, β = −0.0136, γ = −0.0297.
Firstly, we compute the coefficient of harmonic linearization k = −0.3067 and the value of “start” frequency
ω0 = 0.6436. Using relations (4.28) we obtain initial data x(0) = −1.1061, y(0) = −0.7669, z(0) = 0.0115
for the first step of multistage procedure of construction of solutions. For ε1 = 0.1 after transient process
the computational procedure arrives at an almost periodic solution close to harmonic one. Further, with
increasing parameter ε this periodic solution will be transformed into chaotic attractor of the type “double-
scroll” [[Bilotta & Pantano(2008)]].
In this system, in despite of the existence of stable zero equilibrium, the described procedure also allows
one to go on “hidden” attractor by means of sequential approximations. The projections of solutions on the
plane {x, y} for the values ε1 = 0.1, ε3 = 0.3, ε7 = 0.7, and ε10 = 1, are shown in the Fig. 4 respectively.

4.2 Generalized Chua’s system with vector nonlinearity

Consider modification of Chua’s system
ẋ = α(y − x) − αfm (x),
ẏ = x − y + z + g(y), (4.29)
ż = −(βy + γz),

Figure 4: ε = 0.1, ε = 0.3, ε = 0.7, ε = 1

fm (x) = (k1 x + k3 x3 + k5 x5 ), g(x) = cy 2 . (4.30)
Let k1 = −0.3092, k3 = 0.6316, k5 = −0.3, then zero solution of system (4.29) is stable.
Taking ω0 = 2.5, d = 10 (so we define matrix H, and one can obtain linearization matrix K), the above
procedure allows us to get initial data x(0) = −1.5728, y(0) = 0, z(0) = 0 for the first step of multistage
procedure of construction of solutions. For ε1 = 0.1 after transient process the computational procedure
arrives at a almost periodic solution close to harmonic one. Further, with increasing parameter ε this periodic
solution will be transformed into hidden attractor.

Figure 5: ε = 0.1, ε = 0.5, ε = 0.7, ε = 1


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