Lesson 9
Lesson 9
This lesson aims student to translate their TPACK to appropriate
instructional materials for their unit plans applying the principles of universal
design for learning (UDL).
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, the students can:
1. engage in a community of learning for mathematics teachers and learners;
2. design a collaborative activity using appropriate technology tools; and
3. showcase learning plans integrating all the necessary and appropriate ICT
tools for Mathematics teaching and learning.
Materials Needed:
• Module
• Internet Connection
• Smartphone/Laptop
• FB Group Chat
• YouTube Videos
Duration: 30 hours
Learning Content:
To be able to apply the principles and concepts of collaboration among
English learning communities, do the following tasks as preliminary activity for
this lesson.
Step 1: Community
Ask students to group themselves and make a word cloud for
COMMUNITY. They can create this online (e.g.,
http://www.edudemic.com/wordcloud-generators/) or they can just create using
recycled bond paper or Manila paper, if there is no net access. They can also use
the following applications for this exercise:
a. Wordsalad
b. Wordle
c. WordArt
Step 2: Presentation
Let them present their work to another two groups.
Step 3: Processing
Process the activity by asking the common words generated for the word
given. Facilitate a synthesis of generating their working definition of online
community. Let students work in pairs and browse the net and find online
communities for mathematics or science teachers. Using a checklist (to be
created) for evaluating an online community, allow ample time for them to find out
relevant communities. Let them share at least two that they have reviewed and
justify why they recommend such sites.
IGI Global (2020) cited the following descriptions and concepts of COLs
taken from various sources:
Learning Activities:
Step 2: Sharing
Take note of the findings of the literatures read and present these through
a presentation software. Highlight the key points from the presentations and
synthesize by asking them how COLs can help in the professional development
of teacher.
Spique, F. P., & Silva, D. (2021) Technology for Teaching and Learning 2.
LORIMAR Publishing.