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4th First Sem English Lesson Plan

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English

Overall Objectives: 1. read the lesson with comprehension after the teacher.
2. To know .about a house hold articles
Learning Material / Resources CCE: Tool & techniques Periods
Learning process (Facilitating activities) Teacher reflection
objectives Required
Observation: Observation
Students will PREPARATORY ACTIVITY 1. Text book schedule Were all the students
activate their Teacher begins the class with the warmup activities as suggested 2. Note book actively involved in my
background in the book. 3. picture of a house/ class
knowledge about 1) Teacher recites I reads the poem 'THE CLOCK household articles
the topic OF LIFE".
· Students listen and say answers related to
Questions of this poem.
2) Teacher shows a picture of house. And suggests
to write the names of the household articles in
the right col

Chair curtain bucket telephone TV

spoons stove tap Dining bowl
pillow alarm cooker glass
shower sofa table bed

Livingroom Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom Dining hall

What changes. would

I like to make in my
3) Do you know the lesson "HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES"?
Today let us know about this lesson
Recognition of READING ALOUD 'BY THE TEACHER Text book To assess reading What went well and
words and Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress, pronunciation, comprehension skill what did not go so well in
sentences and pause and intonation my class?
reading aloud skill
will be developed

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English

Students will be
able to listen· and Dictionary / Pictures How many students
comprehend the INTRODUCING NEW WORDS were able to
meanings of new comprehend the
words. Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through pictures I meanings of new words?
dictionary use I Kannada
New words - Household = domestic
establishment, inmates of a house;
Article = substance, commodity;
Shower= a short fall of rain, hail or sleet;
Curtain = cloth. hung as screen etc

Students will SILENT READING BY THE LEARNERS Text book How many students
acquire the Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently and were able to read silently?
ability to read the find answers for the following questions·
text silently and
understand the 1) What's a plate for?
main theme ·and
supporting details 2) What's a mixer for?

Students will COMPREHENSION CHECK (LET'S UNDERSTAND) Text book Were the students
learn to The Teacher narrates the lesson by showing actively involved in my
share their ideas pictures and discussion method (poem, lesson, rhymes) class?
in groups and Teacher will continue this lesson by showing
present them pictures and explains a household article with discussion.
to the whole

Students will be GRAMMER POINTS Text book Observation: What changes. would
able to repeat the Teacher says these words aloud. Students repeat after him / her. Note book Observation schedule I like to make in my
words aloud after 1) fill – feel dip – deep pull – pool teaching?
the teacher 2) slip – sleep bit – beet ship – sheep
3) fit – feet will – wheel full - fool

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English

Learning Material / Resources
Learning process (Facilitating activities) CCE: Tool & techniques Teacher reflection Periods
objectives Required

Students will i. Fill in the boxes (on page No.9} Observation: - How do I feel about the
acquire the ability Ex.: TOOTH BRUSH Observation Schedule just concluded class?
to write in· the 1). N _ _ L C _ TT _ R
boxes and to 2). T _ _ THP _ _ TE - Am I happy/ satisfied /
identify the 3). _ _ _ E _ Disappointed?
pictures and 4). T _ _ _ S
discuss 5). _ _ _ P - Why do I feel so?
About ads. And 6). _ _ _ B Note book
sing I 7). _ I _
enjoy the rhymes
ii. Identify the pictures and say their names aloud.
(on page No.5)
iii. Bring to the class at least 3 pieces of ads taken
from any news paper. Discuss how the ads are
written with the help of the teacher.
iv) Sing and enjoy the rhyme I rhymes as suggested in the lesson

Students will ASSIGNMENT Questions bank Observation: Observation

construct 1) prepare· a picture album of household articles schedule
meaningful and write their names under the pictures.
phrases and
sentences. 2) Solve all exercises I activities I tasks of the lesson I
work book.

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English


Overall Objectives: 1) To read the lesson with comprehension after the teacher
2) To know about buildings

Learning Material / Resources

Learning process (Facilitating activities) CCE: Tool & techniques Teacher reflection Periods
objectives Required
Students' will PREPARATORY ACTIVITY Text book Observation: Observation * Were all the students
activate their Teacher begins the class with warm up activities as suggested in Questions bank schedule actively involved in my
background the book. class?
knowledge about 1) Teacher recites I read the poem "THE ROOKS".
the topic Students listen, and then reply. with short answers
related questions of this poem.
2) Teacher asks few questions and expect answers from the
a) Did you see the nests of birds?
b) Where did they build them? * What changes would
c) Say something about your house? I like to make in my
d) Did you know the lesson "BUILDINGS"? teaching?
Today let us know about this

Recognition READING ALOUD BY THE TEACHER Text book To assess the reading What went well and
of words and Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress, pronunciation, comprehension skill what did not go so well
sentences pause and intonation. in my class?
and reading aloud
skill will be


able to listen and Teacher introduces the meanings of new words Dictionary / pictures How many students
comprehend through pictures I dictionary use I Kannada equivalents. were able to
the meanings of New words- Building = house or other structure with roof and comprehend the
new words walls; Nest = bird's lair; Slender = thin; meanings of new words?
Horrified = shocked very much etc.

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English

Learning Material / Resources
Learning process (Facilitating activities) CCE: Tool & techniques Teacher reflection Periods
objectives Required
Text Book How many students
Students will were able to read silently?
acquire the
Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently and
ability to read the
find answers for the following
text silently and
1) Where does the rook build their nests?
the main theme
2} Are their nests made of paper?
and supporting
Students will learn COMPREHENSION Ct-JECK {LET'S UNDERSTAND) Text Book Were the students actively
about the Teacher narrates the lesson by showing pictures involved in my class?
gymnastic clock and discussion method (poem, lesson, story).
and share their · Teacher will continue this lesson by showing
ideas in pair I pictures and explain about buildings with discussion
group and present
them to the whole
Students will able GRAMMAR POINTS Text Book Observation: Observation What changes would
to write plural Write plural forms of the followings: schedule I like to make in my
forms of the 1) building 2) next 3) rook teaching?
words. 4) house 5) mirror 6) ant
Students will 1) Complete the passage ·by choosing appropriate Questions bank Observation: Observation How do I feel about
acquire the words from brackets (Page No.23). Text Book schedule the just concluded class?
ability to write the 2) Read and enjoy the poems and the lesson
words I (Page No.24, 25, 26). Am I happy I satisfied I
sentences I 3) Match and write each question with the correct disappointed?
answers and answer· by going through the lesson care fully
read and enjoy the (Page No.29) Why do I feel so?
poem I lesson. 4) Solve all questions of the lesson and work book.
Students will ASSIGNMENT Questions Bank Observation:-Observation How should I plan my
construct Answer the following questions. schedule next lesson?
meaningful 1) Can the rooks build their nest?
phrases and 2) They are up before the __________?
sentences 3) How they build their nest?
4) How do they look?

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English

OVERALL OBJECTIVES: 1). To say words or sentences regarding this lesson
2). To know about the environment
Learning Material / Resources
Learning process (Facilitating activities) CCE: Tool & techniques Teacher reflection Periods
objectives Required
Students will PREPARATORY ACTIVITY 1) Text Book Observation: Observation * Were all the students
activate their Teacher. begins the class with warm up activities 2) Questions Bank Schedule actively involved in my
knowledge about Topic. As suggested in the book. class?
the topic 1) Teacher recites I reads the poem "IF ATRE
COULD TALK". Students listen.
Then the teacher asks would do to save environment related to
this poem?
2) Teacher asks a few questions to get the statement
of aim.
i) Separate the given words and write them under
the columns of _____
a) Good for environment
b) Bad for environment
(lake, forest, truck, trash, river, smoke,
plastic, waste, water, high rise, trees, · fresh
air, oxygen, rain, buildings etc.)
ii) What is environment?
Today let us know about this lesson ‘ENVIRONMENT’

Recognition of READING ALOUD BY THE TEACHER Text Book To assess reading * What went well and
words and Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress, pronunciation, comprehension skill what did not go so
sentences ·pause and intonation. well in my class?
and reading aloud
skill will be
Students will be INTRODUCING NEW WORDS Dictionary I Pictures * How many students were
able to listen and Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through pictures I able to comprehend the
comprehend dictionary use l Kannada equivalents meanings of new words?
meaning of the New words- Chop = cut down; Environment =surrounding objects
new words. or circumstances; Trash -worthless stuff, rubbish; Fortunate =
lucky etc.

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English

Learning Learning process (facilitating activities) Material / Resources CCE : Tools & Techniques Teacher reflection Periods
objectives Required
Students will SILENT READING BY THE LEARNERS Text book * How many students were
acquire the ability Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently and able to read silently?
to read the text find answers for the following questions.
silently and
understand the 1) Do you want to chop trees?
main theme and
supporting details 2) How do you protect the Earth?
Students will learn COMPREHENSION CHECK (LET'S UNDERSTAND) * Were the students
to share their Teacher narrates the lesson by showing picture and discussion actively involved in my
ideas in groups method (poem or song, lesson, dialogue). class?
and present them Teacher will continue the lesson by showing
to the whole class. pictures and explains about "environment" with discussion.
Students will GRAMMAR POINTS Words chart Expression – speaking * What changes would
able to say /write Look at the following words. Make a pair of words which have the I like to make in my
a pair of words same sounds. teaching?
which have the too new won witch pair brake
same sound.
weather write· two one break which
whether know pear right
Students will 1) Read and enjoy the song and lesson ( page no. 36 and 39) Text book Oral reading or expression- * How do I feel about the
acquire the ability Note book speaking just concluded class?
to read the song 2) Read the pictures and say about the weather ( page no. 35)
and the lesson * Am I happy /satisfied /
and dialogue. And 3) Read the dialogue and take role in pairs. Say them taking roles. disappointed?
also they will (page no. 46, 47 and 48)
acquire the ability * Why do I feel so?
to say the dialogue 4) Solve all questions / exercises / activities of this lesson or work
Students will Assignment Questions bank Observation- Observation * How should I plan my
construct 1). Would you like to chop trees? 2). Would you like to protect the schedule next lesson?
meaningful earth? 3). What are the meanings of the words Reduce, Reuse
phrases and And Recycle? 4). Write a letter on behalf of the tree and river and
sentences expressing thanks to the Government of Karnataka and say gist of
the letter

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English

Overall object: 1). To know about the lesson "travel" meaningfully.
2). To write answers to the questions and copy writing
Learning Material / Resources
Learning process (Facilitating activities) CCE: Tool & techniques Teacher reflection Periods
objectives Required
Students will PREPARATORY ACTIVITY Text book Expression- speaking * Were all the students
activate their Teacher begins the class with warm up activities as suggested in Written~ actively involved in my
background the book. class?
Knowledge about 1) ·Teacher recites I reads the poem "SAFETY
the topic FIRST". Students listen and then answer orally to the questions. written Questions * What changes would
2) Teacher asks a few questions to get the statement of aim) I like to make in my
Did you see traffic signals? teaching?
ii) Do you know how to cross the road?
iii) Why do we have zebra crossings on the busy
roads? ·
iv) How do you go from one place to another place?
v) What is the meaning of the word "travel"?
Today let us know about the lesson TRAVEL
Recognition of READING ALOUD BY THE TEACHER Text book To assess reading * What went· well and
words and Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress, pronunciation, comprehension skill what did not go so well in
sentences pause and intonation. my class?
and reading aloud
skill will be
Students will be INTRODUCING NEW WORDS Dictionary I Pictures * How many students
able to listen and Teacher introduces the meanings of new words were able to
comprehend the through pictures I dictionary use I Kannada equivalents. comprehend the
meanings of new New words- Travel =make journey; Wait a bit = wait for some meanings of new
words. time; Escalator = moving stairs; Step off = moving out etc. words?
Students will SILENT READING BY THE LEARNERS Text book * How many students
acquire the ability Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently and were able read silently?
to read the text find answers for the following questions.
silently and
understand 1) What do the three colours (traffic signals) say?
the main theme and 2) Where is the "Namma Metro"?
supporting. details.

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Prepared by: Chithegowda C

4th standard SUB: English

Learning Material / Resources
Learning process (Facilitating activities) CCE: Tool & techniques Teacher reflection Periods
objectives Required

Students will learn COMPREH.ENSION CHECK (LET'S UNDERSTAND) * Were the students
to share their Teacher narrates the lesson by showing pictures actively involved in my
ideas in groups and discussion method (poem, Namma ·Metro etc.). class?
and present them Teacher will continue the lesson by showing
to the· whole pictures and explain about "Travel" with discussion.

Students will be GRAMMAR POINTS Text book Observation-Observation * What changes would
able to write Put the words in order. schedule I like to make in my
the words in order. 1) to I I'd I ride I a I bike I like teaching?
2) like I sail I a I boat I I'd I to
3) I'd I to / a I bus I like I drive
4) fly I like I I'd I to I a I plane
5) a I rocket I launch I to I like I I'd

Students will 1) Fill in the blanks choosing from the ones given in brackets (on Text Book Written- * How do I feel about
acquire the ability Page No.60). Written Questions the just concluded class?
to write the 2) Correct ~he mistake in each line (on Page No.61) Note Book
answers on given 3) Copy the following sentences in the four-lined book. * Am I happy I satisfied I
topics. i) I want to make memories all over the world. disappointed?
ii} My favorite thing is to go where I have
never been. * Why do I feel so?
iii) I have left my heart in so many places.
4) Write answers on the given remaining questions I
exercises I activities of the lesson I work book.

Student will ASSIGNMENT Questions bank Written- * How should I plan my

construct Answer the following questions….. Written Questions next class?
meaningful 1) Why do vehicles have a horn or a bell?
phrases and 2) Write the summary of the poem "Safety First".
sentences. 3) What is our train called?
4) Solve the riddles {on Page No.63)

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