4th First Sem English Lesson Plan
4th First Sem English Lesson Plan
4th First Sem English Lesson Plan
Students will SILENT READING BY THE LEARNERS Text book How many students
acquire the Teacher encourages the students to read the lesson silently and were able to read silently?
ability to read the find answers for the following questions·
text silently and
understand the 1) What's a plate for?
main theme ·and
supporting details 2) What's a mixer for?
Students will COMPREHENSION CHECK (LET'S UNDERSTAND) Text book Were the students
learn to The Teacher narrates the lesson by showing actively involved in my
share their ideas pictures and discussion method (poem, lesson, rhymes) class?
in groups and Teacher will continue this lesson by showing
present them pictures and explains a household article with discussion.
to the whole
Students will be GRAMMER POINTS Text book Observation: What changes. would
able to repeat the Teacher says these words aloud. Students repeat after him / her. Note book Observation schedule I like to make in my
words aloud after 1) fill – feel dip – deep pull – pool teaching?
the teacher 2) slip – sleep bit – beet ship – sheep
3) fit – feet will – wheel full - fool
Students will i. Fill in the boxes (on page No.9} Observation: - How do I feel about the
acquire the ability Ex.: TOOTH BRUSH Observation Schedule just concluded class?
to write in· the 1). N _ _ L C _ TT _ R
boxes and to 2). T _ _ THP _ _ TE - Am I happy/ satisfied /
identify the 3). _ _ _ E _ Disappointed?
pictures and 4). T _ _ _ S
discuss 5). _ _ _ P - Why do I feel so?
About ads. And 6). _ _ _ B Note book
sing I 7). _ I _
enjoy the rhymes
ii. Identify the pictures and say their names aloud.
(on page No.5)
iii. Bring to the class at least 3 pieces of ads taken
from any news paper. Discuss how the ads are
written with the help of the teacher.
iv) Sing and enjoy the rhyme I rhymes as suggested in the lesson
Overall Objectives: 1) To read the lesson with comprehension after the teacher
2) To know about buildings
Recognition READING ALOUD BY THE TEACHER Text book To assess the reading What went well and
of words and Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress, pronunciation, comprehension skill what did not go so well
sentences pause and intonation. in my class?
and reading aloud
skill will be
Recognition of READING ALOUD BY THE TEACHER Text Book To assess reading * What went well and
words and Teacher reads the lesson aloud with proper stress, pronunciation, comprehension skill what did not go so
sentences ·pause and intonation. well in my class?
and reading aloud
skill will be
Students will be INTRODUCING NEW WORDS Dictionary I Pictures * How many students were
able to listen and Teacher introduces the meanings of new words through pictures I able to comprehend the
comprehend dictionary use l Kannada equivalents meanings of new words?
meaning of the New words- Chop = cut down; Environment =surrounding objects
new words. or circumstances; Trash -worthless stuff, rubbish; Fortunate =
lucky etc.
Students will learn COMPREH.ENSION CHECK (LET'S UNDERSTAND) * Were the students
to share their Teacher narrates the lesson by showing pictures actively involved in my
ideas in groups and discussion method (poem, Namma ·Metro etc.). class?
and present them Teacher will continue the lesson by showing
to the· whole pictures and explain about "Travel" with discussion.
Students will be GRAMMAR POINTS Text book Observation-Observation * What changes would
able to write Put the words in order. schedule I like to make in my
the words in order. 1) to I I'd I ride I a I bike I like teaching?
2) like I sail I a I boat I I'd I to
3) I'd I to / a I bus I like I drive
4) fly I like I I'd I to I a I plane
5) a I rocket I launch I to I like I I'd
Students will 1) Fill in the blanks choosing from the ones given in brackets (on Text Book Written- * How do I feel about
acquire the ability Page No.60). Written Questions the just concluded class?
to write the 2) Correct ~he mistake in each line (on Page No.61) Note Book
answers on given 3) Copy the following sentences in the four-lined book. * Am I happy I satisfied I
topics. i) I want to make memories all over the world. disappointed?
ii} My favorite thing is to go where I have
never been. * Why do I feel so?
iii) I have left my heart in so many places.
4) Write answers on the given remaining questions I
exercises I activities of the lesson I work book.