Uroginekologi (OASIS)

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Obstetric Anal

Sphincter Injury

Ratih Krisna
Made up of circular smooth
Internal muscle

Anal Function:
to close the lumen of the
Sphincter anal canal and control
INVOLUNTARY passage of
(IAS) faeces and flatus
Made up of striated

External Function:
to close the lumen of
Anal the anal canal and
passage of faeces and
Sphincter flatus

(OASI) https://www.sydneypelvicfloorhealth.com/anal-sphincter-muscle

Upcoming problems of OASIS

• Anal incontinence (AI) is the involuntary loss of flatus or faeces that is

a social or hygienic problem.1


1. Norton C, Christiansen J, Butler U, et al. Anal incontinence. In Abrams P, Khoury CL & Wein A (eds) Incontinence, 2nd edn. Plymouth: Health Publication Ltd, 2002, pp 985–1044.
Tears of the sphincters not apparent or identified
on clinical examination:
• Truly Occult  only 1.2%.
• Missed, unrecognised1 or wrongly classified as
second degree tear2  20-41%.
• Residual Defect after repair.

1. Groom KM, Paterson-Brown S. Can we improve the diagnosis of third degree tears? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
2002;101:19 –21.

2. Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Hudson CN. Obstetric perineal trauma: an audit of training. J Obstet Gynaecol 1995;15:19–23.
Sultan AH & Christine K (2007)

a. Intact perineum b. “bucket handle” tear c. Torn external sphincter

ONLY 1.2%2
1. Sultan AH, Christine K. Diagnosis of Perineal Trauma. In: Sultan AH,Thakar R, Fenner ED, eds. Perineal and Anal Sphincter
Trauma London: Springer, 2007, pp 13-9.
2. Andrews V, Sultan AH, Thakar R, Jones P. Occult anal sphincter injuries – myth or reality? Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2006;113:195–
Unrecognised or Underdiagnosed

• Sultan et al (1993)1:
• 35% of women undergoing their first vaginal delivery
develop occult sphincter injury.
• Approximately one-third develop defecatory symptoms
(urgency and/or AI) within 2 months of delivery. Others
are at increased risk of developing incontinence later in life
when the cumulative effects of the menopause,
neuropathy, and muscle loss playing roles.
• Prospective studies have
. identified “occult” injuries
ranging between 20%2 and 41%.3
1. Sultan AH, Kamm MA, Hudson CN, Thomas JM, Bartram CI. Anal sphincter disruption during vaginal delivery. N Engl J Med
2. Zetterstrom J, Mellgren A, Jensen LJ, Wong WD, Kim DG, Lowry AC, Madoff RD, Congilosi SM. Effect of delivery on anal
sphincter morphology and function. Dis Colon Rectum 1999;42:1253–60.
3. Rieger N, Schloithe A, Saccone G, Wattchow D. A prospective study of anal sphincter injury due to childbirth. Scand J
Gastroenterol 1998;33: 950–5.
BJOG 2006; 113:195–200.

Results Fifty-nine (24.5%) women sustained OASIS. The prevalence of OASIS

increased significantly from 11% to 24.5% when women were re-examined. Of
these, 30 occurred in deliveries by midwives who missed 26 (87%) and 29
following deliveries by doctors who missed 8 (28%) injuries. All clinically
apparent OASIS were also identified on endoanal ultrasound. In addition, three
(1.2%) women had an occult anal sphincter injury. Two of these occult sphincter
injuries were isolated to the internal anal sphincter (IAS) and would not usually
be clinically detectable.

Conclusions OASIS occur more frequently than previously reported. Many

remain undiagnosed and are subsequently classified as occult when identified
on anal endosonography. Genuine occult injuries are rare. Training in perineal
anatomy and recognition of OASIS needs to be enhanced in order to increase
detection of OASIS and minimise the risk of consequent anal incontinence.
Any Residual • Evaluation post repair
Defect from our • 6 weeks post repair
surgery repair? • 3 – 6 months post repair
Transintroital Sonography of anal sphincter

Timor-Tritsch IE, Monteagudo A, Smilen SW et al. Simple ultrasound evaluation of the anal sphincter in
female patients using a transvaginal transducer. Ultrasound Obtet Gynecol 2005;25:177–183.

Transverse Scanning Plane
Sagittal Scanning Plane
IAS Mucosal Star


The normal anal sphincter unit. Lower transverse section

Transverse sections higher vs lower plane

Timor-Tritsch IE, Monteagudo A, Smilen SW et al. Simple ultrasound evaluation of the anal sphincter in
female patients using a transvaginal transducer. Ultrasound Obtet Gynecol 2005;25:177–183.
Normal anal
(coronal view)
Normal anal
Normal anal
(sagittal view)
Anal Sphincter
with internal &
external defect
Anal Sphincter
with internal
and external
3D Transvaginal Sonography
3D Transvaginal
3D Transvaginal
Transperineal/labial Sonography
Transperineal/labial Sonography
Normal view of
sphincter ani

Steensma AB. The central and posterior compartment. In: Dietz HP, Hoyte LPJ, Steensma AB. Atlas of Pelvic Floor Ultrasound.
1st ed. London: Springer-Verlag;2004.p.63-75.
Defect of external & internal
sphincter ani

Steensma AB. The central and posterior compartment. In: Dietz HP, Hoyte LPJ, Steensma AB. Atlas of Pelvic Floor Ultrasound.
1st ed. London: Springer-Verlag;2004.p.63-75.
Variation of 3rd grade
trauma repair

Steensma AB. The central and posterior compartment. In: Dietz HP, Hoyte LPJ, Steensma AB. Atlas of Pelvic Floor Ultrasound.
1st ed. London: Springer-Verlag;2004.p.63-75.
•What next?
Delivery Procedure for 3rd and 4th Degree
Perineal Tear

History of 3rd and 4th degree perineal tear

• Refer to perineum clinic for follow up and treatment for the next
• USG should be done

If continensia fecal If incontinensia fecal

If continensia and no
with anal sphincter with sphincter ani
anal sphincter defect defect
• Vaginal delivery with • SC • Normal delivery
senior midwife or with secondary anal
doctor. sphincter suture
Take Home Messages

• EAUS is gold standard tool to evaluate anal sphincter structure but not
easily available

• TPUS can be considered as alternative to evaluate anal sphincter structure

• The evaluation result would be used to determined the next
delivery plan.
• Practice makes perfect!

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