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Power Electronic Transformers in smart grids

Conference Paper · January 2014


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Venkat Jakka Anshuman Shukla

North Carolina State University Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


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Jakka Venkat, Anshuman Shukla, S. V. Kulkarni

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai-400076

The size and weight of transformers can be

reduced by using power electronic converters
Smart technologies are needed to handle the which make the operation at high frequencies
issues like renewable energy integrations into the possible. PET also provides the following
existing power systems, reducing weight as well features:
as size of traditional power equipments and 1. Improved power quality
making bi-directional power flow possible 2. DC and alternate frequency AC service
between the grid and end users of electricity. In options
response to these needs and the evolution of 3. Integration with system monitoring and
power electronic converters, power electronic control devices
transformers (PETs) became a viable option to 4. Elimination of hazardous liquid dielectrics.
replace the conventional transformers. This
Because of these advantages, PETs are used in
paper presents a brief review of PET focusing on
distribution systems, traction applications,
its basics, topologies and applications. The role
renewable energy systems and micro grids. Brief
of PET in the future smart grid is also elaborated.
history, classification and applications of PETs
A three-stage PET is the most popular topology
are presented in the following sections.
among the discussed PET topologies. Simulation
results for the above PET model are presented
A. Background
Keywords: power electronic transformer, multi
level converters, micro grid, smart grid, dual PETs were traditionally considered for stepping
active bridge, power electronic distribution up or stepping down ac voltages. In 1970, W. Mc
transformer, power electronic traction Murray form G.E. introduced a power converter
circuit having a high frequency transformer [3]. A
naval researcher J. L. Brooks proposed a PET
consisting of an ac-ac buck converter to step
Transformers are fundamental components in down a given ac voltage in 1980 [4]. This
power distribution systems and they provide key topology has the following demerits: no magnetic
features like isolation and voltage transformation. isolation, inability to correct the load power factor
Conventional transformers are well researched, and interference of load harmonics from the
and they are economical, highly reliable and primary-voltage system. Another topology for
quite efficient. On the contrary, they pose direct ac/ac conversion has been proposed by M.
challenges such as sensitivity to harmonics, Kang and P. Enjeti from Texas A&M University
vulnerability to system disruptions and overloads, [5]. Reduced size and weight are achieved but it
environmental concerns regarding mineral oil, does not result in unity power factor at the input
and poor performance under dc-offset as well as side. A three-stage PET has been proposed by
load unbalances [1]. In addition to the above E. R. Ronan and S. D. Sudhoff in 1999 [1]. This
pitfalls, conventional transformers are usually the topology is one among the most popular
heaviest parts of the distribution system due to topologies with excellent features like self-
their bulky iron-core and windings. The size and protection, excellent power quality at the input as
weight of a transformer depend on the operating well as the output terminals, power-factor
flux density of the core material and maximum correction, and elimination of oil as a dielectric
allowable core and winding temperature rise [2]. and coolant. However, bidirectional power flow is
Higher utilization of the magnetic core and not possible with this topology. A cascaded H-
reduced size can be achieved by increasing the bridge active rectifier based PET topology is
operating frequency. explained in [6]. It has all the properties of a
typical three-stage PET with bidirectional power
9th International Conference on Transformers

flow capability. Many other topologies for PETs terminals of the high frequency transformer. The
are available but they are mostly similar with the LV terminals of the transformer are connected to
discussed ones. The classification of PET another converter which converts HFAC into low
topologies is elaborated in the next subsection. voltage dc (LVDC). LVDC is converted into LVAC
using an inverter circuit. The entire DC to DC
B. Topologies
conversion part of this topology is also known as
Various kinds of PETs are discussed in the dual active bridge (DAB). Medium voltage
previous subsection. These configurations can operation can be possible with the discussed
be classified into three categories: a) direct ac to topology by using modular multi-level converters
ac conversion without a high frequency link, b) and advanced semiconductor switching devices.
PET without a dc-link and c) PET with a dc–link Applications of multilevel converter based PETs
[7]-[9]. are presented in the subsequent sections.
Figure 1-(a) shows the block diagram for the
direct ac-ac conversion topology. In this case, the
basic power electronic ac-ac converters (buck, A smart grid is the modernization of electricity
buck-boost, boost or any other derived delivery system that monitors, protects and
converters) are used to convert the ac voltage automatically optimizes the operation of its
from one voltage level to another voltage level. interconnected elements. The above mentioned
These converters do not provide isolation elements are distributed generators, energy
between the source and load terminals. storage installations, distribution networks and
industrial as well as commercial end-users. The
The block diagram for PET without dc-link is
smart grid can be considered as the integration
shown in figure 1-(b). In this configuration a high
of energy management, information technology
voltage ac (HVAC) input at the grid frequency is
(IT) and telecommunication technology. Using
transformed to a high frequency ac (HFAC)
these technologies, electricity can be delivered
output which is applied to the high voltage (HV)
from suppliers to consumers in two-way
terminals of a high frequency transformer. The
communication to save energy, reduce cost and
low voltage (LV) terminals of the transformer are
increase reliability/transparency. There are many
connected to another converter, where the HFAC
demos for smart grids and micro grids
is converted to low voltage ac (LVAC). Magnetic
established in Europe, U.S. and Asia; among
isolation and reduced size can be achieved with
them, future renewable electric energy delivery
the topology but power factor improvement still
and management (FREEDM) [10] systems centre
remains as a challenge.
is one of the most attractive models for future
grid architecture. In this model, PET is used as
HVAC LVAC the central hub or router.
(a) Direct ac-ac converter Applications of PETs in a typical smart grid are
HFAC LV LFAC shown in figure 2. From the above block diagram,
a PET is capable to provide the following
1. A plug and play facility for any distributed
(b) PET without dc-link
renewable energy resource (DRER) or
distributed energy storage device (DSED)
HVAC LVAC 2. DRERs, DESDs, loads and the grid can be
HVAC HVDC HV HFAC LVDC managed using any distributed grid
(c) PET with dc-link intelligent software
Figure 1 PET topologies 3. Communication technologies can be
Figure 1-(c) shows the block diagram for a PET integrated for proper utilisation of electricity
with a dc-link (a three-stage structure). HVAC is 4. It can be completely isolated from the grid
converted to High voltage dc (HVDC) using a and operated in an islanded mode
rectification circuit. HVDC is converted to HFAC 5. It can be connected through fault isolation
using an inverter circuit, which is fed to the HV devices to protect from onerous conditions


Intelligent DC Load
Fault AC DC AC
Management Load


Energy Storage Renewable Energy
Device (ESD) Resource (RER)

Figure 2 Application of PET in smart grids

bridge converters which are connected to both

Figure 2 shows the layout of a PET used in a
terminals of the high frequency transformer. The
smart grid application. In future, low voltage
H-bridge connected to the primary terminals of
smart loads (DC), residential class DRERs and
the transformer, converts HVDC to HFAC that is
DESDs can be connected to the low voltage dc
fed to the transformer. The second H-bridge
bus of the PET. All the loads, DRERs, DESDs
coverts the LV side HFAC to LVDC. The output
and the grid can communicate with a standard
stage is basically an inverter that converts LVDC
communication protocol. PETs in the smart grid
to LVAC.
enable bidirectional power flow and provide
features such as power factor correction, voltage DAB
sag ride through, fault current limitation and HV LV
elimination of harmonics. A fault isolation device
is used to isolate the PET from the grid and to
provide reconfiguration capability. With the
deployment of PETs into the smart grid, the HV LV LVAC

following features such as smart distribution of HVAC

power, effective integration of the distributed
generating units to the grid and proper utilization
of power in transportation systems (traction
systems and hybrid vehicle charging stations) HVDC HFAC
can be achieved. Some of the preferred Figure 3 Power electronic distribution transformer
applications of PETs are elaborated in the next
section. HVDC LVDC

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

IV. SELECTED APPLICATIONS (Rectifier) (DAB) (Inverter)
Input Output
A. Power Electronic Distribution Transformer
Control Control Control
The basic block diagram of a modular multilevel
converter based PEDT is shown in figure 3 and
Figure 4 Control block for PEDT
its control block is shown in figure 4 [1] [6] [11]-
[13]. This topology includes three stages. Stage- B. Power Electronic Traction Transformer
1 acts as a multi-level active rectifier whose (PETT)
primary objective is to convert the input ac
In earlier days of electric railways, dc was the
voltage with primary power frequency to a
most common power supply for traction
desired dc voltage. In addition to the ac-dc
locomotives. Power was transmitted from the
conversion, it also provides unity power factor at
substation to the train in a low voltage range (750
the source terminals. The second stage of PEDT
V- 3000 V) since the step down of dc voltage was
or dual active bridge (DAB) consists of two H-
9th International Conference on Transformers

not feasible. But the transmission at a low drawbacks can be resolved. Applications of PET
voltage causes more loses. Later, single phase in the wind and PV plants are narrated in this
ac transmission with a higher voltage level (15 kV subsection.
/ 16.7 Hz and 25 kV / 50 Hz) was introduced to
Application of PETs to the wind farms provides
reduce the losses. A bulky transformer was
the following features: frequency and voltage
generally required to be used for stepping down
control, regulation of active and reactive power,
the ac voltage. A heavy transformer is not
and quick response to power system transients
necessarily a disadvantage for the traditional
at various speeds. As the wind farm equipped
trains as the maximum force that a locomotive
with PETs can perform both the active and
can apply to pull the train is dependent on the
reactive power flow control under a variable wind
weight of the locomotive. But, in modern
speed condition, maximum energy can be
passenger trains the traction equipment is
captured and the mechanical stress on the wind
distributed along the length of the train. As a
turbines can be reduced [18]. HVDC
result, weight and volume of the traction
transmission can be implemented for the long
transformer became the main constraint
distance offshore wind-farms by using a modified
parameters for the design engineers.
structure of PETs. In the HVDC transmission,
DAB LVAC or MVAC at the wind farm is converted to
HVDC by using the rectifier and dual active
bridge portion of the PET. The converted dc
power is transmitted to the on-shore system
where the dc voltage is converted back into an ac
voltage using an inverter circuit. Block diagram
LVAC for such a system is shown in figure 6.
Figure 5 Power electronics traction transformer
Literature on power electronic transformer based
Figure 6 PET based off-shore wind farm
traction systems is available in [14]-[17]. Figure 5
shows the block diagram for a power electronics In modern days, solar energy is considered to be
traction transformer (PETT). Its control is similar a major contributor of power generation among
to PEDT. A similar topology of PET can also be the available renewable resources. Hence, the
used for wind power stations and photovoltaic research on PV systems with the focus on the
plants to feed the generated electricity into power medium voltage grid integration, maximum power
grids [18]-[20]. point tracking, multi-level inverter applications
C. PETs in Wind and Solar Applications and better utilization of the resources is
vigorously pursued. The traditional PV systems
In traditional power systems, power generating consist of PV modules which are connected in
plants are located at remote geographical series-parallel combinations to form arrays and
locations and power is transferred to they are further combined to feed inverters. The
consumption centers over long distance power conversion and the grid integration for
transmission lines. The scene is changing large scale PV plants become more complex as
gradually with many distributed generating units, the size of installation increases [18]. In
including both the renewable and non-renewable, conventional PV plants, the generated DC
are getting deployed. But the initial cost for voltage is regulated using a DC-DC converter
implementing these technologies is expensive and is fed to an inverter. The ac voltage at the
and availability of the resources are inverter output terminals is stepped up to match
unpredictable as they are mostly weather based. the grid voltage. Many such systems are
Therefore, it is difficult to operate the power connected in parallel depending on the power-
system containing them with the conventional rating of the plant [19] [20]. In such systems,
setup. By using PET, some of the above large DC link electrolytic capacitors are needed

due to the presence of double frequency power

AC load
pulsation component on the DC side. Also, the
use of line-frequency transformers increases the Grid
size of the system and a high switching Battery
frequency at the inverter output increases the DC DC DC
complexity associated with the output filters. A
modified topology based PET can be integrated DC AC DC load
to the PV system to mitigate the above DC DC
disadvantages. The block diagram of a PET
based PV plant is shown in figure 7.
PV Figure 8 AC micro grid
DC load

PV Grid
DC AC DC Battery DC
Grid DC

AC load


Figure 7 PET based PV plant Figure 9 DC micro grid

The system offers the following advantages:

PET AC load
1. Application of the high frequency transformer
reduces the size and weight of the system
2. Semiconductor devices can be efficiently
DC DC load
used Battery
3. Due to the modular structure, it is possible to DSED
replace or shutdown one zone at a time
without affecting the entire system DC
4. Due to the reduction in current harmonics on DC
the DC-link, thin film capacitors with smaller DRER

size and longer life can be used [19] Figure 10 PET connected micro grid
5. Optimum control-techniques can be used to A PET based micro-grid is shown in figure 10
control the series connected multi level
which integrates the transformer, the rectifier and
inverters to control both active and reactive
the inverter into a single module and provides
power flows between the grid and the plant following advantages:
D. PETs in Micro Grids 1. Power factor improvement as seen from the
Small scale renewable energy based micro-grids grid
can reduce the dependency on fossil fuels for 2. Fast fault isolation ability provided by the fully
electric power generation as they can change controlled PET
many consumers of electricity into producers. 3. Power management for both ac and dc loads
The key components of micro-grid systems are can be embedded into the PET module.
utility grid, distributed storage energy devices, Different operating modes for PET based micro-
distributed renewable energy resources, grids are explained in [22].
transformers and power electronic converters.
Figure 8 and figure 9 show the traditional ac and V. SIMULATION ANALYSIS
dc based micro grids respectively [21] [22]. Both
need an additional transformer to step down the Different types of configurations and applications
voltage. The dc side and ac side loads of the ac for PETs are explained in the previous sections.
and dc micro-grids are connected through The three stage PET topology is most popular
different converters. one among the discussed topologies and it can
be used in many applications. It is implemented
9th International Conference on Transformers

in PSCAD/EMTDC software. In the simulations, magnetic isolation, control of power factor at the
inbuilt blocks for power devices (switching input terminals, reduced dimensions and size.
devices, transformers, active and passive Magnetic isolation is achieved through a
components etc.) and user defined control transformer which is compact due to its high
algorithms have been adopted to implement the operating frequency (typically 20 kHz). A unity
model. Parameters considered for the study are power factor condition at input terminals is
shown in table 1. achieved through an active rectifier. Another
Table 1 Simulation parameters distinguishing feature is the availability of a dc
420 V, bus at a low voltage level that is suitable for
Grid voltage (line-line) integrating renewable energy sources such as
(50 Hz)
Base frequency of the
5 k Hz
transformer In this work, a simulation model for the three-
Voltage ratio of the transformer 600:300 stage PET configuration has been implemented
HVDC 600 V
using PSCAD/EMTDC. It has been demonstrated
through the simulations that the configuration is
LVDC 400 V capable of providing unity power factor at the
Switching frequency for the input terminals irrespective of load conditions. It
5 kHz
DAB also maintains a constant DC-link voltage under
Switching frequency for the variable grid voltage conditions. The future work
1 kHz includes studies on multi-level modular
Sampling time for simulation
converters with intelligent control suitable for
5 µs smart grid applications. The simulations will also
be verified through a scaled hardware
Figure 11 and figure 12 show the input voltages implementation.
and currents respectively. Figure 13 shows the
simulation results for the input phase voltage and
the corresponding phase current on the grid side.
Here, dq-vector based controller is used to
maintain unity power factor at the input terminals.
Individual DC-link voltages of the rectifier are
shown in figure 14. In the simulations, HV and LV
DC link voltages are maintained at 600 V and
400 V, respectively, through a proper control
circuitry. Figure 15 shows the simulation results
for the primary and secondary voltages of the Figure 11 Grid voltages
high frequency transformer. Here DAB output
voltage is maintained at 400 V. The above dc
voltage is converted to an ac voltage using an
inverter with sinusoidal pulse width modulation
(SPWM) as is shown in figure 16. Filters can be
used to obtain a smooth ac waveform. Figure 17
shows the active and reactive powers supplied
by the grid to the load, and it demonstrates that
the reactive power supplied from the grid is

CONCLUSION Figure 12 Grid currents

Power electronic transformers are expected to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

play a key role in the emerging smart grids. The authors would like to thank the Department
Amongst the various topologies that have been of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi,
discussed in the literature, a three stage topology India for providing the partial financial support for
with a DC-link has emerged as the most popular this work under the research project “Modular
one for power electronic transformers. The Power Electronic Converters for High Power
topology offers several advantages such as Applications” and to Crompton Greaves Ltd for

providing fellowship to the author (Venkat) for

pursuing PhD.

Figure 17 Active and reactive power supplied

Figure 13 Phase-A voltage and phase-A current by the grid
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