Concept Strengthening Sheet CSS 03 Based On AIATS 03 CF+OYM Physics

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CF+OYM Based on


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AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.42 An object is placed in medium (ng) at distance d

Topic: Refraction at Spherical Surface from glass surface as shown in figure

A small air bubble is at a distance of R/3 from the

centre of solid glass sphere of radius R. When
viewed from the surface closest to the bubble, it
will appear at the depth of (glass = 1.5)
Distance of image of object from glass surface is
4R 7R
(1) (2) 2d d
7 4 (1) (2)
3 3
4R R
(3) (4) d
9 4 (3) d (4)
3. A transparent rod 40 cm long cut flat at one end
and rounded to a hemispherical surface of 12 cm
radius at other end. A small object is embeded
with in the rod along its axis and half way
between its ends. Refractive index of material of
rod is 1.6
Practice Questions:
1. Light from a point source in air falls on a convex
spherical glass surface (n = 1.5 and radius of
curvature = 40 cm). The distance of the light
source from the glass surface is 200 cm. When object is viewed from the flat end of the

Distance of image of light source from glass rod, distance of image from flat surface is

surface is (1) 12.5 cm (2) 25 cm

(1) 200 cm, in opposite direction of incident light (3) 20 cm (4) 15 cm

(2) 100 cm, in opposite direction of incident light 4. In Question number (3) When object is viewed

(3) 200 cm, in direction of incident light from the curved end of the rod, distance of image

(4) 100 cm, in direction of incident light from curved end is

2. For refraction at spherical surface relation (1) 12.5 cm

between u, v, R, n2 , n1 is given by (2) 33.3 cm

n2 n1 n2 – n1 (3) 13.33 cm
– 
v u R (4) 16.66 cm

(All symbols have their usual meanings)

CSS-03 Physics

AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.35 d d

(1) Will shift down by (2) Will shift up by
Topic: Resolving Power of Optical Instruments 2 2
d d
Considering the size of pupil to be 5 mm, the limit (3) Will shift down by (4) Will shift up by
4 4
of resolution of eye for wavelength 500 nm is
(1) 0.007° (2) 2°
(3) 1.1° (4) 0.0001°

Practice Questions:
1. In single slit diffraction pattern, intensity on
screen is maximum at

Practice Questions: (1) In front of slit at all points

(2) In front of midpoint of slit
1. Assume that light of wavelength 400 nm is

coming from a star. The limit of resolution of (3) At angular position   from slit
telescope whose objective lens has aperture
diameter of 1 m is (4) At angular position   from slit
(1) 3.5 × 10–6 rad
2. In single slit diffraction experiment if upper two-thirds
(2) 2.5 × 106 rad
of a slit width d is covered, the central maxima of
(3) 6.1 × 10–7 rad
diffraction pattern
(4) 4.88 × 10–7 rad
2. Which among the following statements is true (1) Will shift down by
about limit of resolution and resolving power of an
optical instrument? (2) Will shift up by
(1) Limit of resolution is directly proportional to
resolving power (3) Will shift up by
(2) Limit of resolution is inversely proportional to
resolving power (4) Will shift down by
(3) Resolving power does not depends upon
3. In single slit diffraction pattern, which among the
wavelength of light
following statements, is true for a point on screen
(4) Optical instrument with larger aperture
just in front of mid-point of slit?
objective lens has larger limit of resolution.
(1) Path difference between secondary wavelets
3. The ratio of limit of resolution of an astronomical
coming symmetrically from upper half and
refracting telescope for two wavelengths of light

1 = 4000 Å and 2 = 6000 Å is lower half parts of slit is
2 3 (2) Path difference between secondary wavelets
(1) (2)
3 4 coming symmetrically from upper half and
9 4 lower half parts of slit is zero
(3) (4)
4 9
(3) Path difference between secondary wavelets
AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.34 coming symmetrically from upper half and
Topic: Diffraction 
lower half parts is
When upper half of a slit of width d is covered, the
central maxima of the diffraction pattern (4) Intensity is minimum

CSS-03 Physics

AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.23 AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.24

Topic: Image Formation by Mirror Topic: Image Formation by Convex Mirror

Irrespective of the surrounding medium, always a An object of length l is kept along the axis in front
virtual image is formed for the real object for of a concave mirror of focal length f(f = 2l). If one
A. Convex mirror B. Plane mirror end of object is at centre of curvature of the
mirror and other end is on the far side of the
C. Concave lens focus, then the length of the image formed will be
(1) Only A (2) A and B (1) 2l
(3) Only B (4) A, B and C

Practice Questions:
1. Consider the statements given below and select
the correct option
(1) Convex lens always forms real image
(2) Concave lens always forms real image Practice Questions:

(3) Convex lens forms virtual image when object 1. An object is placed at a distance of 5f in front of a
is in between optical centre and focus of lens concave mirror of focal length f. The location of
(4) Concave lens forms real image when object image is
is in between optical centre and focus of lens 5f
(1) At distance from the mirror
2. Consider the statements given below and select 4

the correct option. 6f

(2) At distance from the mirror
(1) Concave mirror always forms real image
(2) For a concave mirror if object is placed in 3f
(3) At distance from the mirror
between focus and centre of curvature then
real image forms between the focus and (4) At distance from the mirror
centre of curvature.
2. Two objects A and B, at a distance 2l apart are
(3) When a real object is placed in between pole
placed along the principal axis of a concave
and principal focus then concave mirror forms
mirror of focal length 3l. If we consider A is closer
virtual image
to mirror and at a distance 4l from the mirror, then
(4) Convex mirror forms real image when object
distance between images of A and B is
is at infinity
(1) 3l (2) 5l
3. Consider the statements given below and select
(3) 4l (4) 6l
the correct option for real object.
3. An object is placed at a distance 150 cm from a
(1) Image formed by a plane mirror will always be
concave mirror of focal length 75 cm. A person
take this object to another point at a distance 225 cm
(2) Image formed by concave mirror will always
from the mirror in 10 s, then the average velocity
be real
of image is
(3) Image formed by convex lens will always be
(1) 5 cm/s (2) 4 cm/s
(3) 3 cm/s (4) 3.75 cm/s
(4) Real image will be formed by a concave lens

CSS-03 Physics

AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.33

Topic: Shape of Fringes in Young’s Double Slit

If in YDSE setup, the slits are replaced by

pinholes, then
(1) Circular fringes will be obtained
Practice Questions:
(2) Width of central fringe will be double than
other fringes. 1. The average intensity of electromagnetic wave is
(3) Hyperbolic fringes will be obtained given by (if E0 is maximum value of electric field)
(4) Both (1) and (2)
(1) 0 E02 C (2) 0 E02 C
1 1
(3) 0 E02 C (4) 0 E02 C
4 2
2. If magnetic field of a electromagnetic wave is
given by equation B = B0sin(t – kx) then the rms
value of magnetic field will be
Practice Questions:
(1) B0/2 (2) B0
1. If in YDSE setup, pinholes are used as the two
sources, then the fringe pattern will strictly be a (3) (4) 2B0
hyperbola; however, if the distance of the screen
3. The average intensity of electromagnetic wave in
is very large, then the fringes will be nearly
terms of magnetic field is given by
(1) Circular (2) Straight lines
2 2
(3) Elliptical (4) None of there 2Bmax Brms
(1) C (2) C
0 0
2. If in a YDSE setup, a small glass slab is kept in
2 2
front of one of the slits, then Bmax Brms
(3) C (4) C
0 20
(1) Position of central maxima will not shift but
fringe pattern will change AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.18
(2) Position of central maxima will shift and fringe Topic: L-C Oscillations
pattern will also change
In the given circuit, steady current is I. If at t = 0
(3) Position of central maxima will shift but fringe switch is thrown from A to B, then after what
pattern will remain same minimum time, current in inductor becomes I/2?

(4) Position of central maxima as well as fringe

pattern remain same
AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.2
Topic: Intensity of Electromagnetic Wave

Intensity of EM wave travelling in vacuum with

speed c and having rms values of electric field
and magnetic field as E and B can be given by 
(1) LC
2 6
(1) 0c BE

cB2 (2) LC
(2) 3

3 2 (3) LC
(3) 0 c B 2
(4) All of the above (4)  LC

CSS-03 Physics

AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.15

Topic: Power in LCR Circuit

In series LCR circuit shown in the figure, the

current and potential difference across elements
is given, the average power dissipated in circuit is

Practice Questions:
1. In the given circuit, steady current i0 is flowing
through the inductor. At t = 0, switch is shifted
from A to B, then the current in the inductor as a
function of time is given by (1) 400 W (2) 500 W
(3) 375 W (4) 300 W

 t 
(1) i  i0 sin   Practice Questions:
 LC 
1. The current carrying elements connected in an
 t 
(2) i  i0 cos    AC circuit having zero average power dissipation
 LC 4 
 t 
(3) i  i0 sin    (1) Resistance
 LC 4  (2) Inductor coil and capacitor
 t  (3) Resistance and capacitor
(4) i  i0 cos  
 LC  (4) Resistance and inductor coil
2. In an oscillating L-C circuit, initially the capacitor 2. In series R-C circuit shown in the figure, current
is charged and there is no energy stored in the and potential difference across elements are
inductor. Then the value of minimum time after given. Average power dissipated across the
which half of the initial energy will be stored by capacitor is
the inductor (Given, inductance is L and
capacitance is C)
 
(1) LC (2) LC
4 2
 3
(3) (4) LC (1) Zero (2) 100 W
4 LC 4
(3) 600 W (4) 1600 W
3. In an L-C oscillator circuit initially capacitor is fully
3. In a resistance circuit given below, current flowing
charged. The time in which it will discharge
through resistor is given by i = sin2t. Average
completely is
power dissipated in resistance is

(1) LC

(2)  LC

(3) LC

(4) 2 LC

CSS-03 Physics

(1) 1 W
(2) 2 W
(3) 3 W
(4) 4 W
4. In a series LCR circuit shown in figure, the
current and potential difference across elements (1) 240 W (2) 180 W
is given, the average power dissipated in circuit is (3) 720 W (4) 300 W


CSS-03 Physics

Based on

Corporate. Office :Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456


Answer key
AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.42 2. (4)
3. (4)
Topic: Refraction at Spherical Surface
AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.33
1. (3)
Topic: Shape of Fringes Young’s Double Slit
2. (1)
3. (1) Experiment
4. (2) 1. (2)
AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.35 2. (3)
Topic: Resolving Power of Optical Instruments AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.02

1. (4) Topic: Intensity of Electromagnetic Wave

2. (2) 1. (4)
3. (1) 2. (3)
AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.34 3. (2)
Topic: Diffraction AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.18

1. (2) Topic: L-C Oscillations

2. (4) 1. (4)
3. (2) 2. (1)
AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.23 3. (1)
Topic: Image Formation by Mirror AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.15

1. (3) Topic: Power in LCR Circuit

2. (3) 1. (2)
3. (1) 2. (1)
AIATS 03 – (CF+OYM) – Q.24 3. (1)
Topic: Image Formation by Convex Mirror 4. (4)

1. (1)


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