Biology Worksheet For Remedial Students

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Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

Worksheet for Remedial students

1. A botanist has performed research on the effects of temperature on plant growth; from his/her
investigation the independent variable is ___?

A. Plant growth B. Temperature

C. Plant germination rate D. pH

2. Scientific methods involves

A. Formulations of hypothesis

B. Testing of hypothesis

C. Analysis data and draw conclusion

D. All

3. The hypothesis which the researcher tries to disprove is called

A. null hypothesis

B. alternative hypothesis

C. auxiliary hypothesis

D. add hoc hypothesis

E. none

3. at the end of research process

A. the hypothesis will always be approved

B. the hypothesis will be reject

C. the hypothesis may be approved or reject

D. all of these

5. All of the procedures scientists use to answer questions are

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

A. Life characteristics

B. Research

C. Scientific methods

D. Hypotheses

E. None

6. What equipment do you need for a science experiment?

A. centrifuges

B. Petri dishes

C. measuring cylinders

D. balances E. All

7. Which of the following biological tools is not used in the field?

A. Quadrates

B. Plant presses

C. theodolites

D. flow meter

E. None

8. Which of the following is accepted theory that is capable making true prediction is called?

A. Law

B. Theory

C. Proves

D. Evidence

9. Which of these best describes of contribution of Biology in medicine?

A. Medical laboratory who test blood samples and provide reports for doctors

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

B. Medical researchers who are constantly finding out more about the ways in which

C. specialized researchers who look into why and how disease is caused

D. drug development and develop new drugs to treat diseases

E. All

10. Which one are not the basic concepts of biology?

A. response to the environment

B. Reproduction and adaptation

C. Growth and development

D. Regulation and homeostasis

E. None

11. Which one is not correct about biologists use tools in the laboratory?

A. Dissecting kit- Preparation of section of organisms to find out about their structure.

B. Centrifuges are used to separate solids from liquid

C. Petri dishes- to culture some organisms.

D. autoclaves- to sterilization

E. None

13. What is a contribution of Biology in agriculture?

A. To advices how to produce crop plants that will be adapted to the new conditions

B. To advices plants are capable of producing their crop quickly

C. are disease resistant

D. are drought resistant

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

E. All

14. Biological science is relevant to our lives because it attempts to explain:

A. the way in which humans functions

B. the place of humans on this planet

C. the origin of life on this planet

D. all of the above

15. Fieldwork is important for biologists engaged in environmental protection and

conservation because it allows them to:

A. gathers information about how the organisms in an area are changing

B. gathers information about how the conditions in the environment are changing

C. makes predictions about future trends in the area

D. all of the above

16. Fieldwork is important in biology because biologists can gather information about:

A. individual organisms in their natural surroundings

B. how organisms are distributed in a particular area

C. how the organisms in an area change over time

D. all of the above

17. While conducting research, which of the following should biologist do first?

A) Generate hypothesis

B) Conduct experiment

C) Communicate the results

D) Identify a research question/problem

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

18. In an experiment on the effect of temperature on germination of cress seeds, which of

the following would be controlled variables?

A. Temperature and size of seeds

B. Size of seeds and time

C. PH and temperature

D. Temperature and volume of water


1. ______________ are the most diverse group of molecules in a cell.

A. Lipids

B. Protein

C. Nucleotides

D. Triglycerides

E. A & B

2. On the basis of its catabolism reaction, which of the following produces maximum energy?

A. Glucose

B. Amino acids

C. Fats

D. Glycogen

3. Structure of glycogen is similar to amylopectin in its

A. branched nature

B. quick hydrolysis reaction

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

C. solubility in water

D. A & B

E. A & C

4. Glucose can be aldohexose, when it contains______________.

A. six carbon and aldehyde functional group

B. six hydrogen and ketone functional group

C. Six oxygen and aldose functional group

D. six carbon and alkane functional group

5. Water is liquid at room temperature because of its ______________.

A. high specific heat capacity

B. high melting point

C. high latent heat of vaporization

D. high boiling point

6. Atoms in water molecules are partially charged as a result of ______________.

A. oxygen donates electron to hydrogen

B. unequal sharing of electrons between hydrogen and oxygen

C. hydrogen donates electron to oxygen

D. hydrogen bond between water molecules

7. One of the following is not among the special properties of water.

A. High surface tension

B. Ideal viscosity for a transport medium

C. High specific heat capacity

D. Lower density than ice

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

8. Which of the following mineral important for food digestion for humans?

A. Chlorine

B. Calcium

C. Phosphorous

D. Fluorine

9. _________ helps the blood to carry oxygen around the body.

A. Iron

B. Calcium

C. Iodine

D. Sodium

10. The type bond that holds the two strands of the DNA together is _______________.

A. glycosidic bond

B. ionic bond

C. hydrogen bond

D. peptide bond

10. Which molecule in the cell is the constituent of the gene?

A) Nucleic acid C) lipid

B) Protein D) carbohydrate

11.Which of the following is true about the substance represented by the chemical

A) Simple sugar C) fatty acid

B) Inorganic substance D) Amino acid

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

12. In which of the following solution does a Plant cell undergo plasmolysis?

A) In hypotonic solution

B) In hypertonic solution

C) In isotonic solution

D) In both hypotonic and hypertonic solution

13. Which of the following will happen if a plant cell is kept in a solution that is stronger than
its protoplasm?

A) The cell will become turgid

B) The central vacuole will expand

C) The protoplasm will get plasmolysed

D) The cell will swell and burst

14. From which organism is the first antibiotic used in medicine produced?

A) Gram negative bacteria

B) Members of then fungi

C) Genetically modified protozoa

D) Higher plants

15. What do we call the reaction that breaks down carbohydrates, protein and fats into their
monomer units during digestion?

A) Hydrolysis C) Dehydration

B) Condensation D) Mastication

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)


1. How many ATP can be produced in glycolysis when two molecules of glucose

A. 4 C. 8

B. 36 D. 2

2. Where ribosome synthesis does takes place?

A. Nuclear membrane C. Chromatin

B. Nucleolus D. Chromosome

3. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Aerobic cellular respiration yields max of 36ATP mol

B. Substrate level phosphorylation occurs during the ETC

C. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the glycolysis

D. Muscle cells produce ethanol under aerobic condition

4. Which of the following combination is double Membrane-bound organelle?

A. ER, Golgi apparatus and C. Chloroplast, ER and Nucleus

D. Golgi apparatus, ribosomes and
B. Mitochondria, chloroplasts and vacules

5. Which of the following statement is false?

A. ATP synthase is the enzyme responsible for producing ATP during oxidative

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

B. NADH transfer electron to complex I

C. FADH2 transfer electron to complex II

D. Ubiquinone is mobile electron carrier transferring electron from complex I&II to

complex III

E. NADH pumps electron across inner membrane into mitochondrion matrix

6. Which of the following organelle is called ‘Suicidal Bag’

A. Mitochondria B. Endoplasmic reticulum C. Lysosome D. Golgi Body

7. Which of the following is NOT a function of mitochondrion?

A. electron transport and associated ATP production

B. Krebs cycle and ATP production

C. glycolysis and associated ATP production

D. Chemo osmosis and ATP production

8. Nuclear membrane is in continuous connection with

A. Smooth ER C. Golgi apparatus

B. rough ER D. Lysosomes

9. Following are the membrane bound cell organelles except

A. Endoplasmic reticulum C. Ribosomes

B. Lysosome D. Peroxisome

10. Which of the following is known as the powerhouse of a cell?

A. Mitochondria C. Cytoplasm
B. Lysosome D. Nuclei

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

11. Electron microscopes are able to distinguish between two points just a few nanometers
apart. This is called…

A. Magnification B. Resolution C. Resolving power D. image size

12. Which event of cellular respiration takes place in the cytoplasm of Eukaryotic cell?

A. production of pyruvate from glucose

B. reaction of pyruvate with coenzyme A

C. production of ATP through substrate level phosphorylation

D. b and c

13. which of the following component reaction of cellular respiration produces water/

A. Glycolysis C. Krebs Cycle

B. Pyruvate Oxidation D. Electron Transport Chain

14. Which of the following component of cell membrane reduces the fluidity of the

A. Carrier Protein C. Glycolipids

B. Cholesterol D. Phospholipid

15. _______ is colorless plastid that store nutrients such as starches?

A. Chlorophyll

B. Chromoplast

C. Leucoplast

D. Thylakoids

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

1. 16. On which of the following organelles of the eukaryotic cell does protein synthesis
take place?

A) The nucleus C) The chloroplast

B) The ribosome D) The mitochondrion

2. Which one of the following cellular forms did Robert Hooke observe under his crude

A) Bacteria C) empty cell wall

B) Protozoa D) yeast

12. If a Cell fails to form lysosomes, which of the following cellular function will get disrupted

A) Protein synthesis

B) Chromosome replication

C) Removal of cellular debris

D) Transport across cell membrane

14) During which stage of aerobic respiration does oxidative phosphorylation occur?

A) Glycolysis B) Link reaction

C) Kerbs cycle D) Chemiosmosis

15. For which of the following processes is ATP NOT required?

A) Diffusion of oxygen into cells

B) Synthesis of molecules

C) Active transport of molecules from one site to another

D) Muscle contraction

16. During anaerobic respiration, what is gross number of ATP molecules that are produced per
glucose molecule?

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

A) Two C) Three

B) Four D) Six

18. The main purpose of Cell specialization in multicellular organism is

A) To perform a particular function

B) To facilitate reproduction
C) To pass genetic information
D) To increase in size

Item number 19 is based on the following table which show a disease and it prevention

Disease Prevention
Gonorrhea Be faithful to partner
Syphilis Use condom
Cholera Y
Typhoid Good personal hygiene

19. Which of the following represent ‘Y’ in the table?

A) Avoid blood contact

B) Use condom

C) Clean drinking water supply

D) Avoid mosquito

20.Which of the following organelles is common to both plant and animal cells?

A) Cell wall

B) Nucleus

C) Vacuole

D) Chloroplast

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

21. If the solute concentration of the solution A is greater than solution B, then solution A is said
to be

A) Hypertonic to solution B

B) Hypotonic to solution B

C) Osmotic to solution B

D) Isotonic to solution B


1. Determine the feature that all microbes share.

a. All of them are beneficial organism

b. They are living things that are utilized in biological study.

c. They are pathogen

d. The unaided eye cannot notice them because they are too small.

2. Which of the following statements is not true of viruses?

a. Viruses have been successfully grown in pure cultures in test tubes

b. All viruses are obligatory intracellular parasites

c. All viruses have either DNA or RNA as their genetic material

d. Viruses probably arose from small fragments of cellular chromosomes

3. A microorganism is discovered in a local stream. Testing this water reveals its high
temperature and high acidity. The microbe produces bubbles in this water. However, tests
on the microbe reveal that it does not cause diseases in humans. It probably belongs to
the group of

a. Algae

b. Fungi

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

c. Viruses

d. Archaea

4. One of the statements is correct about algae

a. Their cells do not contain chloroplasts

b. They are eukaryotes

c. They do not include plankton, a unicellular organism

d. They lack membrane-bound organelles

5. A researcher makes an effort to replicate Pasteur's experiments on spontaneous

generation. In glass flasks with curved necks, nutrient broth is sealed and heated to
sterilize it. The broth is cooled to room temperature. The researcher notices that bacteria
have populated the broth in the flask after 48 hours. Which is the best explanation for this
discovery, the bacteria under study can_________?

a. Develop from a nonliving source

b. Pass through pores in the glass

c. Form endospores

d. Change their genetic structure rapidly

6. All of the following descriptions concerning viral multiplication and nucleic acids are
true EXCEPT that:

a. Viruses contain DNA or RNA, not both

b. Viruses replicate only in living cells

c. Viruses use the cell's biosynthetic machinery to synthesize copies of themselves

d. The nucleic acid of a virus is surrounded by a protein coat

e. Viral mRNA, viral tRNA, and viral ribosomes are used in viral replication

7. The envelope of an enveloped virus is derived from

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

a. the mitochondrion of the cell

b. the cell membrane

c. the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell

d. none of these

8. Which statement is true about viruses?

a. Viruses can eat and metabolize food.

b. Viruses can reproduce only using a host cell.

c. Viruses can reproduce on their own at any time.

d. Viruses contain DNA, so they are alive.

9. During the Golden Age of Microbiology,

a. Microorganisms were first used to make bread

b. Microorganisms were first used to make cheese

c. Most pathogenic bacteria were identified

d. A vaccine against influenza was developed

e. Antibiotics became available.

10. If all prokaryotes disappeared from the planet,

a. Animals would flourish due to the absence of disease

b. Archaea bacteria would flourish due to the absence of competition for nutrients

c. All animals would perish

d. Animals and archaea bacteria would prosper

11. Louis Pasteur designed swan-necked flasks to:

a. Keep flies away from decaying meat

b. Pasteurize wine

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

c. Develop a vaccine for rabies

d. Trap microorganisms from the air in the neck of the flask

e. Allow dust to reach sterile infusions

12. The molds obtained nutrition from dead and decaying matter which are called____

a. Saphrophytes

b. Parasites

c. Commensals

d. None of these

13. The free floating algae are known as_______

a. Phytoplankiton

b. Benthons

c. Sea weeds

d. None of these

14. A scientist makes an effort to replicate Iwanowski's studies on the tobacco mosaic virus.
The scientist runs purified plant juice through a filter. But he finds that both the bacteria
and the viruses from the plant are present in this filtered fluid. This is most likely a result
of the filter's diameter-sized_________.

a. Larger than viruses but not larger than bacteria.

b. Smaller than both bacteria and viruses.

c. Larger than both bacteria and viruses.

d. Larger than bacteria but not larger than viruses.

15. Bacteriophage capable of only lytic growth is called

a. Temperate

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

b. Avirulent

c. Virulent

d. None of these

16. Viral genome that can become integrated into bacterial genome is called___________

a. Prophage

b. Metaphage

c. Temperate phage

d. Bacteriophage

17. Which of the following is acellular?

a. Virus

b. Bacteria

c. Fungus

d. Protozoan

18. Which of the following methods does Plasmodium use to split the most commonly?

a. Regeneration

b. Budding

c. Multiple fission

d. Binary fission

19. Which of the following microorganisms uses light to perform photosynthesis?

a. Cyanobacteria, Fungi and Viruses

b. Viruses

c. Cyanobacteria

d. Fungi

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

20. All are the contribution of Robert Koch in Microbiology except

a. Simple staining techniques

b. Use of steam to sterilize media

c. Differential staining techniques

d. Aseptic techniques

e. Koch’s Postulates

21. Which of the following are produced by microorganisms?

A. Alcoholic beverages

B. Fermented dairy products

C. Breads

D. All of the above

22. The microbes commonly known as __________ are single-celled eukaryotes that are
generally motile.

A) archaea

B) bacteria

C) fungi

D) protozoa

E) viruses

24. The microbial production of alcohol from sugar is known as

A) fermentation.

B) pasteurization.

C) metabolism.

D) abiogenesis.

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

E) antisepsis

25. Which of the following statements about fungi is FALSE?

A) Fungi are eukaryotes.

B) Molds form hyphae.

C) Fungi have a cell wall.

D) Fungi are photosynthetic.

E) Yeasts are unicellula

26. A bacterium reproduces asexually by dividing to form two new bacterial cells. What is the
name of the process by which bacteria reproduce?

a. Meiosis

b. Mitosis

c. Budding

d. Binary fission

27. The element nitrogen is found in many important organic molecules in all living organisms. -
these include:

a. proteins

b. DNA

c. RNA

d. ATP

e. None

29. The first antibiotic is produced from

a. Fungi

b. Bacteria

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

c. Algae

d. Protozoa

30. From which of the following diseases can one be protected by sleeping under the cover of a
mosquito net?

A) Sleeping sickness


C) Malaria

D) Athlete’ s foot

31. Which of the following microorganisms are prokaryotic?

A) Bacteria C) Yeast

B) Protozoa D) Algae


1. In which phase of the following does DNA replicate?

A. G1-phase B. S-phase C. M-phase D. G2-phase

2. In which phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes separate from each other?

A. Prophase- I C. Anaphase- I
B. Metaphase- II D. Anaphase- II

3. Which event of the following occurs in mitotic division?

A. Bivalent formation
B. Synapse of homologous chromosomes
C. Formation of genetically identical cells
D. Formation of chiasmata

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

4. In which phase of meiosis may exchange of genetic material occur?

A. Prophase- I C. Anaphase-I
B. Prophase- II D. Anaphase-II
5. Which phase of mitosis is the best phase for studying karyotype of human

A. Prophase C. Anaphase
B. Metaphase D. Telophase

6. By which molecule of the following is carbon #1 of sugar ribose connected in the

nucleotide molecule?
A. phosphate molecules C. Histones
B. Nitrogenous base D. Non-histones

7. Which enzyme of the following is responsible for linking nucleotides together in DNA
A. Primase C. Topoisomerase
B. DNA -polymerase D. DNA ligase

To correct any error in DNA replication a proofreading function is performed by which of the

A. RNA primase C. Telomerase

B. Topoisomerase D. DNA polymerase
8. How many amino acid form the polypeptide chain if a GENE is formed of this base-

A. 4 C. 6
B. 5 D. 7

9. In which process of the following does genetic language convert into polypeptide chain
or amino acid language?
A. Translation B. Replication

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

C. Transcription D. Termination
10. Within which place of the following is ribosomal RNA synthesized?
A. Cytoplasm C. Nucleolus
B. RER D. Golgi cisternae
11. Which sequence of the following is the start codon of mRNA?
12. A female with Turner syndrome is denoted by which of the following cytogenetic
A. 47, XX, +21 C. 47, XXX
B. 45, X D. 46, XX ,t(14;21)

13. In sickle-cell disease, a single substitution of an ‘A’ by ‘T’ on the b-globin gene causes
the resultant protein to have altered properties, but to be of normal size. Which of the
following the most accurately describes this type of mutation?

A. Silent mutation C. Nonsense mutation

B. Missense mutation D. Frameshift mutation

14. The physical characteristics of an organism resulting from its genes are known as the
A. Hybrids C. genotype.
B. recessive characteristics. D. phenotype.

15. What percentage of the F2 progeny of a monohybrid cross is expected to have the
recessive phenotype?

A) 100% B) 75%
C) 25% D) 50%
16. Which of the following is true about sex determination in birds?
A) They have the heterozygotes X and Y chromosomes
B) Males have heterozygotic W and Z chromosomes

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

C) Females have the homozygotic WW chromosomes

D) They have the heterozygotic W and Z chromosomes
17. How many amino acid are there in all Known proteins?

A) About 10
B) About 20
C) About 46
D) About 35
18. Which of the following crosses will produce progeny with phenotypic ratio of 3:1?

A) Crossing the F1 to the dominant parent

B) Crossing two homozygotes individuals
C) Crossing the F1 to the recessive parent
D) Crossing two heterozygote individuals
19. Suppose two heterozygous round yellow (RrYy X RrYy) pea plants were crossed and
128 seeds were produced, how many of the seeds are expected to be heterozygous round
A) 64 seeds C)96 seeds
B) 32 seeds D) 128 Seed
20. Assume both parents ( male and female) have a homozygous gene for the expression of
attached earlobes. What is the probability that their offspring’s will inherit the gene for attached
A) 25% C) 75%
B) 100% D) 50%
21. At which of meiotic cell division does the spindle form and crossing over take place?
A) Metaphase I B) Anaphase I
C) ProphaseI D) Telophase I
22. A heterogynous yellow flower (Yy) and homozygous green flower(yy) crossed following
Mendel’s experiment. Which of the following is true about the offspring?

A) All the offspring will have green flowers

B) All the offspring will have heterozygous yellow flower
C) 50% of the offspring will have homozygous green flower
D) 25% of the offspring will have green flower
23 .DNA is made of smaller molecules known as
A) Nucleotides C) bases

Biology worksheet (Chapter 1-5) for Remedial students of Haramaya University (2023)

B) genes D) phosphates
24. Which of the following mating produces children all having the same ABO blood

25. If a heterozygous tall pea plant (Tt) is crossed with a short pea plan t(tt), what percentage of
the progeny is expected to be short?

A) 100%
B) 75%
C) 50%
D) 25%

26. At which of the following generation of crosses between dominant and recessive homozygote
parents are all the progeny heterozygous?
A) P1 generation C) F2 generations
B) F1 generation D) F3 generation
27. If in a DNA molecule consisting of 1000 base paring, there are 300 adenine bases, how many
guanine bases will be present?

A) 200 B) 400
C) 600 D) 700


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